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Chức năng giao tiếp





Thank you
Thank you very much
Thanks a lot
Thanks for your advice
I’m really grateful to you
It was very kind of you
I really/highly appreciate it
Thanks anyway (Cám ơn người khác đã giúp mình cho dù điều người đó làm không mang lại lợi ích
gì cho mình)

Note: Đôi khi, người nói có thể thêm một ít thông tin trong lời cám ơn của mình, đặc biệt là khi cám
ơn những lời khuyên, động viên, khen ngợi.

Example 1: A: What a beautiful dress you’re wearing!

B: Thanks. I made it myself
Example 2: A: Don’t worry, John. I believe you can make it
B: Thank you. I’ll try my best


You’re welcome
No problem
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It’s OK
Not at all
Never mind
Don’t mention it
(It’s) my pleasure (dùng trong những tình huống trang trọng)
Example 1: A: Thanks for reminding me
B: You’re welcome
Example 2: A: It was very kind of you to help me
B: It’s my pleasure



I’m sorry (for…)

I’m so / very / terrible / extremely sorry
I apologize for…
I hope you’ll forgive my…
Please accept my apologies for…

Note: Thông thường, người xin lỗi sẽ đưa ra lí do phạm lỗi, nhận trách nhiệm về mình, hoặc hứa
một điều gì đó.

Example: Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t see you. (lí do làm sai)
I’m so sorry. It’s all my fault. (nhận trách nhiệm)
I’m sorry. I’ll be more careful next time. (lời hứa)


That’s alright
Never mind
Don’t worry about it
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Don’t apologize
It doesn’t matter
It’s OK
Forget about it
No harm done
It’s not your fault
Please don’t blame yourself

Example 1: A: I apologize for the noise last night

B: Don’t worry about it
Example 2: A: I’m very sorry. I just forgot to bring your book
B: It’s alright
Note: Người nói cũng có thể đưa ra lí do mình tha lỗi cho người khác.
Example 1: A: I apologize for the noise last night
B: Don’t worry about it. I slept very well all night.
Example 2: A: I’m very sorry. I just forgot to bring your book
B: It’s alright. I don’t need it today, anyway.




You should/ought to: You should pay attention to your study

You need to: You need to go see the doctor soon
If I were you, I would: If I were you, I would call her right now
Why don’t you: why don’ you find another job?
Example 1: A: My math test is coming, but I’m not ready yet
B: If I were you, I would start reviewing it right away
Example 2: A: I’m always broke at the end of the month
B: I think you should reconsider your spending
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What/ How about: How about going to the concert tonight?

Why don’t we: Why don’t we take a hiking trip tomorrow?
Let’s: Let’s discuss this problm right now
We could: We could eat at Pablo’s. It’s wonderfull
I suggest we: I suggest we leave the party soon
Have you thought of: have you ever thought of giving him a tie?


It’s a good idea

Sounds great/Sounds like fun
I don’t think it’s a good idea

Example 1: A: I’m so bored. Sitting around here makes me sick

B: How about watching some movies?
Example 2: A: Next Saturday is Jane’s birthday
B: Really? So, let’s make her a surprising party




Or: Don’t stay up late, or you’ll be late tomorrow

Otherwise: Work harder, otherwise you won’t get promotion
Watch out!: Watch out! There’s a hole on the ground
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Be careful!: Be careful! The box is very heavy
You’d better: You’d better no swim too far away


OK! I will/won’t
Don’t worry. I will/won’t

Example 1: A: Don’t stay up late, or you’ll be late tomorrow

B: Don’t worry, I won’t (stay up late)
Example 2: A: You’d better submit the assignment on time
B: OK. I will (submit the assignment on time)


Mẫu này thể hiện nội dung người nói muốn người khác làm việc gì đó. Các dạng thường gặp là:

- Động từ nguyên mẫu......

- Động từ nguyên mẫu ...., please.

- Please + động từ nguyên mẫu......

- Can you + động từ nguyên mẫu......

- Could you + động từ nguyên mẫu......

- Would you please + động từ nguyên mẫu......

- Would / Do you mind + động từ thêm Ing......

Đáp lại các mẫu trên:

Đồng ý giúp thì nói:

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- Certainly

- Of course

- Sure

- No problem

- What can I do for you?

- How can I help you?

Không đồng ý giúp thì nói:

I'm sorry. I'm busy

Riêng mẫu : Would / Do you mind + động từ thêm Ing...... thì đáp lại là :

- No I don't mind.

- No, of course not.

- Not at all.

- I'm sorry, I can't.


- Can I help you ?

- Shall I .....?

- What can I do for you ?

- May I help you ?

- Do you need any help?

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- Let me help you.

Đáp lại các mẫu trên:

-Yes/no. Thank you

-That's very kind of you.


Mẫu này dùng khi xin phép ai để làm việc gì đó.

- May I ....?

Ví dụ:

May I go out ? xin phép cho tôi ra ngoài ạ.

Cũng có thể dùng :

- Can I .....?

Ví dụ :

Can I sit here ?

- Would you mind if I + mệnh đề chia quá khứ đơn.

Ví dụ :

Would you mind if I smoked ? Bạn có phiền gì không nếu tôi hút thuốc ?

- Do you mind if I + mệnh đề chia hiện tại đơn.

Ví dụ :

Do you mind if I smoke ? Bạn có phiền gì không nếu tôi hút thuốc ?

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Đáp lại các mẫu trên:

- Certainly

- Of course

- Please do

- Please go ahead

Nếu không đồng ý thì có thể dùng:

- I'd rather you didn't

- I'd prefer You didn't

Tổng hợp:

Chúc mừng:

1. —Well done and congratulations to you. —Thanks very much.

2. —I hope you’ll succeed in everything. —So do I.

3. —I wish you success. —Thank you.

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4. —We send you our best wishes. —Thank you very much.

5. —Happy new year ! —Happy new year!(The same to you.)

6. —A merry Christmas to you. —Thank you.

7. —I hope you’ll have a good time. —Thank you.

8. —Happy Birthday! —Thank you.


1. —Would you like to come to the party? —Oh yes, thank you.

2. —I hope you can come to the dance next Saturday. —I’m sorry, but I can’t.

3. —Will you go dancing with us? —Of course. I'll be glad to.

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4. —Will you come to our English Evening? —Yes, thank you.

5. —Would you please give us a talk on English Learning? —OK. When?

6. —You and your friends must come over to my house and see mooncakes.

—OK. Thank you very much.

Biểu lộ đồng ý và không đồng ý:

1. —I think the shop is closed at this time of day.

—No, I think it’s open.

2. —I think foreign languages are more interesting than science.

—I really can’t agree with you. I prefer science.

3. —I think I shall read a book instead.

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—Good idea. That’s much better than watching a bad TV Programme.

4. —I don’t think that it's true. He’s always telling strange stories.

—I know. But this time I can’t decide if he is right or not.

5. —I think Chinese is more popular than any other subject. —Maybe. But I prefer art.

6. —Don’t think in Chinese when you’re speaking English. —You are quite right.

Xin lỗi:

1. —Sorry to trouble you. —That’s all right.

2. —Oh, I am so sorry. —That’s quite all right.

3. —I’m sorry to give you so much trouble. —No trouble at all.

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4. —I’m sorry. I lost the key to your bike. —It doesn’t matter.

5. —Sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time. —It doesn’t matter.

6. —You haven’t paid for it yet. —Oh, I’m really very sorry.

Khuyên bảo, đề nghị:

1. —The park isn’t far from here. Shall we walk there? —OK.

2. —You’d better close the windows. It’s cold in the room. —All right.

3. —If you are not better by then, I’ll take you to see the doctor.

—OK. Thank you very much.

4. —You must look after yourself and keep healthy. —Yes, I will. Thanks.

5. —The museum is very far from here. Let’s catch a bus, shall we?

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—OK. Let's catch a bus.

6. —You must remember the saying: Whatever you do, do it well.

—Thank you for your advice.

Gọi điện:

1. —Hello! —Hello, Bill? —No, this is Sam. —Hi, Sam. This is Mike. How are you?

2. —Hello. —Hello. May I speak to Mr. Green?

3. —No. 5 Middle School. —Mr. Green, please. —I’m sorry. Mr. Green is not in.

—When will he be back? —About six this afternoon. —All right. I'll ring again then.

—Very well.

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4. —Hello! —Hello, Han Mei. Could I borrow your Chinese-English Dictionary please?

—Sorry! It’s not a very good line. Could you speak more loudly?

—Could I borrow your Chinese-English dictionary?

—Sure. I’ll bring it to you tomorrow.

—Thank you. Goodbye.

Xin phép:

1. —Please let me help you. —No, thanks. I can carry it.

2. —Can I see your licence, please? —OK.

3. —May I call you James? —Of course, if you wish.

4. —Could I borrow a pen, please? —Of course. With pleasure.

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5. —Excuse me. May I use your dictionary? —Yes, here you are.

6. —May I ask you several questions? —Yes, of course.

Giúp người khác:

1. —May I help you? —Oh yes, thank you.

2. —Let me help you with the bags. —Well, I can manage all right. Thanks just the same.

3. —Can we help you? —I want to go to hospital. But I can’t. My leg hurts.

4. —Must I clean the classroom now? —Oh, you needn’t.

5. —Would you like a cup of tea? —Yes, please.

6. —What can I do for you? —I’d like to have an English-English dictionary.

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Hỏi đường:

1. —Excuse me. Where is the washroom, please? —Oh, it’s over there.

2. —Excuse me. Can you tell me where the bookshop is?

—Look! It’s on the other side of the road.

3. —How far is the post office, please? —Only a few kilometers.

4. —Will you please tell me the way to the railway station?

—Go down this street. At the end of the road you’ll see it.

5. —Excuse me. Could you tell me how I can get to the supermarket?

—Go straight along this road. Then go over the bridge and turn right at the bookshop. You’ll find it.

Mua sắm:

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1. —What can I do for you? —I’d like some apples.

2. —Where can I buy some stationery?

—Let’s look at the shopping guide. Oh, it’s on the ground Floor.

3. —Could I buy half a kilo oranges? —Certainly. Here you are.

4. —Will you please show me that radio? —Certainly.

5. —How much is the radio? —Ninety yuan.

6. —Good morning, sir. May I help you? —Yes, I’d like to buy a sweater.

Nói chuyện thời tiết:

1. —It’s a fine day for a walk. —Yes, the air is nice and clean.

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2. —Oh dear! It’s very cold today. —Yes, you need to wear warmer clothes.

3. —What’s the weather like today? —It’s fine.

4. —What’s the weather like in your country now? —It’s very hot.

5. —Lovely weather, isn’t it? —Yes, isn’t it?

6. —I missed the weather report this morning. Did you hear it?

—Yes. It said it would be partly cloudy today, with a strong wind from the northwest.

Hỏi ngày, giờ:

1. —Hi, Mary. What time is it now? —It’s about three.

2. —What day is it today? —It’s Wednesday.

3. —Excuse me. Could you tell me what time the plane leaves?

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—Certainly. It leaves at ten in the evening.

4. —What’s the time? My watch has stopped. —Let me see. It's five to ten.

5. —Excuse me. Have you got the time? —Yes, it’s six twenty.

6. —Excuse me. Could you tell me the time? —Oh sorry, I don’t have my watch with me.

Cuộc hẹn:

1. —Are you free next Wednesday evening? I want to go to the cinema with you?

—Yes, I’d like to.

2. —When shall we meet, this evening or tomorrow evening?

—I don’t mind. Either time is OK.

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3. —Are you free later today? —Sorry, I'm free every day except today.

4. —Are you able to come tomorrow morning? —I think so.

5. —Are you free this afternoon? —Oh no. Will this evening be all right?

6. —I’m busy today. What about tomorrow afternoon?

—That would be fine. Shall we make it nine o'clock?

Cấm đoán, cảnh báo:

1. —Don’t climb that ladder! It’s broken. —OK. Thank you.

2. —Look out! There’s a car coming. —Oh, thank you.

3. —You mustn’t play on the street. It’s dangerous. —No, we won’t.

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4. —Don’t touch the machine when it is working. —No, I won’t. Thank you.

5. —You are not allowed to smoke here. —Oh, I’m sorry.

6. —You can’t walk your dog in the park. —Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll never do it again.

Đi bác sĩ:

1. —I’m feeling tired, doctor. —Have a good rest and then you’ll feel better.

2. —How are you feeling today? —I’m feeling even worse.

3. —Doctor, she is not feeling well. —Nothing serious, I hope.

4. —Doctor, do I have to take the medicine before or after meals?

—Three times a day after meals.

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5. —What’s the matter? —I’ve got a headache.

6. —What’s your trouble?

—I’ve had a pain in my stomach since morning.

1. “ Thank you for taking the time to come here in person.” “ _______________”

A. It’s my pleasure. B. I don’t know what time that person comes.

C. I’d love to come. What time? D. Do you have time for some gossip?

2. “ I have a terrible headache.” “ ___________”

A. Maybe I’m not going to the doctor’s. B. Not very well. Thanks.

C. Maybe you should take a rest. D. Not bad. I’m not going to the doctor’s.

3. “ Do you want me to help you with those suitcases?” “_________”

A. Of course, not for me. B. No, I can’t help you now.

C. No, those aren’t mine. D. No, I can manage them myself.

4. “What does it cost to get to Manchester?” “__________”

A. It’s interesting to travel to Manchester. B. It depends on how to go.

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C. I always go by train. D. I don’t like to go by train.

5. “ __________” “ Yes. Do you have any shirts?”

A. Could you do me a favour? B. Oh, dear. What a nice shirt!

C. May I help you? D. White, please!

6. “What’s the best place to eat lunch?” “__________”

A. I’ll have a soup, please. B. There’s a great restaurant at the corner of the

C. I usually eat lunch at twelve. D. Twelve would be convenient.

7. “Maybe you can take a vacation next month.” “ __________”

A. Nothing special B. You’re welcome.

C. It’s very expensive. D. I don’t think so. I’m teaching all summer.

8. “What do you think of your new DVD player? ” “ ___________”

A. I love it. B. My brother gave it to me.

C. It was a gift from my brother. D. I always put it there.

9. “ How have you been recently? ” “___________”

A. It’s too late now. B. Pretty busy, I think.

C. By bus, I think. D. No, I’ll not be busy.

10. “Do you need a knife and a fork?” “__________”

A. No, I’ll just use a frying pan. B. No, I’ll just use chopsticks.

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C. No, I’ll just use a can opener. D. No, I’ll use a cooker.

11. “You are so patient with us.” “_________”

A. Thanks, that’s nice of you to say so. B. Thanks. Have a nice trip.

C. I’m fine, thanks. D. I know. I have trouble controlling my


12. “Can I try your new camera?” “_________”

A. I’m sorry I can’t. Let’s go now. B. Sure. I’d love to.

C. Sure. But please be careful with it. D. I’m sorry. I’m home late.

13. “________” “Yes, about ten cigarettes a day.”

A. Do you smoke? B. What’s the matter?

C. Anything else? D. Well, you should stop smoking.

14. “How well do you play?” “__________”

A. Yes, I used to play tennis. B. I don’t play very often.

C. No, I don’t play very well. D. Pretty well, I think.

15. “___________” “ No, nothing special.”

A. Did you watch the live show last weekend? B. Did you do anything special last weekend?

C. Did you have a great time last weekend? D. Did you go anywhere last weekend?

16. “Didn’t you go to the conference?” “ ___________”

A. No, I went there with my friends. B. That sounds nice, but I can’t.

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C. Don’t worry. I’ll go there. D. I did, but I didn’t stay long.

17. “________” “ No, thank you. That’ll be all.”

A. What would you like? B. It’s very kind of you to help me.

C. Would you like anything else? D. What kind of food do you like?

18. “What was the last present that you received? ” “___________”

A. A fashion hat B. It depends on the situation.

C. Several times. D. I think it’s OK.

19. “Let me drive you home.” “ ___________”

A. No problem. B. Don’t worry. I’m all right.

C. I usually drive home at five. D. It’s me.

20. “May I leave a message for Ms Davis?” “ ____________”

A. I’m afraid she’s not here at the moment. B. No, she’s not here now.

C. She’s leaving a message to you now. D. Yes, I’ll make sure she gets it.

21. “Your boss looks like the aggressive type.” “__________”

A. Yes, he really wants to get ahead. B. Yes, he’s quite gentle.

C. Really? I’ve never seen him lie. D. Right. He ‘s so quiet.

22. “How can this dress be so expensive? ” “___________”

A. Yes, it’s the most expensive. B. What an expensive dress!

C. You are paying for the brand. D. That’s a good idea.

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23. “I get impatient when the teacher doesn’t tell us the answer.” “__________”

A. Yes, it’s hard to think of the answers. B. Yes, I wish she’d hurry up.

C. Yes, she would know the answers. D. Yes, she speaks too quickly.

24. “Did you play tennis last weekend?” “____________”

A. It’s my favourite sport. B. I worked.

C. Do you like it? D. Would you like to come with me?

25. “May I speak to the manager? ” “ _____________”

A. He always comes late. He is not very well. B. Thank you. Good bye.

C. I’m afraid he is not in. Can I take a message? D. I’m afraid not. He works very hard.

26. “Where’s the view? The advertisement said that this place has a great view of the
sea.” “________”

A. It has good facilities. B. It’s convenient to see it.

C. You can find it very convenient. D. You can see it from the back.

27. “Why did you turn the air conditioner on? ” “____________”

A. I think it is bad condition. B. I can’t see anything.

It’s a little hot in here. D. It’s a good idea.

28. “There is a baseball game tonight.” “__________”

A. Great. Let’s go. B. I’m not a real fan of hers.

C. Don’t mention it. D. Thanks. I’d love to.

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29. “___________” “ Yes, I do. I like them a lot.”

A. What do you think of tennis? B. Do you like sports?

C. Do you prefer tennis or badminton? D. How often you play tennis?

30. “____________” “ No, I’m not. I feel awful.”

A. How are you? B. Are you feeling OK?

C. Is there anything wrong? D. What’s the matter?

31. “Where will you go on vacation?” “___________”

A. Probably to the beach. B. The beach is nice, isn’t it?

C. Probably I won’t think of. D. I have a four-day vacation.

32. “_________” “ I think the vase is broken.”

A. Can I help you? B. Why is it so expensive?

C. What is it? D. What’s wrong with it?

33. “What do you do for a living?” “___________”

A. I get a high salary, you know. B. I want to be a doctor, I guess.

C. I work in a bank. D. It’s hard work, you know.

34. “I wonder if you could do something for me?” “__________”

A. It depends on what it is. B. What’s it like?

C. No, thanks. D. I’m afraid I won’t come.

35. “Haven’t you put an advertisement in the paper yet?” “__________”

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A. I’m not sure. Really? B. I will, the first thing in the afternoon.

C. I’m with you there. D. I can get a paper for you right now.

36. “Have you noticed that the manager wears something green every day? ” “___________”

A. I know. He is a good manager. B. Sure. He will do that.

C. I know. He must like green. D. He’d rather do that.

37. “_____________” “ No, I don’t play the piano.”

A. What kind of music do you like? B. Do you play the piano?

C. Do you earn a lot by playing the piano? D. What kind of music do you like?

38. “Excuse me. I’m your new neighbour. I just moved in.” “_______________”

A. Sorry, I don’t know. B. Oh, I don’t think so.

C. I’m afraid not. D. Where to, sir?

39. “How about an evening riverboat tour? ” “______________”

A. No, it’s good to do so.

B. Actually I’ve never gone on an evening riverboat tour.

C. No, I’ve never gone on an evening riverboat tour.

D. Actually I’ve gone twice this week.

40. “Can you come over after the show? ” “____________”

A. That would be nice. B. No, I didn’t.

C. Please, go ahead. D. Why don’t we go to the show?

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41. “I think the pants are alittle big.” “ ____________”

A. Are they big enough? B. You should get a bigger pair.

C. Yes, maybe a little. D. Yes, they are not big at all.

42. “__________” “ Yes, it’s OK. But could you clean your room first? ”

A. Would you like to go to Helen’s party this weekend?

B. Can I go to Helen’s party this weekend?

C. What time does Helen’s party begin this weekend?

D. I don’t like the noise at parties.

43. “How late will the bank be open?” “___________”

A. Its services are very good indeed. B. It is two blocks away.

C. It is not very far. D. It will be open until 6 pm.

44. “Will the maths teacher give us a test this week? ” “______________”

A. I doubt whether it’s easy. B. Yes, the test was difficult.

C. I don’t think he will come. D. No, he probably won’t.

45. “What does this thing do?” “__________”

A. I think it’s a waste of money. B. It sure does.

C. It peels potatoes. D. I can use it well.

46. “____________” “ Yes, I have a date.”

A. Do you have any plans tonight? B. Can I have an appointment with Dr. Adams?
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C. What’s the time, please? D. Are you free tonight?

47. “May I take my break now?” “_____________”

A. No, you didn’t break it. B. I think I need five minutes.

C. I’ll be back in five minutes. D. Yes, of course.

48. “Do you support the proposal to build a new airport?” “____________”

A. No, not really. B. No, I like it.

C. No, I don’t think you are right. D. Yes, I’m against it.

49. “Your job is pretty routine, then?” “________________”

A. Yes, sometimes it’s a little boring. B. Yes, it’s really exciting.

C. Yes, I love exciting work. D. Yes, It’s different every day.

50. “____________” “Oh, but it’s boring”.

A. Don’t you like the news? B. Would you prefer news to films?

C. I think you should watch the news. D. You often watch the news, don’t you?

51. “I think the new resort will ruin the environment.” “__________________”

A. I’m afraid so. B. Don’t you think so?

C. I agree. It sounds nice. D. Let’s go there.

52. “_____________” “OK. Where shall we go?”

A. Shall we go the jazz concert? B. Have you done the shopping?

C. Oh, reading books and going shopping. D. I want to go shopping.

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53. “Would you mind sending those flowers to Mr. Brown? ” “______________”

A. Sure, I’ll do it now. B. I would if I were you.

C. He wouldn’t mind. D. No, I can handle it myself.

54. “I’ve got two tickets for the show.” “_________________”

A. Oh, anything else? B. Thanks. I can afford the tickets.

C. That’s great. When is it? D. Oh, let’s go and get the tickets.

55. “Go two blocks and then you are there.” “________________”

A. Excuse me. How can I get there? B. Ok, thanks.

C. No, thanks. D. I’m sorry I don’t know.

56. “Would you like to order now? ” “ _______________”

A. Yes, I like beef steak. B. Yes, I’d like beef steak.

C. It’s excellent. D. Yes, a table for five.

57. “___________” “ Oh, really? Why?”

A. What do I do next? B. When do you have class again?

C. You have a doctor’s appointment at ten. D. Our tomorrow’s class has been canceled.

58. “Hi, I’d like some information about driving lessons.” “______________”

A. I’m afraid I can’t drive. B. Sure, could I have your name and address?

C. From 9 am to 5 pm. D. Sure, please do.

59. “I think golf is really great.” “_________________”

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A. Do you? I think it’s boring. B. Don’t you believe so?

C. Neither do I. D. Almost every day.

60. “That was a boring book.” “_______________”

A. No, it’s very boring. B. Yes, it was exciting.

C. It certainly was. D. I think it will be good.

61. “Guess what! I’ve just been invited to the manager’s house for dinner.” “____________”

A. What’s that? B. Oh, how nice. C. Well done. D. Really? I don’t think

62. “So are things at school, Tom?” “______________”

A. Well, I can’t agree with you. B. I was not good at it.

C. Oh, pretty good, actually. D. It’s my pleasure.

63. “Do you fancy going to a movie this evening?” “_______________”

A. I’m sorry. I don’t know that. B. Not at all. Go ahead.

C. Not so bad. And you? D. That would be nice.

64. “We’ve been there before.” “______________”

A. Oh, have we? B. How nice! C. How lovely! D. No, we didn’t.

65. “Could I speak to Ann?” “____________”

A. This is Daisy speaking. B. Can I take a message?

C. Just a moment. I’m coming. D. I’m sorry. Ann’s not in.

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66. “Well, it’s been nice talking to you.” “______________”

A. Yes, nice to have met you too. B. Oh, yes. I’m afraid so.

C. Nice to meet you, too. D. Have you been here long?

67. “Did you hear about the robbery the other day?” “________________”

A. Yes, It was great. B. No, what happened?

C. Oh, no. D. Oh, sure. Thanks.

68. “I don’t think we should exercise late at night.” “_____________”

A. Neither do I. B. So do I. C. I think so,too. D. I don’t, niether.

69. “Sorry, the manager is not here.” “_______________”

A. Can I take a message then? B. Can I speak to the manager, please?

C. Can I leave a message then? D. Would you like to leave a message?

70. “It was very kind of you to help me out, Paul? ” “________________”

A. I’m glad you like it. B. Thanks a million.

C. That was the least I could do. D. You can say that again.

71. “I hear The Golden Bride is a very good film.” “____________”

A. Yes, it’s very exciting. B. No, I don’t here that.

C. Yes, it’s boring. D. No, I hear it, too.

72. “What would you like to do at the weekend?” “______________”

A. I like to do a lot. B. I can’t stand it.

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C. I’d like to see a football match. D. I don’t like the weekend.

1. Tom: “How do you do?” – Jerry: “_______.”

a. Yes, OK b. Not too bad c. How do you do? d. I’m well

2. Excuse me, is it OK if I sit here? - _________.

a. No, thanks b. Yes, I’m so glad c. Sorry, the seat is free d. Yes, that’s fine.

3. A: “I’ve passed my exam.” - B: “_________.”

a. Good luck b. That’s a good idea. c. Congratulations! d. It’s nice of you to say so

4. A: “Would you like to have dinner with me?” B: “_________.”

a. Yes, I’d love to b. I’m very happy c. Yes, it is d. Yes, so would I

5. Peter: “I enjoy listening to pop music.” Mary: “_________.”

a. I’m, too b. I don’t c. Neither do I d. So am I

6. Ann: “Are you going to visit Britain next month?” Kim: “Yes, _________.”

a. I am b. I do c. I like d. I going

7. Kim: "What _________ this weekend?" - Sally: "Oh, we're going windsurfing. It's fantastic!"

a. would you do b. are you going c. do you go d. are you doing

8. David: “You’ve got a beautiful dress!” Helen: “_________.”

a. I do b. You too c. That’s OK d. Thanks for your compliment

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9. Sue: “I don’t love pop music.” Alice: “_________.”

a. I don’t like, too b. No, I won’t c. But I do d. Neither I don’t

10. Ellen: "_________?" Tom: "He's tall and thin with blue eyes."

a. What does John look like b. Who does John look like

c. How is John’s appearance d. What does John like

11. Jack: “I’ve got to go away for a few days, Sarah.” Sarah: “_________.”

a. be careful b. don’t hurry c. take care d. don’t take it

12. Hung: “Thank you very much for a lovely party.” Hoa: “_______. ”

a. Cheers b. Good health c. Have a good time d. You are welcome

13. David: “Happy birthday!” Jason: “_________.”

a. Thanks b. Bless you! c. The same to you d. Me too

14. Peter: “ Sorry, I’m late.” Mary: “_________.”

a. Go on b. Never mind c. Hold on d. Go ahead

15. Tom: “_________?” Jerry: “ Once a week”

a. How often do you go shopping b. How much do you want

c. Are you sure d. When will you get there

16. Davis: “Good morning. My name is Davis. I have a reservation.” - Andy: “_________.”

a. What do you want? b. Yes, a single room for two nights?

c. I haven’t decided yet. What about you? d. What do you like?

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17. Mary: “I’ve got an interview for a job tomorrow.” – Peter: “_________.”

a. Thank you b. Same to youc. Good luck d. See you

18. A: “Thank you for the lovely present.” – B: “_________.”

a. Go ahead b. Not at all c. Come on d. I’m pleased you like it

19. A: Are you coming on Saturday? – B: _________.

a. I’m afraid not b. I’m afraid not to c. I’m afraid to d. I’m afraid I don’t

20. A: _________ do they travel abroad? – B: Once a year.

a. When b. How c. What time d. How often

21. Margaret: “Could you open the window, please?” - Henry: “_________.”

a. I feel sorry b. Yes, I can c. I am, of course d. Yes, with pleasure

22. Bill: “Can I get you another drink?” - Jerry: “_________.”

a. Not just now b. Forget it c. No, it isn’t d. No, I’ll think it over

23. “I’ve passed my driving test.” - “_________”

a. Do you? b. Congratulations! c. It’s nice of you to say so. d. That’s a good idea.

24. - “_________” - “He's tall and thin with blue eyes.”

a. What does John like? b. How is John? c. Who does John look like? d. What does John look like?

25. Mr. Black: “I’d like to try on these shoes, please.” Salesgirl: “_________”

a. That’s right, sir. b. Go ahead, sir. c. I’d love to. d. Why not?

26. - “Would you like to play a game of chess this afternoon?” - “_________”

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a. No, I've no choice. b. I can’t agree more. c. No, but I'd love to. d. Another time, perhaps.

27. A: Are you hungry? – B: _________.

a. Yes, I do b. Not just now c. Right now d. Yes, a little

28. A: Would you like some more tea? – B: _________.

a. Yes, please b. Here you are c. I’m OK d. It doesn’t matter

29. A: Hello, my name’s John. B: _________ to meet you.

a. Sure b. I’m very well c. Pleased d. Thank you

30. A: _________? – B: He’s OK now.

a. What is he b. How is he c. How tall is he d. What’s he like

31. A: Thanks a lot for your wonderful gift. – B: _________.

a. You’re welcome b. Thank you c. Cheers d. Have a good day

32. A: Can I have your surname? – B: _________.

a. Really? b. Pardon? c. OK d. Forgive me.

33. A: I hope to see you again. – B: _________.

a. I hope so b. Good enough c. Thank you d. I really enjoy meeting you too

34. A: Would you like a cup of coffee? – B: _________.

a. Yes, thanks a lot b. No, please c. Not just now d. No, you are welcome

35. A: Excuse me- B: _________?

a. What b. Yes c. No d. Thank you

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36. I’m afraid you can’t come in, _________ you have to be 18.

a. you see b. well c. listen d. right

37. A: Do you know her number? B: ______, it’s here somewhere.

a. Let me see b. Mind you c. Well d. You see

38. A: Let’s meet for a coffee tonight. – B: _________

a. I hope not. b. I don’t think so. c. What time? d. Yes, thank you.

39. A: _________? – B: Yes, I want to send some flowers to my wife in Italy.

a. Do you like flowers b. What do you like c. Can you help me d. Can I help you

40. A: What’s _________, Peter? You don’t look very happy.

a. matter b. problem c. the matter d. the wrong

41. A: I’ve failed my exam. -B: _________

a. I’m sorry b. Bad luck c. Congratulations! d. Why not?

42.”Have a nice weekend.” - “_________”

a. You are the same b. The same to you c. so do I d. Will you?

43. Would you mind if I smoke? - _________

a. Never mind b. Yes, please don’t c. No. Not at all d. Yes, I’d rather you don’t

44. A: How about going to the sea? - _________.

a. I’ve no idea b. I am seasick c. No. Not at all d. That’s a good idea

45. Shall we start now? - _________.

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a. Yes, we are b. Yes, let’s c. Of course not d. No, no

46. Your desk-mate failed in the oral test? – “_________”

a. That’s all right. b. In which respect? c. Not so good. d. I’m sorry to hear that.

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