Boi Duong HSG Tieng Anh 12

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quy Suse ey WA XUAT BAN DAI HOC QUOC GIA HA NOI Mr iia luyon ‘dpa mh. aa ar yee vhng cote ede yo ars ane ell dectcomibinh ng oe a srt dt og, song cxSn sich nay cong ot ag ond et ang gs geo ae sane gop accom oesinh vinond ning “ong ti An Pha VN, 50 Nguyén Van Sang, Q SpilcM DT «2676463 Prag tam Séch gids de Anpha, 2256 Newta 4 Pham? 2,00, PHM. DT. 38547464 Email intra rng on! Kiém ching win Tan Pho, Tée gid ti THUYET [A Chi gl ede thinh mgt thong dung va bai tap tre nghigm sing dye ‘el ke ht cakes: bn dt atm ta Vi dr: Dang! hn dy whan ho Gcpartie droped ender 10%, lorie heaters sold like hot cakes in the Northern cits of Vitnam, (Su hong nay mbit ut ng dt 1, bo ign tin it nhc ti tam ee thank ph mit Be Vit Nam) + pul someone’ legs: trbu hoe a 4. © sae Hatta fe (acer tee rae tlwaya trying to pall my lega. Anh ta cd v6 chd bao git nghiém nic khi ndi chuyén vdi ti. Anh ta lie nao ciing tim ch tru che 01) + hithe rook ian a du: The teacher hit the roof when she knew that more than ten stents cheated inher tet (Cd go eye M itn db bt rng hom 10 hoe sink quay op trong Bi kim tr a cs) + gotor a song bin gir, ban gi ha Vd: We don’t want to continue our business any longer. All the svods wll go for «song so that we can close tthe end of his month. (Ching ti Bhing mud tifp tye Kink deanh naa. Tat hang ha std bin ir ching (0 of thE dng eda 80 eu thang na.) + ook diggers at someone: git A nhin wi Vi dr: He looked daggers tthe security guard ofthe supermarket ‘when this man asked him to open his bag. One 69 gin et ‘hin nati nn ctn on nin cit situ th Ahi anh may yeu ng mit ca minh ra) BDAID j «hand in glove: stu st vi Vy The environmentalist have been working hand in gle wy the local government to prevent water pollution iq Beaute. (Ce nh mdi trtng dvd dang lam vig sat vi chinkquyén dia phuong dE ngan hn 6 hid mgs 0 edi hd xinh dep nay.) 4+havea bee in one's bonnet about something: Alt nfing chuyén gh Vidy: My mother never buys red meat when she goes to mana because she always has a bee in her bonnet about it dig harm to the health, (Me ti khong bao gid mua tht ed mau dp [ahi di chg vl ba luon dat nang chuyPn thie mau dé co ho oy sue Rie) + splitng headache: nhe Au nhu bia b6 Vidy: 1 drank too much beer at the party Inst night and now Ihave splitting headache. (Tdi wing qué nkidu bia d bit tie 1 qua vt bay gid i daw ddu mht bia 66.) + pay through the nose: tra gid rit eno, tr gid mae AS mun fi gi ‘Vid: My brother has just bought a flat in Ho Chi Minh City bat be said that he had to pay through the nose for it. (AMA tra ta méi mua mbt can ho 6 thank pho H6 Chi Minh nhing anh dy néi anh dy phi tr mot gid rt eno dé mua dupe nb) + death warmed up: nh chét ri, nbu ma chét trot Vid: You look like death warmed up. What time did you go home from the party last night? (Céu trang ging nlut ma chét tr IE hia, Ca di dete mdy gid mdi v8 161 qua vy?) + et cold fet: mat hét can dim, chin bude, son long Vid At fist, was eager to go abroad to find a job but Inter 1 cold feet. Thoat ddu ti rét hao he di ra nude ngodi ite mhung sau dé t0i etm thay chan burbe) + jump the traffic lights: vagt dem dé dy He was in a hurry and decided to jump the traffic light result, he was fined 120,000VND by the police. nh tad e0i wa quyét dink vust den dd. Két qua la anh ta bb Phat 120:000d6ng.) + + fly off the handle: dé i gd, phat cau Vid: cant stand his behaviour. It is very easy for him to fy off the handle. (i hae Khong thé chiu ni Ui eu nit ea amb ta. Ah ta rit db ni oe) pe: may ain Vi du: Buying clothes off the peg is normally cheaper than having the tailor make them. (Mua qudn do may sn thong ré hom 80 i thut thg may ching) + the apple of one’s eye 48 au is + oft 6, gui quy bau ca i Viv: You should nover touch her laptop. It is always the apple of hher eye. (Anh dung bao git nen ding 161 may tink sich tay cil 06. Né lun Led qu aod 6 44.) + by the skin of one's eth: et so, suyt id I overslept this morning and caught the last bus to school by the skin of my tooth. (Toi neu quén sing nay 00 suft nia 108 chusén xe bust cut cing dn trad) ++ beat about the bush: nd oanh quoan,n6i vg vo tam quse Vid: Dont waste my time. Please stop beating about the bush and tell me what you want. (Ding lam phi th gid ea ti na. Lam ‘an thot dng 6 von vo tam que naa ma hay ni eho ti bide ‘anh ruin did gi?) + bucket down: aa dx, mun it nue Vi ly: We had no sooner set of fora pienie than it started to bucket own, (Ching ti hua hip Len duty di pene thi tobe du muea nh tre made) + loge shaves: ng Mn thoat him trong dung to ke toe Vi du: When he was young, he was an excellent spy. He sometimes tells me about his close shaves before he retired and moved to thie city. (Ki ong dy con tre, ng 6 La: mae digp vidm ti ba. ‘Ong dy think thoting hé cho 10 nghe vf whing lan thoat him trong didng to he the truic Bhi Ong vb ha va dén sing 3 ‘thanh pho nay) + drop a brick na Tai apaiz 7 found ost that I hd just dropped a brick when saying dag set her boyfriend atthe restaurant becnuse he had el yo that he went to an important meeting at the company. (ag nhgn raring minh vga li Khi ni rng tg bam rag 6 9 na hang tre dank y Bod Ua anh dy ny mt eude hop quan trong 6 cong ty.) + blow one's trumpet: be pst, Khose lac \VidyTeeally hate my boss because e keeps blowing his trmpet < saying that he is the number-one businessman in the whale country. (Toi thue sy ghét Ong chit ca ti vi dng A lady Rhode lée ring ng dy la doanh nh s6 mgt trén toan que ‘sleep oni suy ngbi them vé digu a6 Vi dy: You should sleep on it and give me your answor at the ead et this month. Ban nén suy nght chim vé diéu dé v8 cho t6 ela {74 0 wdo cud thang nay.) +6rop someone a ine: vit th cho a Vi du: Remember to remind him to drop me a line when you come to ‘Thailand to visit him. QVho mhde anh dy viet th cho 16 Rh ban dén Thai Lan tham ant: dy nhé,) + fight tooth and nail: anh haw di dei, ea x€ nha Vi dys The two groups of bullies fought tooth and mail before the police came last night. (Hai nhiim ddu edu dé déinh mhaw dt {i trade Ri eink sit dn 16 hor qua.) know tke the back of one's hand: nha Tong ban tay, bit wang 4 Vi du He bas been working at this museum for more than 30 yeu fand knows it like the back of his hand. (Ong dy 1am vite itm bdo tang nay hon 30 nam vi biét moi nade mach ela m6 hic long bin tay minh) - + down the dain: 46 sng d8 bién a Wid: I regret buying this second-hand car. It was a lot of mone) down the drain. (Toi hoi ham d& mua chide xe oa nay. Tet #® lem tien a sing a6 bién.; ie “smell rat: hod nghi, Linh cdm chuyén khong én 4 | | Vi dy: He said there was nothing happened but I began to smell a at when he kept beating about the bush, (Anh ta noi chd 66 ‘hun gl nhaong ti bt dw link cm chuyén gi dé khong On kh anh tact quanh e0 mai.) + the last straw: got mite tem Vi dv: The fat that the team lst the last match was the lst straw, The coach was forced to resign. (Vide di bing thua tran du wa qua 1a it mu tin ly. Hun lyn vidm i ube phat chute) + get the hang of something: nim dae, st dung dase Vide & computer she soon gets the hang oft (May tink lr mit oa gh db rift fa lim die ba lao nay nhung ba sim st dung dase nd.) + gel somthing on one's mind: dang bia thm di gi Vid What's the matter with yo today? Are you gotting something ‘on your mind? (2am nay cd ehuyén gt wit bon wy? Bon dang ‘ban tm did gt phat Khong?) + chip in: gop tid Vici: On Tet occassion this year, we had a meoting and decided to chip in to hold « party and invited all the teachors who had taught us at high school. (Vio dip Tét nam nay, chung 18 cb cube hop vd quyét dink gop tibn uti nhow dé W olde mt baa tite mi ted ede thdy 00 gio da day ching 0 hb edip ba.) + get butters in one’s stomach: cm thy bin cn Vi du: Bvery student get butterflies in their stomach before an important examination, (Moi ge sinh du cm théy bin chin ‘trade mgt bi thi quan trong.) + off one's head én, loan tri Vi dy: That young man must be off his head when driving his ear 50 ast. (Ga trait hd ld ma tr Bhi ai ve nhanh dn vy) 4+ off the record: hong ehinh thie, khong due cng b VF du: The information you've got is off the record so be earefil if you intend to use it for publication. (Thang tin ma ban eo dupe ‘hi Ta RNng chink thie et thé hay fn thin néu bon dy dink ‘tng 55 6.) something very steange to this old womaa but ‘every day. Classical music is really my cup of tea, %. Veja a pee ge pate ee sreigovindrp ebreeyres retires. (Todn thé edn b6 nhan vien déng ¥ tang cho chil tich De ecmiee ices ee 8d sing nay, ‘© Bai tap ding dung Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. 1. Although she had never used a word-processor before, she soon got the. sn OF | | D.teeth A feel B. touch C. swing D. hang 2 Leaught the last bus by the skin of my. A. mouth, Bleg neck 8. “What's wrong with Guy today? He's unusually quiet.” “He's got something on his expect.” A brain B mind thoughts D. brow 4 I really must go and lie down for a while; I've got a headache, A-cutting splitting _—_C. ringing 5. The sky got very dark and soon it began to. down. A roar B. bath, C bucket —_D. pouring 6. My father .. ~. when he found out that I'd damaged the car. Ait the root BB. save pink elephants . made my blood boil D. brought the house down 10 ‘BDA 1D. eracking 7. Ifyou want a flat in the centre ofthe ety you have to pay through the A tooth B. back of your head ©. nose D.arm 8. Because the owner wanted quick sale, the house went for only £30,000. ‘A loose change B. song C.aleafof beet D.a smile 9. Stop. about the bush, James! Jast tall me exactly what the problem is. Arushing —Bhiding =. beating’ ——_D. moving 10, You did think I was being serious, did you, Brian? It was a jokel 1 was pulling your thats all! Athi B hsie C.toe Dateg. 11 T usually buy my clothes. Ws cheaper than going to 8 ress maker. ‘A offthe peg Bon the houte C. in pubic D. onthe shelf 12, David's leaving on Friday. I suggest we all and get hima ‘a goingaway present £1 each should do Adish out B.chip in. —_C. pass the buck D. pay an the nail 18. She would do anything for her youngest son. He was the i other eye plum Bomtre — D-eprle 14. L always get in my stomach before visiting the dentist. ‘Aworms B.butterlies C.erabs——_D. hedgehogs 15. Those second-hand Walkmans are selling Tike Ifyou ‘want one, youd better buy one now before they're all gone. A. shooting stars B.fresh bread hot cakes D_ wil oats 16.1 haven't had an accident yet but Tve had a number of shaves Anarow —B.near dose D. tiny 17, T didn surpeet anything at fist, but when T noticed her going through the office drawers I began to smell Aart Bapig Gathiet — D.aculprit n ‘BDA 18, Jane looked A. arrows a the shop assistant who had been rude tog, C.poison ——_D. daggers 19.My father refused to eat meat that had been fied. He pag in his bonnet about it causing cancer. A abug Babee C.abull D. an ant 20, You really dropped the other day when you told Brian youg seen his wife at the cinema. He thought she was at her mother’, B, needles Aabrick —-Beastone C.alog D.a plank 21. The accident was caused by a taxi driver the trate lights. Arnushing B.missing _—C. jumping __D. beating 22, Lend me £20, please, Joba. I'm at the moment, A broke B. down the drain C.stuck up. a bitthiek 23, Tean't stand Mr Bryant He's always blowing his own telling everyone how good he is at everything. balloon —B. breath mind D. trumpet 2%. The escaped prisoner fought before he was finally overpowered. ‘A head over heels B. tooth and nail C. heart and soul D. foot and mouth 25, Peter was born and brought up in Hastings and knows it tke the, ‘A. nose on his face ©. back of his hand B. tip of his tongue D. hair on his head 26, Tbought a computer last year, but I've had nothing but trouble with it ‘As far as Tim concerned it was £800 down the . D. plughole Aloo B. sink ©. drain 21. John will never buy you a drink ~ he's far too het ‘A tightfisted B.pigheaded _C. highly-strung D. easy-going 28. Ive heard that argument before and quite frankly it just does ‘A face the musie C. carry weight B. hit the nail on the head D. bold water 29. 1 was already fed up with the job, but when the boss walked into my office and told me he expected me to work overtime thet was the Tau. ‘A final curtain Blast straw ©. end ofthe line Dias waltz 80. And that Brian, is why Ueaa't marry yout Aimaflash Bon the dot. offthe cuff Din amtebell 31. In my opinion, anyone who would risk his life just to climb a mountain must be. off colour his head C. the worse for wear D.tong in the 82, He worked at a car fictory and usually at 7.20 every ‘morning. A. signed the pledge Balled the shots C. clocked in . opened an account $8, You ot it sone! Another minute and we'd have let without you A. fine B, short . close D. loose ‘84, Before she left for Australia she promised her parents that she wold op them nen at least once a oath Aanote Baword C.thenews D.ali 35, 1 wad all sot to take the job in Tokyo, but at the last minute 1 and decided to stay in Britain. ‘A pulled my finger out got cold foot ©. called ita day D. eld my horses 36, When the chairman retired he was given @ ‘A consolation prize golden handshake ©. blank cheque D. parting shot ‘37. Do you mind if 1 give you my decision tomorrow? Td like to of £50,000 [A read between the lines B. pass the buck ©. sleep on it D. take it to heart 38, “What Tve got to say to you now is strictly and most certainly not for publication,” said the government official to the reporter, ‘BDALD 13 Renee tae poe ee C. by the way D. off the record 39. He has a quick temper and easily. off the handle A leaps. B. goes C. runs D. fies 40.1 doa ike turning down, work, txt Tl have to, Tm afi. e gag ‘too much at the moment. A.upmy sleeve B.on my plate C. on my mind D. im effect 41. Youd better not tease Samantha when she's tired. You know yy she gets, A ratty B. sheepish _C. catty D. tipsy 42, The police are working with the Football. Assocatg, in an effort to stamp out soceer violence. ‘A hand over fi B. hand in hand Chand in glove D. head over heels 43, Ive never really enjoyed going to the ballet or the opera; theyre ant. really my [A piece of cake 1B. chip off the old block ©. iseuit D. cup of tea 44, Did you see Jonathan this morning? He looked like rust have been quite a party lastnight! A. a bear with a sore head B. death warmed up dead duck D. a.wet blanket B. Chui gidi cée thanh ngi thong dung va bai tp viét Iai dng dung é + Putin a good word for someone: nt thém eho ai dé iin oa 8 Vid: If you want to work for T'S.A company, I cam putin a 4 ‘word for you because the director is my bestfriend. (Néu oak ‘mutin lam vige cho cong ty T.8.A thi toi e6 thé noi thém oh — ‘anh mot ting bd ol ong gdm dé 6 dd ta ban than cia tt) + 0’s head: lim cho ai tré én kigu cing, ty phu Vi dy: He used to be very modest but the recent success i@ business has gone to his head. (Anh dy true day thut Ahiem tin nhuong nhng thank cong gén day trong hinh death 14a Khi€n cho an fy trd nén tu phy) = | “ BpAr | | ES + take things to pieces: tho toang ra, théo tang ra tg minh Vi dy: 1 iked taking things such as watches or radios to pieces to See what there wore inside but rarely could I reasseble them, (T6i thick tho tang mbiing tht mht ding Wb ay radio ra ting ‘mains d8 xem eg bon trong nhitng hiém Bhi ti lép ching lst dupe) + puton an act: i vib Vi dv: 1 don’ think she was so disappointed. She just put on an ack (Toi ght ed dy Khong tuyét wong én vy dw. Cb chi am b0 thi ma) + keep something quit git kin chuyén Vidu: I don't Know for what reason he kept his recent promotion quiet (Toi klong bidt vi IE do gi ma an ta git kin vide moi tape thang cite gin dy) ++ comet light a trade én sing cng lia Vi du: The embezzlement in this company has come to light when suldenly the accountant defected. (Vi thane nhang tai cong ty nay vita bi phat bay ra trude cong ludn Khi dét nhitn nan idm RE ton dao nhiém) + put one’s foot in it: nm in gy boi ei, pham mot sa Mim gy Bot i Vic pt my foot im it when T told Tuan that Mai was beautifl ‘and that I really liked her. I dido' know that he was her Loyftiend. (Toi pham mde sai lm gay bir Rhino wt Tutin ring Mai that xinh dep va t0ithue su thich ob. T0i khong Dit Pun la ban tra cia o@ 6.) + calla spade a spade: n6i thing Vi di: I realy like him and think he is a good frend because whenever I do something wrong he always calls « spade 8 pad which helps me improve myself alt. (Toi thats thick anh dy od nght ring anh &y 10 moe ngubi ban tt ot bt et Bi no i lam didw gi sai anh 6y Lud noi thing vo ditw 6 giip toi sta minh rt niu) 6 BDAIZ danh gid cao. ‘ (nae Teed wna a lage fe ‘now I know that it was my biggest mistake. (Taj gg At Hag et Ce gsi on sping he ey of omer: tg pin, 6 Kg a on td a Vd och an sre woman it co i OE Sr sha ng he. (026 el ha cc 4) ong aed tr ntl et 50 hn ga «ulna te th ain Vie We lst fh te ton hse ay uch ow do ntl gi (Ching ta oH Taek eg ie de ecu ty ug 0g sani cag goon ro ifm am mae both cds met a oa Rok sane Mie teas\ nats bols eds sony sey 9 ag | | entra work. (Thi Rhing sing di voi déng long ea minh ci {thé i phi di lam thom) + et hold ofthe wrong end of the sick: higu nhim ai 6 VI dy: She was offended by what I did and got very angry wit me. I think I must explain to her that she got hold of te rong end of the stick agin. (Cé dy cam thay bi aie pam bi nhiang gi ti lam va rit gin toi TO: nghi t6i pha gid ih Gi 0 y ring cy li hifu nhdm toi na rb.) + Give somebody one's word: hua Vi du: She told me her story and asked me to give her my wl that I would keep it asa sere. (Co dye 10% nghe chute 5 wb ti ta ls git bf ma v8 chuyén dé.) + soup the wall n6i gin Vi dy: My boss reveived over ten letters of complaint from comer hi mri nd be realy wet up te mal. 8 chi cia 101 nhgn hon 10 thu than phidn oa Khdch hing sing ray va the wy ni gin) + to have something on the brain: luda ght ib gl rong tim tr, udm jm anh Bai didu Vi du: Peter is a librarian but this job is not suitable for him because he has chances of travelling on the brain. He should be 4 tour guide. (Peter 18 mt nn vidm thu vigm whung ngé nay hing thich hop wi anh ta wl trong ds lun nght én nhiong ch di ds is, Anh tan lar hug lin vie doh) + get on one's nerves: lam cho ai bye minh Vi clu: There isa factory near the clloge where we study and the noise from it gets on cur nerves. (Cé met nh: méy gn tring ‘hung 0 ge wt isn my Ta eho eng tbe min) + pot ons backup: lam eho ai kh chia, bye minh ‘Vi dy: I don't mean to put your back up but I do think that your composition is the worst, (Toi Rhone eb 9 Lam bon Kh6 chix nang 14 nght ing bai Luan ca bgn (a mht) + get one down: lam cho ai bubn cn, Khia cho ai bub chin Vidy: On Tet vacation I usualy return to Hue to enjoy the family- ‘reunion atmosphere but the rin in this city really gots me down. (Vao dip Té, toi lun vb Hut d€ thudng thie ot tht A dotn gia dine nkuong macs than pb ny hues se ‘cho 16 bud chin) 4 Al tép sing dung For each of the sentences below write @ new sentence with a similar meaning. Substitute the words in ilies with the word in CAPITAL LETTERS plus one of the verbs in the bos. (Vou may ‘need to use some of them more than once) __ ale igre hare at ‘gt; go; keep; make; put take; call 0 1 She was so beautifil that I count stop looking at her EYES a BDAI2 Winning that prize has made him very conceited. Hap 7 3 When he was child he loved damanting thing «0b og gy worked PIECES 4. Ido wish you'd stop biting your nals, Brian! It really annoys me NERVES 5. Banglish people in general don't like complaining in publie Fuss 6. Could you guard my handbag for me while I go to the toilet? EYE 7. She's not really upset; she's only pretending. 8. We're moving to Bristol next week but we promise to slay in « with you 8. You made an embarrassing mistake when you asked him where wife was, Didn't you realise she was dead? 10.1 ate the winter - it realy depreses me. 11 Tt was hard not o start laughing when she started to sing. 16. Telephone me if you feel like going out for & meal one day next wick RING 17, That wasn’t what I meant at all! You've completely misuaderstocd me as sal! stick 18. There's no need for us to hurry; the play doesnt start until 7.30; TIME 19. The fact that the President had been a drug addict was not revealed until several years after his death . Ligut 20. may not come first in the rage, but I ry as hard as Team not to come lst a‘ BEST 21. My husband is obsessed with football; ts the only thing he over thinks shout BRAIN 22, Weir onganising a going-away party for Sue on Saturday. But dont tell her as is supposed to bea surprise. eo QUIET 28. 1¢ things go wrong, James, whatover you do, don’ pani. ve HBAD 24, More than 1,000 runners participated in this year's Manchester marathon. 25, The way he took everything she did for granted really annoyed her i BACK 26, The personnel officer promised him that she woulda' tell anyone that ‘head boon in prison. \ wor 21, gt ho ised mach chr een work an epee ‘ en wear ‘BDAIZ » 28, 1you dot like the iden then just say 0. Believe You shoud elgg speak frankly a SPADE 29, My fathers going tobe rely angry when be finds ou that gg the car keys Wau, ng to annoy yoy. NOTICE | 90, Dont pay any attention to what he says; he is only try ©. Ce tir ay (Aliterative Expressions) Cae thank ngit Uap am ddu hay tit lay thuting dutge a trong tha ca (Vd: borne on the swollen, swaying, eoishing teu, ede miu quing cdo (Vad: ‘Buy Brown's Best British Biscuits) ‘ic tigu dé bao cht (a Fighting Football Fans Race Fines) vs trong mpt 26 cau néi thing tue + sifraf n) lbehaved people ofthe lowest social class; the rable» 1 din mat + ops avy (ad in Fito a state of disorder confusion > 6 te tinh trang hin loan + ship-shape (adn goad order: tidy-» gon ghng,ngin ap + singsong(n: infomal oecasion when a group of people sing ans logether ~ dip hat tap thé + mishmash (ns conisedmintue-» mo bn bn + chit-chat ni: chat gossip cute tn gd, n6ichuyea phiém + fat race (n) fiercely competitive srugele, especially to keep sition n work or if > eae tanh dank quy it + scb-story(n: try intended to arouse sympathy or sadness ia listener reader ->ehuyea thang tim + cxeepy-crawlyin: insect, spider, el. thought of as. unpleasan Aighening > lot sau bo gm gige + wishy-washy lad: weak ot feble in color, characteristics, 4 abt, yu, khong. + flipslop(n: type of open sandals witha strap that goes between the big toe and the next oe -» dép Nat + plter-pater in: pit a pat tapping » ing lop bop + itl-tate (sly or val alls petty gossip -»ehuyén phim + shillyshally(v: be unable to make up one’s mind be undecided; hesitate > do dy, at qt + hothead (nl: person who often acts too hastily or rahly impetuous Person > ngut nog ni, hung hang + brickbat (nl: rude or derogatory remark: insult + Ii bi teh ng nb; se pha + zigzag (go ina zigzag» chuyén dng theo dog zigzag. + tl ale ad: revealing or indicating -+ 8 1p ‘¢ BAL tap ding dung Fill in the blank of each of the following sentences with a suitable alliterative expression 1. Tired of the ceaseless pressure of the competitive businass word, he decided to leave the tnd take over «small newsagents shop in the country. 2. A politician must be strong enough to withstand the constantly directed at him by the media. 8, Ho's a serious, rather cold man. He likes to get to the point straightaway in conversation and not waste time in idle 4, like to se everything neat and tidy, everything in is place ke to ep everything. oi 5. Michael Wilson's latest play is @ confusing mixture, It is neither a comedy, a serous work nor a musical, but a of all. three. {6 A company’s annual report must be clearly written and contain only the neotstary fact. A report which is vague and Bela ‘vee and makes a bad impression, 1. Theard the ‘of rain on the window panes. Boaz a 8 It’s too steep to climb straight up the side of the hill. Most peogig to:make it easier | 3. He tried to get money from me ky telling @ a | losing his job and being ill, but I didn't believe him. 10, If little Louise sees a beetle or a spider, she screams, “Ther 11. To keep our spirits up on the long journey we had a 12. fare cheap, open sandals, each consisting of g rubber sole and a strap between the toes. 19, He wants to be slimmer, so he's become a strict diet U4.He’s a very calm, moderate person, but his brother ig q ‘whois liebe to get very upset and even violent one political matters 15.0h, I don't believe those stories they tell about him. Theye just 16, The cub I belong to every exclusive he and ancbishly, ‘They eal sccept upper-lass people, not ordinary, vulgar 11 He dooied any" involvement in the murder, but police Gaal ‘races of blood on his lathing 18, In the morning he found the whole office realised it had been burgled. He's D. Cée thinh nga si dung ede vehi dong vot + cas eyes (anyone of a line of electing stds marking the edge of a road as a guide to traffic when it is dark + mée phan ‘bo ranh gi dvdng vio ban dm + birds eye view (nl: general view fom a high poston looking dm ahi bao gust, fi nhin bao qual + sag party (n: party for men only, especially one for a man jst te sma i ecient mf eh 9 + dog-eared (ad): (of a book) having the comers of mam don th +o) ue ge + bookworrm in: person who i very fond of reading -» mot sich + frog in my threat (na temporary lots or hoarseness ofthe woice > eu mat ting, ay te ting + dog: collar nk tif white collar worn by a clergyman -> 6 én trdng (cia do tu si) + fly on the wall (n: hidden or unnoticed observer -> ngubi quan sit su mat, Ki: theo di dtu mat + PUPpy ft (ni: fatness, especially of a female, child or dolescent, which Aisappears as the child grows up -» s¥ map d,s béo phi 6 te6 em + underdog (nk person who is considered the poorest, weakest, the probable loser in a competition -» ng yu thé, ng 3 thé yu + wild goose chase In: foolish or hopeless search,e, for something of Someone that does not exist or can only be found elsewhere > at et ‘ng tim Kigim vo ich + monkey abowaround (v: behave ina foolish mischievous way + da sgh, 1am trd ++hound pursue somebody relentlessly and energetically especialy in ‘order to obtain something), harass theo, him, quay ry + wol-whistl a: whisting sound made by a man to show that he finds oman sexually atractive > ting hut 6 thd tue dé dm chi rig st ngubi phy nu hap dn v8 thé xe + pigeon-hole(n: any one fa set of small opened boxes, especialy ina desk, for keeping papers in, or xed oma al or messages, ltrs, ee > he gy #6, ngan 46 gly wy ++ foxivs deceive + dam ha + dog flow sean closely and persistent > theo stg, do bm ++ ram (crash agaist something: strike or push something with peat force ting manh, dy manh, + worm something out obtar ‘uningly > mei tin ++ duck (vz move (especially one’s head) down quickly wo avoid being seen orhit-> hup du xuing (86 trénh don hay Kh bi nin chi) formation fom somebody) slowly and ‘aDAIe 2% J used in medical or other ex + guinea pig (n: person or animal us nay > neti wit thf nghiém + baie (pester smebody, nag somebody persistently > ng rheo + Bal tap dng dung Fill in the blank of each of the following sentences @ suit phrase. | 1. He's always reading, Hell read anything. He's a real 2. He's a very informal priest. He rarely wears @ 3 Little Johnnie's parents were worried that he was very bi, bit dy doctor told them not to worry as it was only 4. He was elected President a8 a man of peace and moderation, bu whe he began a reign of terror, people realised he was a 5. Some girls appreciate ‘but others are embarae by them. 6. It’s hard work - not much money, no time to enjoy yourself. I 4 1. Sony Tan invite you, Mary sid Petr, bat its a Most people want the weaker side to win for a change. It huma ‘nature to support the «nn 9. L went all over the place trying to get what I wanted but I had at suceess at al. It was a 10.Ater a book has been used a lot, it tends to gt # ® 11 T Boe 10 Be 8 oon leaders meet for a private talk. 12, From that mountain youll got « lake, 14. Twas ones a nig. 15, Can I have a glass of water? ve got 16. In offices and hotels, letters are often placed in little, open-ended compartments called labelled with the eters ofthe alphabet 7. The thief in the stolen car refused to stop so the polie were forced to ‘it with their own ea, 18. This machine is complicated end dangerous so don't about with it 19. The children their father to buy them a dog until he finally gave in and dio. 20, He complained that because of his polit by the press 21, To avoid being seen he down behind the hedge 22, He trod to avoid telling me but after half an hour I managed to ‘the truth out of him, 25, He managed to his pursuers by changing cars three times and then escaping in disguise. 24, All through her life she was by misfortune beliefs he had been he thin mit of ng ok it hi mae vb thd Bn $s th ey dca apr Gee St 1 tf pen ro eel Gp Hs -7 hl Hn ‘long ngéng, hay lam roi a6 dae snd sap pr pe ac x ahr by oer remit iy erp > mt ag ae 6 geval cng wah $i bcm pr py th Ss Opal ation =e 1 Bema te rns err» Rte gto 1 bt heb ung vit wag» ot ne SIEVal a een eye nce, epecily Beas cnr» a 18 1 «fst Ie rdincs posed ah) gtr» mh, hn Sicahcote : 2% to have skill in gardening -> 6 bit | + to have green fingers: Li Lam agg | 2 green bet area of open land around a city where bulng a | controled > van ai xanh Bi «bu eyed boy, a peso having prospect > new ob tra vong {a whitecllar jobs an ofce jo, oot a manual One > cg vie yy hong 4 | + as flat sa pancake: completely at -> rt png + ot potato: person or thing of no great importance oF Yahi > agg bbe vt v0 gi te} sa white lie: harmless or tv, expecially one tld inorder ay hurting somebody -> Ii ni i vo hai 68 teh Jam Wa hg 6) + toe colored spectacles: being oo optimistically -> qué Ine qua. ‘10 3c edt become very angry -» ni rn 1 in ‘piece of cake thing that i very easy -> chun dB ++ vegetable: person who has a dll monotonous life -> ng eb ‘s6ng bubn té, ngui c6 cube s6ng té nhet +n lack and white: in wrtng orn prin -> rin gly ting gan + in the red: have more ails than assets; coe money > nae ching chat, mac ng nhiéu + fl of beans: having fot of energy and vitality -» dy seating ‘sinh lye om + the creams the bes pat of somthing > ph tnt, 9 at + red tape: excessive bureaucracy, especialy in public business -> ‘quan it, quan iba +10 cach emeone red-handed to dscover somebody in the act something wrong or commiting crime» bt tai tr, bit + in a jam: in difficult or embarrassing situation —» ‘tinh ae ng Suan > byt trong ih + sour grapes: (saying sid when somebody pretends that Cant hv ol ne epee) e ‘44ng nhung trem thy 4 18 khong i kha ning dé dat 4000 + red-carpet treatment: a special welcome fran impostant visitor > cube don tip trang trong +a. red herring: fact, argument, ec that leads attention away from the mater being considered > du lan man, ne dé + 88 cool asa cucumber: very calm and contlled, expecially in dificult circumstances > rt bah tinh + as warm as toast: very warm, pleasantly warm -» rt dim + as two peas ina po: virally identical > gidog aba nb die, ding naw nb hai gipt nade + ke water: in peat quantity; lavishly or rechessy + +s BA tap ding dung Fill in the blank of cach of the following sentences a suitable phrase 1 The offer ofa job sounded very good on the phone but I shan’ believe fell The it. 2. I must remind you that this is a non-smoking office. I suspect that some of you have been smoking. ICT happen tm afrid it will mean dismissal. 8. To import firearms into Britain youll have to Glin a lot of forms. ‘Theres wot of x 4. If you want to be a successful gardener, of course youve got 5. The rest of the family were respectable, honest people but he was always in trouble. I'm afraid ho was. ie 6. When I saw him in anew sports ear, was 1 Touiats ten go to the Louvre tt mont Parisians only #0 ing 8. The fim is sev» ewes at of money. 4 1 hd lst touch with Jack, and then one night he arrived at my Nat Fight ooo What suprise! 10, Naturally the Presidents wife recived on ber visit. 1. He said he didn want to have. ‘and sit in an fice all day. a" ‘BDAIZ round the city there i of open county whan building isrestrcted. 18. She loves animals and tends being badly treated, 14. He told to avoid hurting his wife's feelings, 15. Everyone thinks hell be Director of the firm one day. He's thy when she sees ong 16, Be realistic. You can't go through life looking at the world throw 17. In class pupils sometimes introduce the teacher from his subject 18. Throw it to me! Oh, Fve dropped it Tam au 19. I said Td pay him today, but my money'¢ in the bank and is jut dosed. Now I'm 20, Youll have to offer her a high salary for an easy job. An experienced editor like her woulda do the jo £08 on 4 21, He never wants to do anything intresting. He jot ste road al day. Hes a bit of 22.11 be cold and wet in the mountain. And well bave baer | rucksacks to carry. It be. ee 2, That firm only employs the very best graduates. ‘They only — to distract 24. I think people who help the old, sick and homeless 25. He's @ bit tired and lifeless now, but after a nap hell 26. She now says she didnt rally want the jb that she failed to ge, think it's just 27, That's crany idea of hers. She MUSE Be enn 28, She likes literature and classical musi. Discotheques are not 29. The exam was very eay, It was. 31. She was very embarrased. She went as red as a 32,No, we aren't cold. Your fla’ very warm, We're as warm a6 38, There are no hills or slopes for miles arwund, I's ax Mat as a 4. They're identical twins, as ike as 85. As soon as his fare employers heard he had a criminal record, they roped him like a 36. That singer's new record is in great demand. Its 3 ing. Whe S37. In the rush-hour buses, people are packed like 88, She's very extravagant. She spends money like al cine ae tra aaa ase aig ase at chai ob ¥ mghia gi ci.) dg tates ekg oc ih ra Be perabirterm area abel niratealecpi iret Perit ating Seipl scele ten a ne atest ue Gian iuam nonce ae Spel ca hdres hepa ening aerate ac haitene et namie awe Deer aescsi ag ws ne ane cio ‘ngogi pham ciia Helen dudgc chi gai mink chitng the.) Oe eee nc soe ens ee oe a ee vans tas on te a speanepeprenetamttie pecs ig no daria comes BDAL2 sea a won tH agg hy broke uP 3.00 am. (Baa tige 3.00 80 ng » ing) 2 Vi dy: The party Sina cng cng Ret thie ie 3 5 ng mec cme ttopyen +197 Vio: The ers was broght about by Brenda's resignation ing ning do dite Bren che a) a «+ bring of sicceed in doing someting at de, ch eng Vid: The team teed for years to win the competition and) finally brought it off. (D4: Bing nd Wve nhieu name thing dupe ee thi vt cueing ho cng dat ye didi 4: Bring on: cause the onset ofan illness» gy én, lam phat Vid: Siting Vr dy You have brought thi ntupon yourself Bon ty cho bn than minh ri.) + Bring rund inuence someone to your pont of view > ‘thay i ign theo qua dim ea minh Vid: ARer tach dssusion, brought the committe int of view. Sau mt hd to lun 16: Lam ‘hay 465 hia theo quan dém ca 0.) + ing up: mention +n ra, 8 cp dn Vi du: I feel T ought to bring up another small matter. ‘thay ti nn bcp dn mbt win dB nd nita) +Callup: mobilise or military service > dag vi nh N60 dy: Mark was called up when the war broke ou. ( dong vitn nhép nga khi euje chin nd ra.) 3 + Camy of complete sucesuly «perhaps despite a prob ‘han 5 on hin mu ae Viet Sane bad dat role pay, bt she carid it off ane én mt va dim rit bho nhung cO da hon thank sud sde tal dfn nty) + Cony ut complete a plan» tye hit, hota mts oe Vi dy The attack was succsstully carried out. (Cufe tn cng dhy tgs hank mgt cick thank cng) + Catch on: become fapulr (colloquial) > tr thin mt, dae vx chub dag rong ng inh tng We) Vy Tis new hai tle i egining to catch on Rite mo nay dang bt dt thank mot) Come abot: happen» imran Vd: Lat me explain how the sitnton came about. By af tb {i tinh hung lb ra nhc th nd) ++ Come dowa bein the en a mater of» rene aw ab 7 tal comes down to whether you ae prepared to accept less money. (at cage dn db 1 it ban chat i chp kan tin ho hay hing) + Come infor: eeive especialy ccs, blame -» abn (ge bgt 1a ch rch hey hug phn) Vi dyThe government has eome infra at oferta over the lecsion. (Chink ph chi nhidw ci trich 8 ut dink di.) + Come otk place sucesily-» dim ra dep, dita ram ch hah cong Viv: Ym afraid that dea didn come off afer all. a ering rt cute oy vite ds Ahong dién ra mt ech tt dep) ‘Come ou appear a 16 r,t ign VF dy Al the flowers have come ou. (Td nhang da how dba a nd rit) ‘When the news came ot, everyone was shocked (Ki tin 6 1p ramp ng ds ang to) My photos didn come out very well. (Méy be dh ce to ‘khong dep ti nao ci.) + Come up cc - sally a problem (clog) > my sia, xy ra (on (hg dng tong ec ng cin thong tue) a

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