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Future Diaries and The world as We know it

Erik Joel Arriaga Aguilar

Future Diaries is a manga based on two characters that fight people, space, time, and God to

be together. This manga has made me think about life because it’s very interesting in how they

used the characters and God in the story. The God in that iteration of reality is dying. This relates

to society in a way because what would a world without a God be look like and how would this

society be different if everyone was religious or if no one was. Would anything really change.?

Life can somewhat relate to Future Diaries in a way because in future Diaries when Yukiteru

lost the love of his life and became God he then did nothing but long for his lost lover for ten

thousand years, so for ten thousand years he did nothing as the God and in the 21st century we

hear how people like Jesus walked on water and did miracles but now you don’t see or hear

about people doing miracles . Future diaries relates to society because the things that go on in

the manga and the concepts and theories that they use in the manga. One of the theories that they

use is the multiple universe theory, they use this concept from the beginning of the story all the

way through to the end. That theory relates to society because some people see this as something

that is plausible and are interested in how forms of writing can come up with something

conceptualized around that theory. The fact that some scientist think that “everything that can

happen will happen” and that is of interest to people is because it's something different and the

way that stories can use it lets them come up with multiple stories with many endings without

having to let a single reader down at the end. With the multiple universe theory, Yuno, winner of

the games in the first iteration of reality, couldn't be with Yukiteru because he is dead in the first

iteration so as God she makes a new iteration where the games have just began. She then joins
the world in which her love Yukiteru is still alive ,but she is also a person of that world as well

,so before everything begins she kills the Yuno of the the second iteration. Fans of love stories

might like Future Diaries because normal authors tend to be played out they all tend to be in very

similar in format and the stories tend to end pretty much the same as. The story might change the

way people see a few things like sometimes when people make a decision they might not worry

about it too much because if the multiple universe theory is true then it doesn't matter what

choice they make because some version of them made the other choice so they don't worry about

it. Future Diaries main characters both relate to high schoolers because just like the characters

from Future Diaries our lives are on our phones, it's just that the way our lives are on our phones

is different. Students may keep their lives in their phones in a way all the things that they need to

do are on their phones their schedule, pastimes, alarms, notes, relationships. The characters in the

manga have their lives on there phones in another way. They hold their lives in their phones in

the shape of a diary they hold everything they see in their phone so it's a little more literal than a

student on a phone but it's similar. In future diaries the characters don't accept that they can't be

together in their iteration that so they kept at it they kept fighting for each other ,until they could

be together. This relates to people because as a person you shouldn't judge a book by its cover or

just accepting what people tell them. Society might like that they stand for what they want as

people and will be willing to defy space and time to do it.

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