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How much force acts on the hip during two-legged standing, given that the joint

supports 250 N of body weight and the abductor muscles are producing 600 N of


How much force acts on the patellofemoral joint when the quadriceps exerts 300 N of
tension and the angle between the quadriceps and the patellar tendon is (a) 160° and
(b) 90°?


How much forces must be produced by the brachioradialis and biceps (F m) to maintain
the 15 N forearm and hand in the position shown below, given moment arms of 5 cm for
the muscles and 15 cm for the forearm/hand weight? What is the magnitude of the joint
reaction force?
What is net muscle moment needed to accelerate the forearm at 20 rad/s 2 about the
(I=0.06kg*m2, Fw=15N, Rw=0.2m)

How much tension (Fm) must be developed by the erector spine with a moment arm of
6 cm from the L5-S1 joint center to maintain the body in a lifting position with segment
moment arms as specified? (Segment weights are approximated for a 600 N (135 lb)

Segment WT Moment arm

Head 50 N 22 cm
Trunk 280 N 12 cm
Arms 65 N 25 cm
Box 100 N 42 cm
Fm ? 6 cm

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