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Chapter 90. ResidentialLandloidandTenant
91. Tenancy .
92. SubdivisionsandPartitions
93. ConveyancingandRecording
94. RealPropertyDevelopment
95. FraudulentTransfersandConveyances
96. Line and Partition Fences
?!. RiShtsandDutiesRelatingtoCemeteries,HumanBodiesandAnatomicalGifts
f. VehicleTowing
99. Property Removed byHighWater
100. Condominiums
101. Continuing Care Retirement Communities
105. Property Rights


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90. 100 Definitions

90. 105 Short title

90. 110 ExclusionsfromappHcation ofthischapter

90. 113 AdditionalexclusionfromappUcationofchapter
90. 115 Territorialapplication

90. 120 AppBcabmtyofotherstatutoiyKen,tenancyandrentprovisions;applicabiUlyofORS90. 100to90.465and90.505to90.850

90. 125 Administration ofremedies; enforcement
90. 130 Obligationofgoodfaith
90. 135 UnconscionabUity

90. 140 Typesofpaymentslandlordmayrequireoraccept;writtenevidenceofpayment

90.145 Tenantorapplicantwhoconductsrepairs,routinemaintenaiiceorclearingservicesnotemployeeoflandlord;restrictions
90. 147 Delivery ofpossession

90. 148 Landlordactsthatiniplyacceptanceoftenantabandonmentorrelinquishmentofrighttooccupy


90. 150 Service ordelivery ofactual notice

90. 155 ServiceordeUveryofwrittennotice

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90. 160 Calculation of notice periods


90. 220 Terms and conditions ofrental agreement; smoking policy; rent obligation andpayment

90. 222 Renter's liabUity insurance

90. 228 Notice of location in 100-year flood plain

90.230 Rentalagreementsfor occupancyofrecreationalvehicleinpark; remedyfornoncompliance; exception

90.243 Qualificationsfordrugand alcoholfree housing;"programofrecovery" defined

90. 245 Prohibited provisions in rental agreements; remedy

90. 250 Receipt of rent without obligation to maintain premises prohibited

90. 255 Attorney fees

90.260 Laterent payment charge or fee; restrictions; calculation

90.262 Useandoccupancymles andregulations;adoption; enforceability;restrictions

90. 263 Vehicle tags

90.265 Interestin alternative energydeviceinstalledby tenant


90. 275 Temporary occupancy agreement; terms and conditions


90.295 Applicant screeningcharge;limitations;noticeupondenialoftenancy;refund;remedy

90.297 Prohibitiononchargingdepositorfeeto enterrentalagreement;exceptions;depositallowedfor securingexecutionofrentalagreement;


90. 300 Security deposits; prepaid rent

90. 302 Fees allowed for certain landlord expenses; accounting not required; fees for noncompliance with written mles; tenant remedies


90. 303 Evaluation of applicant

90. 304 Statement of reasons for denial; remedy for noncompliance

90.305 Disclosureofcertainmatters; retentionofrental agreement; inspectionofagreement

90.310 Disclosureoflegalproceedings;tenantremediesfor failureto disclose; liabUityofmanager

90. 315 Utility or service payments; additional charges; responsibility for utility or service; remedies

90.316 Carbonmonoxide alarm

90. 317 Repair or replacement ofcarbon monoxide alami

90. 318 Criteria for landlord provision of certain recycling services

90. 320 Landlord to maintain premises in habitable condition; agreement with tenant to maintain premises

90. 322 Landlord or agent access to premises; remedies


90. 325 Tenant duties

90. 340 Occupancy of premises as dwelling unit only; notice of tenant absence

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90. 360 Effect oflandlord noncompliance with rental agreement or obUgadon to maintain premises; generally

90.365 Failureoflandlordto supply essentialservices;remedies

90.367 Applicationofsecuritydepositorprepaidrentafternoticeofforeclosure;temiinationoffucedtenntenancyafternotice
90. 368 Repair ofminor habitability defect

90. 370 Tenant counterclaims in action by landlord for possession or rent

90. 3 75 Effect of unlawful ouster or exclusion: willful diminution of services

90. 380 Effect ofrental ofdwelling in violation ofbuilding or housing codes; remedy

90.385 Retaliatory conductbylandlord;tenantremediesanddefenses;actionforpossessionin certaincases

90. 390 Discrimination against tenant or applicant; tenant defense


90.392 Terminationofrental agreementby landlordfor cause;tenantright to cure violation

90. 3 94 Temiination of rental agreement for failure to pay rent

90. 396 Acts or omissions justifying tennination 24 hours after notice

90.398 Tenninationofrental agreementfordmgoralcoholviolations

90. 401 Remedies avaUable to landlord

90.403 Takingpossessionofpremisesfromunauthorizedpossessor

90. 405 Effect of tenant keeping unpemiitted pet

90. 410 Effect of tenant failure to give notice of absence; absence; abandomnent

90.412 Waiver oftermination of tenancy

90. 414 Acts not constituting waiver of termination oftenancy; delivery ofrent refund

90.417 Dutyto payrent; effect ofacceptanceofpartialrent

90. 420 Enforceabflity of landlord liens; distraint for rent abolished

90.425 Dispositionofpersonalpropertyabandonedbytenant;notice;sale;limitationonlandlordliability;taxcancellation;storageagreements;
hazardous property

90. 427 Termination of periodic tenancies; landlord remedies for tenant holdover

90.429 Tenninationoftenancy forcertainrented spacesnot coveredby ORS90.505 to 90.850

90.430 Claimsforpossession,rent, damagesafterterminationofrentalagreement

90. 435 Limitation on recovery ofpossession ofpremises

90.440 Temiinationoftenancyingrouprecovery home; recoveryofpossession;damages


90. 445 Termination of tenant committing criminal act ofphysical violence

90.449 Landlorddiscriminationagainstvictim; exception; tenant defensesandremedies

90.453 Terminationby tenant whois victimofdomestic violence, sexualassaultor stalking; verificationstatement

90.456 Othertenants remainingindwellingunit followingtenant termination or exclusion dueto domestic violence, sexualassault orstalking
90.459 Change oflocks at request oftenant who is victim ofdomesdc violence, sexual assault or stalking

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90.460 Alternate exit from bedroom required; tenant right to recover for landlord noncompliance

90.465 Rightofcity to recoverfromownerfor costsofrelocatingtenantdueto condemnation;defense

90.472 Temiinationby tenantcalledinto active stateserviceby Governor

90.475 Terminationbytenantdueto servicewithArmedForcesorcommissionedcorpsofNationalOceanicandAtmosphericAdministradon

90.485 Restrictionsonlandlordremovalofvehicle; exceptions

90.490 Prohibitedactsin anticipationofnoticeofconversionto condominium;danaages

90.493 Prohibitedactsfollowingnoticeofconversionto condominium;damages


(General Provisions)

90.505 Definitionfor ORS90.505 to 90.850; applicationofstatutes

90. 510 Statement ofpolicy; rental agreement; rules and regulations; remedies

90.512 Definitionsfor ORS90.514 and 90.518

90.514 Disclosure to prospective tenant ofimprovements required under rental agreement

90.516 Model statementfor disclosureofimprovementsrequiredunderrentalagreement;rules

90.518 Providerstatementofestimatedcost ofimprovements

90. 525 Unreasonable conditions of rental or occupancy prohibited

90. 528 Use of common areas or facilities

90. 530 Pets in facilities; rental agreements; violations

90.531 Defimtions for ORS90. 531 to 90. 539

90. 532 BiUmgmethods for utility or service charges; system maintenance; restriction on charging for water

90. 533 Conversion ofbiUing method for garbage collection and disposal

90. 534 Allocated charges for utility or service provided directly to space or common area

90. 535 Addidonal charge for cable, satellite or Internet services

90. 536 Charges for utilities or services measured by submeter

90. 537 Conversion of billing method forutility or service charges

90.538 Tenantinspectionofutility billingrecords

90. 539 Entry to read submeter

90.541 Legislativefindings

90.543 Utility orservicechargebillingforlargemanufactureddwellingparks;waterconservation;tenantremedy

90. 545 Fixedterm tenancy expiration; renewal orextension; newrental agreements; tenant refusal ofnewrental agreement; written storage
agreement upon termination of tenancy

90. 550 Permissible forms of tenancy; minunum fixed temi

90. 555 Subleasing agreements

(Landlord and Tenant Relations)

90. 600 Increases in rent; notice; meeting with tenants; effect of failure to meet

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90. 605 Persons authorized to receive notice and demands on landlord's behalf; written notice to change designated person

90.610 Informal dispute resolution; notice ofproposed change in rule or regulation; objection to change by tenant

90. 620 Termination by tenant; notice to landlord

90.630 Terminationby landlord; causes;notice; cure; repeatednonpaymentofrent

90.632 Terminationoftenancyduetophysicalconditionofmanufactureddwellingorfloatinghome;correctionofconditionbytenant
90. 634 Prohibition against lien for rent; action for possession; disposition of dwelling or home; disposition of goods

90.643 Conversionofmanufactureddwellingparkto plannedcommunitysubdivisionofmanufactureddwellings

90.645 Closureofmanufactureddwellingpark; notices;paymentsto tenants

90.650 Noticeoftaxprovisionsto tenantsofclosingmanufactureddwellingpark; rules

90. 655 Park closure nodce to nontenants; report oftenant reactions

90.660 Localregulationofpark closures

90. 671 Closure of marina; notices; payments to tenants; roles


90.675 Dispositionofmanufactureddwellingorfloatinghomeleftinfacility;notice;sale;limitationonlandlordliability;taxcancellation;storage
agreements; hazardous property

90. 680 Sale ofdwelling or home on rented space; consignment sales; duties and rights of seller, prospective purchaser and landlord


90.710 Causes of action; limit on cause of actionoftenant

90. 720 Action to enjoin violation of ORS 90. 750 or 90. 755

(Landlord Rights and Obligations)

90. 725 Landlord or agent access to rented space; remedies

90. 727 Maintenance of trees in rented spaces

90.730 Landlorddutyto maintamrented space,vacantspacesandcommonareasinhabitablecondition

90. 732 Landlord registration; registration fee

90. 734 Manager or owner continuing education requn-ements

90. 736 Civil penalties

90.738 Enforcementofregistrationandeducationrequirements; advisorycommittee; rules

(Tenant Rights and Obligations)

90.740 Tenant obligations

90. 750 Right to assemble or canvass in facility; limitations

90.755 Rightto speakonpolitical issues;limitations;placementofpolitical signs

90. 765 Prohibitions on retaUatory conduct by landlord

90.771 Confidentialityofinformationregardingdisputes

90. 775 Rules

(Facility PurchasePolicy)

90.800 Policy

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(Marina Purchase by Tenants)

90. 805 Notice to tenants' association when marina becomes subject to listing agreement

90. 810 Association notification ofpossible sale of marina

90. 815 Incorporation ofmarina purchase association

90. 820 Marina purchase by tenants' association; notice; procedures; exceptions

90. 830 Marina owner affidavit of compliance with procedures

(Manufactured Dwelling Park Purchase by Tenants)

90. 840 Park purchase funds, loans

90.842 Noticeofsaleofmanufactureddwellingpark; contents; formationoftenantscommittee forpurchasmgpark

90.844 Proceduresforpurchaseofmanufactureddwellingparkby tenants; financialinformation;deadlines

90. 846 Parties to manufactured dwelling park sale to act in commercially reasonable manner; negotiations with nontenant purchasers permitted;
remedies for violations

90. 848 Exceptions to requirements for sale or transfer ofmanufactured dwelling park

90.850 Owneraffidavitcertifyingcoinpliancewithrequirementsfor sale ofpark; relianceofpartieson affidavit

(Dealer Sales of Manufactured Dwellings)

90.860 Definitionsfor ORS90. 865 to 90. 875

90. 865 Dealer notice of rent payments and financing

90. 870 Manner of giving notice; persons entitled to notice.

90.875 Remedy for failureto givenotice


90. 100 Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Accessory building or structure" means any portable, demountable or pennanent stmcture, including but not limited to cabanas, ramadas,
storage sheds, garages, awnings, carports, decks, steps, ramps, piers and pilings, that is:
(a) Owned and used solely by a tenant of a manufactured dwelling or floating home; or
(b) Provided pursuant to a written rental agreement for the sole use ofandmaintenance by a tenant of a manufactured dwelling or floating home.
(2) "Action" includes recoupment, counterclaim, setofif, suit in equity and any other proceeding in which rights are determined, mcluding an action
for possession.
(3) "Applicant screening charge" means any payment ofmoney required by a landlord of an applicant prior to entering into a rental agreement
with that applicant for a residential dwelling unit, the purpose ofwhich is to pay the cost ofprocessing an application for a rental agreement for a
residential dwelling unit.
(4) "Bufldingandhousingcodes"includesanylaw, ordinanceor governmentalregulationconcerningfitness for habitation,or the constmction,
maintenance, operation, occupancy, use or appearance of any premises or dwelling unit.
(5) "Carbon monoxide alami" has the meaning given that tenn in ORS 105. 836.
(6) "Carbon monoxide source" has the meaning given that term in ORS 105. 836.
(7) "Conduct" means the commission of an act or .the failure to act.
(8) "DBH" means the diameter at breast height, which ismeasured asthe width of a standing tree at four and one-half feet above the ground on
the uphill side.
(9) "Dealer"meansanypersoninthebusinessofselling,leasingordistributingneworusedmanufactureddwellingsor floatinghomestopersons
who purchase or lease a manufactured dwelling or floating home for use as a residence.
(10) "Domestic violence" means:
(a) Abuse between family or household members, as those terms are defined in ORS 107. 705; or
(b) Abuse, as defined in ORS 107. 705, between partners in a dating relationship.
(11) "Dmg and alcohol free housing" means a dwelling unit described in ORS 90. 243.
(12) "Dwelling unit" means a structure or the part of a stmcture that is used as a home, residence or sleeping place by one person who maintains a
household or by two ormore persons whomaintain a common household. "DweUing unit" regarding a person who rents a space for a manufactured
dwellingorrecreationalvehicleor regardinga personwhorentsmooragespacefora floatinghome asdefmedin ORS830.700,but doesnot rent the
home, means the space rented and not the manufactured dwelling, recreational vehicle or floating home itself.
(13) "Essentialservice" means:
(a) Fora tenancynot consistingofrental spacefor a manufactureddwelling,floatinghomeorrecreationalvehicleownedby thetenant andnot
otherwise subject to ORS 90. 505 to 90. 850:
(A) Heat,plumbing,hotandcoldrunningwater,gas,electricity,lightfixtures,locksforexteriordoors,latchesforwindowsandanycooking

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applianceorrelngerator suppliedor requiredto be suppliedby the landlord; and

(B) Any other service or habitability obligation imposed by the rental agreement or ORS 90. 320, the lack or violation of which creates a serious
threatto the tenant'shealth, safety orproperty ormakesthe dwellingunit unfit foroccupancy.
(b) For a tenancy consisting ofrental space for a manufactured dwelling, floating home or recreational vehicle owned by the tenant or that is
otherwise subject to ORS90. 505 to 90. 850:
(A) Sewagedisposal,watersupply, electrical supply and,ifrequiredby applicablelaw, anydrainagesystem; and
(B) Any other service or habitabUity obligation imposed by the rental agreement or ORS 90. 730, the lack or violation of which creates a serious
threatto the tenant'shealth, safetyorproperty ormakestherented spaceunfit for occupancy.
(14) "Facility"means a manufactureddwellingpark or a marina.
(15) "Fee" means a nomefundable payment ofmoney.
(16) "FirstclassmaU"doesnotincludecertifiedorregisteredmail,or anyotherfonnofmaUthatmaydelayorhinderactualdeliveryofmailtothe
(17) "Fbcedtermtenancy"meansa tenancythathasa fbeedtermofexistence,continuingto a specificendingdateandterminatmgonthatdate
without requiring further notice to effect the termination.
(18) "Floating home" has the meaning given that term in ORS 830. 700. "Floating home" includes an accessory building or stmcture.
(19) "Good faith" means honesty in fact in the conduct ofthe transaction concerned.
(20) "Hazard tree" means a tree that:
(a) Is located on a rented space in a manufactured dwelling park;
(b) Measures at least eight inches DBH; and
(c) Isconsidered,byanarboristlicensedasa landscapeconstmctionprofessionalpursuantto ORS671.560andcertifiedbytheInternational
Society ofArboriculture, to pose anunreasonable risk ofcausing serious physical harm or damage to individuals orproperty in the near future.
(21) "Hotel or motel" means "hotel" as that term is defined in ORS 699. 005.
(22) "Informal dispute resolution" means, but is not limited to, consultation between the landlord or landlord's agent and one or more tenants, or
mediation utUizing the services of a third party.
(23) "Landlord" means the owner, lessor or sublessor ofthe dwelling unit or the building or premises ofwhich it is a part. "Landlord" includes a
person who is authorized by the owner, lessor or sublessor to manage the premises or to enter into a rental agreement.
(24) "Landlord'sagent"meansa personwhohasoralorwrittenauthority, eitherexpressorimplied,to act foror onbehalfofa landlord.
(25) "Lastmonth'srentdeposit"meansa type ofsecuritydeposit,howeverdesignated,theprimaryfunctionofwhichisto securethepaymentof
rent for the last month ofthe tenancy.
(26) "Manufactured dwelling" means a residential trailer, a mobile home or a manufactured home as those tenns are defmed in ORS 446. 003.
"Manufactured dweUing" includes an accessory buUding or structure. "Manufactured dwelling" does not include a recreational vehicle.
(27)"Manufactureddwellingpark"meansa placewherefourormoremanufactureddwellingsarelocated,theprimarypurposeofwhichistorent
space or keep space for rent to any person for a charge or fee.
(28) "Marina" means a moorage ofcontiguous dwelling units that may be legally transferred as a single unit and are owned by one person where
four or more floating homes are secured, the primary purpose ofwhich isto rent space or keep space for rent to any person for a charge or fee.
(29)"Marinapurchaseassociation"meansa groupofthreeormoretenantswhoresidein a marinaandhaveorganizedforthepurposeofeventual
(30) "Month-to-month tenancy" means a tenancy that automatically renews and continues for successive monthly periods on the same terms and
conditionsoriginallyagreedto, or asrevisedby the parties,untUtemiinatedby one orbothoftheparties.
(31) "Organization" includes a corporation, government, governmental subdivision or agency, business trust, estate, trust, partnership or
association,two or morepersonshavinga joint orcommoninterest, andany otherlegal orcommercialentity.
(32) "Owner"includesa mortgageeinpossessionandmeansone ormore persons,jointly or severally, in whomisvested:
(a) All or part of the legal title to property; or
(b) All or part of the beneficial ownership and a right to present use and enjoyment of the premises.
(33) "Person" includes an individual or organization.
(34) "Premises" means:
(a) A dwellingunit andthe structure ofwhichit is a pan andfacilitiesandappurtenancestherein;
(b) Grounds, areasandfacilitiesheldout fortheuseoftenantsgenerally orthe useofwhichis promisedto thetenant; and
(c) A facility for manufactured dwellings or floating homes.
(35)"Prepaidrent"meansanypaymentofmoneyto thelandlordfora rentobligationnotyet due.Inaddition,"prepaidrent"meansrentpaidfor a
period extending beyond a termination date.
(36) "Recreational vehicle" has the meaning given that term in ORS 446. 003.
(37) "Rent"meansanypaymenttobemadetothelandlordundertherentalagreement,periodicorotherwise,inexchangefortherightofa tenant
and any permitted pet to occupy a dweUing unit to the exclusion ofothers and to use the premises. "Rent" does not include security deposits, fees or
utffity or service charges as described in ORS 90. 315 (4) and 90. 532.
(38) "Rental agreement" means all agreements, written or oral, andvalidrules andregulations adoptedunder ORS90. 262 or 90. 5 10(6) embodying
the terms and conditions concerning the use and occupancy of a dwelling unit andpremises. "Rental agreement" includes a lease. A rental agreement
shaU be either a week-to-week tenancy, month-to-month tenancy or fixed term tenancy.
(39) "Roomer" means a person occupying a dwelling unit that does not include a toilet and either a bathtub or a shower and a refiigerator, stove
and kitchen, all provided by the landlord, andwhere one or more ofthese facilities are used in common by occupants in the structure.
(40)"Screeningor admissioncriteria"meansa writtenstatementofanyfactorsa landlordconsidersindecidingwhetherto acceptorreject an
applicantandanyqualificationsrequiredfor acceptance."Screeningoradmissioncriteria"includes,butisnotlimitedto,therentalhistory,character
references, pubUc records, criminal records, credit reports, credit references and incomes or resources ofthe applicant.
(41) "Securitydeposit"meansa refundablepayment or depositofmoney, howeverdesignated,the primary functionofwhichis to securethe
performance ofa rental agreementor anypart ofa rental agreement. "Securitydeposit"doesnot include a fee.
(42) "Sexualassault" hasthe meaninggiventhat tenn in ORS 147.450.
(43) "Squatter"meansa personoccupyinga dwellingunitwhoisnotsoentitledundera rentalagreementorwhoisnotauthorizedbythetenantto
occupythat dwellingunit. "Squatter"doesnot include a tenantwhoholdsover as describedin ORS90.427 (7).
(44) "Stalking"meansthe behaviordescribedin ORS163.732.
(45)"Statementofpolicy"meansthe summaryexplanationofinformationandfacilitypoliciesto beprovidedto prospectiveandexistingtenants
under ORS90.510.


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(46) "Surrender" means an agreement, express or implied, as described in ORS 90. 148 between a landlord and tenant to tenninate a rental
agreement that gave the tenant the right to occupy a dwelling unit.
(47) "Tenant":
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) ofthis subsection:
(A)Meansa person,includinga roomer,entitledundera rentalagreementto occupya dwellingunitto the exclusionofothers,includinga dwelling
unit owned,operatedorcontrolledby a publichousingauthority.
(B) Means a minor, as defined and provided for in ORS 109. 697.
(b) ForpurposesofORS90.505to 90.850,meansonlya personwhoownsandoccupiesasa residencea manufactureddwellingora floatinghome
in a facility and persons residing with that tenant under the tenns ofthe rental agreement.
(c) Doesnot mean a guest or temporary occupant.
(48) "Transient lodging" means a room or a suite ofrooms.
(49) "Transient occupancy" means occupancy in transient lodging that has all of the following characteristics:
(a) Occupancy is charged on a daily basis and is not collected more than six days in advance;
(b) The lodging operator provides maid and linen service dafly or every two days aspart ofthe regularly charged cost ofoccupancy; and
(c) The period of occupancy does not exceed 30 days.
(50)"Vacationoccupancy"meansoccupancyina dwellingunit,notincludingtransientoccupancyina hotelormotel,thathasallofthe following
(a) The occupant rents the unit for vacation purposes only, not as a principal residence;
(b) The occupant has a principal residence other than at the unit; and
(c) The period of authorized occupancy does not exceed 45 days.
(51) "Victim" means:
(a) The person against whom an incident related to domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking is perpetrated; or
(b) The parent or guardian ofa minor household member against whom anincident related to domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking is
perpetrated, unless the parent or guardian is the perpetrator.
(52) "Week-to-week tenancy" means a tenancy that has all ofthe following characteristics:
(a) Occupancy is charged on a weekly basis and is payable no less frequently than every seven days;
(b) There is a written rental agreement that defines the landlord's andthe tenant's rights and responsibilities under this chapter; and
(c) There are no fees or security deposits, although the landlord may require the payment of an applicant screening charge, asprovided in ORS
90.295. [Formerly91.705; 1991 c.844§3; 1993c.369§1; 1995c.324§1; 1995c.559§1; 1997c.577 §1; 1999c.676 §§7,7a;2001c.596 §27;2003
c. 378 §8; 2005 c. 22 §57; 2005 c.41 §1; 2005 c. 619 §15; 2007 c. 508 §7; 2007 0. 906 §6; 2009 c. 431 §7; 2009 c. 816 §16; 2011 c.42 §11; 2013 c.294
§14; 2013 c.443 §1;2014c.89 §12]

90. 105 Short title. This chapter shall be known andmay be cited as the "Residential Landlord and Tenant Act. " [Formerly 91. 700]

90. 110Exclusions from application ofthis chapter, ttoless created to avoid the application ofthis chapter, the following arrangements are not
governedby this chapter:
(1)Residenceataninstitution,publicorprivate,ifincidentalto detentionortheprovisionofmedical,geriatric,educational,counseling,religious
or similar service, but not including residence in off-campus nondormitory housing.
(2) Occupancy ofa dweUingunit forno more than90daysby a purchaserprior to the scheduled closingofa real estate saleorby a seUerfollowing
the closing of a sale, in either case aspermitted under the terms of an agreement for sale ofa dwelling unit or the property ofwhichit is a part. The
occupancy by a purchaser or seller described in this subsection may be terminated only pursuant to ORS 91. 130. A tenant who holds but has not
exercised an option to purchase the dwelling unit is not a purchaser for purposes of this subsection.
(3) Occupancy by a member ofa fraternal or social orgamzation in the portion ofa stmcture operated for the benefit ofthe organization.
(4) Transient occupancy in a hotel or motel.
(5) Occupancyby a squatter.
(6) 'Vacationoccupancy.
(7) Occupancy by an employee of a landlord whose right to occupancy is conditional upon employment in and about the premises. However, the
occupancy by an employee as described in this subsection may be terminated only pursuant to ORS 91. 120.
(8) Occupancyby anownerofa condominiumunit ora holderofa proprietary leasein a cooperative.
(9) Occupancy under a rental agreement covering premises used by the occupant primarily for agricultural purposes. [Fonnerly 91. 710; 1993 c. 369
§2; 1997 c. 577 §2; 1999 c.603 §6; 2001 c. 596 §28]

90. 113 Additional exclusion from application of chapter. Residence in a licensed program, facility or home described in ORS 430. 306 to
430. 375, 430. 380, 430. 385, 430. 395, 430. 397 to 430. 401, 430. 405 to 430. 565, 430. 570, 430. 590, 443. 400 to 443. 455, 443. 705 to 443. 825 or 443. 835
is not governed by this chapter. [2007 c. 715 §2; 2009 c. 595 §58]

90.115 Territorial application. This chapter applies to, regulates and detennines rights, obligations and remedies under a rental agreement,
wherever made, for a dwelling unit located within this state. [Fonnerly 91. 715]

90.120Applicabilityofotherstatutorylien,tenancyandrentprovisions;appUcabilityofORS90.100to 90.465and90.505to 90.850.(1)

The provisions ofORS 87. 152 to 87. 212, 91.010 to 91. 110, 91. 130, 91.210 and 91.220 do not apply to the rights and obligations of landlords and
tenants governed by this chapter.
(2) Any provisions ofthis chapter that reasonably apply only to the stmctaire that isused asa home, residence or sleepmg place do not apply to a
but rents the space on whichit is located.
(3) The provisions ofORS 90. 505 to 90. 850 apply only if:
(a) Thetenant ownsthemanufactureddwellingor floatinghome;
(b) The tenant rents the space on which the dwelling or home is located; and
(c) Except as provided in subsection (4) of this section, the space is in a facility.
(4) ORS 90. 512, 90. 514, 90. 516 and 90. 518 apply to a converted rental space as defined in ORS 90. 512 regardless of whether the converted rental
space is in a facility.

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(5) Residential tenancies for recreational vehicles and for manufactured dwellings and floating homes that are not subject to ORS90. 505 to 90. 850
shall be subject to ORS 90. 100 to 90. 465. Tenancies described in this subsection include tenancies for:
(a) A recreational vehicle, located inside or outside of a facility, if the tenant owns or rents the vehicle;
(b)A manufactureddwellingorfloatinghome,locatedinsideoroutsideofa facility,ifthetenantrentsboththedwellingorhomeandthe space;
(c) A manufactureddwellingorfloatinghome,locatedoutsidea facility,ifthetenantownsthedweUingorhomeandrentsthespace.[Formerly
91. 720; 1991 c. 844 §28; 1995 c. 559 §5; 1997 c.577 §2a; 1999 c.676 §8; 2005 c.41 §2]

90.125Administrationofremedies;enforcement(1) Theremediesprovidedbythischaptershallbesoadministeredthatanaggrievedparty
may recover appropriate damages. The aggrieved party has a duty to mitigate damages.
(2) Any right or obligation declared by this chapter is enforceable by action unless the provision declaring it specifies a different and limited effect.

90. 130 Obligation ofgood faith. Bvery duty under this chapter and every act which must be performed as a condition precedent to the exercise of
a right or remedy under this chapter imposes an obligation ofgood faith in its perfomiance or enforcement. [Formerly 91.730]

90. 135 Unconscionability. (1) If the court, as a matter oflaw, fmds:

(a) A rental agreement or any provision thereofwasunconscionable when made, the court may refuse to enforce the agreement, enforce the
remainder ofthe agreement without the unconscionable provision, or limit the application of any unconscionable provision to avoid anunconscionable
result; or
(b) A settlement in which a party waives or agrees to forgo a claim or right under this chapter or under a rental agreement wasunconscionable
when made, the court may refuse to enforce the settlement, enforce the remainder ofthe settlement without the unconscionable provision, or limit the
application of any unconscionable provision to avoid an unconscionable result.
(2) Ifunconscionability isput into issueby a party orby the courtuponitsownmotion theparties shaUbe afforded a reasonable opportmiity to
presentevidenceasto thesetting,purposeandeffectoftherentalagreementorsettlementto aidthecourtinmakingthedetennination.[Formerly

90.140Typesofpaymentslandlordmayrequireor accept;writtenevidenceofpayment (1) A landlordmayrequireoracceptthefollowing

types ofpayments;
(a) Applicant screening charges, pursuant to ORS 90. 295;
(b) Depositsto securethe executionofa rentalagreement,pursuantto ORS90.297;
(c) Security deposits, pursuant to ORS 90. 300;
(d) Fees, pursuant to ORS 90. 302;
(e) Rent, as defined in ORS 90. 100;
(f) Prepaid rent, as defined in ORS 90. 100;
(g) UtiUty or service charges, pursuant to ORS 90. 315 (4), 90. 534 or 90. 536;
(h) Late charges or fees, pursuant to ORS 90. 260; and
(i) Damages,fornoncompliancewitha rentalagreementorORS90.325,underORS90.401 or asprovidedelsewhereinthischapter.
(2) A tenantwhorequests a writingthat evidencesthe tenant'spaymentis entitledto receive that writing&omthe landlordas a conditionfor
makingthe payment. Thewritingmaybe a receipt, statement ofthe tenant's account or other acknowledgment ofthe tenant's payment. Thewriting
must include the amount paid, the dateofpayment andinfomiation identifying the landlord orthe rental property. Ifthetenant makesthepayment by
maU,depositora methodotherthaninpersonandrequeststhewriting,thelandlordshallwithina reasonabletimeprovidethetenantwiththewriting
ina mannerconsistentwithORS90. 150.[1997c.577§4; 1999c.603 §7;2001 c.596 §29;2005c.22 §58;2005c.391 §13;2005c.619§16]
90.145Tenantor applicantwhoconductsrepairs,routinemaintenanceor cleaningservicesnotemployeeoflandlord;restrictions.(1) A
tenantwhooccupiesoranapplicantwhowilloccupya dwellingunit andwhoconductsrepairs,routinemaintenanceorcleamngservicesonthat
dwelling unit in exchange for a reduction in rent pursuant to a written or oral agreement with the landlord is not an employee ofthe landlord.
(2) A tenantoranapplicantdescribedinsubsection(1)ofthissectionmaynotconductelectricalorplumbinginstallation,maintenanceorrepair
unlessproperlyKcensedunderORS479.510to479.945orORSchapter693.Thetenantorapplicantisnotrequiredto obtaina plumbingcontractor
license under ORS 447. 040 to perform work under this section.
(3) Nothinginthissectiondiniinishesthe obMgationsofa landlordto maintainthedwellingunit in a habitableconditionunderORS90.320or
90. 730.
(4) Any electrical orplunbing installation, maintenance orrepairworkperformed by a tenant oranapplicant underthis section mustcomply with
ORS447. 010 to 447. 156 and479. 510to479. 945. [1995 c. 773 §2; 1999 c. 676 §9; 2005 c.758 §6]

90. 147 Delivery of possession. For the purposes ofthis chapter, delivery ofpossession occurs:
(1) Fromthelandlordto thetenant,whenthelandlordgivesactualnoticeto thetenantthatthetenanthastherightundera rentalagreementto
occupy the dwellingunit to the exclusion ofothers. The rightto occupy maybe implied byactions suchasthe landlord's delivery ofthe keys to the
dwelling unit; and
(2) From the tenant to the landlord at the temiination of the tenancy, when:
(a) The tenant gives actual notice to the landlord that the tenant hasrelinquished any right to occupy the dwelling unit to the exclusion ofothers.
Relinquishment ofthe right to occupy may be implied by actions such asthe tenant's return ofthe keys to the dwelling unit;
(b) Aftertheexpirationdateofanoutstandingterminationoftenancynoticeortheendofa termtenancy,thelandlordreasonablybelievesunder
all the circumstancesthatthetenanthasrelinquishedorno longerclaimsthe rightto occupy the dweUingunitto the exclusionofothers; or
(c) The landlord reasonably knows ofthe tenant's abandonment ofthe dwelling unit. [1995 c. 559 §9; 1999 c. 603 §8]

90.148Landlordactsthatimply acceptanceoftenantabandonmentor relinquishmentofrightto occupy.Thesurrenderofa dwellingunit

maybeimpliedfromthelandlord'sacceptanceofa tenant'sabandonmentorrelinquishmentoftherightto occupy. Thelandlord'sacceptancemaybe
demonstratedbyactsofthelandlordthatareinconsistentwiththeexistenceofthetenancy.A landlord'sreceiptofthekeysto thedwellingunitor a
landlord'sreasonableefforts to mitigatethe landlord's damagesby attemptingto rent the dwellingunitto a newtenant shallnot constitute acts
inconsistent with the existence ofthe tenancy. Reasonable efforts to mitigate damages include preparing the unit for rental. [1999 c. 603 §2]

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Note: 90. 148 was added to and made a part ofORS chapter 90by legislative action but was not added to any smaller series therein. See Preface to
OregonRevisedStatutesfor furtherexplanation.


90. 150 Service or delivery ofactual notice. Whenthis chapterrequires actualnotice, service or delivery ofthatnotice shallbeexecuted byone
or more of the following methods:
(1) Verbalnoticethatisgivenpersonallytothelandlordortenantorleft onthelandlord'sortenant'stelephoneansweringdevice.
(2) Written notice that is personally delivered to the landlord or tenant, left at the landlord's rental office, sent by facsimile to the landlord's
residenceorrentalofBce orto the tenant'sdwellingunit, or attachedin a securemannerto the mainentrance ofthe landlord'sresidenceortenant's
dwelling unit.
(3) Written notice that is delivered by first class mail to the landlord or tenant. If the notice is mafled, the notice shall be considered served three
days after the date the notice was mailed.
(4) Any othermethod reasonably calculated to achieve actualreceipt ofnodce, asagreedto anddescribed in a written rental agreement. [1995
c. 559 §3; 1997c.577 §5; 1999c. 603 §9; 2003 c. 14 §33]

90.155Serviceor deUveryofwrittennotice.(1) ExceptasprovidedinORS90.300,90.315,90.425 and90.675,wherethischapterrequires

writtennodce, service or delivery ofthat writtennotice shallbe executedby one ormore ofthe followingmethods:
(a) Personal delivery to the landlord or tenant;
(b) First class mail to the landlord or enant; or
(c) Ifa written rental agreement soprovides, bothfirst classmail andattachment to a designated location. In order fora written rental agreement to
provideformailandattachmentserviceofwrittennoticesfromthelandlordto thetenant,theagreementmustalsoprovideforsuchserviceofwritten
notices from the tenant to the landlord. Mail and attachment service of written notices shall be executed as follows:
(A)Forwrittennoticesfromthelandlordtothe^gnQthefirstclassmailnoticecopyshallbeaddressedto thetenantatthe.preimsesandthe
second notice copy shallbe attached in a secure manner to themainentrance to thatportion ofthepremises ofwhichthe tenant haspossession; and
(B) Forwritten notices fromthe tenant to the landlord, the first classmailnotice copy shallbeaddressed to the landlord atanaddressasdesignated
inthewrittenrentalagreementandthesecondnoticecopyshaUbe attachedina securemannertothelandlord'sdesignatedlocation,whichshalfbe
describedwithparticularity in thewrittenrentalagreement,reasonablylocatedinrelationto the tenantandavailableat allhours.
(2)Ifa noticeisservedbymail,theminimumperiodforcomplianceorterminationoftenancy,asappropriate,shaBbeextendedb threedays,and
thenotice shallincludethe extensionin the periodprovided.
(3) A landlord or tenant ma utilize alt ' oti ' her so long asthe alternative method is in addition to one ofthe ervice
methods describedin subsection(1) ofthis section.
(4)Notwithstan mgORS90.510(4), afler30days'writtennotice,a landlordmayunflaterallyamenda rentalagreementfora manufactured
dwellingorfloatinghomethatissubjectto ORS90.505to 90.850toprovideforserviceordeliveryofwrittennoticesbymaflandattachmentservice
asprovided by subsection (l)(c) ofthis section. [Formerly 90. 910; 1997 c. 577 §6; 2001 c.596 §29a; 2015 c. 388 §9]

ORS90. 394, where there arereferences inthischapter toperiods andnoticesbasedon a number ofdays, those daysshallbecalculated by
to periods ornotices basedona number ofhours, thosehours shallbecalculated inconsecudve clock hours, beginningimmediately upon service.
(2)Notwithstandingsubsection(1) ofthissection,for72-houror 144-hournonpaymentnoticesunderORS90.394thatareservedpursuantto ORS
90. 155 (l)(c), the timeperioddescribedin subsection(1) ofthis sectionbeginsat 11:59p.m. the daythenotice isbothmailedandattachedto the
premises. Thetimeperiod shallend72 hoursor 144hours, asthecasemay be, afterthetime startedto nm at 11:59p.m. [Fonneriy 90.402; 1997c. 577
§7; 2005c.391 §14; 2013 c.294 §4; 2015c. 388 §1]


90.220Termsandconditionsofrental agreement;smokingpolicy;rentobligationandpayment (1)A landlordanda tenantmayincludein a

rentalagreementtermsandconditionsnotprohibitedbythischapterorothermle oflawincludingrent, temioftheagreementandotherprovisions
governing the rights and obligations of the parties.
(2) Thetenns ofa fuedtemitenancy, includingthe amountofrent, may notbeunilaterally amendedby the landlordortenant.
(3) The landlordshallprovidethe tenantwitha copy ofanywrittenrentalagreementandall amendmentsandadditionsthereto.
(4) Except asprovided inthis subsection, the rental agreement must include a disclosure ofthe smokingpolicy forthepremises that complies with
ORS479.305.A disclosureofsmokingpolicyisnotrequiredina rentalagreementsubjectto ORS90.505to 90.850forspaceina facilityasdefinedin
ORS 90. 100.
(5) Notwithstanding ORS90.245 (1), theparties to a rental agreement to whichORS90. 100to 90.465 apply may include inthe rental agreement a
provisionfor informaldisputeresolution.
(6) In absence of agreement, the tenant shall pay asrent the fairrental value for the use and occupancy ofthe dwelling unit.
(7) Except as otherwise provided by this chapter:
dwellingunit, periodic rent ispayable atthebeginningofanytermofonemonth orless andotherwise inequalmonthly orweekly installments atthe
beginningofeachmonth orweek, depending onwhetherthetenancy ismonth-to-month orweek-to-week. Rent maynot beconsidered tobedueprior
to the first day ofeachrental period. Rent may not beincreasedwithout a 30-daywritten notice thereofinthecaseofa month-to-month tenancy or a
seven-day written notice thereof in the case of a week-to-week tenancy.
(b)Ifa rentalagreementdoesnotcreatea week-to-weektenancy,asdefinedinORS90. 100,ora fixedtermtenancy,thetenancyshallbea month-
to-month tenancy.
(8) Exceptasprovidedby ORS90.427 (7), a tenant isresponsibleforpayment ofrentuntilthe earlierof:
(a) The date that a notice terminatmgthe tenancy expires;
(b) The date that the tenancy terminates by its own terms;
(c) The date that the tenancy terminates by surrender;

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(d) The date that the tenancy tenninates asa result ofthe landlord failingto use reasonable efforts to rent the dwelling unit to a new tenant as
provided under ORS 90. 410 (3);
(e) The date when a new tenancy with a new tenant begins;
(f) Thirty days after deUvery ofpossession without prior notice oftemrination of a month-to-month tenancy; or
(g) Ten days after delivery ofpossession without prior notice oftennination of a week-to-week tenancy.
(9)(a)Notwithstandinga provisionina rentalagreementregardingtheorderofapplicationoftenantpayments,a landlordshallapplytenant
paymentsin the followingorder:
(A) Outstanding rent from prior rental periods;
(B) Rent for the current rental period;
(C) Utility or service charges;
(D) Late rent payment charges; and
(b) This subsection does not apply to rental agreements subject to ORS90. 505 to 90. 850. [Fonnerly 90. 240; 2009 c. 127 §3; 2009 c.431 §10;2011

Note: Section 11, chapter 388, Oregon Laws 2015, provides:

Sec.11. The amendmentsto ORS90.220by section 10ofthis2015Act applyto:
(1)Rentalagreementsforfixedtermtenanciesenteredintoorrenewedaftertheeffectivedateofthis2015Act [January1, 2016];and
(2)Rentalagreementsformonth-to-monthtenanciesandweek-to-weektenanciesineffectonorafllertheeffectivedateofthis2015Act. [201 5
c. 388§ll]

90.222 Renter's liability insurance. (1) A landlord may require a tenant to obtain and maintain renter's liability insurance m a written rental
with smrilar rents in the same rental market, whichever is greater.
(2) Before entering a new tenancy, a landlord:
(a) Shalladviseanapplicantinwritingofa requirementtoobtainandmaintainrenter'sliabilityinsuranceandtheamountofinsurancerequired
andprovidea reasonablewrittensummaryofthe exceptionsto thisrequirementundersubsections(8) and(9) ofthissection.
(b) May require anapplicant to provide documentation ofrenter's liability insurance coverage before the tenancy begins.
(3)Foranexistingmonth-to-monthtenancy,thelandlordmayamenda writtenrentalagreementto requirerenter'sliabilityinsuranceaftergiving
the tenantat least 30 days' writtennoticeoftherequirement andthe written summary describedin subsection(2) ofthis section. Ifthe tenant doesnot
obtainrenter's liability insurancewithinthe 30-dayperiod:
(a) Thelandlordmaytenninatethetenancypursuantto ORS90.392; and
(b) The tenant may cure the cause of the termination as provided by ORS 90. 392 by obtaining insurance.
(4) A landlord may require that the tenant provide documentation:
(a) Thatthe tenant hasnamed the landlord asaninterested party onthetenant's renter's liability insurance policy authorizingthe insurerto notify
the landlord of:
(A) CanceUation or nonrenewal of the policy;
(B) Reduction ofpolicy coverage; or
(C) Removal of the landlord as an interested party; or
(b) Ona periodicbasisrelatedto the coverageperiodoftherenter'sliabilityinsurancepolicyormorefrequentlyifthelandlordreasonablybelieves
that the insurance policy is no longer in effect, that the tenant maintains the renter's liability insurance.
(5) A landlordmayrequirethata tenantobtainormaintainrenter'sliabilityinsuranceonly ifthelandlordobtainsandmaintainscomparable
liability insurance andprovides documentation to any tenant who requests the documentation, oraUy or in writing. The landlord may provide
documentationto a tenantinperson,by mailorbypostingin a commonareaor office. Thedocumentationmay consistofa current certificateof
coverage. A written rental agreement that requires a tenant to obtain andmaintain renter's liabUity insurance must include a description ofthe
requirements ofthis subsection.
(6) Neither a landlord nor a tenant shaUmake unreasonable demands that have the effect ofharassing the other with regard to providing
documentation of insurance coverage.
(7) A landlordmaynot:
(a) Require that a tenant obtain renter's Uability insurance from a particular insurer;
(b) Requirethata tenantnamethelandlordasanadditionalinsuredorashavinganyspecialstatusonthetenant'srenter'sliabilityinsurancepolicy
other than as an interested party for the purposes described in subsection (4)(a) of this section;
(c) Require that a tenant waive the insurer's subrogation rights; or
(d) Make a claimagainstthe tenant'srenter'sliability insuranceunless:
(A) The claim is for damages or costs for whichthe tenant is legaUy liable and not for damages or costs that result from ordinary wear and tear, acts
ofGod or the conduct ofthe landlord;
(B) Theclaimis greaterthanthe security depositofthe tenant, if any; and
(C) The landlord provides a copy of the claim to the tenant contemporaneous with filing the claim with the insurer.
(8) A landlord may not require a tenant to obtain or maintain renter's liability insurance if the household income ofthe tenant is equal to or less
than50percentoftheareamedianincome,adjustedforfamilysizeasmeasuredupto a five-personfamily,asdetemiinedbytheOregonHousing
Stability Council based on infomiation from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.
(9) A landlordmaynotrequire a tenantto obtainormaintainrenter's liability insuranceifthe dwellingunitofthe tenanthasbeensubsidizedwith
public funds:
(a) Includingfederalor state tax credits, federalblockgrantsauthorizedintheHOMEInvestmentPartnershipsAct underTitle II ofthe Cranston-
GonzalezNationalAffordableHousingAct, asamended,ortheCommunityDevelopmentBlockGrantprogramauthorizedintheHousingand
Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, project-based federal rent subsidy payments under 42 U. S.C. 1437f and tax-exempt bonds.
(b)Notincludingtenant-basedfederalrent subsidypaymentsundertheHousingChoiceVoucherProgramauthorizedby42U.S.C. 1437forany
other local, state or federal rental housing assistance.
(10) Subsecdon(9) ofthissectiondoesnotapplyto a dwellingunitthatisnotsubsidizedeveniftheunitisonpremisesinwhichsomedwelling
units are subsidized.
(ll)(a) Ifa landlordknowinglyviolatesthissection,thetenantmayrecovertheactualdamagesofthetenantor $250,whicheverisgreater.

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(b) Ifa landlordfiles a frivolous claimagainstthe renter'sliability insurance ofa tenant, thetenantmay recover fromthe landlordthe actual
damagesofthe tenantplus $500.
(12) This section does not:
(a) Affect rightsorobligationsotherwiseprovidedinthis chapterorintherentalagreement.
(b) Apply to tenancies governed by ORS 90. 505 to 90. 850. [2013 c. 294 §2; 2015 c. 180 §38; 2015 c. 388 §5]

90.228Noticeoflocationin 100-yearfloodplain.(1)Asusedinthissection," 100-yearfloodplain"meansthelevelthatfloodwatersmaybe

expected to equal or exceed once each100years, asdetemiined bytheNational FloodInsurance Program ofthe FederalEmergency Management
(2) Ifa dwelling unit islocated in a 100-year floodplain, the landlord shallprovide notice inthe dwelling unit rental agreement that thedwelling
unit is located within the flood plain.
(3) Ifa landlord failsto provide a notice required underthis section, andthe tenant ofthe dwellingunit suffers anuninsured loss dueto flooding,
thetenantmayrecoverfromthelandlordthelesseroftheactualdamagesfortheuninsuredlossortwomonths' rent. [2009c.306§2]
Note: 90. 228 was addedto and made a part ofORS chapter 90by legislative action but wasnot added to any smaller series therein. SeePreface to
Oregon Revised Statutes for further explanation.

90.230Rentalagreementsfor occupancyofrecreationalvehicleinpark;remedyfor noncompliance;exception.(1) Ifa tenancyisforthe

occupancyofa recreationalvehicleina manufactureddwellingpark,mobilehomeparkorrecreationalvehiclepark,allasdefinedinORS197.492,
the landlord shall provide a written rental agreement for a month-to-month, week-to-week or fixed-tenn tenancy. The rental agreement must state:
(a)Ifapplicable,thatthetenancymaybeterminatedbythelandlordunderORS90.427withoutcauseupon30or 60days'writtennoticefor a
month-to-monthtenancy orupon 10days' writtennotice for a week-to-weektenancy.
(b) That any accessory building or stmcture paid for or provided by the tenant belongs to the tenant and is subject to a demand by the landlord that
the tenantremove thebuildingor stmcture upon tenninationofthetenancy.
(c) That the tenancy is subject to the requirements ofORS 197. 493 (1) for exempdon from placement and occupancy restrictions.
(2) Ifa tenant describedin subsection(1) ofthissectionmoves followingterminationofthetenancyby the landlordunderORS90.427, andthe
landlord fafled to provide the required written rental agreement before the beginning ofthe tenancy, the tenant may recover the tenant's actual
damages or twice the periodic rent, whichever is greater.
(3)Iftheoccupancyfailsat anytimeto complywiththerequirementsofORS197.493(1) forexemptionfromplacementandoccupancy
restrictions, and a state agency or local government requires the tenant to move as a result ofthe noncompliance, the tenant may recover the tenant's
actualdamagesortwicetheperiodicrent, whicheverisgreater.Thissubsectiondoesnotapplyifthenoncompliancewascausedbythetenant.
(4) Thissectiondoesnot apply to a vacationoccupancy. [2005 c.619 §14; 2011 c.42 §la]

90.240 [Formerly 91. 740; 1993 c.369 §3; 1995 c. 559 §6; 1997c. 577 §8; 1999 c.603 §10; 2003 c.378 §9; renumbered 90. 220in 2005]
90.243Qualificationsfordrugandalcoholfreehousing;"programofrecovery"defined.(1) A dwellingunitqualifiesasdrugandalcoholfree
housing if:
(a)(A) Forpremisesconsistingofmorethaneightdwellingunits,thedwellingunitisoneofatleasteightcontiguousdwellingunitsonthepremises
that are designated by the landlord asdmg and alcohol free housing dwelling units andthat are each occupied or held for occupancy by at least one
tenantwhois a recoveringalcoholic ordrugaddictandisparticipatingin a programofrecovery; or
are designated by the landlord asdrug and alcohol free housing dwelling units and that are eachoccupied or held for occupancy by at least one tenant
who is a recoveringalcoholicor dmgaddictandisparticipatingin a programofrecovery;
(b) The landlord is a nonprofit corporation incorporated pursuant to ORSchapter 65 or a housing authority created pursuant to ORS456. 055 to
456. 235;
(c) Thelandlordprovidesforthe designateddrugand alcoholfreehousingdwellingunits:
(A) A dmg and alcohol free environment, covering all tenants, employees, staff, agents ofthe landlord and guests;
(B) Monitoring of the tenants for compliance with the requirements described in paragraph (d) of this subsection;
(C) Individual and group support for recovery; and
(D) Accessto a specifiedprogramofrecovery; and
(d) The rental agreement for the designated drug and alcohol free housing dwelling unit is in writing and includes the following provisions:
(A) Thatthe dwellingunit is designatedby thelandlordas a dmgandalcoholfreehousingdwellingunit;
(B) Thatthetenantmaynotuse,possessorsharealcohol,illegaldrugs,controlledsubstancesorprescriptiondrugswithouta medicalprescription,
either on or offthe premises;
(C) Thatthe tenant maynot allowthe tenant's gueststo use,possess or share alcohol, illegal dmgs, controlled substances orprescription dmgs
without a medical prescription, on the premises;
(D) That the tenant shall participate in a program ofrecovery, which specific program is described inthe rental agreement;
(E) That on at least a quarterly basis the tenant shall provide written verification from the tenant's program ofrecovery that the tenant is
panicipatingintheprogramofrecovery andthatthe tenanthasnot usedalcoholorillegaldmgs;
(F) Thatthe landlordhasthe rightto requirethe tenant to take a test for drugor alcoholusagepromptly andat the landlord's discretionand
expense; and
(G) Thatthe landlordhasthe right to temiinatethe tenant'stenancyinthe drugand alcoholfree housingunderORS90.392, 90. 398 or 90.630 for
noncompliance with the requirements described in this paragraph.
(2) A dwellingunit qualifies asdrugandalcohol freehousingdespite thepremises not havingtheminimum number ofqualified dweUingunits
requiredby subsection(l)(a) ofthis section if:
(a) Thepremisesareoccupiedbut havenotpreviously qualifiedasdrugandalcoholfree housing;
(b) Thelandlorddesignatescertaindwellingunits onthe premisesasdmgandalcoholfree dwellingunits;
(c) The number ofdesignated drag and alcohol free housing dwelling units meets the requirement ofsubsection (l)(a) ofthis section;
(d) Wheneachdesignateddwellingunitbecomesvacant,thelandlordrentsthatdweUingunitto, orholdsthatdwellingunitforoccupancyby,at
least onetenantwhois a recoveringalcoholicor dmgaddictandisparticipatingin a programofrecovery andthe landlordmeets the other
requirements of subsection(1) ofthis section; and

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(e) The dwelling unit is one ofthe designated drug and alcohol free housing dwelling units.
(3) Thefailurebya tenanttotakea testfordrugoralcoholusageasrequestedbythelandlordpursuantto subsection(l)(d)(F)-ofthis sectionmay
be considered evidence of drug or alcohol use.
(4)Asusedinthissection,"programofrecovery"meansa verifiableprogramofcounselingandrehabilitationtreatmentservices,including a
writtenplan,to assistrecoveringalcoholicsordmgaddictsto recoverfromtheiraddictionto alcoholorillegaldmgswhilelivingindrugandalcohol
freehousing.A "programofrecovery"includesAlcoholicsAnonymous,NarcoticsAnonymousandsimilarprograms. [1995 c.559 §7; 1997c.577 §9;
1999c.603 §11;2003 c.378 §10;2005c.22 §59; 2005c.391 §15]

90.245Prohibitedprovisionsin rental agreements; remedy. (1) A rentalagreementmaynotprovide that thetenant:

(a) Agreesto waiveorforgorightsorremediesunderthis chapter;
(b) Authorizesanypersonto confessjudgmenton a claimarisingout oftherentalagreement;
(c)Agreesto theexculpationorlimitationofanyliabilityarisingasa result oftheotherparty'swillfulmisconductornegligenceorto indemnify
the other party for that liability or costs connected therewith; or
(d) Agreesto pay liquidateddamages,exceptasallowedunderORS90.302(2)(e).
(2)A provisionprohibitedbysubsecdon(1)ofthissectionincludedina rentalagreementisunenforceable.Ifa landlorddeliberatelyusesa rental
agreement containing provisions known by the landlord to beprohibited and attempts to enforce suchprovisions, the tenant may recover in addition to
the actual damages ofthe tenant an amount up to three months' periodic rent. [Formerly 91. 745; 2009 c. 431 §11]

90.250Receiptofrentwithoutobligationto maintainpremisesprohibited.A rentalagreement,assignment,conveyance,trostdeedor security

instrumentmaynotpermitthereceiptofrentfreeoftheobBgationto complywithORS90.320(1) or90.730. [Formerly91.750; 1999c.676§10]
90.255Attorneyfees.Inanyactionona rentalagreementorarisingunderthischapter,reasonableattorneyfeesattrialandonappealmaybe
awarded to the prevailing party together with costs and necessary disbursements, notwithstanding any agreement to the contrary. As used in this
section, "prevailingparty"meansthe party in whosefavor fmaljudgment is rendered. [Fomierly 91.755]

90.260Laterentpaymentchargeor fee;restrictions; calculation.(1) A landlordmayimposea latechargeorfee,howeverdesignated,onlyif:

(a) The rent payment isnot received by the fourth day ofthe weekly or monthly rental period for which rent is payable; and
(b) There exists a written rental agreement that specifies:
(A) The tenant's obligation to pay a late charge on delinquent rent payments;
(B) Thetype andamountofthelate charge, asdescribedin subsection(2) ofthis section; and
(C) Thedateonwhichrentpaymentsaredueandthedate or dayonwhichlate chargesbecomedue.
(2) The amount of any late charge may not exceed:
(a) A reasonable flat amoimt, charged once per rental period. "Reasonable amount" means the customary amount charged by landlords for that
rental market;
(b) A reasonable amount, chargedon a per-day basis, beginningonthe fifthdayofthe rental period for whichrent isdelinquent. Thisdaily charge
may accme every daythereafter untUthe rent, not including anylate charge, ispaidinfall, throughthat rentalperiod only. Theper-day charge may
not exceed SK percent of the amount descAed in paragraph (a) ofthis subsection; or
(c) Five percent ofthe periodic rent payment amount, charged once for each succeeding five-day period, or portion thereof, for whichthe rent
charge, is paid in fuU, through that rental period only.
(3) In periodictenancies, a landlordmay changethe type or amountoflate chargeby giving30 days' writtennotice to the tenant.
(4)A landlordmaynotdeducta previouslyimposedlatechargefroma currentorsubsequentrentalperiodrentpayment,therebymakingthatrent
payment delinquent for imposition of a new or additional late charge or for termination ofthe tenancy for nonpayment under ORS 90. 394.
(5) A landlord may charge simple interest onanunpaidlate charge attherate allowed forjudgments pursuant to ORS82.010(2) andaccmingfrom
the date the late charge is imposed.
(6) Nonpaymentofa latechargealone isnotgroundsfortemunationofa rentalagreementfornonpaymentofrentunderORS90.394,but is
groundsfortenninationofa rentalagreementforcauseunderORS90.392or90.630(1). A landlordmaynotetheimpositionofa latechargeon a
nonpaymentofrentterminationnoticeunderORS90.394, solongasthenoticestatesorotherwisemakesclearthatthetenantmaycurethe
nonpaymentnoticeby payingonly thedelinquentrent, not includinganylate charge,withinthe allottedtime.
(7) A late chargeincludes anincrease or decrease intheregularly chargedperiodic rent payment inyosedbecause a tenant doesor doesnotpay
thatrentby a certaindate. [1989c.506§15; 1995c.559§8; 1997c.249§30; 1997c.577 §9a; 1999c.603 §12;2005c.391 §16;2007c.906§32a]
90.262Useandoccupancyrulesandregulations;adoption;enforceability;restrictions.(1)A landlord,fromtimeto time,mayadopta ruleor
regulation,howeverdescribed,concerningthetenant'suseandoccupancyofthepremises.It isenforceableagainstthetenantonlyif:
(a)Itspurposeistopromotethe convenience,safetyorwelfareofthetenantsinthepremises,preservethelandlord'spropertyfromabusiveuse,
ormakea fairdistributionofservicesandfacilitiesheldout forthetenantsgenerally;
(b) It is reasonably related to the purpose for which it is adopted;
(c) It applies to aUtenants in the premises in a fairmanner;
(d) It is sufficientlyexplicitin its prohibition, directionorlimitation ofthe tenant'sconductto fairly informthe tenant ofwhatthe tenant must or
must not do to comply;
(e) It is not for the purpose of evading the obligations of the landlord; and
(f) Thetenant haswrittennotice ofit at the time thetenant entersinto therentalagreement,or whenit is adopted.
(2)Ifa mle orregulationadoptedafterthetenantentersintotherentalagreementworksa substantialmodificationofthebargain,it isnotvaUd
unlessthe tenant consentsto it in writing.
(3) If adopted,anoccupancyguidelinefora dwellingunit shallnot be morerestoictive thantwo peopleperbedroomand shaUbe reasonable.
Reasonablenessshallbe detenninedona case-by-casebasis.Factorsto be consideredin determiningreasonablenessinclude,butarenot limitedto:
(a) The size of the bedrooms;
(b) Theoverall sizeofthe dwellingunit; and
(c) Any discriminatory impact on those identified in ORS 659A. 421.
(4) Asusedin this section:
(a) "Bedroom"means a habitable room that:

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(A) Is intended to be used primarily for sleeping purposes;

(B) Contains at least 70 square feet; and
(C) Is configured so asto take the need for a fire exit into account.
(b) "Habitable room" means a space in a stmcture forUving, sleeping, eatingor cooking. Bathrooms, toilet compartments, closets, haUs, storage or
utility spaceandsimilarareasarenot included. [Formerly 90.330]

90.263 Vehicle tags. A landlord may not require that a tenant display a nonremovable tag, sticker or other device ona motor vehicle thatmight
reveal or indicate to the public the premises where the tenant resides. [1999 c. 397 §2]

Note: 90. 263 was added to andmade a part ofORS chapter 90by legislative action but wasnot added to any smaller series therein. SeePreface to
Oregon Revised Statutes for further explanation.

90.265Interestin alternativeenergydeviceinstaUedbytenant (1)Analternativeenergydeviceinstalledina dwellingunitby a tenantwiththe

landlord'sivrittenpennissionisnota fixtureinwhichthelandlordhasa legalinterest,exceptasotherwiseexpresslyprovidedina writtenagreement
between the landlord and tenant.
(2) As a condition to a grant ofwritten permission referred to in subsection (1) ofthis section, a landlord may require a tenant to do one or more of
the following:
(a) Provide a waiver ofthe landlord's liability for anyinjury to the tenant or other installer resulting from the tenant's or installer's negligence in
the installationofthe alternative energy device;
(b) Secure a waiveroftheright to a lien againsttheproperty ofthe landlord from eachcontractor, subcontractor, laborer andmaterial supplier who
would obtain the right to a lien whenthe tenant installs or causes the installation ofthe alternative energy device; or
(c) Post a bond or pay a deposit in an amount not to exceed the cost of restoring the premises to its condition at the time of installation of the
alternative energy device.
(3) Nothing in this section:
(a) Authorizes the installation of an alternative energy device in a dwelling unit without the landlord's written permission; or
(b) Limitsa landlord'srightto recoverdamagesandobtaininjunctive reliefasprovidedin ORS90.401.
(4) Asusedinthissection,"alternativeenergydevice"hasthemeaninggiventhatterminORS469B.100. [Formerly91. 757; 1993c.369 §32;
1995c.559 §57; 1997c. 577 §10; 1999c.603 §13;2005 c.22 §60; 2005c.391 §17]


90. 275 Temporary occupancy agreement; terms and conditions. (1) As provided under this section, a landlord may allow an individual to
becomea temporaryoccupantofthetenant'sdwellingunit. Tocreatea temporaryoccupancy,thelandlord,tenantandproposedtemporaryoccupant
must enterinto a writtentemporaryoccupancyagreementthat describesthetemporary occupancyrelationship.
(2) The temporary occupant:
(a) Is not a tenant entitled to occupy the dwelling unit to the exclusion of others; and
(b) Does not have the rights of a tenant.
(3) Thetemporaryoccupancyagreementmaybeterminatedby:
(a) The tenant without cause at anytime; and
(b) The landlordonly forcausethat isa materialviolationofthetemporary occupancyagreement.
(4) Thetemporaryoccupantdoesnothavea rightto curea violationthatcausesa landlordto tenninatethetemporaryoccupancyagreement.
(5)Beforeenteringintoa temporaryoccupancyagreement,a landlordmayscreentheproposedtemporaryoccupantforissuesregardingconduct
or for a criminalrecord. Thelandlordmaynot screentheproposedtemporary occupantforcredithistoryor incomelevel.
(6) A temporary occupancy agreement:
(a) Shall expressly include the requirements of subsections (2) to (4) ofthis section;
(b) May providethatthe temporaryoccupantisrequiredto comply wifhanyapplicablerules forthe premises; and
(c) May have a specific ending date.
(7) Thelandlord,tenantandtemporaryoccupantmayextendorrenewa temporaryoccupancyagreementormayenterintoa newtemporary
occupancy agreement.
(8)A landlordortenantisnotrequiredto givethetemporaryoccupantwrittennoticeofthetemiinationofa temporaryoccupancyagreement.
(9) The temporary occupant shall promptly vacate the dwelling unit if a landlord terminates a temporary occupancy agreement for material
violationofthetemporaryoccupancyagreementorifthetemporaryoccupancyagreementendsby itsterms.ExceptasprovidedinORS90.449,the
landlordmayterminatethetenancyofthetenantasprovidedunderORS90.392or90.630ifthetenyoraryoccupantfailsto promptlyvacatethe
dwelling unit or if the tenant materially violates the temporary occupancy agreement.
(10) A tenyoraryoccupantshallbetreatedasa squatterifthetemporaryoccupantcontinuesto occupythedwellingunitaftera tenancyhasended
or after the tenant revokes permission for the occupancy by temiinating the temporary occupancy agreement.
(ll)(a) A landlord may not enter into a temporary occupancy agreement forthepurpose ofevadinglandlord responsibilities underthis chapteror
to diminishthe rightsofanapplicantor tenantunderthischapter.
(b) A tenant may not become a temporary occupant in the tenant's own dwelling unit.
(c) A tenancymaynotconsistsolelyofa temporaryoccupancy.Eachtenancymusthaveatleastonetenant. [2009c.431 §6and2009c.816§15;
2013 c.294 §5]


90.295Applicantscreeningcharge;limitations;noticeupondenialoftenancy;refund;remedy.(1) A landlordmayrequirepaymentofan
appUcantscreeningchargesolelyto coverthecostsofobtaininginformationaboutanapplicantasthelandlordprocessestheapplicationfora rental
agreement.Thisactivityisknownasscreening,andincludesbutisnotlimitedto checkingreferencesandobtaininga consumercreditreportortenant
screeningreport. Thelandlordmustprovidethe applicantwitha receipt forany applicantscreeningcharge.
(2) Theamountofanyapplicantscreeningchargeshallnotbegreaterthanthelandlord'saverageactualcostofscreeningapplicants.Actualcosts
may include the cost ofusinga tenant screeningcompany or a consumer creditreporting agency, andmay include thereasonable value ofanytime
spentby thelandlordorthelandlord'sagentsinotherwiseobtaininginformationonapplicants.Inanycase,theapplicantscreeningchargemaynotbe

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greaterthanthecustomaryamountchargedbytenantscreeningcompaniesorconsumercreditreportingagenciesfora comparablelevelofscreening.
(3) A landlordmaynotrequirepaymentofanapplicantscreeningchargeunlesspriorto acceptingthepaymentthe landlord:
(a) Adopts written screeningor admissioncriteria;
(b) Gives written notice to the applicant of:
(A) The amount of the applicant screening charge;
(B) The landlord's screeningor admissioncriteria;
(C) Theprocessthatthelandlordtypicallywillfollowinscreeningtheapplicant,mcludingwhetherthelandlordusesa tenantscreeningcompany,
creditreports, public recordsorcriminalrecordsor contactsemployers, landlordsor otherreferences; and
(D) Theapplicant'srightsto disputetheaccuracyofanyinformationprovidedto thelandlordbya screeningcompanyor creditreportingagency;
(c) Gives actual notice to the applicant ofan estimate, made to the best ofthe landlord's ability at that time, ofthe approximate number ofrental
units ofthe type, andinthe area,soughtby the appUcantthatare, orwithina reasonablefuturetime wfflbe, availableto rent fromthatlandlord. The
estimateshallincludetheapproximatenumberofapplicationspreviouslyacceptedandremainingunderconsiderationforthoseunits.A goodfaith
errorby a landlordinmakinganestimateunderthisparagraphdoesnot providegroundsfora claimundersubsection(8) ofthissection;
(d) Giveswrittennoticeto theapplicantoftheamountofrentthelandlordwillchargeandthedepositsthelandlordwillrequire, subjectto change
intherent or depositsby agreementofthe landlordandthetenantbeforeenteringinto a rental agreement; and
(e) Giveswrittennoticeto the applicantwhetherthe landlordrequirestenantsto obtainandmaintainrenter's liability insurance and,ifso, the
amount of insurance required.
(4) Regardlessofwhethera landlordrequirespaymentofanapplicantscreeningcharge,ifa landlorddeniesanapplicationfora rentalagreement
by anapplicant andthat denial is based in whole or in part on a tenant screeiiing company or consumer credit reporting agency report on that
applicant, the landlord shall give the applicant actual notice ofthat fact at the same time that the landlord notifies the applicant ofthe denial. Unless
writtennoticeofthenameandaddressofthescreeningcompanyorcreditreportingagencyhaspreviouslybeengiven,thelandlordshallpromptly give
written notice to the applicant of the name and address ofthe company or agency that provided the report upon which the denial is based.
(5)Exceptasprovidedm subsection(4) ofthissection,a landlordneednotdisclosetheresultsofanapplicantscreeningorreportto anapplicant,
withrespect to information that isnot required to be disclosed underthe federalFairCredit Reporting Act. A landlord may give to anapplicant a copy
of that applicant's consumer report, as defined in the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
(6) Unless the applicant agrees otherwise in writing, a landlord may not require payment ofan applicant screening charge when the landlord knows
or should know that no rental units are available at that time or will be avaflable within a reasonable future time.
(7) If a landlord requires payment ofan applicant screening charge but fills the vacant rental unit before screening the applicant or does not
conduct a screening ofthe applicant for any reason, the landlord must refund the applicant screening charge to the applicant withui a reasonable time.
(8) The applicantmay recoverfromthe landlordtwicethe amountofany applicantscreeningchargepaid,plus $150,if:
(a) Thelandlordfailsto complywiththissectionanddoesnotwithina reasonabletime accepttheapplicant'sapplicationfora rentalagreement;or
(b) Thelandlorddoesnotconducta screeningoftheapplicantforanyreasonandfaUsto refundanapplicantscreeningchargeto theapplicant
within a reasonable time. [1993 c. 369 §26; 1995 c. 559 §10; 1997 c. 577 §11; 1999 c. 603 §14; 2011 c.42 §2; 2013 c. 294 §6]

90.297Prohibitionon chargingdepositor feeto enter rental agreement; exceptions; depositallowedfor securing executionofrental
agreement; remedy. (1) Except asprovided in ORS90. 295 andin this section, a landlord may not charge a deposit or fee, however designated, to an
applicantwhohasappliedto a landlordto entera rentalagreementfora dwellingunit.
(2) A landlord may charge a deposit, however designated, to an applicant for the puipose of securing the execution ofa rental agreement, after
approvingthe applicant'sapplicationbutpriorto enteringintoa rentalagreement.Thelandlordmustgivethe applicanta writtenstatementdescribing
(a) The amount of rent and the fees the landlord will charge and the deposits the landlord will require; and
(b) The terms ofthe agreement to execute a rental agreement and the condidons forrefunding or retaining the deposit.
(3)Ifa rentalagreementisexecuted,thelandlordshalleitherapplythedeposittowardthemoneysduethelandlordundertherentalagreementor
refund it immediately to the tenant.
(4) If a rental agreement is not executed due to a failure by the applicant to comply with the agreement to execute, the landlord may retain the
(5) Ifa rentalagreementisnot executeddueto a failurebythelandlordto complywiththeagreementto execute,withinfourdaysthelandlord
shallreturnthedeposittothe applicanteitherbymakingthedepositavailableto the applicantatthelandlord'scustomaryplaceofbusinessorby
mailing the deposit by first class mail to the applicant.
(6) Ifa landlordfailsto complywiththissection,theapplicantortenant,asthecasemaybe,mayrecoverfromthelandlordtheamountofanyfee
ordepositcharged,plus $150. [1995 c. 559 §11;2001 c.596 §30; 2011c.42 §3]

90.300 Security deposits; prepaid rent. (1) As used in this section, "security deposit" includes any last month's rent deposit.
(2)(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, a landlord may require a tenant to pay a security deposit. The landlord shall provide the tenant
witha receiptforanysecuritydepositthetenantpays.Thelandlordshallholda securitydepositorprepaidrentfor thetenantwhoisa partyto the
rental agreement. A tenant's claim to the security deposit or prepaid rent isprior to the claim ofa creditor ofthe landlord, including a trustee in
(b) ExceptasprovidedinORS86.782(10),theholderofthelandlord'sinterestinthepremisesatthetimethetenancytenninatesisresponsibleto
the tenant for any security deposit or prepaid rent and is bound by this section.
(3) A written rental agreement, if any, must list a security deposit paid by a tenant or required by a landlord.
(4) A landlordmaynotchargea tenanta pet securitydepositforkeepinga serviceanimalorcompanionanimalthata tenantwitha disability
requires as a reasonable accommodation under fair housing laws.
(5)(a) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, a landlord may not change the rental agreement to require the tenant to pay a new or
increased security deposit during the first year after the tenancy hasbegun. Subject to subsection (4) ofthis section, the landlord may require an
additionaldepositifthe landlordandtenantagreeto modifytheterms andconditionsoftherental agreementtopermit a pet orfor othercauseandthe
additional deposit relates to the modification. Thisparagraph does not prevent a landlord from collecting a security deposit that an initial rental
agreementprovided forbut thatremainedunpaidatthetime the tenancybegan.
(b) If a landlord requires a new or increased security deposit after the first year of the tenancy, the landlord shall allow the tenant at least three
months to pay the new or increased deposit.
(6) The landlord may claim all or part of the security deposit only if the landlord required the security deposit for any or all of the puqi oses
specified in subsection (7) of this section.
(7)(a) The landlord may claim from the security deposit only the amount reasonably necessary:

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(A) To remedy the tenant's defaults inthe performance ofthe rental agreement including, but not limited to, unpaid rent; and
(B) To repair damages to the preniises caused by the tenant, not including ordinary wear and tear.
(b) A landlordisnotrequiredtorepairdamagecausedbythetenantinorderforthelandlordto claimagamstthedepositforthecostto makethe
repair. Any labor coststhelandlord assessesunderthis subsection forcleaningorrepairsmustbebasedona reasonable hourly rate. The landlord may
chargea reasonablehourly rate forthe landlord'sownperformance ofcleaningorrepairwork.
(c) Defaultsanddamagesforwhicha landlordmayrecoverunderthis subsectioninclude,but arenot limited to:
(A) Carpet cleaning, other than the use of a common vacuum cleaner, if:
(i) Thecleaningisperformedbyuseofa machinespecificallydesignedforcleaningor shampooingcarpets;
(ii) The carpet wascleaned or replaced after the previous tenancy or the most recent significant use ofthe carpet and before the tenant took
possession; and
(iii) The written rental agreement provides that the landlord may deduct the cost ofcarpet cleaning regardless ofwhether the tenant cleans the
carpet before the tenant delivers possession as described in ORS 90. 147.
subsectionifthe cleaningorrepairsareperformedin a timely manner.
(8) A landlordmay not require a tenantto pay orto forfeit a security depositor prepaidrent to the landlord for the tenant's failureto maintain a
tenancy for a minimumnumberofmonthsin a month-to-monthtenancy.
(9) The landlordmust apply any last month'srent depositto the rent due for the lastmonth ofthe tenancy:
(a) Wheneitherthe landlordor the tenantgivesto theothera noticeoftermination,pursuantto thischapter, otherthana noticeoftemiination
under ORS 90. 394;
(b) When the landlord and tenant agree to terminate the tenancy; or
(c) When the tenancy terminates in accordance with the provisions ofa written rental agreement for a term tenancy.
(10)A landlordshallaccountforandrefundasprovidedinsubsections(12)to (14) ofthissectionanyportionofa lastmonth'srent depositthe
landlord doesnot apply asprovided under subsection (9) ofthis section. Unless the tenant andlandlord agree otherwise, thetenant maynotrequire the
landlord to apply a lastmonth's rent deposit to rent due for anyperiod other thanthe lastmonth ofthe tenancy. A lastmonth's rent deposit doesnot
limit the amount of rent charged unless a written rental agreement provides otherwise.
(11)Whenthe tenancy terminates, a landlord shallaccount for andrefund to thetenant, m the samemanner this sectionrequires for security
deposits, theunusedbalance ofanyprepaid rent the landlord hasnotpreviously refunded to the tenant under ORS90. 380 and 105. 120(5)(b) orany
otherprovisionofthischapter.Thelandlordmayclaimfromtheremainingprepaidrent onlytheamountreasonablynecessaryto paythetenant's
unpaid rent.
(12) Inorderto claimall orpart ofanyprepaidrent or securitydeposit,within31 daysafterthetenancytenninatesandthe tenantdelivers
possessionthelandlordshallgiveto thetenanta writtenaccountingthatstatesspecificallythebasisorbasesoftheclaim.Thelandlordshallgive a
separate accounting for security deposits and for prepaid rent.
(13) Thelandlordshallreturnto thetenantthesecuritydepositorprepaidrentortheportionofthesecuritydepositorprepaidrentthatthe
landlorddoesnotclaiminthemannerprovidedbysubsections(11)and(12)ofthissectionnot laterthan31 daysafterthetenancyterminatesandthe
tenant delivers possession to the landlord.
(14)Thelandlordshallgivethewrittenaccountingrequiredundersubsection(12) ofthissectionorshallreturnthe secuntydepositorprepaidrent
as required by subsection (13) ofthis section by personal delivery or by first class mail.
(15) Ifa security deposit orprepaidrent secures a tenancy fora spacefor a manufactured dwelling or floating home thetenant owns andoccupies,
whether or not m a facility, andthe dwelling or home is abandoned as described in ORS 90.425 (2) or 90.675 (2), the 31-day period described in
subsections (12) and (13) ofthis section commences on the earliest of:
(a) Waiverofthe abandonedpropertyprocessunderORS90.425 (26) or 90.675 (23);
(b) RemovalofthemanufactureddweUingor floatinghome fromtherented space;
(c) DestmctionorotherdispositionofthemanufactureddwellingorfloatinghomeunderORS90.425 (10)(b) or90.675(10)(b);or
(d) Saleofthe manufactureddwellingor floatinghomepursuantto ORS90.425 (10)(a) or 90.675 (10)(a).
(16)IfthelandlordfaUsto complywithsubsection(13)ofthissectionorifthelandlordinbadfaithfailsto returnalloranyportionofanyprepaid
rent or security deposit due to the tenant underthischapter orthe rental agreement, the tenant mayrecover the money dueinanamount equalto
twice the amount:
(a) Withheld without a written accounting under subsection (12) of this section; or
(b) Withheldin badfaith.
(17)(a)Asecurity depositorprepaidrent inthepossessionofthelandlordisnot gamishableproperty, asprovidedin ORS18.618.
(b) Ifa landlord delivers a security deposit orprepaid rent to a gamishor inviolation ofORS 18.618 (l)(b), thelandlord thatdelivered the security
depositorprepaidrenttothegamishorshaUallowthetenantatleast30days aftera copyoftheganrisheeresponserequu-edby ORS18.680is
delivered to thetenant under ORS 18. 690to restore the security deposit orprepaidrent. Ifthetenant failsto restore a security deposit orprepaid rent
under the provisions ofthis paragraph before the tenancy terminates, and the landlord retains no security deposit or prepaid rent from the tenant after
thegarnishment,thelandlordisnotrequiredto refundoraccountforthesecuritydepositorprepaidrentundersubsection(11)ofthissection.
(18) This sectiondoesnot preclude thelandlord ortenant fix>mrecovering otherdamagesunderthischapter. [Formerly 91. 760; 1993 c.369 §4;
1995 c.559 §12; 1997 c.577 §13; 1999c.603 §15;2001 c. 596 §31; 2003 c.658 §3; 2005 c.391 §3; 2007 c.496 §7; 2007 c.906 §37; 2009c.431 §12;
2010c.28 §5; 2011 c.42 §4; 2011 c.510 §5; 2013 c.294 §7; 2015 c.217 §16]

90.302 Fees allowed for certain landlord expenses; accounting not required; fees for noncompliance with written rules; tenant remedies.
(1) A landlord may not charge a fee atthe beginningofthetenancy for ananticipated landlord expense andmay not require thepayment ofanyfee
except as provided in this section. A fee must be described in a written rental agreement.
(2) A landlord may charge a tenant a fee for each occurrence ofthe following:
(a) A late rent payment, pursuant to ORS90.260.
(b)A dishonoredcheck,pursuantto ORS30.701 (5). TheamountofthefeemaynotexceedtheamountdescribedinORS30.701(5)plusany
amount that a bank has charged the landlord for processing the dishonored check.
(c)Removalortamperingwitha properlyfunctioningsmokealarm, smokedetectororcarbonmonoxidealarm,asprovidedinORS90.325(2). The
landlord may charge a fee ofup to $250 unless the State Fire Marshal assesses the tenant a civU penalty for the conduct under ORS 479. 990 or under
ORS 105. 836 to 105. 842 and 476. 725^
(d)Thevioladonofa writtenpet agreementor ofa rule relatingto pets ina facility,pursuantto ORS90.530.
(e) The abandonment or relmquishment of a dwelling unit during a futed term tenancy without cause. The fee may not exceed one and one-half

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times themonthly rent. A landlord may not assess a feeunderthisparagraph ifthe abandonment orrelinquishment ispursuant to ORS90. 453 (2),
90.472 or 90.475. Ifthelandlordassessesa feeunderthisparagraph:
(A) The landlord maynot recover unpaid rent for anyperiod ofthe f«edterm tenancy beyondthe date that the landlord knew orreasonably
shouldhaveknownofthe abandonmentorrelinquishment;
(B) Thelandlordmaynot recoverdamagesrelatedto the cost ofrentingthe dwellingunitto a newtenant; and
(C) ORS90.410(3) doesnot apply to the abandonmentorrelinquishment.
(3)(a) A landlord may chargea tenant a feeunderthis subsection fora secondnoncompliance or for a subsequent noncompliance withwritten
rulesorpoliciesthatdescribetheprohibitedconductandthefeefora secondnoncompliance,andforanythirdorsubsequentnoncompliance,that
occurs withinoneyearafter a written warningnotice described in subparagraph (A) ofthisparagraph. Except asprovided inparagraph (b)(H) ofthis
subsection, the fee may not exceed $50 for the second noncompliance within one year after the warning notice for the same or a similar
noncompUance or $50plus fivepercent oftherentpayment forthecurrent rentalperiod for a third or subsequent noncompliance withinoneyear after
the warningnoticeforthe sameor a similarnoncompliance.The landlord:
(A) ShaU give a tenant a written warning notice that descnles:
(i) A specificnoncompliancebeforecharginga fee for a secondorsubsequentnoncomplianceforthe sameor sirmlarconduct; and
(ii)Theamountofthefeefora secondnoncompliance,andforanysubsequentnoncompliance,thatoccurswithinoneyearafterthewarning

(B) Shallgive a tenant a writtennotice describingthenoncompliance whenassessinga feefora second or subsequent noncompliance that occurs
within one year after the warning notice.
(C) ShaUgivea warningnoticefora noncomplianceorassessa feefora secondorsubsequentnoncompUancewithin30daysaftertheact
constituting noncompliance.
(D) May tenmnate a tenancy fora noncompliance consistent withthischapterinstead ofassessing a feeunderthis subsection, butmaynot assess a
fee and terminate a tenancy for the same noncompliance.
(E)Maynotdeducta feeassessedpursuantto thissubsectionfroma rentpaymentforthecurrentora subsequentrentalperiod.
(b) A landlord may charge a tenant a feeforoccurrences ofnoncompliance withwritten rules orpolicies asprovided inparagraph (a) ofthis
subsection for the following types ofnoncompliance;
(A) The latepayment ofa utility or servicechargethatthe tenantowesthe landlori asdescribedin ORS90.315.
(B) Failureto cleanup pet wastefrom a part ofthepremisesotherthanthe dwellingunit.
(C) Failure to cleanup thewaste ofa service aimnalor a companion animalfrom a part ofthepreniises other thanthe dweUingunit.
(D) Failure to clean up garbage, mbbish andother waste from a part ofthe premises other than the dwelling unit.
(E) Parkingviolations.
(F) Theimproperuseofvehicleswithinthepremises.
(G) Smoking in a clearly designated nonsmoking unit or area of the premises.
(H) Keepingonthe premisesanunauthorizedpet capableofcausingdamageto personsorproperty, asdescribedin ORS90.405. Thefee for a
secondor any subsequentnoncomplianceunderthis subparagraphmaynot exceed$250.A landloidmay not assessthis fee before 48 hoursafterthe
required warning notice to the tenant.
(4) A landlordmaynot be requiredto accountforor return to thetenant any fee.
(5)Exceptasprovidedm subsection(2)(e)ofthissection,a landlordmaynotchargea tenantanyformofliquidateddamages,howeverdesignated.
(6) Nonpayment ofa fee isnot grounds fortemiination ofa rental agreement fornonpayment ofrentunder ORS90. 394, but isgrounds for
terminationofa rentalagreement for causeunderORS90.392 or90.630(1).
(7) This section does not apply to:
(a) Attorney fees awardedpursuant to ORS90.255;
(b) Applicant screening charges paid pursuant to ORS 90. 295;
law, mcludingthecostto replacea key lostby a tenant;
(d) Processing feeschargedto the landlord by a credit cardcompany andpassedthrough to thetenant fortheuseofa credit cardby thetenantto
make a payment when:
(A) Thecreditcardcompany allowsprocessingfeesto bepassedthroughto the creditcardholder; and
(B) Thelandlordallowsthe tenant to paym cashorby check;
(e) A requirement by a landlord in a ^witten rental agreement that a tenant obtain andmaintain renter's liability insurance pursuant to ORS90. 222;
(f) Assessments,asdefinedinORS94.550and100.005,fora dwellingunitthatiswithina homeownersassociadonorganizedunderORS94.625
or anassociationofunitownersorganizedunderORS100.405,respectively, if:
(A) Theassessments areimposed bythe association ona landlord whoowns a dwellingunit withinthe association andthelandlord passesthe
assessments through to a tenant of the unit;
(B) The assessmentsareimposedby the associationon anypersonfor expensesrelatedto movinginto or out ofa unit locatedwithinthe
(C) Thelandlordsetsforththeassessmentrequirementinthewrittenrentalagreementatthecommencementofthetenancy;and
(D) The landlord gives a copy ofthe assessment thelandlord receives fromthe association to thetenant before or atthe time the landlord charges
the tenant.
(8)Ifa landlordchargesa tenanta feeinviolationofthissection,thetenantmayrecovertwicetheactualdamagesofthetenantor$300,
1999 c. 603 §16; 2005 c.391 §18; 2009 c.431 §13; 2009 c. 591 §11; 2013 c.294 §8; 2015 c. 388 §3]


90.303 Evaluation ofapplicant (1) Whenevaluating anapplicant, a landlord may not consider anaction to recover possession pursuant to ORS
105. 105 to 105. 168 if the action:
(a) Wasdismissedorresulted in a generaljudgment forthe applicant before the applicant submits the application. Thisparagraphdoesnot apply if
the actionhasnot resulted in a dismissalor generaljudgmentat the time the applicantsubmitsthe application.
(b)Resultedina generaljudgmentagainsttheapplicantthatwasenteredfiveormoreyearsbeforetheapplicantsubmitstheapplication.
(2) Whenevaluatingthe applicant, a landlordmay not considera previousarrestofthe applicant ifthe arrestdidnot result in a conviction. This

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subsectiondoesnot apply ifthe arresthasresulted in chargesfor crimmalbehaviorasdescribedin subsection(3) ofthis sectionthathavenotbeen

disniissed at the time the applicant submits the application.
conduct that is:
(a) A dmg-related crime;
(b) A personcrime;
(c) A sex offense;
(d) A crimeinvolvingfinancialfraud,includingidentitytheftandforgery; or
(e) Any other crime if the conduct for which the applicant was convicted or charged is ofa nature that would adversely affect:
(A) Property ofthe landlord or a tenant; or
(B) Thehealth,safetyorrightto peacefulenjoymentofthepremisesofresidents,thelandlordorthelandlord'sagent. [2013c.294 §3]
90.304 Statement ofreasons for denial; remedy for noncompliance. (1) If a landlord requires an applicant to pay an applicant screening charge
andthe application is denied, or ifan applicant makes a written request following the landlord's denialofanapplication, the landlord must promptly
provide the applicant with a written statement of one or more reasons for the denial.
(2) The landlord'sstatement ofreasonsfor denialrequiredby subsection(1) ofthis sectionmay consist ofa formwithone or more reasons
checked off. The reasons may include, but are not limited to, the following:
(a) Rental information, including:
(A) Negative or insufBcient reports from references or other sources.
(B) An unacceptable or insufficient rental history, such as the lack of a reference from a prior landloid.
(C) A prioractionforpossessionunderORS105. 105to 105. 168thatresultedina generaljudgmentfortheplaintifforanactionforpossessionthat
has not yet resulted in dismissal or general judgment.
(D) Inabilityto verify informationregardinga rentalhistory.
(b) Criminal records, including:
(A) An unacceptable criminalhistory.
(B) InabiUty to verify information reganiing crimmal history.
(c) Financial infonnation, including:
(A) Insufficient income.
(B) Negative information provided by a consumer credit reporting agency.
(C) Inabffity to verify infonnation regarding credit history.
(d) Failure to meet other written screening or admission criteria.
(e) The dwelling umt has ah-eady been rented.
(3) If a landlord fails to comply with this section, the applicant inay recover from the landlord $100. [2005 c. 391 §31]

90.305Disclosureofcertain matters; retention ofrental agreement; inspectionofagreement. (1) Thelandlordshalldiscloseto thetenantin

writing at or before the commencement ofthe tenancy the name and addressof:
(a) The person authorized to nianage thepremises; and
(b) Anownerofthepremisesora personauthorizedto actforandonbehalfoftheownerforthepurposeofserviceofprocessandreceiving
receipting for notices and denumds.
(2) The information required to be furnished by this section shaUbeke t current and this section extends to and is enforceable against
successor landlord, owner or manager. I
(3) A personwhoisauthorizedto managethepremises,orto enterinto a rentalagreement,andfaUsto complywithsubsection(1) ofthissection
becomesanagentofeachpersonwhois a landlord for service ofprocessandreceivingandreceiptingfornoticesanddemands. - '
(4)(a) A landlord shallretain a co y ofeachrentalagreementatthe residentmanager'soffice or at the addressprovidedto the tenantunder
subsection(l)(a) ofthis section.
(b) A tenantmayre uestto seetherentalagreementand,withina reasonabletime, thelandlordshallniaketheagreementavailableforinspection.
Attherequestofthetenantan uponpaymentofa reasonablecharge,notto exceedthelesserof25centsperpageortheactualcopyingcosts,the
landlordshallprovidethe tenantwitha copy ofthe rental agreement. Thissubsectionshallnot dimmishthe landlord'sobligationto furnishthe tenant
an initial copy ofthe rental agreement and any amendments under ORS90. 220 (3). [Formerly 91. 765; 1993 c. 369 §5; 1999 c. 603 §17; 2003 c. 378
90.310Disclosureoflegalproceedings;tenantremediesfor failure to disclose;liabilityofmanager.(1) Ifat the time ofthe executionof a
rentalagreementfora dwellingunitinpremisescontamingnomorethanfourdweUingunitsthepremisesaresubjectto anyofthefollowing
circumstances,the landlord shaUdisclosethat circumstanceto the tenantin writingbeforethe execudonofthe rentalagreement:
(a) Any outstandingnotice ofdefaultundera tmst deed,mortgage or contract ofsale, ornotice oftmstee's saleundera trust deed;
(b) Anypendingsuitto foreclose a mortgage, trust deedor vendor'slienundera contractofsale;
(c) AnypendingdeclaratiSiToTIS'feiture or suit for specific performance ofa contract ofsale; or
(d) Any pending proceeding to foreclose a tax lien.
(2) Ifthetenant moves asa result ofa circumstance thatthelandlord failedto disclose asrequired by subsection (1) ofthis section, the tenant may
recover twice the actual damages or twice the monthly rent, whichever is greater, and all prepaid rent, in addition to any other remedy that the law
may provide.
(3) This sectionshallnot apply to premisesmanagedby a court appointedreceiver.
(4) A manager who has complied with ORS 90.305 shall not be liable for damages under this section if the manager had no knowledge ofthe
circumstances that gave rise to a duty ofdisclosure under subsection (1) ofthis section. [Formerly 91. 766; 1997 c. 249 §31]

90.315 Utility or servicepayments; additionalcharges; responsibilityfor utility or service; remedies. (1) Asusedinthis section:
(a) "Public service" means municipal services andthe provision ofpublic resources related to the dwelling unit, including street maintenance,
transportation improvements, pubUc transit, public safety and parks and open space.
(b)(A) "Public service charge" means a charge imposed on a landlord by a utility or service provider, by a utility or service provider on behalfof a
local govenmient or directly by a local gDvemment.
(B) "Public service charge" does not include real property taxes, income taxes, business license fees or dwelling inspection fees.

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(c) "Sewer service" includes storm water service and wastewater service.
(d) "Utilityor service"includesbutisnotlimitedto electricity,naturalorliquidpropanegas,oil,water,hotwater,heat, airconditioning,cable
television,directsatelliteorothervideosubscriptionservices.Internetaccessorusage,sewerservice,public servicesandgarbagecollectionand
(2) Thelandlordshalldiscloseto thetenantinwritingatorbeforethecommencementofthetenancyanyutility orservicethatthetenantpays
directlytoautilitj^^serviteprovidermatDenetits,directly,thelandlordorothertenants.A tenant'spaymen ora givenu ityorservice enefitsthe
lord or othertenantsifthe utility or service is deliveredto any areaotherthanthe tenant's dwellingunit.
(3) Ifthe landlord knowingly faUs to disclose those matters required under subsection (2) ofthis section, the tenant may recover twice the actual
damagessustainedor onemonth'srent, whicheveris greater.
(4)(a)ExceptfortenanciescoveredbyORS90.505to 90.850,ifa writtenrentalagreementsoprovides,a landlordma requirea tenanttopayto
thelandlorda utility orservicechargeora publicservicechar e thathasbeenbille y a utility orserviceproviderto thelandlordforutilityor service
provided direct y, or or a public service provided indirectly, to thetenant's dwellingunit or to a common_arS3^ailable to the tenant aspart ofthe
tenancy. A utiUty or service chargethat sh e as s e o a tenant for a common areamustbedescnled in the written rental agreement separately
anddistinctly fromsucha chargefor the tenant'sdweUingunit.
(b)(A) Ifa rental agreementprovidesthata landlordmayrequirea tenantto pay a utiBty or servicecharge,the landlordmustbill the tenantin
writingforthe utili or service within30 daysafterreceipt oftheprovider'sbill. Ifthe landlordincludes inthebill to the tenant a statementof
the rent due, the landlord must separately and distinctly state the amount ofthe rent andthe amount ofthe utility or service charge.
(B) Thelandlordmustprovideto the tenant, inthewrittenrentalagreementorin a bill to thetenant, anexplanationof:
(i) Themannerinwhichtheproviderassessesa utility or servicecharge;and
(ii) Themannerm whichthe chargeis allocatedamongthe tenantsifthe provider'sbUlto the landlordcoversmultiple tenants.
(C) The landlord must:
(i) Include m the bill to the tenant a copy of the provider's bill; or
(ii)Iftheprovider'sbill isnotincluded,statethatthetenantmayinspecttheprovider'sbill ata reasonabletime andplaceandthatthetenantmay
obtaina copy oftheprovider'sbill by makinga request to thelandlordduringthe inspectionanduponpayment to the landlordforthe reasonablecost
(D) A landlordmay require that a bill to the tenant for a utility orservice chargeis dueupon delivery ofthe bill. A landlordshalltreat the tenant's
paymentastimely forpurposesofORS90.302(3)(b)(A) ifthepaymentismadebya datethatisspecifiedinthebUlandthatisnotlessthan30days
afterdelivery ofthebill.
(E) Ifa written rental agreement so provides, the landlord may deliver a bill to the tenant asprovided in ORS 90. 155 or by electronic means.
(c)Exceptasprovidedinthisparagraph,a utUityorservicechargemayonlyincludethecostoftheutility orserviceasbilledto thelandlordbythe
provider. A landlord may add an additional amount to a utility or service charge billed to the tenant if:
(A)Theutility orservicechargeto whichtheadditionalamountisaddedisforcabletelevision,directsatelliteorothervideosubscriptionservices
or for Internet access or usage;
(B) Theadditionalamountis notmore than 10percentoftheutility or servicechargebilledto the tenant;
(C) Thetotal oftheutility or servicechargeandthe additionalamountis lessthanthe typicalperiodiccostthe tenantwouldincurif thetenant
(D) Thewrittenrentalagreementprovidingfortheutilityorservicechargedescribestheadditionalamountseparatelyanddistinctlyfromthe
utility or service charge; and
utility or service charge.
(d)(A) A landlord must provide 60 days' written notice to a tenant before the landlord may amend an existing rental agreement for a month-
to-month tenancy to require a tenant to pay a public service charge that was adopted by a utility or service provider or a local government within the
previous six months.
(B) A landlordmaynot hold a tenant Mablefor a public servicechargebilledto a previoustenant.
(C) A landlordmaynotrequirea tenantto agreeto theamendmentofanexistingrentalagreement,andmaynottenninatea tenantforrefusingto
agreeto the amendmentofa rentalagreement, ifthe amendmentwouldobligatethetenantto pay anadditionalamountforcabletelevision, direct
satelliteor othervideo subscriptionservicesor forInternetaccessorusageasprovidedunderparagraph(c) ofthis subsection.
(e) A utility orservicecharge,includinganyadditionalamountaddedpursuanttoparagraph(c) ofthissubsection,isnotrentora fee.Nonpayment
ofa utilityorservicechargeisnotgroundsfortenninationofa rentalagreementfornonpaymentofrentunderORS90.394butisgroundsfor
termination of a rental agreement for cause under ORS 90. 392.
(f) Ifa landlord failsto comply withparagraph (a), (b), (c) or(d) ofthis subsection, thetenant mayrecover fromthe landlord anamount equalto
one month'speriodicrent or twicethe amountwrongfully chargedto thetenant, whicheveris greater.
(5)(a) Ifa tenant,undertherentalagreement,isresponsiblefora utility orserviceandisunableto obtaintheservicepriorto movingintothe
premisesdueto a nonpaymentofanoutstandingamountdueby a previoustenantor the owner,the tenantmayeither:
(A) Pay the outstanding amount and deduct the amount from the rent;
(B) Enter into a mutual agreement with the landlord to resolve the lack of service; or
(C) Immediately tenninate the rental agreement by giving the landlord actual notice and the reason for the termination.
(b) Ifthe tenancy terminates, the landlord shall return all moneys paid by the tenant asdeposits, rent or fees within four days after termination.
(6)Ifa tenant,undertherentalagreement,isresponsiblefora utility orserviceandisunabletoobtaintheserviceaftermovingintothepremises
due to a nonpayment of an outstanding amount due by a previous tenant or the owner, the tenant may either:
(a) Pay the outstanding amount and deduct the amount from the rent; or
(b) TenninateAe rentalagreementby givingthelandlordactualnotice 72 hourspriorto thedateofterminadonandthereasonforthe termination.
The tenancy does not terminate ifthe landlord restores service orthe availability ofservice during the 72 hours. Ifthe tenancy temiinates, the tenant
may recover actual damages from the landlord resulting fi-om the shutoff and the landlord shall return:
(A) Within four days after termination, all rent and fees; and
(B) All ofthe security deposit owed to the tenant under ORS 90. 300.
(7) Ifa landlord,undertherentalagreement,isresponsiblefora utUityor serviceandtheutilityor serviceisshutoffdueto a nonpaymentofan
outstandingamount, the tenant may either:
(a) Pay the outstanding balance and deduct the amount from the rent; or
(b) Terminatethe rentalagreementby givingthe landlordactualnotice72 hourspriorto the dateoftemiinationandthe reasonforthe temiination.
Thetenancy doesnot terminate ifthe landlord restores service duringthe 72hours. Ifthe tenancy temiinates, the tenant may recover actual damages

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from the landlord resulting from the shutofif and the landlord shall return:
(A) Withinfourdaysaftertemiination, all rentprepaidforthe monthinwhichtheterminationoccursproratedfromthe dateofterminationorthe
date thetenantvacatesthepremises, whicheveris later, andanyotherprepaidrent; and
(B) All of the security deposit owed to the tenant under ORS 90. 300.
(8) If a landlord faUs to return to the tenant the moneys owed asprovided in subsection (5), (6) or (7) ofthis section, the tenant shall be entitled to
twice the amount wrongfaUy withheld.
(9) This section does not preclude the tenant from pursuing any other remedies under this chapter. [Formerly 91. 767; 1993 c.786 §2;1995 c. 559
§14; 1997 c. 577 §16; 1999 c. 603 §18; 2005 c. 391 §19; 2009 c.816 §4a; 2011 c. 503 §7; 2015 c. 388 §8]

90.316 Carbonmonoxidealarm. (1) Unlessa dweUmgunit containsoneor moreproperly functioningcarbonmonoxidealarmsinstalledin

compUancewithStateFireMarshalrulesandwithanyapplicablerequirementsofthestatebuildingcodewhena tenanttakespossessionofthe
dwellingunit, a landlordmaynotenterintoa rentalagreementcreatinga newtenancyinthedweUingunitifthe dwellingunit:
(a) Containsa carbonmonoxide source; or
(b) Islocatedwithina stmcture thatcontainsa carbonmonoxidesourceandthe dwellingunit is connectedto the roomin whichthe carbon
monoxide source is located by a door, ductwork or a ventilation shaft.
(2) The landlord shaU provide a new tenant with alarm testing instmctions as described in ORS 90. 317.
(3) Ifa carbonmonoxidealarmisbattery-operatedorhasa battery-operatedbackupsystem,thelandlordshallsupplyworkingbatteriesforthe
alarmat thebeginningofa newtenancy. [2009 c. 591 §10;2011 c.42 §5]

Note: See 105.844.

90.317 Repair or replacement of carbon monoxide alarm. (1) A landlord shall ensure that a dwelling unit has one or more carbon monoxide
alarmsinstalledincompliancewithStateFireMarshalrulesandthe statebuildingcodeifthe dwellingunit:
(a) Containsa carbonmonoxide source; or
(b) Islocatedwithina stmcturethat containsa carbonmonoxidesource andthe dwellingunit is connectedto the roominwhichthe carbon
monoxide source is located by a door, ductwork or a ventilation shaft.
(2) The landlord shall provide the tenant ofthe dwelling unit with a written notice containing instmctions for testing ofthe alanns. The landlord
shall provide the written notice to the tenant no later than at the time that the tenant first takes possession ofthe premises.
(3) Ifthe landlordreceiveswrittennoticefromthetenant ofa deficiencyina carbonmonoxidealarm, otherthandeadbatteries,thelandlordshall
repair or replace the alarm.
(4) Supplyingandmaintaimnga carbonmonoxidealarmrequiredunderthissectionisa habitableconditionrequirementunderORS90.320. [2009
c. 591§5;2011c.42§7]

Note: 90.317 was addedto andmade a part of ORSchapter 90by legislative action but was not added to any smaller series therein. SeePreface to
Oregon Revised Statutes for further explanation.

Note: See 105. 844.

90.318 Criteria for landlord provision ofcertain recycling services. (1) Ina city orthecounty withintheurbangrowthboundary ofa city that
has implemented multifamily recycling service, a landlord who hasfive or more sidential dwellin unit on a single premises or five or more
manufactureddwellingsin a single facility shall at all timesduringtenancyprovideto alltenants:
(a)A separatelocationforcontainersordepotsforatleastfowprincipalrecyclablematerialsorforthenumberofmaterialsrequiredtobe
collected under the residential on-route collection program, whichever isless, adequate to hold the reasonably anticipated volume ofeachmaterial;
(b) Regular collection service of the source separated recyclable materials; and
(c)Noticeatleastoncea yearoftheopportunitytorecyclewitha descriptionofthelocationofthecontainersordepotsonthepremisesand
infonnation abouthowto recycle. Newtenants shallbenotified oftheopportunity to recycle atthe time ofentering into a rental agreement.
(2)Asusedinthissection,"recyclablematerial"and"sourceseparate"havethemeaninggiventhosetermsinORS459. 005. [1991c.385 §16]
90.320 Landlord to maintain premises in habitable condition; agreement with tenant to maintain premises. (1) A landlord shall at all times
duringthetenancymaintainthe dwellingunitin a habitablecondition.Forpurposesofthis section, a dwellingunit shallbe consideredunhabitableifit
substantially lacks:
(a) Effectivewateroroojmeandweatherprotectionofroofandexteriorwalls,includingwindowsanddoors;
(b) Plumbing facaities that confomi to applicable law in effect at the time ofinstallation, and maintained in good working order;
(c) A watersupply approvedunderapplicablelawthatis:
(A) Underthecontrol ofthetenant or landlordandis capableofproducinghotandcoldrumiingwater;
(B) Furnished to appropriate fixtures;
(C) Connectedto a sewa e dis osalsystemapprovedunderappUcablelaw; and
(D)Maintainedsoasto providesafedrinkingwaterandto beingoodworkingorderto theextentthatthesystemcanbecontrolledbythe
(d)Adequateheatin facffidesthatconformto applicablelawatthetimeofinstallationandmaintainedingoodworkmgorder;
(e) Elegtricallightingwithwiringgndelectricalequipmentthatconformto applicablelawatthetimeofinstallationandmaintainedingood
working order;
(f) Buildings, grounds and appurtenances atthe time ofthecoinmencement oftherental agreement in every part safe fornomial andreasonably
foreseeable uses, clean sanitary andfree from allaccumulations ofdebris, fUth, mbbish, garbage, rodents andvermin, and all areasundercontrol of
the landlord kept in every part safe for normal and reasonably foreseeable uses, clean, sanitary and free from all a55wnulations ofdebris, filth, mbbish,
garbage,rodents and vennin;
(g) Exceptasotherwiseprovidedby local ordinanceorby written agreementbetweenthe landlord andthetenant, anade uatenumberof
appropriatereceptaclesfor arba e andrubbishincleanconditionandgoodrepairatthetimeofthecommencementoftherentalagreement,andthe
landlordsha provideandmaintainappropriate serviceablereceptaclesthereafterandarrangefortheirremoval;
(h) Floors watls, ceilings, stairwa s and railings mamtained in ood re air;
(i) Ventilating,airconditioningandotherfacilitiesandappliances,includingelevators,maintainedingoodrepairifsuppliedorrequiredtobe

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supplied by the laudlord:

^) Safetyfromfirehazards,includinga workingsmokealannorsmokejeteetet,withworkingbatteriesifsolelybattery-operated,providedonlyat
the beginningofanynewtenancywhenthe te ant n-sttakespossessionofthe premises, asprovidedin ORS479.270, butnot to includethe tenant's
testing of the smoke alarm or smoke detector asprovided in ORS 90. 325 (1);
(k) A carbon monoxide alarm, and the dwelling unit:
(A) Contaias-acarbonmonoxidesource;or
(B) Is locatedwithina structure that containsa carbonmonoxidesourceandthedwellingunitisconnectedto theroominwhichthe carbon
monoxide source is located by a door, ductwork or a ventilation shaft; or
(L)Workinglocksforalldwellingentrancedoors,and,unlesscontraryto applicablelaw,latchesforallwindows,bywhichaccessmaybehadto
thatportionottKepremisesthatthe tenant is entitledunderthe rentalagreementto occupyto the exclusionofothersandke s forthose locksthat
require keys.
(2) The landlord andtenant may agreein writingthatthetenant isto perform specified repairs, maintenance tasks andminor remodeling only if:
(a)Theagreementofthepartiesisenteredintoin goodfaithandnotforthepurposeofevadingtheobligationsofthelandlord;
(b) The agreement does not diminish the obligations of the landlord to other tenants in the premises; and
(c) The terms andconditions ofthe agreement areclearly andfairly disclosed andadequate consideration for the agreement is specifically stated.
(3) Any provisions ofthis section thatreasonably apply only to a structure that isusedasa home, residence or sleepingplace shallnot apply to a
manufactured dwelling, recreational vehicle or floatinghome wherethetenant ownsthemanufactured dwelling, recreadonal vehicle orfloating home,
rents the space and, in the case ofa dwelling or home, the space is not in a facility. Manufactured dweUing or floating home tenancies in which the
tenantownsthedwellingorhomeandrentsspaceina facilityshallbegovernedbyORS90.730,notbythissection. [Fonnerly91.770; 1993c.369§6;
1995c.559 §15; 1997c.249 §32; 1997c.577 §17; 1999c.307§20; 1999c.676§11;2009c.591 §12;2013c.294 §9]

90.322Landlordor agentaccessto premises;remedies.(1)A landlordor, to the extentprovidedinthis section, a landlord'sagentmayenter

intothetenant's dwellingunit or anyportion ofthe premises under thetenant's exclusive control inorderto inspect the premises, make necessary or
agreedrepairs, decorations, alterations orimprovements, supply necessary or agreed services, perform agreedyani maintenance or groundskeepingor
exhibit the dwelling unit to prospective or actual purchasers, mortgagees, tenants, workers or contractors. The right ofaccess ofthe landlord or
landlord's agent is limited as follows:
(a)A landlordorlandlord'sagentmayenteruponthepremisesunderthetenant'sexclusivecontrolnotincludingthedwellingunitwithoutconsent
ofthetenant andwithout notice to the tenant, forthepurpose ofservingnotices required orpemritted under this chapter, the rental agreement or any
provision of applicable law.
(b) In caseofanemergency, a landlordmay enterthe dwellingunit or anyportion ofthe premisesundera tenant's exclusive controlwithout
consent ofthe tenant, without notice to the tenant and at any time. "Emergency" includes but is not limited to a repair problem that, unless remedied
immediately, islikely to cause serious damage to the premises. Ifa landlord makes anemergency entry inthe tenant's absence, the landlord shallgive
thetenantactualnoticewithin24hoursaftertheentry, andthenoticeshallincludethefactoftheentry,thedateandtimeoftheentry,thenatureof
the emergency and the names of the persons who entered.
(c) Ifthetenantrequestsrepairsormaintenanceinwriting,thelandlordorlandlord'sagent,withoutfurthernotice,mayenterupondemand,inthe
tenant's absence or without the tenant's consent, for the purpose ofmakingthe requested repairs until the repairs are completed. The tenant's written
requestmayspecifyallowabletimes. Otherwise,theentrymustbeat a reasonabletime. Theauthorizationto enterprovidedbythetenant'swritten
request expires after sevendays, unless the repairs are inprogress andthe landlord or landlord's agent ismaking a reasonable effort to complete the
repairsina timelymanner.Ifthepersonenteringto dotherepairsisnotthelandlord,uponrequestofthetenant,thepersonmustshowthetenant
writtenevidencefromthe landlordauthorizingthatpersonto actforthelandlordinmakingthe repairs.
(d) A landlord andtenant may agree that the landlord or the landlord's agent may enter the dwelling unit and the premises without notice at
reasonabletimes forthepurposeofshowingthepremisesto a prospectivebuyer,providedthat the agreement:
(A) Is executedat a time whenthe landlordis actively engagedin attemptsto sell thepremises;
(B) Isreflectedin a writingseparatefiomtherentalagreementand signedby bothparties; and
(C) Is supported by separate consideration recited in the agreement.
(e)(A) If a written agreement requires the landlord to perfonn yard maintenance or grounds keeping for the premises:
(i) A landlordandtenantmayagreethatthelandlordorlandlord'sagentmayenterforthatpurposeuponthepremisesunderthetenant'sexclusive
control not including the dwellingunit, without notice to the tenant, atreasonable times andwithreasonable frequency. The terms ofthe right ofentry
must be describedinthe rentalagreementor in a separatewrittenagreement.
(ii) A tenantmaydenyconsentfor a landlordorlandlord'sagentto enteruponthepremisespursuantto thisparagraphiftheentry is at an
unreasonabletime orwithunreasonablefrequency. The tenantmust assertthe denialby givingactualnotice ofthe denialto the landlordorlandlord's
agent prior to, or at the time of, the attempted entry.
(B) As used in this paragraph:
(i) "Yard maintenance or grounds keeping" includes, but is not limited to, weeding, mowing grass andpruning trees and shrubs.
(ii) "Unreasonable time" refers to a time ofday, dayofthe weekorparticular time that conflicts withthe tenant's reasonable andspecific plansto
use the premises.
(f) Inall othercases,unlessthereisanagreementbetweenthelandlordandthetenantto thecontraryregardinga specificentry,thelandlordshall
give thetenant at least24 hours' actualnotice ofthe intent ofthe landlord to enterandthe landlord orlandlord's agentmay enter only atreasonable
times. The landlordor landlord's agentmay not enter ifthetenant, afterreceivingthe landlord'snotice, deniesconsentto enter. The tenantmust assert
this denial of consent by giving actual notice ofthe denial to the landlord or the landlord's agent or by attaching a ^witten notice ofthe denial in a
secure manner to the main entrance to that portion offhe premises or dwelling unit ofwhich the tenant has exclusive control, prior to or at the time of
the attempt by the landlordorlandlord's agentto enter.
(2) A landlord may not abuse the right of access or use it to harass the tenant. A tenant may not unreasonably withhold consent from the landlord
to enter.
(3) Thissectiondoesnotapplyto tenanciesconsistingofa rentalofspaceina facilityfora manufactureddwellingorfloatinghomeunderORS
90.505 to 90.850.
(4) Ifa tenancy consists ofrented space fora manufactured dwellingor floatinghome thatisownedbythetenant, but the tenancy isnot subject to
ORS90.505to 90.850becausethespaceisnotina facUity,thissectionshallallowaccessonlyto therentedspaceandnotto thedwellmgorhome.
(5) A landlord has no other right of access except:
(a) Pursuantto court order;
(b) Aspermittedby ORS90.410(2); or

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(c) Whenthe tenant hasabandonedorrelinquishedthepremises.

(6) If a landlord is required by a governmental agency to enter a dwelling unit or any portion ofthe premises under a tenant's exclusive control, but
the landlord failsto gainentry after a goodfaitheffort incompliance withthis section, thelandlord maynotbe found in violation ofany state statute
or local ordinance due to the failure.
(7) Ifthe tenant refuses to allow lawful access, the landlord may obtainmjunctive reliefto compel accessor may tenninate therental agreement
under ORS90.392 andtakepossession asprovided in ORS105. 105to 105. 168.Inaddition, the landlord may recover actual damages.
(8) Ifthe landlord makes anunlawful entry or a lawfal entry inanunreasonable manner ormakes repeated demands forentry otherwise lawfulbut
temiinate therental agreement pursuant to ORS90.360(1). In addition, thetenant niayrecover actual damages not lessthananamount equalto one
week'srent inthe case ofa week-to-week tenancy or onemonth's rent inall other cases. [Formerly 90. 335; 1997 c. 577 §18; 1999 c. 603 §19; 1999
c.676 §12; 2005c.391 §20]


90.325 Tenant duties. (1) The tenant shaU:

(a)Usethepartsofthepremisesincludingthelivingroom,bedroom,kitchen,bathroomanddimngroomina reasonablemannerconsideringthe
purposes for which they were designed and intended.
(b)Keepallareasofthepremisesundercontrolofthetenantineverypartasclean,sanitaryandfreefromall accumulationsofdebris,filth,
rubbish, garbage, rodents andvermin, asthecondition ofthepremises permits andto the extent that thetenant isresponsible for causingtheproblem.
Thetenantshallcooperateto a reasonableextentinassistingthelandlordinanyreasonableeffortto remedytheproblem.
(c)Disposefromthedwellingunitallashes,garbage,mbbishandotherwasteina clean,safeandlegalmanner.Withregardto needles,syringes
other place or manner except as authorized by state and local governmental agencies.
(d) Keepallplumbingfixturesinthe dwellingunit orusedby the tenantascleanastheirconditionpemiits.
(e)Useina reasonablemannerallelectrical,plumbing,sanitary,heating,ventilating,airconditioningandotherfacilitiesandappliancesincluding
elevators m the premises.
fhe landlord and notify the landlord in writing of any operating deficiencies.
(g)Behave andrequire otherpersons onthepremises with the consent ofthetenant to behaveina manner that will not disturb thepeaceful
enjoyment of the premises by neighbors.
(2) A tenant may not:
(a) Remove or tamper with a smoke alann, smoke detector or carbon monoxide alami as described in ORS 105. 842 or 479. 300.
(b)Deliberatelyornegligentlydestroy,deface,damage,impairorremoveanypartofthepremisesorknowinglypemiitanypersonto doso.
(c) Remove, obstruct ortamperwitha sprinklerheadusedfor fire suppression.
(3)A tenantisnotres onsible(^damage thatresults from:
(a) Acts of God; or
(b)Conductbya perpetratorrelatingtodomesticviolence,sexualassaultorstalkm^.^
(4) Fordamage thatresults from conduct by a perpetrator relating to domestic'violence, sexualassault or stalking, a landlord mayrequire a tenant
toprovideverificationthatthetenantora memberofthetenant'shouseholdisa victimofdomesticviolence,sexualassaultorstalkingasprovidedby
ORS90.453. [Fomierly91.775; 1993c.369 §7; 1995c.559§16; 1999c.307§21; 1999c.603 §20;2009c.591 §13;2015c.388 §7]
90.330 [Fonneriy91.780; 1991 c. 852 §1; 1995c.559 §17;renumbered90.262 in 1995]

90.335 [Formerly 91.785; 1995c.559 §18;renumbered90.322in 1995]

unitonlyasa dwellingunit.Therentalagreementmayrequirethatthetenantgiveactualnoticeto thelandlordofanyanticipatedextendedabsence
fromthepremises in excessofseven daysno laterthanthe first dayofthe extended absence. [Formerly 91. 790; 1995 c. 559 §19]

90.360Effectoflandlordnoncompliancewithrental agreementor obligationto maintainpremises; generally.(l)(a) Exceptasprovidedin

this chapter, if there is a material noncompUance by the landlord with the rental agreement or a noncompliance with ORS 90. 320 or 90. 730, the tenant
may deliver a written notice to the landlord specifying the acts andomissions constituting thebreachandthat therental agreement will temunate upon
a date not lessthan30daysafterdelivery ofthenotice ifthebreachisnot remedied in sevendaysinthe caseofanessential service or 30daysin all
othercases,andthe rental agreementshallterminate asprovidedin the noticesubjectto paragraphs(b) and(c) ofthis subsection.However,in the case
ofaweek-to-weektenancy,therentalagreementwillterminateupona datenotlessthansevendaysafterdeliveryofthenoticeifthebreachisnot
specified in the notice, the rental agreement shall not temiinate by reason of the breach.
(c) Ifsubstantiallythesameactoromissionthatconstituteda priornoncomplianceofwhichnoticewasgivenrecurswithinsfacmonths,thetenant
maytemiinate the rental agreement upon atleast 14 days' written notice specilying the breach andthe date oftermination ofthe rental agreement.
However, inthe case ofaweek-to-week tenancy, the tenant may terminate the rental agreement upon atleast seven days' written notice specifying the
breachanddateofterminationofthe rental agreement.
rentalagreementor ORS90.320or90.730.Thetenantshallnotbeentitledto recoverdamagesfora landlordnoncompliancewithORS90.320or
(a) The tenant kneworreasonably should haveknownofthe condition andfaUedto give actualnotice to thelandlord in a reasonable time prior to
the occurrence ofthepersonal injury, damage to personal property, diminution inrental value or other tenant lossresulting from thenoncompliance; or
(b)Thecondidonwascausedafterthetenancybeganbythedeliberateornegligentactoromissionofsomeoneotherthanthelandlordora person
acting on behalf ofthe landlord.

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https://www. oregonlegislature. gov/bills laws/ors/ors090. hl

(3) Theremedyprovidedinsubsection(2)ofthissectionisinadditionto anyrightofthetenantarisingundersubsection(1) ofthissection.

(4) Thetenantmaynotterminateorrecoverdamagesunderthissectionfora conditioncausedbythedeliberateornegligentactoromissionofthe
tenant orotherpersononthe premiseswiththe tenant'spermissionor consent.
90.300. [Formerly91.800; 1993c.369§8; 1995c.559§20; 1997c.577§19; 1999c.603 §21; 1999c.676 §13]
90.365FaUureoflandlordto supply essentialservices; remedies. (1) Ifcontrary to the rental agreementor ORS90.320or 90.730the landlord
intentionallyornegligentlyfailsto supplyanyessentialservice,thetenantmaygivewrittennoticetothelandlordspecifyingthebreachandthatthe
tenantmay seeksubstituteservices,diminutioninrent damagesor substitute ousing.Afterallowingthe landlord a reasonabletime andreasonable
accessunderthe circumstancesto supply the essentialservice,the tenantmay:
(a) Procure reasonable amounts ofthe essential service during the period ofthe landlord's noncompliance and deduct their actual andreasonable
cost from the rent;
(b) Recoverdamagesbaseduponthe diminutioninthe fairrentalvalue ofthe dwellingunit; or
(c)IfthefaUureto supplyanessentialservicemakesthedwellingunitunsafeorunfittooccupy,procuresubstitutehousingduringtheperiodofthe
mayrecover asdamages fromthe landlord the actual andreasonable cost or fairandreasonable value ofcomparable substitute housingin excessof
therentforthedwellingunit.Forpurposesofthisparagraph,substitutehousingiscomparableifit isofa qualitythatissimilarto orlessthanthe
qualityofthedwellingunitwithregardto basicelementsincludingcookingandrefrigerationservicesand,ifwarranted,uponconsiderationoffactors
forsubstitutehousinginthearea.A tenantmaychoosesubstitutehousingofrelativelygreaterquality,butthetenant'sdamagesshallbelimitedtothe
cost or value of comparable substitute housing.
imminentandseriousthreatto thetenant'shealth,safetyorproperty, thetenantmaygivewrittennoticeto thelandlordspecifyingthebreachandthat
therental agreement shallterminate innot lessthan48 hoursunlessthebreach isremedied withinthat period. Ifthe landlord adequately remedies the
breach before the end ofthe notice period, the rental agreement shall not terminate by reason ofthe breach. As used in this subsection, "inimment and
seriousthreatto thetenant'shealth,safetyorproperty"shallnotincludethepresenceofradon,asbestosorlead-basedpaintorthefiitureriskof
flooding or seismic hazard, as defined by ORS 455. 447.
(3) Forpurposes ofsubsection (1) ofthis section, a landlord shallnotbe considered to beintentionally ornegligently failingto supply anessential
service if:
(a) The landlord substantially supplies the essential service; or
(b) The landlord ismakinga reasonable and goodfaith effort to supply the essential service andthe failure is dueto conditions beyond the
landlord's control.
(4)Thissectiondoesnotrequirea landlordto supplya cookingapplianceora refrigeratorifthelandlorddidnotsupplyoragreeto supply a
cooking appliance or refrigerator to the tenant.
(5) Ifthe tenantproceedsunderthis section,the tenantmay not proceedunderORS90.360(1) asto thatbreach.
(6) Rights ofthe tenant under this section do not arise if the condition was caused by the deliberate or negligent act or omission of the tenant or a
person on the premises with the tenant's consent.
(7) Service ordelivery ofactual orwritten notice shaUbeasprovided by ORS90. 150and 90. 155, includingthe additionofthree daysto the notice
periodif written notice is deliveredby first class mail.
(8) Any provisions ofthis section thatreasonably apply only to a structure that isusedasa home, residence orsleepingplace doesnot apply to a
manufactured dwelling, recreational vehicle or floatinghome ifthe tenant ownsthemanufactured dwelling, recreational vehicle orfloatinghome and
rents the space. [Fonnerly 91. 805; 1995 c. 559 §21; 1997 c. 577 §20; 1999 c. 603 §22; 1999 c. 676 §14; 2007 c. 508 §8]

90.367Application ofsecurity deposit or prepaid rent after notice offoreclosure; termination affixedterm tenancy after notice. (1) A
tenant whoreceives actualnotice that the property that isthe subject ofthetenant's rental agreement witha landlord isin foreclosure may apply the
tenant's security deposit orprepaidrent to the tenant's obUgation to the landlord. Thetenant mustnotify the landlord inwritingthat the tenant intends
to doso.Thegivingofthenoticeprovidedbythissubsectionbythetenantdoesnotconstitutea terminationofthetenancy.
(2) A landlord may not terminate the tenancy of a tenant:
(a) Becausethetenanthasappliedthe security depositorprepaidrent asallowedundersubsection(1) ofthis secdon.
(b) Fornonpayment ofrent duringthemonth inwhichthe tenant applies the security deposit orprepaidrent pursuant to subsection (1) ofthis
section unless anunpaid balance remains due after applying aUpayments, including the security deposit or prepaid rent, to the rent.
(3) Ifthetenanthasnotprovidedthewrittennoticeapplyingthesecuritydepositorprepaidrentasrequiredundersubsection(1) ofthissection
beforethelandlordgivesa temiinationnoticefornonpaymentofrent,thetenantmustprovidethewrittennoticewithinthenoticeperiodprovidedby
ORS90.392or90.394.Ifthetenantdoesnotprovidethewrittennotice,thelandlordmayterminatethetenancybaseduponORS90.392or 90.394.
(4) Application ofthe security deposit or prepaid rent pursuant to subsection (1) ofthis section to anobligation owed to the landlord does not
constitute a partial payment under ORS 90. 417.
(5) Ifthe landlordprovides written evidence from a lender ortrostee thattheproperty isno longer inforeclosure, thelandlord may require the
tenant torestore the security deposit orprepaid rent to the amount required priorto the tenant's application ofthe security deposit or prepaidrent. The
landlord shaUallow the tenant at least two months to restore the security deposit orprepaid rent.
(6)(a) A tenant with a fixedtenntenancy whoreceives actual notice thattheproperty that isthe subject ofthetenant's rental agreement with a
landlord is in foreclosure may temiinate the tenancy by delivering a written notice to the landlord specifying that the tenant hasreceived notice that
theproperty isinforeclosure andthat thetenancy will tenninate upon a designated datethat isnot lessthan60daysafterdelivery ofthenotice unless
within30daysthelandlordprovidesthetenantwithwrittenevidencefroma lenderortmsteethatthepropertyisno longerinforeclosureorwith
written evidence that a receiver hasbeen appointed by a court ofcompetent jurisdiction to oversee the operation oftheproperty.
deliveryofthenoticeoftermination,thetenancytemiinatesasprovidedinthenotice.[2009c.510§4;2011c.42§7a;2013c.294 §10]
90.368 Repair ofminor habitabilitydefect (1) As usedinthissection, "minorhabitabilitydefect":
(a) Means a defect thatmay reasonably berepaired fornot more than $300, suchastherepair ofleaky plumbing, stopped up toilets or faulty light
(b) Does not mean the presence of mold, radon, asbestos or lead-based paint.

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(2) If, contraryto ORS90.320, the landlordfailsto repaira minorhabitabilitydefect,thetenantmay causethe repairofthe defectanddeduct
&om the tenant's subsequent rent obligation the actual and reasonable cost ofthe repair work, not to exceed $300.
(3)(a) Prior to causing a repair under subsection (2) ofthis section, the tenant shall give the landlord written notice:
(A) Describing the minor habitabflity defect; and
(B) Stating the tenant's intention to cause the repair ofthe defect and deduct the cost ofthe repair from a subsequent rent obligation ifthe landlord
fails to make the repairby a specifieddate.
(b) The specified date for repair contained in a written notice given to a landlord under this subsection must be at least seven days after the date
the notice is given to the landlord.
(c) Ifthe landlord fails to make the repair by the specified date, the tenant may use the remedy provided by subsection (2) ofthis section.
(d) Serviceor delivery oftherequiredwrittennotice shallbe madeasprovidedunderORS90. 155.
(4)(a) Any repairworkperfonnedunderthis sectionmustbeperformedin a workmanlikemannerandbe in compliancewithstate statutes, local
ordinances and the state building code.
(b) The landlord may specify the people to perform the repair work if the landlord's specifications are reasonable and do not dimmish the tenant's
rights under this section.
(c) The tenant may not perform work to repair the defect.
(d) To deduct the repair cost from the rent, the tenant must provide to the landlord a written statement, prepared by the person who made the
repair, showing the actual cost of the repair.
(5) A tenant may not causethe repairof a defect underthis section if:
(a) Within the time specified in the notice, the landlord substantially repairs the defect;
(b) After the time specified in the notice, but before the tenant causes the repair to bemade, the landlord substantially repairs the defect;
(c) Thetenanthaspreventedthe landlordfrommakingthe repair;
(d) The defect was causedby a deliberate or negligent act or omission ofthe tenant or ofa person on the premises with the tenant's consent;
(e) The tenant knew of the defect for more than six months before giving notice under this section; or
(f) Thetenanthaspreviouslyusedtheremedyprovidedby this sectionforthe sameoccurrenceofthe defect.
(6) Ifthe tenant proceeds under this section, the tenant may not proceed under ORS 90.360 (1) asto that breach, but may use any other avaUable
remedy in addition to the remedy provided by this section. [2007 c. 508 §2]

90.370Tenantcounterclaimsin actionbylandlordforpossessionor rent.(l)(a) Inanactionforpossessionbaseduponnonpaymentoftherent

or in an action for rent when the tenant is inpossession, the tenant may counterclaim for any amount, not in excess ofthejurisdictional limits ofthe
courtinwhichthe actionis brought, thatthe tenantmayrecoverunderthe rentalagreementor thischapter,providedthatthe tenantmust rovethat
priorto the fflin ofthe landlord'sactionthe landlordreasonablyhador shouldhave hadknowledgeorhadreceivedactualnotice ofthe factsthat
constitute the tenant's counterclaim.
(b)Intheeventthetenantcounterclaims,thecourtatthelandlord'sortenant'srequestmayorderthetenantto payintocourtall orpartoftherent
accruedandthereafteraccming,andshalldeterminetheamountdueto eachparty.Thepartyto whoma netamountisowedshallbepaidfirst from
themoneypaidintocoun,andshaUbepaidthebalancebytheotherparty.Thecourtmayatanytimereleasemoneypaidintocourtto eitherpartyif
the parties agree or ifthe court fmds suchparty to be entitled to the sum so released. Ifno rent remains due after application ofthis section and unless
otherwiseagreedbetweentheparties, a judgment shallbe entered forthe tenantin the actionforpossession.
(2) In an action for rent when the tenant is not inpossession, the tenant may counterclaim asprovided in subsection (1) ofthis section but is not
required to pay any rent into court.
(3) Ifthe tenant doesnot comply withan orderto payrent intothe court asprovidedin subsection(1) ofthis section,the tenant shaUnotbe
permitted to assert a counterclaim in the action for possession.
(4) Ifthe total amountfounddueto the tenant onany counterclaimsis lessthananyrent founddueto the landlord, andthe tenantretains
possessionsolelybecausethetenantpaidrent into courtundersubsection(1) ofthis section,no attorney fees shallbe awardedto thetenantunlessthe
tenant paid at least the balance found due to the landlord into court no later than the commencement of the trial.
(5) Whena tenantisgranteda continuancefora longerperiodthantwodays,andhasnotbeenorderedtopayrentintocourtundersubsection(1)
ofthissection,thetenantshallbeorderedto payrentintocourtunderORS105. 140(2). [Fonneriy91.810; 1993c.369§9; 1995c.559§22]
90.375 Effectofunlawfidouster or exclusion; willful diminutfonofservices.Ifa landlordunlawfullyremovesor excludesthetenant fromthe
premises,seriouslyattemptsor seriouslythreatensunlawfullytoremoveorexcludethetenantfromthepremisesorwfflfaUydiminishesor seriously
attempts or seriously threatens unlawfully to dimmish services to the tenant by intenupting or causing the intenxiption ofheat, miming water, hot
water,electricorotheressentialservice,thetenantmayobtaininjunctivereliefto recoverpossessionormaytemiinatetherentalagreementand
recover an amount up to two months' periodic rent or twice the actual damages sustained by the tenant, whichever is greater. Ifthe rental agreement is
terminated the landlord shall return all security deposits and prepaid rent recoverable under ORS 90. 300. The tenant need not terminate the rental
agreement,obtainmjunctiverelieforrecoverpossessiontorecoverdamagesunderthissection. [Fonneriy91.815; 1993c.369 §10; 1995c.559§23;

90.380 Effect ofrental ofdwelling in violadon ofbuilding or housing codes; remedy. (1) As used in this section, "posted" means that a
governmental agency has attached a copy ofthe agency's written determination in a secure manner to the main entrance ofthe dweUing unit or to the
premises or building ofwhich the dweUing unit is a part.
(2)(a) Ifa governmental agencyhasposteda dwellingunit asunsafeandunlawfulto occupydueto the existenceofconditionsthat violate stateor
local lawandmaterially affecthealth or safety to anextent that, inthe agency's determination, thetenant must vacate the unit andanother personmay
not takepossessionofthe unit, a landlordmay not continuea tenancyor enterinto a newtenancyforthedwellingunituntilthelandlordcorrectsthe
conditions that led to the agency's determination.
(b) If a landlord knowingly violates paragraph (a) ofthis subsection, the tenant may immediately terminate the tenancy by giving the landlord
theactualdamagessustainedbythetenantasa resultoftheviolation,whicheverisgreater.Thetenantneednotterminatethetenancyto recover
damagesunderthis section.
(3)(a) If a governmental agency has given a written notice to a landlord that a dwelling unit hasbeen determined to be unlawful, but not unsafe, to
occupyduetotheexistenceofconditionsthatviolatestateorlocallawandmateriallyaffecthealthor safetyto anextentthat,inthe agency's
detemrination, although the unit is safe for an existing tenant to occupy, another person may not take possession ofthe unit, the landlord may not enter
into a newtenancy for the dwellingunit until the landlordcorrectsthe conditionsthat ledto the agency'sdetermination.

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(b)Ifa landlordknowinglyviolatesparagraph(a)ofthissubsection,thetenantmayrecoverfromthelandlordeithertwomonths'periodicrentor
up to twicethe actualdamagessustainedby thetenantasa result oftheviolation, whicheveris greater.
(c) Notwithstanding paragraph (b) offhis subsection, a landlord isnot liableto a tenant for a violation ofparagraph (a) ofthissubsection if, prior to
thecoinmencementofthetenancy,thelandlorddisclosesto thetenantthatthedweUingunithasbeendetemiinedto beunlawfulto occupy.
(d)A disclosuredescribedinparagraph(c) ofthissubsectionmustbeinwriting,includea descriptionofthe conditionsthatledto theagency's
detemiinationandstatethatthelandlordisobligatedto correcttheconditionsbeforeenteringintoa newtenancy.Thelandlordshallattacha copyof
the agency's notice to the disclosure. The notice copy may provide the infomiation required by this paragraph to be disclosed by the landlord to the

(e) A disclosuredescribedinparagraph(c)ofthissubsectiondoesnotreleasethelandlordfromthedutiesimposedbythischapter,includingthe
dutyto maintainthe dwellingunitin a habitableconditionpursuantto ORS90.320or90.730.A tenantwhoentersinto a tenancyafterthelandlord's
disclosure doesnot waive the tenant's other remedies under this chapter. The disclosure does not prevent the governmental agency that made the
determinationfromimposingonthe landlord anypenalty authorizedby lawforenteringinto the newtenancy.
(4)(a) Ifa governmental agencyhasmadea determinationregardinga dwellingunit andhaspostedor givennotice forconditionsdescribedin
subsection (2)(a) or (3)(a) ofthis section, a landlord may not accept from an applicant for that dwelling unit a deposit to secure the execution of a
rentalagreementpursuantto ORS90.297unless,beforeacceptingthedeposit,thelandlorddisclosesto theapplicantasprovidedby subsection(3)(c)
ofthissectionthatthe dwellingunit hasbeendeterminedto beunlawfulto occupy.
(b)Ifa landlordknowinglyviolatesparagraph(a) ofthissubsectionorfaflsto con-ecttheconditionsleadingto theagency'sdeterminationbefore
the date a new tenancy is to begin asprovided by the agreement to secure the execution ofa rental agreement, an applicant may termmate the
agreement to secure the execution of the rental agreement by giving the landlord actual notice of the termination and the reason for termination. As a
resultofa termination,theapplicantmayrecoverfromthelandlordanamountequalto twicethedeposit.Ifanapplicantrecoversdamagesfor a
violation pursuant to this paragraph, the applicant may not recover any amounts under ORS 90. 297.
(5) If, after a landlord anda tenant have entered into a tenancy, a governmental agency posts a dwellingunit asunsafe andunlawful to occupy due
to the existenceofconditionsthatviolate state or locallaw,thatmaterially affecthealthor safetyandthat:
(a) Werenot causedby the tenant, the tenantmay immediatelytenninatethetenancyby givingthe landlord actualnotice oftheterminationand
the reasonfor the tennination; or
tenant 24 hours' written notice ofthe termination andthe reason for the termination, after whichthe landlord may take possession in the manner
provided in ORS 105. 105 to 105. 168.
(6) Ifthe tenancy is terminated, as a result ofconditions as described in subsections (2), (4) and (5) of this section, within 14 days ofthe notice of
termination the landlord shall return to the applicant or tenant:
(a) All ofthe deposit to secure the execution ofa rental agreement, security deposit or prepaid rent owed to the applicant under this section or to
the tenant under ORS 90. 300; and
(b) All rent prepaidforthemonthinwhichthe terminationoccurs,prorated, if applicable,to the date ofterminationorthe datethe tenantvacates
the premises, whichever is later.
(7) Ifconditionsatpremisesthat existedatthe outset ofthe tenancyandthat werenot causedby the tenantposeanimmment andseriousthreatto
agreementby givingthe landlordactualnoticeoftheterminationandthereasonforthetermination. Inaddidon,ifthe landlordknewor shouldhave
reasonablyknownofthe existenceofthe conditions,thetenantmayrecovereithertwomonths'periodicrent ortwicethe actualdamagessustainedby
the tenant asa result ofthe violation, whichever is greater. The tenant need not temiinate the rental agreement to recover damages under this section.
Within four days ofthe tenant's notice oftermination, the landlord shall return to the tenant:
(a) All ofthe securitydepositorprepaidrent owedto the tenantunderORS90.300; and
(b) All rentprepaid forthe month inwhichthetemiination occurs, prorated to the dateoftermination orthe datethetenant vacates thepremises,
whicheveris later.
(8)(a)A landlordshallreturnthemoneyduetheapplicantortenantundersubsections(6) and(7) ofthissectioneitherbymakingthemoney
available to the applicant or tenant at the landlord's customary place ofbusiness or by mailing the money by first class mail to the applicant or tenant.
(b) The applicant or tenant hasthe option ofchoosing fhe method for return ofany money due under this section. Ifthe applicant or tenant faUs to
choose one ofthese methods at the time of giving the notice of temiination, the landlord shall use the mail method, addressed to the last-known
addressofthe applicantor tenant andmailedwithinthe relevant four-dayor 14-dayperiodfollowingthe applicant'sortenant'snotice.
(9)Ifthelandlordfailsto complywithsubsection(8)ofthissection,theapplicantortenantmayrecoverthemoneydueinanamountequalto
twicetheamountdue. [Formerly91.817; 1993 c.369 §11; 1995 c.559 §24;2001 c.596 §32]

90.385Retaliatoryconductbylandlord;tenantremediesanddefenses;actionfor possessionincertaincases.(1) Exceptasprovidedinthis

section, a landlord may not retaliate by increasing rent or decreasing services, by serving a notice to terminate the tenancy or by bringing or
threatening to bring an action for possession after:
(a)Thetenanthascomplainedto, orexpressedto thelandlordinwritinganintentionto complainto, a governmentalagencychargedwith
responsibiUtyfor enforcementofanyofthe followingconcerninga violationapplicableto the tenancy:
(A) A bmlding, health or housing code materially affecting health or safety;
(B) Laws or regulations concerning the delivery of mail; or
(C) Lawsorreguladonsprohibitingdiscriminationin rentalhousing;
(b) Thetenant hasmadeanycomplaint to the landlordthatis m gpodfaithandrelatedto thetenancy;
(c) The tenanthasorganizedorbecome a memberofa tenants' unionor similarorganization;
(d) The tenant has testified against the landlord in anyjudicial, administrative or legislative proceeding;
(e) The tenant successfully defended an action forpossession brought by the landlord within the previous SKmonths except if the tenant was
successfulindefendingthe actiononly because:
(A) The termination notice by the landlord was not served or delivered in the manner required by ORS 90. 155; or
(B) Theperiodprovidedbythetemiinationnoticewaslessthanthatrequiredbythestatuteuponwhichthenoticereliedto terminatethetenancy;
(f) The tenant hasperformed or expressed intent to perform anyother act forthepurpose ofasserting, protecting orinvoking theprotection ofany
right secured to tenants under any federal, state or local law.
(2) As used in subsection (1) ofthis section, "decreasing services" includes:
(a) Unreasonably restricting the availability ofor placing unreasonable burdens on the use ofcommon areas or facilities by tenant associations or

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tenants meeting to establish a tenant organization; and

(b) Intentionally andunreasonably interfering withandsubstantially impairing the enjoyment oruseofthe premises by the tenant.
(3)Ifthelandlordactsinvioladonofsubsection(1) ofthissectionthetenantisentitledto theremediesprovidedinORS90.375andhas a
in anyretaliatory actionagainstthetenant forpossession.
(4) Notwithstanding subsections (1) and (3) ofthis section, a landlord may bring anaction for possession if:
(a) The complaint by the tenant wasmade to the landlord or an agent ofthe landlord in an unreasonable manner or at anunreasonable time or was
repeatedina mannerhavingtheeffectofimreasonably harassingthelandlord. A determination whetherthemanner, time oreffectofa complaint was
unreasonable shallinclude consideration ofallrelated circumstances preceding orcontemporaneous to the complaint;
householdofthetenantoruponthepremiseswiththe consentofthe tenant;
(c) The tenantwasindefaultinrent at the time ofthe serviceofthenoticeuponwhichthe actionisbased;or
(5)Forpurposesofthissecdon,a complaintmadebyanotheronbehalfofa tenantisconsidereda complaintbythetenant.
(6) For the purposes ofsubsection (4)(c) ofthis section, a tenant who haspaidrent into court pursuant to ORS 90. 370 shaU not be considered to be
in default in rent.
(7)Themaintenanceofanactionundersubsection(4)ofthissectiondoesnotreleasethelandlordfromHabUityunderORS90.360(2). [Former
91. 865; 1995 c. 559 §25; 1997 c. 303 §1; 1999 c.603 §23; 2011 c.42 §8]

90.390Discriminationagainsttenantor applicant;tenantdefense.(1)A landlordmaynotdiscriminateagainsta tenantinviolationoflocal,

state or federal law, including ORS 659A. 145 and 659A. 421.
(2)IfthetenantcanproveAatthelandlord violated subsection(1)ofthissection,thetenanthasa defenseinanydiscriminatory actionbroughtby
the landlord against the tenant for possession, unless the tenant is in default in rent.
(3)A tenantmayprove a landlord's discrimination inviolation ofORS659A. 145or659A. 421bydemonstrating thata faciaUyneutralhousing
poUcyhasa disparateadverseimpact,asdescribedinORS659A.425,onmembersofa protectedclass. [1993 c.369 §24; 1997c.577 §22;2003c"378
§12;2005c.391§32;2007c.903-§14;2008c.36§3;2013c.294§ll;2013c.530§5] ' ^ "-, --. -..,, -,

90.392Tenninadonofrentalagreementbylandlordforcause;tenantrightto cureviolation.(1)Exceptasprovidedinthischapter,after
deliveryofwrittennoticea landlordmaytemiinatetherentalagreementforcauseandtakepossessionasprovidedinORS105.105to 105. 168,unless
the tenant cures the violation as provided in this section.
(2) Causes for temiination under this section are:
Ca)Materialviolation,bvthetenantoftherentala eeme orpurposesofthisparagraph,materialviolationoftherentalagreementincludes,but
isnot limited to, the nonpayment ofa late c arge under ORS 90.260 or a utility or service charge under ORS 90. 315.
(b) Materialviolationby the tenantofORS90.325.
(c) Failure by the tenant to pay rent.
(3) ThefIStiee^inss?
(a) ^eci^the acts and omissions constituting the violation;
(b) Except asprovided in subsection (5)(a) ofthis section, state that therental agreement will terminate upon a designated datenot lessthan 10
days after deUverv of the notice: and
(c) Ifthetenantcancuretheviolationasprovidedinsubsection(4) ofthissection,statethattheviolationcanbecured,describeatleastone
possibleremedyto curethe violationanddesignatethe dateby whichthe tenantmustcure the violation.
(4)(a) Ifthe violation describedinthenotice canbecuredby the tenant by a changeinconduct, repairs, payment ofmoney orotherwise, therental
agreement does not terminate if the tenant cures the violation by the designated date. The designated date must be:
(A) At least 14 daysafterdeliveryofthenotice; or
(B)Iftheviolationisconductthatwasa separateanddistinctactoromissionandisnotongoing,noearlierthanthedateofdeliveryofthenotice
repetitiveovertimethat a reasonablepersonwouldconsidertheconductto be ongoing.
(b) Ifthe tenant does not cure the violation, the rental agreement temiinates asprovided in the notice.
(5)(a)Ifthecauseofa writtennoticedeliveredundersubsection(1)ofthissectionissubstantiallythesameactoromissionthatconstituteda prior
violation for whichnotice was given under this section within the previous six months, the designated termination date stated in the notice must be not
lessthan 10days afterdelivery ofthenotice andno earlierthanthedesignatedtermination date stated inthepreviously givennotice. The tenant does
not have a right to cure this subsequent violation.
(b) A landlord majyigUemunate a rental agreement under this subsection ifthe only violation isa failure to paythe current month's rent.
(6) When a tenancy is a week-to-week tenancy, the notice period in:
(a) Subsection(3)(b) ofthis sectionchangesfrom30 daysto sevendays;
(b) Subsection (4)(a)(A) ofthis section changes from 14 days to four days; and
(c) Subsecdon (5)(a) ofthis section changes from 10days to four days.
(7)Theterminationofa tenancyfora manufactureddwellingorfloatinghomespaceina facilityunderORS90.505to 90.850isgovernedbyORS
90.630andnotby this section. [2005 c.391 §7]

I 90.394JTermination ofrental agreement for failure to pay rent The landlord may terminate the rental agreement fornonpayment ofrent and
taf6^65Sfi?sionasprovidedin ORS 105. 105to 105. 168,asfollows:
(1) Whenthe tenancy is a yeelc-^^week tenancy, by delivering to the tenant atleast 72 hours' ^witten notice ofnonpayment andthe lan d's
intentiontotemiinatetherentalayeemenHFtherentisnotpaidwithinthatperiod.Thelandlordshallgivethisnoticenosoonerthanont fifth ay
ofthe rentalperiod,mcludingthe first daythe rent is due.
(2) For all tenancies other than week-to-week tenancies, by delivering to the tenant:
period. Thelandlord shall give this notice no soonerthanonthe ei thda ofthe rental period, includingthe first daythe rent is due; or
(b) At least 144hours' written notice ofnonpayment and e andlord's intention to terminate the rental agreement ifthe rent isnotpaidwithin

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thatperiod.ThelandlordshaUgivethisnoticeno soonerthanonthefifthdayoftherentalperiod,includingthe firstdaytherentisdue.

the rent to cure the nonpayment ofrent.
(4)Paymentbya tenantwhohasreceiveda noticeunderthissectionistimelyifmailedtothelandlordwithintheperiodofthenoticeunless:
(a) The notice is served on the tenant:
(A) By personal delivery as provided in ORS 90. 155 (l)(a); or
(B) By first classinailandattachmentasprovidedin ORS90. 155 (l)(c);
(b) A written rental agreement andthe notice expressly state thatpayment isto bemade at a specified location that is either onthepremises orat a
placewherethetenanthasmadeallpreviousrent paymentsinperson; and
(c) The place so specified is available to the tenant for payment throughout the period ofthe notice. [2005 c. 391 §8]

90.396 Acts or oinissioritjflstj^a^ termination 24 hours after notice. (1) Except asprovided in subsection (2) ofthis section, after at least 24
hours' writtennotice specifying the acts andomissions constituting the cause andspecifyingthe date andtime ofthe tennination, the landlord may
terminate the rental agreement and take possession as provided in ORS 105. 105 to 105. 168, if:
(a) Thetenant, someoneinthetenant'scontrolorthetenant'^i^e^teeriouslvthreatensto inflictsubstantialpersonalinjury, orinflictsanysubstantial
personal injury, upon a person on the premises other than the tenant;
(b) Thetenant or someone inthe tenant's control reAlessl^^idans^rs a person onthe premises otherthanthetenant by creating a serious riskof
substantialpersonal injury;
(c) Thetenant, someone inthetenant's control orthetenant'sjset^flictl anysubstantialpersonal mjurx^pon a neighborlivingintheimmediate
vicinity ofthe premises;
(d) Thetenantorsomeoneinthetenant'scontrolintentionall inflictsan substantialdama e to thepremisesorthetenant'spet inflictssubstantial
damage to the premises on more than one occasion;
(e)(A) Thetenant intentionally provided substantial figlseinfnimation fi^thfi^Q^icatinn forthetenancywithinthepastyear;
(B) The false infonnation waswithregardto a criminal conviction ofthetenant thatwould havebeenmaterial to the landlord's acceptance ofthe
application; and
(C) Thejairilord terminates the,rental agreement within 30 days after discovering the falsity ofthe information; or
(e) ofthissubsection,but is similarin degreeandis onethat a reas nablepersoninthatcommunity wouldconsiderto be so offensive asto warrant
termination ofthetenancywithin24hours, consideringtheseriousnesso theactortheriskto others. AnacTtEatis^utrageous intheextreme ismore
extreme or serious than an act that warrants a 30-day termination under ORS90. 392. Acts that are "outrageous in the extreme" include, but are not
limited to, the following acts by a person:
(A) Prostitution, commercial sexual solicitation or promoting prostitution, asdescribed in ORS 167. 007, 167. 008 and 167. 012;
(B) Manufacture^deUxenLorpossession of a controlled substance, asdescribed in ORS475. 005, but not including:
(i) The medical use of marijuana in compliance with ORS 475B. 400 to 475B. 525;
(ii) Possessionof, ordelivery forno considerationof, less thanoneavoirdupoisounceofmarijuanaasdescribedin ORS475.860 f3) or 475.864
(3); or
(iii) Possession ofprescription dmgs;
CC1 Intimidation-as described in ORS 166. 155 and 166. 165; or
(D) Byrglarx_as described in ORS 164.215 and 164.225.
(2) Ifthe cause for a termination notice givenpursuant to subsection (1) ofthissectionisbaseduponthe acts ofthe tenant's pet, the tenant may
curethecauseandavoidterminationofthetenancybyremovingthepetfromthepremisespriorto theendofthenoticeperiod.Thenoticemust
describetherightofthetenantto curethecause.Ifthetenantreturnsthepetto thepremisesat anytimeafterhavingcuredtheviolation,thelandlord,
after atleast 24hours' written notice specifyingthe subsequent presence ofthe offendingpet,maytenninate the rental agreement andtake possession
asprovided in ORS 105. 105 to 105. 168. The tenant does not have a right to cure this subsequent violation.
(3) For purposes of subsection (1) of this section, someone
isyi the tenant's coiitrolifthat person enters or remains on the remises with the
tenantspemussion orcmiseu^afterthetenantreasonably knowsOT^SSTEiowofthatperson s actorlikelihoodto commit anyactofthetype
described'msubsection(1) ofthis section.
(4) An actcanbeproven to beoutrageous inthe extreme even ifthe act isonethatdoesnot violate a criminal statute. Notwithstanding the
references to criminal statutes insubsection (l)(f) ofthis section, the landlord's burdenofproofm anaction forpossession under subsection (1) ofthis
section is the civfl standard ofproof b onderance ofthe evidenc .
(5)Ifa goodfaitheffortbya landlordto terminatet e tenancyundersubsection(l)(f) ofthissectionandtorecoverpossessionoftherentalunit
under ORS 105. 105 to 105. 168 fails by decision ofthe court, the landlord may not be found in violation ofany state statute or local ordinance
requiringthe landlord to remove that tenant uponthreat offme, abatement or forfeiture aslongasthe landlord continues to make a goodfaith effort to
temrinate the tenancy. [2005 c.391 §9; 2007c. 71 §23; 2011 c. 151 §5; 2015c.98 §3]

90.398Terminationofrentalagreementfor drugor alcoholviolations.(1)Ifa tenantlivingforlessthantwoyearsindmgandalcoholfree

housinguses, possesses or shares alcohol, illegal dmgs, controlled substances orprescription drugswithout a medicalprescription, the landlord may
delivera writtennoticeto the tenantterminatingthe tenancyfor causeandtakepossessionasprovidedin ORS105. 105to 105. 168. Thenoticemust
thenotice,at a specifieddateandtime. Thenoticemustalsostatethatthetenantcancurethedmgoralcoholviolationbya changeinconductor
otherwise within 24 hours after delivery ofthe notice.
(2) Ifthe tenant curesthe violationwithinthe 24-hourperiod,therentalagreementdoesnot terminate. Ifthe tenantdoesnot cure theviolation
withinthe24-hourperiod,the rental agreementtemiinatesasprovidedinthenotice.
(3)Ifsubstantiallythe sameactthatconstituteda priordmgoralcoholviolationofwhichnoticewasgivenreoccurswithinsfacmonths,thelandlord
may temiinate the rental agreement upon at least 24 hours' written notice specifying the violation and the date and time of termination ofthe rental
agreement. Thetenant doesnot have a rightto curethis subsequentviolation. [2005 c.391 §10]

90.400[Fonneriy91 820; 1993c.369§12;1995c.559§26;1997c.577§23;1999c.603§24;1999c.676§15;2001c.596§33;2003c.378§13;

2005c.22 §61;2005c. 708 §42;repealedby 2005c.391 §39]

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90.401 Remediesavailableto landlord. Exceptasprovidedinthischapter:

(1) A landlord may pursue anyone ormore ofthe remedies set forthin ORS90. 392, 90. 394, 90. 396, 90. 398, 90.403 and90.405, simultaneously or
(2) Inaddition to theremediesprovided in ORS90. 392, 90.394, 90. 396 and90. 398, a landlord mayrecover damages and obtaininjunctive relief
for any noncomplianceby thetenantwiththe rental agreementorORS90.325 or 90.740. [2005 c.391 §11]

90.402 [1993 c.369 §25; 1995c. 559 §27; renumbered90. 160m 1995]

24hours'writtennoticespecifyingthe causeandthedateandtimebywhichthepersonmustvacate,a landlordmaytakepossessionasprovidedin
ORS 105. 105 to 105. 168 if:
(a) Thetenanthasvacatedthepremises;
(b) Therental agreement withthe tenant prohibited subleasing or aUowinganotherperson to occupy thepremises without the written pennission of
the landlord; and
(c) The landlord has not knowingly accepted rent from the person in possession of the premises.
(2) Serviceofnodceunderthissectiondoesnotcreatea rightoftenancyforthepersoninpossessionofthe preimses. [2005c.391 §12]

90.405Effect oftenant keeping unpermitted pet. (1) Ifthe tenant, inviolation oftherental agreement, keeps onthepremises a pet capable of
causingdamageto personsorproperty,thelandlordmaydelivera writtennoticespecifyingtheviolationandstatingthatthetenancywilltenninate
upona datenotlessthan10daysafterthedeliveryofthenoticeunlessthetenantremovesthepetfromthepremisespriorto theterminationdate
providedin ORS105. 105to 105. 168.
(2) For purposes ofthis section, "a pet capable ofcausing damage to persons or property" means an animal that, because ofthe nature, size or
behavioralcharacteristicsofthatparticularanimalorofthatbreedortypeofanimalgenerally,a reasonablepersonmightconsidertobecapableof
causingpersonal injury orproperty damage, including butnot limited to, waterdamage frommedium or larger sizedfishtanks or otherpersonal injury
orproperty damagearisingfix>mthe environment inwhichthe animalis kept.
(3) If substantially the same act that constituted a prior noncompliance ofwhichnotice was given under subsection (1) ofthis section recurs within
svimonths, the landlord may terminate the rental agreement upon at least 10 days' written notice specifying the breach and the date oftermination of
the rental agreement.
(4) Thissection shallnot apply to any tenancy governed by ORS90. 505 to 90. 850. [Formerly 91. 822; 1995 c.559 §28; 1999 c.603 §25]
90.410Effectoftenantfailureto givenoticeofabsence;absence;abandonment(1)Iftherentalagreementrequiresthetenantto giveactual
noticeto thelandlordofananticipatedextendedabsencein excessofsevendaysaspermittedbyORS90.340andthetenantwillfullyfailsto doso,
the landlord may recover actual damages from the tenant.
(2) Duringanyabsenceofthetenantinexcessofsevendays,thelandlordmayenterthedwellingunitattimesreasonablynecessary.
(3)Ifthe tenant abandonsthe dwellingunit, thelandlord shallmakereasonable efforts to rent it for a fairrental. Ifthelandlord rentsthe dwelling
unitfora termbeginningbeforetheexpu-ationoftherentalagreement,therentalagreementterminatesasofthedateofthenewtenancy.Ifthe
landlordfailsto usereasonableeffortsto rent the dwellingunit at a fairrentalorifthelandlordacceptsthe abandonmentasa surrender,therental
agreement isdeemed to betennmated by the landlord asofthedatethe landlord knowsor should knowofthe abandonment. Ifthe tenancy isfrom
month to month orweekto week, thetenn ofthe rental agreement forthispurpose isdeemedto bea month ora week, asthe casemay be.
91. 825; 1993 c.369 §13; 1995c. 559 §29; 1999c. 603 §26]

90.412Waiverofterminatfonoftenancy.(1)AsusedinthissectionandORS90.414and90.417,"rent"doesnotincludefundspaidto a
(a) UndertheUnited StatesHousingAct of 1937(42 U. S.C. 1437f).
(b) By any other local, state or federal housing assistance program.
(2) Except asotherwise provided in this section, a landlord waives the rieht to terminate a reitxl am-psmpjat for a particular violation ofthe rental
agreement or of law if the landlord:
(a) Duringthree ormore separaterentalperiods, acceptsrent withknowledgeoftheviolationby thetenant; or
(b) Acceptsperformanceby a tenant thatvariesfromthetennsoftherentalagreement.
(3) A landlordhasnot acceptedrent forpurposesofsubsection(2) ofthissectionif:
(a) Within 10 days after receipt oftherent payment. the_landlord refafldsjtllgjeiit; or
(b) The rent payment isnude m the form ofa check that is dishonored.
(4)A landlorddoesnotwaivetherightto terminatea rentalagreementfora violationunderanyofthefollowingcircumstances:
(a) The landlord and tenant agree otherwise after the violation has occurred.
(b) The violation concerns thetenant's conduct and, following the violation butpriorto acceptance ofrent for three rental periods or performance
asdescribedin subsection(2) ofthis section, the landlordgivesa writtenwarningnoticeto thetenant regardingthe violationthat:
(A)Describesspecificallytheconductthatconstitutestheviolation,eitherasa separateanddistinctviolation, a seriesorgroupofviolationsor a
continuous or ongoing violation;
(B) Statesthat the tenant is required to discontinue the conduct or correct the violation; and
(C) Statesthata reoccurrenceoftheconductthatconstitutesa violationmayresultina terminationofthetenancypursuantto ORS90.392,
90. 398, 90. 405 or 90. 630.
(c) The violation concerns the tenant's failure topaymoney owedto the landlord for damage to thepremises, damageto any other stmcture
located upon the grounds, utiUty charges, feesor deposits and, following theviolation butprior to the acceptance ofrent forthree rental periods or
performanceasdescribedinsubsection(2) ofthissection,thelandlordgivesa writtenwarningnodceto thetenantregardingtheviolationthat:
(A) Describes specifically the basis of the claim and the amount of money owed that constitutes the violation;
(B) Statesthatthe tenant isrequiredto correctthe violationby payingthemoney owed;and
(C) Statesthat continued nonpayment ofthe money owedthatconstitutes a violation inayresult in a termination ofthe tenancy pursuant to ORS
90. 392.
(d) Thetenancy consistsofrented spacefor a manufactureddwellingor floatinghomeasdescribedm ORS90.505, andthe violationconcerns:
(A) Disrepairor deteriorationofthemanufactureddwellingor floatinghomepursuantto ORS90.632; or

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(B) A failure to maintain the rented space, as provided by ORS 90. 740 (2), (4)(b) and (4)(h) and (i).
(e) The termination is under ORS 90. 396.
(f) The landlord accepts:
(A) A lastmonth'srent depositcollectedatthebegmningofthetenancy,regardlessofwhetherthe depositcoversa periodbeyonda tennination
(B) Rentdistributedpursuantto a court orderreleasingmoneypaidinto court asprovidedby ORS90.370 (1); or
(C) Rentpaidfor a rent obligationnot yet due andpaidmore thanonerentalperiodin advance.
(5)(a) For a continuousor ongoingviolation,the landlord'swrittenwarningnoticeundersubsection(4)(b) ofthis sectionremainseffective for 12
months and may be renewed with a new warning notice before the end ofthe 12 months.
(b) For a violation concerning the tenant's faUin-eto paymoney owedto the landlord, the landlord's written warningnotice under subsection (4)(c)
ofthis section remains effective for 12 months from the date ofthe tenant's faUure to pay the money owed.
(6) A landlordthatmustrefundrentunderthissectionshallmaketherefundtothetenantorotherpayerby personaldeliveryorfirstclassmail.
Therefundmay be inthe formofthe tenant's or otherpayer's checkor in anyother formofcheckor money. [2007 c. 906 §27; 2013 c.443 §7; 2015
c. 388 §4]

90.414Actsnotconstitutingwaiverofterminationoftenancy;deliveryofrentrefund.(1)Ifa noticeoftenninationhasbeengivenbythe
landlordorthetenant,thefollowingdonotwaivetherightofthelandlordto terminateonthenoticeanddonot reinstatethetenancy:
(a) Exceptwhenthenoticeis a nonpaymentofrent terminationnoticeunderORS90.394, the acceptanceofrent if:
(A) The rent is prorated to the termination date specified in the notice; or
(B) Thelandlord refunds at leasttheunusedbalance oftherent prorated forthe periodbeyond the temiination datewithin 10days afterreceiving
the rent payment.
(b)ExceptifthetemiinationisforcauseunderORS90.392,90.398,90.405,90.630or90.632,theacceptanceofrentfora rentalperiodthat
extendsbeyondtheterminationdateinthenotice,ifthelandlordrefundsatleasttheunusedbalanceoftherent fortheperiodbeyondthetermination
datewithin 10daysafterthe endoftheremedyor correctionperioddescribedin the applicablenotice.
105. 168 to recover possession of the premises based on the termination:
(A) The acceptance ofrent for a period beyond the expiration ofthenotice oftermination duringwhichthe tenant remains inpossession if:
(i) The landlord notifies the tenant in writing in, or after the service of, the notice oftermination for cause that the acceptance ofrent while an
action for possession is pending will not waive the right to tenninate under the notice; and
(ii) The rent does not cover a period that extends beyond the date the rent payment is accepted.
(B) Service of a nonpayment of rent termination notice under ORS 90. 394.
(2) The foUowingdo not waivetheright ofthe landlordto tenninateona noticeoftermination givenby the landlord orthetenant anddo not
remstate a tenancy:
(a) Theacceptanceofa lastmonth'srent depositcollectedatthebeginningofthetenancy,whetherornotthe depositcoversa periodbeyond a
temiination date.
(b)Theacceptanceofrentdistributedundera courtorderreleasingmoneythatwaspaidintothecourtasprovidedunderORS90.370(1).
(c) The acceptanceofrentpaidfora rent obligationnotyet due andpaidmorethanonerentalperiodin advance.
(3) Whena landlordmustrefundrentunderthissection,therefundshaUbemadetothetenantorotherpayerbypersonaldeliveryorfastclass
mail andmay be in the fonn ofthe tenant's or other payer's check or in any other fonn ofcheck or money. [2007 c. 906 §28]

90.415 [Formerly 91. 830; 1991 c. 62 §1; 1995 c.559 §30; 1997c. 577 §24; 1999c.603 §27; 1999c. 676 §16; 2001 c. 596 §34; 2003 c.658 §4; 2005
c.22 §62;2005c.391 §21;repealedby 2007c.906 §30]

90.417 Duty to pay rent; effect of acceptance ofpartial rent. (1) A tenant's duty regarding rent payments is to tender to the landlord an offer of
thefallamountofrentowedwithinthetimeallowedbylawandbytherentalagreementprovisionsregardingpayment.A landlordmayrefuseto
accepta rent tenderthat is forlessthanthe fuUamountofrent owedorthat isuntimely.
(2) A landlord may accept a partial payment ofrent. The acceptance ofa partialpayment ofrent in a manner consistent with subsection (4) ofthis
sectiondoesnot constitute a waiverunderORS90.412(2)(b)ofthelandlord'srighttotemiinatethetenancyunderORS90. 394fornonpaymentofthe
balanceofthe rent owed.
(3)A landlordandtenantmaybywrittenagreementprovidethatmontMyrentshallbepaidinregularinstallmentsoflessthana monthpursuantto
a schedulespecifiedm theagreement.Installmentrentpaymentsdescribedinthissubsectionarenotpartialpaymentofrentforpurposesofthis
(4) The acceptance ofa Mrtial payment ofrent waivesthe right ofthe landlord to temiinate the tenant's rental agreement under ORS90. 394 for
(a)(A) Thelandlordacceptedthepartialpayment ofrent l^sfiw-Jhelandlordgavea nonpaymentofrent terminationnoticeunderORS90.394
based onthe tenant's agreement to pay the balance by a time certain and the tenant does not pay the balance ofthe rent as agreed;
(B) Thelandlord'snoticeofterminationis servedno earlierthanit wouldhavebeenpennittedunderORS90.394hadnorentbeenaccepted;and
(C) Thenoticepermitsthetenantto avoidterminationofthetenancyfornonpaymentofrentbypayingthebalancewithin72hoursor 144hours,
as the case may be, or by any date to which the parties agreed, whichever is later; or
(b) The landlordaccepteda partialpaymentofrent aftergivinga nonpaymentofrentterminationnoticeunderORS90.394 andenteredinto a
written agreement with the tenant that the acceptance does not constitute waiver. The agreement may provide that the landlord may terminate the
rentalagreementandtakepossessionasprovidedinORS105. 105to 105.168withoutservinga newnoticeunderORS90.394ifthetenantfailsto pay
the balance of the rent by a time certain.
(5) Applicationofa tenant's security depositorprepaidrent to anobligationowedto a landlordin foreclosureunderORS90.367 doesnot
constitute a partial payment ofrent.
(6) Notwithstandinganyacceptanceofa partialpaymentofrentundersubsection(4) ofthis section,thetenantcontinuesto owe the landloidthe
unpaid balance of the rent. [2007 c. 906 §29; 2011 c.42 §8a]

90.420Enforceabilityoflandlordliens; distraintfor rent abolished.(1) A lien or securityinterest onbehalfofthe landlordinthe tenant's

householdgoodsis not enforceableunlessperfectedbeforeOctober5, 1973.
(2) Distraint for rent is aboUshed. [Formerly 91. 835]

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90.425Dispositionofpersonalproperty abandonedbytenant;notice;sale;limitationonlandlordliability; taxcancellation;storage

agreements; hazardous property. (1) As used in this section:
(a) "Currentmarketvalue"meanstheamountincash,asdetenninedbythe countyassessor,thatcouldreasonablybeexpectedto bepaidfor a
manufactiireddwellingor floatinghomeby aninformedbuyerto aninformedseller,eachactingwithoutcompulsioninanann's-lengthtransaction
occurringonthe assessmentdateforthe taxyearor onthe dateofa subsequentreappraisalby the countyassessor.
(b) "Dispose ofthe personal property" means that, ifreasonably appropriate, the landlord may throw away the property or may give it without
consideradon to a nonprofit organization or to a person unrelated to the landlord. The landlord may not retain the property for personal use or benefit.
(c) "Goods"includesthosegoodsleft insidea recreationalvehicle,manufactureddwellingor floatinghomeorleftupontherentalspaceoutside a
recreationalvehicle,manufactureddwellingor floatinghome,whethertherecreationalvehicle, dwellingor home is locatedinsideor outsideof a
(d) "Lienholder"meansanylienholderofan abandonedrecreationalvehicle,manufactureddwellingor floatinghome, ifthelien is ofrecordor the
lienholder is actually known to the landlord.
(e) "Ofrecord" means:
(A) For a recreational vehicle that is not a manufactured stmcture asdefmed in ORS446. 561, that a security interest hasbeen properly recorded
with the Department of Transportation pursuant to ORS 802. 200 (l)(a)(A) and 803. 097.
(B)Fora manufactureddweUingorrecreationalvehiclethatisa manufacturedstructureasdefmedinORS446.561,thata securityinteresthas
been properly recorded for the manufactured dwelling or recreational vehicle in the records of the Department of Consumer and Business Services
pursuantto ORS446.611 or on a certificate oftitle issuedby the DepartmentofTransportationpriorto May 1, 2005.
(C) Fora floatinghome, that a securityinteresthasbeenproperly recordedwiththe StateMarineBoardpursuantto ORS830.740to 830.755 for a
home registered and titled with the board pursuant to ORS 830. 715.
(f) "Owner"means anyownerofan abandonedrecreationalvehicle, manufactureddwellingor floatinghome, if differentfromthe tenant and
either of record or actually known to the landlord.
(g) "Personal property" means goods, vehicles and recreational vehicles and includes manufactured dwelUngs and floating homes not located in a
facility."Personalproperty" doesnotincludemanufactureddwellingsandfloatinghomeslocatedina facilityandthereforesubjectto beingstored,
sold or disposed of as provided under ORS 90. 675.
(2) A landlordisresponsibleforabandonedpersonalpropertyandshaUstore,sellordisposeofabandonedpersonalpropertyasprovidedbythis
secdon.Thissectiongovernstherightsandobligationsoflandlords,tenantsandanylienholdersorownersinanypersonalproperty abandonedorleft
upon the premises by the tenant or any lienholder or owner in the following circumstances:
(a) The tenancy has ended by tenninadon or expiration ofa rental agreement or by relinquishment or abandomnent ofthe premises and the
any further claim to the premises or to the personal property;
(b) The tenant hasbeen absent from the premises continuously for seven days after termination of a tenancy by a court order that hasnot been
executed; or
(c) The landlord receives possession ofthe premises from the sheriff following restitution pursuant to ORS 105. 161.
(3) Priorto storing, sellingor disposingofthe tenant'spersonalproperty underthis section, the landlordmust give a writtennotice to the tenant
that must be:
(a) Personally delivered to the tenant; or
(b) Sent by first class mail addressed and mailed to the tenant at:
(A) The premises;
(B) Any post-ofGce box held by the tenant and actually known to the landlord; and
(C) Themostrecent forwardingaddressifprovidedby the tenant or actuallyknownto thelandlord.
(4)(a) Inadditionto thenoticerequiredbysubsection(3) ofthissection,inthecaseofanabandonedrecreationalvehicle,manufactureddwelling
or floating home, a landlord shall also give a copy of the notice described in subsection (3) of this section to:
(A) Any lienholder ofthe recreational vehicle, manufactured dwelling or floating home;
(B) Any owner of the recreational vehicle, manufactured dwelling or floating home;
(C) Thetaxcollectorofthe countywherethe manufactureddwellingor floatinghomeis located; and
(D) The assessor of the county where the manufactured dwelling or floating home is located.
(b) The landlord shall give the notice copy required by this subsection by personal delivery or first class mail, except that for any lienholder, mail
servicemustbebothby fastclassmail andby certifiedmailwithreturnreceipt requested.
(c) A notice to Menholders under paragraph (a)(A) of this subsection must be sent to each lienholder at each address:
(A) Actually known to the landlord;
(B) Ofrecord; and
(C) Provided to the landlord by the lienholder in a written notice that identifies the personal property subject to the lien and that was sent to the
the physical address ofthe property.
(5) The notice required under subsection (3) of this section must state that:
(a) The personal property left upon the premises is considered abandoned;
(b) Thetenantoranylienholderorownermustcontactthelandlordby a specifieddate,asprovidedinsubsection(6) ofthissection,to arrangefor
the removal of the abandoned personal property;
(c) Thepersonalpropertyisstoredata placeofsafekeeping,exceptthatiftheproperty includesa manufactureddwellingorfloatinghome,the
dwelling or home must be stored on the rented space;
by contactingthe landlord at a describedtelephonenumberor addressonorbefore the specifieddate;
(e) Thelandlordshallmakethepersonalproperty availableforremovalbythetenantoranylienholderorowner,exceptasprovidedbysubsection
(18) of this section, by appointment at reasonable times;
(f) Ifthepersonalpropertyisconsideredtobeabandonedpursuantto subsection(2)(a) or(b) ofthissection,thelandlordmayrequirepaymentof
removal and storage charges, asprovided by subsection (7)(d) ofthis section, prior to releasing the personal property to the tenant or any lienholder or
(g) Ifthepersonalpropertyisconsideredto beabandonedpursuantto subsection(2)(c) ofthissection,thelandlordmaynotrequirepaymentof
storage charges prior to releasing the personal property;

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property within30 daysforrecreational vehicles, manufactured dwellings andfloatinghomes or 15daysfor all otherpersonal property, the landlord
may sell ordispose ofthepersonal property. Ifthelandlord reasonably believes thatthepersonalproperty will be eligible for disposalpursuant to
subsection(10)(b) ofthissectionandthe landlordintendsto disposeoftheproperty ifthe property isnot clauned, thenotice shallstate thatbeliefand
intent; and
(i) Ifthepersonalpropertyincludesa recreationalvehicle,manufactureddwellingorfloatinghomeandifapplicable,thereisa lienholderorowner
that has a ri^it to claim the recreational vehicle, dwelling or home, except asprovided by subsection (18) ofthis section.
(6)Forpurposesofsubsection(5)ofthissection,thespecifieddatebywhicha tenant,lienholderorownermustcontacta landlordto arrangefor
the disposition of abandoned personal property is:
notice; or
(b) Forallotherabandonedpersonalproperty, notlessthanfivedaysafterpersonaldeliveryoreightdaysaftermailingofthenotice.
(7) Afternotifyingthe tenant asrequiredby subsection(3) ofthis section,the landlord:
(b) Shallstoreallotherabandonedpersonalpropertyofthetenant,includinggoodsleftinsidea recreationalvehicle,manufactureddweUingor
floating home or left upon the rented space outside a recreational vehicle, dwelling or home, in a place of safekeeping and shall exercise reasonable
care forthepersonalproperty, exceptthatthe landloidmay:
(A) Promptlydisposeofrottingfood; and
(B) Allow ananimal control agency to remove anyabandonedpets orlivestock. Ifananimal control agency wUlnotremove the abandoned petsor
livestock, the landlord shallexercise reasonable care for the animals givenall the circumstances, includingthe type andcondition ofthe animals, and
maygivetheanimalsto anagencythatiswillingandableto carefortheanimals,suchasa humanesocietyor sinrilarorganization;
elsewhere on the premises or move and store it at a commercial storage company or other place of safekeeping; and
(d)Isentitledtoreasonableoractualstoragechargesandcostsincidentaltostorageordisposal,includinganycostofremovaltoa placeofstorage.
the tenant.
(8) Ifa tenant, Menholder or owner, uponthe receipt ofthe notice provided by subsection (3) or (4) ofthis section or otherwise, responds by actual
notice to the landlord onorbefore the specified dateinthe landlord's notice thatthe tenant, lienholder or owner intends to remove the personal
property fi-omthepremises or from theplace ofsafekeeping, the landlord mustmakethatpersonalproperty avaUable forremoval by thetenant,
lienholderorownerbyappointmentatreasonabletimesduringthe15daysor,inthecaseofa recreationalvehicle,manufactureddwellingorfloating
home,30daysfollowingthedateoftheresponse,subjectto subsection(18)ofthissection.Ifthepersonalpropertyisconsideredtobeabandoned
pursuantto subsection(2)(a) or(b)ofthissection,butnotpursuantto subsection(2)(c) ofthissection,thelandloidmayrequirepaymentofremoval
Acceptancebya landlordofsuchpaymentdoesnotoperateto createorreinstatea tenancyorcreatea waiverpursuantto ORS90.412or90-.417.
(9)Exceptasprovidedinsubsecdons(18)to (20)ofthissection,ifthetenant,lienholderorownerofa recreationalvehicle,manufactureddwelling
or floatinghome doesnot respond withinthe time provided by the landlord's notice, or thetenant, lienholder or owner doesnot remove thepersonal
property withinthe time required by subsection (8) ofthis section orby any date agreedto withthe landlord, whichever islater, the tenant's,
lienholder's or owner'spersonal property is conclusively presumed to be abandoned. Thetenant andmy Uenholder or ownerthathave beengiven
notice pursuant to subsection (3) or(4) ofthis section shall, except withregardto the distribution ofsaleproceeds pursuant to subsection (13) ofthis
section, have no farther right, title or interest to the personal property and may not claim or sell the property.
(10)Ifthepersonalpropertyispresumedto beabandonedundersubsection(9) ofthissection,thelandlordthenmay:
(a)Sellthepersonalpropertyata publicorprivatesale,providedthatpriortothesaleofa recreationalvehicle,manufactureddwellingorfloating
(A) Thelandlord may seekto transfer ownership ofrecord ofthepersonalproperty by complying withthe requirements ofthe appropriate state
(B) Thelandlordshall:
(i) Place a notice ina newspaper ofgeneral circulation inthe county inwhichthe recreational vehicle, manufactured dwellingor floatinghome is
located. The notice shall state:
(I) That the recreational vehicle, manufactured dwelling or floating home is abandoned;
(H) Thetenant'sandowner'sname, if ofrecord or actuallyknownto thelandlord;
(ffl) The addressandany spacenumber where therecreational vehicle, manufactured dwellingorfloating home islocated, andanyplate,
registrationorotheridentificationnumberfora recreationalvehicleorfloatinghomenotedonthecertificateoftitle, ifactuallyknownto thelandlord;
(IV) Whether the sale is by private bidding or public auction;
fV) Whetherthelandlordis acceptingsealedbidsand,if so, the last dateonwhichbidswUlbe accepted;and
(VI)Thenameandtelephonenumberofthepersonto contactto inspecttherecreationalvehicle,manufactureddwellingorfloatinghome;
(ii)Ata reasonabletimepriortothesale,givea copyofthenoticerequiredbysub-subparagraph(i)ofthissubparagraphtothetenantandtoany
lienholderandowner,bypersonaldeliveryorfirstclassmail,exceptthatforanylienholder,mailservicemustbeby firstclassmailwithcertificateof
(iii) Obtainanaffidavit ofpublication from the newspaper to showthatthenotice required undersub-subparagraph (i) ofthis subparagraph ran m
(iv) Obtainwrittenprooffromthe county that aUproperty taxesandassessments onthemanufactured dwelling or floatinghome havebeenpaidor,
ifnotpaid,thatthecountyhasauthorizedthesale,withthesaleproceedsto bedistributedpursuantto subsection(13)ofthissection;
(b) Destroy or otherwise dispose of the personal property if the landlord determines that:
(A) Fora manufactured dwelling or floatinghome, the current market value oftheproperty is $8,000orlessasdetermined by the county assessor;

(B) Forallotherpersonal property, thereasonable current fairmarket value is $1,000or lessorso low thatthecost ofstorage andconducting a
pubUc sale probably exceeds the amount that would be realized from the sale; or
(ll)(a) A public or private sale authorized by this section must:
(A) Fora recreational vehicle, manufactured dwelling orfloatinghome, beconducted consistent withtheterms listed in subsection (10)(a)(B)(i) of

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this section. Every aspect ofthe sale including the method, manner, time, place and terms nust be commercially reasonable; or
(B) Forall otherpersonalproperty, be conductedundertheprovisionsofORS79.0610.
(b)Ifthereisnobuyerata saleofa manufactureddwellingorfloatinghome,thepersonalproperty isconsideredto beworth$8,000orless,
regardlessofcurrentmarket value, andthe landlordshalldestroyor otherwisedisposeofthepersonalproperty.
(12) Notwithstanding ORS446. 155 (1) and(2), unless a landlord intentionally misrepresents the condition ofa manufactured dwelling orfloating
home, the landlord is not liable for the condition of the dwelling or home to:
(a) A buyerofthe dwellingor homeat a salepursuantto subsection(10)(a) ofthis section, withorwithout consideration;or
(b) A personornonprofitorganizationto whomthelandlordgivesthedwellingorhomepursuantto subsection(l)(b), (10)(b)or(ll)(b) ofthis
(13)(a) Thelandlordmaydeductfromtheproceedsofthe sale:
(A) The reasonable or actual cost ofnotice, storage and sale; and
(B) Unpaid rent.
(b) Ifthe sale was ofa manufactured dwelling or floating home, after deducting the amounts listed in paragraph (a) ofthis subsection, the landlord
shallremit theremainingproceeds, if any, to the county tax collector to the extent ofanyunpaidproperty taxes andassessments owedonthe dwelling
or home.
(c) Ifthe salewasofa recreational vehicle, manufactured dwellingor floatinghome, after deducting the amounts listed inparagraphs (a) and(b) of
thissubsection,ifapplicable,thelandlordshallremittheremamingproceeds,ifany,to anylienholderto theextentofanyunpaidbalanceowedonthe
lien on the recreational vehicle, dwelling or home.
(d) Afterdeductingthe amountslistedinparagraphs(a), (b) and(c) ofthis subsection,if applicable,the landlord shallremit to the tenantor owner
the remainingproceeds,if any, togetherwithanitemizedaccounting.
countyinwhichthesaleoccurred.Ifnotclaimedwithinthreeyears,thedepositedproceedsrevertto thegeneralfandofthecountyandareavailable
for general purposes.
(14)Thecountytaxcollectorshallcancelallunpaidpropertytaxesandassessmentsowedona manufactureddwellingorfloatinghome,as
providedunderORS311.790, only underoneofthe followingcircumstances:
(a)Thelandlorddisposesofthemanufactureddwellingorfloatinghomeaftera detemiinationdescribedin subsection(10)(b)ofthissection.
(b) Thereisno buyerofthemanufactureddwellingorfloatinghomeat a saledescribedundersubsection(11) ofthis section.
(c)(A) There is a buyer ofthe manufactured dwelling or floating home at a sale described under subsection (11) ofthis section;
(B) Thecurrentmarketvalue ofthe manufactureddweUingorfloatinghomeis $8,000orless; and
(C) The proceeds ofthe sale are insufficient to satisfy the unpaid property taxes and assessments owed on the dwelling or home after distribution
ofthe proceeds pursuant to subsection (13) of this section.
(d)(A) Thelandlordbuysthemanufactureddwellingor floatinghomeat a sale describedundersubsection(11) ofthis section;
(B) The current market value of the manufactured dwelling or floating home is more than $8, 000;
(C) Theproceeds ofthe sale areinsufficient to satisfy the unpaidproperty taxes andassessments owed onthe manufactured dwelling orfloating
homeafterdistributionoftheproceedspursuantto subsection(13) ofthis section; and
(D) The landlord disposes of the manufactured dwelling or floating home.
(15) The landlord isnotresponsible for anylossto the tenant, lienholder orownerresulting fromstorage ofpersonal property incompliance with
this sectionunlessthe loss wascausedby the landlord'sdeliberate ornegligent act. Inthe event ofa deliberateandmaliciousviolation,the landlordis
liable for twice the actual damages sustained by the tenant, Uenholder or owner.
(16) Complete compliance in good faith with this section shall constitute a complete defense in any action brought by a tenant, lienholder or owner
against a landlord for loss or damage to such personal property disposed ofpursuant to this section.
(17) If a landlord does not comply with this section:
(a) The tenant isrelieved ofany liability fordamage to the premises causedby conduct thatwasnot deliberate, intentional or grossly negligent and
for unpaid rent and may recover from the landlord up to twice the actual damages sustained by the tenant;
(b) A lienholderorowneraggrievedbythenoncompliancemayrecoverfromthelandlordtheactualdamagessustainedbythelienholderorowner.
ORS 90.255 does not authorize an award of attorney fees to the prevailing party in any action arisingunder this paragraph; and
(c) A countytaxcollectoraggrievedbythenoncompUancemayrecoverfromthelandlordtheactualdamagessustainedbythetaxcollector,ifthe
noncomplianceispartofaneffortbythelandlordto defraudthetaxcollector. ORS90.255doesnotauthorizeanawardofattorneyfeesto the
prevailing party in any action arising under this paragraph.
andresponsibilitiesofa tenantto theabandonedvehicle,dwellingorhomealsoapplyto anylienholderexceptthatthelienholdermaynotseHor
remove the vehicle, dwelling or home unless:
(a) Thelienholderhasforeclosedits lienonthe recreationalvehicle,manufactiireddwellingor floatinghome;
(b) Thetenantora personalrepresentativeordesignatedpersondescribedinsubsection(20)ofthissectionhaswaivedallri^itsunderthissection
pursuant to subsection(26) ofthis section; or
(c) Thenoticeandresponseperiodsprovidedby subsections(6) and(8) ofthis sectionhaveexpired.
(19)(a) Inthe case ofanabandoned manufactured dwelling orfloatinghomebutnot including a dwelling orhome abandoned following a
terminationpursuantto ORS90.429andexceptasprovidedbysubsection(20)(d) and(e) ofthissecdon,ifa lienholdermakesa timelyresponseto a
notice ofabandonedpersonal property pursuant to subsecdons (6) and(8) ofthissection andso requests, a landlord shallenter into a written storage
agreementwiththelienholderprovidingthatthedwellingorhomemaynotbesoldordisposedofbythelandlordforupto 12months.A storage
agreement entitles the Kenholder to store the personal property on the previously rented space during the term ofthe agreement, but does not entitle
anyone to occupy the personal property.
(b) The lienholder's right to a storage agreement arisesuponthe failure ofthe tenant, owner or, inthe case ofa deceasedtenant, the personal
representative, designated person, heir or devisee to remove or sell the dwelling or home within the allotted time.
(c) Toexercisetherightto a storageagreementunderthissubsection,inadditionto contactingthelandlordwitha timelyresponseasdescribedin
paragraph (a) ofthis subsection, the lienholder must enterinto theproposed storage agreement within60 daysafterthe landlord givesa copy ofthe
agreement to thelienholder. The landlord shatl give a copy oftheproposed storage agreement to the lienholder inthe samemanner asprovided by
subsection(4)(b)ofthissection.Thelandlordmayincludea copyoftheproposedstorageagreementwiththenoticeofabandonedpropertyrequired
by subsection(4)ofthissection.A lienholderentersintoa storageagreementbysigninga copyoftheagreementprovidedbythelandlordand
personally delivering or mailing the signed copy to the landlord within the 60-day period.
(d) The storageagreementmayrequire, in additionto otherprovisionsagreedto by the landlordandtheUenholder,that:

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(A) The lienholder maketimely periodic payment ofaUstorage charges, asdescribed in subsection (7)(d) ofthis section, accming fromthe
commencementofthe45-dayperioddescribedinsubsection(6) ofthissection.A storagechargemayincludea utility or servicecharge,asdescribed
inORS90.532,iflimitedtochargesforelectricity water,sewerserviceandnaturalgasandifincidentaltothestorageofpersonalproperty.A storage
charge may not be due more frequendy than monthly;
(B) The lienholder pay a late charge or fee for failure to pay a storage charge by the date required in the agreement, if the amount ofthe late
charge is no greater than for late charges described in the rental agreement between the landlord andthe tenant; and
(C) The lienholder mamtain thepersonalproperty andthe space onwhichthepersonalproperty is stored in a manner consistent withtherights and
obligations described in the rental agreement between the landlord and the tenant.
(e) Duringthetermofanagreement describedunderthis subsection, the lienholder hastheright to remove or sellthe property, subject to the
provisions ofthelien. Sellingthe property includes a saleto a purchaserwhowishesto leave the dwellingorhome ontherented space andbecome a
tenant,subjectto anyconditionspreviouslyagreedtobythelandlordandtenantregardingthelandlord'sapprovalofa purchaseror, iftherewasno
suchagreement,anyreasonableconditionsbythelandlordregardingapprovalofanypurchaserwhowishesto leavethedwellingorhomeonthe
rented spaceandbecome a tenant. The landlord alsomay condition approval foroccupancy ofanypurchaser oftfaeproperty uponpayment ofaU
unpaid storage charges and maintenance costs.
(f)(A) Ifthelienholderviolatesfhestorageagreement,thelandlordmayterminatethe agreementbygivingat least90days'^vrittennoticeto the
lienholder stating facts sufGcient to notify the Uenholder ofthe reason for the termination. Unless the lienholder corrects the violation within the notice
period,the agreementterminatesasprovidedandthe landlordmay sellor disposeofthedweUingorhomewithout furthernotice to tfaelienholder.
(B)Aftera landlordgivesa terminationnoticepursuantto subparagraph(A)ofthisparagraphforfailureofthelienholdertopaya storagecharge
andthe Uenholder corrects the violation, ifthe lienholder againviolates the storage agreement by failingto pay a subsequent storage charge,'the
landlord mayterminate the agreement by givingatleast 30 days' \witten notice to the lienholder stating facts sufficient to notify the lienholder ofthe
sell or dispose ofthe property without further notice to the lienholder.
(C)A lienholdermayterminatea storageagreementatanytimeuponatleast14days'writtennoticetothelandlordandmayremovetheproperty
from the rented space if the lienholder haspaid all storage charges and other charges asprovided in the agreement.
(g)UponthefaUureofa lienholderto enterintoa storageagreementasprovidedbythissubsectionorupontemiinationofanagreement,unlessthe
property pursuant to this sectionwithout further notice to the lienholder.
(20) Ifthe personal property is a manufactured dwelling or floating home and is considered abandoned asa result ofthe death of a tenant who was
the only tenantandwhoownedthedwellingorhome, this sectionapplies, exceptasfoUows:
(a) The following persons have the same rights and responsibilities regarding the abandoned dwelling or home as a tenant:
(A) Any personal representative named in a will or appointed by a court to act for the deceased tenant.
(B) Any persondesignatedinwritingby thetenant to be contactedby the landlordinthe eventofthe tenant's death.
(b) Thenoticerequiredby subsection(3) ofthis sectionmustbe:
(A) Sentby first classmailto thedeceasedtenant at thepremises; and
(B)Personallydeliveredor sentby firstclassmailto anypersonalrepresentativeordesignatedperson,ifactuallyknownto thelandlord.
(c) Thenoticedescribedinsubsection(5) ofthissectionmustreferto anypersonalrepresentativeordesignatedperson,insteadofthedeceased
tenant, and must incorporate the provisions of this subsection.
(d)Ifa personalrepresentative designatedpersonorotherpersonentitledtopossessionoftheproperty,suchasanheirordevisee,respondsby
actual nodce to a landlord within the 45-day period provided by subsection (6) ofthis section and so requests, the landlord shall enter into-a written
storage agreement withtherepresentative orpersonproviding thatthe dwellingorhomemay not be soldordisposed ofbythe landlord forup to 90
daysoruntil conclusion ofanyprobate proceedings, whichever islater. A storage agreement entitles therepresentative orperson to store thepersonal
propertyonthepreviouslyrentedspaceduringthetennoftheagreement,butdoesnotentitleanyoneto occupythepersonalproperty.Ifsuchan
agreement isentered, the landlord maynot enter a similar agreement witha lienholderpursuant to subsection (19) ofthissectionuntil the agreement
with the personal representative or designated person ends.
(e)Ifa personalrepresentativeorotherpersonrequeststhata landlordenterintoa storageagreement,subsection(19)(c), (d) and(f)(C) ofthis
section applies, withtherepresentative orpersonhavingthe rights andresponsibilities ofa lienholder withregardto the storage agreement.
(f) Duringtheterm ofanagreement describedunderparagraph (d) ofthis subsection, therepresentative orperson hasthe rightto remove or sell
the dwelling or home, including a sale to a purchaser or a ta-ansfer to anheir or devisee where the purchaser, heir or devisee wishes to leave the
dweUingorhomeontherentedspaceandbecomea tenant,subjectto anyconditionspreviouslyagreedtobythelandlordandtenantregaidingthe
landlord's approval for occupancy ofa purchaser, heir or devisee or, ifthere wasno suchagreement, anyreasonable conditions bythe landlord
regardingapprovalforoccupancyofanypurchaser,heirordeviseewhowishesto leavethedwellingorhomeontherentedspaceandbecome a
storage charges and maintenance costs.
(g) Ifthe representative orperson violates the storage agreement, the landlord maytemiinate the agreement by giving at least 30 days' written
notice to the representative or person stating facts sufficient to notify the representative or person of the reason for the temiination. Unless the
representative orperson corrects the violation withinthenotice period, the agreement terminates asprovided andthe landlord may sell ordisposeof
the dwellingorhomewithoutfurthernotice to the representativeor person.
(h)UponthefaUureofa representativeorpersonto enterintoa storageagreementasprovidedbythissubsectionorupontemiinationofan
landlordmaysellordisposeofthepropertypursuantto thissectionwithoutfurthernoticeto therepresentativeorperson.
(21) Ifthepersonalproperty is otherthana manufactureddwellingorfloatinghomeandisconsideredabandonedasa result ofthe deathof a
tenant who was the only tenant andwho owned the personal property, this section applies excq?t as follows:
(a) The following persons have the same rights and responsibilities regarding the abandoned personal property as a tenant:
(A) An heiror devisee.
(B) Any personal representative named in a will or appointed by a court to act for the deceased tenant.
(C) Anyperson designatedin writingby the tenantto be contactedby the landlordin the event ofthe tenant's death.
(b) The notice required by subsection (3) of this section must be:
(A) Sent by first class mail to the deceased tenant at the premises;
(B)Personallydeliveredor sentby firstclassmailto anyheir,devisee,personalrepresentativeordesignatedperson,ifactuallyknowntothe
landlord: and
(C) Sent by first class mail to the attention ofan estate administrator ofthe Department ofState Lands.

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(c) The notice described insubsection (5) ofthis sectionmust referto the heir, devisee, personal representative, designated person orestate
administrator ofthe department, instead ofthe deceased tenant, and must incorporate the provisions ofthis subsection.
(d)Thelandlord shallallowa personthatisanheir,deviseeorpersonalrepresentative ofthetenant, oranestate administrator ofthedepartment,
toremovethepersonalpropertyifthepersoncontactsthelandlordwithintheperiodprovidedbysubsection(6) ofthissection,complieswiththe
estate administrator of the department.
(e) Ifneither anheir, devisee norpersonal representative ofthe tenant, nor anestate administrator ofthe department, contacts the landlord within
withreasonableevidencethatthepersonis thedesignatedperson.
(f)A landlordwhoaUowsremovalofpersonalpropertyunderthissubsectionisnotliableto anotherpersonthathasa claimorinterestinthe
personal property.
(22)Ifa governmentalagencydeterminesthattheconditionofa manufactureddwelling,floatinghomeorrecreationalvehicleabandonedunder
this section constitutes anextreme healthorsafety hazardunder state orlocal lawandthe agency determines that the hazardendangers others inthe
immediatevicinityandrequiresquickremovaloftheproperty,thelandlordmaysellordisposeofthepropertypursuantto thissubsection.The
landlord shall comply with all provisions ofthis section, except as follows:
(a)Thedateprovidedinsubsection(6) ofthissectionbywhicha tenant, lienholder, owner,personalrepresentative ordesignatedpersonmust
contacta landlordto arrangeforthedispositionoftheproperty mustbenotlessthan 15daysafterpersonaldeUvery ormailingofthenoticerequired
by subsection (3) ofthis secdon.
(b)Thedateprovidedinsubsections(8)and(9)ofthissectionbywhicha tenant,lienholder,owner,personalrepresentativeordesignatedperson
the landlord.
(c) The noticerequired by subsection (3) ofthissectionmustbe asprovided in subsection (5) ofthissection, except that:
(B) Thenotice must statethat a governmental agencyhasdetemiined thattheproperty constitutes anextreme health or safety hazardandmust be
removed quickly; and
(C) The landlordshallattacha copy ofthe agency'sdeterminationto the notice.
(d) Ifthetenant, a Uenholder, owner, personal representative ordesignatedperson doesnotremove theproperty withinthe time allowed, the
landlordora buyerata salebythelandlordundersubsection(11)ofthissectionshallpromptlyremovethepropertyfromthefacility.
(e)A landlordisnotrequiredto enterintoa storageagreementwitha lienholder,owner,personalrepresentativeordesignatedpersonpursuantto
subsection (19) of this section.
(23)(a)Ifanofficialoragencyreferredto inORS453.876notifiesthelandlordthattheofficialoragencyhasdetemiinedthatallorpartofthe
premisesisunfitforuseasa resultofthepresence ofanillegaldrogmanufacturing siteinvolvingmethamphetamine, andthelandlord complieswith
thissubsection, thelandlordisnotrequiredto comply withsubsections(1)to(22) and(24)to (27)ofthissectionwithregardtopersonalproperty left
ontheportionofthepremisesthatthe officialor agencyhasdetenninedto beunfitforuse.
(b)Uponreceivingnotice from anofficial or agency detemrining thepremises to beunfit foruse, the landlord shallpromptly give written notice to
the tenant asprovided m subsection (3) ofthis section. The landlord shall also attach a copy ofthe notice in a secure maimer to the main entrance of
the dwelling unit. The notice to the tenant shall include a copy ofthe ofBcial's or agency's notice and state:
(A) That the premises, or a portion ofthe premises, hasbeen determined by anofficial or agency to beunfit for use due to contamination from the
manufacture ofmethamphetamine andthatasa result subsections(1)to (22)and(24) to (27) ofthissectiondonotapplytopersonalproperty lefton
any portion of the premises determined to be unfit for use;
(B) Thatthe landlordhashired,or willhire, a contractorto assessthe level ofcontaminationofthe site andto decontaminatethe site:
(C) Thatuponhiringthecontractor,thelandlordwfflprovideto thetenantthename,addressandtelephonenumberofthecontractor;and
(D)Thatthetenantmaycontact the contractor to detemrine whetheranyofthetenant'spersonalproperty mayberemoved fromthepremises or
may be decontaminated at the tenant's expense and then removed.
(c) Tothe extent consistent withrules oftheDepartment ofHuman Services, tfaecontractor mayreleasepersonal property to the tenant.
(d)Ifthecontractor andthedepartment detemiine thatthepremises orthetenant's personalproperty isnotunfit foruse,uponnotification bythe
the premises.
(e) Except asprovided inparagraph(d) ofthis subsection, the landlord isnot responsible for storing orreturning anypersonal property left onthe
portion of the premises that is unfit for use.
(24) Inthe caseofanabandonedrecreational vehicle, manufactured dwellingor floatinghome that isownedby someone other thanthe tenant, the
provisions ofthis sectionregardingthe rights andresponsibUities ofa tenant to the abandoned vehicle, dwellingorhome also apply to thatowner, with
regardonlytothevehicle,dwellingorhome,andnotto anygoodsleftinsideoroutsidethevehicle,dwellingorhome.
from private property may be used by a landlord as an alternative to the procedures required in this section.
(26)(a)A landlordmaysellordisposeofa tenant'sabandonedpersonalpropertywithoutcomplyingwithsubsections(1)to (25)and(27)ofthis
sectionif, aftertermination ofthetenancy ornomorethansevendayspriorto thetermination ofthetenancy, thefollowingpartiessoagreein a
writing entered into in good faith:
(A) The landlord;
(B)Thetenant,orforanabandonmentastheresultofthedeathofa tenantwhowastheonlytenant,thepersonalrepresentative,designated
peraonorotherperson entitled to possession ofthe personal property, suchasanheirordevisee, asdescribed insubsection (20) or(21) ofthissection;
(C)Inthecaseofa manufactureddwelling,floatinghomeorrecreationalvehicle,anyownerandanylienholder.
(b)A landlord maynot, aspart ofa rental agreement, require a tenant, a personal representative, a designated person or anylienholder orownerto
waive any right provided by this section.
(27) UntU personal property is conclusively presumed to be abandoned under subsection (9) ofthis section, a landlord does not have a lien
pursuanttoORS87. 152forstoringthepersonalproperty. [Formerly91.840;1993c. l8 §15;1993c.369§14;1995c.559§31; 1997C.577§25;1999
c.603§28;2001c 44§1;2001c.445§165;2001c.596§35;2003c.378§14;2003c.655§57;2003c.658§5;2005c.5 §1;2005c.391 §34~;2005
c. 619 §§17, 18; 2007 c. 906 §31; 2009 c.431 §8; 2011 c. 42 §8b; 2013 c.294 §12]

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90.426 [1995 c.758 §3; repealed by 1997 c.577 §50]

includes all periods in which any ofthe tenants has( sidg3 in the dwelling unit for one earor less.
(2) Ifa tenancy isa week-to-week tenancy, the lanSord orthe tenant may terminate thetenancy by a written notice given to the otherat least 10
days before the tennination date specified in the notice.
(3) If a tenancy is a month-to-month teoancy:
(a) At anytime duringthe tenancy, the tenant may terminate the tenancy by givingthelandlord notice in writingnot lessthan30dayspriorto the
datedesignatedinthenotice forthe terminationofthe tenancy.
(b) At anytime duringthe firstyearofoccupancY. the landlord maytemiinate thetenancy by givingthe tenant notice inwritingnot lessthan30
dayspdorto the datedesignatedinthenoticeforthe terminationofthetenancy.
(c)Atanytimeafterthefirstyearofoccupancy, thelandlordmaytemrinate thetenancybygivingthetenantnotice inwritingnotlessthan60days
priorto the datedesignatedinthenotice fortheterminationofthe tenancy.
(4) Ifthetenancyisfora fbcedtermofatleastoneyearandbyitstermsbecomesa month-to-monthtenancyafterthefkedterm:
(a) At anytime duringthe freedterm, notwithstanding subsection (3) ofthis section, the landlord orthe tenant may temiinate the tenancy without
datedesignatedinthenotice forthe terminationofthe tenancy,whicheveris later.
(b)Afterthespecifiedendmgdateforthefixedterm, atanytimeduringthemonth-to-month tenancy,thelandlordmayterminate thetenancy
without cause only by giving the tenant notice in writing not less than 60 days prior to the date designated in the notice for the temiination ofthe
(5)Notwithstandingsubsections(3)(c)and(4)(b)ofthissection,thelandlordmayterminatea month-to-monthtenancyatanytimebygivingthe
tenant notice inwriting ot lessthan30da s nor t tedesi atedinthenotice forthetermination ofthe tenancy if:
(a) The dwelling unit ispurchased separately from any other dwelling um;
(b) The landlord hasaccepted anofferto purchase the dwelling unit from a person who intendsingoodfaithto occupy thedwelling unit asthe
person's primary residence; and
accepting the offer to purchase.
rentsareto bepaid.Unlessotherwiseagreed,rent is uniformly apportionablefromdayto day.
(7) Ifthetenantremainsinpossessionwithoutthelandlord'sconsentafterexpirationofthetermoftherental agreementor itstermination,the
landlord maybringanaction forpossession. Inaddition, the landlord mayrecover fromthetenant anyactual damages resulting from thetenant
knowthatthetenanthasrelinquishedpossessiontothelandlord.Ifthelandlordconsentstothetenant'scontinuedoccupancy,ORS90.220(7) applies.
(8)(a) A notice given to terminate a tenancy under subsection (2) or (3) of this section need not state a reason for the termination.
(b)Notwithstandingparagraph(a)ofthissubsection,a landlordortenantmayincludeina noticeoftemrinadongivenundersubsection(2)or(3)
the notice oftermination a right to cure the reason if the notice states that:
(A) The notice is given without stated cause;
(B) Therecipientofthe noticedoesnot have a rightto curethe reasonforthetemiination; and
(C) Thepersongivingthe noticeneednot provethe reasonforthe terminationin a court action.
(9) Subsections (2) to (5) ofthis section do not apply to a month-to-month tenancy subject to ORS90.429 or othertenancy created by a rental
agreementsubjectto ORS90.505to 90.850.[Formerly90.900; 1999c.603 §29; 1999c.676§17;2003c.378 §15;2009c. l27§4;2009c.431 §1:2011
c^t2§14] ' - - - ". ", ---"-, ---.-..,., -"".." ^,.

90.429TerminationoftenancyforcertainrentedspacesnotcoveredbyORS90.505to90.850.(1)Ifa tenancyconsistsofrentedspacefor a
manufactured dwelling or floatinghome that is ownedbythe tenant, butthetenancy isnot subject to ORS90. 505 to 90. 850because the spaceisnot in
a facility,thelandlordmaytemunatea month-to-monthtenancywithouta causespecifiedinORS90.392,90.394or90.396onlybydelivering a
written notice oftennination to the tenant not less than 180 daysbefore the temrination date designated in that notice.
(2)(a) A notice givento temiinatea tenancyundersubsection(1) ofthis sectionneednot state a reasonforthetennination.
(b) Notwithstanding paragraph(a) ofthis subsection, a landlord may include in a notice oftemunation givenunder subsection (1) ofthis section an
explanation ofthe reasonforthe termination without havingto prove the reason. An explanation doesnot give the tenant a rightto cure thereason if
the notice states that:
(A) The notice is given without stated cause;
(B) Thetenantdoesnothavea rightto cure thereasonforthe tennination; and
(C) Thelandlord neednotprove thereason forthe termination ina court action. [Formerly 90.905; 1999c.676 §18; 2005 c. 391 §22; 2009 c.431

have a claim forpossession andforrent anda separate claim for actual damagesforbreachofthe rental agreement. [Formerly 91. 845]
90.435Limitation on recovery ofpossession ofpremises. A landlord may not recover ortakepossession ofthedwellingunitby acdonor
orotheressentialserviceto thetenant,exceptincaseofabandonmentorrelinquishment,oraspermittedinthischapterinthemannerprovidedin
ORS 105. 105 to 105. 168. [Fonneriy 91.850; 1999 c. 603 §30; 2003 c. 378 §16]

90.440 Terminationoftenancyin group recovery home; recovery ofpossession;damages.(1) Asusedinthis section:

(a) "Group recoveiy home" means a placethat provides occupants with sharedliving facilities andthatmeets the description ofa group home
under42 U.S.C. 300x-25.
(b) "Illegal dmgs" includes controlled substances or prescription dmgs:
(A) Forwhichthetenantdoesnot have a validprescription; or
(B) Thatareusedby the tenantin a mannercontraryto theprescribedregimen.

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(c) "Peace officer" means:

(A) A sheriff, constable, marshal or deputy;
(B) A member of a state or city police force;
(C)ApoUceofficercommissionedbya universityunderORS352. 121 or 353. 125;or
(D) An authorized tribal police officer as defined in ORS 181A. 680.
(2) Notwithstanding ORS90. 375 and90.435, a group recovery home mayterminate a tenancy andpeaceably remove a tenant without complying
withORS105.105to 105.168ifthetenanthasusedorpossessedalcoholoriUegaldrugswithintheprecedingsevendays.Forpurposesofthis
subsection,the followingare sufFicientproofthat a tenanthasusedorpossessedalcoholor illegaldmgs:
(a) Thetenantfailsa test foralcoholorfflegaldruguse;
(b) The tenantrefuses a request madein goodfaithby the grouprecovery homethatthetenanttake a test for alcohol orillegal druguse; or
(c) Anypersonhaspersonally observedthe tenantusingorpossessingalcoholor illegaldrugs.
(3) A grouprecovery homethatundertakesthe removalofa tenantunderthis sectionshallpersonallydeliverto the tenant a writtennotice that:
(a) Describes why the tenant is being removed;
(c) Specifiesthe dateandtimeby whichthe tenantmustmove outofthe grouprecoveryhome;
(d)Explainsthatiftheremovalwaswrongfulorinbadfaiththetenantmayseekinjunctivereliefto recoverpossessionunderORS105. 121 and
may bring an action to recover monetary damages; and
(e) GivescontactinformationforthelocallegalservicesofficeandfortheOregonStateBar'sLawyerReferralService,identifyingthoseservices
aspossiblesourcesforfree orreduced-costlegal services.
(4) A writtennoticein substantiallythe followingformmeetsthe requirementsofsubsection(3) ofthis section:

This notice is to mform you that you must move out of_ (insert address ofgroup recovery home) by (insert date andtime that is
not less than 24 hours after delivery ofnotice).
Thereasonforthisnoticeis_ (specifyuseorpossessionofalcoholorillegaldmgs,asapplicable,anddatesofoccurrence).
The proof ofyour use or possession is (specify facts).
your g-ouprecovery homehasnot substantially complied withORS90.440,youmay beableto get a court to orderthe group recovery home to letyou
move backin. Youmay alsobe ableto recovermonetarydamages.
Youmaybeeligible for free legal services atyour local legal services office_ (insert telephone number) orreduced feelegal services
through the Oregon State Bar at 1-800-452-7636.

(5) Withinthenotice period, a group recovery home shall allow a tenant removed underthis sectionto follow any emergency departure planthat
waspreparedby thetenantandapprovedby the grouprecovery homeat thetimethetenancybegan.Ifthe removedtenant doesnothave an
emergency departure plan, a representative ofthe group recovery home shall offer to take the removed tenant to a public shelter, detoxification center
or sinular location if existing in the community.
(6) Thedate andtime formovingout specifiedin a notice undersubsection(3) ofthis sectionmustbe at least24hoursafterthedateandtime the
noticeisdeliveredto thetenant.Ifthetenantremainsonthegrouprecoveryhomepremisesafterthedateandtimeformovingout specifiedinthe
notice, the tenant isa personremaming unlawfully ina dwelling asdescribedin ORS 164. 255 andnot a persondescribed inORS 105. 115.Only a
peace officermay forcibly remove a tenant whoremains onthe group recovery homepremises afterthe dateandtime specified formoving out.
(7) A grouprecoveryhomethatremovesa tenantunderthissectionshallsenda copyofthenodcedescribedinsubsection(3) ofthissectionto the
OregonHealthAuthorityno laterthan 72 hoursafterdeliveringthe noticeto the tenant.
(8)A tenantwhoisremovedundersubsection(2) ofthissectionmayobtaininjunctiverelieftorecoverpossessionandmayrecoveranamount
equal to the greater of actual damages or three times the tenant's montMy rent if:
(a) Thegrouprecoveryhomeremovedthe tenantinbadfaithor without substantiallycomplyingwiththis section; or
(b)Ifremoval isunder subsection (2)(c) ofthis section, the removal waswrongful because the tenant didnotuseorpossess alcohol orillegal dmgs.
(9) NotwithstandingORS12. 125, a tenantwho seeksto obtaininjunctivereliefto recoverpossessionunderORS105. 121 must commencethe
actionto seekreliefnot more than90 daysafterthe datespecifiedinthe noticeforthe tenantto moveout.
(10) In anycourt actionregardingtheremovalofa tenantunderthis section, a grouprecoveryhomemaypresent evidencethatthe tenantusedor
subsection (3) of this section.
(11)Thissectiondoesnotpreventa grouprecoveryhomefromterminatinga tenancyasprovidedbyanyotherprovisionofthischapterand
evictinga tenantasprovidedinORS105. 105to 105. 168.[2007c.715 §3;2009c.595 §59;2011c.644 §§11,61,69;2013c. 180§§5,6; 2015c. 174§3]

90.445 Termination oftenant committing criminal act ofphysical violence. (1) If a tenant perpetrates a criminal act ofphysical violence related
to domesticviolence, sexualassaultor stalkingagainsta householdmemberwhois a tenant, after delivery ofat least 24 hours' writtennotice
(a) Terminate the rental agreement ofthe perpetrating tenant, but may not terminate the rental agreement ofthe other tenants; and
(b)Iftheperpetratorofthecricainalactofphysicalviolencerelatedto domesticviolence,sexualassaultorstalkingcontinuesto occupythe
premisesaftertheterminationdateandtimespecifiedinthenotice,seeka courtorderunderORS105.128to removetheperpetratorfromthe
premises andterminatethe perpetrator's tenancywithoutseekinga return ofpossessionfromthe remainingtenants.
(2)A landlordthatterminatesthetenancyofa perpetratorunderthissectionmaynotrequiretheremainingtenantstopayadditionalrentoran
additionaldepositor fee dueto exclusionoftheperpetrator.
(3) Theperpetratorisjointly liablewithanyothertenantsofthedwellingunitforrentordamagesto thepremisesincurredpriorto thelaterofthe
date the perpetrator vacates the premises or the termination date specified in the notice.
(4) Thelandlord'sburdenofproofina removalactionsoughtunderthissectionisby a preponderanceoftheevidence. [2007c.508 §3]
90.449 Landlord discrimination against victim; exception; tenant defenses and remedies. (1) A landlord may not tenmnate or faUto renew a

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tenancy, serve a noticeto terminate a tenancy, bringorthreatento bringanactionforpossession,increaserent, decreaseservicesorrefuseto enter

into a rental agreement:
(a) Becausea tenantor applicantis, orhasbeen, a victimofdomesticviolence, sexualassaultorstalking.
(b) Becauseofa violationoftherentalagreementor a provisionofthischapter,ifthe violationconsistsofanincidentofdomestic violence, sexual
assault or stalking committed against the tenant or applicant.
(c) Because ofcriminal activity relating to domestic violence, sexual assaultor staUdnginwhichthe tenant or applicant isthevictim, orofany
police or emergency response related to domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking in which the tenant or appUcant is the victim.
(2) A landlord may not impose different rules, conditions or standardsor selectively enforce rules, conditions or standards against a tenant or
applicantonthebasisthatthetenantorapplicantisorhasbeena victimofdomesticviolence, sexualassaultor stalking.
(3) Notwithstanding subsections (1) and (2) ofthis secdon, a landlord may terminate the tenancy ofa victim ofdomestic violence, sexual assault or
stalking if the landlord haspreviously given the tenant a written warning regarding the conduct ofthe perpetrator relating to domestic violence, sexual
assault or stalking and:
(a) The tenant permits or consents to theperpetrator's presence onthe premises andtheperpetrator is anactual andimminent threat to the safety
ofpersons on the premises other than the victim; or
(b) Theperpetratorisanunauthorizedoccupantandthetenantpemritsorconsentsto theperpetratorlivinginthedwellingunitwithoutthe
pemiission ofthe landlord.
(4) If a landlord violates this section:
(a) A tenant or applicant may recover up to twomonths' periodic rent or twice the actual damages sustained by the tenant or applicant, whichever
is greater;
(b) The tenant has a defense to an action for possession by the landlord; and
(c) The applicant may obtain mjunctive relief to gainpossession of the dwelling unit.
(5) Notwithstanding ORS 105. 137 (4), if a tenant asserts a successful defense under subsection (4) ofthissectionto anaction forpossession, the
tenant is not entitled to prevailing party fees, attorney fees or costs and disbursements if the landlord:
(a) Didnot know, anddidnothavereasonablecauseto know, at the time ofcommencingtheactionthata violationor incidenton whichthe action
was based was related to domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking; and
(b) Promptlydismissedtenantsotherthantheperpetratorfromthe actionuponbecomingawarethat theviolationorincidentonwhichthe action
wasbasedwasrelatedto domestic violence, sexualassaultor staUung. [2007c.508 §4; 2011 c.42 §9]

90.450 [Formerly 90.940; 1997c.303 §5; 1999c.603 §31; renumbered90.465 in 2007]

90.453 Termination by tenant who is victim ofdomestic violence, sexual assault or stalking; verification statement (1) Asused in this
(a) "Immediatefamflymember"means,withregardto a tenantwhois a victimofdomesticviolence, sexualassaultor stalking,anyofthe
followingwhoisnot a perpetratorofthe domesdcviolence, sexualassaultor stalkingagainstthe tenant:
(A) An adult person related by blood, adoption, marriage or domestic partnership, as defined in ORS 106. 310, or as defined or described in similar
law m another jurisdiction;
(B) A cohabitantin anintimatereladonship;
(C) An unmarriedparent of a joint child; or
(D) A child, grandchild, foster child, wardor guardianofthe victim orofanyone listed in subparagraph (A), (B) or(C) ofthisparagraph.
(b) "Qualifiedthirdparty" means a person thathashadindividual contact withthe tenant andisa lawenforcement of&cer, attorney or licensed
healthprofessionalor is a victim's advocate at a victim servicesprovider.
(c) "Verification"means:
(A) A copy of a vaUd order ofprotection issued by a court pursuant to ORS30. 866, 107. 095 (l)(c), 107. 716, 107. 718, 107. 725, 107. 730, 163. 738.
163. 765, 163. 767 or 163. 775 or any other federal, state, local or tribal court order that restrains a person from contact with the tenant;
(B) A copy ofa federal agency or state, localor tribalpolice report regardinganact ofdomestic violence, sexualassault or stalking against the
(C) A copy ofaconvicdon ofany person for an act ofdomestic violence, sexual assault or stalking against the tenant; or
(D) A statement substantially in the fonn set forth in subsection (3) of this section.
(d) "Victim services provider" means:
(A) A nonprofitagencyorprogramreceivingmoneysadministeredbytheDepartmentofHumanServicesortheDepartmentofJusticethatoffers
safety plamiing, counseling, support or advocacy to victims ofdomestic violence, sexual assault or stalking; or
(B) A prosecution-based victim assistance program or unit.
(2)(a) Ifa tenantgivesa landlordatleast 14days'writtennotice,andthenoticesorequests,thelandlordshallreleasethetenantandany
immediatefamUymemberofthetenant fromtherental agreement.
(b) The notice given by the tenant must specify the release date and must list the names ofany immediate family members to be released in
addition to the tenant.
(c) The notice must be accompanied by verification that the tenant:
(A) Is protected by a valid order ofprotection; or
(B) Hasbeenthe victim ofdomestic violence, sexual assaultorstalkingwithinthe 90dayspreceding the dateofthe notice. Forpurposes ofthis
(3) A verificationstatementmustbesignedbythetenantandthequalifiedthirdpartyandbeinsubstantiallythefollowingform:


Name ofqualified third party

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Name of tenant


I, _(Name oftenant), do herebystate asfollows:

(A) I or a minor member ofmy household have been a victiin ofdomestic violence, sexual assault or stalking, asthose terms are defmed in ORS
90. 100.

(B) The most recent incidents) that I rely on in support ofthis statement occurred on the followmg date(s):

_The time since the most recent incident took place is less than 90 days; or

_The time since themost recent incident tookplace islessthan 90daysifperiods whentheperpetrator wasincarcerated orwaslivingmore than
100miles frommy home arenot counted. Theperpetrator wasincarcerated from to . Theperpetrator livedmore than
100 miles from my home from to

(C) I herebydeclarethat the abovestatement istme to thebestofmy knowledgeandbelief, andthatI understandit is madeforuseasevidencein
court and is subject to penalty for perjury.

(Signature of tenant)


I, _(Name ofqualifiedthirdparty), doherebyverify asfollows:

(A) I ama lawenforcement ofBcer, attorney orlicensed healthprofessional or a victim's advocate witha victims services provider, asdefinedin
ORS90.453. - . --..-,. " .._..,

(B) My name, business address and business telephone are as follows:

(C) The person who signed the statement above has informed me that the person or a minor member ofthe person's household is a victim of
domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking, based on incidents that occurred on the dates listed above.

(D) I reasonably believe the statement ofthe person above that the person or a minor member ofthe person's household is a victim of domestic
violence, sexual assault orstalking, asthose terms aredefinedin ORS90. 100. 1 understand thatthepersonwhomade the statement mayusethis
documentasa basisfor gaininga release fromthe rentalagreementwiththe person'slandlord.

I herebydeclarethat the above statementis true to the bestofmy knowledgeandbelief, andthatI understandit ismadeforuseasevidencein
court andis subjectto penalty forperjury.

(Signature of qualified third party

makingthis statement)

(4)A tenantandanyimmediatefamUymemberwhoisreleasedfroma rentalagreementpursuantto subsection(2) ofthissection:

(a) Isnot liable forrent or damagesto thedwellingunit incurredafterthe releasedate; and
(b) Isnot subjectto any fee solelybecauseofterminationofthe rental agreement.
(5)Notwithstandingthereleasefroma rentalagreementofa tenantwhoisa victimofdomesdcviolence,sexualassaultorstalkingandanytenant
who is animmediate family member ofthat tenant, other tenants remain subject to the rental agreement.
(6) A landlord may not disclose any mformation provided by a tenant under this section to a third party unless the disclosure is:
(a) Consented to in writing by the tenant;
(b) Required for use in an eviction proceeding;
(c) Made to a qualified third party; or
(d) Required by law.
(7) Theprovisionofa verificationstatementundersubsection(2) ofthissectiondoesnotwaivetheconfidentialorprivilegednatureof a
communication between the victim ofdomestic violence, sexual assault or stalking anda qualified thirdparty. [2003 c.378 §4; 2007 c. 508 §9; 2011

90.456Othertenantsremainingin dwellingunitfollowingtenantterminationor exclusiondueto domesticviolence,sexualassaultor

stalking. Notwithstanding the release ofa tenant who is a victim ofdomestic violence, sexualassault or stalking, andany immediate family members
ofthattenant,froma rentalagreementunderORS90.453ortheexclusionofa perpetratorofdomesticviolence,sexualassaultorstalkingasprovided
inORS90.459or105.128 ifthereareanyremainingtenantsofthedwellingunit,thetenancyshallcontinueforthosetenants.Anyfee,security

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termination ofthe tenancy and delivery ofpossession by the remaining tenants asprovided in ORS90. 300 and 90. 302. [2003 c. 378 ' 6; 2007 c. 508
§10;2007c.508 §11;2011 c.42 §9b]

90.459Changeoflocksatrequestoftenantwhois victimofdomesticviolence,sexualassaultor stalking.(1)A tenantmay giveactualnotice

to thelandlordthatthetenantisa victimofdomesticviolence, sexualassaultorstalkingandmayrequestthatthelocksto thedwellingunitbe
changed. A tenant is not required to provide verification ofthe domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking to initiate the changing ofthe locks.
(2)A landlordwhoreceivesa requestundersubsection(1)ofthissectionshallpromptly changethelocksto thetenant'sdwellingunit atthe
tenant'sexpenseorshallgivethetenantpermissionto changethelocks. Ifa landlordfailsto promptly act,thetenantmaychangethelockswithoutthe
landlord'spemiission.Ifthe tenant changesthe locks, the tenant shallgive a keyto thenewlocksto the landlord.
(3) Ifthepeqietratorofthe domesticviolence, sexualassaultor stalkingis a tenantinthe same dwellingunit asthe victim:
(a) Before the landlord ortenant changes the locksunderthissection, the tenant must provide thelandlord witha copy ofanorder issuedby a
courtpursuantto ORS107.716or 107.718oranyotherfederal,state,localortribalcourtthatorderstheperpetratorto moveoutofthedwellingunit.
(b) The landlord hasno duty under the rental agreement or by law to allow the perpetrator access to the dwelling unit or provide keys to the
perpetrator, duringthe tennofthe court order or after expiration ofthe court order, orto provide the perpetrator accessto the perpetrator's personal
property withinthe dwelling unit. Notwithstanding ORS 90.425, 90.435 or 90. 675, if a landlord complies completely and in good faith with this section,
the landlordisnot liableto a perpetratorexcludedfromthe dwellingunit.
(c) The perpetrator isjointly liable with any other tenant ofthe dwelling unit for rent or damages to the dwelling unit incurred prior to the date the
perpetrator was excluded from the dwelling unit.
(d) Except asprovided in subsecdon (2) ofthis section, the landlord may not require thetenantto payadditional rent or anadditional depositor
fee because of the exclusion of the perpetrator.
(e) Theperpetrator'stenancytemiinatesbyoperationoflawuponanorderdescribedinparagraph(a) ofthissubsectionbecominga fmalorder.


90.460 Alternate exitfrombedroomrequired; tenantright to recover for landlord noncompliance.(1) As usedin this section, "bedroom"
hasthe meaninggiventhat term in ORS90.262.
(2) A landlord shall provide at all times during the tenancy a route ofexit from a bedroom, other than the main entrance to the bedroom, for use
duringanemergency.The secondaryrouteofexit mustconformto applicablelaw.
(3)(a)Ifthelandlordfailsto complywiththerequirementsofthissection,thetenantmayrecoveractoaldamages,andthetenantmayterminate
the tenancyby providingthe landlordactualnotice anda descriptionofthenoncompliance72hourspriorto the dateoftermination.
(b) Ifthelandlordcuresthenoncompliancewithinthe 72-hourperiod:
(A) The tenancy does not terminate; and
(B) The tenant may recover the tenant's actual damages.
(c) IfthelandlordfaUsto curethenoncompliancewithinthe 72-hourperiod:
(A) The tenancy temiinates;
(B) Thetenantmayrecovertwicethe tenant's actual damagesortwice the periodicrent, whicheveris greater; and
(C) The landlord must return all security deposits andprepaid rent owed to the tenant under ORS90. 300 within four days aflter the tennination.

90.465 Right ofcity to recover from owner for costs ofrelocating tenant due to condemnation; defense. (1) A city with a population that
exceeds300,000shallhavea rightofactionagainsttheownerofanypremisesto recoverthereasonablecostsofrelocationincurredbythecity
because the condition ofthepremises causes condemnation andrelocation ofthetenants atpublic expense. Inorderto recover thecosts, the city must
allegeandprovethat,dueto actionorinactionoftheowner,thepremisesareorhavebeeninmultipleandmaterialviolationofapplicablehealthor
safety codes for a period ofmore than 30 days and that the violation endangers the health or safety ofthe tenants or the public, or both.
(2)It shallbeanafSnnativedefensetorecoveryofrelocationcostsincurredforanytenantthattheconditionwascausedbytheactionor
negligence of that tenant.
(3) The official responsible for city code enforcement shall notify the owner in ^vritmg when the official finds the premises to be in a condition that
may causetenantrelocation. Thenotice shallalso infonnthe ownerofthepotentialliabilityforrelocationcosts.
(4) A landlordmaynotterminatea rentalagreementbecauseofthereceiptofthenoticerequiredbysubsection(3) ofthissectionexceptforthe
reasons set forth in ORS 90. 385 (4). The owner is not liable for tenant relocation costs if the termination is for the reasons set fonh in ORS 90. 385
(5) Theactionprovidedinsubsection(1) ofthissectionisinadditionto anyotheractionthatmaybebroughtagainstanownerunderanyother
provision oflaw. [Formerly 90. 450]

90. 472 Termination by tenant caUed into active state service by Governor. (1) As used in this section, "state service member" means a member
oftheorganizedmilitiawhoiscalledintoactiveserviceoffhe stateby theGovernorunderORS399.065(1) for90ormoreconsecutivedays.
(2)A tenantmayterminatea rentalagreementuponwrittennoticeifthetenantprovidesthelandlordwithproofofofGcialordersshowingthatthe
tenant is a state service member.
(3) A temiination of a rental agreement under this section is effective the earlier of:
(a) Thirty daysafterthe datethenextrentalpaymentis due;or
(b) On the last day of the month after the month in which written notice is given.
(4) NotwithstandingORS90.300(7)(a)(A) and 90.430, a tenantwhotemiinates a leaseundersubsection(2) ofthissectionis not:
(a) Subject to a penalty, fee, charge or loss of deposit because of the temrination; or
(b)Liableforanyrentbeyondtheeffectivedateofthetenmnationasdeterminedundersubsection(3)ofthissection. [2003c.387§2;2009c.431
§14; 2011 c.42 §15]

90. 475 Termination by tenant due to service with Armed Forces or commissioned corps ofNational Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration. (1) A tenant may terminate a rental agreement upon written notice if the tenant provides the landlord with proofofofficial orders
showing that the tenant is:
(a) Enlisting for active service in the Anned Forces ofthe United States;

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(b) Servingasa member ofa National Guardorotherreserve component oranactive service component oftheArmed Forces oftheUnited States
andorderedto activeserviceoutsidetheareafora periodthatwillexceed90days;
(c) Terminatmg active service in the Amied Forces ofthe United States;
(d)A memberofthePubUcHealthServiceoftheUnitedStatesDepartmentofHealthandHumanServicesdetailedbyproperauthorityforduty
with the Anny or Navy of the United States and:
(A) Ordered to active service outside the area for a period that will exceed 90 days; or
household goods; or
(e) A member ofthecommissioned corps oftheNational Oceanic andAtmospheric Administration ordered to active service outside the areafor a
periodthat will exceed90days.
(2) Asusedin subsection (1) ofthis section, "AmiedForces ofthe United States"meansthe AirForce, Army, Coast Guard, Marii
oftfaeUnited States.
(3) A termination of a rental agreement under this section is effective on the earlier of:
(a) A datedeterminedundertheprovisionsofany applicablefederallaw; or
(b) The later of:
(A) 30 days after delivery ofthe notice;
(B) 30 daysbeforethe earliestreportingdate onordersforactiveservice;
(C) A date specified in the notice; or
service described in this section.
(4)NotwithstandingORS90.300(7)(a)(A) and90.430,a tenantwhotemiinatesa leaseundersubsection(1) ofthissectionisnot:
(a) Subject to a penalty, fee, charge or loss ofdeposit because ofthe termination; or
c.276 82:
§15;2011c. 42§16;2012c. l06§l]

90.485Restrictionsonlandlordremovalofvehicle;exceptions.(1)A landlordmayhavea motorvehicleremovedfromthepremisesonlyin

compliancewiththis sectionandeitherORS98.810to 98.818or ORS98.830, 98.835 and98.840.
(2)ExceptasprovidedinORS90.425regardingabandonedvehicles, a landlordmayhavea motorvehicle removed fromthepremiseswithout
notice to the owner or operator ofthe vehicle only ifthe vehicle:
(a) Blocksorprevents accessby emergencyvehicles;
(b)Blocksorpreventsentry to thepremises;
(c) delatesa prominentlypostedparkingprohibition;
(d) Blocks or is unlawfully parked in a space reserved for persons with disabilities;
(e)Isparkedinanareanotintendedformotorvehiclesincluding, butnotlimitedto, sidewalks, lawnsandlandscaping
(0IsParkedm a SPacereservedfortenantsbutisnotassignedtoa tenantanddoesnotdisplaya parkingtagorotherdevice,asprovidedby
subsection(3) ofthis section; or
(g)Isparkedina specificspaceassignedto a tenant, asprovidedbysubsection(4)ofthissection.
(3)A landlordmayhavea motorvehicleremovedfromthepremisesundersubsection(2)(f)ofthissectiononlyifthelandlord:
(a) Providesparkingtagsorotherdevices that identify vehicles that areauthorized to beparked onthepremises;
(b)Providesa tenantwithparkingtagsorotherdevicestobeusedona vehicleotherthanthetenant'sprimaryvehicleifthetenantwantstopark a
vehicle on the premises in lieu ofthe tenant's primary vehicle; and
(c) Enters into written agreements withtheowners oroperators ofvehicles authorized to park onthepremises that:
(A)Authorize thelandlordtohavea vehicleremoved fromthepremiseswithoutnotice forfailingto displaytheparkingtag, stickerorother
name, address andcontact infonnation ofthetowcompany that is authorized to remove vehicles fromthepremises; and
authorized guest vehicles.
(4)Ifa landlord assignsa specificparkingspaceto a tenant, thelandlordmayhavea vehicletowedundersubsection(2)(g) ofthissectionfromthe
(5)Ifguestparkingisallowed,thelandlordshallposta signineachdesignatedguestparkingspacethatisclearlyreadablebyanoperatorofmotor
vehicle andthat specifies anyrules, restrictions orlimitations onparkinginthe designated guestparking space.
(6) A landlord mayhave a motor vehicle that isinoperable, but otherwise parked in compliance withanagreement between the landlord andthe
owneroroperatorofthevehicle, removed fromthepremisesifthelandlord affixesa promment noticetothevehicle statingthatthevehicle wiUbe
subsection at least 72 hours before the vehicle may be removed.
(7)A landlordmaynothavea motorvehicleremovedunderthissectionbecausethevehicle'sregistrationhasexpiredorisotherwiseinvaUd.
(8) This sectiondoesnot:
(a) Apply to a landlord of a facility.
(b)Affecttheobligationsimposedona landlordunderORS98.810to98.818orunderORS98.830,98.835and98.840.[2007c.565§2;2009
c.622 §4]

90.490Prohibitedactsinanticipationofnoticeofconversiontocondominium; damages.(1)A tenantmaybringanactionagainsta buUding

landlordifforthepurposeofavoiding,orassistinga declarantofa conversioncondominiuminavoiding,therequirementsunderORS100.301to
(a)WithinoneyearbeforethedeclarantrecordsthedeclarationunderORS100. 1 00,thelandlordgivesa tenant a 30-daynoticewithoutstated
cause; or

increase inthePortland-Salem Consumer PriceIndex forAll UrbanConsumers forAll Items asreported bytheUnited StatesBureau ofLabor
(2)Ifa courtfmdsthata landlord hastakenanactiondescribedinsubsection(1)ofthissectionforthepurpose ofavoiding,orassistinga declarant

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ofa conversioncondominiuminavoidingtherequirementsunderORS100.301to 100.320,thecourtmayawardthetenantthegreaterof:

(a) Sbctimes the monthly rent for the dweUing unit; or
(b) Twicethe actualdamagesto the tenant arisingout ofthetemiinadonorrent increase.
(3) The time aUowed under ORS 12. 125 to commence an action under this section begins on the date the declarant records the declaration under
ORS 100. 100. [2007 c. 705 §6]

90.493Prohibitedactsfollowingnoticeofconversionto condonrinium;damages.(1) Thelandlordofa buUdingforwhicha declarantof a

conversion condominium hasissued the tenant a notice ofconversion under ORS 100.305 may not:
(a)Givethetenanta 30-daynodcewithoutstatedcausethatcausesthetenancytoterminateona datethatispriortotheendofthe120-day
perioddescribedin ORS100.305 orthe 60-dayperioddescribedinORS 100.310;or
(b) Increase the rent for the dwelling unit in excess of:
(A) Any scheduled increase provided for in a wntten rental agreement; or
(B)A percentageequaltothepercentageincreaseinthePordand-SalemConsumerPriceIndexforAllUrbanConsumersforAllItemsasreported
by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics.
(2) A tenantmaybringanactionagainsta landlordthatviolatessubsection(1) ofthissectiontorecoverthe greaterof:
(a) SuetimesthemontMyrent forthe dwellingunit; or
(b) Twicethe actualdamagesto the tenant arisingout ofthetermination. [2007c.705 §5]

90.500 [Formerly 91. 868; 1991 c. 844 §4; 1993 c. 580 §2; repealed by 1995 c. 559 §58]


(General Provisions)

90.505Definitionfor ORS90.505to90.850; applicationofstatutes. (1)AsusedinORS90.505to 90.850,"renta spacefora manufactured

dwellingorfloatinghome," orsimilarwording,meansa transactioncreatinga rentalagreementinwhichtheownerofa manufactureddwellingor
floating home secures the right to locate the dwelling or home on the real property ofanother in a facility for use asa residence in return for value, and
inwhichtheownerofthemanufactureddwellingorfloatinghomeretainsnointerestintherealproperty attheendofthetransaction.
(2) Unless otherwise provided, ORS 90. 100 to 90.465 apply to rental agreements that are subject to ORS 90. 505 to 90.850. However, to the extent
ofinconsistency, the applicable provisions ofORS90. 505 to 90. 850control overtheprovisions ofORS90. 100to 90.465. [Formerly 91. 873; 1991
c.844§5;1999'c.676§i9] ' ' -------..-.,--.-^/..., -.,
90.510StatementofpoUcy;rentalagreement;rules andregulations;remedies.(1)Everylandlordwhorentsa spacefora manufactured
dwelling or floatinghome shallprovide a written statement ofpolicy to prospective andexistingtenants. Thepiupose ofthe statement ofpolicy isto
providedisclosureofthelandlord'spoliciestoprospectivetenantsandtoexistingtenantswhohavenotpreviouslyreceiveda statementofpolicy.The
statementofpolicyisnota partoftherentalagreement.Thestatementofpolicyshallprovideallofthefollowinginformadoninsummaryform:'
(a) The location and approximate size of the space to be rented.
(b) The federal fair-housing age classification andpresent zoning that affect the use ofthe rented space.
(c)Thefacilitypolicyregardingrentadjustmentanda renthistoryforthespaceto berented.Therenthistorymust, ata mimmum, showtherent
amountsonJanuary1 ofeachofthefiveprecedingcalendaryearsorduringthelengthofthelandlord'sownership,leasingorsubleasingofthefacUity,
whichever period is shorter.
(d) The personal property, services and facilities that areprovided by the landlord.
(e) Theinstallation chargesthat areimposed by the landlord andthe installation feesthatareimposed by government agencies.
(f) Thefacilitypolicyregardingrentalagreementtemiinationincluding,butnotlimitedto, closureofthefacility.
(g) The facility policy regarding facUity sale.
(h) Thefacilitypolicyregardinginformaldisputeresolution.
(i) Theutilities andservices that are available, the name oftheperson fimiishingthemandthename oftheperson responsible forpayment.
0)Ifa tenants'associationexistsforthefacility,a one-pagesummaryaboutthetenants'association.Thetenants'associationshaUprovidethe
summary to the landlord.
(k) Any facility policy regardingtheremoval ofa manufactured dwelling, including a statement that removal requirements may impact the market
value ofa dwelling.
(L) Any facility policy regarding the planting oftrees on the rented space for a manufactured dwelling.
statement ofpolicy isa tenant, therental agreement attached to the statement ofpolicy mustbe a copy ofthe agreement entered bythe landlord and

(3) The landlord shall give:

(a) Prospective tenants a copy ofthe statement ofpolicy before the prospective tenants sign rental agreements;
(b)Existingtenantswhohavenotpreviouslyreceiveda copyofthestatementofpoMcyandwhoareonmonth-to-monthrentalagreementsa copy
ofthe statementofpolicy at the time a 90-daynotice ofa rent increaseis issued; and
(c) All otherexistingtenants whohave not previously received a copy ofthe statement ofpolicy a copy ofthe statement ofpolicy upon the
expirationoftheirrental agreementsandbeforethetenantssignnewagreements.
(4)Everylandlordwhorentsa spacefora manufactureddwellingorfloatinghomeshallprovidea writtenrentalagreement,exceptasprovidedby
ORS90. 710(2)(d). The agreement must be signedby the landlord andtenant andmaynotbeunilaterally amended by one oftheparties to'fhe contract
except by:
(a) Mutual agreementoftheparties;
(b) Actions taken pursuant to ORS 90. 530, 90. 533, 90. 537, 90. 543 (3), 90.600, 90. 725 (3)(f) and(7) or 90. 727; or
(c) Thoseprovisionsrequiredby changesin statute orordinance.
(5) The agreement required by subsection (4) ofthis section must specify:
(a) Thelocationandapproximatesizeofthe rented space;
(b) The federal fair-housing age classification;
(c) The rent per month;

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(d) All personal property, services and facilities to be provided by the landlord;
(e) All security deposits, fees and installation charges imposed by the landlord;
(f) Any facility policy regarding the planting of trees on the rented space for a manufactured dwelling;
(g) Improvements that the tenant may or must make to the rental space, including plant materials and landscaping;
(h) Provisionsfordealingwithimprovementsto the rental spaceattheterminationofthetenancy;
(i) Any conditionsthe landlordappliesin approvinga purchaserofa manufactureddwellingor floatinghomeasa tenant in the eventthe tenant
elects to sell the home. Those conditions must be in conformance with state and federal law and may include, but are not limited to, conditions asto
pets, number of occupants and screening or admission criteria;
(j) Thatthetenantmaynotsellthetenant'smanufactureddwellingorfloatinghometo a personwhointendstoleavethemanufactureddwellingor
floatinghomeonfherentalspaceuntil the landlordhasacceptedthepersonasa tenant;
(k) The tenn ofthe tenancy;
(L) Theprocessbywhichtherentalagreementorrulesandregulationsmaybechanged,whichshallidentifythatthemles andregulationsmaybe
changed with 60 days' notice unless tenants of at least 51 percent ofthe eligible spaces file an objection within 30 days; and
(m) The process by which the landlord or tenant shall give notices.
(6) Everylandlordwhorentsa spacefora manufactureddwellingor floatinghomeshaUproviderulesandregulationsconcerningthetenant'suse
and occupancy ofthe premises. A violation ofthe mles and reguladons may be cause for temunation ofa rental agreement. However, this subsection
doesnotcreatea presumptionthatallrulesandregulationsareidenticalforalltenantsatalltimes.A ruleorregulationshallbeenforceableagainstthe
tenant only if:
(a) The mle or regulation:
(A) Promotes the convenience, safety or welfare ofthe tenants;
(B) Preserves the landlord's property fi-om abusive use; or
(C) Makes a fair distribution of services and facUities held out for the general use of the tenants.
(b) The rule or regulation:
(A) Is reasonably related to the purpose for which it is adopted and is reasonably applied;
(B) Is sufficientlyexplicitin its prohibition,directionor limitationofthe tenant'sconductto fairly infonnthe tenant ofwhatthe tenant shalldo or
may not do to comply; and
(C) Is not for the purpose of evading the obligations ofthe landlord.
(7)(a)A landlordwhorentsa spacefora manufactureddwellingorfloatinghomemayadopta ruleorregulationregardingoccupancyguidelines.If
adopted, anoccupancy guideline ina facility mustbebasedonreasonable factors andnotbemore restrictive thanlimiting occupancy to twopeople
per bedroom.
(b) As used in this subsection:
(A) Reasonablefactorsmay includebut are not limited to:
(i) The size ofthe dwelling.
(ii) The sizeoftherented space.
(iii) Any discriminatoryimpact for reasonsidentifiedin ORS659A.421.
(iv) Limitationsplacedonutility servicesgovernedby a pennitforwateror sewagedisposal.
(B) "Bedroom" means a room that is intended to be used primarily for sleeping purposes and does not include bathrooms, toilet compartments,
closets, halls, storage or utility space and similar areas.
(8)Intentionalanddeliberatefailureofthelandlordto complywithsubsections(1) to (3) ofthissectioniscauseforsuitoractionto remedythe
violation or to recover actoal damages. The prevailmg party is entitled to reasonable attorney fees and court costs.
(9)A receiptsignedbythepotendaltenantortenantsfordocumentsrequiredtobedeliveredbythelandlordpursuantto subsections(1) to (3) of
this sectionis a defenseforthe landlordin anactionagainstthe landlordfornondeliveryofthe documents.
(10) A suitor actionarisingundersubsection(8) ofthis secdonmustbe commencedwithinoneyearafterthe discoveryor identificationofthe
alleged violation.
(11)Everylandlordwhopublishesa directoryoftenantsandtenantservicesmustincludea one-pagesummaryregardinganytenants'association.
The tenants' association shall provide the summary to the landlord. [Formerly 91. 875; 1991 c. 844 §6; 1993 c. 580 §3; 1995 c. 559 §34; 1997 c. 304 §3;
1997c.305 §1; 19970. 577 §26; 1999c.603 §32; 1999 c.676 §20; 2001 c.596 §35a; 2005 c.22 §63; 2005 c.391 §23; 2005 c. 619 §19b; 2009 c.816 §5;

90.512 Definitions for ORS 90. 514 and 90. 518. As used in this section and ORS 90. 514, 90. 516 and 90. 518:
(1) "Buyer"has the meaninggiven that tenn in ORS 72. 1030.
(2) "Converted rental space" means a rental lot that is located in a subdivision created as provided under ORS 92. 010 to 92. 192.
(3) "Improvements" has the meaning given that term in ORS 646A. 050.
(4) "Manufactureddwellingpark"meansanyplacewherefourormoremanufactureddwellingsarelocatedwithin500feetofoneanotherona lot,
tractorparceloflandunderthesameownership,theprimarypurposeofwhichistorentorleasespaceorkeepspaceforrentorleaseto anyperson
fora chargeorfeepaidortobepaidfortherentalorleaseoruseoffacilitiesorto offerspacefreeinconnectionwithsecuringthetradeorpatronage
(5) "Provider"meansa contractor, manufactureddweUingdealeror landlordthat islicensedunderORSchapter 701 andthat contractswith a
buyer for improvements to be made to a manufactured dwelling site in a manufactured dwelling park or to a converted rental space.
(6) "Statement ofestimated costs" means a written list ofthe charges, fees, services, goods and accessories that a provider knows or should know
areassociatedwiththemakingofanimprovementcontractedbytheproviderandthetotalestimatedcostto thebuyerfortheimprovement. [2001
c.282 §2; 2001 c.969 §4; 2005 c.41 §3]

90.514Disclosuretoprospectivetenantofimprovementsrequiredunderrental agreement(1) Beforea prospectivetenantsignsa rental

agreement for space in a manufactured dwelling park or for a converted rental space, the landlord must provide the prospective tenant with a written
statementthat disclosesthe improvementsthatthe landlordwUlrequireundertherentalagreement.Thewritten statementmustbe in the format
developedby the Attorney Generalpursuantto ORS90. 516 andinclude at leastthe following:
(a) A notice thatthetenantmay select andcontractdirectly witha contractorto be theproviderofanimprovement.
(b) Separately stated and identifiable information for each required improvement that specifies:
(A) The dimensions, materials and finish for improvements to be constmcted;
(B) TheinstaUationchargesimposedby the landlordandthe installationfeesimposedby governmentagencies;

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(C) The system development charges to be paidby the tenant; and

(D)Thesitepreparationrequirementsandrestrictions, including,butnotlimitedto,requirements andrestrictionsontheuseofplantsand
-?^EXCe?t^sprovided moRS 41-740' a written statement provided underthissectionisconsidered tocontain all'ofthe termsrelatingto
improvementsthata prospectivetenantmustmakeundertherentalagreement.Theremaybenoevidenceofthetermsofthewrittenstatementother
thanthecontentsofthewrittenstatement. [2001c.282 §3;2005c.41 §4]
90.515 [1991 c. 844 §2; repealed by 1995 c. 559 §58]

^'-5!-6^0?eLstate^ent fo^disc]los'i're. of"?l?roYe"lents. req^ired und^r I"entalagreement; rules. TheAttorney General, bymle, shalladopt a
modelwrittenstatementforusebymanufactureddweUingparkandconvertedrentalspacelandlorispursuanttoORS90. 514.[2001c.282§5;2005

90.518Providerstatementofestimatedcostofimprovements.(1)A providershaUgivethebuyera statementofestimatedcostsforaU

improvementstobemadeundera contractbetweenthebuyerandtheprovider.Theprovidershalldeliverthestatementofestimatedcoststo the
[22Ifa^ro,vider fails. ? give ? statement of estimated costs knowingly fails to give
or a complete statement of estimated costs, a buyer who does
nothaveactualnoticeofthetotal costforanimprovement andsuffersanascertainable lossdueto thefailurebytheprovidermaybring'anactionto
recoverthe greaterofactualdamagesor $200.
(3)ExceptasprovidedinORS41.740,a statementofestimatedcostsgivenunderthissectionisconsideredto containaUofthetennsofthe
contractbetweenthebuyerandtheprovider. [2001 c.282§4;2005c.41 §6]

90.525Unreasonableconditionsofrental oroccupancyprohibited. (1)Nolandlordshallimposeconditionsofrentaloroccupancywhich

unreasonablyrestrictthetenantorprospectivetenantinchoosinga fuelsuppUer,furnishings,goods,servicesoraccessories.
(2)Nolandlordofa faciUtyshaUrequiretheprospectivetenanttopurchasea manufactureddweUingorfloatinghomefroma particulardealeror
one of a group of dealers.
(3)Nolandlordrentinga spacefora manufactureddwellingorfloatinghomeshaUgivepreferencetoa prospective tenantwhopurchased a
manufactureddwellingor floatinghomefroma particulardealer.
(4)NomanufactureddwellingorfloatinghomedealershaUrequire, asa conditionofsale,a purchaserto rent a soacefora manufactiiraririwRlIir
orfloatinghomeina particularfaciUtyoroneofa groupoffacilities.[Fonneriy91.895;1991c.844§7]
90.528UseofcommonareasorfacUides.(1)Alandlordwhorentsa spacefora manufactureddwellingmayrequirea depositfortheuseof
commonareasorfacilitiesbya tenantortenants.Theamountofanydepositchargedfortheuseofcommon'areas orfacilidesshallbereasonably
basedonthepotentialcleaningcostorothercostsassociatedwiththeuseoftheareaorfacUity.Conditionsforreturnofa depositshallbestated m
writing andmade available to the tenant or tenants placing the deposit.
(2)Notenantshallberequiredtoacquirea bondorinsurancepoUcyasa preconditionfortheuseofcommonareasorfacflities.
(3)A landlordwhorentsa spacefora manufactured dwellingshaUnotprohibituseofa coimnonareaorfacffityifthepurposeoftheprohibitionis
topreventtheuseoftheareaorfacilityfortenantassociationmeetings,tenantorganizingmeetingsorotherlawfultenantactivities. [1997c.303

Note:90.528wasenactedintolawby^theLe^slativeAssemblybutwasnotaddedtoormadea partofORSchapter90oranyseriestherein 1
legislativeaction.SeePrefaceto OregonRevisedStatutesforfurtherexplanation.

_^o'5^0petlin, ?",Iities;rf!ltal aSreements;violations. (1)Notwithstandinga changeintherulesandregulationsofa manufactureddwellingor

floatinghomefacUitythatwouldprohibit pets a tenantmaykeepa petthatisotherwise legaUyUvingwiththe'tenant atthetime~the landlord provTdes
noticeoftheproposedchangetotherulesandregulationsofthefacUity Thetenantmayreplacea petwitha petsimilartotheoneUvingwiththe
te^t. atthetimethelandlordprovidednoticeoftheproposedchange.NewrulesandregulationsthatregulatetheactivitiesofpetsshaUapplytoall
petsm thefacility, includingthosepetsthatwerelivinginthefacilitypriortotheadoptionofthenewmlesorregulations.
(2)A rentalagreementbetweena landlordrentinga spacefora manufactureddwellingorfloatinghomeand'atenantrentingthespacemust
comply withthe following:
(a)A landlordmaynot chargea one-time, monthly orotherperiodic amountbasedonthetenant's possessionofa pet.
(b)Alandlord mayprovide written,rulesregardingcontrol sanitation, number, type andsizeofpets.Thelandlordmayrequire thetenant tosign a
petagreementandtoprovideproofofliabiUtyinsurance.Thelandlordmayrequirethetenantto makethelandlorda co-u
receiving notice in the case ofcancelladon of the msurance.
(c)A landlordmaychargea tenantanamount fora violation ofa writtenpetagreement orrulesrelatingtopetsnotto exceed$50foreach
violation. [1997c.304§2;2001c.596§35b;2003c.378 §17]
90.531 Definitionsfor ORS 90.531 to 90.539. As used in ORS90. 531 to 90. 539:
(1)"Submeter"meansa deviceo^vnedorunderthecontrolofa landlordandusedtomeasurea utilityorserviceactuaUyprovidedtoa tenantat
the tenant'sspace.
(2) "Utility or service" hasthemeaning giventhat tennin ORS90. 315. [2005 c.619 §5]

90.532Billingmethodsforutility orservicecharges;systemmaintenance; restriction onchargingforwater.(1)SubjecttothepoUciesofthe

utiUtyorserviceprovider,a landlordmay,exceptasprovidedinsubsections(2)to(5)ofthissection,provideforutilitiesorservices'totenantsbv
ormore ofthe followinghillingmethods:
(a)A relationshipbetweenthetenantandtheutility or serviceproviderinwhich:
(A) Theproviderprovidestheutility orservice directly tothetenant's space,mcludinganyutffity orserviceline, andbillsthetenant direcdv; and
(B) The landlord does not act as a provider. - - - . -.---_-__.. ^,
(b) A relationshipbetweenthelandlord,tenantandutilityorserviceproviderinwhich:

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(A) The provider provides the utility or service to the landlord;

CB)Thelandlordprovidestheutilityorservicedirectlytothetenant'sspaceorto a commonareaavailabletothetenantaspanofthetenancy;and
(C) The landlord:
(i) Includes the cost ofthe utility or service in the tenant's rent; or
(ii) Bills thetenant for a utility or service charge separately from the rent inanamount detemiined by apportioning ona pro ratabasisthe
provider's charge to the landlord as measiu-ed by a master meter.
(c) A relationshipbetweenthelandlord, tenantandutility orserviceproviderin which:
(A) The provider provides the utUity or service to the landlord;
(B) Thelandlordprovidesthe utility or service directly to the tenant's space;and
(C)Thelandlordusesa submetertomeasuretheutilityorserviceactuallyprovidedtothespaceandbillsthetenantfora utilityorservicecharge
forthe amountprovided.
(2) A landlord maynot usea separately chargedpro rata apportionment billingmethod asdescribed in subsection (l)(b)(C)(ii) ofthis section:
(a) For garbagecollection anddisposal, unless thepro rata apportionment isbaseduponthenumber andsizeofthe garbagereceptacles usedbythe

(b)Forwaterservice,iftherentalagreementforthedwellingunitwasenteredintoonorafterJanuary1,2010,unlessthelandlordwasusing a
separatelychargedprorataapportionmentbillingmethodforalltenantsinthefacilityimmediatelybeforeJanuary1, 2010.
(c)Forsewerservice,ifsewerserviceismeasuredbyconsumptionofwaterandtherentalagreementforthe dwellingunitwasenteredintoonor
afterJanuary1, 2010,unlessthelandlordwasusinga separatelychargedprorataapponioiunentbillingmethodforalltenantsinthefacility
immediately before January 1, 2010.
(3)ExceptasaBowedbysubsection(2)ofthissectionforrentalagreementsenteredintoonorafterJanuary1,2010,a landlordandtenantmay
not amenda rental agreement to conven wateror sewerutility andservice billing from a method described in subsection (l)(b)(C)(i) ofthis section to
a method described in subsection (l)(b)(C)(ii) of this section.
(4)ExceptasprovidedinORS90.543(3),a landlordfora manufactureddweUingparkcontaining200ormorespacesinthefacilitymaynotassess
a tenant a utility or service chargeforwaterbyusingthe bfflingmethoddescribedin subsecdon(1)(b)(C)(ii) ofthissection.
(5)(a) A landlordofa manufactureddwellingparkbuilt afterJune23,2011,mayuseonlythesubmeterbillingmethoddescAedinsubsection
(l)(c) ofthis section for the provision of water.
(b) A landlord ofa manufactured dwellingpark that expandsto addspaces afterJune23, 2011, mayuseonly the submeter bfflingmethod
describedin subsection(l)(c) ofthis sectionfortheprovisionofwaterto anyspacesaddedin excessof200.
(6) To assessa tenant for a utility or service charge for anybillmgperiod usingthebillingmethod descnled in subsection (l)(b)(C)(ii) or(c) ofthis
section, the landlord shaBgive thetenant a written notice statingthe amount oftheutility or service charge that thetenant isto paythe landlord and
the duedateformakingthepayment. The duedatemay not bebefore the date ofservice ofthenotice. The amount ofthe charge isdetermined as
describedinORS90.534or90.536.Iftherentalagreementallowsdeliveryofnoticeofa utilityorservicechargebyelectronicmeans,forpurposesof
this subsection, "written notice" includes a communication that is transmitted in a manner that is electronic, as defined in ORS 84. 004. Ifthe landlord
includesinthenoticea statementoftherentdue,thelandlordshallseparatelyandclearlystatetheamountoftherentandtheamountoftheutilityor
service charge.
(7) A utility or service charge isnot rent ora fee.Nonpayment ofa utility orservice chargeisnot grounds fortermination ofa rental agreement for
nonpaymentofrentunderORS90.394,butisgroundsfortermmationofa rentalagreementforcauseunderORS90.630.A landlordmaynotgive a
notice oftermination ofa rental agreement under ORS90. 630 fornonpayment ofa utility or service charge soonerthanthe eighthday, including the
installationor maintenanceofthe systemona tenant'sspace,the landlordshaUrestorethe spaceto a conditionthat isthe same as orbetterthanthe
condition of the space before the installation or maintenance.
(9) A landlord may not assess a utility or service charge for water unless the water is provided to the landlord by a:
(a) Publicutility asdefinedin ORS757.005;
(b) Municipalutility operatingunderORSchapter225;
(c) People'sutility district organizedunderORSchapter261;
(d) Cooperative organized under ORS chapter 62;
(e) DomesticwatersupplydistrictorganizedunderORSchapter264; or
(f) Waterimprovement district organizedunderORSchapter552.
(10) A landlordthatprovidesutilities or servicesonly to tenantsofthelandlordincompliancewiththis sectionandORS90.534 and90.536 is not a
public utUity for purposes ofORS chapter 757.
(11)Theauthoritygrantedinthissectionfora utilityorserviceproviderto applypolicyregardingthebillingmethodsdescribedinsubsection(1)of
this sectiondoesnot authorizetheutility or serviceproviderto dictate eitherthe amountbilledto tenantsortherate at whichtenantsarebilledunder
ORS90. 534 or 90. 536. [2005 c.619 §6; 2007 c.71 §24; 2009 c.305 §1; 2009 c. 816 §§6, 6a; 2011 c.503 §§6, 6a;2013 c.443 §14]
90.533 Conversion ofbilling method for garbage collection anddisposal. (1) A landlord mayumlaterally amend a rental agreement to convert
themethodofbillinga tenantforgarbagecollectionanddisposalfroma methoddescribedinORS90.532(l)(b) to a methodinwhichtheservice
(a) Supplies garbage receptacles;
(b) Collects and disposes of garbage; and
(c)(A) Bills the tenant direcdy; or
(B) Bffls the landlord, who then biUsthe tenant basedupon the number and size ofthe receptacles used by the tenant.
(2) A landlord shallgive a tenant not lessthan 180days' written notice before converting a billingmethod under subsection (1) ofthis section.
(3)Ifthecostofgarbageservicewasincludedintherentbeforetheconversionofa billingmethodundersubsection(1) ofthissection,the
landlordshallreducethetenant'srentuponthe firstbillingofthetenantunderthenewbillingmethod.Therentreductionmaynotbelessthanan
amountreasonablycomparableto theamountofrentpreviouslyallocatedforgarbagecoUectionanddisposalcostsaveragedoveratleastthe
precedingyear. Before the convereion occurs, the landlord shallprovide thetenant withwritten documentation fromthe service provider showmgthe
landlord'scostforthegarbagecollectionanddisposalserviceprovidedto the facilityduringatleasttheprecedingyear.
(4) A landlordmaynotconverta billingmethodundersubsection(1) ofthissectionlessthanoneyearaftergivingnoticeofa rentincrease,unless
the rent increaseis anautomatic increase provided for ina fixedtermrental agreement entered into oneyearormore before the conversion. [2009
c. 816 §2]

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90.534Allocatedchargesforutilityor serviceprovideddirectlytospaceor commonarea.(1)Ifa writtenrentalagreementsoprovides, a

landlordusingtheproratabiUingmethoddescribedinORS90.532(l)(b)(C)(u) mayrequire a tenanttopayto thelandlord^ utiUty orservicecharge
that hasbeenbilled bya utUity or service provider to the landlord for a utility or service provided directly to the tenant's space orto a common area
availabletothetenantaspartofthetenancy.A landlordmaynotumlaterallyamenda rentalagreementtoconvertutilityandservicebillingfrom a
method described in ORS90. 532 (l)(b)(C)(i) to a method described in ORS90. 532 (l)(b)(C)(ii).
(2)(a)Asusedinthissubsection,"occupied"meansthata tenantresidesinthedwellingorhomeduringeachmonthforwhichtheutilityorservice
is billed.
(b)A utilityorservicechargethatisassessedona proratabasistotenantsforthetenants'spacesunderthissectionmustbeallocatedamongthe
tenantsbya methodthatreasonablyapportionsthecostamongtheaffectedtenantsandthatisdescribedintherentalagreement.
(c) Methodsthatreasonablyapportionthe cost amongthe tenantsinclude,but arenot limited to, methodsthat dividethe costbasedon:
(A) Thenumberofoccupiedspacesinthe facility;
(B) The number oftenants oroccupants inthe dwellingorhome compared withthenumber oftenants oroccupants inthe facility, ifthere is a
correlation with consumption of the utility or service; or
(C) Thesquarefootageineachdwelling,homeorspacecomparedwiththetotal squarefootageofoccupieddweUingsorhomesinthefacUity,if
there is a correlation with consumption of the utility or service.
(3)A utilityorservicechargetobeassessedtoa tenantfora commonareamustbedescribedinthewrittenrentalagreementseparatelyand
distinctly fromtheutility or service charge for the tenant's space.
(4) A landlord may not:
(a)Billorcollectmoremoneyfromtenantsforutilitiesorservicesthantheutility orserviceproviderchargesthelandlord.
(b) Increasetheutility or service charge to the tenant by addingany costsofthe landlord, suchasa handling oradministrative charge. [2005 c. 619
§7; 2009 c. 305 §2; 2009 c. 816 §7]

90.535 Additional charge for cable, satellite or Internet services. (1)Notwithstanding ORS90. 534 (4) or 90. 536 (3), a landlord mayaddan
additionalamountto a utUityor servicechargebilledto thetenantif:
or forInternetaccessorusage;
(b) The additional amount is not more than 10percent ofthe utility or service charge billed to the tenant;
(c) The total ofthe utility or service charge and the additional amount is less than the typical periodic cost the tenant would incur if the tenant
(d)Thewrittenrentalagreementprovidingfortheutility orservicechargedescribestheadditionalamountseparately anddistinctly fromtheutUity
or service charge; and
or service charge.
(2) A landlordmaynotrequire a tenantto agreetotheamendment ofanexistingrentalagreement, andmaynottenninate a tenantforrefusingto
agreeto the amendment ofa rental agreement, ifthe amendment would obligate thetenant to pay anadditional amount for cabletelevision, direcF
90.536 Charges for utilities or services measured by submeter. (1) Ifa written rental agreement soprovides, a landlord usingthe submeter
balingmethoddescnbedinORS90.532(l)(c) mayrequirea tenanttopaytothelandlord a utiUty orservicechargethathasbeenbiUedbya utUity or
service provider to the landlord for utility or service provided directly to the tenant's space asmeasured by a submeter.
(2) A utility or service charge to be assessed to a tenant under this section may consist of:
(a)Thecostoftheutffityorserviceprovidedtothetenant'sspaceandunderthetenant'scontrol,asmeasuredbythesubmeter,ata ratenogreater
fhantheaverageratebilledto thelandlordbytheutility orserviceprovider,notincludinganybaseorservicecharge;
(b)Thecostofanysewerserviceforwastewaterasa percentageofthetenant'swaterchargeasmeasuredbya submeter,iftheutilityorservice
provider charges the landlord for sewer service as a percentage ofwater provided;
(c) A pro rataportion ofthecost ofsewer service for storm water andwastewater iftheutility or service provider doesnot charge thelandlord for
sewer service as a percentage of water provided;
(d) A pro rataportionofcoststo provide a utility or serviceto a common area;
(e)A prorateportionofanybaseorservicechargebilledtothelandlordbytheutilityorserviceprovider,includingbutnotlimitedtoanytax
passed through by the provider; and
(f) A pro rataportion ofthe cost to read watermeters andto bill tenants for water if:
(A) A third party service reads the meters and bills tenants for the landlord; and
(B) The landlord allows the tenants to inspect the third party's billing records asprovided by ORS 90. 538.
(3) Except asprovided in subsection (2) ofthis section, the landlord may not bill or collect more money from tenants for utilities or services than
theutilityorserviceproviderchargesthelandlord.A utilityorservicechargetobeassessedtoa tenantunderthissectionmaynotincludeany
additional charge, including anycosts ofthe landlord, fortheinstallation ormaintenance oftheutility orservice systemor anyprofit forthe landlord.
[2005 c.619 §8; 2009c.305 §3; 2011 c.503 §8]

90.537ConversionofbiUingmethodfor utility or servicecharges.(1) A landlordmayunilaterallyamenda rentalagreementto convert a

tenant'sexistingutilityor servicebillingmethodfroma methoddescribedinORS90.532(l)(b) to a submeterbfflingmethoddescribedinORS90.532
(l)(c). Thelandlordmustgivethetenantnotlessthan180days'^wittennoticebeforeconvertingto a submeterbalingmethod.
(2) A landlord must give notice asprovided in ORS90. 725 before entering a tenant's space to instaU ormaintain a utility or service line or a
submeterthatmeasuresthe amountofa providedutility or service.
(3) Ifthe cost ofthe tenant's utility or service was included in the rent before the conversion to submeters, the landlord shall reduce the tenant's
rentona proratabasisuponthelandlord'sfirstbillingofthetenantusingthe submetermethod.Therentreductionmaynotbelessthananamount
reasonably comparable to the amount ofthe rentpreviously allocated to theutility or service cost averaged over atleasttheprecedingone year. A
landlord may not convert billing to a submeter method less than one year after giving notice ofa rent increase, unless the rent increase is an automatic
increase provided for in a ffacedtemi rental agreement entered into one year or more before the conversion. Before the landloid first bills the tenant
usingthe submeter method, the landlord shallprovide the tenant withvwitten documentation fromthe utility orservice provider showingthe landlord's
cost forthe utility or serviceprovidedto the facilityduringat least theprecedingyear.

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(4)A landlordthatinstaUssubmeterspursuanttothissecdonmayrecoverfroma tenantthecostofinstallingthesubmeters,includingcoststo

improve or repair existingutility or service system infrastructure necessitated by the installation ofthe submeters, only as follows:
(a) Byraisingthe rent, aswithanycapitalexpense inthe facility, exceptthat thelandlord maynot raisethe rent forthispuqiose withinthe first sue
months after installationofthe submeters; or
(b) Ina manufactured dwellingpark, by imposing a special assessment pursuant to a written special assessment plan adoptedunilaterally by the
landlord.Theplanmayincludeonlythelandlord'sactualcoststo berecoveredon a proratabasisfromeachtenantwithpaymentsduenomore
frequently thanmonthly overa period ofat least 60months. Payments must beassessed aspanoftheutility or service charge. The landlord must give
eachtenant a copy oftheplanatleast 90 daysbefore the first payment isdue. Payments maynot beduebefore the completion ofthe installation, but
mustbeginwithinsixmonths aftercompletion. A newtenant ofa space subject to theplanmayberequired to makepayments undertheplan.
Payments must end when the plan ends. The landlord is not required to provide an accounting ofplan payments made during or aflter the end ofthe
(5)A landlord thatconverts to a submeter billingmethod under this section from therentbillingmethod described in ORS90. 532 (l)(b)(C)(i) may
unilaterally,andatthesametimeastheconversionto submeters,convertthebalingforcommonareasto thepro ratabUlingmethoddescn'bedinORS
90. 532(l)(b)(C)(ii) byincludingthe change inthenotice required by subsection (1) ofthis section. Ifthe landlord continues to usetherent billing
method for common areas, the landlord may offset against the rent reduction required by subsection (3) ofthis section an amount that reflects the cost
of serving the common areas. If the utility or service provider cannot provide an accurate cost for the service to the conunon areas, the landlord shaU
assumethe costofservingthe commonareasto be 20percentofthe total costbilled. Thisoffsetisnot availableif thelandlordchoosesto bffl forthe
common areas using the pro rata method.
(6) If stonnwaterserviceandwastewaterservicearenot measuredby the submeter, a landlordthatinstalls submetersto measurewater
consumption underthissection andconverts to a submeter billingmethod fromtherent billingmethod described in ORS90. 532 (l)(b)(C)(i) may
continueto recoverthe cost ofthe stormwaterservice or wastewaterservicein therent ormayunilaterally, and at the sametime asthe conversionto
submeters, convert thebilling forthe storm water service orwastewater service to thepro ratabillingmethod described in ORS90. 532 (l)(b)(C)(ii) by
including the change in the notice required by subsection (1) ofthis section. If the landlord converts the billing for the stonn water service or
wastewaterserviceto theproratabillingmethod,thelandlordmustreducetherentto reflectthatcharge,asrequiredby subsection(3) ofthissection.
(7) A rental agreement amended under this section shall include language that faMy describes the provisions ofthis section.
(8)Ifa landlordinstallsa submeteronanexistingutilityorservicelineto a spaceorcommonareathatisah-eadyservedbythatline,unlessthe
installationcausesa systemupgrade, a local governmentmaynot assessa systemdevelopmentchargeasdefinedin ORS223.299 asa result ofthe
installation. [2005 c. 619 §9; 2009 c. 816 §8; 2011 c. 503 §9]

90.538 Tenant inspection ofutility billing records. (1) A landlord shall, uponwritten request bythetenant, make available forinspection by the
tenant all utility bUling records relating to a utility or service charge billed to the tenant during the preceding year. The landlord shall make the records
avaflabletothetenantduringnonnalbusinesshoursatanon-sitemanager'sofBceorata locationagreedtobythelandlordandtenant.A tenantmay
not abusetherightto inspectutility or servicechargerecordsorusetheright to harassthe landlord.
(2) Ifa landlord failsto comply witha provision ofORS90. 531 to 90. 539, thetenant mayrecover fromthe landlord anamount equalto one
month's periodic rent or twice the amount wrongfully charged to the tenant, whichever is greater. [2009 c. 816 §4]

90.539Entryto readsubmeter.Inadditionto anyotherrightofentry grantedunderORS90.725,a landlordorthelandlord'sagentmayenter a

tenant's space without consent ofthe tenant andwithout notice to thetenant forthe purpose ofreadinga submeter. An entry made under authority of
this section is subject to the following restrictions:
(1) The landlordorlandlord's agentmaynot remainonthe spacefor a purpose otherthanreadingthe submeter.
(2) The landlordor a landlord'sagentmaynot enterthe spacemore thanoncepermonth.
(3) Thelandlordorlandlord'sagentmayenterthe spaceonly atreasonabletimesbetween8 a.m. and6 p.m. [2005 c. 619§10]
90.540 [2001 c.596 §23;renumbered90.550 in 2011]

90. 541 Legislative findings. The Legislative Assembly finds and declares that:
(1) Wateris an essential and scarceresource;
(2) Conservation of water is critical for the future of this state; and
(3) Billing for water according to usage encourages users to conserve water and allows users to exercise better control over their costs. F2011 c. 503
90.543 Utility or service charge billing for large manufactured dwelling parks; water conservation; tenant remedy. (1) Except asprovided
in subsections(2) and(3) ofthissection,a landlordthatassessesthetenantsofa manufactureddwellingparkcontaming200ormorespacesinthe
facilitya utilityorservicechargeforwaterbytheproratabiBingmethoddescribedinORS90.532(l)(b)(C)(ii) shallconvertthemethodofassessing
the utility or service charge to a billing method described in ORS90. 532 (l)(a) or (l)(c). The landlord shall complete the conversion no later than
December 31, 2012. A conversion under this section to a billing method descnled in ORS 90. 532 (l)(c) is subject to ORS90. 537.
(2)A landlordthatprovideswaterto a manufactureddwellingparksolelyfroma wellorfroma sourceotherthanthoselistedinORS90.532(8)is
not required to comply with subsection (1) of this section.
(3) A landlordthatmeetsthefollowingrequirementsdesignedto promoteconservationisnotrequiredto complywithsubsection(1) ofthis

(a) The landlord must:

(A) Bill forwaterprovided to a space usingthe pro ratabillingmethod described in ORS90. 532 (l)(b)(C)(ii) by apportioning theutility provider's
chargeto tenants ona pro ratabasis, withonly the following factors beingconsidered inthe apportionment, notwithstanding ORS90. 534 (2)(c):
(i) Thenumberoftenantsoroccupantsinthemanufacfaireddwellingcomparedwiththenumberoftenantsoroccupantsinthemanufactured
dwelling park; and
(ii) The size ofa tenant'sspace asa percentage ofthe total areaofthe manufactureddwellingpark.
(B) Basetwo-thirds ofthe charge to the tenants on the factordescribed in subparagraph (A)(i) ofthisparagraph andone-third ofthe charge onthe
factordescribedin subparagraph(A)(ii) ofthisparagraph.
(C) Detenmne thenumber oftenants oroccupants in eachdwelling unit andinthe manufactured dwellingpark atleast annuaUy.
(b) Thelandlordmustdemonstrate significantotherconservadonmeasures,including:
(A) Testingforleaksincommon areasofthemanufactureddwellingparkat least annually,repairingsignificantleakswithina reasonabletime and

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making test results avaUable to tenants;

(B)TestingeachoccupiedmanufactureddweUingandspaceforleakswithoutchargeto a tenantoccupyinethedwellii
makingtest resultsavailableto the tenant;
subsection (1) of this section:
(a)NotwithstandingORS90.539or90.725(2), a tenantmustaUowa landlordaccesstothetenant'sspaceandtothetenant'smanufactured
dweUmg sothe landlord cantest forwaterleaks asprovided by subsection (3)(b)(B) ofthis section.
(c)A tenantmayberequiredbythelandlordtorepaira significantleakinthedwellingfoundbythelandlord'stest.Thetenantmustmakethe
necessary repairswithma reasonabletime afterwrittennotice fi-omthelandlordregardingtheleak,giventheextent ofrepairneededandthe'season.
^e-,t,T"aIl^,res?ons ?t?forrepairsislimitedtoleakswithinthetenant'sdweUingandfromtheconnectionatthegroundunderthedwellingintothe
dwelling. Ifthetenant failsto make therepair asrequired, thelandlord may temiinate thetenancy pursuant to ORS90. 630.
(d)NotwithstandingORS90.730(3)(c) a landlordisresponsibleformamtainingthewaterlineswithina tenant'sspaceuptotheconnectionwith
the dwelling,includingrepairingsignificantleaksfoundin a test.
(e)A landlordmayusetheproratabfflingmethoddescribedinORS90. 532(l)(b)(C)(ii) withtheaUocation factorsdescribedinORS90.534f2'»Cc)
for common areas.
(f)NotwithstandingORS90.534(4),a landlordmayincludeintheutilityorservicechargethecosttoreadwatermetersandtobilltenantsfor
^r^?, °osetasksareperfomled bya thirdparty service andthelandlord aUowsthetenants toinspect thethirdparty's bfflingrecords"as'provided by
ORS 90. 538.

j^^. t^a"t-n!ay, f^e_an_acti^n for!n)unctive reue.fto comPelcompliance bya landlord withtherequirements ofsubsections (1), (3) and(4)ofthis
sec!?°"as!d, fot,,act^aldama^esPIUS a, tleasttwomonths'rent asa Penalty fornoncompliance bythelandlord withsubsections (l), -(3)aiid(4) ofthis'
section.A landlordisnotUablefordamagesfora failureto comply withtherequirements ofsubsections (1), (3) and(4) ofthissectionifthe
noncompUanceisonlya goodfaithmistakebythelandlordincountingthenumberoftenantsandoccupantsin'eachdwellingunitortheimnufactured
dwellingparkpursuanttosubsection(3)(a)ofthissection.[2009c.479§1;2011c.503§4;2013c.443 §9]
90.545Fixedtermtenancy expiration; renewal or extension; newrental agreements; tenantrefusal ofnewrental agreement; written
storageagreementuponterminationoftenancy.(1)Exceptasprovidedundersubsections(2)to(6)ofthissection,a fixedTermtenancyfor'space
fora manufactureddwellingorfloatinghome,uponreachingitsendingdate,automatically renewsasa month-to-month tenancyhavingthesam^'
tenns andconditions, other than duration and rent increases under ORS90. 600, unless the tenancy is termii
90.396, 90.398, 90.630 or90.632. ' -----~^-,v^, /..-. ^,
(2)Toreneworextenda fixedtemitenancyforanotherterm,ofanydurationthatisconsistentwithORS90.550,thelandlordshaUsubmitthe
agreementa writtenstatementthatsummarizesanyneworrevisedterms, conditions,mlesorregulations.
(3)NotwithstandingORS90610(3),a landlord'sproposednewrentalagreementmayincludeneworrevisedterms,conditions,rulesor
(a)(A) FaMyimplement a statute orordinance adopted afterthe creation oftheexistingagreement; or
(B)Arethesameasthoseofferedtoneworprospective tenantsinthefacUityatthetimetheproposedagreement issubmitted tothetenantandfor
period, arethe sameasarecustomaryforthe rentalmarket;
(b)Areconsistentwiththerightsandremediesprovidedtotenantsunderthischapter,includingtherighttokeepa petpursuanttoORS90.530;
(c)Donotrelateto theage,size,style, constmctionmaterialoryearofconstmctionofthemanufactureddwellineorfloatii
ORS 90. 632 (2); and

(4)A tenant shaUacceptorreject a landlord's proposednewrental agreement atleast30dayspriortotheendingofthetennbygivingwritten

notice to the landlord.
(5)Ifa landlordfaUstosubmita proposednewrentalagreementasprovidedbysubsection(2)ofthissection,thetenancyrenewsasa month-
to-month tenancy asprovided by subsection (1) ofthis section.
(6)Ifa tenantfailstoacceptorunreasonablyrejectsa landlord'sproposednewrentalagreementasprovidedbysubsection(4)ofthissection,the
fci ed term tenancy terminates on the ending date without further notice and the landlord may take possession by complying with 6RS105. 105 to
105. 168.
(7)Ifa tenancyterminatesunderconditionsdescribedinsubsection(6)ofthissection,andthetenantsurrendersordeUverspossessionofthe
premisestothelandlordpriortothefilingofanacdonpursuanttoORS105110 thetenanthastherighttoenterintoa writtenstorageagreementwith
thelandlord withthetenanthavingthesamerightsandresponsibffidesasa UenholderunderORS90.675(20),exceptthatthelandlo'rd-may~lmut the"
termofthestorageagreementtonotexceedsixmonths Ltalessthepartiesagreeotherwise,thestorageagreementmustcommenceuponAedateof
§24;2003c.658§6;2005c.22§64;2005c.391§24;2015c.217§17] ' ~~""~°' ~°""~" L~""A""J
90.550Permissiblefornisoftenancy;minimumfixedterm. A rentalagreementfora spacefora manufactureddweUingorfloatinghomemust
bea month-to-month orfixedtermtenancy. A rentalagreement fora fixedtermtenancy musthavea duration ortermofatleasttwoye .~ [Formerly

90.555Subleasingagreements. (1)A facilitytenantmaynotrentthetenant'smanufactureddweUingorfloatinghometoanotherpersonfor a

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peri^-T.xce,edme, threedays.unlessthefacilitylandlord,faciUtytenantanddweUmgorhomerenterenterintoa writtensubleasingagreement

splci^inlthe riShtsmdobligations ofthe landlord, tenant andrenter duringtherenter's occupancy ofthedweUingorhome. TliTsAleasmg
!?!!Te!^ s^all-mc;l"d. e', butneed^be lum^,d to'Provisions thatrequire thedweUingorhomerentertotimely paydirectly tothefaciUty'Sndlord the
^ ?^c)'_a"d provisions that, 8rantthedweUingorhomerenterthesamerightsasthefaciUtytenanttocure a violation oftherentalagreement for
thefacility space,torequirefacilitylandlord compUancewithORS90.730andtobeprotectedfromretaliatory conductunderORS90.765.This
subsectiondoesnot authorizea facflitytenanttorent a manufactured dweUingorfloatinghometo anotherpersoninviolationofVhe'rentalagreement
between the facility tenant andthe facility landlord.
-??^t^t?lstan^. o?.s 90'1.00.(47.).'. a facility tenant. whoentersmtoa subleasingagreement continues tobethetenant ofthefacmty spaceand
m^Laren!erasprovldedm a subleasingagreementdoesnotconstituteabandonmentofthedweUingorhomebythefaciUtytenant.
9^Jherightsand,ouisationsofdledweningorhomerenterundera subleasingagreementareinadditiontotherightsandobli^.tionsretaine
!hefacili^_te"ant unl?ersubsection (2)ofthis section. TherightsandobUgadonsofthe dwelling orhomerenterunder'the subleasu^agreeme'nt'are"
separatefromanyrightsorobUgationsoftherenterunderORS90. 100to90.465applicabletotherenter'soccupancyofthemanufactmeddweUmgor
floating home owned by the facility tenant.
^ .V^fssotherwiseprovided inthesubleasingagreement, a facility landlordmayterminate a subleasingagreement:
(b) Ifa condition described in ORS90. 380(5)(b) existsforthe facUity space, bygivingtherenter the samenotice to whichthefacility tsnant is
entitledunderORS90.380(5)(b); or
(c) Subjecttothecurerightestablishedinsubsection(1)ofthissectionandregardlessofwhetherthelandlordtenninatestherent
the facility tenant:
(A) FornonpaymentoffaciUty spacerent; or
(B)Foranyconductbythedwellingorhomerenterthatwouldbea violationoftherentalagreementunderORS90.396or90.398ifcommit
the faciUty tenant.
(5)Uponterminationofa subleasingagreementbythefacilitylandlord,whetherwithorwithoutcause,thedweUingorhomerenterandthefacUit
owned by the facility tenant.
(6Xa)If,dunngthetermofa subleasingagreement,thefacUitylandlordgivesnoticetothefaciUtytenantofa rentalagreementviolation,ofa law
moldmmcevwlatvm orofthefacility's closure, conversion orsale,thelandlord shaUakopromptly givea copy ofthenotice to'the'dweUmg orhome
renter. Ihe givmg ot notice to the dwelling or home renter does not constitute notice to the facility tenant unless the tenant has exoresslv annoir
alsopromptly givea copyofthenoticetothefacUitytenant. Thelandlord shaUgivethenoticetothefacility tenantinthesamemannerasfor eivir
nodee of a rental agreement violation.
(c)If,duringthetermofa subleasingagreement,thefacUitytenantgivesnoticetothefaciUtylandlordofa rentalagreementviolation,termination
oftenancyorsaleofthemanufactureddwellingorfloatinghome,thetenantshaUalsopromptlygivea copyofthenoticetothedweUmgorhome
(d)IfthedweUingorhomerentergivesnoticetothefacffitylandloriofa violationofORS90.730,therentershaUalsopromptlygivea CODVofthe
notice to the facility tenant.
?.).-Ii^J!?jlLa?ee.ment:p,enmt^the f^aity tenifflt to sublease the tenant's manufactured dwelling floating home, the landlord shall apply to

thedweUingorhomerentercreditandconductscreeningcriteriathatissubstantially similartothecreditandconductscreeningcriteriathelandlord
appliestoapplicantsfora tenancyofa dwellingorhomethatiseitherownedbythelandlordoronconsignmentwiththe
[2007c.831§2;2011c.42§12;2013c.443§10;2015c.217§8] " ---------^.^.

l^^JI !cr^sne^i" I'e,nt;.,"o^ice:. m!etf"g with tenallte;theeffect offaa"l-e to meet. (1) If a rental agreement is a month-to-month
tenancy to which
?J^?0^05_lt9 ?/-85^-E?p-l^he l_andlord may "ot .i^creas, e rent uriess the landlord gives notice in writing to each affected tenant at least 90 days
priorto theeffective dateoftherentincreasespecifyingtheamount oftheincrease,theamountofthenewrentandthedateonwhichthe'mcrease''
becomes effective.
(2) This section does not create a right to increase rent that does not otherwise exist.
9}.^, sectA^C^^?^quirc a landlordtocompromise,justifyorreducea rentincreasethatthelandlordotherwiseisentitledtoimpose.
(4)NeitherORS90. 510(1),requiringa landlordtoprovidea statementofpolicy,norORS90. 510(4),requiringa landlordtoprovidea'vmtten
rental agreement, create a basisfortenant challenge ofa rent increase,judicially orotherwise.
-^^aATh^tenant^whoresideulafacffitymayelectonecommittee ofsevenorfewermembersina faciUty-wideelectiontorepresentthetenants.
^?^enT tTa.t^e^. the-l-!.n-dlor-d_sha!^meetwith the committel withm 10 to 30 days ofthe request to discuss the tenants' nonrent concernsregardmg the

facflity.Unlessthepartiesagreeotherwise,upona requestfromthetenants'committee,a landlordorrepresentativeofthelandlordshallmeetwiththe

meetingspaceforthatpurpose,orata locationreasonablyconvenienttothetenants.Afterthemeeting,thetenants'committeeshaU"senda written
response in writingto the committee's summary within 60 days.
i-^ llle.ten.a?t!, 'committee isentMedtomfonnal dispute resolution inaccordance withORS446. 547ifthelandlord orlandlord's representative
failsto meet withthe tenants' committee or faflsto respond in good faithto the written summary asrequired bvcaraaaDh ralofthissnhsRRtif
[Formeriy91.869;1991c.844§8;1995c.559§35;1997c.577§26a;1999c.676§21;2001c.596§36]' " " ' ""----
i.9.^^?-<'^ol!s_i>^th^rTd^to^eceive Ilotice anddemands °" landlord's behalf, written notice tochange designated person. Anyperson
?u?i>r?e^, by. ?e-I£^,dl^rd ofafacility toreceivenotices mddemands onthelandlord's behalfretainsthisauthority untfltheauthorized~pereonis"
theresidenceofeachpersonwhorentsa spacefora manufactureddweUingorfloatinghomeor,ifspecifiedinwritingbythetenant7toanother'
specifiedaddress.[Fonneriy91.935; 1991 c.844§11] - ~ ' ' --"-. -----,

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ht^is:// laws/ors/ors090.h

90-610Informaldisputeresolution;noticeofproposedchangeinruleorregulation;objectionto changebytenant(1)Asusedinthis
section, "eligible space"meanseachspaceinthe facility aslongas:
(a) The space is rented to a tenant and the tenancy is subject to ORS90. 505 to 90. 850; and
(b) Thetenantwhooccupiesthe spacehasnot:
(A) Previouslyagreedto a rentalagreementthatincludestheproposedruleorregulationchange;or
(B)Becomesubjecttotheproposedmleorregulationchangeasa resultofa changeinmlesorregulationspreviouslyadoptedina manner
consistent with this section.
(2)NotwithstandingORS90.245(1),thepartiestoa rentalagreementtowhichORS90.505to90.850applyshallprovidefora processestablishing
infonnaldisputeresolutionofdisputesthatmayariseconcerningtherentalagreementfora manufactureddwellingorfloatinghomespace.
(3)Thelandlordmayproposechangesinmlesorregulations includingchangesthatmakea substantialmodificationofthelandlord'sbargainwith
a tenant, bygivingwrittennoticeoftheproposedmle orregulation change, andunlesstenantsofatleast51percent oftheeligible spacesinthe
facilityobjectm writingwithin30daysofthedatethenoticewasserved,thechangeshallbecomeeffectiveforalltenantsoftfiosespacesona date
not lessthan60 daysafterthe datethat thenoticewasservedby thelandlord.
(4) One tenant ofrecord per eligible space may object to the rule or regulation change through either:
(a) A signed and dated written coinmunication to the landlord; or
(b)A petitionfomiatthatissignedanddatedbytenantsofeUgiblespacesandthatincludesa copyoftheproposedmleorregulationanda copyof
the notice.
(5)Ifa tenantofaneligiblespacesignsbotha writtencommunicationtothelandlordanda petitionundersubsection(4)ofthissection,orsigns
(6)Notwithstandingsubsection(4)ofthissection,a proxymaybeusedonlyifa tenanthasa disabilitythatpreventsthetenantfromobjectingto
the rule orregulationchangein writing.
(7) Thelandlord'snoticeofa proposedchangeinrulesorregulationsrequiredby subsection(3) ofthissectionmustbe eivenor servedasorovic
in ORS 90. 155 and must include:
(b) A statementsubstantiaUyinthefollowingform, withaUblankspacesinthenoticetobefilledinbythelandlord:



The landlord intends to change a rule or regulation in this facility.

signed and dated by a tenant ofan eligible space.
Thenumberofeligiblespacesasofthedateofthisnoticeis:_. Thoseeligiblespacesare(spaceorstreet
Thelastdayfora tenantofaneligiblespaceto delivera writtenobjectiontothelandlordis_ (landlordfillindate).
Unlesstenantsinatleast51 percentoftheeligiblespacesobject,theproposedruleorregulationwillgointoeffecton
Thepartiesmayattempt toresolve disagreements regardingtheproposedmle orregulation changebyusingthefacility's informal dispute

(8)A goodfaithmistakebythelandlordincompletingthoseportionsofthenoticerelatingtothenumberofeligiblespacesthathavetenants
entitledtovoteorrelatingto spaceorstreetidentificationnumbersdoesnotinvalidate thenoticeortheproposedruleorregulation change.
(9)Aftertheeffectivedateoftheruleorreguladonchange,whena tenantcontinuestoengageinanactivityaffectedbythenewruleorregulation
to whichthe landlord objects, the landlord may give the tenant a notice oftemiination ofthe tenancy pursuant to ORS90. 630. The notice shaU'include
a statementthatthetenantmayrequesta resolutionthroughthefacility'sinformaldisputeresolutionprocessbygivingthelandlorda writtenrequest
possessionpursuantto ORS105. 105to 105. 168until30daysafterthedateofthetenant'srequestforinformaldisputeresolutionorthedatethe
informaldisputeresolutionis complete, whicheveroccursfirst.
(10) An agreement underthis section may not require informal dispute resolution ofdisputes relating to:
(a) Facility closure;
(b) Facility sale; or
(c) Rent, includingbutnot limitedto amount, increaseandnonpayment.
(11)ORS90.510(1)to (3), requiringa landlordto providea statementofpolicy,donotcreatea basisfora tenantto demandinfomialdispute
resolutionofa rentincrease.[1991c.844 §10; 1993c.580§1; 1995c.559§36;2001c.596§36a]

90.620Termination bytenant; noticetolandlord. (1)Thetenantwhorentsa spacefora manufactured dweUingorfloatinghomemaytemiinate

a rentalagreementthatisa month-to-month orfixedtermtenancy withoutcausebygivingtothelandlord, atanytimeduringthetenancy, notlessthan
30 days' notice inwritingprior to the date designated indie notice forthe termination ofthe tenancy.
(2) Thetenant mayterminate a rental agreement that isa month-to-month orfued termtenancy forcausepursuant to ORS90. 315,
90.365(2), 90.375or90.380. " ' . --------,--v-,,
(3)A tenantmaynotberequiredto givethelandlordmorethan30days'writtennoticetoterminate. [Formerly91. 880; 1991c. 67 §15; 1993c. l8
§16; 2001 c.596 §37] - ~ ' . -. --. -, ---., -, ""...

90.630Terminationbylandlord;causes;notice;cure;repeatednonpaymentofrent (1)Exceptasprovidedinsubsection(4)ofthissection,
thelandlordmayterminatea rentalag-eementthatisa month-to-monthorfixedtermtenancyforspacefora manufactureddwellingorfloatinghome
by givingtothetenantnotlessthan30days'noticeinwritingbeforethe datedesignatedinthenoticeforterminationifthetenant;
(a)Violatesa laworordinancerelatedtothetenant'sconductasa tenant,includingbutnotlimitedtoa materialnoncompliancewithORS90.740;
(b)Violatesa mleorrentalagreementprovisionrelatedtothetenant'sconductasa tenantandimposedasa conditionofoccupancy,includingbut
notlimited to a materialnoncompliance witha rental agreement regardinga programofrecovery indmgandalcoholfreehousing;

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(c) Isclassifiedasa level three sexoffenderunderORS163A. 100(3);

(d)Isanunclassifiedadultsexoffenderdesignatedaspredatorypriorto January1,2014,ora personwhomtheStateBoardofParoleand
Post-Prison Supervision, the Psychiatric Security Review Board or the Oregon Health Authority hasclassified as a level three sex offender under
section 7 (2)(b), chapter 708, Oregon Laws 2013; or
(e) Fails to pay a:
(A) Late charge pursuant to ORS 90. 260;
(B) Fee pursuant to ORS90.302; or
(C) Utffity or service charge pursuant to ORS 90. 534 or 90. 536.
(2)A violationmakinga tenantsubjecttoterminationundersubsection(1)ofthissectionincludesa tenant'sfaUuretomaintainthespaceas
requiredbylaw,ordinance,rentalagreementorrule,butdoesnotincludethephysicalconditionofthedwellingorhome.Temiinationofa rental
agreement basedupon the physical condition of a dwelling or home shall only be asprovided in ORS 90. 632.
(3) Thenoticerequiredbysubsection (1)ofthissectionshallstatefactssufficienttonotifythetenantofthereasonsfortermination ofthetenancy
and state that the tenant may avoid termination by correcting the violation asprovided in subsection (4) ofthis section.
However, if substantially the same act or omission that constituted a prior violation ofwhich notice was given recurs within six months after the date
ofthe notice, the landlord may temiinate the tenancy upon at least 20 days' written notice specifying the violation and the date oftermination ofthe
(5) Notwithstanding subsection (3) or(4) oflfais section, a tenant who is givena notice oftemiination under subsection (l)(c) ofthis section does
not have a right to correct the violation. A notice given to a tenant under subsection (l)(c) ofthis section must state that the tenant does not have a
right to avoid the termination.
(6) This section does not limit a landlord's right to terminate a tenancy for nonpayment ofrent under ORS 90. 394 or for other cause under ORS
90.380(5)(b), 90.396, 90.398 or 90.632by complyingwithORS105. 105to 105. 168.
(7) A tenancy terminates onthe datedesignated inthe notice andwithout regardto the expiration oftheperiod forwhich, by the terms ofthe
rentalagreement,rentsaretobepaid.Unlessotherwiseagreed,rentisuniformlyapportionablefromdayto day.
(8) Notwithstanding anyotherprovision ofthis section or ORS90. 394, 90. 396 or 90. 398, the landlord mayteraiinate therental agreement for
spacefora manufactureddwellingorfloatinghomebecauseofrepeatedlatepaymentofrentbygivingthetenantnotlessthan30days'noticein
writing before the date designated in that nodce for termination and may take possession asprovided in ORS 105. 105 to 105. 168 if:
rentalperiodasdescribedinORS90.394(2)(b)inatleastthreeofthepreceding12monthsandthelandlordhasgiventhetenanta nonpaymentofrent
terminationnoticepursuantto ORS90.394(2) duringeachofthosethreeinstancesofnonpayment;
(b) The landlord warnsthetenant oftheriskofa 30-daynotice fortermination withnoright to correct the cause, uponthe occurrence ofa third
nonpaymentofrenttemiinationnoticewithina 12-monthperiod.Thewarningmustbecontainedinatleasttwononpaymentofrenttermination
nodcesthatprecedethethirdnoticewithina 12-monthperiodorinseparatewrittennoticesthataregivenconcurrentwith,ora reasonabletimeafter,
each ofthe hvo nonpayment ofrent tenmnation notices; and
(c) The 30-daynotice oftermination states facts sufficient to notify the tenant ofthe cause fortermination ofthetenancy andis givento the tenant
concurrentwithor aflterthethirdor a subsequentnonpaymentofrent terminationnotice.
(9) Notwithstanding subsection (4) ofthis section, a tenant whoreceives a 30-daynotice oftermination pursuant to subsection (8) ofthis section
does not have a right to correct the cause for the notice.
(10)Thelandlordmaygivea copyofthenoticerequiredbysubsection(8)ofthissectionto anyUenholderofthemanufactureddwellingor
floating homeby first classmaflwithcertificate ofmailing orby any othermethod aUowedbyORS90. 150(2) and(3). A landloid isnot Uableto a
tenantforanydamagesincuiredbythetenantasa resultofthelandlordgivinga copyofthenoticeingoodfaithtoa lienholder.A lienholder'srights
c.844§12; 1995c.559§37; 1995c.633 §1; 1999c.676 §22;2001c.596 §38;2005c.22 §65;2005c.391 §25;2005c.619§20;2007c.906§32;2013
c.708§15;2015c. 820§15] ' ~ " ~ " ' --°--'----"..-

Note:TheamenAnentsto90.630bysection22 chapter820,OregonLaws2015,becomeoperativeJanuary1,2019.Seesection26,chapter820,
OregonLaws2015. Thetext that is operative on andafterJanuary 1, 2019, is set forthfor the user'sconvenience.
90. 630. (1) Except asprovided in subsection (4) ofthis section, the landlord may terminate a rental agreement that is a month-to-month or faed
termtenancy for space for a manufactured dwellingor floatinghome by givingto thetenant notlessthan30 days' notice in writingbefore the date
designated in the notice for termination if the tenant:
(a) Violates a law orordinance related to the tenant's conduct asa tenant, including butnot limited to a material noncompliance withORS90. 740;
(b)Violatesa ruleorrentalagreementprovisionrelatedtothetenant'sconductasa tenantandimposedasa conditionofoccupancy,includingbut
not limited to a material noncompliance witha rental agreement regardinga program ofrecovery indrugandalcohol free housing;"
(c) Isclassified asa level three sex offender under ORS 163A. 100 (3); or
(d) Fails to pay a:
(A) Late charge pursuant to ORS 90. 260;
(B) Feepursuant to ORS90.302; or
(C) Utflity or service charge pursuant to ORS 90. 534 or 90. 536.
(2)A violationmakinga tenantsubjecttotenninationundersubsection(1)ofthissectionincludesa tenant'sfaUuretomaintainthespaceas
required by law, ordinance, rental agreement or rule, but does not include the physical condition ofthe dwelling or home. Termination of-a rental
agreement basedupon the physical condition ofa dwelling or home shaUonly be asprovided in ORS90. 632.
and state that the tenant may avoid temiinatioii by correctmg the violation asprovided in subsection (4) ofthis section.
(4) Thetenant may avoidtemiination ofthetenancy by correcting theviolation withinthe 30-dayperiod specified in subsection (1) ofthis section.
However,ifsubstantiallythesameactoromissionthatconstituteda priorviolationofwhichnoticewasgivenrecurswithinsixmonthsafterthedate
ofthenotice,thelandlordmayterminatethetenancyuponatleast20days'writtennoticespecifyingtheviolationandthe dateofterminationofthe
(5) Nohvithstanding subsection (3) or(4) ofthis section, a tenant who is givena notice oftemiination under subsection (l)(c) ofthis section does
not havea right to correct thevioladon. A notice givento a tenantundersubsection(l)(c) ofthis sectionmust statethat the tenantdoesnot have a
right to avoid the termination.
(6) This section does not limit a landlord's right to temiinate a tenancy for nonpayment ofrent under ORS 90. 394 or for other cause under ORS

30 of 69 12/2/2016 10:37 A^
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90.380 (5)(b), 90.396, 90.398 or 90.632by complyingwithORS105. 105to 105. 168.

(7) A tenancytemiinatesonthedatedesignatedinthenoticeandwithoutregardtotheexpirationoftheperiodforwhich,bythetennsofthe
rental agreement, rents are to be paid. Unless otherwise agreed, rent is uniformly apportionable from day to day.
(8)Notwithstanding anyotherprovision ofthis section or ORS90. 394, 90.396 or 90.398, thelandlord may terminate the rental agreement for
spacefora manufactureddwellingorfloatinghomebecauseofrepeatedlatepaymentofrentbygivingthetenantnotlessthan30days'noticein
writing before the date designated in that notice for termination andmay take possession asprovided in ORS 105. 105 to 105. 168 if:
rental period asdescribed inORS90.394 (2)(b) in atleastthree ofthe preceding 12months andthelandlord hasgiventhe tenant a nonpayment ofrent
terminationnoticepursuantto ORS90.394(2) duringeachofthosethree instancesofnonpayment;
(b) The landlord warnsthe tenant oftheriskofa 30-daynotice fortemiination withno right to correct the cause,upon the occurrence ofa third
nonpaymentofrentterminationnoticewithina 12-monthperiod.Thewarningmustbecontainedinatleasttwononpaymentofrenttermination
notices that precede the third notice within a 12-month period or in separate written notices that are given concurrent with, or a reasonable time after,
eachofthe twononpaymentofrent termmationnotices;and
(c) The 30-daynotice oftermination states facts sufficient to notiiy the tenant ofthe causefortermination ofthetenancy andisgivento thetenant
concurrent withor afterthethu'dor a subsequentnonpaymentofrent terminationnotice.
(9) Notwithstanding subsection (4) ofthis section, a tenant who receives a 30-day notice oftermination pursuant to subsection (8) ofthis section
does not have a right to correct the cause for the notice.
(10)Thelandlordmaygivea copyofthenoticerequiredbysubsection(8)ofthissectiontoanyBenholderofthemanufactureddwellingor
floatinghomebyfirstclassmailwithcertificateofmailingorbyanyothermethodallowedbyORS90. 150(2) and(3). A landlordisnotliableto a
tenantforanydamagesincurredbythetenantasa resultofthelandlordgivinga copyofthenoticeingoodfaithtoa lieiiholder.A lienholder'srights
andobligationsregardinganabandonedmanufactureddwellingor floatinghomeshallbe asprovidedunderORS90.675.

90. 632 Termination oftenancy dueto physical condition ofmanufactured dweUing or floating home; correction ofcondition by tenant. (1)
A landlordmayterminatea month-to-monthorfixedtermrentalagreementandrequirethetenanttoremovea manufactureddwellingorfloating
homefroma facility,dueto thephysicalconditionofthemanufactureddweUingorfloatinghome,onlybycomplyingwiththissectionandORS
105. 105 to 105. 168. A termination shaU include removal of the dwelling or home.
(2) A landlord maynot require removal ofa manufactured dwelling orfloatinghome, or consider a dwellingorhometo be indisrepair or
adoption oftheNationalManufactured HousingConstruction and Safety StandardsAct of 1974(42U. S.C. 5403), incompliance withthe standards of
thatAct in effectat thattime orin compliancewiththe statebuildingcode asdefmedin ORS455.010.
(3) Except asprovided insubsection (5) ofthis section, ifthe tenant's dwelling orhome is in disrepair or is deteriorated, a landlord mayterminate a
rentalagreementandrequiretheremovalofa dweUingorhomebygivingtothetenantnotlessthan30days'writtennoticebeforethedatedesignated
in the notice for tennination.
(4) Thenoticerequiredby subsection(3) ofthis sectionmust:
(a) Statefactssufficientto notifythetenantofthecausesorreasonsforterminationofthetenancyandremovalofthedwellingorhome;
(b) Statethat thetenant canavoidtermination andremoval by correcting thecause fortermination andremoval withinthenoticeperiod;
(c) Describewhatisrequiredto correctthe causefortemiination;
(d) Describe the tenant's right to give thelandlord a ^vritten notice ofcorrection, whereto give the notice andthe deadline for givingthe notice in
orderto ensure a responseby the landlord, all asprovidedby subsection(6) ofthissection; and
(e) Describe the tenant's right to have the termination and correction period extended as provided by subsection (7) ofthis section.
(5) Thetenant may avoidtemiination ofthetenancy by correcting the causewithintheperiod specified. However, if substantially the same
conditionthat constituteda priorcausefortemiinationofwhichnotice wasgivenrecurswithin 12monthsafterthedateofthenotice. thelandlord
mayterminatethetenancyandrequiretheremovalofthedwellingorhomeuponatleast30days'writtennoticespecifyingtheviolationandthe date
of termination of the tenancy.
(6) Duringtheterminationnoticeor extensionperiod,the tenantmay givethelandlordwrittennoticethatthetenanthascorrectedthe causefor
termination. Within areasonable time after the tenant's notice ofcorrection, the landlord shallrespond to the tenant inwriting, statingwhether the
landlord agrees that the cause hasbeen corrected. If the tenant's notice ofconection is given at least 14 daysprior to the end ofthe termination notice
orextensionperiod,faflurebythelandlordtorespondasrequiredbythissubsectionis a defenseto a terminationbaseduponthelandlord'snoticefor

(7)Exceptwhenthedisrepairordeteriorationcreatesa riskofinmunentandseriousharmtootherdwellings,homesorpersonswithinthefacUity,
the 30-day period provided for the tenant to correct the cause for termination and removal shall be extended by at least:
(a) An additional 60 days if:
(A)Thenecessaiycon-ectioninvolvesexteriorpainting,roofrepair,concretepouringorsimilarworkandtheweatherpreventsthatworkduring a
substantialportion ofthe 30-dayperiod; or
(B) The nature or extent ofthe correction work is such that it cannot reasonably be completed within 30 daysbecause offactors such asthe
amount ofwork necessary, the type and complexity ofthe work and the availabiUty ofnecessary repair persons; or
acceptance as described in ORS 90. 412.
(8)Inorderto havetheperiodforcorrectionextendedasprovidedinsubsection(7) ofthissection,a tenantmustgivethelandlordwrittennotice
describingthenecessityforanextensioninordertocompletethecorrectionwork.Thenoticemustbegivena reasonableamountoftimepriortothe
end of the notice for termination period.
(9) A tenancy terminates onthe date designated inthe notice andwithout regardto the expiration oftheperiod forwhich, by the terms ofthe
rental agreement, rents are to be paid. Unless otherwise agreed, rent is umformly apportionable from day to day.
(10) This sectiondoesnot limit a landlord'sright to temiinate a tenancyfornonpaymentofrent underORS90.394or for other causeunderORS
90.380(5)(b), 90.396, 90.398 or 90.630by complyingwithORS105. 105to 105. 168.
(11) A landlord may give a copy ofthenotice fortermination required bythis section to any lienholder ofthe dwellingorhome, by firstclass mail
withcertificateofmailingorbyanyothermethodaUowedbyORS90. 150(2)and(3).A landlordisnotUabletoa tenantforanydamagesincurredby
the tenantasa result ofthe landlordgivinga copy ofthe notice in goodfaithto a lienholder.
(12)Whena tenanthasbeengivena noticeforterminationpursuantto thissecdonandhassubsequentlyabandonedthedwellingorhomeas
described inORS90.675, any lienholder shallhave the samerights asprovided by ORS90. 675, includingtheri^it to correct the cause ofthenotice,

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90.634Prohibitionagainstlienforrent; actionfor possession; disposition ofdwelling orhome;disposition ofgoods.(1)A landlordmaynot

^ST^a^rlun^r^? 87-162fordweUmgumtrentagainsta manufactureddweUingorfloatinghomelocatedina facifity.NotwithstandingORS
90. 100(47) and90.675andregardlessofwhethertheownerofa manufactured dwellingorfloatinghomeoccupies thedwellingorhomeas a
residence,a facmtylandlordthatisentitledtounpaidrentandreceivespossessionofthefacilityspacefromthesherifffoUowmgrestitutionpursuant
to ORS 105. 161 may sell or dispose ofthe dwelling or home asprovided in ORS90. 675.
(2)Ifa nunufactureddweUingorfloatinghomewasoccupiedimmediatelypriortoabandonmentbya personotherthanthefaciUtytenant,andthe
nameandaddressofthepersonareknowntothelandlord, a landlord sellingordisposingofthedwellingorhomeundersubsection(1)'ofthissection
shaUpromptlysendthepersona copyofthenoticesenttothefacilitytenantunderORS90.675(3).NotwithstandingORS90.425,thefaciUtylandloid
mayseUordisposeofgoodsleftm thedwellingorhomeoruponthedwellingunitbythepersoninthesamemannerasifthegoodswereleftbythe
facilitytenant.Iftfienameandaddressofthepersonareknowntothefacilitylandlord,thelandlordshaUpromptlysendthepersona copyofthe
goods. [2007C. 831 §4; 2011 c.42 §13; 2013 c.443 §11]

90.635 [1995 c.746 §§47,48; 1997c. 577 §26b; 1999c.676 §23; 2001 c.596 §45; 2003 c.21 §1;2005 c.22 §67; 2007c.843 §91;2007 c.906 S7:
renumbered 90.650in2007] ' ~ " ' "' »-'-. --- s--, -"". "-v-" s',

90.643Conversion ofmanufactured dwellingparkto planned community subdivisionofmanufactured dwellings. (1)A manufactured

dwellingparkmaybeconvertedto a plannedconununitysubdivisionofmanufactureddwellingspursuantto ORS92.830to 92.845.When a
manufactureddwellingparkisconvertedpursuantto ORS92.830to 92.845:
(a) Conversion doesnotrequireclosure oftheparkpursuant to ORS90.645ortemiination ofanytenancyonanyspaceintheparkoranylotin
the planned community subdivision ofinanufactured dwellings.
possibility that four or more lots in the planned community subdivision may be avaUable for rent.
(2) Ifa parkis converted to a subdivision under ORS92. 830to 92. 845, andthe landlord closes thepark asa result ofthe conversion. ORS90. 645
applies to the closure.
(3)Ifa parkisconvertedtoa subdivisionunderORS92.830to92.845,butthelandlorddoesnotclosetheparkasa resultoftheconversion:
(a)A tenantwhodoesnotbuythespaceoccupiedbythetenant'smanufactureddwellingmayterminatethetenancyandmove.Ifthetenant
terminatesthetenancyafterreceivingthenoticerequiredby ORS92.839andbeforetheexpirationofthe60-dayperioddescribedii
the landlord shaUpaythe tenant asprovided in ORS90.645 (l)(b). ' '' -------. -v-^,
90. 100 to 90.465, except that the following provisions apply and, in the case ofa conflict, control:
(A)ORS90.510(4)to(7)appUestoa rentalagreementandrulesandregulationsconcerningtheuseandoccupancyofthesubdivisionlotuntUthe
?^e. ?^"l"li?rat^ve control ofthe Plalmed community subdivision of manufactured dwellings to homeowners association pursuant to

ORS94600and94604to 94.621.Thelandlordshallprovideeachtenantwitha copyofthebylaws,mlesandregulationsofthehomeowners

associationat least60 daysbeforethe turnovermeetingdescribedin ORS94.609.
(B) ORS 90. 530 appUes regarding pets.
(C) ORS 90. 545 applies regarding the extension of a fuced tenn tenancy.
(D) ORS 90. 600 (1) to (4) appUes to an increase in rent.
(E) ORS 90. 620 appKes to a termination by a tenant.
(F)ORS90.630appUestoa temunationbya landlordforcause.However,thesaleofa lotintheplannedcommunitysubdivisionoccupiedby a
tenantto someoneotherthanthetenantisa goodcausefortemiinationunderORS90.630thatfhetenantcannotcureorcorrectandforwhichthe
landlord must give written notice oftermination that states the cause oftermination at least 180daysbefore termination.
(G) ORS90. 632appliesto a termmation oftenancyby.a landlordduetothephysicalconditionofthemanufactured dwelling.
(H) ORS90. 634 applies to a lien for manufactured dwelling unit rent.
(I)ORS90.680appUestothesaleofa manufactureddwellingoccupyinga lotintheplannedcommunitysubdivision.Iftheintentionofthebuyer
0 ^ "?^l?f?^5Td dwemngisto leavethedwellingonthelot, thelandlordmayrejectthebuyerasa tenantifthebuyerdoesnotbuythelotalso.
(J)ORS90.710appliesto a causeofactionfora violationofORS90.510(4)to (7), 90.630,90.680or90.765.
(K) ORS 90. 725 applies to landlord access to a rented lot in a planned community subdivision.
(L) ORS 90. 730 (2), (3), (4) and (7) apply to the duty of a landlord to maintain a rented lot in a habitable condition.
(M) ORS90.750appliesto the right ofa tenant to assembleor canvass.
(N) ORS90.755appliesto therightofa tenantto speakonpoliticalissuesandtopostpoliticalsigns.
(0) ORS90.765 appliesto retaliatory conductby a landlori.
HousingandCommunityServicesDepartmentaboutdisputes. [2011c.503 §17;2013c.443 §12]

90.645Closure ofmanufactured dwelling park; notices; payments to tenants. (1)Ifa manufactured dwellingpark, ora ponionoftheparkthat
includesthespacefora manufactureddweUing,istobeclosedandthelandorleaseholdconvertedtoa useotherthanasa manufactureddwelling
park,andtheclosureisnotrequiredbytheexerciseofeminentdomainorbyorderoffederal,stateorlocalagencies,thelandlordmayterminate a
month-to-monthorfixedtennrentalagreementfora manufactureddwellingparkspace:
(a)Bygivingthetenantnotlessthan365 days'noticeinwritingbeforethe datedesignatedinthenoticefortermination;and
(b) Bypayinga tenant, for eachspace forwhicha rental agreement isterminated, one ofthe following amounts:
(A) $5,000 ifthe manufactured dwelliug is a single-wide dwelling;
(B) $7,000 ifthe manufactured dwelling is a double-wide dwelling; or
(C) $9,000ifthemanufactureddwellingisa triple-wideorlargerdwelling.
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1) ofthis section, if a landlord closes a manufactured dweUingpark underthissection asa result ofconvertinsthe
park to a subdivisionunderORS92.830 to 92.845, the landlord:
(a)Maytemiinate a rental agreement bygivingthetenantnotlessthan 180days'notice inwritingbeforethedatedesignatedinthenotice for

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(b) Isnot requiredto make a paymentundersubsection(l)(b) ofthis sectionto a tenantwho:

(B) SeUsthe nianufactured dwelling to a person who buys the space or lot.
(3) A notice givenundersubsection(1) or (2) ofthis sectionshall, at a minimum:
(a) Statethatthelandlordisclosingthepark,ora portionofthepark,andconvertingthelandorleaseholdto a differentuse:
(b) Designate the date of closure; and
(c) Include the tax credit notice described in ORS 90. 650.
(4) Exceptasprovidedinsubsections(2) and(5)ofthissection, thelandlordmustpaya tenantfhe&Uamountrequired undersubsection (l)(b) of
the remaining amount no later than seven days after the tenant ceases to occupy the space.
(5) Notwithstandingsubsection(1) ofthis section:
(a)A landlordisnotrequiredtomakea paymenttoa tenantasprovidedinsubsection(1)ofthissectionunlessthetenantgivesthelandlordnot
relocation or abandonment ofthe manufactured dwelling.
(b) Ifthemanufactureddwellingis abandoned:
(A) Thelandlord may condition thepayment required by subsection (1) ofthis section uponthe tenant waivinganyrightto receive payment under
ORS 90. 425 or 90. 675.
(B) The landlord maynot chargethe tenantto store, sell ordispose ofthe abandoned manufactured dwelling.
(6)(a) A landlord maynotchargea tenantanypenalty, feeorunaccruedrentformovingoutofthemanufactured dweUingparkpriortotheendof
the 365-daynoticeperiod.
(b)A landlordmaychargea tenantforrentforanyperiodduringwhichthetenant occupiesthespaceandmaydeductfromthepayment amount
required by subsection (1) ofthis section any unpaid moneys owed by the tenant to the landlord.
(7)A landlordmaynotincreasetherentfora manufactureddwellingparkspaceaftergivinga noticeoftenninationunderthissectiontothetenant
ofthe space.
(8) This section doesnot limit a landlord's right to terminate a tenancy fornonpayment ofrent under ORS90. 394 or for other causeunder ORS
90.380(5)(b), 90.396, 90.398 or 90.632by complyingwithORS105. 105to 105. 168.
(9)Ifa landlordisrequiredtoclosea manufactureddweUingparkbytheexerciseofeminentdomainorbyorderofa federal,stateorlocalagency,
order. Thenotice to thetenants shaUbeinwriting, designate thedateofclosure, state thereasonforthe closure, describe the taxcredit available imder
section 17, chapter 906, Oregon Laws 2007, and any government relocation benefits known by the landloid to be avail
with any additional content requirements under ORS 90. 650. [2007 c. 906 §2]

OregonLaws2007, asamended by section 1,chapter 83, OregonLaws2011, andsection 34, chapter 750, OregonLaws2013. The text'that is
operative on and after January 1, 2020, is set forth for the user's convenience.
90.645. (1)Ifa manufactured dwellingpark, ora portionoftheparkthatincludesthespacefora manufactured dwelling, istobeclosedandthe
landorleaseholdconvertedtoa useotherthanasa manufactureddwellingpark,andtheclosureisnotrequiredbytheexerciseofeminentdomainor
byorderoffederal,stateorlocalagencies,thelandlordmayterminatea month-to-monthorfucedtermrentalagreementfora manufactureddwelling
park space:
(a) By giving the tenant not less than 365 days' notice in writing before the date designated in the notice for termination; and
(b)Bypayinga tenant,foreachspaceforwhicha rentalagreementisterminated,oneofthefollowingamounts:
(A) $5,000 if the manufactured dwelling is a single-wide dwelling;
(B) $7,000 ifthe manufactured dwelling is a double-wide dwelling; or
(C) $9,000 if the manufactured dwelling is a triple-wide or larger dwelling.
parkto a subdivisionunderORS92.830to 92.845,the landlord:
(a)Mayterminatea rentalagreementbygivingthetenantnotlessthan180days'noticeinwritingbeforethedatedesignatedinthenoticefor
(b) Isnot requiredto makea paymentundersubsection(l)(b) ofthis sectionto a tenantwho:
(B) SeUsthe manufactureddwellingto a personwhobuysthe spaceor lot.
(3) A notice givenundersubsection(1) or (2) ofthis sectionshall, at a minimum:
(a) Statethatthelandlordisclosingthepark,ora portionofthepark, andconveningthelandorleaseholdto a differentuse:
(b) Designate the date of closure; and
(c) Include the tax notice describedin ORS90.650.
(4)Exceptasprovidedinsubsections(2)and(5)ofthissection thelandlordmustpaya tenantthefuUamountrequiredundersubsection(l)(b)of
theremainingamountnolaterthansevendaysafterthetenantceasesto occupythespace.
(5) Notwithstanding subsection (1) of this section:
(a)A landlordisnotrequiredtomakea paymenttoa tenantasprovidedinsubsection(1)ofthissectionunlessthetenantgivesthelandlordnot
relocationor abandonmentofthe manufactureddwelling.
(b) Ifthe manufactureddwellingis abandoned:
(A) The landlord may condition thepayment required by subsection (1) ofthis section uponthe tenant waivinganyrightto receive payment under
ORS90.425 or 90.675.
(B) The landlord maynot charge thetenant to store, sellordispose ofthe abandoned manufactured dwelling.
(6)(a) A landlordmaynotchargea tenantanypenalty, feeorunaccruedrentformovingoutofthemanufactureddweUingparkpriortotheendof
the 365-daynoticeperiod.
(b) A landlordmaychargea tenantforrentforanyperiodduringwhichthetenantoccupiesthespaceandmaydeductfromthepayment amount

'? of69 12/2/2016 10:37 AT

https://www. oregonlegislature. gov/bills_laws/ors/ors090.

of£)^:dlordmayD otmcreaseAerentforama^actweddwe^^^^^^^
»^s^w, 's'y, sss^^s^sw uf"n-d"ORS 9»-394« '"*. """ ". - °-<-

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d,T^LO ^erola federal'stoteorlocalaeencyo^p^^d'u^^^^^^^^^
closu^m^aUo^heto^yer toappealthepropertytax'assessme^onAema^^^^^^^^
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>.. ss. ^£ro ^s^s^^sr-dEdn""*-'m»foRSC^'»"^»». ^*.

^^s^, ^^^'^^^r^°s^^^^^s, sss^^~
(a) That isnot a tenant; and
(b)(^) Thatthel;mdlord actually knowstobeanownerofthemanufactured dwelline: or
iB?^LhLa^^delm Aeritle_oro^ersMpdocTent^^^^^^^^
^ ^!numtero"weum8UMtownerewll°movedtheirdwellingumt's'outofthepark;and
; unitsatthepark.[2007c.906§3]
1, 2010. An
' notbeappUedto reducetherightsprovided


£i£ £^^ ^^ ^notlce wltmg before m the date desiet lated m the noti^ for temiination; or
%^ts ^ ^daysln oticem. witmgbefore the datedes£ated m the nofc for FeZZ: i<fr
^^^La Sfmd^?»ace^ptabktothetenmttowMcht£te^^^^
(B?rae, lmdordpaysthecostofmovm8andset-UPexPen^or'$375 W, wMc^

section; or

landlord may not increase the rent for
a dweUingumt &VthepuiposTof"offsett"mgAelie'payments
pa: required underthis section.

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(b) A landlord may not increase the rent for a dwelling unit after giving a notice oftermination under this section to the tenant.
(5) Nothingin subsection (1) ofthis section shallprevent a landlord fromrelocating a floatinghome to another comparable spaceinthesame
marina,orinanotliermarinaownedbythesameownerinthesamecity,ifthelandlorddesiresorisrequiredto makerepairs,toremodelortomodify
the tenant's originalspace.
(6) This sectiondoesnot limit a landlord'srightto tenninate a tenancyfornonpaymentofrent underORS90.394 or for othercauseunderORS
90.380(5)(b), 90.396, 90.398 or 90.632by complyingwithORS105. 105to 105. 168.
(7) Ifa landlord isrequired to close a marina bythe exercise ofeminent domain orby orderofa federal, state orlocal agency, the landlord shall
notify the marinatenantsno laterthan 15daysafterthe landlord receives notice ofthe exercise ofeminent domain orofthe agency order. Thenotice
to the tenants shall be inwriting, designate the date ofclosure, state the reason for the closure and describe any government relocation benefits known
by the landlordto be availableto thetenants. [2007 c.906 §25]

Note: 90. 671 wasenacted into lawbytheLegislative Assembly but wasnot addedto ormadea part ofORSchapter 90or any seriestherein by
legislativeaction. SeePrefaceto OregonRevisedStatutesforfurtherexplanation.

(Ownership Change)

90.675 Disposition ofmanufactured dwelling or floating home left in facility; notice; sale; Umitation on landlord liabiUty; tax cancellation;
storage agreements; hazardousproperty. (1) As used in this section:
(a) "Current market value" meansthe amount in cash, asdetemiined bythe county assessor, that couldreasonably be expected to bepaidfor
personal property by aninfonned buyerto aninformed seller, eachactingwithout compulsion in anami's-length transaction occurring on'the
assessment date for the tax year or onthe date of a subsequent reappraisal by the county assessor.
(b) "Dispose ofthepersonal property" means that, ifreasonably appropriate, the landlord maythrow awaythe property or may give it without
considerationto a nonprofitorganizationorto a personunrelatedtothelandlord.Thelandlordmaynotretainthepropertyforpersonaluseorbenefit.
(c) "Lienholder"meansanylienholderofabandonedpersonalproperty, ifthelienis ofrecordorthelienholderis actuallyknownto thelandlord.
(d) "Ofrecord" means:
(A)Fora manufactureddwelling,thata securityinteresthasbeenproperlyrecordedintherecoidsoftheDepartmentofConsumerandBusiness
Services pursuant to ORS446. 611 or on a certificate oftitle issued by the Department ofTransportation prior to May 1, 2005.
(B) For a floating home, that a secunty interest hasbeenproperly recorded with the State Marine Board pursuant to ORS 830. 740 to 830. 755 for a
home registered and titled with the board pursuant to ORS 830. 715.
(e) "Personal property" means only a manufactured dweUing or floating home located in a facility and subject to ORS90. 505 to 90. 850. "Personal
property" does not include goods left inside a manufactured dwelling or floating home or left upon a rented space and subject to dispositic
(2) A landlord isresponsible for abandoned personal property and shall store, sell ordispose ofabandoned personal property asprovided by this
section. Thissection governs therightsandobligations oflandlords, tenants andanylienholders inanypersonal property abandoned orleft upon the
premisesby the tenantor anylienholderinthe followingcircumstances:
(a)Thetenancyhasendedbytemiinationorexpirationofa rentalagreementorbyrelinquishmentor abandonmentofthepremisesandthe
any furtherclaimto thepremisesor to thepersonalproperty;
(b) The tenant has been absent from the premises continuously for seven days after termination of a tenancy by a court order that hasnot been
executed; or
(c) The landlord receives possession ofthe premises from the sherifffollowing restitution pursuant to ORS 105. 161.
(3) Prior to storing, selling or disposing ofthe tenant's personal property under this section, the landlord must give a written notice to the tenant
that must be:
(a) Personally delivered to the tenant; or
(b) Sentby fast classmail addressedandmailed to the tenant at:
(A) Thepremises;
(B) Any post-office box held by the tenant and actually known to the landloid; and
(C) Themost recent forwardingaddressifprovidedby the tenant or actuaUyknownto thelandlord.
(4)(a) A landlordshallalso givea copyofthenotice descnbedin subsection(3) ofthissectionto:
(A) Any lienholder of the personal property;
(B) Thetax collectorofthe countywherethepersonalproperty islocated; and
(C) The assessor ofthe county where the personal property is located.
(b) Thelandlord shallgivethenotice copy required by this subsection bypersonal delivery or first classmail, except that for any lienholder, mail
servicemustbebothby first classmailandby certifiedmailwithreturnreceiptrequested.
(c) A noticeto lienholdersunderparagraph(a)(A) ofthis subsectionmustbe sentto eachUenholderat eachaddress:
(A) Actually knownto the landlord;
(B) Ofrecord; and
(C) Provided to the landlord by the lienholder in a written notice that identifies the personal property subject to the lien andthat was sent to the
landlord by certified maUwithreturn receipt requested withinthepreceding five years. The notice must identify thepersonal property by describing
the physical address ofthe property.
(5) The notice required under subsection (3) of this section must state that:
(a) The personal property left upon the premises is considered abandoned;
(b) Thetenant or anylienholder must contact the landlord by a specified date, asprovided in subsecdon (6) ofthis section, to arrange forthe
removal ofthe abandoned personal property;
(c) The personal property is stored on the rented space;
(d) The tenant or anylienholder, except asprovided by subsection (19) ofthis section, may arrange forremoval ofthe personalproperty by
contacting the landlord at a described telephone number or address on or before the specified date;
(e) Thelandlord shallmake thepersonal property available forremoval bythe tenant or anylienholder, except asprovided by subsection (19) of
this section, by appointment at reasonable times;
(f) Ifthepersonal property isconsidered to beabandonedpursuant to subsection (2)(a) or(b) ofthis section, the landlord may require payment of
storagecharges,asprovidedby subsection(7)(b) ofthissection,priorto releasingthepersonalpropertyto thetenantoranylienholder;

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(g) Ifthepersonal property isconsidered to beabandonedpursuant to subsection (2)(c) ofthissection, the landlord maynot require payment of
storage chargespriorto releasingthepersonalproperty;
current market value ofthepersonalproperty is $8,000 orless, andthe landlori intendsto dispose oftheproperty iftheproperty isnot claimed, the
notice shaU state that beliefand intent: and
(i) Ifapplicable, there isa lienholder thathasa rightto claimthepersonal property, except asprovided by subsection (19) ofthis section.
(6)Forpurposesofsubsection(5)ofthissection,thespecifieddatebywhicha tenantorlienholdermustcontacta landloidtoarrangeforthe
disposition ofabandoned personal property must be not less than 45 days after personal delivery or mailing ofthe notice.
(7) Afternotifymgthetenantasrequiredby subsection(3) ofthis section,the landlord:
(b) Isentitled to reasonable or actoal storage charges andcosts incidental to storage ordisposal. The storage chargemaybeno greater thanthe
monthly spacerent lastpayableby thetenant.
(8) Ifa tenant orlienholder, uponthereceipt ofthenodceprovided by subsection (3) or (4) ofthissection or otherwise, responds by actual notice
the30daysfollowingthedateoftheresponse,subjectto subsection(19)ofthissection.Ifthepersonalpropertyisconsideredtobeabandoned
pursuant to subsection (2)(a) or(b) ofthis section, but notpursuant to subsection (2)(c) ofthis section, the landlord mayrequire payment ofstorage
charges asprovidedinsubsection(7)(b)ofthissection,priorto aUowingthetenantorUenholdertoremovethepersonalproperty.Acceptanceby'a
landlord ofsuch payment does not operate to create or reinstate a tenancy or create a waiver pursuant to ORS 90. 412 or 90.417.
(9) Except asprovided in subsections (19) to (21) ofthissection, ifthe tenant or lienholder doesnotrespond withinthetime provided bythe
agreedto withthe landlord, whichever islater, thepersonal property is conclusively presumed tobeabandoned. Thetenant andanylienholder that
have beengivennoticepursuant to subsection (3) or (4) ofthis section shall, except withregardto the distribution ofsaleproceeds pursuant to
subsection (13) ofthis section, haveno further right, title or interest to thepersonal property andmaynot claim or selltheproperty.
(10) Ifthepersonal property ispresumed to beabandonedundersubsection (9) ofthis section, the landlord thenmay:
(a) Sellthe personalproperty at a publicorprivate sale,providedthatpriorto the sale:
(A) Thelandlordmayseektotransferownershipofrecordofthepersonalpropertybycomplyingwiththerequirementsoftheappropriatestate
agency; and
(B) The landlord shaU:
(i) Place a notice in a newspaper ofgeneral circulation in the county in which the personal property is located. The notice shall state:
(I) That the personal property is abandoned;
(II) The tenant's name;
(Ill) The address and any space number where the personal property is located, and any plate, registration or other identification number for a
floatinghomenotedonthetitle, if actuallyknownto the landlord;
(IV)Whetherthe sale isbyprivatebiddingorpublic auction;
(V) Whether the landlord is accepting sealed bids and, if so, the last date on which bids wiUbe accepted; and
(VI) Thenameandtelephonenumberofthe personto contactto inspectthepersonalproperty;
(ii)Ata reasonabletimepriortothesale,givea copyofthenoticerequiredbysub-subparagraph(i)ofthissubparagraphtothetenantandtoany
(iv) Obtainwrittenprooffromthe county that aHproperty taxesandassessments onthepersonal property havebeenpaidor, ifnotpaid, that the
countyhasauthorizedthesale,withthesaleproceedsto bedistributedpursuantto subsection(13)ofthissection;or
(b) Destroy or otherwise dispose ofthe personal property ifthe landlord determines from the county assessor that the current market value ofthe
property is $8, 000 or less.
(ll)(a) A pubUc orprivate sale authorized by this sectionmust beconducted consistent withthe terms Ustedinsubsection (10)(a)(B)(i) ofthis
section. Every aspect ofthe sale including the method, manner, time, place andterms must be commerciaBy reasonable.
(b)Ifthereisnobuyerata saledescribedunderparagraph(a)ofthissubsection,thepersonalpropertyisconsideredtobeworth$8,000orless,
regardless ofcurrent market value, andthe landlord shall destroy or otherwise dispose ofthe personal property.
(12)Notwithstanding ORS446. 155(1) and(2), unless a landlord intentionaUy misrepresents the condition ofpersonal property, the landlord isnot
liable for the condition of the personal property to:
(a) A buyer ofthe personal property at a sale pursuant to subsecdon (10)(a) ofthis section, with or without consideration; or
(b)A personornonprofitorganizationtowhomthelandlordgivesthepersonalpropertypursuanttosubsection(1)(b),(10)(b)or(1l)(b) ofthis
(13)(a) The landlord may deduct from the proceeds of the sale:
(A) Thereasonableor actualcostofnotice, storageandsale; and
(B) Unpaid rent.
collector to the extent of any unpaid property taxes and assessments owed on the dwelling or home.
(c) After deductingthe amounts listed inparagraphs (a) and(b) ofthissubsection, ifapplicable, the landlord shallremit the remainingproceeds, if
any, to any lienholder to the extent ofany unpaid balance owed on the lien on the personal property.
(d) After deducting the amounts listed inparagraphs (a), (b) and (c) ofthis subsection, if appKcable, the landlord shall rennit to the tenant the
remainingproceeds, if any,togetherwithanitemizedaccounting.
(14) The county tax collector andthe Department ofRevenue shallcancel allunpaidproperty taxesandspecial assessments asprovided under
ORS305. 155 and311.790onlyunderone ofthe followingcircumstances:
(a) The landlord disposes ofthe personal property after a determination described in subsection (10)(b) ofthis section.
(b)Thereisnobuyerofthepersonalpropertyata saledescribedundersubsection(11)ofthissectionandthelandlorddisposesoftheproperty.

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(c)(A) There is a buyer of the personal property at a sale described under subsection (11) of this section;
(B) The current market value of the personal property is $8, 000 or less; and
(C) TheproceedsofthesaleareinsufiBcientto satisfytheunpaidpropertytaxesandassessmentsowedonthepersonalproperty afterdistribution
of the proceeds puisuant to subsection (13) of this section.
(d) Thelandlordbuysthepersonalproperty at a saledescribedundersubsection(11)ofthissectionandseUstheproperty, incompliancewith
subsection(15) ofthis section,to a buyerwhointendsto occupytheproperty in the facility inwhichtheproperty is located.
(e)Thelandlordacquiresthepersonalpropertyasa resultofanagreementdescnledinsubsection(23)ofthissectionandseUstheproperty, in
compliancewithsubsection(15)ofthissection,to a buyerwhointendsto occupythepropertyinthefacilityinwhichthepropertyislocated.
(15)(a) Subsection (14)(d) and (e) ofthis section apply only if:
(A) Thereexistsa lienonthepersonalpropertyforunpaidproperty taxesandspecialassessmentsowedto a countyorto theDepartmentof
Revenue and the landlord files an affidavit or declaration with the county tax collector or the Department ofRevenue, asappropriate, that states:
(i) Thelandlord'sintentto sellthepropertyinanarm's-lengthtransactionto anunrelatedbuyerwhointendsto occupythepropertyinthefacility
in whichtheproperty is located; and
(ii) That the landlord shall comply with the requirements of this subsection; and
(B)Followingthesaledescribedinparagraph(a)(A) ofthissubsection,thelandlordfflesanaffidavitordeclarationwiththecountytaxcollectoror
the Department of Revenue, as appropriate, that states:
(i) Thatthelandlordhassoldthepropertyinanarm's-lengthtransactionto anunrelatedbuyerwhointendsto occupytheproperty inthefacilityin
which the property is located;
(ii) Thesalepriceanda descriptionofthelandlord'sclaimsagainsttheproperty or costsfromthe sale,asdescribedundersubsection(13)(a) ofthis
section, and any costs of improvements to the property for sale; and
(iii) Theperiodoftime,whichmaynotbemorethanisreasonablynecessary,thatistakenbythelandlordto completethesaleoftheproperty.
(b)Aftera landlonlfilestheaffidavitordeclarationunderparagraph(a)(A) ofthissubsection,thecountytaxcollectorshallprovideto thelandlord
a title to theproperty thatthelandlordmay thenprovideto a buyerat thetime ofthe sale ofthe property.
(c) The afiddavit or declaration described inparagraph (a)(B) ofthis subsection must be accompanied by:
(A) Paymentto thecountytaxcollectorortheDq?artmentofRevenue,asappropriate,oftheamountremainingfromthesaleproceedsafterthe
deduction ofthe landlord's claims and costs as described in the affidavit or declaration, up to the amount ofthe unpaid taxes or tax lien. The landlord
mayretainthe amountofthe saleproceedsthat exceedthe amountoftheunpaidtaxesor tax lien;
(B) Payment to the county tax collector of any county warrant fees; and
(C) Anafifidavitordeclarationfromthebuyerthatstatesthebuyer'sintentto occupythepropertyinthefacilityinwhichtheproperty islocated.
(d) Upona showingofcompliancewithparagraph(c) ofthis subsection,the countytax collector ortheDepanmentofRevenue shallcancelall
unpaid taxes or tax liens on the property.
(16)Thelandlordisnotresponsibleforanylosstothetenantorlienholderresultingfromstorageofpersonalproperty incompliancewiththis
section unless the loss was caused by the landlord's deliberate or negligent act. In the event of a deliberate and malicious violation, the landlord is
liable for twice the actual damages sustained by the tenant or lienholder.
(17) Completecomplianceingoodfaithwiththissectionshallconstitutea completedefenseinanyactionbroughtby a tenantorlienholderagainst
a landlord for loss or damage to such personal property disposed of pursuant to this section.
(18) Ifa landlorddoesnot comply withthis section:
(a) The tenant is relieved ofany liability for damage to the premises caused by conduct that was not deliberate, intentional or grossly negligent and
for unpaid rent and may recover fi-om the landlord up to twice the actual damages sustained by the tenant;
(b) A lienholderaggrievedby thenoncompliancemay recoverfromthe landlordthe actualdamagessustainedby the lienholder. ORS90.255 does
not authorizeanawardofattorney feesto theprevailingparty in anyactionansingunderthisparagraph;and
(c) A county tax collector aggrieved by the noncompliance may recover from the landlord the actual damages sustained by the tax collector, ifthe
noncompUanceispartofaneffortbythelandlordto defraudthetaxcollector. ORS90.255doesnotauthorizeanawardofattorneyfeesto the
prevailing party in any action arising under this paragraph.
(19)Theprovisionsofthissectionregardingtherightsandresponsibilidesofa tenantto theabandonedpersonalpropertyalsoapplyto any
Uenholder,exceptthatthelienholdermay not sell or removethe dwellingorhomeunless:
(a) The lienholder has foreclosed the Uen on the manufactured dwelling or floating home;
(b) The tenant or a personal representative or designated person described in subsection (21) ofthis section has waived all rights under this section
pursuant to subsection(23) ofthis section; or
(c) Thenotice andresponseperiodsprovidedby subsections(6) and(8) ofthis sectionhave expired.
(20)(a)Exceptasprovidedby subsection(21)(d) and(e) ofthissection,ifa lienholdermakesa timelyresponseto a noticeofabandonedpersonal
property pursuant to subsecdons (6) and (8) ofthis section and so requests, a landlord shall enter into a written storage agreement with the lienholder
providing that the personal property may not be sold or disposed ofby the landlord forup to 12 months. A storage agreement entitles the lienholder to
storethepersonalpropertyonthepreviouslyrentedspaceduringthetermoftheagreement,butdoesnotentitleanyoneto occupythepersonal
(b) The lienholder's right to a storage agreement arises upon the failure ofthe tenant or, in the case ofa deceased tenant, the personal
representative, designatedperson,heiror deviseeto remove or sellthe dweUmgorhomewithinthe allottedtime.
(c) To exercise the right to a storage agreement under this subsection, in addition to contacting the landlord with a timely response asdescribed in
paragraph(a)ofthissubsection,thelienholdermustenterintotheproposedstorageagreementwithin60daysafterthelandlordgivesa copyofthe
agreement to thelienholder. The landlord shall give a copy oftheproposed storage agreement to the lienholder inthe samemanner asprovided by
subsection(4)(b) ofthissection.Thelandlordmayincludea copyoftheproposedstorageagreementwiththenoticeofabandonedpropertyrequired
by subsection (4) ofthis section. A lienholder enters into a storage agreement by signmg a copy ofthe agreement provided by the landlord and
personallydeliveringormailingthe signedcopy to the landlordwithinthe 60-dayperiod.
(d) The storage agreement may require, in addition to other provisions agreed to by the landlord and the lienholder, that:
(A) The lienholder make timely periodic payment ofaU storage charges, asdescribed in subsection (7)(b) ofthis section, accming from the
commencementofthe45-dayperioddescribedinsubsection(6) ofthissecdon.A storagechargemayincludea utility or servicecharge,asdescribed
inORS90.532,iflimitedto chargesforelectricity,water,sewerserviceandnaturalgasandifincidentalto thestorageofpersonalproperty.A storage
charge may not be due more frequently than monthly;
(B) Thelienholderpay a late chargeor fee for failureto paya storagechargebythe daterequiredinthe agreement, iftheamountofthe late
charge is no greater than for late charges imposed on facility tenants;
(C) Thelienholdermaintainthepersonalproperty andthespaceonwhichthepersonalpropertyisstoredina mannerconsistentwiththerightsand

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obligations described in the rental agreement that the landlord currently provides to tenants asrequired by ORS 90. 510 (4); and
(D) TheUenholder repairanydefects inthe physical condition ofthepersonal property that existedprior to the lienholder enteringinto the storage
agreement, ifthe defects andnecessaiy repairs arereasonably described inthe storage agreement and, forhomes thatwere firstplaced onthe space
within the previous 24 months, the repairs are reasonably consistent with facility standards in effect at the time ofplacement. The lienholder shall have
90 daysafterenteringintothe storageagreementto maketherepairs. Failureto makethe repairswithinthe allotted time constitutes a violationofthe
storageagreementandthelandlordmayterminatetheagreementbygivingatleast 14days'writtennoticeto the lienholderstatingfactssufficientto
providedandthe landlordmay sell ordisposeoftheproperty withoutfurthernoticeto the lienholder.
(e)Notwithstandingsubsection(7)(b) ofthissection,a landlordmayincreasethestoragechargeiftheincreaseispartofa facility-widerent
increase for all facility tenants, the increase is no greater than the increase for other tenants and the landlord gives the lienholder written notice
consistent with the requirements ofORS 90. 600 (1).
(f) Duringthetermofanagreementdescribedunderthissubsection,thelienholderhastherightto removeor seUtheproperty, subjecttothe
provisions ofthe lien. Selling the property includes a sale to a purchaser who wishes to leave the property on the rented space and become a tenant,
subjectto theprovisionsofORS90.680.Thelandlordmayconditionapprovalforoccupancyofanypurchaserofthepropertyuponpaymentofall
unpaid storage charges and maintenance costs.
agreementby givingat least 90 days'writtennoticeto the lienholderstatingfacts sufficientto notifythe lienholderofthe reasonfor the temiination.
Unless the lienholder corrects the violation withinthe noticeperiod, the agreement terminates asprovided andthe landlord may sell ordispose ofthe
property without further notice to the lienholder.
(B) After a landlord givesa termination noticepursuant to subparagraph (A) ofthisparagraphfor failure ofthe lienholder to pay a storage charge
andthe lienholder corrects the violation, ifthe lienholder againviolates the storage agreement by failingto pay a subsequent storage charge, the
landlordmaytemunatethe agreementbygivingatleast30days'writtennoticeto thelienholderstatingfactssufficienttonotifythelienholderofthe
sell or disposeoftheproperty withoutfurthernoticeto the lienholder.
(C) A lienholder maytemrinate a storage agreement at anytime upon at least 14days' written notice to the landlord andmayremove the property
fromthe facility ifthe lienholderhaspaidall storagechargesandotherchargesasprovidedinthe agreement.
(h)UponthefaUureofa lienholderto enterintoa storageagreementasprovidedbythissubsectionorupontemiinationofanagreement,unlessthe
partiesotherwiseagreeorthelienholderhassoldorremovedtheproperty,thelandlordmaysellordisposeofthepropertypursuantto thissection
without further notice to the lienholder.
(21)Ifthepersonalpropertyisconsideredabandonedasa resultofthedeathofa tenantwhowastheonlytenant,thissectionapplies,exceptas
(a) Theprovisions ofthis sectionregardingtherights andresponsibilities ofa tenant to the abandoned personal property shall apply to anypersonal
representative named in a will or appointed by a court to act for the deceased tenant or any person designated in writing by the tenant to be contacted
by the landlord in the event ofthe tenant's death.
(b) The notice requiredby subsection (3) ofthis sectionmust be:
(A) Sent by first class mail to the deceased tenant at the premises; and
(B) Personally delivered or sent by first class mail to any personal representative or designated person if actually known to the landlord,
(c) Thenoticedescribedinsubsection(5)ofthissectionmustreferto anypersonalrepresentativeordesignatedperson,insteadofthedeceased
tenant, and must incorporate the provisions ofthis subsection.
(d) Ifa personal representative, designatedperson orotherperson entitled to possession oftheproperty, suchasanheirordevisee, responds by
actualnoticeto a landlordwithinthe45-dayperiodprovidedby subsection(6) ofthis sectionand so requests, the landlordshallenterinto a written
storageagreementwiththerepresentativeorpersonprovidingthatthepersonalpropertymaynotbesoldordisposedofbythelandlordforupto 90
days oruntil conclusion ofanyprobate proceedings, whichever islater. A storage agreement entitles therepresentative orperson to store the personal
property onthepreviouslyrentedspaceduringthetemioftheagreement,butdoesnotentitle anyoneto occupythepereonalproperty.Ifsuchan
agreementisentered,thelandlordmaynotentera similaragreementwitha lienholderpursuantto subsection(20)ofthissectionuntiltheagreement
with the personal representative or designated person ends.
(e) Ifa personalrepresentativeorotherpersonrequeststhata landlordenterinto a storageagreement,subsection(20)(c)to (e) and(g)(C)ofthis
sectionapplies,withtherepresentativeorpersonhavingtherightsandresponsibUitiesofa lienholderwithregardto thestorageagreement.
(f) Duringthetermofanagreementdescribedunderparagraph(d) ofthissubsection,therepresentativeorpersonhastherightto removeorsell
theproperty, includinga saleto a purchaserora transferto anheirordeviseewherethepurchaser,heirordeviseewishesto leavethepropertyonthe
rented space andbecome a tenant, subject to theprovisions ofORS 90. 680. The landlord alsomay condition approval foroccupancy ofanypurchaser,
heiror deviseeofthe propertyuponpaymentofallunpaidstoragechargesandmaintenancecosts.
(g) Iftherepresentativeorpersonviolatesthe storageagreement,thelandlordmaytenninatetheagreementby givingatleast30 days'written
notice to the representativeorperson statingfactssufficientto notifytherepresentativeorpersonofthereasonforthetermination. Unlessthe
representativeorpersoncorrectstheviolationwithinthenoticeperiod,theagreementterminatesasprovidedandthelandlordmay sellordisposeof
the property without further notice to the representative or person.
(h)UponthefaUureofa rq)resentativeorpersonto enterintoa storageagreementasprovidedbythissubsectionoruponterminationofan
propertypursuantto this sectionwithoutfurthernotice to therepresentativeorperson.
(22) Ifa governmentalagencydetenninesthatthe conditionofpersonalproperty abandonedunderthis sectionconstitutesanextremehealthor
safety hazardunder state orlocal lawandthe agencydetermines thatthehazard endangers othersinthefacility andrequires quickremoval ofthe
property, the landlord may sell or dispose ofthe property pursuant to this subsection. The landlord shaUcomply with aUprovisions ofthis section,
except as follows:
(a) The date provided in subsection (6) ofthis section by which a tenant, lienholder, personal representadve or designated person must contact a
landlordto arrangeforthedispositionofthepropertymustbenotlessthan 15days afterpersonaldeliveryormaUingofthenoticerequiredby
subsection (3) of this section.
(b) Thedateprovidedinsubsections(8) and(9) ofthissectionbywhicha tenant,lienholder,personalrepresentativeordesignatedpersonmust
remove the property must be not less than seven days after the tenant, lienholder, personal representative or designated person contacts the landlord.
(c) The notice required by subsection (3) ofthis section must be asprovided in subsection (5) ofthis section, except that:
(A) The dates and deadlines in the notice for contacting the landlord andremoving the property must be consistent with flus subsection;
(B) Thenoticemuststatethata governmentalagencyhasdeterminedthatthepropertyconstitutesanextremehealthorsafetyhazardandmustbe

-S of69 12/2/2016 10:37 AJ?

removedquickly; and
(C) The landlord shall attach a copy ofthe agency's determination to the notice.
(d) Ifthe tenant, a lienholder or a personal representative or designated person does not remove the property within the time allowed, the landlord
or a buyer at a sale by the landlord under subsection (11) ofthis section shall promptly remove the property from the facility.
(e) A landlordisnotrequiredto enterintoa storageagreementwitha lienholder,personalrepresentativeor designatedpersonpursuantto
subsection (20) of this section.
(23)(a) A landlord may sell or dispose ofa tenant's abandoned personal property without complying with the provisions ofthis section if, after
terminationofthetenancyornomorethansevendayspriorto thetenninationofthetenancy,thefollowingpartiessoagreeina writingenteredintoin
good faith:
(A) The landlord;
(B) Thetenant,orforanabandonmentastheresultofthedeathofa tenantwhowastheoiilytenant,thepersonalrepresentative,designated
person or other person entitled to possession ofthe personal property, such as an heir or devisee, as described in subsection (21) ofthis section; and
(C) Any lienholder.
(b)A landlordmaynot, aspartofa rentalagreement,asa conditionto approvinga saleofpropertyonrentedspaceunderORS90.680orinany
other manner, require a tenant, a personal representative, a designated person or any lienholder to waive any right provided by this section.
(24) Untilpersonalproperty is conclusivelypresumedto be abandonedundersubsection(9) ofthis section, a landlorddoesnot havea lien
pursuant to ORS 87. 152 for storing the personal property. [1997 c. 577 §27b; 1999 c.603 §33; 1999 c. 676 §24; 2001 c.44 §2; 2001 c. 596 §40; 2003
c.378 §18;2003c.655 §58;2003c.658 §8;2005c.5 §2;2005c.619§§21,22;2007c.906§34;2013c.294 §13; 2015c.217§4]

90.680Saleofdwellingor homeonrentedspace;consignmentsales;dutiesandrightsofseller,prospectivepurchaserandlandlord.(1) As
usedinthissection,"consignment"meansanagreementinwhicha tenantauthorizesa landlordto sella manufactureddwellingorfloatinghomeon
behalfofthe tenant who owns the dweUing or home in a facility that is owned by the landlord and for whichthe landlord receives compensadon.
(2) A landlordmaynotdenyanymanufactureddwellingorfloatinghomespacetenanttherightto sella manufactureddwellingorfloatinghome
on a rented space or require the tenant to remove the dwelling or home from the space solely on the basis of the sale.
(3) A landlordmaynotrequire,asa conditionofa tenant'soccupancy,consignmentofthetenant'smanufactureddwellingorfloatinghome.
(4)(a) A landlordmay sell a tenant'smanufactureddwellingor floatinghome onconsignmentonly if:
(A) The sale involves a dwelling m a facility and the landlord is licensed to sell dwellings under ORS446. 661 to 446. 756. The license may be held
by a personthatdiffersfromthepersonthat ownsthe facilityandisthe landlord, ifthere is coinmonownershipbetweenthetwo.
(B) Thelandlordandtenant first enterinto a writtenconsignmentcontractthat specifiesat a miiumum:
(i) Thedurationofthe contract, which,unlessextendedin writing, maynot exceed180days;
(ii) The estimated square footage ofthe dwelling or home, and the make, model, year, vehicle identification number and license plate number, if
(iii) The price offered for sale of the dwelling or home;
(iv) Whetherlenderfmancingispermitted andthe amount, if any, ofthe earnestmoney deposit;
(v) Whetherthetransactionis intendedto be closedthrougha state-licensedescrow;
(vi) AU liens, taxes and other charges known to be in existence against the dwelling or home that must be removed before the tenant can convey
marketable title to a prospective buyer;
(vii) ThemethodofmarketingthesaleofadweUmgorhometo thepubUc,suchassignspostedatthefacilityorthroughadvertisementspostedon
the Internet or published in newspapers or in other publications;
(viii) The fomi and amount ofcompensation to the landlord, such as a fixed fee, a percentage ofthe gross sale price or another sinular
arrangement. If the form ofcompensadon is a fixed fee, the contract shall state the amount; and
(ix)Forthepurposeofdetermimngthenetsaleproceedsthatarepayableto thetenant,themannerandorderby whichthegrosssaleproceedswill
be appliedto liens, taxes, actualcostsofsale, landlordcompensationandotherclosingcosts.
(C) Within 10daysafter a sale,the landlordpaysto the tenantthe tenant's share ofthe saleproceedsandprovidesto the tenant a written
accounting for the sale proceeds.
(b) Thelandlordmay not exacta commissionor fee, howeverdesignated,orretaina portionofany saleproceedsforthe sale ofa manufactured
dwelling or floating home on a rented space unless the landlord has acted asrepresentative for the seller pursuant to a written consignment contract.
(5)(a) Thelandlordmaynot denythetenanttherighttoplacea "forsale"signonor ina manufactureddwellingorfloatinghomeownedbythe
tenant. Thesize,placementandcharacterofsuchsignsshallbe subjectto reasonablerules ofthe landlord.
(b) Ifthe landlord advertises a manufactured dwelting or floating home for sale within the facility, the tenant may advertise the sale ofthe tenant's
dwelling or home by posting a sign in a similar manner and similar location.
(6) A landlordmaynotknowinglymakefalsestatementsto a prospectivepurchaseraboutthe qualityofa tenant'smanufactureddwellingor
(7)Nothinginthissectionpreventsa landlordfromsellingto a prospectivepurchasera manufactureddwellingorfloatinghomeownedbythe
landlordat a price or onterms, includingspacerent, that aremore favorablethantheprice andtermsofferedfor dwellingsorhomesthat arefor sale
by a tenant.
(8)Iftheprospectivepurchaserofa manufactureddwellingorfloatinghomedesiresto leavethedwellingorhomeontherentedspaceandbecome
a tenant, the landlordmay requireintherental agreement:
(a)Exceptwhena terminationor abandonmentoccurs,thata tenantgivenotmorethan10days'noticeinwritingpriortothesaleofthedwelling
or home on a rented space;
(b) That prior to the sale, the prospective purchaser submit to the landlord a complete and accurate written application for occupancy ofthe
dwelling or home asa tenant after the sale is finalized andthat a prospective purchaser may not occupy the dwelling or home until after the
prospective purchaser is accepted by the landlord as a tenant;
(c) That a tenant give notice to any lienholder, prospective purchaser or person licensed to seU dwellings or homes ofthe requirements of
paragraphs(b) and(d) ofthissubsection,thelocationofallpropertyfunctioningsmokealarmsandanyothermlesandregulationsofthefacflity such
asthosedescribedin ORS90.510 (5)(b), (0, (g), (i) and (j); and
(d) Ifthe saleisnot by a lienholder,thattheprospectivepurchaserpay in fall allrents, fees, depositsor chargesowedby the tenant asauthorized
under ORS 90. 140 and the rental agreement, prior to the landlord's acceptance of the prospective purchaser as a tenant.
(9)(a) Ifa landlord requires a prospective purchaser to submit an application for occupancy as a tenant under subsection (8) ofthis section, the
landlord shall provide, upon request from the purchaser, a copy ofthe application. At the time that the landlord gives the prospective purchaser an
application the landlord shall also give the prospective purchaser copies ofthe statement ofpolicy, the rental agreement and the facility rules and

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regulations, includinganyconditionsimposedon a subsequentsale, all asprovidedby ORS90.510.

(b) Thetermsofthestatement,rentalagreementandrulesandregulationsneednotbethesameasthoseinthe sellingtenant'sstatement,rental
agreement and mles and regulations.
(c) ConsistentwithORS90.305(4)(b), a landlordmayrequirea prospectivepurchaserto paya reasonablecopyingchargeforthedocuments.
(d) If a prospective purchaser agrees, a landlord may provide the documents in an electronic format.
(10)Thefollowingapplyifa landlordreceivesanapplicationfortenancyfi-oma prospectivepurchaserundersubsection(8) ofthissection:
(a) Thelandlordshallacceptorrejecttheprospectivepurchaser'sapplicationwithinsevendaysfollowingthe daythelandlordreceivesa complete
provides the landlord withallinfomiation anddocumentation, including any financial dataandreferences, required by the landlord pursuant to ORS
90. 510(5)(i). The landlord andtheprospective purchaser may agree to a longer time period forthe landlord to evaluate the prospective purchaser's
applicationorto allowtheprospective purchaserto addressany failureto meetthe landlord's screeningor admissioncriteria. Ifa tenanthasnot
previously giventhe landlordthe 10days' notice required under subsection (8)(a) ofthis section, the periodprovided forthe landlord to accept or
reject a complete andaccuratewrittenapplicationis extendedto 10days.
(b) Whena landlordconsidersanapplicadonfortenancyfroma prospectivepurchaserofa dwellingorhomefroma tenant, the landlordshall
applyto theprospectivepurchasercreditandconductscreeningcriteriathataresubstantiallysimilartothecreditandconductscreeningcriteriathe
landlord applies to a prospective purchaser of a dwellmg or home from the landlord.
(c) Thelandlordmaynotunreasonablyrejecta prospectivepurchaserasa tenant.Reasonablecauseforrejectionincludes,butisnotlimitedto,
failureoftheprospectivepurchasertomeetthelandlord'sconditionsforapprovalasprovidedinORS90.510(5)(i) or failureoftheprospective
purchaser's references to respond tothe landlord's timely request for verification withinthe time allowed for acceptance or rejection underparagraph
(a)ofthissubsection.Exceptasprovidedinparagraph(d) ofthissubsection,thelandlordshallfamishto thesellerandpurchasera writtenstatement
of the reasons for the rejection.
(d)Ifa rejectionunderparagraph(c) ofthissubsectionisbasedupona consumerreport, asdefinedin15U. S.C. 168la forpurposesofthefederal
Fair Credit Reporting Act, the landlord may not disclose the contents ofthe report to anyone other than the purchaser. The landlord shall disclose to
the seller in writing that the rejection is basedupon information contained within a consumer report and that the landlord may not disclose the
information within the report.
(11) The following apply if a landlord does not require a prospective purchaser to submit anapplication for occupancy as a tenant under subsection
(8) ofthis sectionorifthe landlord doesnot accept orreject theprospective purchaser asa tenant withinthe time required under subsection (10) of
this secdon:
(a) Thelandlordwaivesanyrightto bringanactionagainstthetenantundertherentalagreementforbreachofthelandlord'srightto establish
conditionsupon andapprove a prospectivepurchaserofthe tenant's dwellingorhome;
(b) The prospective purchaser, upon completion of the sale, may occupy the dwelling or home as a tenant under the same conditions and tenns as
the tenant who sold the dwelling or home; and
(c) Ifthe prospective purchaser becomes a new tenant, the landlord may impose conditions or terms on the tenancy that are inconsistent with the
temis andconditionsofthe seller's rental agreementonly ifthe newtenant agreesin writing.
(12)A landlordmaynot,becauseoftheage,size,style ororiginalconstructionmaterialofthedweUingorhomeorbecausethedwellingorhome
wasbuiltprior to adoption oftheNationalManufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 (42 U. S.C. 5403), incompliance
withthe standardsofthat Act in efifectat thattime or in compliancewiththe state buUdingcodeasdefinedin ORS455.010:
(a)Rejectanapplicationfortenancyfroma prospectivepurchaserofanexistingdwellingorhomeona rentedspacewithina facility;or
(b) Require a prospective purchaser ofan existing dwelling or home on a rented space within a facility to remove the dwelling or home from the
rented space.
(13) A tenant whohasreceived a notice pursuant to ORS90. 632 may sell the tenant's dwelling orhome in compliance withthis section duringthe
notice period. The tenant shallprovide a prospective purchaserwith a copy ofany outstanding notice givenpursuant to ORS90. 632prior to a sale.
The landlord may also give anyprospective purchaser a copy ofany suchnotice. Thelandlord mayrequh-easa condition oftenancy that a prospective
purchaser who desiresto leave the dwelling orhome ontherented space andbecome a tenant must comply withthenotice withinthe noticeperiod
consistentwithORS90.632.Ifthetenancyhasbeenterminatedpursuantto ORS90.632,orthenoticeperiodprovidedinORS90.632hasexpired
withouta correctionofcauseorextensionoftimeto correct, a prospectivepurchaserdoesnothavea rightto leavethedwellingorhomeontherented
space and become a tenant.
(14)Exceptasprovidedbysubsection(13)ofthissection,aftera tenancyhasendedandduringtheperiodprovidedby ORS90.675(6) and(8), a
formertenantretainstherightto seUthetenant'sdwellingorhometo a purchaserwhowishesto leavethedwellingorhomeontherentedspaceand
becomea tenantasprovidedbythissection,iftheformertenantmakestimelyperiodicpaymentofallstoragechargesasprovidedbyORS90.675
(7)(b), maintains the dwellingorhome andtherented spaceonwhichit is stored andentersthepremises only withthe writtenpemiission ofthe
landlord.Paymentofthestoragechargesormaintenanceofthedwellingorhomeandthespacedoesnotcreateorreinstatea tenancyorcreate a
waiverpursuantto ORS90.412or90.417.A fonnertenantmaynotenterthepremiseswithoutthewrittenpennissionofthelandlord,includingentry
to maintain the dwelling or home or the space or to facilitate a sale.
(15)A landlordortenantwhoseBsa manufactureddweUingorfloatinghomeshalldelivertitleto thedweUingorhometo thepurchaserwithin25
businessdaysaftercompletionofthesale.Ifthe salebycontractrequiresfuturepayments,thelandlordortenantshallnotifythecountythatthe
purchaserisresponsibleforpropertytaxpayments.[Formerly91.890; 1991 c.844§14; 1993c.580§6; 1997c.577 §27c; 1999c.676 §25; 1999c.820
§2; 2003 c. 658 §9; 2005 c. 22 §68; 2007 c. 906 §35; 2013 c.443 §13; 2015 c. 217 §5]

90.690 [Formerly 91. 910; 1991 c. 844 §15; 1993 c. 580 §7; 1995 c. 559 §38; repealed by 1997 c. 577 §50]


90.710Causesofaction;linrit oncauseofactionoftenant (l)(a) Exceptasprovidedinparagraph(b)ofthissubsection,anypersonaggrieved

by a violation ofORS 90. 525, 90. 630, 90. 680 or 90. 765 has a cause of action against the violator for any damages sustained as a result ofthe violation
or $200, whichever is greater.
(b) Ifa personviolates ORS90. 680three ormore times withina 24-month period, a person hasa causeofaction against theviolator forany
damagessustainedasa result ofthe third or subsequentviolationor $500,whicheveris greater.
(2)(a) Exceptasprovidedinparagraphs(b) and(c) ofthis subsection, a tenanthasa causeofactionagainstthe landlordfor a violationofORS
90.510(4) foranydamagessustainedasa result ofthe violation, or $100,whicheveris greater.
(b) The tenant hasno cause of action if, within 10 days after the tenant requests a written agreement from the landlord, the landlord offers to enter

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intoa writtenagreementthatdoesnotsubstantiallyalterthetermsoftheoralagreementmadewhenthetenantrentedthespaceandthatcomplieswith
this chapter.
(c) If, within10daysafterbeingservedwitha complaintalleginga violationofORS90.510,the landlord offersto enterinto a writtenrental
agreementwitheachofthe othertenantsofthe landlordthat doesnot substantiallyalterthe termsofthe oral agreementmadewheneachtenantrented
the space and that complies withthis chapter, then the landlord isnot subject to any further Uability to the other tenants for previous violations ofORS
90. 510.
(d)NotwithstandingORS41.580(1),ifa landlordanda tenantmutuallyagreeonthetermsofanoralagreementforrentingresidentialproperty,
butthe tenant refusesto signa writtenmemorandumofthat agreementafterit hasbeenreducedto writingby thelandlordandofferedto the tenant for
the tenant's signature,the oralagreementis enforceablenotwithstandingthe tenant'srefusalto sign.
(e) A purchaserhasa causeofaction,for damagessustainedor $100,whicheveris greater, againsta seller who sellsthe tenant'smanufactured
dwelling or floating home to the purchaser before the landlord has accepted the purchaser as a tenant if:
(A) The landlord rejects the purchaser as a tenant; and
(B) Thesellerknewthepurchaserintendedto leavethemanufactureddwellingorfloatinghomeonthespace.[Fonnerly91.900; 1991 c.67§16;
1991 c. 844 §16; 1995 c. 559 §39; 1995 c. 618 §52; 2015 c. 217 §6]

90.720 Action to enjoin violation ofORS 90.750 or 90.755. In addition to the tenant's cause ofaction under ORS90. 710, any tenant prevented
agreement, regulation or rule, pertaining to a facility, which operates to deprive the tenant ofthese rights. [Fonnerly 91. 930]

(LandlordRights and Obligations)

90. 725 Landlord or agent access to rented space; remedies. (1) As used in this section:
(a) "Emergency" includes but is not limited to:
(A) A repairproblemthat,unlessremediedimmediately,islikelyto causeseriousphysicalharmordamageto individualsorproperty.
(B) Thepresence ofa hazardtree ona rented spaceina manufactureddweUingpark.
(b) "Unreasonable time" refersto a time ofday, day ofthe week or particular time that conflicts withthe tenant's reasonable andspecific plansto
use the space.
(c) "Yardmaintenance,equipmentservicmgorgroundskeeping"includes,butisnotlimitedto, servicingindividualseptictanksystemsorwater
pumps, weeding, mowing grass and pruning trees and shrubs.
(2)A landlordor a landlord'sagentmayenterontoa rentedspace,not includingthetenant'smanufactureddwellingorfloatinghomeoran
accessory building or stmcture, to:
(a) Inspect the space;
(b) Make necessary or agreed repairs, decorations, alterations or improvements;
(c) Inspect or maintaintrees;
(d) Supply necessary or agreed services;
(e) Performagreedyardmaintenance,equipment servicingor groundskeeping; or
(f) Exhibitthe spaceto prospectiveor actualpurchasersofthe facility, mortgagees,tenants,workersor contractors.
(3) The right of access ofthe landlord or landlord's agent is limited as follows:
(a)A landlordorlandlord'sagentmayenterupontherentedspacewithoutconsentofthetenantandwithoutnoticetothetenantforthepurpose
ofservingnoticesrequiredorpermittedunderthischapter, therentalagreementor anyprovisionofapplicablelaw.
(b) In case ofanemergency, a landlordorlandlord's agentmay entertherented spacewithout consentofthe tenant, withoutnotice to the tenant
and at any time. If a landlord or landlord's agent makes an emergency entry in the tenant's absence, the landlord shall give the tenant actual notice
within 24 hours after the entry, andthe notice shall include the fact ofthe entry, the date and time ofthe entry, the nature ofthe emergency and the
names of the persons who entered.
(c) Ifthetenantrequestsrepairsormaintenanceinwriting,thelandlordorlandlord'sagent,withoutfurthernotice,mayenterupondemand,inthe
tenant's absence or without consent ofthe tenant, for the purpose ofmaking the requested repairs until the repairs are completed. The tenant's written
request may specify allowable times. Otherwise, the entry must be at a reasonable time. The authorization to enter provided by the tenant's written
request expires after seven days, unless the repairs are inprogress andthe landlord or landlord's agent ismaking a reasonable effort to complete the
repairs in a timely manner. If the person entering to do the repairs is not the landlord, upon request ofthe tenant, the person must show fhe tenant
writtenevidencefromthe landlordauthorizingthatpersonto act forthe landlordinmakingtherepairs.
(d) If a written agreement requires the landlord to perform yard maintenance, equipment servicing or grounds keeping for the space:
(A) A landlord andtenant may agree that the landlord or landlord's agent may enter for that purpose upon the space, without notice to the tenant,
atreasonabletimesandwithreasonablefrequency.Thetermsoftherightofentrymustbedescribedintherentalagreementorina separatewritten
(B) A tenant may deny consent for a landlord or landlord's agent to enter upon the space pursuant to this paragraph ifthe entry is at an
unreasonabletime orwithunreasonablefrequency. Thetenantmust assertthe denialby givingactualnotice ofthe denialto the landlordor landlord's
agent prior to, or at the time of, the attempted entry.
(e) In all other cases, unless there is an agreement between the landlord and the tenant to the contrary regarding a specific entry, the landlord shall
givethetenantatleast24hours' actualnoticeoftheintentofthelandlordto enterandthelandlordorlandlord'sagentmayenteronly atreasonable
times. The landlord or landlord's agent may not enter if the tenant, after receiving the landlord's notice, denies consent to enter. The tenant must assert
this denial of consent by giving actual notice ofthe denial to the landlord or the landlord's agent prior to, or atthe time of, the attempt by the landlord
or landlord's agent to enter.
(f) Notwithstandingparagraph(e) ofthissubsection,a landlordorthelandlord'sagentmayentera rentedspacesolelyto inspecta tree despite a
denial ofconsent by the tenant ifthe landlord or the landlord's agent has given at least 24 hours' actual notice ofthe intent to enter to inspect the tree
and the entry occurs at a reasonable time.
(4) A landlord shallnot abusetheright ofaccessoruseit to harassthetenant. A tenant shallnot unreasonablywithholdconsentfromthe landlord
to enter.
(5) A landlordhasno otherright ofaccessexcept:
(a) Pursuantto court order;
(b) Aspermittedby ORS90.410(2);

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(c) As pennitted under ORS 90. 539; or

(d) When the tenant has abandoned or relinquished the premises.
(6) If a landlord is required by a governmental agency to enter a rented space, but the landlord fails to gain entry after a good faith effort in
compliancewiththis section,the landlordshallnot be foundinviolationofany state statuteor localordinancedue to the failure.
(7)Ifa landlordhasa reportfromanarboristlicensedasa landscapeconstructionprofessionalpursuantto ORS671.560andcertifiedbythe
International Society ofArboriculture that a tree on the rented space is a hazard tree that must be maintained by the landlord asdescribed in ORS
90.727,thelandlordisnotliableforanydamageorinjuryasa resultofthehazardtreeifthelandlordisunableto gainentryaftera goodfaitheffortin
compliancewiththis section.
(8)Ifthetenantrefusesto allowlawfulaccess,thelandlordmayobtaininjunctivereliefto compelaccessormaytemiinatetherentalagreement
pursuant to ORS 90. 630 (1) and take possession in the manner provided in ORS 105. 105 to 105. 168. In addition, the landlord may recover actual
(9)Ifthelandlordmakesanunlawfulentryora lawfulentryinanunreasonablemannerormakesrepeateddemandsforentryotherwiselawfulbut
thathavetheeffectofunreasonablyharassingthetenant,thetenantmayobtaininjunctivereliefto preventthe reoccurrenceoftheconductorniay
termmatetherentalagreementpursuantto ORS90.620(1). Inaddition,thetenantmayrecoveractualdamagesnotlessthananamountequalto one
month's rent. [1999 c. 676 §2; 2005 c. 619 §23; 2013 c. 443 §6]

90. 727 Maintenance of trees in rented spaces. (1) As used in this section:
(a) "Maintaining a tree" means removing or trimming a tree for the purpose ofeliminatmg features ofthe tree that cause the tree to be hazardous,
or that may cause the tree to become hazardous in the near future.
(b) "Removing a tree" includes:
(A) Felling and removing the tree; and
(B) Grinding or removing the stump of the tree.
(2) The landlord or tenant that is responsible for maintaining a tree must engage a landscape construction professional with a valid license issued
pursuant to ORS 671. 560 to maintain any tree with a DBH of eight inches or more.
(3) A landlord:
(a) Shallmaintaina treethatisa hazardtree,thatwasnotplantedby thecurrenttenant,ona rentedspacein a manufactureddwellingparkifthe
landlord knows or should know that the tree is a hazard tree.
(b) May maintain a tree on the rented space to prevent the tree from becoming a hazardtree, after providing the tenant with reasonable written
notice and a reasonable opportunity to maintain the tree.
(c) Hasdiscretionto decidewhetherthe appropriatemaintenanceis removalortrimmingofthe hazardtree.
(d)Isnotresponsibleformaintainmga treethatisnota hazardtree orformaintaininganytreeforaestheticpurposes.
(4) A landlordshallcomplywithORS90.725 before enteringa tenant'sspaceto inspectormaintaina tree.
(5) Except as provided in subsection (3) ofthis section, a tenant is responsible for maintainmg the trees on the tenant's space in a manufactured
dwellingparkatthetenant'sexpense.Thetenantmayretainanarboristlicensedasa landscapeconstructionprofessionalpursuantto ORS671.560
and certified by the International Society ofArboriculture to inspect a tree on the tenant's rented space at the tenant's expense and ifthe arborist
detennines that the tree is a hazard, the tenant may:
(a) Requirethe landlordto maintaina treethat isthe landlord'sresponsibilityundersubsection(3) ofthis section; or
(b)Maintainthetree atthetenant'sexpense,afterprovidingthelandlordwithreasonablewrittennoticeoftheproposedmaintenanceanda copy
of the arborist's report.
(6) Ifa manufactured dwelling cannot be removed from a space without first removing or trimming a tree on the space, the owner ofthe
manufactured dwelling may remove or trim the tree at the dwelling owner's expense, after giving reasonable written notice to the landlord, for the
purpose of removing the manufactured dwelling. [2013 c.443 §5]

Note: Section 16, chapter 443, Oregon Laws 2013, provides:

Sec.16. (1) A landlordmayunilaterally amenda rentalagreementto:
(a) Comply withrequirements insecdon 5 ofthis2013 Act [90. 727] andotherprovisions intheResidential Landlord andTenant Act regardmg the
maintenance of trees, including hazard trees; and
(b) EstablishthepoUciesregardingtreesthat are describedin the amendmentsto ORS90.510by section8 ofthis 2013 Act.
(2) A landlord may take action under this section before the operative date of sections 4 and 5 ofthis 2013 Act and the amendments to ORS
90. 100, 90.412, 90. 532, 90. 543, 90. 555, 90. 634, 90. 643, 90. 680, 90. 725, 90. 730 and 90. 740 by sections I to 3, 6, 7 and 9 to 14ofthis 2013 Act
[January1, 2014]. [2013 c.443 §16]

90.730Landlorddutyto maintainrentedspace,vacantspacesandcommonareasinhabitablecondition.(1)Asusedinthissection,"facility
commonareas"meansall areasunder control ofthe landlordandheldout forthe generaluse oftenants.
(2)A landlordwhorentsa spacefora manufactureddwellingorfloatinghomeshallatalltimesduringthetenancymaintaintherentedspace,
vacantspacesinthefacilityandthefacilitycommonareasina habitablecondition.Thelandlorddoesnothavea dutytoinaintaina dwellingorhome.
A landlord's habitabUity duty under this section includes only the matters described in subsections (3) to (6) ofthis section.
(3) For puiposes of this section, a rented space is considered unhabitable if it substantially lacks:
(a)A sewagedisposalsystemanda connectionto thespaceapprovedunderapplicablelawatthetimeofinstallationandmaintainedingood
workingorderto theextentthatthe sewagedisposalsystemcanbe controlledby the landlord;
(b) Ifrequiredbyapplicablelaw,a drainagesystemreasonablycapableofdisposingofstormwater,groundwaterandsubsurfacewater,approved
underapplicablelaw atthetime ofinstallationandmaintainedin goodworkmgorder;
(c) A water supply and a connection to the space approved under applicable law at the time ofinstallation and maintained so asto provide safe
drinkingwaterandto be in goodworkingorderto the extent thatthewatersupply systemcanbecontrolledbythe landlord;
(d) An electrical supply anda connection to the spaceapproved under applicable lawat thetime ofinstallation andmaintamed ingoodworking
orderto the extentthatthe electrical supply systemcanbe controlledby the landlord;
(e) A naturalgasorpropane gassupply anda connectionto the spaceapprovedunderapplicablelawat thetime ofinstallationandmaintainedin
goodworkingorderto theextentthatthegassupplysystemcanbecontrolledbythelandlord,iftheutility serviceisprovidedwithinthefacility
pursuant to the rental agreement;
(f) At the time ofcommencement ofthe rental agreement, buildings, grounds and appurtenances that are kept in every part safe for nomial and
reasonably foreseeable uses, clean, sanitary and free from all accumulations ofdebris, filth, mbbish, garbage, rodents and vermin;

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(g)Excludingthenonnalsettlingofland,a surfaceorgroundcapableofsupportinga manufactureddweUingapprovedunderapplicablelawatthe

time ofinstallationandmaintainedto supporta dwellingina safemannersothatit issuitableforoccupancy.A landlord'sdutytomaintainthe surface
or groundariseswhenthelandlordknowsorshouldknowofa conditionregardingthesurfaceorgroundthatmakesthedweUingunsafeto occupy;
(h) Completionofanylandlord-providedspaceimprovements,includingbutnotlimitedto installationofcarports,garages,drivewaysand
sidewalks, approved under applicable law at the time of installation.
(4) A rented space is considered unhabitable if the landlord does not maintain a hazard tree as required by ORS 90. 727.
(5) A vacant space in a facility is considered unhabitable if the space substantially lacks safety from the hazards offire or injury.
(6) A facilitycommon areais consideredunhabitableif it substantiallylacks:
(a) Bufldings, grounds and appurtenances that are kept in every part safe for normal andreasonably foreseeable uses, clean, sanitary and free from
all accumulations of debris, filth, mbbish, garbage, rodents and vemiin;
(b) Safety fiom the hazards of fire;
(c) Trees, shmbbery and grass maintained in a safe manner;
(d) If supplied orrequired to besupplied by the landlord to a common area, a water supply system, sewage disposal systemorsystem fordisposing
of storm water, ground water and subsurface water approved under applicable law at the time ofinstallation and maintained in good working order to
the extent that the system can be controlled by the landlord; and
(e) Except as otherwise provided by local ordinance or by written agreement between the landlord and the tenant, an adequate number of
appropriate receptacles for garbage androbbish in clean condition and good repair at the time ofcommencement ofthe rental agreement and for which
the landlordshallprovideandmaintainappropriateserviceablereceptaclesthereafterandarrangefortheirremoval.
(7)Thelandlordandtenantmayagreeinwritingthatthetenantisto performspecifiedrepairs,maintenancetasksandminorremodelingonly if:
(a) Theagreementofthepartiesis enteredinto ingoodfaithandnot forthepurposeofevadingtheobligationsofthelandlord;
(b) The agreementdoesnot dimmishthe obligationsofthe landlordto othertenantsonthepremises; and
(c) ThetermsandconditionsoftheagreementareclearlyandfaMydisclosedandadequateconsiderationfortheagreementisspecificaflystated.
[1999c.676 §6; 2007c.906 §40; 2011 c.503 §10;2013c.443 §2; 2015 c.217 §7]

90.732 Landlord registration; registration fee. (1) Every landlord ofa manufactured dwelling park shall register annually in writing with the
HousingandCommunity ServicesDepartment.Thedepartmentshallchargethelandlorda registrationfeeof$50forparkswithmorethan20spaces
and$25forparkswith20orfewerspaces.Thelandlordshallfflea registrationandpaya registrationfeeforeachparkownedormanagedbythe
landlord. The registration shall consist of the following information:
(a) The name andbusiness mailing address ofthe landlord and ofany person authorized to manage the premises ofthe park.
(b) The name ofthe park.
(c) The physical address of the park or, if different from the physical address, the mailing address.
(d) A telephone number of the park.
(e) The total number of spaces in the park.
(2) Thelandlordofa newmanufactureddwellingparkshallregisterwiththedepartmentnolaterthan60daysaftertheopeningofthepark.
(3) The department shall senda writtenremindernoticeto eachlandlordthatholdsa currentregistrationunderthis sectionbeforethe duedatefor
the landlord to file a new registration. The department shall confmn receipt of a registration.
(4) Notwithstanding subsections (1) to (3) ofthis secdon, the department may provide for registration andconfirmation ofregistration to be
accomplished by electa-onic means instead of in writing.
(5) Moneys from registration fees described in subsection (1) of this section shall be deposited in the MobUe Home Parks Account.
NotwithstandingORS446.533,moneysdepositedintheaccountunderthissectionarecontinuouslyappropriatedto thedepartmentforthepurposeof
implementingandadmmisteringthedutiesofthedepanmentunderthissectionandORS90.734and90.738. [2005c.619§2;2007c.906§38;2009
c. 816§10;2015c.217§3]

90.734 Manager or owner continuing education requirements. (1) At least one person for each manufactured dwelling park who has authority
to manage the premises ofthe park shall, every two years, complete four hours ofcontinuing education relating to the management ofmanufactured
dwellingparks. The followingapply for a personwhosecontinuingeducationis required:
(a) Ifthere is any manager or owner who lives in the park, the person completing the continuing education must be a manager or owner who lives
in the park.
(b) Ifnomanagerorownerlivesinthepark,thepersoncompletingthecontinuingeducationmustbea managerwholivesoutsidetheparkor,if
there is nomanager,anownerofthepark.
(c) A manager or owner may satisfy the continuing education requirement for more than one park that does not have a manager or owner who Kves
in the park.
(2) Ifa personbecomesthemanufactureddwellingparkmanagerorownerwhoisresponsibleforcompletingcontinuingeducation,andtheperson
doesnothavea currentcertificateofcompletionissuedundersubsection(3)ofthissection,thepersonshaUcompletethecontinuingeducation
requirementbytakingthenextregularlyscheduledcontinuingeducationclassorbytakinga continuingeducationclassheldwithin75days.
(3) The Housing and Coimnunity Services Department shall ensure that continuing education classes:
(a) Are ofiEered at least once every six months;
(b)Areofferedbya statewidenonprofittradeassociationinOregonrepresentingmanufacturedhousinginterestsandapprovedbythedepartment;
(c) Haveatleastone-halfoftheclassinstmctionononeormoreprovisionsofORSchapter90,ORS105.105to 105. 168,fairhousinglaworother
law relating to landlords and tenants;
(d) Provide a certificate of completion to aU attendees; and
(e) Provide the department with the following information:
(A) The name of each person who attends a class;
(B) Thenameofthe attendee'smanufactureddwellingpark;
(C) The city or county in which the attendee's park is located;
(D) The date of the class; and
(E) The namesofthe persons who taught the class.
(4) Thedepartment,a tradeassociationorinstmctorisnotresponsiblefortheconductofa landlord,manager,ownerorotherpersonattending a
continuingeducationclassunderthis section. Thissectiondoesnot createa causeofactionagainstthe department, a tradeassociationor instructor
related to the continuing education class.

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(5) Theownerofa manufactureddwellingparkisresponsibleforensuringcompliancewiththecontinuingeducationrequirementsinthissection.

(6) Thedepartment shallannually senda writtenremindernotice regardingcontinuingeducationrequirementsunderthis sectionto each
manufactureddwellingparkattheaddressshownintheparkregistrationfiledunderORS90.732. [2005c.619 §3;2007c.906 §39;2009c. 816 §11;
2011 c. 503 §19]

90.736 Civil penalties.(1) TheHousingand CommunityServicesDepartmentmay assessa civil penalty againsta landlordor ownerifthe
departmentfmdsthatthelandlordorownerhasnotcompliedwithORS90.732or90.734.Thecivilpenaltymaynot exceed$1,000.Thedepartment
shallassessthecivilpenaltyaccordingto theschedule'ofpenaldesdevelopedbythedepartmentunderORS90.738.Inassessinga civilpenaltyunder
this section,the department shalltakeinto considerationanygoodfaitheffortsby the landlordor ownerto comply withORS90.732or 90.734.
(2)A civilpenaltyassessedunderthissectionshallbedepositedintheMobileHomeParksAccountandcontinuouslyappropriatedto the
department for use in carrying out the policies described in ORS 446. 515.
(3) Ifa civUpenalty assessedunderthis section isnotpaidonorbefore 90daysaftertheorder assessingthe civil penalty becomes fmalby
operation oflaw, the department may file the order with the county clerk ofthe county where the manufactured dwelling park ofthe landlord or owner
is located as a lien against the park. In addition to any other available remedy, recording the order in fhe County Clerk Lien Record has the effect
providedforinORS205. 125and205. 126andtheordermaybeenforcedasprovidedinORS205.125and205. 126. [2005c.619§4;2009c.816§12]
Note:90.736wasenactedintolawbytheLegislativeAssemblybutwasnotaddedto ormadea partofORSchapter90oranyseriesthereinby
legislativeaction. SeePrefaceto OregonRevisedStatutesforfartherexplanation.

90.738Enforcementofregistrationandeducationrequirements;advisorycommittee;rules. (1) TheHousingandCommunityServices

DepartmentshalladoptrolesfortheadministrationandenforcementofORS90.732and90.734.Themlesshallinclude,butneednotbelimitedto, a
rule that establishesa scheduleofcivilpenaltiesfornoncompliancethatis consistentwiththe amountlimitationestablishedunderORS90.736.
(2) The department shall appoint an advisory committee to advise the department in drafting the rules required by subsection (1) ofthis section and
to assistthedepartmentinimplementingandadministeringthedutiesofthedepartmentregardingtheregistrationandcontinuingeducation
limitedto representativesofmanufactureddwellingparklandlordsandrepresentativesofmanufactureddwellingparktenants.[2009c.816§9]
Note:90.738wasenactedintolawbytheLegislativeAssemblybutwasnotaddedto ormadea panofORSchapter90oranysenesthereinby
legislative action. See Preface to Oregon Revised Statutes for further explanation.

(Tenant Rights and Obligations)

90.740 Tenant obUgations.A tenant shall:

(1)Install(hetenant'smanufactureddwellingor floatinghomeandanyaccessorybuUdingor structureona rentedspaceincompliancewith
applicable laws and the rental agreement.
(2)Exceptasprovidedbytherentalagreement,disposefromthedwellingorhomeandtherentedspaceall ashes,garbage,mbbishandotherwaste
ina clean,safeandlegalmanner.Withregardto needles,syringesandotherinfectiouswaste,asdefinedinORS459.386,thetenantmaynotdispose
oftheseitemsbyplacingthemingarbagereceptaclesorinanyotherplaceormannerexceptasauthorizedby stateandlocalgovernmentalagencies.
(3) Behave,andrequirepersonsonthepremiseswiththeconsentofthetenanttobehave,incompliancewiththerentalagreementandwithany
laws or ordinancesthat relate to the tenant's behavior as a tenant.
(4) Except as provided by the rental agreement:
(a) Use the rented space and the facility common areas in a reasonable manner considering the purposes for which they were designed and
(b) Keepthe rented spacein every part free fromall accumulationsofdebris, filth, rubbish, garbage,rodents andverminasthe conditionofthe
rentedspacepermits andto the extentthatthe tenantisresponsibleforcausmgtheproblem. Thetenant shallcooperateto a reasonableextent in
assistingthe landlordm anyreasonableeffortto remedytheproblem;
(c) Keepthe dwellingorhome, andtherented space, safefromthe hazardsoffire;
(d) Install and maintain in the dwelling or home a smoke alarm approved under applicable law;
(e) InstallandmaintainstormwaterdrainsontheroofofthedweUingorhomeandconnectthedrainstothedrainagesystem,ifany;
(f) Use electrical, water, storm waterdrainage andsewagedisposal systems in a reasonable manner andmaintainthe connections to those systems;
(g) Refrain from deliberately or negligently destroying, defacing, damaging, impairing or removing any part ofthe facility, other than the tenant's
own dwelling or home, or knowingly pennitting any person to do so;
(h) Maintam, water and mow or prune any shrubbery or grass on the rented space;
(i) Maintainandwatertrees,includingcleanupandremovaloffallenbranchesandleaves,ontherentedspacefora manufactureddwellingexcept
for hazard trees as provided in ORS 90. 727; and
(j) Behave, and require persons on the premises with the consent ofthe tenant to behave, in a manner that does not disturb the peaceful enjoyment
of the premises by neighbors. [1999c. 676 §3; 2013 c.443 §3]

90.750Rightto assembleor canvassinfacility;limitations.Noprovisioncontainedinanybylaw,rentalagreement,regulationorrulepenaining

to a facUity shaU:
(1)Infiingeupontherightofpersonswhorentspacesina facilitytopeaceablyassembleinanopenpublicmeetingforanylawfulpurpose,at
reasonabletimesandina reasonablemanner,inthecommonareasorrecreationalareasofthefacUity.Reasonabletimesshallincludedailythehours
between 8 a.m. and 10 p. m.
(2) Infringeuponthe rightofpersonswhorent spacesin a facUityto communicateor assembleamongthemselves, at reasonabletimes and in a
reasonablemanner,forthepurposeofdiscussinganymatter, includingbutnotlimitedto anymatterrelatingtothefacilityormanufactureddwellingor
floatinghomeliving. Thediscussionsmaybeheldinthe commonareasorrecreationalareasofthefacility,includinghallsor centers,oranyresident's
dwellingunitorfloatinghome.Thelandlordofa facility,however,mayenforcereasonablemlesandregulationsincludingbutnotlimitedto place,
(3)Prohibitanypersonwhorentsa spacefora manufactureddwellingorfloatinghomefi-omcanvassingotherpersonsinthesamefacilityfor
purposes described in this section. As used in this subsection, "canvassing" includes door-to-door contact, anoral or written request, the distribution,
thecirculation,thepostingorthepublicationofa noticeornewsletterora generalannouncementoranyothermatterrelevantto themembershipof a

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tenants' association.
(4) This sectionis not intendedto require a landlordto permit anypersonto solicit money, exceptthat a tenants' associationmember, whetheror
not a tenantofthe facUity,maypersonally collect delinquentduesowedby anexistingmemberofa tenants' association.
(5) Thissectionisnotintendedto requirea landlordto permitanypersonto disregarda tenant'srequestnotto becanvassed.[Formerly91.920;
1991 c. 844 §17; 1997 c. 303 §2]

90.755Rightto speakonpoliticalissues;limitations;placementofpolitical signs.(1)Noprovisioninanybylaw,rentalagreement,regulation

or mle may infiinge upon the right ofa person who rents a space for a manufactured dwelling or floating home to invite public officere, candidates for
public officeor officersorrepresentativesofa tenant organizationto appearandspeakuponmatters ofpublic interest inthe commonareasor
recreational areasofthe facility at reasonable times andin a reasonable manner in anopenpublic meeting. The landlord ofa facility, however, may
enforcereasonablerulesandregulationsrelatingto thetime,placeandschedulingofthespeakersthatwillprotecttheinterestsofthemajorityofthe

(2) Thelandlordshallallowthetenanttoplacepoliticalsignsonorina manufactureddwellingorfloatinghomeownedbythetenantorthespace

rentedby the tenant. Thesizeofthe signsandthelengthoftime forwhichthe signsmay be displayedare subject to thereasonablemles ofthe
landlord. [Formerly 91.925; 1991 c.844 §18; 1995c.559 §40; 2009c. 816 §17]

90.760 [Fonnerly 91. 905; 1991 c. 844 §23; 2014 c. 89 §6; renumbered 90. 805 in 2015]

90.765Prohibitionsonretaliatoryconductbylandlord.(1) Inadditionto theprohibitionsofORS90.385, a landlordwhorentsa spacefor a

manufactured dwelling or floatinghomemaynotretaliate by increasingrent ordecreasing services, by serving a notice to temiinate thetenancy orby
bringing or threateiung to bring an action for possession after:
(a) The tenant has expressed an intention to complain to agencies listed in ORS 90. 385;
(b) The tenanthasmadeanycomplaintto the landlordwhichis in goodfaith;
(c) The tenant has filed or expressed intent to fde a complamt under ORS 659A. 820; or
(d) The tenant hasperformed or expressed intent to perform anyother act forthe purpose ofasserting, protecting or invokingtheprotection ofany
right securedto tenantsunder any federal, state or local law.
(2)Ifthelandlordactsinviolationofsubsection(1) ofthissectionthetenantisentitledto theremediesprovidedinORS90.710(1) andhas a
defenseinanyretaliatoryactionagainstthetenantforpossession.[Fonneriy91.870; 1991c.67§17; 1993c. l8 §17;2001c.621 §84]
90.770[Formerly91.950; 1991c.844§29; 1997c.249 §33; 1999c. 154§1;repealedby 2001c.596§25(90.771 enactedinlieuof90.770)]
90.771Confidentialityofinformationregardingdisputes.(1)Inorderto fostertheroleoftheOfRceofManufacturedDwellingPark
Housing and Community Services DepaUment shall establish procedures to maintain the confidentiaUty ofinformation received by the office
pertaining to individual landlords and tenants offacilities and to landlord-tenant disputes. The procedures must comply with the provisions ofthis

(2) Except as provided in subsection (3) ofthis section, the department shall treat as confidential and not disclose:
(a)Theidentityofa landlord,tenantorcomplainantinvolvedina disputeorofa personwhoprovidesmfonnationto (hedepartmentinresponseto
a department investigation of a dispute;
(b) Information provided to the department by a landlord, tenant, complainant or other person relating to a dispute; or
(c) Information discovered by the department in investigating a dispute.
(3) The department may disclose:
(a) Informationdescribedin subsection(2) ofthissectionto a state agency; and
(b) Information described in subsection (2) ofthis section ifthe landlord, tenant, complainant orotherperson whoprovided the infomiation being
disclosed, orthe legalrepresentative thereof, consents orally orinwritingto the disclosure and specifiesto whomthe disclosure maybemade. Only
the landlord, tenant, complainant or other person who provided the mformation to the department may authorize or deny the disclosure ofthe
(4) This sectiondoesnot prohibitthe departmentfromcompilinganddisclosingexamplesandstatisticsthat demonstrate infonnationsuchasthe
type ofdispute,frequencyofoccurrenceandgeographicalareawherethedisputeoccurrediftheidentityofthelandlord,tenant,complainantand
otherpersonsareprotected. [2001 c. 596 §26 (enactedinUeuof90.770); 2003 c.21 §2; 2005c.22 §69]

90.775Rides.TheHousingandCommunityServicesDepartmentmayadoptrulesnecessaryto carryouttheprovisionsofORS90.771. [Formerly

91. 955; 2001 c. 596 §49]

(FaciKty Purchase Policy)

90. 800Policy. (1) The StateofOregon encourages affordable housingoptions for all Oregonians. Onehousingalternative chosenby many
associated entity, to purchase the facility inwhichthe tenants live inorderto have greater control over thecosts andenvironment oftheirhousing. The
Legislative Assembly also finds that current market conditions place tenants at a disadvantage with other potential investors inthe purchase of
(2)It istfaepolicyoftheStateofOregonto encouragefacilitytenantsto participateinthehousingmarketplacebyensuringthattechnical
assistance, financing opportunities, notice of sale of facilities and the option to purchase facUities are made avaflable to tenants who choose to
participate in the purchase of a facility.
(3) Thepurpose ofORS90. 800to 90. 850, 308.905, 456. 579 and456. 581 isto strengthen theprivate housingmarket in Oregonby encouraging all
Oregonians to have the ability to participate in the purchase ofhousing oftheir choice. [1989 c. 919 §1; 1991 c.844 §24; 1995 c. 559 §42; 2014 c. 89
§7]" - - . - - ^-----^----. -. -. --.., -.,.. ^.. ^,. ^,.
(Marina Purchase by Tenants)

90.805Noticeto tenants' associationwhenmarinabecomessubjectto listingagreement.(1)A tenants' associationora marinapurchase

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associationmaygivewrittennoticetothelandlordofa marinainwhichsomeorallofthemembersoftheassociationresideastenantsrequestingthat
the associationbenotified,by first classmailto nomorethanthree specifiedpersonsandaddressesforeachassociation,in the eventthe marina
becomes subject to a listing agreement for the sale of all or part of the marina.
(2) If an association requests notice pursuant to subsection (1) ofthis section, the landlord shall give written notice to the persons and addresses
designated in the request as soonas all or any portion ofthe marina becomes subject to a listing agreement entered into by or on behalfofthe owner.
[Formerly 90. 760]

90. 810 Association notification ofpossible sale of marina. (1) A marina owner shall notify, as described in ORS 90. 805, the tenants' association
and a marina purchase association within 10 days ofreceipt of:
(a) Any writtenofferreceivedby the owneror agentoftheownerto purchasethemarinathatthe ownerintendsto consider; or
(b) Any listing agreement entered into, by the owner or agent ofthe owner, to effect the sale ofthe marina.
(2) Thenoticerequiredby subsection(1)ofthissectionshaUbemailedto anyassociationandmarinapurchaseassociation.[1989c.919§8; 1991
c. 844 §25; 1995 c. 559 §43; 2014 c. 89 §8]

90.815Incorporationofmarinapurchaseassociation.A marinapurchaseassociationshallcomplywiththeprovisionsofORSchapters60,62
and65 beforemakingthe offerprovidedforunderORS90.820. [1989c.919 §9; 1991 c.844 §26; 2014c. 89 §9]

90.820Marina purchaseby tenants' association; notice; procedures; exceptions.(1) Within 14daysofdelivery by or onbehalfofthe marina
owner ofthe notice required by ORS 90. 805 (2) or 90. 810, a tenants' association or marina purchase association may notify the owner ofthe marina in
which the tenants reside by certified mail orpersonal service at the address disclosed to the tenants under ORS 90. 305 (l)(a) that the association, or a
tenants' association supported nonprofit organization, is interested in purchasing the marina.
(2) Upondeliveryofthenoticerequiredby subsection(1) ofthis section,the ownershallnegotiatein goodfaithwiththe associationor
purchaser. During the 14-day period following the delivery of a notice to the owner under subsection (1) of this section, the tenants' association,
marinapurchaseassociationortenants' associationsupportednonprofitorganizationhasa rightoffirstrefusalfor anyofferor agreementbytheowner
to seU the marina.
(3) A marina purchase association or tenants' association actively involved in negotiations with an owner may waive or reduce the time periods for
notice described in this section. A marina purchase association or tenants' association may authorize a tenants' association supported nonprofit
organization to waive notice on behalf of the association.
(4) This section, ORS 90. 805 (2) and 90. 810 do not apply to:
(a) Any sale or transfer to a person who would be included within the table of descent and distribution if the owner were to die intestate.
(b) Anytransferby gift, deviseor operationoflaw.
(c) Any transfer by a corporation to anaffiliate. As used in this paragraph, "affiliate" means any shareholder ofthe transferring corporation, any
corporationor entity ownedor controlled, directly orindirectly, by thetransferringcorporationor anyothercorporationor entity ownedorcontrolled,
directly or indirectly, by any shareholder ofthe transferring corporation.
(d) Any transfer by a partnership to any of its partners.
(e) Any conveyanceofaninterestin a marinaincidentalto the fmancingofthe marina.
(f) Any conveyance resulting from the foreclosure of a mortgage, deed oftrust or other instrument encumbering a marina or any deed given in lieu
of a foreclosure.
(g) Any sale or transfer between or among joint tenants or tenants in common owning a marina.
(h) Any exchange of a marina for other real property, whether or not the exchange also involves the payment of cash or other boot.
(i) Any purchase ofa marina by a governmental entity under that entity's powers ofeminent domain. [1989 c. 919 §10; 1991 c. 844 §19; 1999 c. 222
§1; 1999c. 603 §34a;2009c.295 §1; 2014c.89 §10]

90.830Marina ownerafiGdavitofcompliancewithprocedures. (1) A marinaownermay at anytime record, inthe County ClerkLienRecordof

the county where the marina is situated, an affidavit in which the owner certifies that:
(a) Withreferenceto anofferby the ownerforthe saleofthemarina,the ownerhascompliedwiththeprovisionsofORS90.820;
(b) With reference to an offer received by the owner for the purchase of the marina, or with reference to a counteroffer that the owner intends to
make, or has made, for the sale of the marina, the owner has complied with the provisions of ORS 90. 820;
(c) Notwithstanding compliance with the provisions ofORS 90. 820, a contract for the sale of the marina has not been executed between the owner
anda marinapurchaseassociation,tenants' associationortenants' associationsupportednonprofitorganization;
(d) TheprovisionsofORS90.820areinapplicableto a particularsaleor transferofthemarinaby the owner, andcompliancewiththose
subsections is not required; or
(e) A particularsaleor transferofthemarinais exemptedfromtheprovisionsofthis sectionandORS90.820.
(2) Thefollowingpartieshavetheabsoluterightto relyonthetruthandaccuracyofallstatementsappearingm theaffidavitandarenotobligated
to inquire further asto anymatteror factrelatingto the owner's compliancewiththe provisionsofORS90.820:
(a) A party that acquires aninterest in a marina.
(b) A title insurance company, or an attorney, that prepares, furnishes or examines evidence ofdtle.
(3) It isthe puqaoseandintentionofthis sectionto preserve the marketabilityoftitle to marinas.Accordingly,theprovisionsofthis sectionmustbe
UberaUyconstmedm orderthatallpersonsmayrely ontherecordtideto marinas.[1989c.919§11;1991c.844§27; 1999c.222§2;2014c.89 §11]
(Manufactured Dwelling Park Purchase by Tenants)

90.840Parkpurchasefunds,loans. (1) TheDirectorofthe HousmgandCommumty ServicesDepartmentmay lend fundsavaUableto the

HousingandCommunity ServicesDepartmentto providefundsnecessaryto carry out theprovisionsofORS456.581 (2). Suchfundsadvancedshall
be repaid to the Housing and Community Services Department as detemiined by the director.
(2) Notwithstanding any budget limitation, the director may spend funds avaUable from the Mobile Home Parks Purchase Account to employ
personnel to carry out the provisions ofORS 456. 581 (1). [1989 c. 919 §12]

90.842 Notice ofsale ofmanufactured dwelling park; contents; formation oftenants committee for purchasing park. (1) An owner of a
manufactured dwelling park shall give written notice ofthe owner's interest in selling the park before the owner markets the park for sale or when the

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owner receives an offer to purchase that the owner intends to consider, whichever occurs first.
(2) Theownershallgivethenoticerequiredby subsection(1) ofthis sectionto:
(a) All tenants of the park; or
(b) A tenants committee, if there is an existing committee oftenants fanned for purposes including the purchase ofthe park and with which the
owner has met in the 12-month period immediately before delivery ofthe notice.
(3) The owner shall also give the notice required by subsection (1) ofthis section to the OfHce ofManufactured Dwelling Park Community
(4) The notice must include the following:
(a) The owner is considering selling the park.
(b) The tenants, through a tenants committee, have an opportunity to compete to purchase the park.
(c) In order to compete to purchase the park, within 10 days after delivery ofthe notice, the tenants must form or identify a single tenants
committee forthepurposeofpurchasingthepark andnotify theownerin writingof:
(A) The tenants' interest in competing to purchase the park; and
(B) The name and contact information ofthe representative ofthe tenants comniittee with whom the owner may commumcate about the purchase.
(d) The representative ofthe tenants committee may request fmancial information described in ORS 90. 844 (2) from the owner within the 10-day
(e) Information about purchasing a manufactured dweUing park is available from the Of6ce ofManufactured Dwelling Park Community Relations
of the Housing and Community Services Department. [2014 c. 89 § 1]

90.844 Proceduresfor purchaseofmanufactureddwellingpark by tenants; financialinformation; deadlines.(1) Within 10daysafter

deliveryofthenoticedescribedin ORS90.842, ifthe tenantschooseto compete to purchasethemanufactureddwellingparkinwhichthe tenants
reside, the tenants must notify the owner in writing of:
(a) The tenants' interest in competingto purchase the park;
(b) The formation or identification of a single tenants committee formed for the purpose of purchasing the park; and
(c) Thenameandcontactinformationoftherepresentativeofthetenantscommitteewithwhomtheownermaycommunicateaboutthepurchase.
(2)Duringthe 10-dayperiod,inordertoperforma duediligenceevaluationoftheopportunityto competeto purchasethepark,therepresentative
ofthe tenants committee may make a written request for the kind offmancial information that a seller ofa park would customarily provide to a
prospective purchaser.
(3) Ofthe financial information described in subsection (2) ofthis section, the owner shall provide the following information within seven days
after delivery of the request by the tenants committee for the infonnation:
(a) The askingprice, ifany, forthe park;
(b) The total iticome coUected from the park and related profit centers, includmg storage andlaundry, in the 12-month period immediately before
delivery of the notice required by ORS 90. 842;
(c) The cost of all utilities for the park that were paid by the owner in the 12-month period immediately before delivery ofthe notice required by
ORS 90. 842;
(d) The annual cost ofaU insurance policies for the park that were paid by the owner, as shown by the most recent premium;
(e) The number ofhomes in the park ownedby the owner; and
(f) The number of vacant spaces and homes in the park.
(4) The ownermay:
(a) Designate all or part of the fmancial informadon provided pursuant to this section as confidential.
(b) If the owner designates financial information as confidential, establish, in cooperation with the representative ofthe tenants committee, a list of
of the tenants committee or assisting the tenants committee in evaluating or purchasing the park:
(A) A nonprofit organization or a housing authority.
(B) An attorney or other licensed professional or adviser.
(C) A fmancial institution.
(c) Require that persons authorized to receive the confidential information:
(A) Sign a confidentiality agreement before receiving the informadon;
(B) Refrain from copying any of the infomiation; and
(C) Return the information to the owner when the negotiations to purchase the park are completed or terminated.
(5) Within 15 days after delivery ofthe financial infonnation described in subsection (3) ofthis section, or within 15 days after the end ofthe
10-dayperioddescribedin subsection(1) ofthis sectionwhenthe representativeofthe tenantscommittee doesnot requestfmancialinfonnationunder
subsection (2) of this section, if the tenants choose to continue competing to purchase the park, the tenants committee must:
(a) Form a corporate entity under ORSchapter 60, 62 or 65 that is legally capable ofpurchasing real property or associate with a nonprofit
corporation or housing authority that is legally capable ofpurchasing real property or that is advising the tenants about purchasing the park in which
the tenants reside.
(b) Submit to the owner a written offer to purchase the park, in the form ofa proposed purchase aud sale agreement, and either a copy ofthe
articles ofincorporation ofthe corporate entity or other evidence ofthe legal capacity ofthe fanned or associated corporate entity to purchase real
(6)(a) The ownermay acceptthe offerto purchaseinthe tenants committee'spurchase andsale agreement,rejectthe offeror submit a
(b) If the parties reach agreement on the purchase, the purchase and sale agreement must specify the price, due diligence duties, schedules,
timeUnes, conditions and any extensions.
(c) If the tenants do not act asrequired within the time periods described in this section and ORS90. 842, if the tenants violate the confidentiality
agreementdescribedinthis sectionorifthepartiesdonotreachagreementon a purchase,theownerisnot obligatedto take additionalactionunder
ORS90.842 to 90.850. [2014c.89 §2; 2015c.217 §11]

90.846Partiesto manufactureddwellingparksale to actin commercially reasonablemanner; negotiationswithnontenantpurchasers

permitted; remedies for violations. (1) During the process described in ORS90. 842 to 90. 850, the parties shall act m a commercially reasonable

(2) Except asprovided in ORS 90. 848, before selling a manufactured dwelling park to an entity that is not formed by or associated with the

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tenants, the owner ofthe park must give the notice required by ORS90. 842 and comply with the requirements ofORS 90. 844.
(3) A minor error in providing the notice required by ORS90. 842 or in providing the financial mformation required by ORS90. 844 does not
prevent the ownerfrom sellingtheparkto anentity thatis not fannedby or associatedwiththetenantsanddoesnot causetheownerto be liableto
the tenants for dainages or a penalty.
(4) Duringtheprocessdescribedin ORS90.842to 90.850,the ownermay seek, ornegotiatewith,potentialpurchasersotherthanthetenantsoran
entity formed by or associated with the tenants.
(5) If the owner does not comply withrequirements ofthis section and ORS 90. 842 and 90. 844, in a substantial way that prevents the tenants from
competing to purchase the park, the tenants may:
(a) Obtain mjunctive relief to prevent a sale or transfer to an entity that is not formed by or associated with the tenants when the owner has not
causedanaffidavitto berecordedbeforethe saleortransferpursuantto ORS90.850.
(b) Recoveractualdamagesortwicetherent fromthe ownerfor eachtenant, whicheveris greater.
(6) If a tenant misuses or discloses, in a substantial way, confidential infomiation in violation ofa confidentiality agreement described in ORS
90. 844, the owner may recover actual damages from the tenant.
(7) TheOfficeofManufacturedDwellingParkCommunityRelationsoftheHousingandCommunityServicesDepartmentshallprepareandmake
availableinfonnationfortenantsaboutpurchasinga manufactureddweUingpark. [2014 c. 89 §3]

90.848Exceptionsto requirements for saleor transfer ofmanufactureddwellingpark. (1) Withregardto a saleortransferofa manufactured
dweUingpark, ORS 90. 842, 90. 844 and 90. 846 do not apply to:
(a) Any sale or transfer to an individual who would be included within the table of descent and distribudon if the owner of the manufactured
dwellingparkwereto dieintestate.
(b) Any transfer by gift, devise or operation of law.
(c) Any sale or transfer by a corporation to an affiliate.
(d) Any sale or transfer by a partnership to any of its partners.
(e) Any sale ortransferofaninterest in a limitedliabUity companyto anyofthe limitedliability company'smembers.
(f) Any conveyanceofaninterestin a parkincidentalto the fmancingofthepark.
(g)Anyconveyanceresultingfromtheforeclosureofa mortgage,deedoftrustorotherinstrumentencumberinga parkoranydeedgiveninlieuof
a foreclosure.
(h) Any sale or transfer between or among joint tenants or tenants in common owning a park.
(i) Any sale or transferinwhichthe parksatisfiesthe purchaser'srequirementto make a like-kindexchangeundersection 1031 ofthe Internal
Revenue Code.
(j) Anypurchaseofa parkby a governmentalentity underthe entity'spowers ofeminent domain.
(k) Any transfer to a charitable trust.
(2) As used in this section, "affiliate" means any shareholder ofthe selling or transferring corporation, any corporation or entity owned or
by any shareholderofthe sellingor transferringcorporation. [2014 c. 89 §4; 2015 c.217 §12]

90.850 Owner affidavit certifying compliance with requirements for sale ofpark; reliance ofparties on affidavit (1) A manufactured
an affidavit in which the owner certifies that:
(a) The owner has complied with the requirements ofORS 90. 842, 90. 844 and 90. 846 with reference to an offer by the owner for the sale or
transfer of the park.
(b) The owner has complied with the requirements of ORS90. 842, 90. 844 and 90. 846 with reference to anoffer received by the owner for the
purchase or transfer of the park or to a counteroffer the owner has made or intends to make.
(c) The ownerhasnot enteredinto a contract forthe saleor transferofthe parkto anentity fannedby or associatedwiththe tenants.
(d) ORS90.842, 90.844 and90.846donot applyto a particularsaleor transferoftheparkpursuantto ORS90.848.
(2) Thefollowingpartieshaveanabsoluterighttorelyonthetrothandaccuracyofall statementsappearingintheaffidavitandarenotobligated
to inquire further asto anymatteror factrelatingto the owner'scompliancewithORS90.842, 90.844 and90.846:
(a) A party that acquires an interest in a park.
(b) A title insurancecompany, or anattorney, thatprepares, famishesor examinesevidenceoftitle.
(3) The purpose andintention ofthis section is to preserve the marketability oftitle to parks. Accordingly, the provisions ofthis section must be
liberally construed in order that all persons may rely on the record title to parks. [2014 c. 89 §5]


90.860 Definitionsfor ORS 90.865 to 90.875. As used in ORS90. 865 to 90.875:

(1) "Buyer" has the meaning given that term in ORS 72. 1030;
(2) "Facility" has the meaning given that term in ORS 90. 100;
(3) "Landlord" has the meaning given that term in ORS 90. 100;
(4) "Manufactureddwelling"hasthe meaninggiventhatterm in ORS90. 100;
(5) "Purchase money security interest" has the meaning given that term in ORS 79. 1070;
(6) "Securedparty" hasthe meaninggiventhat temi in ORS79. 1050; and
(7) "Seller"hasthe meaninggiventhattermin ORS72. 1030. [2001 c.112 §1; 2005 c.22 §70]

Note: 90. 860 to 90.875 were enacted into law by the Legislative Assembly but were not added to or made a part ofORS chapter 90 or any series
therein by legislative action. See Preface to Oregon Revised Statutes for further explanation.

Note:79. 1050and79. 1070wererepealedby section187,chapter445,OregonLaws2001.Thetextof90.860wasnotamendedby enactmentof

the Legislative Assembly toreflecttherepeal. Editorialadjustmentof90. 860 for the repeal of 79. 1050 and 79. 1070 has not been made.

90. 865 Dealer notice ofrent payments and financing. A seller of a manufactured dwelling who is subject to ORS 446. 661 to 446. 756 must
providenoticeunderORS90.870 ifthe manufactureddwellingisto beplacedin a facility andthe seller:

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ht^)S://www. oregonlegislafau-e. gov/bills_laws/ors/ors090. ht

(1) Paysaportionoftherent forthe dwelling;or

(2) Provides financingor assiststhe buyerin arrangingfmancingthatresults ina party taking a purchase money security interest inthe dwefling
andthe seUer knows that a portion ofthe proceeds from the financing is to be used to pay a portion ofthe rent for the dwelling. [2001 c. 112 §2; 2003
c. 655 §59]

Note: See first note under90.860.

90.870Mannerofgivingnotice;personsentifledto notice.(1) A sellersubjectto ORS90.865mustgivenoticebycertifiedmailto theparties

listedinsubsection(2) ofthissectionpriortothedatethemanufactureddwellingisdeliveredto thefacility.Thenoticemustbeinwritingandinclude:
(a) A statement that a portion of the rent is being paid by the seller or out of the proceeds from financing; and
(b) The amountanddurationofrent thatisbeingpaidby the seller orout oftheproceedsfrom financing.
(2) A seUersubjectto ORS90.865 mustgivenoticeundersubsection(1) ofthis sectionto:
(a) The buyer;
(b) The landlord; and
(c) The securedparty, ifany, takinga purchasemoney securityinterestinthemanufactureddwelling. [2001 c. 112 §3]

Note: See first note under 90. 860.

90.875Remedyfor failureto givenotice.Ifa sellerfailstoprovidenoticeunderORS90.870,a buyer,landlordor securedpartywithoutactual

notice that suffers an ascertainable loss asa result ofthe failure may bring an individual action to recover actual damages or $200, whichever is
greater. [2001 c. ll2§4]

Note: See first note under90. 860.

90.900 [Formerly 91.855; 1995c. 559 §32;renumbered90.427 in 1995]

90.905 [1991 c.844 §31; 1995c. 559 §33;renumbered90.429 in 1995]

90.910[Formerly91.857; 1991c. 844§32; 1993c.369 §33; 1993c.580§4; 1995c.559 §4;renumbered90. 155in 1995]
90.920 [Formerly 91.860;repealedby 1995c.559 §58]

90.930 [Fonneriy91.862;repealedby 1993 c.369 §39]

90.940 [Formerly 91.866;renumbered90.450 in 1995]

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