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Funding Loan for Private and Government Projects

Loan Provider:
Financing Master Group headquarter in Egypt.
Group cooperate with prominent banks in USA and Europe in providing funding for any

Minimum Loan Amount: USD 100 million and above

Government Institution:
Collateral from Government Institution can be in the form of
Sovereign Bond, Global Bond, Promissory Note from Minister of Finance (MOF)

Note: Funding against Promissory Note (PN) from Government as borrower will depend on the issuing country and
their credit rating. In some case additional Collateral in the form of Instrument (SBLC) renewable for the loan
period, maybe necessary after the evaluation.

Non- Government Institution/Company:

Collateral from Non- Government Institution/Company to be in the form of Stand-By
Letter of Credit (SBLC) or Bank Guarantee (B.G)
Collateral Value: 25% of Total Loan in General
Note: Financier can assist the borrower to arrangement SBLC at a Fee

Collateral for Mining Companies, in the form of legal document of stock estimation,
production projection, and their contracts with buyers.

Interest Rate: 2% nett per year of loan amount

Note: Interest Rate may varies depending on the project submitted

Loan Disbursement Period:

Loan will be given per month in 4 years, or suitable with the company's project needs

Loan Payback Period:

Payback Period/Tenure ranged in 5 to 25 years

Prepared by: Midori Aw Pacific Prince International, Singapore

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