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Radiating with self-assurance and pride, Heliod represents

all of the radiance and brilliance of the sun. His presence is
a dominating force, as sure as the rise of the sun every
morning, and acknowledged across Theros.
Heliod also presides over matters of faithfulness in oaths
and bonds, and represents justice, retribution, laws, and
kinship bonds.
Cheerful and sociable, Heliod enjoys the company of others
and makes friends easily, however, he’s also prone to
fickleness in his loyalty, turning on friends in retribution.
Heliod prefers the appearance of a sun-bronzed human,
dressed in a golden flowing tunic. He has a noble profile,
and a golden wreath crowns his head. He is fond of also
appearing as a radiant golden stag or brilliant white
pegasus. In all guises, he blazes in radiance, lit by the sun.

Ideal: “I bring a dawn that no night can follow.”
Bond: “My time will come, when every soul will bask in my
glory and obey my law.”
Flaw: “This spear that I have thrown is the spear that felled
my friends.”

Heliod is a potent threat against even high-level characters,
but to give characters a truly mythic challenge, you can
have him call on Unconquerable Sun. His use of this trait
signals a drastic turn in the encounter, as Heliod unleashes
the excoriating radiance of the sun to those all around him.
Fighting Heliod as a mythic encounter is equivalent to 
taking on two challenge rating 30 creatures in one 
encounter. Award a party 310,000 XP for defeating Heliod

after he uses Unconquerable Sun.

God of the Sun
Portfolio Bravery and self-sacrifice, justice, laws, oaths and
bonds, retribution, the sun
Titles The Radiant and the Glorious, the Ruler of the Gods
Home Plane Nyx, Theros
Superior None
Allies Ephara, Karametra, Iroas
Indifferent Nylea, Thassa
Foes Erebos, Kruphix, Purphoros
Symbol A stylized wreath illuminated by a field of stars
Favored Weapon Khrusor, the Sun Spear

Art Credit Jaime Jones / Wizards of the Coast LLC 1

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Heliod is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan
Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards.
Portions of materials used are property of Wizards of the
Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Art (MtG Heliod, God of the Sun) by Jaime Jones.
Fonts are by /u/Solbera, of which /u/Barkalot modified
Template is by /u/ zeek0, heavily modified from a document
by Akshat Bhatnagar.
Heliod design by Ash Mantle.

Art Credit Jaime Jones / Wizards of the Coast LLC Art Credit Jaime Jones / Wizards of the Coast LLC

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