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Name : Andika Dwi Kurniawan

NIM : A320180076
Class : B
1. Marxism
Marxist literary theory is a literary theory that focuses on the struggle of the
proletariat in its struggle against capitalism that oppresses them. Its main feature is that their
success in achieving communism which passes through various stages of the demolition of
capitalism, replacing it with socialism and then automatically reaches the stage of
communism, the background is the feelings of those who are oppressed by capitalists who
only squeeze their energies to fulfill the greed of the capitalist elite and how capitalism has
spread to various sides of life, from culture, education, art, and even health, which uses
dialectical materialism or everything they do solely for money. His main supporters are Karl
Marx assisted by his friend Frederick Engels, Karl Marx was born in Prussia which is
currently Germany, he is a journalist, philosopher and economist, at a young age he joined
the Hegelian group that studied the philosophy of Frederick Hegel which he later adapted by
emphasizing on his materialism, and elaborated with the condition of the workers who were
very oppressed by the capitals in various factories near Karl Marx, then when he traveled to
Paris he met Frederick Engels, a conglomerate boy from England, Engels background
collaborated with Karl Marx is concerned about the conditions of workers who work in his
father's factory who are under pressure to work, are paid little and have to work all day long.
Then they compiled various theories of communism and preached it at the Prudon's
anarchism conference. Then the members of the conference were split into two, some
followed marx and followed Prudon with their anarchism. and how the relationship with post-
structuralism, so these two branches of philosophy have in common that humans are born
equal and independent. and both of these philosophies criticize the existence of a structure or
hierarchy in society, where the existence of this hierarchy tends to cause oppression and is
used by elites to reap large profits, and the difference is that Marxism still wants a just and
prosperous state and the proletariat has a place to contribute. decisions in a state, whereas
structuralism does not require a state and various other forms of institutions. and the seven
concepts of Marxism are historical materialism, surplus value, mode of production, class
struggle, classless society, proletarian internationalism, world revolution.

2. Feminism
Feminist literary theory is a theory that discusses the struggle of feminism in
literature. This theory is based on the awareness of the importance of fighting for women's
rights, children's rights and equal and fair rights for men, this is a study of culture and
characteristics related to the relationship between men and women that goes through various
complex and culturalist dialectics. The characteristic feature of feminist literature is that it
uses soft and soft language that reflects the nature of women, this movement contains aspects
of the struggle to demand equality between men and women, and women get their rights as
humans, this theory also contains the view of female readers mastering male perspectives.
men, so that social inequality does not occur, this struggle for feminism began in 1963 in the
United States, this movement began with the publication of books by Betty Friday and
mystique feminism which contained women who were always victims of secondary sexual
violence in social life and where women were only objects, things This can also be seen in
the Javanese culture, which adheres to 3M, namely "Manak, cook, macak" which means that
women only play a role in bearing children, cooking, and grooming for their husbands, which
of course is very far from fair and equal, and far from humanity. . While the main proponent
of this theory of feminism is Johnson, who argues that patriarchy and injustice are the origins
of oppression. The seven basic concepts of feminism are gender bias, where conditions are in
favor of one gender, injustice, hegemony, patriarchy, liberal feminism and Marxism

Part B
This film is a Canadian production film set in India in 1947 which tells the love story
between Gian Singh and Nasheem Khan, this film comes from a true story when there is a
religious conflict between Islam and the local Indian population, told one day Nasheem Khan
who is a Muslim will move to his place of origin in Pakistan, hearing that all Muslims around
him will be killed at that time, when his trip to Pakistan his group is stopped by an extremist
group who will kill all members of his group, but Nasheem Khan managed to escape and fled
the forest, now on the other hand, gian singh, a former soldier who became a chef, would
look for firewood in the forest, but he heard the cries of Nasheem Khan who was terrified of
the group of killers, after that Gian Singh hid Nasheem Khan in his kitchen, eating and
clothes, long story short, they fell Love and finally got married, after marriage they were
blessed with a child named Vijay Singh, and after the conflict subsided, Nasheem Khan went
to Pakistan to meet his family and left Gian and Vijay in India. When he arrived and met his
family it was prohibited from returning to India due to religious differences between Naheem
and Gian, but in the end Gian died because of a train accident and ended with a sad story.
This film contains the value that what is more important than religion is humanity,
and that is what is now starting to disappear from religious humans, where they are more
deify of religion than deity of God.

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