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Nama : Andika Dwi Kurniawan

NIM : A320180076
Kelas : F
Experience is the Angel Road
By : Emily Dickinson

1. Paraphrase :

“Experience is an Angel Road”

The first part of this poem is to repeat the title, this indicates that this is a very
emphasized and very fundamental thing and from this sentence we can interpret that through
concrete and empirical experience we can know various things or share knowledge more
clearly and light.

“Preferred against the mind”

In the second line, it tells us that sometimes we prefer to go out and seek experiences
rather than reading a text or article that we cannot feel concretely, and for sure we can know
something more completely

“By paradox the mind self”

On this line the poet wants to tell that this is a paradox created by the mind itself, and
in this poem it seems like there are two camps who want to be superior but those who want to
excel instead favor the one camp.

“Presuming it to lead”
In this sentence it explains that the faction that wants to lead instead makes its
opponent lead, and is an explanation of the previous sentence which explains the problem of

“Quite Opposite - How Complicate”

In this sentence the poet feels how complex and complex humans are in their thinking
process, and it is in line with the words of Jalaludin Rumi, who says that humans are not
drops in the ocean but oceans in droplets.

“The Discipline of Man - Compelling Him to Choose Himself”

And in man there is actually a compulsion to choose himself, where he is not allowed
to use other people's standards to apply to himself, and this is just as the essence of
existentialism philosophy is existence before the essence.

“His Pre Appointed Pain”

And there must be pain that must be borne by humans after knowing that we have to
become fully human, that we feel when we grow up and after we let go of all the standards
that we use or understand when we are still not yet mature.
2. Summary the poem
Experience is the Angle Road is a poem written by Emily Dickinson who wants to tell
that experience is a bright way that we use to know various things and in this poem it seems
as if there are two camps fighting for leadership in seeking knowledge, the first camp is
experience and the other one is the mind itself, and in this competition won by the experience
which actually the mind that makes the experience win, how can that be? It turns out that the
experience is a more specific part of the mind which is in charge of seeking knowledge and
of course the mind wins the experience itself, and after the competition is won it turns out
that it is humans who take part in this game, where now they must become completely
human, through complex thinking and profoundly, after that they must completely break
away from the standards that other rods have attached to them before they have these

3. The speaker of the poem Experience is the Angel Road is Emily Dickinson is
American poet Emily Dickinson who composed poetry about humans.

4. The occasion (time/place)

- Time : the description of time in this poem is very relative, depending on
when humans can find their identity, and depending on how much experience they go
- Place : the description of the place in this poem is in humans, because the
upheaval between experience and thought occurs in humans or more precisely in our brains.

5. In this poem speaker speaks to human mindset, This is a medium for talking to
ourselves, because experiences and thoughts are an upheaval that we must experience, and
the application of that thought is also to ourselves, and the expected result is that we become
completely ourselves.

6. The main purpose of the poem is that we have to seek as much experience as
possible in order to get material for the care within ourselves, so that we can become
completely human, even though it hurts but we will get complete happiness if we really
become ourselves.

7. The paradox contained in the poetry

We can find the paradox in this poem on the third and fourth lines "By paradox the
mind self" and "Presuming it to lead"
So, in these two lines of sentences it seems as if there are two camps fighting for leadership,
namely the stronghold of experience and the stronghold of thought, now in this competition
the camp of experience will win automatically from the side of the mind. How come ? we
will examine again that all thought processes, be it experience, theory, etc. are processed by
the mind itself.

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