BA301-sample Questions

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1. Explain briefly the different types of strategies to positioning the products.

2. Explain the Product Positioning Process.

3. Define CLV. What are its uses?

4a)Margin (M) = $65 per customer, Retention spending (R) = $2 per customer, Average length
of customer enrollment = 22 months. What is the CLV for Average Customer?
b)Amazon Prime Charges $3.75 per month, Variable costs are about $0.25 per account per
month. With marketing spending of $2 per year, their attrition is only 0.5% per month. At a
monthly discount rate of 1%, what is the CLV of a customer?

5. Write short notes on “The 7P’s of Marketing Mix” & ”The 4 P’s of Marketing”.

6. Define Targeting. What is the basis of Target marketing? Briefly explain any 2 of them.

7. Write short notes on: a)Exclusive Clustering, b)Overlapping Clustering

8. Write short notes on: a)Hierarchical Clustering, b)Probabilistic Clustering

9. Explain the Conjoint Analysis Process Flow

10. What is a Conjoint Analysis? What are its uses?

11. Explain the 5 steps to use market Positioning to accelerate Organic Growth.

12. Write short notes on Competitor based positioning & Image based Positioning.

13. a)Alliance Broadband wants to know how much each of their customers is worth. Calculate
the CLV for an average client subscription.
Monthly subscription cost: $10
Average retention marketing cost per customer: $4
Average length of customer relationship: 40 months

b)Zomato provides a weekly home delivery service. What is the short term margin for the
CLV formula.
Weekly Margin: $10
Annual spending on customer retention: $175 per customer

14. a)Hathway Broadband wants to know how much each of their customers is worth. Calculate
the CLV for an average client subscription.
Monthly subscription cost: $15
Average retention marketing cost per customer: $14
Average length of customer relationship: 38 months

b)Zomato provides a weekly home delivery service. What is the short term margin for the
CLV formula.
Weekly Margin: $12
Annual spending on customer retention: $165 per customer

15. What is a Market? Write short note on Marketing Funnel.

16. Write short notes on STP Framework and Types of Market Segmentation.
STP is a broad framework that summarizes and simplifies the process of market segmentation.
Market segmentation is a process in which the market is divided according to range of variables
determining characteristics & Tendencies of the market.
The STP Model includes three divisions or steps: Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning.
 Segmentation is a concept which divides the complete market setup into smaller subsets
comprising of consumers with similar taste, demand & preference or like minded
individuals.One market segment is totally distinct from another segment, based on
Gender, Age, Income, Occupation, Marital status, etc.
 The process of creating an image of a product in the minds of the consumers is called as
positioning. Positioning helps to create first impression of brands in the minds of target
audience. In simpler words positioning helps in creating a perception of a product or
service amongst the consumers.
 Target Marketing refers to a concept in marketing which helps the marketers to divide the
market into small units comprising of like minded people. Such segmentation helps the
marketers to design specific strategies and techniques to promote a product amongst its
target market. A target market refers to a group of individuals who are inclined towards
similar products and respond to similar marketing techniques and promotional schemes.

Example of STP:
Marriott International® owns a number of different hotel chains that target specific consumer
groups. For example, Courtyard by Marriott® hotels focus on travelers on the road, who want a
nice, clean place to stay during their trip; Ritz-Carlton® hotels target those who don't mind
paying a premium for luxury; and Marriott ExecuStay® hotels are aimed at professionals who
need a longer-term, comfortable place to stay. As you can imagine, Marriott International doesn't
communicate the same marketing message to all its customers. Each hotel is designed and
positioned to appeal to the unique wants and needs of a specific group.

Market can broadly be segmented by Demography, Geography, Psychography and Behaviour.

• Demographic- based on age, race, religion, culture, family size, ethnicity, income,
education, etc.

• Geographic - based on physical or geographical location of the customer. Needs of a

person from South India is different from a person living in North India due to climatic or
other reasons.

• Psychographic- depends on lifestyle of individuals, attitudes, interests, values help

marketers classify them.
• Behavorialistic- loyalties of customers towards particular brand help marketers classify
smaller groups, each group loyal to a particular brand.

17. What is K-Means Clustering? Explain with an example

 Simplest unsupervised learning algorithms that solve the well known clustering problem.
 AIM: To classify a given data set through a certain number of clusters (assume k clusters)
Main idea :
==>To define k centroids, one for each cluster.
 (Point where the three medians of the triangle meet.)
 Best choice:
1. Place centroid as much as possible far away from each other.
2. Take each point belonging to a given data set and associate it to the nearest centroid.
• Type of unsupervised learning, which is used when you have unlabelled data (i.e., data without
defined categories or groups).
Goal of this algorithm :
• To find groups in the data, with the number of groups represented by the variable K.
• Works iteratively to assign each data point to one of K groups based on the features that are
• Data points are clustered based on feature similarity. 
• Centroids of the K clusters, which can be used to label new data
• Labels for the training data (each data point is assigned to a single cluster)

18. Write short notes on Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering and Divisive Hierarchical
Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering (AHC) is a clustering (or classification) method which
has the following advantages: It works from the dissimilarities between the objects to be
grouped together. A type of dissimilarity can be suited to the subject studied and the nature of
the data. The agglomerative clustering is the most common type of hierarchical clustering used to
group objects in clusters based on their similarity. It’s also known as AGNES (Agglomerative
Nesting). The algorithm starts by treating each object as a singleton cluster. Next, pairs of clusters
are successively merged until all clusters have been merged into one big cluster containing all
objects. The result is a tree-based representation of the objects, named dendrogram.
The divisive clustering algorithm is a top-down clustering approach, initially, all the points in
the dataset belong to one cluster and split is performed recursively as one moves down the
Agglomerative hierarchical method consists of objects in which each object creates its
own clusters and these clusters are grouped together to create a large cluster. ... Whereas,
in divisive the parent cluster is divided into smaller cluster and it keeps on dividing till
each cluster has a single object to represent.
19. What is Self Explicated Conjoint Analysis Method. Explain

20. Explain the Process of Conjoint Analysis

21. What are the components of Product Positioning? Explain any two components.

22. Write short notes on Product Positioning Map and IMC Mix.

23. Hotstar Charges $3.75 per month, Variable costs are about $0.25 per account per month.
With marketing spending of $2 per year, their attrition is only 0.5% per month. At a monthly
discount rate of 1%. IfHotstar cuts retention spending to $1 from $2, they expect attrition rate to
go up to 1%. Calculate the CLV and justify the feasibility decreasing the retention spending.

24. Explain briefly the relationship between Brand Equity & CLV. Explain the Impacts of CLV.

25. Write short notes on Demographic Segmentation & Geographic segmentation. What are the
needs of segmentation.

26. Explain the steps of Market segmentation.

27. What is Exclusive Clustering? What is Overlapping Clustering?

28. What is K-Means Clustering? What is Completeness Clustering?

29. Define Conjoint Analysis, Utility, Part Worth, Additive Model & Interraction Model.
30. Define Pairwise Comparison Method, Self Explicated Model, ACA, Additive Model & CBC.

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