2013 Barbara Mundy Aztec Geography and Spatial Imagination

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Geography and Ethnography

Perceptions of the World in

Pre-Modern Societies

Edited by
Kurt A. Raaflaub and Richard J. A. Talbert

AJohn wi ley & s.ns, Lid., Pubhrtion
--E rffei< diiiion il6r published 2013
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Geog.{h! rd ethnoealh) : pcrccptions ofthc \vorld in pLe nrodcn !)rieties /
cdited l)r' Kur A. lrrtruiLl) rnd Ridu t. A TdLrcr
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ISBN 978 I ,1051 9146 3 (lnrdro\rr : rlk. FlP.r) 1SB\ 978 I rr8 58985 4 (d)t!. :
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I 2013

List of ligrucs
Notes on (bntibutors xi
Scries Fditor's l'rcfxcc xvii

I Inroducti(nr t
Rnbinl J. A. Talbctt dnd Kurt A. R&a|lnab
2 lMlcrc the l'llack Artelope Ro.rrn: Dh.rrm; and Human aieography
h India 9
Chistopltet M;nhot shi

3 Hundrs, De ons, Gods ,t.d Their worl.ls: Th€ Si.red xnd

scicntific Cosmologics oI India 32

4 Structured i']rrceptions ofRc. rrd Imgincd Landscapcs in

Earh Cbina 13
Hli Mei qn$ Hslt

5 \-onin (i)snn)graphv nr ALrcielt China 6.1

lohn B. Hendewtn
6 lGowlerlge of Other Culturcs in Clim's Errlv Linpircs 71

7 The Mississippiin I']eoples' Worlclview 89

Knthben DLVDI

8 ATtec (leography aDd Spatial ImagnratioD 108

Barbara E. Mandr
9 if., w{nl(hiew 128
(:athetin Juli.n

10 Maste6 of the Four Comcrc of thc Hcavcrrs: Vicws ol rhc

Uiiversc in E:1rly MesoirotaDliar Wrinngs 117
riob Mithatoi,thi

Aztec Geography and Spatial


Thc Aztccs were the fiDxl of a serics ol lircar inctigerous empires rhet conrrollcd
r s|.tth of (ochv) .eDtrrl l\{c\ico. Thcir ..rpitil citl, r,as cenrcrcrl in rhc \rrlle\'
ofllc\ico, r regnD notablc lbr irs Cicndc cli xte, ich soils, and ecological dikr'
sitv. lheir predecessors in rhc Villc\,, thc c pirc ofTeotih[ac:rn (fl. liBt cighth
ccrturv cr) ird rhii olTula (fl. tcrllh trclfth certun c!), leli behind li1ric rccor.l
oftheir parriclrhr kind ol spatial xntlgirlirg. But, duing their briclhold on poscr
(,. 1325-1520 cr), drc Aztccs did. Some ofthen records fell into tlc hrn(ls ol
thcir si{tccMr ccntun, conqiLrft,s, Spinia s undcr thc comm.xld ol Hcn]il] Con6s,
\i]lo prcscncd ynne in.l revnked orhers to rid thcir o\\'n impcriil idmmistntion.
Snce these records arc pictogriplic, l-al]lcr tlun $ritten texts, rhey bcnellt fun
visual enelvsis. In rhir chrprcr, trntrl,vsis ofthc pcrtinent rcniining records ofthe
Aztecs rvill ecldrcss thc fbllorirg qucstions: HoN d the Aztecs picturc drc spxtiel
erpiDse oftheir enrpirci \\,}tI crn bc lsccrtiined about,Vtec unrlertenciings of
spa.r f_ro.r their borh thcir sprtial dcscriptors rnd represeDteti(nrs)

Historical Background
While thr Azrec enrpirc hxs. lrrgc pl,rcc in rhc Arl.licitn itnrgirlitiol, its hold
or1 porler *es ictuill! quirc L)rlel. CcrLcrcd in tirc \i.rllcy of Xlerico clLrrng thc
fourteenth lnd ]]Reenth cenrurics, ir hrd bccn crc.tcd bI thc urrrln ofthrcc alrt
?.Nc $iIg.: ab.pctl:t, ot .in'srxtes, I_\'ing .rbour I0 kil.,mclcrs uptrrt (scc -figurc 8.I ).
Begnx lg tu d1e fburtcenrh ccn a., rhc rrnrics ol rhis Triplc Alimcc L,rttlcd rrcigh
bors n the Vallev, ind rhcn bclorLl Crpturcd p.,litics scnr tr $c. rh oftibllc
goods tixisrutts, clodr, Iu\LrT ircms brck to drc 'Iriplc AlLiance cities tbur
.inrcs n yclr, cffichnrg lords ind corx]]oners. E\enturllv, their nrilirin. prowess

Figurc 8.1 Map of dre VJle\ ofM€xi.o. Brbe -1. Mundv

and aggrcssive politics allorad the people of Tcnochtitlin to receive x majorily

sbare. Thcy, alurg witl thc rcside.ts of their sister ciry Tlatelolco, called thcm
sclves the Mcxic.. Due to the bcrclirs oftheir tribute cnlpirc, their islucl c.tpit,:l
in the ccntcr ofthe lakes ofMcnco, fbundcd in 1325 xt thc urgiDg oftheir tutel
arr. deity Huitzitopochtli, gre$ into a city ofvrmc 150,000 ro 200,000 people
bt, rhe early si{tee,th century (Berdan 1982: 1'+). withh this lri8lrly orgrDized
grid plan city, r b ri tlata&n;, or "grert spc.*cr," sat at the aPex of drc social
pvrxmid. At the til11e of conqucsr hc $as Moteuczoma II ind lived in sPlendid
pahces xt rhc center of the ciw, suroundcd by a lage coun, nuncrous wives
and children, xrd cducated .litcs. Thc city lr.rs populate.l by inisins, mcrchants,
pricsrs and urban firmcrs, with .listirlttions bctwccn classes clearly mxmtrincd bv
sumptuary laws. Ihe tribute economy benefite.l thcm all: elites cnjoyed D.,t only
huury goods, but also ftc high standad of living rhat the conquest ccolom,v
\ieldcdi the abundant fbodsrulii coDrtug into the Vrlcy assured dr4 nr nost ycars,
rherc wrs enorgh for Jl.
The two o.1rer members ofdrc Tridc Alliance, the Acolhur ofTctzcoco and the
tribfte economy. So did clites in
TcpaDecs ofTla€opan, likervise bemfited f,-om this
coflquered polities that rmdc up this Azt€c emPirc. They were rewardecl for thcir

conrpliincc. ir sccms, b),nunptu(ur gilis trom dr.ir.onqucros, an.l in nran!

ciscs, rheir lriditioDrl pre con.lucsr prcrogti\cs rrDeh(.l inrchrllcngcd, trs long
rs tril)r,rc \.,rs .LcLn,ered lHodgc 1996). Ekcs Eon Deighhorirg clrics ,riic livcd
in TcnochLill.r]t. and tlreir !)ns, ilorlg $ith sors ofhirh rankirs .,bilitf iiorr
r-iburc pro\irrccs, weie edu.rrcd in Tcno.hritlen s.hools; rhc highcsL rrnking oI
nrcfr s.oul.t be brorght in.o rhc lr1|i tlitodtli\ f-rmih b\, nrlrrri,tg. to llcxi..r
prnlccsscs. lhe lolelt. of colqr crcd rcgrns \rs tunhcr ursuncl b! rhe "hous
ilg" ofthcir secrcd tutch4 d.jN nr i special rcinplc lbr such clrile hostages iD
the Te,nplo tr{.ryor, leDo(hritlan'1 crp.rnsilc rcn]plc precinct. l,iur torcc \.is !.lll
rhc gluc ofrliis inrfc el slstcnr rod co rplirn.c to the Tiplc rUli l.c's quolr tbr
oibutc in ed b! s!- cgic,t[], di(ed nrilirin, erffisons rt rhc liDriers of-, or
rdjicert to, inllcpcodcnt mirdcd strres. A mcrsurc.n pcnnircDt ustabilir\'$is
nrsurd hI hol(l outs to rhis empire. (lerfu;n prc Hisp.I)ic kingdonis, emong thcm
rhe Tlix.rlins, thc'tarescars, ancl the Yopc, rcsisrcd Triple Alliance rmies. encl
rcmiircd oursidc rhe dbutirv rcgn)ns. Thcr pi d a high pice li)r rheir .esistxnce,
rs dlct, \'crc thr frrored rirgct of Tr-4nc ALlirn.c dDies nriking lirrlr fbr crp
tiycs n) lre used in rhc strcdlici.] riruJs. But drey firund rcrcngc.,l a kind; thc
Tlixcihns (crc (tuick ro illl theDrsehcs Nhcn . Spr.ish irnl\, of 300 nndi.rs.
undcr thc .orttrriDd of Hern:in (lortas, ,rptcrrcd h 1519. Along *ith some
disgtuntled t bure paving provinccs, Sp,tnish .urd nn[geD(rs aunies \(nJ.1
togcdrcr brfig cloun thc enrpire in 1521

Neu. World Gcographyf

l\t rhc lpcr ol its po\cr, on rhc cve ofthc corqllesr. rhe ATtcc crryire conrpriscd
rribullr p.r\,irg rcgxDs fronr cennil {e\ico ro in ouqosr on dlc llcili. Corsr ol
Guatcnala. Giien the 1<)ng reich oathcir dornrin, AzLcc lctrd(N arrd Lrr.cau.r.rts
cleulv hrtl hnoNlcdgc of irs sf.tirl c\rcrt. But, to narrorl.appli a ponrt lli(hcl
lirLcault m:rkes nrre Iergcly rl)oul lvpcs.n discoursc, to discuss that space i
teurs ofAztec "geollrlphl) is to rpph.,r dis.iplirc thtrt is ncnher irtinsic nor
rlrt( )chthon( )u1 { Fl )uciln t 1972r 221 Gcogrtrpl\', .rssociatcd \ith rmpni.il s.ic[.c
and a piri.uld kind of dcscriptnnr, his i tr{cditcrt". cllrl pcdiFre ( Clxg(^ c 1985 ).
To bring !:cogriph\''s conccrns to bcrr on Nc\, \'Vo d culnual pr LLcts drat
scrc $ctrtcd vcll bcvond thc bounriaries ofits orbir. is ah!i\.s frrblematic. For
irtst.urc., thc insisterce ur norlern geogrrphic pricticc on rision xnd lerisinrili
tuclc as thc basis firr geognphic represenfurionr clocs nor rh\.r\,s hoid in rbc Nc\r
l\i d. *here '\i!s ol'knoring" erc nor rhrJr.s birscd or sighl. Sincc gcog
r[phr,'s signel vis[al reprcsen.xtirnr. rhc nrtrp] rclics on t orh rcchnL,logics rnd visuil
.onyrDtioDs roote.l in lerisimilitudc, idcrs ibout nrips dr.\r lioD lhc \rcsrcrn
trdititrl caD linrit perccprnn of rhc nngc ot sp,ilitrl conccptions prcsc.t i. the
Ncly Worl.1. Hrrlcl and lltrx|irrd's fbrnlrl.rrion ol r nrip hcLps to ridcu .hc
frranreters of drc nrxp (1987: \!i): "Ntrps rrc gnphic rcpr.scntitior$ that licll
irirc r arhl frldcrsl.ul.ling ol tlirgs, conccpts, conditirns, processrs, or ricnts
Azrr,c GriocRApHy AND STATI-Ar IMA(ilN-\TIoN lIt

in tlc hln n \\1)rld." Wrilc l .lrr\i (r rhis llcllnitn,r, I \!ill also cmfhisizc, in
rhe Azre. crsc, the PcrccPtlrti $,rls ol "lutoNing" thur 80 bclond lisiul A

be.irrse Aztcc space \is not cxclusi!el-\' rePrcsctrc.l bl t|c mtP (rt,-\'is the inrp
.ycn r pri\ilcgcd sitc ol rcPrescnrrr(n), L)ur llso Pelsorificd, ir i lcsrigatior ol
\zrcc spitirl .orcepls \rill also lcid us irto ,\zrec ttlmogriPh\'.
ir is clcrr rhrr r full Azrec ePislcNnogv o1 spice \!ill rever bc rccolcmblc Ihc
nrtcrixl rnccs ofits cjiisrcn(e rrc lirgnrent r: thc Aztcc bq)l$ atrd librades thiL
sLrn,n'crl rhe s.us olcorqLrcst $er€ olicn burrc(l b\' zeilous liixrs; oDL! It b(x)l$
rion bcfirre thc con.tuest or shodl tllcrcaftcr rrc kno$r todx-v (l'llx'lc 20(x):
-231.I lluch of thc inf<rrmrion rbout Azrec cuLturc .omes fionl te\rs $l-itten
bI Eur.,pcxDs or poductd bv nitile imcllcctuals \lorkilrg un.lcr their ruspiccs
Brrus 1973: Gibs.,r ind Gllss 1975). Onc, h thc lirrm ofr ['u()Pc'Ln cn
crclopcdi;, rhe L'Larcntin. C|ttcx. compilcd b! natiYc clites wolkin!! undcr rhc
Iran(iscin Bemirdnro de stth'Jgirn in thc I560s ird 1570s, is pcrh,rfs ftc mosr
iurhorittrilc (sahrgarn 1950 63) l'}aiied Ni.h e dictionrn publishcd tr-i ano$cr
l:rtrn.is(:1n, Aknrso .lc i\'lolina. ilr t 571, thc Vtenlulario en I cngun CLutcllana 1'
vttnann l.Mcmn 1977), rhesc No1ks gn'e us I I'inclos, Jbcir n:rrro$, inro tht
culturc olelitcs bctare thc .onqnest. In n]()'c rccelrt ICirs. thc hrgc bod) o{nu'h
nro.c pcLlesti.rn maredal \4ich {u\ncs tonr iRer thc corLlLlcst, includirg In.lps
Jnd lus[its \aitrcn in Nahut l, rhc domi|inr irdigcnons langr.rgc of
\Ie\i.o. his co inuc.l ft, shrl,c our undcsrrnding .,1 \'hit.ruc bcfbre (Ghss
1975: Class sitb Robersor 1975r Lockhrrt 1992). In rdditiol archreoLogv.
.sp€.ialh in thc ccnrer ofthc Aztec capitrl. continucs to rereil rlorc ruut thc
pre Hisp.rnic $odd (Ilan)s Mocrczrnne 1982; Solis Olguh 2004).
In in rttenrpt, hoNcler pitti. , ro \1)rk $ithin Aztec ..rtcgories, I \i Lrsc i
b.rsl. dnrsi.,11 in in\estigt[ir]g Arte. imPcriil sPicc, an oPPositioll bctNeer t\\'o
reL.rrii,ril tcflns in r-ahuatt, the l:rnguagc olrhe ivlericr rncl the irtpcrhl rongue:
ntltltnc t\id kt.hcd (ln'en duL Nahurl $.ts 11or .r \rirftn l.ll)!im!!e urtil lLrrole:us
intrcdnceLl tLrc l.irin ilfh.rbct, rlrc tclnr xrc taund or v itr P(rt Conquesr
sourccs. but thcsc sccm to rcflccr endu lg lsxgc N"rd. is r fostPositiol\ ,rnd
ir n jcrrcs 'tlc.trb\r'; it wtt ihae nrerns "clc.rr, intelLigiblc" ind is rlso drc
(x)t oI r\-rr,,rl rhc nrme ofthc Aztcc l:ulluagc (lircrilh ".lc,rLr spccch"). Naltu.rc
* as npplicd ro spatial cottccrn:: Ctw anahwLc tt"r.hn tlalPai ("tl\. srttoiidln!,
r.rLcrs. rhe land oftlre tenochci"l was rn cpithcr userl lbr Tcnochtitl:Ln; d/rtl.-
,ah ae nelir tl\c Lcrriroriel limits oli to$n (elolinr 1977: 1bl.'1r). OPfosed Lo
nl) nc is huet.d, n\cxiing "frr ar'.rv," rcoted n1 c comm<n vcrb rir "to be."
Ir (as xssoci,rc.l lvitLr tlnngs ourside drc boivn an.l dnrs conne.ts to cdxrolraPh\':
b$h.D.r, rh alld buthmtlncn ne both rvorrls lirr forcigncn. ln th€ Ilorcntine
Cade\. b &catla.arclcts t,:, dre indigerous cncmies ofdrc Nlcxicl (Ld1'h t 19931
1 3 n. 24 ). llogcrlrer d, bat/h .L.e .an ft trkctl i{) nPrcsc| t nlo oilpositc
poin rs
or i spe.trum olstict,1,1c rclarring ro thc kio$t ind pcrccptible, rhe othcl lo
rhc disrin. el.li pcrccptiblt.
The sytttcc ol nahunt/huclca was cnvrsiored ftrfiirr,, or "hcrc.' Nr,'d, is
ubiquit()us ill pos. (i)lorial Nihmtl dituncnts ucl lcg, \'rirs end it rcIars to

thc immediitc sprce, as docs "hcre" nr English the spacc of the house, or thc
gardeD plot, or the towrr. lvher pairecl with dre tbr pe.,ple (/ara), it n.1t1s
lates as "thc peoplc hcrc," suggesring I so.ial and sp.rri. ui+ charactcristi. of

Nican: Thc Flere and Now

'rhe majoin ofpeoplc living \rithin thc Azte. empirc $crc settlcd rgricuiturists.
Intcnsivc cukivatior w.rs the nom ir the \rellcy of Mexico, thc grcat hightand
basin arrrd Tcnochtitlan, x.hcrc over i miliion peopl( li\cd trt rhe timc of rhc
cr:rnrluest.r Wc undcrstarld socid spac. in rhc Vilky rs r serics ofron.eDtric hier
archies, likc RussirD nesring rtolts (Lockharr 1992: t4-58). The basjc Lnrir ivas
dre nucleir ii.rrnily, beyond rhis thc (xtendcd ltmily, and bc_vond this the .?lpolr.
ot tlaxihctl i, a larger soci. grctrp, probablv occupyirg contiguous spacc. Thc
calpalli \\ie ri;id i]nto the dbeprtl. Urb,m iggl(,ner.tcs tikc ltnochtirlan and
Choluli srenr to hirvc been "supcr ilrcped," conrbinnlg rry,,,, nndcr onc ruter.
or i pair ofrulcrs, rvith popularions in the rcns or hunrlrecls of rhousalcls.
The alt4)ctl the tirdamentrl Lnrir ()1 polirical i.lcntificarion in central
Mcrico, tttuch as thc cit1, strte sas in ancicnt Greece; res;dcnts reIlfed t() them
sclvcs by the ian of thc]j ab.petl A.hcr dnr as.,Aztecs.,,r Thn idenrillceii(,r
nns rcligio$ as well as politi.xl,Lt eac\ nttcletlhacl its oivn spcci:rl tutetuy cleiq,,
gods $ho jo.keycd fbr power within thc cosrros just as rhc rrnics oftheir rep-
rcsentLnve altuprrl did o11 rhe neld. But sctiridertificatn)n sith smiller spatial units
wrs also conrmor. For settled agricuhurilists nr the \hllcl., thc ,i,a, was oRen
the l.nc1s ofthc I.,cal .alpolli, builr up out ofthc individu. plots held and workcd
by erch ftunily. since ,rllrlli
bue.rucrars $erc rcsponsible i)r reassisnirg usuftL,ct
ngbr b de cdlpa i\
cor:,nruml l ds, thc cxrcmive griphic records ol ltuxlholdhg
drey kcpt privilcgcd the spices they conrrollcd and t(x)k thc lbrm of documents
rlc rvould describc as mips ard cadistrll rccor.ls; sixteeDth ccnnjr1. Eumpeins siw
thcm ir rnn.h the samc light.
A sixteenth-cennrry Spadsh olllcial, Alolrso dc Zorita, wrorc thxr a .l,&dli leidcr
"hrs picttrres on r-hich rrc shown ill thc prrcels, and the boundarics, and where
ird \rith whosc liclds the k,ts mcet. and who cultivates lvhar iicld and whit laDd
each onc has" \Zona 19941ll0). One caclasrral rccod ofindiy ual landhold
inss 01 r. 1544 (rearcd in rhc th1)tildcdll; lot ,i74rrlli) of Sinti Mirix Asunc;6n
on thc castern side of rhc Vxllev rcveals the carcfll rccordkceping .har sccms to
hrve beer typicilwirlrir the cdlpolli \Figa]trc 8.2). Sxrti Maria Asunci6n comprisc.l
only 187 households of sm:I1 landhold.rs. ycr n kept exriordiniriiy dcr,ilcd .locu
n1efltatiul. E.ch ofthc 12 divisn,rs ofSanta lvlaria Asunciirn was documcntcd
thlce wivs: \i,ith a ccnsus of all hoNehold mcml,ers, \rith a land rcgislcr show
ing linear measurcmcnt of fie1d!, ind Nith another Land rcgisrcr shoring rrea
measrremcnts and soilt\pes ofthe s,rmc liclds (lvilliams ind H.rncv 1997). lhe
docunrent rcrcils the precise sysrcm ofneasnrement uscd ir the V:lley, capable

*- ^H

E.-, **
J-\t. lJc

Figue 8.2 Dnwnrg itter Cndicc Sanri Mirir AnDcia)n, 1bl 57v, cr' 1544.
B.rbrra E. Mundv

ofrccording both linear and arca measurcs (Castilk) 1972). At the end olthree of
rhe ]m(l register scctions, a scibc $rote a shon gloss The onc on fol. 3Iv is t-vpical:
nd ambt ),|t i tlnt ),n lrbiziahaa, "Herc cn.l the ldrds ol rhe Huitznxhuac'"
The "dcan" .oukl bc reed litetrdlv as rhe sPot on thc book\ pagc $'here the accounr
of thc lands erds, bui giver thirt the book wtrs ProL,ebh' lcrilicd b"v sur\cy, the
"here" crn be iDtcryrcrcd as drc limir ofl<ral boundrries. hus, dris conrert trcrls
nic&rr ro bc a refcrcncc to a ft)cal, krlowr sPace.
Such rcprescntrtnns of thc ,ita, aPpcrr \'!idelv, bec,rusc thc practicc oimap
pirg indilidual plors N,rs not ulxquc ro Sarta Maria Asturcidro, and,:1s Zorita's
obsenation stggrsts, $.ns likely thc norrn in thc Pre conquest Villcv. But it
$.as not just the calpolli ttrar helcl such maps: nrdig€norrs lindholders, prrticularlv
$calthy orrcs, also hckl similar maps rd crdasters o{thcir holdings. Ihcv used
tltcnr to docLrinenr the linds.hey ptused dost to thcir hcirs, and uhcn lands
wcrc disputed. such maps rrd crLlasteN cntcred thc leg rccord, where manl of
thcm sunne todr\'(TaDck Esrrrda, lvlinnda Gircia and Chivc, soto 2005).
Onc ft,ltllre ofrcprcsentations ofrhis ,i,r, is thc ibsence ofi larger relationxl
lield. for hstrn(e, \,hcn nraps ol lrrgc scale plots of land apperr nl s'jlls or in
lawsuirs. therc is oken litdc to show horl'thcse Picces rclate sPatislll to others.


Iigure 8.3 D.rwing .tter I,h o parciil dc ld .iudrd de Mixic(). .teriil, .i. 1565.

fhis is elso rruc of<ue r)f rhc bcst kDovn rcprcsenririons ofthe niea ttoL\\ the
Vallc! ol l"{c-\ic(,. Thc U.mo parcirl dc l.r .tudad dc Nlaico $'is likci} crcir(.1
ak)und thc 1560s, or rnended rrP to thir poinr. lt is in crol.rrous \york.
Dreisurjng sonre 238 x 168 cn. It shilcs soDre c(nn,cntiotu with .hc Coder Sinta
Ilaria Asurciinr, in rhar cach fieltl is carcfullr. idenrificd \\'idr the pic.ognphi. rime
of its oNrcr (|igure 8.3). But it is I lnxp, not a cndastcr, and documcrts a vxst
expansc ofirigated Iiclds. Ea.h fl(x is dcpi.red as hariig r[rghly rhc sart1e dimen
sions (ro ncisu-cincnts are norcd) turd conratns,r svmbot fbr,r horse, with a
profile bead on rop ntachcd ro a pictogrrphic nxDe ofthc ptot,s owner.
ln the l'}lano, the ylst splcrd ofinLlnidual Ecld,s across drc shect. thc disdrc
tivc irrcgrlrritv olroads ar.l witenvxvs, md the singular cruptrr ofrcmdcs rnd
+n'i,rgs sugg,ist thxt rhc rmp \xs thc product ofa visual su1-1,e],, blrr sincc ir irclL es
nranv nbstrxct s_vnrbols \y( canror assrrmc visu:rl vcrisimiliturle to bc rhc rim of
rhc rnist. lhese symbols irclude thc house svmbols, rhc t1anle gl,vphs, thc $.i!y
striations used to dcrote \riter, and rhc lootprints to sho\v roads. llcclusc the
Plano hcks .leir si!!I)s or glosses thar rcltr n) oursi(lc ptrces, its frccisc locitti(,]
has ncrcr been idcndiied, bur recorr scholrrship or rhc n1rp suagcsrs ttrar it.oDr
piscs agriclrltunl lxr.L! (,rcc bcl.,rging ro Tlarclolco and cliimcd bv the Nlcxica
Azrrc Cr()clt-clHy AND STATIAI. IrucrNATl()N 115

of llno.hritl.rl in thc lnid sixrcerth ccnllll! (C. rrck 1973; C'rsteneda 20011)'+
Bccausc this tciriLor-a. eren i1 sc.ue1Y locarcd, \'ould bc Lurdcr thc dense urban
sprarvL olurde r Nlcxico Cirr'. $e mav ncvcr bc surc ro ivhat dcgrcc somc ol its
mr*: "nrnralistic" ftituirs {like thc dimersbns ol ircliriclu]l lindholdnrgs)
mighr bc .(,lvcDtions as Ncll.
Lrgc scale mrps rD.1 cadrsrcrs $erc thns Produccc:l b! k)cxl bLrrcaucEts':rnd
gn,en thc.ertr.tlizcd rrainnrg ol scdbcs in thc ViUc),lhc ciearion ofsuch lttnd
rr:gistcru r'rs lihell a lcrrncLl sldll, bascd or x collcntnDJ rcPrcseDtitioml \oc:1bu
1 -r'. (;i!en thc \\,ide circulrtn,l ofsLrch maps, Vallcv resiclelrs must h1!c.rcccpr"l
rLrcN is u .rppropiiaie r.p-cscntition of rhcir Prfliculxnitrr, be ir rhc "]rcre"
ofthc .alP,/r, or rhe "herc" olrhe houscholcl rhat is, drcse rtprcscnrati(Ds, sh.rpcd
b! lo.el urdcrstxndings oI the ,r.,r, rhcn in runr shrpcci thc pr rnete$ lbr rhc
\'.r\,s rhir thc ,ira, \'as itnrgnred. lhc nrrPs werc rdntrc.1 Lr! SP'J|iards &d q icklv
ibsorbed int., rhc grorrhg Spitish Pricti.e of using naps Js xdnrirlistrtllilc
do.onients irl cour cascs rnd in l rd gr:rnts, thtrs creitirg a vcalrh of lrrgc
'lhcir donrinrn'c
scile rrr.rps nr thc sirtcerth cctlrnn ilvlund! 1996: 180 211)
h thc cristing archilc points to Llre k)c +nlcrc of ,4dli lands rrd nrdn'iduil
plors xs Lrcitlg rhc !ros1 iinliliar sPari.rl nexus ibr rhe mejorirr'ol Peoplcs xr the

Huehca. Bevond. the Horizon

li)r rhc Nlc\ic.r. nirch of thcir immcdiatc enrirons h rhc Villel $Is finiliar
rcnitoff. Thc topograph! of thc Villel itsclf nlusi hele .ontribrtc.l to this idci
oi "krorn spxce" thlotrgh visxm: 1-;rgcd L,! livc l'olcaroes, spcrlr lolcanic ct'rcs
drd rnourtrin nngcs, dlc Vallcv's aPpro{inrrreh 6500 squre LiloL}rcrcrs rPpears
as rn encirclcd rnd closcd spcc. II\,drcgrrphl c(nrrilrutccl as irel| thc grcrr lekes
ofrhc V:rllcr .rrc lcruallv hhnd seis, rccciving rheir rvetcr tiom surxrurctirtg rircrs
c] srreinN, Lrur hayiDg ro nrlLrril outlct. Thc Ville\'\.rs Pcrccive.l as.t closcd
srstcn thureh orlrcr senscs tts Ncll. IGit togcthcr b! netwod(s olregnDd fiIkcls.
bu\ crs end sellcrs \d d nn^,c tln-orgh the \rJlc\', of-r(n trr|cling fiom rgi.ul
Iltlal rrcis to urbrrizcd ones liom d.l\'ro day (Hrssis 1985; Blanton 1996). Elites.
too. *oultl trrrerse tltc \rallc\' es th€! rilkcd n),1crcd sircs to rht Hill oi.he
Star dlnirg Nc\l Fire.cret1ro1lics. ro the Plrrmids ofleotihrrcan, to the srnc
ruarv oirh. EirI god high on Tliloc (Durio 1977: 156 7; Alcni 199I;
To\urscnd 1992). All rhcsc cxpeic1rccs, both Nurd,tr)c and sacred, bl thc resi.1
cnrs oI thc \relley nnrsL l).nlc connibutcd ro a sense ol its integrated w]lolcness.
l'rmctuating this closcd spicc oftLlc \''allc\' \'cre the qucucs of hiLrute bcxfrra dret,
lbrn tnrcs drnnrg thc vc.rr, crrssed olcr thc srurlud g nmrnrriins aDd nrcrgcd
i ro ceDtr.ll Tcnochtithl, lblhNirg routcs ac()ss rhe ntoufrains that rrc m,rlor
tr)trd\als ftto Ntcrico (lin to.l.r\: Pounng alory drc main rrarls, tbc tralllc srrcucd
()g€thcr as it nc cd drc .entcr ol .hc citl. nnssing alolg thc livc c;usewers
rhrt crosscd olcr the shullov lahes. r'hcsc fbrcigners, thcir bicl(s laden with c{otic

goods bundlcs ofbrilliant tropicil pllrmilrc, pors of l-rrgra,lt c.,pxl nrccnse, pilcs
of nrilitary costurnes nraclc fiom fcathcrs rnd sl(ins $,ould ofren halc bren
lisually aod aurlly d;s.irct froD peoplcs of the \.atte\.. Weartug dif]crcnt cloth
irg, sportilg dillerent h,rirstvles or ratt.,os and picrting. speaking I lmguage
different th:rl "clerr speech" of Nrhuatl as thcv sniked at<ng rorcls into ttre
.it', thcsc foreigners would have L,ccr well loorvn to valtev restdcnrs, si$ifien
of a !,!'orld "out ihcrc."
A rntural plicc to l<rrk to grasp tk L ehn. ot e|ei fbr idcxs ibotrt i nDcriit
sprce in gencr;l, would bc dre liDxrus ribute register tbuncl in the pagcs of thc
(i)dcr Mcndoza, a copy ofr prc Hispini. recorLl book, md on. ot rhc iaw kDosr
clocumerts of imperial aclminisrrrtion.s Thc sccond part ol rhc Coder Nlendoza
is an atlas ofcrnpie: each fblio contahs i iisr ofto'vns n1 . ftibur,rr\, rcgi(nr, nanrcd
by pictograplic toponyms affanged rrourd its cdges (ligrrc 8.4). lte ti,vn namcd
at th. rop lcft of the pagc is rhc regioll.ll "head to\ur,, $here rribure voutd
be anlasscd befoe bci11g shpped on ro fic V.llev. ID rtrc ccnter of rtre pagc is a
pictognphic record of rcquired triburc which, t\,picaitv, \.as foodstuf}-i onaize,
bclll$, chia, arrannth) in.l lvovcn clo$, u,irh sornc regn,ns requirc.l tc, suppty
m1)re specillizcd or exotic goods, like cosrlrnlcs, jrde, iDd sold.
This idrs ofenrpire hrs bccn the basis ofcvcrt mr).lern gcogrxphic mip ofrhe
Azlcc domanr, i-orrl Robeft Barhv's pi.jieertug 19,19 srudl, ro the nrost reccrr
rc\.ision by Franccs Berdan ind hcr collaborators ir 1996 These nrodcfll
rcse .hers halc locrted the Mendoza's "head torvls" rnd subsidiary towns, many
of wlich exisr rodnl, or1 rrodern maps, .reatirg reqionsi rogethcr these rc{ions
rnount to an impciil nrp (Figurc 8.5). But bcyoDd rhc tcrritoirl pro\inriry ol
plices nanred on ei(h Nlendoza page, this tribrrc lisr is r.mirkablv urrevellirg
abour thc Aztec .onceptior of rhe cnrpirc as i sp.rtiil erpanse, no bcncr tllllr
r shippirg inventory rvoulcl be.6 }irr i,rstancc, thc order of pagcs documcnting
tribute regi{nls is rfxnged in a roughly rerr ro f3r sequcncc, beginrDg with
tributc collecrior poiDts arolrnd Tenochtitl:l, ord then spn-i iry out countercl.).k
wise tow:1rds placcs lirther aeay. Ifplorted out (,r a gcogrrphi. mxp, this cir. r
rcsenbles the chffrcteristic cornrcr clockwise rorati.nr uscd h nr|rl rl:rees rnd
in ordernrg thc iltcnul hierarchies of xlrepctl. But vithil] thc Co.ler's pages,
spitial di*'crcnccs arc mtrted: e.ch pagc, \yith its standarrl ibruat, Ixrks roughly
thc siDre as fic others, an.i thcrc is no sharp break bcnr.ccn acljaccnt p()vinccs
and fir lway oncs. hsterd, 'llcar" ind "fal' .rc subdc distiictions, sign,lcd lirgcl,v
in c different amouors of tribute go()ds morc iboclstulTs (heaw rnd pcrishrbtc)
t'iom nearby, morc criotic soods fr(,n lir a$..r ind, perhaps, ir crcodcd odd
ities of d1e placc nxnes (Dvkerhoft 1984; Bckiar 1992e).
()f cousc, thc Mendoza is jlrst onc impcriJ rccord ofthe tributarl empir<, am1
it may halc bccn baserl on I rather pcdcstrixr iryert(nt r6cd b\, rhc kccpers of
imperial storchouscs to che.k o1+ soods rcccned (B(rdan 1992b). Thcsc xdn r
istratoN, srarioncd in t]1e miy hxle had faw conccrns rbour spxrial
distanc. or difiarence. Nor should rhc Mendozr's inrportancc ro our geographi.
reprcscnt.rtioD ofthe Aztcc cmpire be allowrd to ovcrshado$ ()ther Azrec iders
A7,Tr,. Cri()cRAIIIY AND SpATrAr, lM-A.crNATroN t17

,r':) l; ti



Iiguc 8.4 Lirkn(Nn.r.at.r, Codcx llendoza, ibl.43r, c!. 1545, dlo$nrg rlrc
tnburc due lion, rhe itgn)n hcr.].d bl'Coiladihu.can. l\1S. Arch. S.ldcn. A. 1.,
fi]. +3r. Rcprcduced on'resv ()IThr Bodl.im Libtut, Unite6iry of O\ii)

olthc ,rrr,?. lhc Me\ici in lcno.hdrlau Drorc corsistentlv reprcsented dre spatitl
e\rcnt oI cmpire in tcrms of ethric dilTcrcncc. T\-o kcv moDunenrs, produced
br t$o .liliircnt Azrcc cnper,s and both situ.rtcd h public placcs in Certral
Tenochtitlun, dcnronstritc this conflarion of sp.rixl md cthric di*ircnce. Thcs.
m(, meffs, fic sicrificial sronc oI lvtoteuczoDr I ind drc Stonc ofTiToc, glorill,
rlr( militirv conqucsrs of tNo enrpe(xs, Nloteuczomr I (1. 1440 68) rnd Tizoc
(r. l4iJi 86), xrd wcrc likch, crcrteLl du Dg their reigns (Wickc 1974; Un$crger
1996 97 lO2). Both ar€ c\liDdrical monolirhs sharirg a simiLar form.rt .u]d
icorrogridr\': drc flat tof is can,ed rith.r bas rclicl sol,rr cmblcm; the sicles ofthe
nrnuments lJc cliriitcd lnro clistin.r s.eres, ard each shovs rhc cnipcror riking

E6 -:__ -.ri=1: :_ a-r- :- ia

.i--, ::-.:- 1=::-:..)

s6 a


.:D :
A21E. (ltsocRApHr ANr) SpArrAr. INrA.rrNArr.)N 119

tsigff€ 8.6 l.rnkniN. creiro, Srone ollzo., d.uil nu\ing Tiro. (1.1i) cofqreLiflg
d,e delN of xochin,ilco i1-ightr, .r.1,185.llarh l-. Nlun.h

thc guisc ofthc Nlerica cleiil l{LrirTilopochrli, ind orcryo$cr his ii)e. Abovc rh.
.Dem! $uior, i pictormph iLlenrifics thc nruc of the Xo.himilco ,/rrlrrl onc
olthe torrns crnquercd b\,rhc trIc\ic.;this figlfe also seirs (]istincrilc cnrblcms
olthe Xochinril.o mrcltrrv ctcity. Ihc ealier sr<ue crcrrcd ri!- lvioLc!.zolni is ilnlo'r
cr)dcxl, buL l s onh, 12 scenes. setarurcd lnro disLin.t p.rDels. Dot 15.
'thc plxccs tizo. is shoslr .orqncring rangc fum nerrbv Culhui. r (tlbour
5 Lim to ihc $uth of ccn.ril Tcno.hrithi), ro distani Tochf,to on the culf
(i)xst. As ir the (i)Llcr iucr1d.,z,r, pli(es Ir armngcLl tionr curb! to hnwiy
but d1e Dr{)nurcirrs otlir no disccdble marke$ oaebsolurc spaLi.rl distance. Irsrea.l.
rr fird e preoccu|ation \inh ctlni( di*-eren(e. [rxrriors trrc drcsscd as.tisrincr
(lniniti.s, \,irh hcrdgcrr rl]d parepheilalir, sLrggcsrirg drat lizoc's nrilir.n-\'
.rnrpiign (llkc thc c.irlier one ofl{otcnczon l) is Dot Drckly . rcrdloriJ o..u
putioD but it di\ire pre()c.ut.riof. Thc sun thar d()nrinetcs rhc rop ofthe nrru
nrcnt Nes i.leDtificd rvidr Huitzilopochtli, ind bv rssoc rion Niih Tenochrirlar
irscli Thus. thc stonc rclcrls aD idcolog) ofrhc bcsicged: len(rcirridin is sho\\ n
{r!-urndcd L,\'drc .irclc ol Lulnntlacn clciLt' t,trliors, but as thc\' ficc oiT rgainst
lizoc trs HuitziLoFochrli, he conqucrs Lhcn, uc1 dre lillht rnd hcit of his sur
pcrmclc his do]t ui This tl1)pc ol TcrlochtithD $ x\is nnridi colored other
mon!mcnts crc.ncd f(r thc l,1.1i.r (To\inscnd r979). Thesc nrnumcnts, ofcourse,
serc impci.Ll prpigeDd! ind porLrul drc empire in f:irh, simplc tems, trlrr thcl
do shrx. how rlre po(criirl ,/rrl,r/ of l (nochrirl,]1l rcprcseuted ihc conqncrcd
sp.rcc olthc cmpirc drlough .r,nL,incd sigrlilicrs o{crhlic ditlerencc, prfticul.rrh
.ostunlc .lrld turclarl, diliniries.
I20 BAnBARA E l\,lrNDY

The static content ofdre Stonc ofTizoc, .ancd into hrrd diorite, rras brought
ro lif| fbr thc rcsiLlcnrs of TcnochtithD n the grcrt public cclcbrrtions hel.t in
rhc cin, borh on a rcgtler monthly Lrisis (the veirtcnr cyclc) md also rt less
rcgolir ;.rcnrls ricLl to inrpedil cempaigDs of corclucst. ln thcsc important
ccrcmonics, trinrcsscd bl thousends in rhe cit,! ind visiton ii.,rr outsi.lc, sfatiil
dimcnsiors o1 rhc cnrpirc scre pcrtbmed rs ethnic differcnce. Wc scc dris rnidll,
wher $c look it r sirglc lLasr hcLd cvcrt, Nolcnrber. This ttist, callcd Ochpir Lzli
("Thc s\eepnrg"), coinc ed rvith LDth fic cr.l olhancs. rnd ore ofthe four
rnnLnl pcio(ls olrribrte collec rn. lts namc conjurcd .r p.,$.crlul mctiphor tirr
r nurdane fenlrle r(iilitv, {,rs also sccn
Vallev rcsidcnts, bcc,rusc swccping, Nhilc
on r.osmi. lelel as r powcrful rrcclnnism fbr \dlL1 ordering. Moreorcr, likc
mrny ofrhe veintena fisti\:Lls, Ochpmitzli cclcbrarcd fcrtiiih, in rlris case, thrt ()1
thc crrrh nrther godtless namerl teoinmt {"Nlo(hcr ofus ill") or Toci ("Our
SrandnDthcl'). At ihc time offie Last, tdbute, \'hicf hrd no doubt been quiedy
nnssc(l ir prolin.ial collectiin poiDts, rxrld bcgin liowi.g into the.it,!, ard
residcnts would l vc bccn treited to the spectacle of strmgc tongucd fareigners
irrning \rith their burdlcs of laarhcrs, brgs of nrcerse, and pots .,1 hoocv. The
nl:rin frblic .el.hriti(N for Ochprllitzli took phcc in lerochtitl.n's nain squirc.
Hcrr, bdliaml\, coshrincd priests end daDceB pedbmrcd i. thc main renple prccinct;
the (erter of drc rrrcrion $.is a \()ur1g \roDan rctirlg rs drc impeNDator or
in.aniition (ir1lrl") (]1 thc deitv T()ci hebelf, destrc.l lbr c:lcarh o. i sicrifi.iJ st.,nc.
Frhnic ud spari. dillbrcncc figured hoth anong $c spccrarirs ard itl drc
pcrfarmance. As in mxN ltc-{ica cclcbratnDs, the lcxdcrs olconquered prolnlccs
Nerc imited, or compcllcd, 1(r rtrend. As they vic\cd thc ccrcnronics, thev woulc:l
havc srix out ti1,n Meicr nobics bccluse ol rhtir distiictivc oflrinrents xnd
hairswlc, as wcll as the col(n ald pxttcms of dre cloels they worc. Thcsc cl<nhs
ma) hale becn i sigr ofN{exica lirgesse, bcc.rusc onc ftpe oftribute con lrg into
rhc cit! \rrs elabontclv \-orkcd cloeks ofspeclfic dcsigns, roren, embnr ercd, ;nd
clvcd by wner wearers io fic prolinces. B) givirg drcsc Prcsrigbus tnburc goods
lo lisitirg Dobilit!, the Mcxici usurped the latter's ight to dccidc ster thev $orc
itlmberger 1996: 103), und cnsured thir the! appcuc(l lisibly .liflirert is thc-r'
sr es spe.tatoN before thc dancing gods end the flasscd rcsiclcnts of the ciw.
Thns. lavered or top ol spr.ial ltacha v* r huilun onc, ilrxt is, sPr.c nrs
rcprcsclltcd and perfirrmed in &c hum,rn cr):lDates ot h ehn: tl1e ti\eigi htt,
rdchdfi.h.\nd bweatl&N. Blttrllese l]lutitlrca\rei-e not mere\' thc spcctators, the)'
were the pe*brmcrs rs \'.11. lor the lrignlcntrff rccorcls ofreintcnr lbstilals elso
*orv thet u.itl r thcir claboRtel) choreognphcd riruils, this spxti:tl ind cthDi.
"othcnress" was pxrt ol lhc (rrine. Most Pro incnrlY fa:1tued at Ochpanirzli
wcrc (irlf(i)rst pcoplcs, rcsidents ofthe hot countrli rnn,rg the sobcl highlar.l
\icxica nablntil. (la\\ rbiding pe(,plt), GulfCo,rsr peoples had a rc]rration far
crccss encl *ubcr:rnt scrLnlit\'. llluirlg thc pc.rk ol e l-evered dxncnrg atrNnd
-foci. figturs costumccl ,rs Hurrrccs ilD thc Gull Cioast, spoting cnormous erect
pcniscs lperhaps mlde of p.rpcr mache), paracled around this earth mothcl deir!
irr i synibolic inseminatio drar i.',rs parrllelcrl bv rhc llov of grx)ds from rhc
AzrE. GFocRArlry AND SrArrAr. livAcrNA-'roN l2l

Gull (besr into the Lrtilc Vrlley. The sacrin.ial lictinrs (likc thc liirl i|cimitirlg
Toci) that ilere ar rhe hearr olall Me\ica rituals, scrc also \.cn probrbl,\'pirt
ol rlris perfbrnrarcc ol ha.Lta.lita Clcndin.cn has convincingly irgucd for rhc
fireignness of the yictinrs (Clendi.nen 1991a: 90), and rlrcir trrcs as sicdlicial
licdnrs hcrrts tdn our and o*lrcd to Huirzilopochtli. bodics dismcmbrrcd
Ims a potenr reminder ()fthe line ber$ecn "us" nlld "thcm," bctnccn iflsidc ard
outsidc, bcnlrcn ncrr ind tir a\l'.r_v.

Nabwac: The Heart of Empire

The perli)rnance ol batlna anLl the nrarki,rg of di*ircn.e bcFvccr thc pcoplc
ofTenochtitlar em1 those outsicle clerired both rheir origin and thclr go. 1io
the consolidatnn ofthe Nl.\ica theDrseh,er, ito ricrc ch.rrgctl L,v a scnsc of
thenrselves:rs a chosen people. One iUexici str,rrc$r srs ro mrrt dilitrcnt€s ir
pcrformrncc and arnvork, and \,ct xnoficr r..rs ro rlign Tcno.htithD, both the
sp.rcc .lnd its pcodcs, to cosmi. spa.c the movemert of.rlestiel boclies, panicu
Lxr1r, thc sun \vhi.h, xs it enanited roral (life hert), rves sern as thc animrrilg
lirrce u thc lrger uriverse (Tounsend 1979). This alignnrenr ofTcnochdthn to
rhe cos c order is signaled b,v the ptuasc Cel anal&nc trituhn tlnrya \"the
uuunrlirg rvrtcrs, the land ofthe Tenochca"). -fhc phrasc "ccrn rnxhuac" .ar
be irterpreted two watn, and I $stect both Ncrc in piiy 1br drc Nlcica. lf it
relers to the o.eus. then it beconres x starcnrcfr ol rllc dnm,ltic nlnbittuns of
the lle\icr fi)r their enrpire - es ;f thesc ,ucicnr irnpcrialists werc chnnnrg rheir
o*n "sca to shining sca." BLrt if ir is rcrd more rarrovly, then it dcclircs
Tcnochtidan ro bc in isl,tnd cxpital, surrounclecl b\' rvarcrs. \\trir lilts this stxte
mcnr liom x topogriphical commonplace is thc conrccrioll it cstrblishes with the
sacrcd phc€ of orignl of AzrleD, in erdicr jslard c.rpitxl th thc Mexica leli,
settirg out or a lolg nligrarxnr ar rhc lrrging of Huitzilopochrli. Azd.n. \ rich
hrd the samc place nr the Merica irugill.rtion as Jerusalcm.lid to luropcrrl
crusaderu. was recreeted in Tcnochrirl.n
'Ihe nlage of Tenochtirla. is drc nc\ AztlaD cokrrs onc of iLs iaw horyrl
represenritiors, lbund h I mrp published to eccompan\.Hcr n Cortts' lerrer
to Ch lcs V, fic Sprnish nx,lar.h (lrisu.c 8 7). This city map, es I h.!c u$ucd
else\+rere (&Iiu y 1998), sis b,rscd o11.rn er ier incligenous m,rp 01 dre ne\i.a
cipital. ID casring hydro$iphy rn.t topography is i disc. rhc odgjnrL artist.lre\i,
on a poverRrl sct of nlctiphoN \isuxl merlphors bcirg tvpic.Ll Azrcc irl
crcrring e kind ol Dctrphodc topogriphy. Azrli. is ris!. h porraled es sirring
jn r disc ofNitcr, trs is thc (itl, of l'enochtirlan h drc nl.lp, where thc isl.nrd
capiral donjnilcs, ancl thr sunrundirg likc is rcsl pcd ro contam nr .\zdrn\
conloul-S. Bo.lics oI\:Lter wcrc r!picillv reprcscnrcd rs blue grcen, and L,hc grccn
.liscs ire , s(, usc.l tr) retrescnr boih lltc sun alcl the solrr vc;r. This:rllimce
of Tenrthtitl:rn \rnh rhc sol.r clisc is a repeared rhcnrc in tr{c:iica art, sern in
monumcnts likc drr Store of lizoc, \i,ln)se rop is donimtcd by rhe inrise ofrhc





AzrEC (,r:(x;rl-{pHy AND Sr,Ar'rAr I,\LAGTNATIoN 123

sur. lhus, !r tlis nr,rp, \\]li.h )lludcs ro bo.h Tcnoch.itlin's conne.ri(,r to Azthn
ind to d1c cn!'s idcDtitl trs thc solur.c.rcr ol drc \vorld, \!c can sec rhc inrprinr
ofthe ]\lcxi(a .osmos.
l he iligrm(nt of thc .in ro thc cosnric ordcr is ,i,ichorcd in rhc ccnrml Fgures
ofrhe nap. Ior nr thc .cntcr, its Euirpcrn mrkcr (lo$ iflingly rrins.riL)e.l dn inrp(,'r
inr.lerxil tion thc Azrcc solrcc. Hcrc appcar rhc l1!if rcniplcs dr donrin.rcd
drc tenrple prec ct of leno(htitl r rnd its skllinc, orc dcdictrlccl 1., drc l-,rirr god
Tliloc. rhe orhcr r() HuitTili)ln).htli. lictween them ippcrrs thc suI $hosc movc
rncnts ilong, dt hodTon \1)Lnd cleile rhe ATtec calen.lir inn) i$ ni) nrain
ritu,i pcrods (l\'I rdsla\. l9l3). As rcccnr c{ca\atiors ofrhc sitc hN.e shorn, rt thc
cquinor thc su. rosc dn-ccrl\.lioni bcFrccn thc clcti in rhc l1vin rcmflc p\1TniLls
}rcm Lhc pojrr ollicN ofr Tcnochrithn rcsidcnr. ir rfpeirc.l is iithc sun were
lircrrlh chr).clcd b) rhc rc'Ulcs, guiLleLl l)I rhcnr ro irs proper plecc in thc sh!.
lhc rn;L ol rhc map drosr fiis rcDflc tre.incr cnornrrslv out ol frotor.ion
&) odrcr ptrrts ol lhc ciq., r slgntrl ol irs inrPorrrncc. Rccnsc it Nas herc thrt nrorthl!
eeicnnirL uroiliccs \rould t. (c pli.c. it n,rs hcrc dltrt clcrtics (oul.l bc mrclc
mrnifisr thrrugh thcir ritual impersonators. So rvhile the nap is iirll of European
conlentions inri)drce.] by its trans( ber, $e can inDetheltss dis.crn drxt its Aztec
nDp \.eighrcd do\r with \.isual .lr!ices signaling rhe sacrcclness ol
thls crl gcogfuphY.
This niip is not ikrnc in irs idcxliTirnrn ot.rhe.i$ ol Tcnochrirhn. Anodrcr
rcndcring olrhc ci$ ;s fi)und rs.he iionrispie.e olrhc Codcx McnLloTtr. As sucl),
iL lcids irro rhc fiAr sccrion of rhc Lrook, llc,rling Nirlr drc conqucst hisrorics
o1 thc ]ncli\,idu.rl nrlcrs of Tcrlochrirliul, i bt.ct snnihr to both tizo.'s xrd
Ilotcucz.,r]I.l l s ..,rq!cst storrc (Figurc 8.8 ). lhe pagc skrrs thc ciry at thc tinre
ofirs tirludnr.s in I325; the grexr laltes slrrolDdinlr rhr cin'irc coDrprcsscd ioro
i rhin redenllle, rnd fiu even cenals are shosr cn.rif!! lhrough thc spr.c dr.u
Nould bcconrc thc cit\'. Iliston is inrpltrnrcd orl tl s topogripht: iround the edge
of thc prgc rre squirc !!h,phs, cich orc n.rnirlg u \cur. .ourriDg out the time
drrr rhc firsr lerdcr oldrc ci6 rulcd. i ligufc rl.rmccl lcnoch rho eppears in thc
|rid.lle ol rhc p.rgc : Tn rhc Ic4 ccntcr of thc pagc, ivhere rhe lcmpl) trLvor
.ondcr \ouLl clcnmtrll bc brilt, $r scc drc caglc, e messcnger of Huirzibpochrli,
$hosc ,r.t of.tlighting ol a nopal cactlrs wxs e frcirrenge(l siSnrl tbr Lhc grthcrc.L
trlc\ica to ir tlre.it\'.
BLir it ls nor onl]. rhis c!c|r drit rrrl(s thc ci6. as a dNinelv chosen ccntcr Thc
i ligclous ,irtist o1 rhc Nlcndo/a page rly, .lrews (m nrct.phoric ropognph\'. hr
using thc . .rls to di\ e fie .it! iDt() faur quidranrs, drc iftlsr nu\ h.ryr becn
rhxrloDg ofthc quaddfirrite dn.isn)ns olrhc sixrccnrh ccnruLl,citl, thlt he loc\..
But the resukant shape ofrhc ciq,, rhxt ofd Siinr tuxlrc\r''s cross, l.as also the
templare uscrl u pre Hisfinic nrrps olrhc \iolc $or1d. hr onc ofthese maps,
fi'om the pie Hispanic ()trlc\ Fcjanir1'Nh\.cr, thc suri.c.,fthe crrth is dnided
ino timr prft, c,rch onc hc].l Lrp b\, ibur \lorki trees, cech flar[e.lby a flir oldciricsj
bcJorrd, ildrough not picturcct herc, \otLlcl be the sun,rnrdins occarr (B'rrl,ud I971:
fir. 1r). ArNrd the e.lge of rhe Cbde\ Fcjtnjn l{i\,cr prgc .rir tenporal
124 BARUARA E. NlrxiDY


Fig{rc 8.8 LrDknorr ...iior, O,.lcr McDdoza, fbl. 2r, cr. 1545' sln)*nlg er
rbrrucred ,nrt ofTeno.htithn ar its tau nrg lts. rvch Scldcn. A. l, nl 2r'
Retrod(ced coutcs! ofThc Bodleian Iib ry, Llni!.Giry of Oxlord

(u,r,rcn.(-(htlorrrrJkrrg,'Jrl,rli"Jrrr( v''D''iL'r''hr(L''re'
ud ienrtoral count on thc margins is found nr rhc Codcx Mendoza as well In
the fusiig ofthc mrudinc sPxce ofthc cit\ with the sa.rcd splce ofthc rurivcrse,
thc trIen.lozx ar.isr wis giving lisiblc shePe to the idea ol Teno'hritlan is t"'
d"atrl1dc: sint)unded by vitcr, a citY it rht ccnrcr of thc ruilersc
\14ri1e only li.rlocnts of this world view x d inrPe.ialist Progrim $ni!c' rhe
ex.rvrtions et ttrc TcmPlo Ma-!(r h 'c rclded to cvidercc ol rhe llcxica ul1dcr
srinditg of thcir crPitrl is x atis mundi and thcir srcrecl Tcnrplo N{alor as a
nricrocosm ol the sorld itself (Broda 1987). Thesc ideas rverc present tn stonc
monunlcnts, nanus(iPt pxintnrgs, and nr public per{ormanccs' The influx olfor
eigncB (be thc,v l(NL], carriers of lribute or clite nnpcrjal guests) r'ho witncssecl
thesc LlispLa)s mcant thrt tr'ltxicr mcssages about thc ccntral phcc ofthcir cit]',
aboui its .orstructions ot nafunc and Lbehcn. t\,e r\Qt en'l thc hr, thc center
ard rhe l,eriphcn, *'erc broadcrst i'idell tlmong botlr neighbors end cncmies
The Me\ica ofTcno.htitlrn claimcd to be possessors ol rhe certcr of thc crrth;
rhe alrrprme around thcm, bc thc,v Jlics or encmics, rverc .rlso merkcel ancl trcatecl
as dilTeicnt, both sprrially rd sociall,!. So ir is littlc surprist tlut when the
AzrEo (;rocRArlIra A,\D STATLAT lMAcrNATroN 125

rfl-ncd, lcd b\, Hcnrlin Coftis, with their superior $r.po.s rncl tllgnnt .lisregard
1br corNcrdonrl rulcs ofergagcmcnt, the /arlralrr, \r.crc all roo rerd_\ to tum
'rgrinst thc NIc cr (Clcrrrlime]l l99lb). In dre line] Llavs ofrhc wtrr, is they were
bcsiegcd in TcnochriLlar\ clrr thcir.losest allies ind part.crs i rhc gl(:rry clars
oi thc Triplc Alliancc, thc Acolhuq woukl tlrrD allainst rhcnr. Ar lcio.hritl r
\,rs staNingl r\colhur mcsscngcrs \yould arrne h rhc.in. ro s.r\, "Lct dre pco
plc of Tcnochtirlan bc left al(xle, iet them pcr;sh br rhcnNchcs" (Loclihart 1993i
263). Thc.n! sooi ftIl, ud idcalism uboLrr it ind its rcl( nr rhe Iargcr
unnerse rould be displiced by ^,lerica
rhc Sprdsh c.,1rquerors, wh() cerricd \1idl rhcm
to Ameican shorcs thcir owr idcrs ibout thc space ofempire.

EuropcrN scDt hin) iigcn,Ns inifnscriprs abroad ii drc cadl si\tccDdr .ennrry, often
as gitis aoii .uLn\iti.si ketr ln peronal .rchies a!.t librrrics, r .u,nirer of dlese hNc
ndn.d t() thc prcscnr An oleniflr oldrh lnnusc,ipt tradidr can be lonndhlloon.
t,)ttrhfin €stin,rres r'or rlie V.Llct ds r \lrolc rrng€ hel1l.,-co I,000,000 ro 2,500,000
tc()tlc (Sander, IrrryrB ud Sddc! I9791.
"Aztc." i\ aLrulh r re n iivemed 5\'nnrct..nth .cnruN rcholanj I nse ir ho. t() nanre
tlrc tribtrtc cmt,na .rcrred bI rhe Tiiplc -AlliDcc.
Etrch our.r N.a,s drc disrincrne h.lsl11c ol\arnor\, mpy,ring rhe idcx ihrt thcse
llclds N.rc orlginrll! hrnded orr {s {r boot\. Sin.. dre \ar h quesrior hrppcned
nr rc lrtc lili..nth .enhrN, drd dris ![p s]s.rc ed $Detune arodd 1565, rhese
own..s nrar hrle bee. nor dre .ortd\ua,1 lr.d holders. ta,r drc onsintrl rccrpierrs
., ,' .- .',.1 '\e'.r ..r,J.',.'. ,.,. lil.l- r, ,C.
Pir f\yo oldre Codex M.rrdoza iti, 2r 16r) r clr]lcr r .of! olrn cirlier mtrn$.dpr,
fie i,tatri*la ic Ti-iblt\! lBtttlai.rfd Dunnd l.r.$ 1980J, or elsc both \cre
derned from a .orDon vN.e Iheir rel.donship is.onrillered bt.BcrdiD (1992b:
56 63). Llecinse Llrc M.nd()^ is dre morc conplctc ()fdie l1ro docurNrts, ir \ill he
dis.nssed herc, L,ur lnnv {)fthe poinrs ibour dtc lvlcnd,)h periijr Lo rhc Nfun1.ul:.
W-nhin rhe prges, ihc o,do of the roporms nighi reflecr fie hic rchv ofnibnre
olle.tiof .eDres, tridr thr nrme.rfdre rcgn )il .ollecrnr ponn [r\t, ta]lo\ved b!
srtr regioo.rl c.ft.rs. tbllotrtd L]1, mb strb .oll..riotr ponns. B. in |oinrs our rlut
ribuLc .ollcdn)n .cnre$ do oor.rlwrys ()i..ide $idl regiondl t,)liricil .{pir.ls olc,nr
qucr.d rcgi(,.s. rs fin oI rr ,Vtc. $rare$ of '!nuri.g" thc p( )lirical pos,cr of f(\ inciil
.lir.s lB.rLlrr 1996: 12.2 1).
Thc iirllowiDg piges ofdris iirsr plr ofthe !hG.,ipr irc like(ise derorc.l t() rhe reisDs
of the su.ceeiing Tcno.he flnirrchs.


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t26 l'IARiARA E. I{uNl)Y

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