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McCauley and colleagues’ findings also Olivia Gautier and Aaron D.

and Aaron D. Gitler are in the through Einstein’s famous energy–mass

raise the exciting possibility that pharmaco- Department of Genetics, Stanford University relationship, E = mc 2, where c is the speed
logically inhibiting STING could decrease the School of Medicine, Stanford, California of light in a vacuum. Some nuclei are radio-
risk of autoimmunity in people who have ALS. 94305, USA. active, meaning that they will decay into a
Indeed, small-molecule inhibitors of STING e-mail: lighter atomic nucleus while producing a few
have been developed, and seem safe and effec- lightweight (and highly energetic) elementary
tive in preclinical models of autoinflammatory particles, such as electrons and the ghostly
disease12. neutrinos. If the mass difference between the
With many studies suggesting that toxic parent and daughter nuclei, Δm, is precisely
RNAs or proteins are produced by the C9orf72 1. Taylor, J. P., Brown, R. H. & Cleveland, D. W. Nature 539, known, the total energy and mass available
197–206 (2016).
repeat expansion, considerable work has 2. McCauley, M. E. et al. Nature 585, 96–101 (2020).
for the elementary particles produced can be
focused on reducing the levels of these prod- 3. Miller, Z. A. et al. Neurol. Neuroimmunol. Neuroinflamm. predicted by computing Δmc 2. This principle
ucts. For instance, antisense oligonucleotides 3, e301 (2016). underpins experiments aimed at answering
4. O’Rourke, J. G. et al. Science 351, 1324–1329 (2016).
(short nucleic acids that bind to RNAs con- 5. Atanasio, A. et al. Sci. Rep. 6, 23204 (2016).
one of today’s biggest questions in physics2:
taining the C9orf72 repeat and trigger their 6. Burberry, A. et al. Sci. Transl. Med. 8, 347ra93 (2016). what is the mass of the elusive neutrino?
degradation) have shown promising results 7. Jiang, J. et al. Neuron 90, 535–550 (2016). Clearly, precise nuclear-mass values are
8. Ablasser, A. & Chen, Z. J. Science 363, eaat8657 (2019).
in preclinical studies7,13. A clinical trial of one 9. Prabakaran, T. et al. EMBO J. 37, e97858 (2018).
useful, but how can they be measured? An
such molecule is under way in people who have 10. Sullivan, P. M. et al. Acta Neuropathol. Commun. 4, 51 atomic nucleus is a charged particle, which
ALS (see If the trial (2016). implies that its motional path can be deflected
11. Ismail, A. et al. J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry 84, 79–87
is successful, it will be exciting to see whether (2013). by a magnetic field. An extreme version of this
boosting levels of normal C9orf72 or mitigat- 12. Haag, S. M. et al. Nature 559, 269–273 (2018). principle forms the basis of devices known as
ing the effects of reduced C9orf72 function — 13. Lagier-Tourenne, C. et al. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA. 110, Penning traps, as used by Rau and colleagues.
E4530–E4539 (2013).
perhaps by targeting the STING pathway — will A Penning trap consists of an extremely strong
have added benefits. This article was published online on 19 August 2020. magnet, which can capture a single deuteron
in perpetual orbital motion, together with
a vacuum chamber containing a stack of
Atomic physics
ring-shaped electrodes, all placed inside the

The deuteron weighs in

magnetic field generated by the magnet.
The measurement principle makes use
of tiny alternating currents, called image
currents, that are induced at the inner sur-
Jeroen C. J. Koelemeij faces of the electrodes by the charge of the
moving deuteron. From these image currents,
Contradictory values for the masses of atomic nuclei have the orbital frequency of the deuteron is deter-
cast doubt on the reliability of these widely used quantities. A mined, which scales inversely with its mass.
new mass measurement of the deuteron, the second-simplest Next, the deuteron is replaced with a carbon
atomic nucleus, clarifies the situation. See p.43 nucleus, the orbital frequency of which is also
measured. The key step now involves taking
the ratio of the two measured frequencies so
that the common magnetic-field dependence
Precise values for the masses of the nuclei cells and define properties of solids, but the cancels out. The deuteron mass, md, is then
of the simplest atoms, such as hydrogen and frequencies of these vibrations ultimately found in atomic mass units, where one atomic
helium, are crucial for experiments targeting depend on the masses of the atomic nuclei. mass unit is defined as one-twelfth the mass of
big unsolved problems in physics. A technique Nuclear masses also provide information the carbon atom.
known as Penning-trap mass spectro­metry
has produced some of the most precise
nuclear-mass values obtained sostyle
far, but the a b
various results do not seem to be consistent Proton electron
with each other. On page 43, Rau et al.1 report Nuclear Electron
an astonishingly precise measurement of decay
the mass of the deuteron — the nucleus of a Neutrino
hydrogen isotope called deuterium. Remark- Rotation
ably, this result also deviates widely from pre- Deuteron Triton Helion
vious values. The authors therefore carried (deuterium nucleus) (tritium nucleus) (helium-3 nucleus)
out a clever auxiliary measurement revealing
that their findings back up those parts of the
Figure 1 | The importance of nuclear masses for physics research. a, The rotating molecule HD+ comprises
‘nuclear-mass puzzle’ that initially seemed to
a deuteron — the nucleus of a hydrogen isotope called deuterium — and a proton. These two particles are
be discrepant.
bound by an electron, which acts like a vibrating spring. The rotational and vibrational frequencies of HD+
The mass values for atomic nuclei represent
reflect the deuteron and proton masses, as well as fundamental laws of physics7,8. But the interpretation of
a rich source of information for research in these laws has been hampered by inconsistent mass measurements. b, A triton (the nucleus of a hydrogen
physics and chemistry. For example, atoms isotope known as tritium) decays into a helion (the nucleus of a helium-3 atom), an electron and an
can bind together to form molecules, and elementary particle called a neutrino. The unknown neutrino mass could, in principle, be determined from
when they do, their bonds resemble vibrating the energy of the decay products2. However, doubt could be cast on the outcome of this approach if the helion
springs rather than stiff rods (Fig. 1a). Molec- mass is not known precisely — and measurements of the helion mass have been contradictory6. Rau et al.1 have
ular vibrations drive biological processes in obtained ultraprecise measurements of the deuteron and HD+ masses that will help to resolve these issues.

Nature | Vol 585 | 3 September 2020 | 35

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In previous such mass measurements, the this remaining inconsistency, and it provides 1. Rau, S. et al. Nature 585, 43–47 (2020).
precision was limited by deviations of the strong motivation for new mass measure- 2. Aker, M. et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 221802 (2019).
3. Zafonte, S. L. & Van Dyck, R. S. Jr Metrologia 52, 280–290
magnetic field from its ideal form, resulting ments of this particle. But perhaps the most (2015).
in imperfect magnetic-field cancellation. valuable lesson to be learnt from this work is 4. Heiße, F. et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 033001 (2017).
5. Heiße, F. et al. Phys. Rev. A 100, 022518 (2019).
Rau et al. therefore used an adjustable super­ that, in the art of precision measurement, no
6. Hamzeloui, S., Smith, J. A., Fink, D. J. & Myers, E. G.
conducting electromagnetic coil to measure result stands completely on its own. Phys. Rev. A 96, 060501 (2017).
these deviations and suppress them by a 7. Alighanbari, S., Giri, G. S., Constantin, F. L., Korobov, V. I. &
Schiller, S. Nature 581, 152–158 (2020).
factor of 100. This suppression enabled md Jeroen C. J. Koelemeij is in the Department 8. Patra, S. et al. Science
to be determined at a remarkable precision of Physics and Astronomy, Vrije aba0453 (2020).
of eight parts per trillion (p.p.t.), making it Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam 1081, 9. Fink, D. J. & Myers, E. G. Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 013001 (2020).

the most precisely known particle mass so the Netherlands. The author declares competing financial interests:
far. However, the deuteron mass measured e-mail: see for details.
by Rau and colleagues is smaller than the
previous state-of-the-art value of md by about
Tumour biology
100 p.p.t. — five times its specified precision3

Cancer cells stock up in

of 20 p.p.t. This situation is reminiscent
of similar large discrepancies in observed
values of the proton mass 4,5, mp, and the
mass of the helium-3 nucleus, also known as
the helion6, mh. lymph vessels to survive
This unfolding nuclear-mass puzzle
seriously hinders experiments at the fore-
Barbara M. Grüner & Sarah-Maria Fendt
front of physics and chemistry. For example,
the simplest molecules in nature are the A cellular condition called oxidative stress can kill cancer
molecular hydrogen ions H 2+ and HD + (a cells. The finding that skin cancer cells evade such destruction
proton and a deuteron, bound by an elec-
tron). Studies of these ions attempt to verify
using lipids acquired while passing through lymphatic vessels
whether quantum electrodynamics — a theory reveals a mechanism that boosts cancer spread. See p.113
that has been extremely successful at explain-
ing the behaviour of particles and atoms — is
also valid for molecules. However, the preci- The spread of cancer to distant parts of a cell-death mechanism that depends on lipid
sion of this theory’s predictions of rotational the body, such as to a compartment of the oxidation10.
and vibrational frequencies of molecular lymphatic system called a lymph node, The authors report that pretreating
hydrogen ions is severely hampered by the indicates a poor prognosis for many types of melanoma cells with the ferroptosis-inhibitor
observed mass discrepancies 7,8. Likewise, the disease. However, for certain tumours, molecule liproxstatin-1 resulted in more
the contradictory mass values could impair such as the skin cancer melanoma, lymph- metastases when the cells were injected into
the outcome of an experiment to determine node removal to prevent this spread does not the animals’ bloodstream than when cells
the neutrino mass by studying the nuclear increase survival time1,2. This finding might were not pretreated. By contrast, melanoma
decay of tritium 2, a radioactive isotope be explained by observations suggesting that cells that disseminated through the lymphatic
of hydrogen (Fig. 1b). the lymphatic system (which helps to maintain system produced the same degree of meta­
To remedy this situation, Rau and colleagues fluid balance and provides immune cells with a stasis irrespective of liproxstatin-1 treatment,
also measured the mass of the HD+ ion using route for their movement) supplies vessels that suggesting that such cells did not undergo
their Penning-trap set-up. From this measure- offer an entry point through which spreading ferroptosis. This finding indicates that, while
ment, the authors extracted the value of the cancer cells can reach blood vessels3,4 on their in the lymphatic system, cancer cells acquire
sum mp + md, and found it to be in excellent way to distant organs. Once they have travelled the ability to thwart a cell-death mechanism
agreement with their values of mp and md there, the cancer cells seed and form secondary that usually impedes their progress if they
obtained from single protons4,5 and deuter- tumours called metastases. Thus, lymph-node move directly into the bloodstream. More­over,
ons, respectively. In addition, all the results infiltration is not necessarily an endpoint, Ubellacker et al. found that the number of
were consistent with a recent and precise but rather a stopover on the cells’ journey melanoma cells in the animals’ lymph fluid was
measurement of the deuteron–proton mass elsewhere. Yet the advantage of this detour higher than the number in the bloodstream,
ratio9, md /mp, as well as with experimental has been unclear. Ubellacker et al.5 reveal on and that cells that disseminated through the
results from rotational 7 and vibrational 8 page 113 the boost that cancer cells receive in lymphatic system were more likely to form
spectro­scopy of HD+. These successful consist- transit through the lymphatic system. metastases than were those that did not. This
ency checks suggest that the authors’ precise Cancer spread, or metastasis, is an ineffi- finding is remarkable, because it shows that
value of mp and the current value of md, both of cient process6,7, and many cancer cells die in only particular environments induce ferro­
which might have seemed discrepant at first, the bloodstream. A major contributory factor ptosis, and it suggests that melanoma cells
are reliable, after all. is oxidative stress in tumour cells. Studies have that move through the lymph system and then
Despite Rau and colleagues’ major found that antioxidant treatment to block exit into the bloodstream are more likely to
advance, one piece of the mass puzzle still such stress causes an increase in the number survive than are cells that do not pass through
stands. Multiple ways of determining the of tumour cells in the bloodstream, and a rise the lymph.
mass difference mp + md − mh have produced in cancer spread to distant sites8,9. Oxidative Ferroptosis requires phospholipids in the
inconsistent results depending on whether the stress can induce several types of cell death, cancer-cell membranes to be unsaturated
newer mass values or older reference values but Ubellacker and colleagues show in mice (meaning that the molecules contain carbon–
are used. The authors’ work suggests that the that human or mouse melanoma cells in the carbon double bonds that can be oxidized),
mass of the helion, mh, might be the source of bloodstream are killed by ferroptosis (Fig. 1), and this type of cell death also requires iron10.

36 | Nature | Vol 585 | 3 September 2020


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