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Acta Tropica 120S (2011) S12–S18

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Soil-transmitted helminth and other intestinal parasitic infections among school

children in indigenous people communities in Davao del Norte, Philippines
Vicente Y. Belizario Jr. a , Francis Isidore G. Totañes a,∗ , Winifreda U. de Leon a ,
Yvonne F. Lumampao b , Raezelle Nadine T. Ciro a
National Institutes of Health, University of the Philippines Manila, 623 Pedro Gil St., Taft Avenue, Ermita, Manila 1000, Philippines
National Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Department of Health, San Lazaro Compound, Sta. Cruz, Manila, Philippines

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A significant portion of the population in the Philippines consists of indigenous people (IP) groups, approx-
Received 4 June 2010 imately 9% or 8.1 million. Data on the health status of these groups are very limited including the status
Received in revised form 15 February 2011 of soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections. Provision of such data will be of great importance in the
Accepted 19 February 2011
formulation of policy on control and prevention of these diseases in this group. This study was conducted
Available online 9 March 2011
in selected villages/barangays in the municipalities of Carmen, Kapalong, San Isidro and Sto. Tomas in the
Province of Davao del Norte in Southern Mindanao, Philippines. Parasitologic assessment was performed
using Kato-Katz to qualify and quantify STH infections, while nutritional status assessment was based on
Indigenous people
hemoglobin determination and on nutritional status indicators, i.e., weight-for-age (WFA), height-for-
Intestinal helminth infections age (HFA), and body mass index (BMI) for age derived from anthropometric measurements. A total of 572
Neglected tropical disease school children participated in the survey, 264 (46.2%) of whom belonged to a specific IP group. Results
Soil-transmitted helminth infections showed that 34.1% of the school children had at least one STH infection while 5.9% had heavy intensity
infections. Cumulative prevalence in IP school children was significantly higher than in non-IP children
with rates at 39.0% and 29.9%, respectively (P = 0.021). Overall prevalence of school children with below
normal WFA was 29.9%, while prevalence of those with below normal HFA and BMI for age was 42.8%
and 14.9%, respectively. Of those examined, 8.3% had below normal hemoglobin levels. There was no sig-
nificant difference observed between the nutritional status parameters of IP and non-IP school children.
The parasitologic parameters reported in this study signify the need to pay more attention to IP children
who are at higher risk of morbidity due to helminth infections. Access of IP communities to quality health
services, which include mass drug administration (MDA) and health education on a regular basis, must
be ensured. Further studies to determine factors that contribute to the higher prevalence of STH among
IP groups are recommended.
© 2011 Elsevier B.V. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.

1. Introduction study that served as a baseline for the Integrated Helminth Control
Program (IHCP) of Department of Health (DOH) noted an overall
Soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections, or infection with cumulative prevalence of 54.0% and prevalence of heavy intensity
Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura and hookworm, rank first infections of 23.1% (Belizario et al., 2009).
among all communicable and non-communicable diseases in the Children ages two to four years old as well as elementary school
school-age population of developing countries worldwide (World children, ages 5–14 years old, are at highest risk for STH infec-
Bank, 1993). In the Philippines, intestinal helminthiasis remains tions due to poor personal hygiene, frequent outdoor exposures and
a major public health concern. In a study involving elementary high risk behavior (WHO, 1998). These children are most prone to
school children in selected sites in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao, significant morbidity especially those with chronic untreated infec-
the cumulative prevalence, which is the positivity for at least one tions. A. lumbricoides infection has been known to cause permanent
type of STH infection, was 67% (Belizario et al., 2005). A nationwide growth deficits apart from acute complications such as intestinal
study also revealed that 66% of preschool children were infected obstruction, biliary disease, appendicitis and peritonitis (de Silva
with STH (de Leon and Lumampao, 2005), while a much recent et al., 1997). T. trichiura infection affects the child’s cognition and
the general well-being (Nokes et al., 1992) and has also been associ-
ated with diarrhea and rectal prolapse (Callender et al., 1993; Bundy
∗ Corresponding author. and Cooper, 1989). Hookworm infection causes chronic intestinal
E-mail address: (F.I.G. Totañes). blood loss that may eventually result in iron-deficiency anemia and

0001-706X © 2011 Elsevier B.V. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.

V.Y. Belizario Jr. et al. / Acta Tropica 120S (2011) S12–S18 S13

hypoalbuminemia (Hotez et al., 2004; Stoltzfus et al., 1997). Nutri-

tional deficits due to STH infections in early age may result in severe
and long-term consequences (WHO, 2003). STH infections are also
recognized as a cause of school absenteeism and poor academic
performance. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends
preventive chemotherapy as a means to control STH infections. This
strategy is implemented through mass drug administration (MDA)
in endemic communities (WHO, 2006).
In addition to STH infections, other intestinal parasitic infec-
tions are also endemic in the Philippines. A study by Belizario et al.
(2007a) showed a prevalence of 31.8% for schistosomiasis among
students in Agusan del Sur. Among those examined, a little more
than half (54.4%) had moderate to heavy intensities of infection. In
another study in Surigao del Norte, Echinostoma sp. was reported
in 11.4% of examined residents (Belizario et al., 2007b). An excep-
tionally high heterophyid infection rate of 36% was also reported
in Compostela Valley (Belizario et al., 2004).
A significant portion of the population in the Philippines consists
of indigenous people (IP) groups, approximately 9% or 8.1 million
of the total population. Among the indigenous-population are the
Ata Manobos, Bagobos, Dibabawons, Mandayas and Mansakas who
inhabit the Davao region (NCIP, 2007). These ethnic groups, con- Fig. 1. Map of the Philippines showing the province of Davao del Norte and the four
study sites.
sidered as one of the disadvantaged sectors, may be considered to
be more susceptible to diseases such as STH infections, dengue,
filariasis, malaria, diarrhea, malnutrition and other skin infections, tion like name, age, sex and grade level of students. The IP children
compared to the general population (WHO, 2009). Data on the were initially identified with the help of school authorities and
health status of these people, which includes the status of STH class advisers. This information was verified by the children when
infections, are very limited. Therefore, provision of such data will they were asked to specify the specific IP group to which they
be of great importance in the formulation of policy on control and belong.
prevention of these diseases in this group.
This project aimed to determine and compare the prevalence 2.2. Study design
and intensity of STH infections in IP and non-IP school children in
selected communities in Davao del Norte where the IHCP of the A cross sectional study design was utilized to determine
DOH has been implemented for almost three years. In addition, the prevalence and intensity of STH and other intestinal par-
the project aimed to describe and compare the nutritional status asitic infections in the school children surveyed. A total of 11
of these two groups through anthropometric measurements and barangays with notable IP populations were chosen from the four
hemoglobin level determination. municipalities, at least two from each municipality. According to
WHO guidelines (1998), 200–250 individuals for each ecologically
homogeneous area are adequate in order to evaluate helminth
2. Methodology prevalence and intensity. In order to address the possible drop-
out of participants, approximately 100 grade 1 to grade 6 IP
2.1. Study site and population and non-IP elementary school children were targeted for each
municipality for parasitologic and nutritional status assessments.
Davao del Norte is located in the Davao Region in Mindanao, Purposive sampling was used for the selection of the schools, where
Southern Philippines (Fig. 1). It is bounded by the province of approximately 40–50 participants per school were targeted. The
Agusan del Sur on the north, Davao Gulf and Davao City on the recruitment of participants was done through convenience sam-
south, Compostela Valley on the east, and Bukidnon and Davao pling.
del Sur on the west. Davao del Norte is subdivided into 8 munic-
ipalities and 3 cities with a total population of 847,731 (NSCB, 2.3. Parasitologic assessment
2007). Seven major IP groups occupy Davao region. Of these, the
Manobo and Bagobo groups are the most numerous (NCIP, 2007). The parasitologic assessment was conducted in November 2009
The Manobos occupy most of Davao del Norte, while the Bagobos before the conduct of MDA for filariasis. Stool cups were distributed
are found in the northern part of Davao del Sur. Their major means to both IP and non-IP children in the selected schools who were ori-
of livelihood is agriculture which is supplemented by hunting and ented on appropriate collection instructions. One stool sample was
food gathering. They perform roles similar to non-indigenous Fil- collected from each student at least one day after the orientation.
ipino families where men are generally given a higher regard These samples were sent to the field laboratory for processing and
in terms of decision-making and leadership, while their women analysis as described in the WHO Bench Aids for the Diagnosis of
occupy a subordinate position in the society (Mensh, 2009; Uchem, Intestinal Parasites (WHO, 1994).
2001). Parasitologic assessment using Kato-Katz (using approximately
The study was conducted in schools in selected barangays in 41.7 mg of stool) was performed to qualitatively and quantitatively
the municipalities of Carmen, Kapalong, San Isidro and Sto. Tomas. describe the presence of STH infections. One Kato-Katz slide (with
These barangays were selected based on the presence of IP popula- one aliquot of sample) was prepared from each stool sample. Micro-
tion in the area, accessibility, peace and order situation, no history scopic reading of the slides was done the same day after processing,
of MDA for STH infections within the last three months and will- from a few minutes to about 2 h after preparation. This posed as
ingness of the local government units (LGUs) and tribal chieftains a limitation in the detection of hookworm eggs, which may be
to participate. School class lists were utilized to obtain informa- affected by the clearing effect of glycerine. Raw egg counts were
S14 V.Y. Belizario Jr. et al. / Acta Tropica 120S (2011) S12–S18

multiplied by 24, a constant value, to derive the number of eggs et al., 2001) and standard cut-off levels for hemoglobin (Henry,
per gram (epg) of stool. For the purposes of this study, moder- 1984).
ate and heavy intensity infections (WHO, 1998) were considered
heavy intensity infections. Kato thick for qualitative parasitologic 2.5. Data analysis
assessment was performed when the amount of stool submitted
was not adequate. Trained microscopists from the University of Chi-square test or Fisher’s exact test, whichever is appropriate,
the Philippines Manila-National Institutes of Health (UPM-NIH), were employed to examine association or differences of propor-
DOH-Provincial Health Team Office (PHTO) and the Davao del tions based on parasitologic and nutritional status of IP and non-IP
Norte Provincial Health Office (PHO) processed and examined school children. The level of significance was set at 0.05. Statistical
the stool specimens. Capacity building for improved microscopic analyses were performed using STATA 11.
examination of stool specimens was also conducted for local
microscopists. 2.6. Ethical considerations
The accuracy and reliability of parasitologic assessment were
maintained through quality assurance measures. These mea- The proposal was approved by the UPM-NIH Institutional
sures involved proper collection of stool specimens, utilization Review Board. A consultation meeting was held prior to project
of fresh reagents, execution of appropriate laboratory tech- implementation where procedures and requirements for obtaining
niques, meticulous examination of processed specimens, and consent and approval from the community and other key persons
accurate reporting of findings. Slides positive for Echinostoma were discussed. Under the supervision of the provincial National
sp., Enterobius vermicularis, heterophyid and schistosome eggs Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP), the municipal tribal
were referred to an expert microscopist for cross-checking chieftains of the selected municipalities were informed and ori-
and validation. Initially, at least 10% of all slides were re- ented on the proposed project, and verbal approval from the said
examined blindly by a reference microscopist to ensure accuracy leaders was obtained. Community resolutions from each of the
of microscopic readings. Due to results of quality control (QC) selected municipalities were obtained from the respective munic-
of initial microscopic readings showing low sensitivity, all neg- ipal tribal leaders.
ative slides were reread as part of maintaining quality control. Study participant codes were used to replace identifiers, i.e.,
The results of the slide validation were considered in cases of name, age, grade level and school. A master list of names and cor-
discrepancies between the initial and the quality control read- responding codes was created and kept for reference. All results of
ings. parasitologic assessment were written opposite the codes and were
held confidential. Only authorized personnel from the research
2.4. Nutritional status assessment team were allowed to access the results.
All school children received albendazole for STH as part of the
Anthropometric data were taken from children who submitted yearly MDA for filariasis elimination in November. Those infected
stool samples and who were present during the time of weight and with other intestinal helminths (Schistosoma, heterophyids) and
height measurement. Height measurement was performed with those with anemia were referred to the DOH-PHT for appropriate
the aid of a measuring tape attached to a 6 × 1 × 3 wooden plank treatment.
and a 12-in. plastic ruler in place of a microtoise. The wooden plank
was secured by taping the upper- and lowermost ends onto a flat 3. Results
wall. The children were requested to remove their footwear, and
any headgear, hair clips, and hair bands that may obstruct with the 3.1. Parasitologic assessment
height measurement. A ruler was placed on top of their heads, per-
pendicular to the measuring tape, and the reading was taken from A total of 572 school children participated in the survey, 264
the top of the ruler at eye level. Height was then read and recorded (46.2%) of whom belonged to specific indigenous groups. The IP
to the nearest 0.1 cm. children who participated in the study were composed of Ata
A calibrated spring-scale or simple bathroom scale was used Manobos (67.4%), Dibabawons (17.4%), Mansakas (5.7%), Bagobos
to measure weight. This was placed on a firm level surface. Each (4.2%), Mandayas (3.4%), Aetas (1.5%) and Maranaos (0.4%). The
child was asked to stand at the center of the scale platform with- sex distribution between the IP and non-IP group was homoge-
out touching anything, barefoot, in minimal/light clothing and with neous (P = 0.86). Mean age of the study participants was 9.91 years
empty pockets. The weight was measured and recorded to the near- (SD = 2.2). Age matching was not done, which is a limitation of
est 0.1 kg. this study. Children in the non-IP group were younger by approx-
Nutritional status indicators, i.e., weight-for-age (WFA), height- imately five months compared with the IP group (P = 0.031). The
for-age (HFA) and BMI for age were derived from weight and height main characteristics of IP and non-IP school children are presented
measurements. WFA was computed for children ages 10 years and in Table 1.
below while HFA and BMI for age were computed for school chil- Results of the parasitologic assessment revealed that 195 of
dren ages 5–19 years. The students were classified as below normal, the 572 IP and non-IP school children had at least one STH infec-
normal or above normal according to the standards based on the tion, giving a cumulative prevalence of 34.1%. The most prevalent
WHO Growth Reference (2007). STH infection was A. lumbricoides infection (20.1%), followed by
A portable hemoglobin analyzer (HemoCue® Hb 201+ , Angholm, hookworm infection (11.9%) and T. trichiura infection (11.7%). A
Sweden) was used to determine hemoglobin levels in children. comparison between IP and non-IP school children showed a signif-
Blood was collected by fingerprick using a lancing device with icantly higher cumulative STH prevalence in the IP group (P = 0.02).
disposable lancets, and blood was allowed to fill a microcu- Analysis also showed that the IP school children had a significantly
vette. The blood-filled microcuvette was placed in the cuvette higher prevalence of A. lumbricoides compared with non-IP chil-
holder of the analyzer. After approximately 15–60 s, the mea- dren (P < 0.001), while the prevalence of T. trichiura and hookworm
surement from the analyzer screen was recorded opposite the between the two groups were not significantly different (P = 0.81,
identification number of the student participant on the nutritional P = 0.23, respectively) (Table 2).
assessment form. The cut-off value used to identify below normal Of the 572 stool samples examined, 510 were assessed using
level was 11.0 g/dL as specified by the machine handbook (Lewis the Kato-Katz method. The overall prevalence of heavy intensity
V.Y. Belizario Jr. et al. / Acta Tropica 120S (2011) S12–S18 S15

Table 1
Age and sex of IP and non-IP school children who participated in the study (November 2009).

Overall IP Non-IP P-value

No. of school children 572 264 (46.2) 308 (53.8)

Sex, no. (%)
Male 249 116 (43.9) 133 (43.2)
Female 323 148 (56.1) 175 (56.8) 0.855a
Age in years, mean (SD) 9.91 (2.2) 10.08 (2.0) 9.70 (2.3) 0.031b
Chi-square test.

Table 2
Comparison of the prevalence of STH and specific STH infections in IP and non-IP children in selected municipalities in Davao del Norte (November 2009).

Parameters Overall IP Non-IP P-valuea

No. (%) No. (%) No. (%)

Examined (KT + KK) 572 264 308

Positive for STH 195 (34.1) 103 (39.0) 92 (29.9) 0.021
Positive for A. lumbricoides 115 (20.1) 70 (26.5) 45 (14.6) <0.001
Positive for T. trichiura 67 (11.7) 30 (11.4) 37 (12.0) 0.810
Positive for hookworm 68 (11.9) 36 (13.6) 32 (10.4) 0.232

KT = Kato thick; KK = Kato-Katz.

Chi-square test.

STH infections was 5.9%. There was no significant difference noted 3.2. Nutritional status assessment
in the prevalence of heavy intensity STH infections between the
two groups (P = 0.1). Light and moderate to heavy infections with Anthropometric data were gathered from 556 of the 572 chil-
A. lumbricoides were significantly higher in IP children than in non- dren who submitted their stool samples (with 358 children who
IP children (P = 0.07). The differences in the distribution of infection were 5–10 years old). Of the 358 children, 107 (29.9%) had below
among the intensity classes of T. trichiura and hookworm infections normal WFA. Among the 556 participants, the proportion of chil-
between IP and non-IP children were not statistically significant. dren with below normal HFA and BMI for age was 42.8% and 14.9%,
The prevalence of heavy intensity STH infections and the distribu- respectively. Nutritional status data showed higher prevalence of
tion according to the intensity of a specific STH infection are shown below normal WFA and HFA and lower prevalence of below normal
in Table 3. BMI for age among IP children as compared with non-IP children.
The most common co-infection was seen between A. lum- However, the noted differences were not found to be statistically
bricoides and hookworm with an overall prevalence of 5.8%. significant (P > 0.05) (Table 5).
In addition, co-infection between these two species among IP Of the 555 children with measured hemoglobin concentrations,
children was observed to be significantly higher than in non- below normal levels were observed in 8.3% of the participants.
IP children (P = 0.038). There was no significant difference in Prevalence of below normal hemoglobin levels was observed to be
the prevalence of other co-infections between IP and non-IP higher in IP school children (9.6%) than in non-IP children (7.1%),
children (Table 4). Other findings included infections with het- the difference of which was not statistically significant (P = 0.3)
erophyids (5.6%), Schistosoma japonicum (1.2%), E. vermicularis (Table 5). The overall mean hemoglobin level of IP and non-IP
(1.0%), and Echinostoma sp. (0.2%) in a small minority of chil- children was 12.57 ± 1.19 g/dL which is above the cut-off value of
dren. 11.0 g/dL.

Table 3
Prevalence of heavy intensity STH infections, distribution according to intensity of each specific STH infection, and geometric mean egg counts per STH species in IP and
non-IP children in selected municipalities in Davao del Norte (November 2009).

Total IP Non-IP P-value

No. (%) No. (%) No. (%)

Examined (KK) 510 232 278

Heavy intensity STH infections 30 (5.9) 18 (7.8) 12 (4.3) 0.100a
Positive for A. lumbricoides (KK) 101 (19.8) 60 (25.9) 41 (14.8) 0.002a
None 409 (80.2) 172 (74.1) 237 (85.2)
Light 72 (14.1) 42 (18.1) 30 (10.8)
Moderate–heavy 29 (5.7) 18 (7.8) 11 (4.0) 0.007a
A. lumbricoides GMEC (epg) 2.77 5.12 1.51
Positive for T. trichiura (KK) 58 (11.4) 26 (11.2) 32 (11.5) 0.914a
None 452 (88.6) 206 (88.8) 246 (88.5)
Light 57 (11.2) 25 (10.8) 32 (11.5)
Moderate–heavy 1 (0.2) 1 (0.4) 0 (0.0) 0.666b
T. trichiura GMEC (epg) 0.70 0.68 0.71
Positive for hookworm (KK) 63 (12.4) 34 (14.7) 29 (10.4) 0.149a
None 447 (87.7) 198 (85.3) 249 (89.6)
Light 62 (12.2) 34 (14.7) 28 (10.1)
Moderate–heavy 1 (0.2) 0 (0.0) 1 (0.4) 0.135b
Hookworm GMEC (epg) 0.79 0.97 0.66

KK = Kato-Katz.
Chi-square test.
Fisher’s exact test.
S16 V.Y. Belizario Jr. et al. / Acta Tropica 120S (2011) S12–S18

Table 4
Co-infection rates between and among STH and S. japonicum in IP and non-IP children in selected municipalities in Davao del Norte (November 2009).

Total IP Non-IP P-value

No. (%) No. (%) No. (%)

Examined (KT + KK) 572 264 308

A. lumbricoides + T. trichiura co-infections 19 (3.3) 11 (4.2) 8 (2.6) 0.300a
T. trichiura + hookworm co-infections 13 (2.3) 7 (2.7) 6 (1.9) 0.574a
A. lumbricoides + hookworm co-infections 33 (5.8) 21 (8.0) 12 (3.9) 0.038a
A. lumbricoides + T. trichiura + hookworm co-infections 10 (1.7) 6 (2.3) 4 (1.3) 0.376a
Any 1 STH + S. japonicum co-infections 2 (0.3) 0 (0.0) 2 (0.6) 0.190a

KT = Kato thick; KK = Kato-Katz.

Chi-square test.

4. Discussion plished through program monitoring and evaluation, taking into

consideration access of the IP communities to health services like
Results of the parasitologic survey showed an overall cumula- MDA, access to and utilization of sanitary toilets, access to health
tive STH prevalence of 34.1%, almost 40% lower than the cumulative education, as well as knowledge, attitudes and practices, pertaining
prevalence reported in the baseline survey of school children for to personal hygiene.
the IHCP initiated about three years ago (Belizario et al., 2009). A. lumbricoides prevalence among IP school children were signif-
Similarly, prevalence of heavy intensity infections was 5.9%, almost icantly higher compared with non-IP children, while the prevalence
75% lower compared with that in the initial survey (Belizario et al., of T. trichiura and hookworm between the two groups were not
2009). The lower prevalence rates and much lower intensities of significantly different. The finding which pertains to the difference
infection may be a result of ongoing helminth control initiatives. in A. lumbricoides prevalence is consistent with a previous study
These include deworming in schools under the DepEd conducted where A. lumbricoides prevalence was found to be higher in indige-
every January and July and MDA for the National Lymphatic Filar- nous children than in urban children. Similarly, the previous study
iasis Elimination Program (NFEP) conducted every November in reported no significant difference between T. trichiura prevalence
endemic areas. rates among indigenous and urban school children (Scolari et al.,
Cumulative STH prevalence observed in this study was signif- 2000).
icantly higher in IP children than in non-IP children. This finding Other intestinal helminths were observed in this study. They
is consistent with results of studies from other countries wherein were identified as Echinostoma sp., E. vermicularis, heterophyids
indigenous people were more commonly infected with parasitic and S. japonicum. It may be important to look at knowledge and
infections compared with non-indigenous groups (Scolari et al., practices in the community that contribute to the transmission of
2000; Hotez, 2008). Evidences show that ethnicity, particularly these helminths (Belizario et al., 2004). Praziquantel is the recom-
in conjunction with poverty, contributes strongly to disparities mended treatment for schistosomiasis and food borne helminths
in health between population groups (WHO, 2007). The United such as Echinostoma sp., and heterophyid infections, while alben-
Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (2005) declared dazole or mebendazole is recommended for E. vermicularis (Drugs
that children born into indigenous families often live in remote for Parasitic Infections, 2002). Control of these parasitic infections
areas where governments do not invest in basic social services. The treated with praziquantel may be integrated as part of the Schis-
major consequence of this issue is that indigenous youth and chil- tosomiasis Control Program. This drug-based approach may be
dren have limited or no access to services such as health care and applied in putting together the different control programs by tak-
quality education. These IP communities may have limited access ing into consideration the different helminths that are treated by
to sanitary toilets and clean water, a condition which contributes the same anthelminthic drug (WHO, 2006).
to increased risk of transmission of STH and reinfection (de Souza Double infection with A. lumbricoides and hookworm was
et al., 2007). It is also important to look into the factors that may observed to be significantly higher among IP school children com-
predispose IP children to helminth infection. This can be accom- pared with non-IP school children in this study. Polyparasitism

Table 5
Comparison of the nutritional status indicators between IP and non-IP school children in selected municipalities in Davao del Norte (November 2009).

Parameters Total IP Non-IP P-value

No. (%) No. (%) No. (%)

No. of school children aged 5–10 yrs old 359 (100.0) 176 (49.0) 183 (51.0)
Below normal 107 (29.9) 53 (30.3) 54 (29.5)
Normal 248 (69.3) 122 (69.7) 126 (68.9)
Above normal 3 (0.8) 0 3 (1.6) 0.360b
No. of school children aged 5–19 yrs old 556 (100.0) 260 (46.7) 296 (53.2)
Below normal 238 (42.8) 117 (45.0) 121 (40.9)
Normal 316 (56.8) 142 (54.6) 174 (58.8)
Above normal 2 (0.36) 1 (0.38) 1 (0.34) 0.673b
BMI for age
Below normal 83 (14.9) 38 (14.6) 45 (15.2)
Normal 469 (84.4) 221 (85.0) 248 (83.8)
Above normal 4 (0.7) 1 (0.4) 3 (1.0) 0.751b
No. of school children aged 5–19 yrs old with determined Hb 555 (100.0) 260 (46.9) 295 (53.2)
Below normal 46 (8.3) 25 (9.6) 21 (7.1)
Normal 509 (91.7) 235 (90.4) 274 (92.9) 0.287a
Chi-square test.
Fisher’s exact test.
V.Y. Belizario Jr. et al. / Acta Tropica 120S (2011) S12–S18 S17

has a considerable impact on children’s health (Beasley et al., anemia is the most common complication. In this study, there
2002). Co-infections in these areas signify combined and increased was no significant difference between the prevalence of ane-
morbidity, and are therefore considered as a public health con- mia in both IP and non-IP school children. Prevalence of anemia
cern (Utzinger et al., 2003). Efforts to increase MDA coverage as among the study participants (8.3%) was lower compared with
well as strategies to improve environmental sanitation and access another local study that reported a prevalence of anemia (21%,
to safe water, to increase awareness and to promote personal hemoglobin < 11.0 g/dL) in elementary school children (Solon et al.,
hygiene and health practices should be considered. Infections with 2003).
other helminths such as heterophyids and S. japonicum were also Cumulative prevalence among IP children was observed to be
observed in this study, which suggest the need to consider delivery significantly higher compared with that among non-IP children.
of drug combinations (albendazole/mebendazole plus praziquan- In addition, A. lumbricoides prevalence, prevalence of moderate to
tel) in co-endemic areas. Safety of drug combinations, looking at heavy intensity ascariasis, as well as prevalence of A. lumbricoides-
adverse reactions, drug delivery systems, and community accept- hookworm co-infections were also found to be significantly higher
ability can be explored. Cost-analysis and cost-effectiveness studies among IP children. These findings signify the need for more atten-
may help assess feasibility of combined helminth control strate- tion to IP children who are at higher risk of morbidity due to
gies. In the same way, many of these parasitic infections are a helminth infections. Access of IP communities to quality health ser-
result of poor environmental sanitation. Improvements in sanita- vices and access to sanitary toilets and clean water must be ensured.
tion by increasing access to sanitary toilets and safe water, and The LGUs, in collaboration with the DepEd, can help guarantee that
efforts towards influencing health behaviors and proper personal these services reach the IP children and are sustained. Prevalence
hygiene can address most, if not all, of these helminths altogether. rates of anemia and below normal anthropometric parameters
A major concern in diagnosis is the limitation in the detection between the two groups were not significantly different. Fur-
of helminth infections by microscopists in peripheral health care ther studies to determine factors that contribute to the higher
settings. In this study, the sensitivity of field microscopists for the prevalence of STH and prevalence of anemia among IP groups
detection of STH infections was low at 64.3%. This low sensitivity are recommended. Program monitoring and evaluation including
exemplifies the continuing challenges in the laboratory diagno- household survey on environmental sanitation, personal hygiene
sis of helminth infections that have been cited in earlier literature and dietary practices, MDA acceptability and coverage may be con-
from the Philippines (Belizario et al., 2007c; Belizario et al., 2008). ducted in order to identify contributory factors. Data from these
Studies show varying sensitivities of a single Kato-Katz smear for studies may be used to create an approach that would cater to the
the detection of STH infections and Schistosoma, from as high as needs of IP communities.
90% (Tarafder et al., 2010) to as low as 8% (Booth et al., 2003) in
areas with low intensity infections. Furthermore, the sensitivity of
Kato-Katz is affected by day-to-day variation in egg output of the Acknowledgments
parasites and the relatively rapid degeneration of hookworm eggs
with time (Knopp et al., 2008). In the case of disease surveillance The project team would like to extend its gratitude to the offi-
for program monitoring, poor sensitivity may provide a less accu- cials and staff of the Department of Health Central Office; the
rate picture of the current magnitude of disease in a given area or DOH-Center for Health Development XI and the Provincial Health
community. This may be misinterpreted as having achieved satis- Team Office; the Department of Education Division Office of Davao
factory disease control. Therefore, there is a strong need for capacity del Norte; the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples Region
building on laboratory diagnosis in different health facilities which XI; the local government units of the province of Davao del Norte
include local health units and hospitals. A quality assurance scheme and the municipalities of Carmen, Kapalong, San Isidro and Sto.
to ensure accurate diagnosis of helminth infections will play an Tomas; and the municipal tribal leaders of the selected municipali-
important role in the prevention of morbidity and complications ties. The team also acknowledges the contributions of Ms. Kara Mae
as well as in the monitoring of disease control programs. Matias for the assistance during project implementation and of Ms.
In this study, it has been demonstrated that 29.9% of all those Kathy Salazar for the provision of support on statistical analysis.
examined (IP and non-IP children) were underweight, and 42.8% Special thanks to the World Health Organization for providing the
were stunted. These rates were higher compared with those research grant and technical support for the study.
reported in the 7th National Nutrition Survey of the Food and
Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) where 25.6% and 33.1% of chil-
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