ID 16545 Final Exam

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Online Final Examination Fall-Evening 2020(H)

Student I.D: 16545 Date: 05/Jan/2021

Course Title: Introduction to Computers Course Code: MIS-302

Program: BBA (2 Years) Teacher Name: Aamir Hussain

Semester: I / II / III Marks: 40


 MUST write your KASBIT Student ID.

 Attempt the Final exam paper by typing on MS-Word.
 Merge this file and your attempted Final exam paper into ONE Single File and convert
this file into Pdf.
 Name the pdf file as e.g. ID-XXXXX Final exam.
 Upload your ONE Single pdf File of Final Exam before the due date and time (By
email not permitted).
 All the students are supposed to concentrate on the assignment on an individual basis.
If the submitted document speaks of any copying, duplication or plagiarism, it shall
stand cancelled.

Q1) Define Search Engines. Also describe the four most commonly used Search


Search Engines:

A web search engine is software that identifies a particular topic-related website, web pages,
photos, videos, news, maps, and other content.

A search engine can also be used to solve mathematical equations, describe terms, and

Bing, Google, and Yahoo! are some of the search engines. There are country based search
engines also exist like “Baidu” is more famous than Google in China and “” is very
popular in Russia.

Search Engines process is based on 3 real time activities:

- Web Crawling
- Indexing
- Searching

Search Engines feed themselves information by visiting website and this process is called
web crawling. Then they indexed the available data/ content based on many factors such as
Website Meta Title, Page Content, Heading, Meta Data or HTML Meta tags.

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So when user search for any query search engine already has the indexed pages along with
keywords and then results appear for user as per search query.

Four Commonly Used Search Engines:

1. Google
2. Bing
3. Yahoo
4. Baidu

Google is the market leader in search engines that capture almost 92% of the total market
share that makes them market leader without any competition. Google keep on updating
themselves by changing their search algorithms.

Bing is the search engine developed by Microsoft’s. It is the default search engine on
Microsoft Products or Microsoft Internet Explorer. Bing holds the market share of around
2.7% of the total internet population.

Yahoo was the first search engine and was very popular in old days. Yahoo is used by
1.47% of the global search engine users.

Baidu market share is about 1% of total search engine users. Baidu is the popular search
engine in China as this is their local search engine.

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Q2_a) Explain the term Netiquette.



Netiquette is a short form of Internet Etiquette. Netiquette in other words, is a set of rules for
behaving properly online.

Netiquette incorporates rules for all parts of the Internet, including the web, web-based
media, Internet informing, talk rooms, online conversations, and FTP. Figure diagrams a
portion of the guidelines of netiquette, concerning on the web interchanges.

Some of the Rules of Netiquette

- Treat others as you would like them to treat you

- Be polite, humble. Avoid offensive language.
- Be careful when using sarcasm and humor, as it might be misinterpreted.
- Do not use all capital letters, which is equivalent to SHOUTING!

Q2_b) Define top level domain. What is the purpose of top level domains? Also give
some examples.


TOP Level Domain:

In essence, a TLD, also known as a domain extension, is what follows the domain name in a
query. The .com in is the top-level domain. These extensions were proposed as
methods to help further distinguish and categorize domains. In the early days of the internet,
the system was much more rigidly categorized according to these TLDs.

A top-level domain was intended to help classify a feature of a website, such as its purpose,
the owner, or the geographical origin. It also multiplied the number of available domain
names, since is not the same as To this effect, six original top-level
domain names were created.

Purpose of Top Level Domain:

A TLD identifies something about the website associated with it, such as its purpose, the
organization that owns it or the geographical area where it originates. Each TLD has a
separate registry managed by a designated organization under the direction of the Internet
Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).

Example of Top Level Domain:

Over time, more top-level domains were added to the original list. Presently, there are
20 generic top-level domains at the peak of the domain name system hierarchy. These
20 generic TLDs can be split into four categories:

 Generic – Domains that are used for general reasons.

o .com
o .info
o .net
o .org

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 Generic restricted – Domains that must be used for their intended purposes
o .biz
o .name
o .pro

 Infrastructure – Meant solely for aiding the DNS infrastructure. The only TLD
within this subcategory is .arpa.
 Sponsored domains – These can only be utilized by companies or entities tied
to these industries including:
o .aero
o .asia
o .cat
o .coop
o .edu
o .gov
o .int
o .jobs
o .mil
o .mobi
o .tel
o .travel

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Q3) Write HTML code to create a form of your own choice. Include all the form elements.
Also insert the output of the in your MS-Word final exam file.


<TITLE> Student ID: 16545 | Name: Ammar Ali Khan </TITLE>
<h1>Purchase Request Form</h1>
<b>Employee ID: </b> <Input type="text" Name="ID" Value="" size=2

<b>First Name: </b> <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="FirstName" VALUE=""

placeholder="First Name"

<b>Middle Name: </b> <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="MiddleName" VALUE=""

placeholder="Middle Name"

<b>Last Name:</b> <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="LastName" VALUE=""

placeholder="Last Name"

<b>Phone Number:</b> <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="LastName" VALUE=""


<b>Designation: </b> <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="FirstName" VALUE=""


<br> <br>

<b> Items Request: </b><br> <br>

<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="Items Request" VALUE="">Stationary <br>
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="Items Request" VALUE="">Softwares<br>
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="Items Request" VALUE="">Groceries<br>
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="Items Request" VALUE="">Recreational Items<br>

<br> <br>

<b> Department: </b><br>

<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="report" VALUE="">Admin<br>

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<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="report" VALUE="">Finance<br>
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="report" VALUE="">Human Resource<br>
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="report" VALUE="">Sales<br>
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="report" VALUE="">Marketing<br>
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="report" VALUE="">Legal<br>

<br> <br>

<b>Budget Range:</b><br>
<OPTION VALUE="Amount">50,000
<OPTION VALUE="Amount">40,000
<OPTION VALUE="Amount">30,000
<OPTION VALUE="Amount">20,000
<OPTION VALUE="Amount">10,000

<br><br> <br>

<b>CEO Approval Remarks:</b>

<TEXTAREA NAME="Comments" placeholder="Approval Remarks" ROWS=5
</TEXTAREA><br><br> <br>

<button type="button">Submit</button>
<button type="button">Reset</button>


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Q4) Write a program which generates the table of any number which is input by the user?
(5 Marks)


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Q5) Refer to the data given below and answer the following questions by creating pivot
tables. Copy paste the data in Excel and create a pivot table for each question. Take
the screenshot of each of the pivot table in the Excel file and insert it in your Final exam
word file.

a) What is the total amount sold in each month? Arrange the values in ascending order
b) What is the minimum order amount in each region?
c) What is the total amount of order received by the company in each month region wise?
d) What is the total amount of order received by the company through salesperson
Brennan, Michael.
e) In which month did the company get the highest total order amount? Only show that

Note: Put proper headings in your pivot tables instead of row label and column label.


(a) What is the total amount sold in each month? Arrange the values in ascending order

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(b) What is the minimum order amount in each region?

(c) What is the total amount of order received by the company in each month region

(d) What is the total amount of order received by the company through salesperson
Brennan, Michael.

(e) In which month did the company get the highest total order amount? Only show
that month.

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Q6) There is just one mistake in the following programs. Mention the statement where
that mistake lies and then correct that mistake: (10 Marks)


i) #include<stdio.h>

int main ()
int num;
scanf (“%d”, &num);
printf (“The value is %d”, num);
getch ( );
return 0;

ii) #include<stdio.h>

int main ()
int num;
num = 22;
printf (“The number is %d”, num);
getch ( );
return 0;

iii) #include<stdio.h>

int main ()
float grade = 1;
printf (“The grade is %f”, grade);
getch( );
return 0;

iv) #include<stdio.h>

int main ()
int years=25;
printf (“My age is %d years”, years);
getch ( );

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return 0;

v) #include<stdio.h>

int main ()
int number;
for (number=3; number>1; number--)
printf (“Number = %d\n”, number);
getch ( );
return 0;

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Q7) Refer to the data given below and fill the values in missing columns using appropriate
function/formula. Copy paste the data in Excel and apply the formulas / functions. Take
the screenshot of the Excel file and insert it in your Final exam word file. Also show all
the functions / formulas applied in the Final exam file (only for the first employee).
(6 marks)

Note: Plagirism is strictly prohibited specially from Q3 to Q7

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Formula for H.R Rate

Formula for H.R

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Formula for M. RATE

Formula for MEDICAL

Formula for GROSS

Formula for Tax Rate

Formula for TAX

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Formula for NET SALARY

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