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Our Stories, Our Selves

Interactive Presentation Notes

Part 1: Warm-up

Warm-up Response

What are some of the reasons that students may not

engage in, or even read, the texts we study in Literature
classes? Quickly brainstorm as many potential reasons as
you can think of in the right-hand column! (You may use
bullet points for this.)
Part 2: Now You Try! Books as Mirrors, Windows, and Sliding Glass Doors

Books as Mirrors Response

Think back to your own reading

experiences as a young person. What was
a book you read in which you felt like
you truly saw yourself? In what way was
this text a mirror that made you feel seen,
known, and understood for the fullness of
your humanity?

Books as Windows Response

Now, consider your experiences with books

that gave you a “window” into a different
experience of humanity. What was a book
you’ve read that showed you an entirely
new perspective, human experience,
etc.? What was powerful about that book?
Why has it stuck with you after all this time?

Books as Sliding Glass Doors Response

Consider your “window” book. Can you

think of a moment in that book in which
you were able to step into the world of the
characters and empathize with them?
What allowed you to open the “sliding
glass door” and become part of the
world of this text?
Part 3: Historically Responsive Literacy Framework

Branch #1: Literacy as Identity Meaning Making Branch #2: Literacy as Skills

Branch #3: Literacy as Intellect Branch #4: Literacy as Criticality

Historically Responsive Literacy: Unit Plan Template
(Adapted from Cultivating Genius)

Using the HRL Unit Plan template below, as well as the #DisruptTexts homepage, #DisruptTexts resource guide, the Social Justice
Books project, and/or any other resources online, work with a partner to either swap out a text or add a new text that will diversify
your curriculum. See how far you can get with mapping out a rough conceptual outline for a new unit that you could potentially teach!
Name of Unit/New Core Text

Grade Level

Branch #1 - Identities:

How will your teaching help your students to learn

something about themselves and/or others?

Branch #2 - Skills:

What skills, standards, etc. are you teaching?

Branch #3 - Intellect:

How will your teaching build students’ knowledge

and mental powers?

Branch #4 - Criticality:

How will your teaching engage students’ thinking

about power, equity, and disruption of oppression?

Layered Texts:

What set of texts (e.g. novels, poems, songs,

photographs, podcasts, etc.) can you use to
engage students in the above learning goals?

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