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Dear Parents and/or Guardians,

I am writing to you to discuss the importance of culturally sustain writing and how your

student will incorporate cultural sustainability into their work. Culturally sustaining writing

encourage students to not only use their culture from home in school, but to maintain them. The

goal of incorporating culturally sustaining content in my classroom is to create an environment

that promotes diversity and cultural awareness. All students should feel safe and comfortable in

the class and that begins with them being comfortable with themselves. Through out the school

year, students will have opportunities to write in ways which allow them to not only have the

freedom to choose, but also the freedom to incorporate their own culture and background in their

writing. Ideas I had as activities include writing about a scientist from the same background or

culture as them, researching scientific discoveries around the world, and just learning how

science comes from all backgrounds and cultures. To me, I feel like this is essential in having a

classroom that is culturally sustaining, as students should be able to bring their own culture and

background into the work they do.

Science and culture are subjects that do not always meet, however there are core

standards that the students can meet while having both in mind. The common core standard

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.WHST.9-10.2 is an English language arts standard that falls into the

“science and technical subjects” for grades 9 to 10, fitting into our 9th grade class content. The

standard, in a nutshell, is that students can write informing or explanatory pieces of writing that

include historical events, scientific procedures/ experiments or technical processes. Naturally,

my thought was that these writings can meet in the middle and contain both science and cultural

information. Students will be able to incorporate science topics and their culture into the course’s

contents. For example, I had some writing activities in mind where students can involve culture

and science in one piece. In my class, writing will be more engaging by including the students’
personal lives and cultures into their work. The goal would be to encourage students to include

their own background and show that science can be culturally diverse.

My hopes for introducing more culturally sustaining writing in my class is to not only

engage students but also make them feel comfortable in their own school. Students should be

able to share their culture and find their interests in a safe learning environment. Another goal is

to make students enjoy their writing by implementing their personal cultures and interests in

hopes that they find the content more interesting. If I were to burden students to write about

something they could not care less about, I would think it would be fair to assume they would

not do as well compared to when they get more freedom and inclusivity. I would hope you as a

parent and/ or guardian would join me in encouraging students to embrace their backgrounds and

interests. I would love to join forces and meet up to review your student’s progress and address

any comments, suggestions, or concerns!



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