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Unit 6: Team Leadership

Managerial Leadership
GLDR 5113
Learning Outcomes
• By the end of this unit, you should be able to:

1. Explain the steps of the Hill’s Model for team leadership and their
2. Comprehend the importance of monitoring team effectiveness; and
3. Understand team development strategies that team leaders can utilise to
promote team effectiveness.
4. Identify issues that affect team effectiveness.
• Today, the extent to which business organisations rely on teamwork is
continuously increasing. Therefore, there is a need for team leaders
to ensure that their teams exhibit high degrees of effectiveness
because such has a significant effect on the overall performance of
their organisations.
• Team leaders can rely on the Hill’s Model for Team Leadership in
executing their responsibilities. The model aims at providing guidance
to team leaders concerning the most effective ways of dealing with
team problems. Some of the activities suggested by this model
include monitoring and intervention.
Today, numerous team leadership models have been designed to assist
team leaders in providing effective leadership to their teams.
Such include the Hill Model for team leadership, which aims at assisting
team leaders in addressing the problems that teams face.
The hill model for team leadership
The hill model for team leadership
• Notably, the model argues that the primary responsibility of a team
leader is to carry out all the necessary actions that are required for a
team to realise high levels of effectiveness.
• It helps a team leader to determine the problems a particular team
faces and provides steps that can be followed to come up with
practical solutions to these issues.
Brief Description of Hill Model for Team
Leadership’s Steps
Notably, the application of this model is advantageous
since it can guide managers within business institutions
in choosing team leaders. Again, it is applicable in
different contexts and firms in various industries.

Nevertheless, the applicability of this model is still

questionable since it has not been sufficiently tested
through extensive application in real-life situations.
Again, its applicability may be limited since it is not
designed to assist team leaders in dealing with complex
situations that their teams may encounter.

Models that are suitable for the modern-day

environment should focus on assisting leaders in
dealing with extremely challenging situations.
Team leaders have to constantly monitor the progress of their teams since this
assist in the achievement of objectives and goals. It assists a team leader in
determining the actual level of performance and comparing it with
predetermined standards of performance. Also, it helps a leader in assessing
whether there are challenges that need to be addressed since they may hinder
a team from achieving its purpose.
Monitoring assists a team to remain accountable to itself and supervisory
authorities in the external environment. Further, it helps the leader to gain the
trust of team members since it enhances their ability to provide them with
feedback about their performance.
Strategies That A Leader Can Utilise in
Intervention aims at optimising the operations of a team by addressing any
relational problems team members may have and promoting their

Team development intervention promotes effectiveness by increasing the

efficiency of team processes and promoting the capacity of individual team
Four Areas of Intervention
Business Team effectiveness refers to a team's ability to achieve the
objectives it has set for itself and realise the purpose for which it was
Critically, team effectiveness influences a company's capacity to meet its
organisational goals.
Factors that Determines a Team Effectiveness
Characteristics That A Leader Can Rely on to
Evaluate the Level of Effectiveness
• Buljac-Samardzic, M., Dekker-van Doorn, C., van Wijngaarden, J., &
van Wijk, K. (2010). Interventions to improve team effectiveness: A
systematic review. Health Policy, 94(3), 183-195.
• Lacerenza, C., Marlow, S., Tannenbaum, S., & Salas, E. (2018). Team
development interventions: Evidence-based approaches for
improving teamwork. American Psychologist, 73(4), 517-531.
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