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Question 1

Month Gold Silver Platinum

Jan 1187 15.83 1213 Case 1.1 Precious Metals - PRICE in 2015
Feb 1284 17.23 1230 1400
Mar 1207 16.43 1189 1200
Apri 1203 16.94 1161
May 1178 16.17 1132
Jun 1189 16.75 1104
Jul 1169 15.6 1083 600
Aug 1085 14.49 962 400
Sep 1140 14.63 1004
Oct 1114 14.57 907
Nov 1133 15.42 976 Jan Feb Mar Apri May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Dec 1070 14.2 841
Gold Silver Platinum

It appears that in 2015, the price of silver reamained low and steady, while
the price of gold and platinum, though higher in value, experienced a a
continued drop in price after July and contiued to decline until December.

Question 2

Country Gold Silver Bronze Total Wins

Russia 13 11 9 33 Case 1.2 Olympic Medals
United States 9 7 12 28
Norway 11 5 10 26
Canada 10 10 5 25
Netherlands 8 7 9 24
Germany 8 6 5 19
Austria 4 8 5 17 2
France 4 4 7 15 0
Sweden 2 7 6 15 ss
ia es ay da nd
y ria ce en nd
at rw na st an ed la
Ru St No Ca rla rm Au Fr er
Switzerland 6 3 2 11 d he Ge Sw i tz
i te Ne
China 3 4 2 9 Un

Czech Republic 2 4 2 8
Gold Silver Bronze
Italy 0 2 6 8
Japan 1 4 3 8
Slovenia 2 2 4 8
South Korea 3 3 2 8
Belarus 5 0 1 6
Poland 4 1 1 6
Finland 1 3 1 5
Great Britain 1 1 2 4 The ten top wining countries show a variation in Olympic
Latvia 0 2 2 4 performance. The amount of total wins ranges from 11 medals to
Australia 0 2 1 3 33 medals. But there is little consistency or correlation between
gold wins, silver, or bronze wins.
Ukraine 1 0 1 2
Croatia 0 1 0 1
Kazakhstan 0 0 1 1
Slovakia 1 0 0 1

Question 3
Name, Last Name, First Sales, total Sales, ProductSales, Product B Sales, Service Date Address Channel Markup
Davis Miles $127.08 $12.89 $38.13 $76.05 9/3/2016 12 Main Stree Internet_1 0.25
Rollins Sonny $177.18 $25.29 $91.21 $60.68 11/22/2016 33 Main Stree Internet_2 0.25
Vaughan Sarah $219.50 $81.00 $65.61 $72.90 7/7/2016 39 Main Stree Kiosk 0.15
Parker Charlie $153.27 $62.08 $46.38 $44.82 1/5/2016 29 Main Stree Kiosk 0.15
Coltrane John $50.50 $8.09 $27.44 $14.97 12/7/2016 11 Main Stree Store 0.25

The affiliate distribution channel has the lowest markup value at 0.1, followed by kiosk at 0.15. Store
and both internet channels 1 & 2 have a markup value of 0.25.

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