QSPII Assignment Question April 2021

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Tunku Abdul Rahman University College ATBQ3122-Quantity Surveying Practice II

Faculty of Built Environment Assignment works



Date of Issue : Week 3 of semester

Date of Submission : Week 11 of semester (29 March 2021)
Date of Feedback : Week 13 of semester


To enable the students to understand the quantity surveying practice with particular emphasis
in their skills in contract administration applicable in various standard form of building

The students are also exposed to contractual problems and case studies where applicable to
enhance their ability to manage contract and ability to analyse contractual issues and
demonstrate their solving skills.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completing this assignment, students shall be able to:

• Recognize the various specific handling of contractual issues.

• Analyse contract clauses in relation to the roles, duties, obligations and responsibilities of
various parties in a building contract.
• Apply the different clauses in the standard form of building contract currently in used.
• Employ the clauses in the standard of building contract in contract administration in
particular related to the professional practices of a quantity surveyor.
• Formulate contractual solutions to contractual problems.
• Develop managerial and entrepreneurial skills through group work.


It is of paramount important to understand the professional practices of a quantity surveyor in

contract administration. The professional quantity surveyor’s services provided to the
employers are recognised as forming one of the important project consultant team. The
quantity surveyor’s roles are recognised as an expert in contract administration.

As projects are getting more complex with contractual problems becoming more
complicated; the skills in the interpretation and in the management of the building contract
are required to minimise contractual problems and claims and to ensure smooth project

This subject provides the students in acquiring the building contractual knowledge in contract
administration which is significant in every building contract.
Tunku Abdul Rahman University College ATBQ3122-Quantity Surveying Practice II
Faculty of Built Environment Assignment works

Topics Covered

To assess the students’ ability in understanding the expressed provisions in a standard form of
building contract. To be able to apply the knowledge learnt to solve contractual problems that
arise in a building contract at construction stage.

The objective of this assignment is to give the students an in depth understanding of the
contractual requirements and ability to exercise the necessary professional advices and
procedures as required by a consulting quantity surveyor when such contractual problems

Assignment Questions

Based on the standard form of building contract PAM2018 (with quantities):

i) In article 4; the name of the Quantity Surveyor is named. Define the word “Quantity
Surveyor” in the contract and illustrate the filling of the space provided.

Discuss Five (5) important professional duties mentioned in PAM 2018 to be discharged
by a Quantity Surveyor during construction stage. You are also required to quote the
respective clauses in the contract relating to it.

ii) Discuss the important of a certificate of non-completion issues by an architect to a


iii) Provide contractual advices to a nominated sub-contractor when a contractor defaults in

honouring progress payment stated in architect interim certificate.

iv) Discuss the contractual procedures in the application of determination clauses in a

building contract.
Tunku Abdul Rahman University College ATBQ3122-Quantity Surveying Practice II
Faculty of Built Environment Assignment works


You are required to form an assignment group of not more than 5 students as assigned to you
by your lecturer to carry out this task.

Each assignment group shall source for their own suitable materials / information to carry this
assignment and complete the necessary and as stated in the assessment criteria form.

Every member in the assignment group is required to participate and contribute positively to
cover the breadth and depth of each question.

Kindly take note that marks (in addition / omission) will be given to individual student based
on his /her contributions as indicated in the assessment criteria form.

All reference materials e.g. books, journal etc used must be included and listed in the
appendix page.

Any group found sharing of materials / information or copy from another group;
disciplinary action may be taken by the university college.


The submission of your group assignment shall consist of the following in sequence of:

• Front cover,
• Assignment brief complete with assignment questions and marking scheme,
• All answers to be typed using times new roman and font size 12 and are required to be
neatly arranged in proper format.
• All answers including all necessary supportive enclosures shall be included in the
• To arrange all numbered pages in proper sequence with a content page in front

Your group assignment shall be properly organised and carried out by all sub-group
members. A sub-group member is required to do one (1) whole question or to share two (2)
questions with another member.

On Week 11; all submissions shall be up-loaded to Google Classwork – Assignment stating
your sub-group number. Penalty marks of 2 marks per day will be deducted for any late
submission and may be liable to be rejected by the lecturer.

Assessment Strategy

This assignment work is part of the coursework which will contribute 50% towards the 100%
coursework marks of this subject ATBQ3122 - Quantity Surveying Practice II.

Any late submission of assignment without acceptable reason or permission from the lecturer
will be subjected to a deduction of 2 marks for each day of delay from the final assignment
marks awarded. .Students who obtain assignment marks below satisfactory level will be
required to make good the assignment.
Tunku Abdul Rahman University College ATBQ3122-Quantity Surveying Practice II
Faculty of Built Environment Assignment works
Marking Scheme (For assessor’s use only)

Assessment Excellent Good Average Poor Weightage Group

Criteria 9-10 7-8 5-6 3-4 0-2 Marks
(i) Important • Works show extremely • Provide good and • Provide reasonable • Inability to show • Content and detail
duties of QS, well plan with complete application, application and proper application contain numerous
quote the relevant application, systematic systematic approach resourcefulness and without good errors and below
clauses approach and good and resourcefulness information with justification. expectation
justification information fair organisation
(ii) Important of a • Evaluation as above • Evaluation as above • Evaluation as above • Evaluation as above • Evaluation as above
Certificate of

(iii Advices NSC • Evaluation as above • Evaluation as above • Evaluation as above • Evaluation as above • Evaluation as above
if contractor
defaults in
(iv) Procedures in • Evaluation as above • Evaluation as above • Evaluation as above • Evaluation as above • Evaluation as above
application of
Individual • Substantial • Fairly good answers & • Basic answers & • Limited contribution of .No contribution. Individual
contribution of contribution of works contribution of works contribution of works works done, unable to Marks
works done, able to complete done.. done, able to meet complete alone & with
the whole assignment requirements. wrong answers.
with right answers..
Student Name(s) 1.
and ID.
Group Leader: Please write the student name & ID Number on each student contribution to the question / questions.

* Students are required to record their respectively contributions on this assignment and to be verified by the appointed group leader.
Tunku Abdul Rahman University College
Faculty of Built Environment
Diploma in Quantity Surveying
Academic Year 2020/2021
ATBQ3122- Quantity Surveying Practice II
Coursework - Assignment

Lecturer In-Charged : Sr. Lim Meng Heok KMN

Deadline of Submission : Week 11 of semester
Date of Submission : 29 March 2021
Programme / Assignment Group : DQS2/ Group..................

Student Name (Student ID No.) Total Marks

1. / 50
2. / 50
3. / 50
4. / 50
5. / 50

Assessed by:

(Lecturer in-charged)

Note: Please fill in and bind this page as the front cover of your group assignment for

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