Foam As A Gas-Blocking Agent in Petroleum Reservoirs II: Mechanisms of Gas Blockage by Foam

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Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 10 ( 1993) 135-156 135

Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam

Foam as a gas-blocking agent in petroleum reservoirs II:

Mechanisms of gas blockage by foam

Jan Erik Hanssen

Rogaland Research (RF), Box 2503 Ullandhaug, N-4004 Stavanger, Norway
(Received November 6, 1992; revised version accepted August 20, 1993)


An experimental study is reported on gas-blocking foam in porous media. The methods used were visual observations
of pore-level events and macroscopic displacement-front movement, an analysis of pressure-driven foam generation ex-
periments in beadpacks, and the measurement of in situ saturation and pressure profiles. A qualitative characterization
of the gas-blocking state consistent with previous observations is developed, including a simple analytical model for the
generation of gas-blocking foam and a description of gas transport through a network of stagnant foam films.

Introduction sure-driven mode being less well characterized

(Hanssen, 1992),
A companion paper (Hanssen, 1993, this is-
The use of foam to selectively control the sue) describes a series of pressure-driven ex-
mobility of injected gases or to reduce gas in- periments with foam in long porous media at
flux into producing wells has been much stud- flow rates and pressure gradients typical of
ied. Since the earliest investigations (Hol- reservoir flow. Foam generation produced low
brook and Bond, 1958; Fried, 1961; Holm and liquid saturations, at which liquid ceased flow-
Bernard, 1964), the behavior of foam con- ing as a separate phase. Gas, then, is the only
fined in a porous medium has been studied by phase entering and leaving the porous me-
two different experimental approaches, de- dium; the flow rate and differential pressure
fined here as rate-driven and pressure-driven. corresponding to an apparent permeability of
In rate-driven experiments, fluids are fed into gas through foam is orders of magnitude lower
the porous medium at controlled flow rates. than that of a foam-free case. These properties
The most common procedure is to coinjeer gas define the gas-blocking state of a confined
and foaming-agent solution into a porous me- foam; essentially transient but often persisting
dium (at some initial saturation state ), until a for months (Holm and Bernard, 1964; Persoff
macroscopically steady state is observed. In et al., 1990). This attracted some interest in
pressure-driven experiments, the inlet and the 1960s (Holm and Bernard, 1964; Grk-
outlet pressures are controlled, flow rates and tekin, 1968; Holm, 1968; Holm and Bernard,
fractional flows are the resultant variables; 1970; Marsden and Albrecht, 1970; Raza,
most commonly gas is injected into porous 1970), but has been less studied in recent years
media saturated with surfactant solution and than the flowing steady state (De Vries and
residual oil. A recent status summary pointed Wit, 1990; Heller and Lee, 1990; Persoffet al.,
out that foam properties may depend on the 1991; Radke and Ettinger, 1992 ). Despite early
experimental procedure used, with the pres- reports indicating that the gas-blocking state

0920-4105/93/$06.00 © 1993 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved.


occurred mainly in oil-free systems (Holm and The gas/surfactant displacement generat-
Bernard, 1964; Holm, 1968 ), foams have been ing foam and gas blockage;
found that produce strong gas blockage in the -- Fluid transport through foam at the gas-
presence of crude oil at high temperatures blocking state; and
(Hanssen and Dalland, 1990), at full reser- Loss of gas blockage at extended times or
voir conditions (Hanssen and Dalland, 1991 ), increased differential pressures.
and even by foaming a non-aqueous, nonwet- The aim of this paper is to develop a phe-
ting liquid (Hanssen and Haugum, 1991 ). nomenological understanding of these pro-
The sensitivity of gas blockage to experi- cesses consistent with experimental evidence.
mental parameters is characterized in the This is attempted through the following three
companion paper (Hanssen, 1993, this issue ). steps:
Of particular importance is the oil/foam inter- (1) Pore-level observation in etched-glass
action (Hanssen and Meling, 1990; Dalland et micromodels;
al., 1992), and the length of the porous me- (2) Analysis of selected aspects of beadpack
dium (Hanssen and Haugum, 1991; Hanssen, experiments; and
1993 ). Maintaining foam at the gas-blocking (3) Measurement of Sw and pressure profiles
state is critical for controlling high gas/oil ra- in a foam-filled long porous medium.
tios in production wells (Heuer and Jacocks,
1968; Hanssen et al., 1989; Ekrann and Hans- Pore-level o b s e r v a t i o n s
sen, 1990), but other applications may also
depend on the blocking and diverting action of Etched-glass micromodels are useful tools in
foam. Based on field experience, the practical- multiphase flow studies, allowing direct obser-
ity of "driving foam through a reservoir" was vation of pore-level events, although the ob-
in fact questioned at an early date (Holm, servations are limited to qualitative informa-
1970). The growth of a foam bank for at most tion because of their size and two-
a few meters, until flow stops, was argued as dimensionality. Foam is one area in which mi-
well as its main reservoir effects. Note that this cromodel studies have been instrumental
does not preclude deep penetration, because (Mast, 1972; Owete and Brigham, 1987; Prie-
foam treatment is not synonymous with foam ditis, 1988; Huh et al., 1989; Armitage and
injection: foam can be generated from injected Dawe, 1990; Radke and Chambers, 1991 ). The
gas and surfactant solution where local condi- present work was intended to shed light on
tions are favorable. phenomena controlling pressure-driven foam
Most approaches to foam modeling do not generation and the gas-blocking state.
represent the gas-blocking state (Falls et al.,
1988; Islam and Farouq Ali, 1990; Patzek and Micromodel apparatus
Koinis, 1990; Friedmann et al., 1991; Radke
and Ettinger, 1992). Gas trapping may be in- Two different micromodels were used, both
clude, but no physical description of the trap- strongly water-wet: the first etched with a reg-
ped fraction as a function of measurable pa- ular pore pattern and the second etched from
rameters has been derived. The study described an enlarged (5x) image of a thin section of
in this paper investigated the possibility for a Kuparuk sandstone. Micromodel preparation
description of foam in porous media that fits has been described in Buckley (1991). The
the observations of the gas-blocking state bet- micromodels used a microscope, an image-re-
ter. For this, the mechanisms governing each cording system, and facilities for feeding fluids
of the three stages in the life of a gas-blocking at fixed pressures or rates (Fig. 1 ). The micro-
foam must be described, i.e.: scope used with the regular model allowed

~h - o-3m ~ video
liq- ~ camer^

Fig. 1. A p p a r a t u s for m i c r o m o d e l studies for foam at pressure-driven conditions.

TABLE 1 Observations in regular micromodel

Properties of micromodels used
In the regular-pattern model, the pore depth
Property Regular Sandstone was measured with a mechanical depth gauge
pattern pattern
and porosity was estimated from the number
Pore area length × width ( m m ) 98 × 29 70 × 44 and area of etched flow channels. The mea-
Effective pore depth (#m) 150 75-125
Pore throat diameter (/tm) 50 25-125
sured permeability is as expected for these pore
Pore body diameter (#m) 150 150-300 sizes. A gas/water displacement was done first
Measured internal volume (#1) 165+10 180+30 and produced lenses, pockets of water and in-
Measured permeability (darcy) 38 _+5 2.2 + 0.5
Porosity ~ 0.4 0.42
stantly coalescing lamellae. Next, the model
was saturated with 0.50% Hostapur SAS and
gas introduced in the same manner. In two re-
peat experiments, AP~ 0.2 bar (all pressures
magnifications to 600 ×; a single pore filled the quoted are absolute) initiated liquid produc-
entire field of view. Precise location of sites was tion. Generation of lenses, lamellae, and bulk-
possible using a frame and an x/y stage. The like foam occurred within seconds. After the
regular model was not fused to facilitate clean- first minute, leave-behind events as described
ing, but held together by the frame and a re- by Radke and Chambers (1991) were ob-
movable adhesive. The micromodel studies served, though lamella generation by snap-off
were done at atmospheric outlet pressure, am- was rare. No lamellae were seen translating
bient temperature, using doubly-distilled fil- from pore to pore, and no flow out of the mi-
tered water, and nitrogen gas, in the absence cromodel was measured. (The term near-zero
ofoil. Key properties are listed in Table 1. Pore flow is used, as flow through minute leaks
diameters for the regular model were read from rather than the outlet channel cannot be en-
video images; values for the sandstone model tirely eliminated.) A characteristic "breath-
are those of a previous study (Chambers, ing" was noted: Lamellae periodically oscil-
1990). Internal volumes were measured lated in their pore throats, the frequency and
gravimetrically. amplitude of oscillation varied in time. The

Fig. 2. Foam in a regular-pattern micromodel; 0.5% Hostapur SAS in distilled water; LIP~0.2 bar. Digitized still

breathing was transmitted over large areas. res, this foam must have formed at the outlet,
Breathing periods initially lasted for a few which was obscured from view. Foam produc-
minutes, with stagnant periods in between. tion was short-lived, but gas flow rate kept in-
Over the next hour at the original ziP, breath- creasing. A new pressure increase to ~ 0.6 bar
ing periods became shorter and stagnant pe- caused gas to flow faster, but no further la-
riods longer. mella generation events and few additional
The gas pressure was next increased to ~ 0.4 ruptures were observed; breathing no longer
bar, which caused breathing to intensify and occurred. Left overnight, noticeably fewer la-
some lamellae to rupture in their pore throats. mellae remained and the gas flow rate contin-
Lamella generation events occurred, but were ued to increase.
too infrequent for precise identification of the Figure 2 shows a representative picture of
mechanism. It is believed that a variety of foam during the period of near-zero gas flow.
snap-off mechanisms (Radke and Chambers, Areas outlined in black are gas-flied pore sec-
1991 ) must have been operating, because there tions, those outlined in grey contain liquid. The
was too little liquid left in the pores for gener- matrix ("rock") is light grey.
ation by leave-behind and no moving lameUae
that could divide. No sites were seen to pro- Observations in sandstone micromodel
duced multiple lamellae and most of the pore-
level events occurred within the first 10 min Foam was generated from 0.50% BioTerge
after the pressure increase. About 15 min after AS 40, an a-olefin sulfonate, in distilled water.
the pressure increase, flowing gas appeared in A somewhat higher gas pressure ( ~ 0 . 3 bar)
the outlet tubing, followed by some foam. Be- than in the regular model was needed to initi-
cause no moving lamellae were seen in the po- ate surfactant displacement. Lamella genera-

Fig. 3. Foam in a sandstone-pattern micromodel. Site of lamella generation by snap-off and site of lamella termination
are indicated; 0.5% BioTerge AS 40 in distilled water at 26°C. Digitized video images (composite of two frames). Scale
is indicated by the large pore in upper frame which is approx. 300/~m in diameter.

tion and coalescence was more frequent than model became depleted of surfactant. Fewer
in the regular model, ascribed to the greater generation sites were active, and for shorter
number of sites of suitable geometry and as- periods of time. The end result was a continu-
pect ratio in the heterogeneous model, because ous-gas foam of little flow resistance.
both surfactants produce strong foams. In con- During the period of active generation and
trast to the regular model, flow of foam and coalescence, several sites for snap-off and ter-
gas out of the model was seen from the start, mination were examined. Events in different
progressively more dominated by gas as the sites were often coupled. A typical snap-off site

at a narrow pore constriction is indicated on model is most likely due to the enlargement
Fig. 3. Lamellae generated there moved rap- from the actual rock pores. Gas blockage is
idly through a tortuous pore channel and into difficult to achieve in media with very large
the large pore body which was a termination pores (Holm and Bernard, 1964; Hanssen and
site for thousands of lamellae, broken by Haugum, 1991; Hanssen, 1993 ). The low per-
"stretching and squeezing", or capillary-pres- sistence of gas blockage in the regular model is
sure-induced coalescence (Radke and Jime- ascribed to the insufficient length of the flow
nez, 1989; Radke and Chambers, 1991 ). Note path (Hanssen and Haugum, 1991; Hanssen,
the lamellae just in the process of breaking. 1993 ). Howevr, several valuable observations
These two sites were always active simultane- in understanding gas blockage were made:
ously, for several periods of 5-10 min. Site At near-zero gas flow rates, foam was not
coupling was very strong: not a single lamella entirely stagnant but subject to periodic oscil-
broke on its way from site to site, and very few lations of stationary lamellae.
survived the killer site to move further When AP was increased at near-zero gas rate,
downstream. lamellae or bubble trains were not mobilized.
The liquid contained in the flowing lamellae Rather, lamellae were broken, opening more
was seen to splash over the pore wall of the pore channels to gas flow. Generation of new
killer site as they broke. Despite the transport lamellae was observed for a brief period after
of large volumes of gas at high rate, no flow or a AP increase.
accumulation of liquid was observed in the Lamellae may move on a pore scale, imped-
downstream pores. Between periods of activ- ing gas, e.g., from a generation site to a termi-
ity, the flow channel connecting the two sites nation site, without necessarily causing a mac-
was static; only a few lamellae were situated roscopic net flow of liquid.
near the generation site, displaying no curva-
ture. Thus, there cannot have been any pres-
sure difference between the sites during inac-
Analysis of pressure-driven foam generation
tive periods, when flow must have been
occurring elsewhere in the model. Liquid from In systems favorable for the generation of
the dead lamellae may have flowed back to the gas-blocking foam, a distinct displacement
generation site during these inactive periods. front forms after some distance of travel
A new cycle of generation, bubble-train flow (Raza, 1970; Hanssen, 1993 ) as illustrated on
and termination would start when enough liq- Fig. 4. The near piston-like nature of the re-
uid had collected at the generation site and a maining displacement facilitates a simple
higher local gas pressure was applied triggered analysis that can provide information about
by some random event. The significance of the growing foam without advanced in situ
these observations to gas-blocking foam is that measurement techniques. The analysis is based
a net flow of gas, impeded by moving lamellae, on only what is termed the external data: pro-
is conceivable without an associated net, time- duction, inlet and outlet pressures, and front
averaged flow of liquid.
Summary of micromodel observations !iquidout
gasin ~ Xf
Persistent gas blockage was not achieved in
the two micromodels, although gas flow was Fig. 4. Typical front behavior in fixed-pressuregas/sur-
blocked for some time in the regular m o d e l . factant solutiondisplacementin systemsfavorablefor the
The lack of gas blockage in the sandstone creation of a gas-blockingfoam.

positions observed visually in a transparent 1 '

ji .....................
' i ' ~ ' i lO
Assuming the presence of gas near the col-
umn walls to be identical to the pressure front
co ~ t
(verified later), the overall/IP can be split be- -~ O.t 0.1 ~
tween the section behind the front where foam
is assumed to be present everywhere, and the
O.Ol ~
section ahead of the front where only surfac- ..... Sgf - - - API" ~2
tant solution is present. Darcy's law can then Xf • APli q g
be applied separately to each section. Ignoring 0.01
i I I I ,__
0.001 "
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
gas compressibility: Foam front advance, xF

AP= APf + AP,iq ( 1) Fig. 5. Properties of growing foam in a pressure-driven

gas/surfactant displacement, calculated from data in
A e l i q ]cA = Og,in = Q (2) Hanssen (1993) using eqs. 1-4. N 2 displacing 2% Sul-
Qliq,out- ( 1 -xf)Lflliq fotex R I F in distilled water in a 200-cm pack of 8 darcy
glass beads, 21 ° C, AP= 1.5 bar, Pout ~ 5 bar; no oil.
Q(xfL) 33
2 f - - - - (3)
S~f = 1 x f - Vp,liq (4) (a)
Produced liquid Vp,~iqis in pore volumes (at
mean pressures of Pi, and Po,t); gas saturation
in foam Sgf (foam quality) and foam mobility
).f are averaged over the growing foam. Foam
mobility ( 2 = k / # ) is used for convenience; at
this stage of the displacement two phases are ,
x,(tO xl/v xfl(t) x/L
still flowing, so free-gas viscosity cannot be
1 I- . . . .
used. The relative mobility reduction can be I

compared with gas-blockage performance data Sw I (b)

by multiplying the values of 2f by ,uJk. The ~t 1
application of Eqs. 1-4 to a previous experi- ,
ment (Hanssen, 1993) is shown in Fig. 5.
The foam front stabilized at a position x/
L,~ 0.12 and from there propagated at a nearly ... . .. . .. . ... . .. . .. . -o t~o
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
constant velocity of ~ 6 m / d . Note that most
of the pressure drop occurred across the foam 0 '
x,(tO xl/v t x/L
from the first measurement. This agrees with Fig. 6. Constructed pressure (a) and water-saturation
the micromodel observations of immediate la- profiles (b) for a growing strong foam in a piston-like,
mella generation. The foam zone grew at a pressure-driven displacement.
constant gas saturation of 0.80-0.85, a mobil-
ity three orders of magnitude lower than the no foam was produced out of the pack but liq-
surfactant-free case. uid continued to drain slowly as the system was
The last measured mobility during growth of approaching its first gas-blocking state, at
the foam bank corresponds (using the viscos- which kgf was measured as 2.3 mD. Consider-
ity of free gas) to 3.6 mD. After breakthrough, ing the accuracy of the data and analysis, this

compares well with the last measured mobility tors moves in the x- and y-directions by means
during foam growth and indicates that the of two stepper motors, allowing scans of the
generation of foam and the establishment of a porous medium mounted on a table (see Fig.
gas-blocking state is a continuous process. 7).
From the above analysis and only using ex- A rectangular flow cell of packed-volume di-
ternal data, the model in Fig. 6 is constructed. mensions 95× 10× 1 cm was made from two
The pressure and saturation profiles are shown half-cells of transparent polymethyl methac-
for various points in time. The measured over- rylate joined by a flat rubber gasket, with re-
all saturations and observed uniformity sup- movable inlet and outlet pieces. The cell has
port the dashed lines for Sw. The average Sw nine pressure taps in capillary contact with the
behind the front is known at any time from Eq. packing and features for re-tightening. It was
4. The pressure profiles for the liquid-contain- packed with 45-70/tm glass beads giving a pore
ing portion of the pack, shown by solid lines, volume of 380 cm 3 and a permeability of 1.7
are known by Eq. 2, and the value at x / L = 0 is and 1.5 darcy, respectively, in two different
known. Over long periods, indications are that packings. Designed for 7 bar, the cell was op-
the pressure profile is uniform. As the present erated at 3.5 bar and 26 °C.
experiments provide no support for any other A BASIC program incorporating routines by
shape, straight lines are drawn to the observed Sharma (1987) was written to control the ap-
location of the foam front xf(ti). Below, this paratus from an IBM XT computer and to re-
simplistic model is tested on experimental data cord saturation and pressure data as ASCII
with measured Sw and P profiles. The model files. Via two serial ports and a parallel port,
can be extended to include residual oil satura- the computer controls the entire apparatus, al-
tion and gas compressibility. lowing flexible setup and unattended opera-
tion. For this experiment, a scan time of 2 s
Measurement of in situ Sw and AP profiles per location was used, covering 47 measure-
ment points at x = 16.5-86.4 cm in 2 min with
Quantitative saturation and pressure pro- an accuracy in Sw of _+0.001 PV. Use of longer
files during pressure-driven foam generation scan times will improve resolution. Pressures
and at the gas-blocking state was desirable in were measured to effectively _+0.01 bar.
order to validate the foam generation model, The input of gas to the beadpack was at fixed
test the conclusions of previous work from ex- pressure. Gas can also be fed at fixed mass rate
ternal data, and give information on the loss via a mass flow controller. A displacement
of gas blockage. A bead pack with multiple pump delivers liquid at a fixed volumetric rate.
pressure taps was built and used in a flow ap- Fluids flow out of the pack controlled by a sen-
paratus with measurement of in situ water sat- sing-piston back pressure regulator and are
urations by microwave attenuation. separated in an atmospheric separator allow-
ing readings of liquid volume and gas rate by a
Microwave apparatus bubble flowmeter. The foaming agent used in
the test reported here was 0.50% Fenopon CD
A microwave apparatus for displacement 128, an ammonium alkyl ethoxysulfate, in dis-
studies was described by previous investiga- tilled water. It was chosen for its known ten-
tors (Sharma, 1987; Ettinger, 1989; Gillis, dency to form rather weak gas-blocking foams
1990). Local water saturation is measured by at test conditions, allowing breakdown as well
the attenuation of a microwave beam. A metal as generation of foam to be observed over
frame with a wave source, guides and detec- practical observation times.


P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9

~ ~'
Pu mp
Pl - P9 at x = 5, 15, 25... cm.
Microwave receiver below pack.
Gas rate
volu me
Gas in BPR = back pressure regulator. I I

Fig. 7. Schematic representation of scanning microwave saturation flow apparatus with rectangular beadpack used. For
details of microwave equipment, see Sharma (1987) and Ettinger ( 1989 ).

External observations
1.0 i ' ' 500

Production and pressure histories in the mi- ~ gas & foam

~- gas only
foam . . . .
crowave experiment are shown in Fig. 8. As 098 400

expected, the foam was a rather poor gas-

0.96 300
blocking agent. The front moved rapidly
through the pack, followed by a long period of = 0.94 200 o

foam flow. The gas rate did not stabilize after o_

liquid production ceased. Still, gas mobility 092 100

was reduced by a factor of 40 or more through J : ~ (a)

the passage of 500 pore volumes of gas. 0.90 , I , I r , 0
The improved gas blockage over that by the 0.o25
same surfactant in 8-darcy beads, where a kgf/ 0.020 4.0
k ~ 0 . 1 was measured (Hanssen, 1993), is
probably due to a lower permeability in the o.015 3.0

present test. The performance of this particu-

lar foam at these mild conditions is in fact a 0.olo 2.0

good model for that of a rather oil-sensitive /~ (b)

foam at reservoir conditions. 0.005 Front P

kgf / k ........ Back P

0.000 i I k I 0.0
Saturations and pressures 0 72 144 216 288 360

Time, hours

Several saturation scans are shown in the

upper diagram of Fig. 9. An unexpectedly long Fig. 8. Performance history of 0.5% Fenopon CD128 foam
gas finger (for a foam) to x / L ~ 0 . 2 is seen, due in microwave apparatus. (a) Production and (b) gas
to imperfect packing. Once stabilized at x~ permeability and pressures. See text for details.

I ,r ~ I ..j " ' ~ I ~l ' -- \'

• I' ' " I

\, 1

0.8 Time of scan


1,I . . . . 0.10
0.6 ,' '~ I - - 0 . 1 6
. . . . 0.37
r" '1 -- -- - 0.62
- - 1.02

0.4 ....... 3.02

.... 6.09
- - - 20.0

- - 143


I L h ~ , , I , I ~ L


4.0 Time of scan


..... 0,126
x~ 3.8 -- -- 0,188
- - 0.398
- - - 0.587
tO . . . . 0,727
- - 0.984
13_ ........ 20.2
- - - - 195


0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9


F i g . 9. Measured saturation (top) and pressure ( b o t t o m ) profiles for foam # 2 0 7 .

L ~ 0 . 4 , the front was piston-like for the re- tions must be the same and capillary end ef-
maining displacement, and saturations in the fects insignificant.
bypassed area were homogenized a few hours The Sw data agree well with other results ob-
after breakthrough. The long period of inter- tained on foam at pressure-driven conditions.
mittent gas and foam production appears in the For eight different Hostapur SAS foams in 8-
Sw scans as a continuous drying. When liquid darcy packs, at ambient temperature without
flow ceased after four days, Sw had a uniform oil, overall aqueous-phase saturations of 0.04
value of 0.03 _+0.005. The average saturation, to 0.06 ( _+0.01 ) pore volume were obtained
calculated from produced volume, was found by material balance (Meling, 1989). There was
to agree within _ 0.003 pore volumes with the no additional liquid production observed dur-
integral of Sw in the scanned section. Thus, ing several days of blockage, when up to 100
saturations in the scanned and unscanned por- pore volumes of gas (at mean column pres-

sure) flowed through at mobilities reduced by foam would collapse by the overall Pc exceed-
two to four orders of magnitude. Visual obser- ing the critical P* (Khatib et al., 1988). The
vation at the onset of gas blockage showed that extremely low values of Sw in the present ex-
the surfactant solution was distributed uni- periments are probably caused by evaporation
formly across the foam-filled pack. Similarly, into flowing gas that is not equilibrated with
Sw values of 0.03-0.05 during gas blockage the liquid phase in the foam (see later) and by
were measured for Sulfotex RIF, BioTerge AS the regularity of beadpacks, which lack the
40, and CD 128 foams in 1-m long beadpacks small pores that hold most of the aqueous
(Hanssen, 1993 ). It is more difficult to obtain phase in steady-state foam flow in sandstone
accurate saturation data in the presence of oil (Radke and Gillis, 1990). Two experiments in
at high temperatures, but three experiments on 1.3-darcy Bentheimer sandstone cores (Hans-
0.5% Fluowet OTN in seawater, with crude oil sen and Dalland, 1991 ) gave Sw values of0.18
at 70°C in 8 darcy beads, gave Sw values of and 0.2 l, i.e., comparable with flow of foam
0.04-0.08 (Hanssen and Dalland, 1991). through the same rock (De Vries and Wit,
Comparable residual nonwetting-phase satu- 1990), although gas blockage was as strong as
rations for the same 8-darcy medium in the in beads with the same permeability. Thus, es-
absence of foam gave values of Swrg= 0.13 and tablishment of an overall Sw< Swrgis not a req-
Swro= 0.11 +_0.02; the latter is an average of 24 uisite for reaching the gas-blocking state of
floods (Hanssen and Dalland, 1990). With foam. The comparable efficiency of gas block-
foam under comparable conditions, others age in cores and beadpacks suggests that the
actual gas-blocking foam is of a similar dry na-
have also reported water saturations below
ture in both media but the sandstone also con-
"irreducible" (Holm, 1968; Prieditis, 1988).
tains free water in the smallest pores.
Steady-state foam flow has consistently been
The fact that as little as one percent of liquid
associated with Sw values above connate
in the form of foam lamellae can maintain a
(Holm and Bernard, 1964; De Vries and Wit,
large mobility reduction over long periods is
1990; Chou, 1991; Persoff et al., 1991; Radke
remarkable. It has two main ramifications.
and Ettinger, 1992 ).
First, the lamellae must be exceedinglythin, as
The favorable mobility ratio of the growing has also been suggested by recent studies cor-
foam displacing surfactant cannot explain the relating foam properties in porous media with
lower value of Sw, because at breakthrough, the stability of thin surfactant films (Berge-
Sw> Swrr After breakthrough, a slow drainage ron, 1993 ). A bimolecular soap film only 4 nm
of liquid continues until gas flow stabilizes. Ef- thick was preserved for a year in a sealed con-
ficient drainage is conceivable, because with tainer (Dewar, 1917). In porous media, thin
foam, gas does not flow in continuous chan- films would be supported by the pore walls, al-
nels as in normal two-phase flow (Holm, though they would be destabilized by the ran-
1968). Capillary pressure suction, driven by dom perturbations caused by abrupt changes
the curvature of the contact areas between la- of the gas flow path (Huh et al., 1989), and by
mellae and pore walls, will continue to drain diffusion. Second, the capillary pressure in
liquid from a lamella, possibly until a local sat- media of low Sw are high, so that a moving la-
uration has been attained corresponding to a mella would break rapidly by capillary-pres-
balance between Pc and the disjoining pressure sure-induced coalescence (Khatib et al., 1988 ).
zr of the foam film. Stability criteria for static The persistent mobility reduction in such dry
and flowing lamellae are different (Radke and porous media is yet another indication of stag-
Jimenez, 1989 ), i.e., stagnant foam is not nec- nant lamellae.
essarily broken at conditions when flowing The pressures, on the lower diagram of Fig.

/ '. 1 1 I I I ' r T ' I ' a ' I I
\ Sw:
\ - - 22 rain • ~ predicted, 15 m i n [
3.7 - - 26 rain
\ 0.8 0.8 : ", ~ ....... d, 13-15 rain. (

\ ". ~ :l 0.8
\ 0.6 0.6 - ~'z~,-

\ 0.4
0.4 . 04

\ 0.2
Pressure profile \ _ - predicted. 15 min
- 24 min ---- measured, 12 rain.
3.2 I I I 0 0 i i , I i i i I J i , i i i I i , -i- 0
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
1 ' ' ' I ' ' ' ] ~w
~ :1 ' I ' ~ ' ~ ' i ,

x/L predicted, 26 rain. 'i ~:: ~ ' ~ ' - ~ 1

0.8 measured. 22-24 m i n :
Fig. 10. Measured saturation and pressure profiles at
t = 22-26 min. O.8

0.6 "'. i--~

9, increased during the first 24 h, mostly in the
first section of the pack as by-passed liquid was ~ 04 o4

produced, and became later constant. In con-

trast to Sw, the pressure profile does not be-
come uniform, but retains distinct slopes in the __ - -- predicted
, , , ,
-'" (b) J
0 '--'- 0
section of initial bypassing and the section of 0.2 0.4
0.6 0.8 1

piston-like movement. This conservation of Fig. 11. Measuredand predictedSwand Pprofilesfor foam
local AP/Ax is typical of gas-blocking foams #207 usingthe "APsplit method" describedabove,at (a)
and has some practical consequences, e.g., in 15 min; and (b) 26 min.
requiring great care when emptying a used
pack. More important for reservoir applica- comparison of measured Sw and P profiles with
tion is that a gas-blocking foam can be regen- predictions using Eqs. 3 and 4, using only ex-
erated by reapplying a gas pressure (Hanssen ternal observations in the present experiment,
et al., 1989; Chou, 1991 ) because the lamellae are shown in Fig. 11. The agreement is quite
remain largely intact. Note also that the pres- good, considering the bypassing in the imper-
sure slope across a foam-filled section of po- fect pack, the rapid front movement and the
rous medium is at its steepest during the initial simplistic nature of the predictive equations.
passage of the front. This is favorable to trap-
ping of lameUae (Marsden and Albrecht, Loss of gas blockage by evaporation
Combining the Sw and P data at correspond- Sw scans between 144 and 335 h are shown
ing times, Fig. 10, shows the positions of the in Fig. 12. Liquid saturation first drops uni-
pressure and saturation fronts to coincide. formly to ~0.015. Then, zero liquid is re-
Foam generation, therefore, must occur at or corded at the frontmost location. The dry sec-
close to the gas front, and front positions ob- tion, having developed from the inlet,
served on transparent packs are valid. continues to grow with the passage of more gas
through the pack. In previous experiments us-
Predicted versus measured profiles ing dye in the aqueous phase, slight color gra-
dients have been seen. With hindsight, these
The characteristics of pressure-driven foam observations are taken in support of the mi-
generation were confirmed. Quantitative crowave data, and conclude that gas blockage

0.04 I I ]
t I

0.03 Time o t s c a n , hours

-- 143.62
-- -- -171.97
_-- \ f ~ ..... 195.81
0.02 -- 240.64
..... 270.53
. . . . 309.64
- -- 335.56


0.2 0.3
/ 0.4
,."i0.5 0.6

Fig. 12. M e a s u r e d water s a t u r a t i o n s in the later period o f foam # 2 0 7 .

in these experiments is broken by the foam "shielded" from the flowing gas because it ex-
drying from the pack inlet. Evaporation is not ists in trapped foam. This trend is found in all
surprising since, with the standard procedure the effective gas-blocking foams studied. The
used, gas is not pre-equilibrated with the gas volume transported through foam at
foamed liquid. The rising gas rate as the foam blockage is in all cases greater than expected if
is drying agrees with the length dependence of gas became saturated in the foamed liquid.
gas blockage (Chou, 1991; Hanssen and There is, however, no consistent correlation
Haugum, 1991; Hanssen, 1993 ), because the between gas volume and foam gas-blocking ef-
growing dry section in effect makes the foam ficiency, or with the liquid saturation at the
shorter. In stronger foams, gas blockage often onset of blockage (Hanssen and Dalland, 1991;
is lost in a faster, more catastrophic manner. Hanssen and Haugum, 199 l; Hanssen, 1993).
Foam decay by evaporation will occur when Evaporation from a gas-blocking foam is dif-
the flowing gas phase is not in equilibrium with ficult to model as one cannot assume equilib-
the liquid constituting the foam films, as is rium. Rates of evaporation are influenced by
demonstrated by the above results. In the mi- the presence of surfactant, and will depend on
crowave experiment, 207 pore volumes of gas the type and concentration of surfactant as well
(at mean pressure ) were transported through as on the thickness and structure of the liquid
the foam-filled pack between 220 and 336 h. film.
In the same period, the Sw data show that the The role of evaporation in gas blockage by a
porous medium has lost 2.3 cm 3 of water, strong foam is seen in Fig. 13. A more persist-
which must has been produced as vapor. The ent foam resulted from bubbling gas through a
volume corresponds to a H20 partial pressure fluid cell containing water at injection pres-
of 0.011; the saturated vapor pressure is 0.037. sure and slightly below column temperature,
Gas thus did not become saturated in water partially presaturating it. Due to liquid drop-
even after stripping all the water from the first out problems, a presaturator is not used in the
half of the pack. This poor mass transfer indi- present gas-blockage test procedure, which
cates that most of the liquid is effectively emphasizes repeatability and relative per-

0.010 r f Gas transport through foam

Network model
Gas-blocking foams typically show a nonlin-
ear response of flow to applied pressure. The
yield point frequently observed and the power-
law dependence of gas flow on AP suggested a
• • 2 - - -
N 2 ÷ H20 vapor
percolation approach. A square, two-dimen-
sional network model was defined with non-
I L I h I F L
100 200 300 400 500
linear element characteristics (Fig. 14):
Pore volumes gas injected
q= a(Ap-Apt)
for dp<dpt
for Ap>Apt (6)
Fig. 13. Gas blockageperformance of 1% Fluowet OTN
foams in 200-cm packs of 8 darcy beads, gas dry or par-
tially saturated in H20 as indicated. T= 70°C, Pout~6 bar, Let us assume that the conductances a are
AP~ 2 bar/m, sea water, Sotof crude oil. (Replotted from constant for all elements, and that the micro-
data in Hanssen and Dalland, 1991). scopic pressure thresholds Apt is uniformly
distributed within a range 0-1. The macro-
scopic response of this network was calculated
numerically by Moe (1989) as:
formance evaluation. It follows that the mea-
for AP<~AP-r
sured persistence of a gas-blocking foam,
whether expressed as blockage time or pore
volumes of gas transported, is useful in rank-
Q= al (AP-APT) '~ for APT <AP<APH
(a2AP for AP>~APn
ing foams but does not scale to field condi- (7)
tions. For the use of foam as a gas-coning bar-
rier, evaporation is not likely to limit foam The power exponent a ~ 2 for a wide pore
stability, because foam is created by reservoir size distribution, al and a2 are constant con-
gas which will be in equilibrium with both oil ductances, APT is the macroscopic threshold
and water. However, in foam applications pressure into a regime of power-law depen-
where a non-equilibrated gas is injected, evap- dence on reduced pressure, and APH is a next
oration could be important. threshold for transition into a linear regime.
With static foam and equilibrated gas, only The resemblance of this theory to the present
diffusion remains as a decay mechanism. Re-
cent studies (D. Cohen, T.W. Patzek, C.J.
Radke, unpublished work, 1993) indicate that

diffusion in confined foams rapidly (order of
minutes) causes the liquid films to adjust their
position in the pores to have no AP across the
films. Further diffusion is then limited to a
small flux in a few blocked channels in which
there is still some AP. This is unlikely to cause ..._
massive foam decay, cf., the lack of gas/liquid Apt Ap
Fig. 14. Flow rate/differential pressure relationship for
one network element.

problem of stagnant foam subjected to an in- 0,008

O C13
creasing gas pressure gradient is readily seen. n C15
A C17 & /
The gas permeability of different foams should 0,006 • Blend //FI.[].
linearfit of all data ~ " / -
fall on a c o m m o n straight line when plotted as
a function of (AP-dPx)a/AP. ~ 0,004

Comparison with experiments


A set of gas-blockage data from Hanssen and , ~ l I~ll , i , i ,

Meling (1990) was used to test the network 0 10 20 30 40
model. Foams generated in pressure-driven (AP-APt) lAP
displacements of surfactant solution by gas
reached a gas-blocking state with gas only en- Fig. 16. Fit of data of Fig. 15 using the relationship de-
rived from the network model.
tering and exiting the pack. Pressure drop was
increased step-wise, the stabilized Qs and AP
were measured at each successive gas-blocking 0.02 0 C13 SAS hexadecane(APt= 2 bar; [] /
state. The data are presented in Fig. 15 as flow [] C15 SAS,hexadecaneI',Pt = 0) /
A SAS blendoctaneiAPt = 0p /
rates at mean pressure. Figure 16 shows the
~10 , 0 , -- Linear
~ frtof afllata
m O• ~[]
same data replotted to kgf/k versus normal-
ized and reduced pressure drop, in accordance
with the network model. Threshold pressures
were found by second-order polynomial fits on
the Q versus AP data and the best-fit exponent
a = 2.5 was found by trial-and-error linear fits
on the kgf v e r s u s [ (AP-AP-r)'VAP] data; the 10 20
linear correlation coefficient r~ =0.93. Fits at (AP - AP 2t2 )/AP
c~< 2 or a > 3 could be distinguished visually Fig. 17. Generalization of data for foams at residual oil
and gave rl ~<0.90. The accuracy is good con- using the derived relationship. (Replotted from experi-
sidering the spread in the original measure- mental data of Meling, 1989).

ments. Two points for C17SAS may be outside

10 O_ C13:&Pt= 1.6 bar ,1~
[] C15:APt= 0 / / /
the power-law regime and higher r~ values re-
8 A C17:APt = 0 / // / sult if these are excluded.
: = .
A data set for the same surfactants in the
presence of oil (Sor~0.05) was also general-
ized by a [ (AP-dPr)'~/,dP] function, (see Fig.
17). The match is poorer, q = 0 . 9 0 , but still
quite convincing, taking into account the less
effective mobility reduction which impairs the
quality of gas-blockage data. The best-fit value
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
of a was 2.2, not significantly different from
AP / L, bar/m
the oil-free data. The agreement between the
Fig. 15. Data for foams consisting of 0.5% Hostapur SAS; two sets of data is taken as an indication that
indicated carbon number fractions in 100-cm 8 darcy
beadpacks at 21 ° C, Pout~ 7 bar, no oil. Lines are inter-
residual oil does not change the flow mecha-
polated, threshold pressures indicated. (Replotted from nism of gas through a gas-blocking foam.
Hanssen et al., 1990). The success of this simple modeling ap-

proach shows the power of network modelling. Fig. 18. The foam of the lower diagram gave a
For future work, the model could be extended lower kgf/k value in the first hysteresis cycle
to include more percolation features. As a first but a higher one in the second cycle. The first
test, it would be of interest to compare predic- cycle shows that an efficient gas-blocking foam
tions with data for well-characterized hetero- can regain or surpass its original gas-blocking
geneous media to examine the influence of ability if the pressure is eased. The second cycle
pore size distribution. Next, measurable terms shows that its regenerative capacity may be
could be developed for the percolation thresh- limited (in this case, due to evaporation) so
old to predict the macroscopic APr. Because of that permeability remains at the highest pre-
the complexity of calculating on a large non- vious level. Some foams are initially too weak
linear network, however, the main potential of gas-blocking agents and display only the irre-
networks in modeling foam is not as simula- versible shear thinning.
tion tools but as scale-up tools from pore level
to macroscopic level. The network model can Discussion
be used to derive physically based foam be-
havior equations that could be used to inter- In their pioneering work on modeling foam
pret data at conditions where in situ observa- in porous media, Shell researchers (Falls et al.,
tion is not possible. 1988) differentiated between continuous-gas
foams and discontinuous-gas foams. For gas to
Hysteresis flow in a discontinuous-gas foam, lamellae
must be forced through the pore network.
Hysteresis is sometimes observed in gas- Continuous-gas foams were considered to re-
blockage experiments. If, after a step-wise in- duce gas mobility only by a factor of 5-10. In
crease cycle, differential pressure is reduced to the present results, the gas-blocking state of
a previous level, a different kgf/k may be ob- foam is consistently associated with no lamel-
tained. Hysteresis for two foams is shown in lae exiting the porous medium, but the large
mobility reduction associated with gas flow
and the nonlinear response of gas mobility to
Foam #206 increased differential pressure are not in line
with the above picture of continuous-gas
_ o.ol
Prieditis (1988) generated foams by fixed-
rate coinjection in a 35-cm pack of 75-85/zm
beads ( k = 2 . 9 darcy) or 81-900 /tm beads
( k = 10 darcy). After a period of steady-state
flow, gas mobility was measured as a function
0.00! Foam #205
of gas and liquid rates over wide ranges includ-
ing zero. At zero liquid rate, the data of Prie-
0 2 4 6
ditis consistently showed gas mobility to be in-
AWL, bar/m dependent of the gas rate. This Newtonian
Fig. 18. Measured values of kgf/k for foam at increasing rheology was interpreted as no lamellae being
and decreasing AP in 100 cm, 8-darcy beadpacks at 25 ° C, in the path of the gas, i.e., gas flows in a con-
Foam #205 is 0.83% BioTerge 1416 (an c~-olefin sulfo- stant number of continuous channels created
nate). Foam #206 is 0.50% Fenopon CD 128 (an am-
monium alkyl ethoxy sulfate). Initial PoutS7 bar, AP/
during the establishment of steady-state foam
L ~ l . 5 bar/m. Solvent: 0.83% NaC1 brine. No oil, flow.
Aqueous-phase saturation during foam tests ,~ 0.03. These observations contrast with the pres-
F O A M AS A G A S - B L O C K I N G A G E N T I N P E T R O L E U M R E S E R V O I R S II 151

ent findings of mobility increasing with ap- mellae are generated at the gas front. The same
plied ziP (or Qg) by orders of magnitude, and lamella-generation processes should operate in
are more in line with those reported by Holm either mode, to the extent that the same con-
(Holm and Bernard, 1964; Holm, 1968) who ditions of velocity, saturation and capillary
demonstrated the absence of continuous chan- pressure at the pore level apply. The difference
nels by the use of a gas tracer. Figure 19 com- between experiment modes is one of different
pares the present results to those of Prieditis. boundary conditions influencing the relative
The difference between the two sets of experi- importance of the various processes. Lamellae
ments is in the mode of foam generation. are created first in the larger pores with the
The pressure-driven foam data sets were se- lowest capillary entry pressure Poe and, flowing
lected to show the generality of the observed or stagnant, impede further gas flow. For dis-
behavior, including a model system, a fluoro- placement to proceed, the advancing gas must
surfactant foam at 70°C with crude oil, and a now pass through a section of growing foam,
non-aqueous foam. The data sets of Prieditis whether the foam is viewed as propagating or
were selected for constant Sw during the pe- simply considered as more lamellae to be gen-
riod of no liquid flow. The effects of the exper- erated further downstream. The flow resis-
iment mode can be explained by considering tance of the foam section thus increases with
the local ziP/zix, the driving force for lamella its length, being proportional to "the number
generation. This is finite in a pressure-driven of lamellae and the strength of individual
displacement of surfactant solution by gas, but films" (Holm, 1968 ). Here lies the key differ-
essentially unlimited at rate-driven coinjection ence between pressure-driven and rate-driven
of gas and surfactant. The effect is demon- foam generation, or, precisely, between fixed-
strated most clearly in porous media of suffi- rate coinjection and fixed-pressure gas
cient length to allow the formation of a stabi- injection.
lized foam front (Chou, 1991; Hanssen and In coinjection, the growing foam produces a
Haugum, 1991; Hanssen, 1993). rising inlet pressure to accommodate the
At fixed pressures, gas fingers or tongues transport of the imposed volume. This has
form initially, as in the rate-driven mode. La- profound effects on further foam generation.
The rising pressure exceeds the Poe of smaller
0.020 pores, generating more lamellae, causing yet
Priedifis, Table 7 1 4

Prleditis, Table 7 1 7
Pneclitis, Table 71 16
higher flow resistance and higher 3P/ZIx. The
(]} 05% Perlankrol FN 65 / latter may mobilize previously trapped lamel-
[) 2% FC 742 (IPA foam)
A 05% FFuow~tOTN / ~ lae, resuming flow as bubble trains and con-
• • • QL ,/C) /J
tributing more pressure buildup (Persoff et al.,
- 0.010
/6 ; 1991 ). The net result is a massive generation
• ¢ /
• / y of new lamellae and destruction of those ini-
• #i * Z []
tially formed, until a state is reached where
generation and coalescence are in equilibrium
0.000 , Z~F-- , T ~ i ........ i . . . . . . . and the trapped fraction is constant but less
10 100 103
than 1. This state is associated with an overall
vg, m/d
pressure gradient 3P/L in excess of those in
Fig. 19. Relative gas mobility as a function of gas veloc- most reservoirs, even at low rates.
ity, at zero liquid flow, of foams generated by rate-driven At a fixed differential pressure, however, the
coinjection in 2.9 and 10 darcy beadpacks, (Prieditis,
1988); and in the pressure-driven mode in 8 darcy bead- net effect of foam generation is to slow down
packs (Hanssen and Dalland, 1990; Hanssen and the displacement front as the growing foam
Haugum, 1991; Hanssen, 1993). consumes more of the limited driving force.

Gas fingering is dampened, the front sharpens volume, starting the sequence of rising Pc and
and may stabilize as piston-like (Hanssen, generating lamellae in smaller pores as in coin-
1993). This promotes trapping of lamellae, jection. But since liquid is not being replen-
because the local ziP/zix never exceeds that ished, the lamella generation rate will drop and
during their generation. The result is a conser- paths of continuous gas will form. Interpreting
vation of the original lamellae. If initial foam such experiments, especially at low pressures,
generation at the front is very efficient, nearly is complicated by the use of mass flow control-
all pore throats are blocked by a liquid film, lers, which supply a gradually smaller volumet-
and growth of the foam bank stops at a few ric rate as the injection pressure increases. A
centimetres length resulting in complete plug- method of injecting gas at fixed volumetric rate
ging of gas and liquid. In less perfect cases, has been developed (Dalland and Hanssen,
many initial lamellae are destroyed shortly 1989, unpubl, data). The pressure-driven
after generation (cf., the micromodel obser- mode might be said to correspond more closely
vations) and a few flow paths develop through to field cases of limited injectivity, where gas
the foam, allowing gas to flow at low mobility. compressors are normally set not to exceed
The observation of no produced liquid phase fracturing pressure (Kuehne et al., 1990). An
during gas blockage precludes gas from being experiment at "nearly fixed" rate worth men-
transported by moving lamellae over sample- tioning has been conducted (Kovscek, 1993 ),
spanning distances. If lamellae were translat- injecting gas by a massflow controller, but
ing at pack length scales, even though each keeping ziP~Pout nearly constant below 0.5. The
contains only a minute volume of liquid, the beadpack, surfactant, and microwave appara-
large gas volumes transported would necessi- tus described above was used. The displace-
tate at least an accumulation of liquid near the ment failed to produce the pressure buildup
outlet. This is consistently not observed. Mi- typical of coinjection experiments, but pro-
cromodel observations in this paper indicate duced a foam reducing gas flow to the same
that gas flow may occur at distances greater order of magnitude as in the pressure-driven
than a pore diameter, but shorter than the experiment described in this paper. In con-
length of a long core or pack, without associ- trast, however, water saturation was strongly
ated net flow of liquid, by the operation of pe- non-uniform in the downstream third of the
riodic time-averaged bubble train flow alter- pack, Sw increasing from a uniform 0.05 be-
nating with liquid washback. The hysteresis tween the inlet and x / L ~ 0.6 to more than 0.30
data in this paper suggest that strong gas- at x / L >10.85. This could be an end effect, per-
blocking foams may regain their gas blocking haps due to the use of atmospheric back pres-
ability upon reduction of ZIPas the result ofla- sure and/or low ziP, which is expected to give
mella regeneration. Foams less effective in large end effects in the form of a stronger foam
blocking gas develop continuous gas channels near the outlet (Rossen et al., 1991). How-
when subjected to high ziP which do not close ever, the outlet liquid accumulation could also
again if ZIPis reduced. This points out the need, be caused by transport of gas and associated
in field application, for replenishing liquid liquid in the form of bubble trains, lamellae
either by injectant within the treated volume, breaking at the outlet acting as an infinitely
or by repeated injection. large pore body. Others measuring in situ sat-
Fixed-rate gas injection is intermediate be- urations at steady state and higher pressures
tween rate-driven coinjection and pressure- (Persoff et al., 1991 ) have not reported such
driven gas injection. Inlet pressure may rise, end effects. This comparison of the fixed-pres-
reflecting the higher resistance of forcing the sure and the fixed-rate gas injection tests indi-
number of lamellae needed to transport a given cate that replenishing surfactant may be more

critical for producing high flow resistance than ( 1991 ) for Berea cores under pressure-driven
injecting at fixed rate. conditions. The similar behavior in beadpacks
Foam response to increased AP at the gas- and cores (Hanssen and Dalland, 1991 ), sup-
blocking state suggests the existence of two or ported by the same flow mechanisms domi-
three different regimes (not necessarily dis- nating in beadpacks of narrow and wide pore-
tinct in all cases). At zero or near-zero gas flow, size distribution (Prieditis, 1988), indicate
no or very few gas flow paths are open. This flow mechanisms to be more or less the same
occurs below a pressure threshold and shows in homogeneous beadpacks, heterogeneous
at most a weak dependence on AP. At higher beadpacks, and cores, provided they are of
pressure drops, mobility increases with AP, as similar permeability and length.
could happen if more lamella break-and-re- The hysteresis data in this paper suggest that
form sites were activated, or further continu- strong gas-blocking foams may regain their gas-
ous-gas channels opened. At very high loads, blocking ability upon reduction of AP as the
gas rate is often seen to increase abruptly, as if result of lamella regeneration. On the other
a highly conductive continuous gas channel is hand, a foam of less gas-blocking efficiency, or
suddenly opened. In this case, most foams will one that has been subjected to evaporation or
leave the gas-blocking state as gas rates con- long-time decay by diffusion, when subjected
tinue to increase. Interestingly, the three flow to high AP, will tend to develop continuous-gas
regimes mentioned were quantified by the channels that do not close again at reduced AP.
simple network model. This approach (cf., Fig. With regard to field application of gas-block-
20) could be a useful complement to the me- ing foams, this points out the need for replen-
chanistic approach of foam modeling, which ishing some liquid to maintain the efficiency
requires a lamella number density and a trap- of gas blockage, either by unfoamed injectant
ped fraction, neither of which is easily meas- from within the treated volume, or by re-
urable. Certain aspects of foam in porous me- peated injection.
dia have been studied by percolation methods
(Rossen and Gauglitz, 1990), although calcu- Conclusions
lations may become quite complex (Cham-
bers, 1990). The percolation model of Chou Gas blockage as strong and persistent as in
(1990) matches a wide range of data by sev- long cores or beadpacks was not achieved in
eral investigators; but, as formulated it does micromodels. However, zero gas flow was ob-
not describe the gas-blocking state. The exper- served in the absence of very large pores for
iments generally agree with those by Chou limited periods at low AP. At zero gas flow,
foam lamellae were stagnant except for peri-
odic oscillations. The response of a foam to an
increased AP at zero gas flow in the micromo-
del resulted in lamella breakage and some re-
generation (not in bubble-train mobiliza-
tion), with the net effect of opening more pore
Jt channels for flow. In foams with moving la-
mellae, generation and termination sites are
strongly coupled.
The generation of gas-blocking foam by
Fig. 20. A bond percolation model of gas flow m a pore
pressure-driven displacement of surfactant so-
network containing foam lamellae blocking pore throats. lution by gas, in a one-dimensional porous me-
Line intersections represent pore bodies. dium sufficiently long to allow the formation

of a stabilized foam front, can be described an- Nomenclature

alytically. The data required are overall differ- A cross-sectional area
ential pressure and saturation, and front posi- Cg/liq coefficient of solubility (for gas in liquid)
tions observed on a transparent pack. D diffusion coefficient
h film thickness
Predictions compare well with saturations and k absolute permeability
pressure profiles measured in situ. L porous-medium length
Gas-blocking foams can maintain order-of- N number of moles
magnitude gas mobility reductions with as lit- P pressure
3P differential pressure
tle as 0.01 pore volume of the foamed liquid 3P/L overall pressure gradient
phase remaining. This corresponds to high 3P/dx local pressure gradient
capillary pressures that would rapidly destroy Q volumetric flow rate (macroscopic)
q volumetric flow rate (network model element)
any moving lamellae and this agrees with the S saturation (fraction pore volume)
micromodel observations of mainly stagnant v linear (Darcy) velocity
lamellae. The main decay mechanism in this v, volume produced (fraction pore volume)
X position or length (fraction length )
work--for gas-blocking foam with gas that was r correlation coefficient (of order l, 2...: rt, rz... )
not pre-equilibrated with the foamed liquidm power exponent
was evaporation, presumably causing dried- 2 mobility
# viscosity
out, brittle films to break by random pertur-
disjoining pressure
bations. With equilibrated gas, the only re- ff conductance
maining known decay mechanism is interbub-
ble diffusion. Accordingly, using partly Subscripts and superscripts
equilibrated gas produced a more long-lived c capillary
foam. e entry
A model of a simple nonlinear network pre- f foam
g gas
dicts gas flow regimes at the gas-blocking state gf of gas in foam
which are in fair agreement with curve fits for in at porous-medium inlet
two sets of foams in the absence and presence liq liquid
out at porous-medium outlet
of oil. The performance data for each set are
rg residual to gas flood
generalized to one line, with fitting parameters ro residual to oil flood
close to the network model parameters. t threshold (microscopic)
The gas-blocking state of foam in porous T threshold (macroscopic)
H higher threshold (macroscopic)
media does not match the conceptual models w water
established from steady-state foam flow. Gas- * critical
blocking foams persistently, and over a wide
range of conditions, maintain large mobility
reduction factors through the passage of sentially all the foam lamellae being trapped
hundreds of pore volumes of gas, at liquid sat- and most generated during the initial passage
urations much lower than those associated with of the foam front. Gas percolates through this
the critical capillary pressure for the existence network in a number of gas flow channels in-
of stable moving lamellae. They display a non- creasing over time (at a rate depending on the
linear response to an increased flow rate or ziP, system) and with an increased ziP, but remain-
yet they do not appear to contain lamellae ing capable of decreasing again with a decrease
translating over macroscopic distances even on in ziP, by regenerating lameUae in critical sites
a time-averaged basis. The alternate descrip- as long as the pores contain sufficient foama-
tion proposed in this paper, consistent with all ble liquid. Periodic lamella-train movement
experimental data from this study, is one ofes- over distances of a few pores is consistent with

this scheme, if accompanied by liquid back- Falls, A.H., Hirasaki, G.J., Patzek, P.W., Gauglitz, D.A.,
Miller, D.D. and Ratulowski, T., 1988. Development
flow in inactive periods as inferred from ob-
of a mechanistic foam simulator: The population bal-
servations of coupled sites so that no net trans- ance and generation by snap-off. SPE Res. Eng., 3: 884-
port of liquid results. 892.
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