Directions: Draw Your Concept Map On Globalization: Explain Your Concept Map in A 100 Words in Essay

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Directions: Draw your concept map on globalization: explain your concept map in a 100 words
in essay.                       










Deep Explanation!

Globalization is the trend towards greater inter connectedness and interdependence of all
the countries in the world, without Globalization my life would be different, Society has
evolved in so many ways through integration of other nations. The countries Economic
situations can heavily depend on other allied countries. Companies have become
transitional such as Coca-Cola, Mcdonalds and Etc. With Financial Globalization, global
interconnectedness through a network of cities has become increasing and Stock market
is a great example of Financial Globalization. Government action takes place also on
global level instead of a national level. To help the people to communicate with others
billions of people around the world are connected by a variety of Technologies for
example Facebook, Twitter and Instagram unites people around the globe. Social
globalization regards to human cooperation and communication within a variety of
cultural communities, family, religion, education and work. Facebook is a huge
contributor to Social globalization to unite people around the globe. Sociological refers to
many principles and behaviour should exist everywhere. Ecological, this type of
globalization refers to the idea that the Earth should be treated as one single ecosystem,
for example Climate change and Greenhouse effect affects everybody because we are
living in one atmosphere. And lastly Geographical, Global travel used to be a major
concern for people for many reason. But with the modern technologies global travel have
been easier. Without the collaboration of the other countries global travel would not be
Activity 2: In the table identify at least 10 advantages and dis advantages of globalization

Advantages Disadvantages
1. Globalization allows us to pool all our 1.  Exploitation of Underdeveloped Countries.
resources together
2. Globalization would also reduce labor 2. Increase in Unemployment.
exploitation issues
3. Globalization reduces the prospects of 3. Widening of Rich-poor Gap.
4. Globalization improves communication 4. Harmful Effects of Consumerism.
5. Globalization would remove tax havens for 5. Adverse Effects on Social Security and
wealthy individuals and businesses. Social Welfare.
6. Access to New Cultures. Globalization 6. Harmful Effects on Small Industries and
makes it easier than ever to access foreign Small Business.
culture, including food, movies, music, and art.
7. The Spread of Technology and Innovation. 7. Cultural Homogenization
8. Lower Costs for Products. 8. Hostile to Humanism
9. Higher Standards of Living Across the 9. Erosion of Democracy
10. Access to New Markets. 10. Gender-Insensitive

1. What would be the working definition of globalization of your course?

As a Hospitality Management student, globalization enhances the student’s ability
to acquire and utilize knowledge. Globalization enhances the ability of learners to
access, assess, adopt, and apply knowledge, to think independently to exercise
appropriate judgment and to collaborate with others to make sense of new
According to (Parker, 2005) globalization can be defined as: ‘A process whereby
worldwide interconnections are virtually every sphere of activity are growing.
This can be seen as an continuous process in business where the boundaries of
countries are moving, or disappearing.
2. What is the impact of globalization in the Philippines
Globalization is the movement and integration of goods and people among
different countries. Globalization have a high impact in the Philippines. Since the
development of globalization in the Philippines, there have been many advantages
that have occurred because of it.  These things are very beneficial because they
help the economy grow every day. Some of these advantages of globalization are
High levels of education, Export-oriented agricultural sector that has generated
more than sufficient foreign exchange, Because of the industrial sector growth,
the Philippines has one if the highest per capita incomes in Southeast Asia. Along
with the advantages, there have also been disadvantages of globalization in the
Philippines. There are over 80 million people that live in the Philippines and 60%
of that population live in poverty. The economy is doing well, but it is still not up
to par when it comes to other countries. As a result, these other disadvantages
occur Not many jobs, Hunger and suffering among the lower class, The economy
is majorly agricultural, so if something happens where crops cannot be grown and
produced, the economy might suffer.

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