Music Theory 1 Fall 2011 Class Notes

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Music Theory I

Fall 2011
[] One (1.1)
Date: 9/8

Class Introduction
• review syllabus and website
• testing out deadline - Sept. 24
• Flash Card Machine
Lesson pgs. 3 - 7
• Notes
◦ treble clef
◦ bass clef
• 8va and 8vb pg. 6
• octave identification pg. 6
• accidentals pg. 7
◦ rule for accidentals in the same measure
• ex. 1.1 pg. 21
• ex. 1.2 pg. 21
• ex. 1.3 pg. 22
[] Two (1.2)
Date: 9/13

• How many are testing out?
Review Homework
• Ex. 1.1, ex. 1.2 pg. 21 and ex. 1.3 pg. 22
Lesson pgs. 7-8
• Intervals pg. 7-8
• Enharmonic Equivalents pg. 8
◦ practice enharmonic equivalents:
◦ Ab, C#, Fb, B#, Ebb, G, Fx, Db, A
• Ex. 1.4 pg. 22
[] Three (1.3)
Date: 9/15

• [final exam testing]
Review Homework
• Exercise 1.4 pg. 22
Lesson pgs. 8 - 14
• Notation of Duration pg. 8
◦ The Tie
◦ The Dot
◦ Irregular Division of Notes
• Rhythm pg. 10
◦ Meter Signatures
◦ pulse of dotted quarter note
• Aural examples:
◦ 4 quarters (1A), tie (1B), quarter-two eighths (1C), tied (1D), dot (1E)
◦ duple division (1F), triple division (1G), duple meter, triple meter
◦ compound meter, asymmetrical meter
• ex. 1.6 pg. 23
[] Four (1.4)
Date: 9/20

Test in one week
Review Homework
• Ex. 1.6 pgs. 23
Lesson pgs. 14 - 20
• Syncopation pg. 14
◦ Listen: figure 1.30A, 1.30B, 1.30C
• Dynamic Markings pg. 14
• Directions for Notation pg. 16
• Ex. 1.8 pg. 25
• Ex. 1.9 pg. 26
[] Five (1.5)
Date: 9/22

Test next class
Review Homework
• Exercise 1.8 and 1.9 pgs. 25-26
• Review for test
• flash card program
[] Six (1.6)
Date: 9/27

Unit One Test

• exercises 1.1, 1.3, 1.6, 1.8, 1.9
• write enharmonics
• dynamics pg. 15
[] Seven (2.1)
Date: 9/29

Review Test

• retest
• study sessions Tue 12:00
• Musition program
Lesson pgs. 27 - 35
• Scales
◦ Scale Degree Names pg. 28
◦ Major Scale pg. 29
▪ [do scales in class: F, G, Bb, D]
◦ Natural Minor Scale pg. 32
▪ [do scales in class: e, d, g, b]
◦ Other Minor Scales
▪ Harmonic minor pg. 33
▪ Melodic minor pg. 34
▪ [alter above minor scales]
• Ex. 2.1 pg. 49
• Ex. 2.5 pg. 51
[] Eight (2.2)
Date: 10/4

Review Homework
• Exercise 2.1 pg. 49 and 2.5 pg. 51
Lesson pgs. 35-38
• Key Signatures pg. 30
◦ Major
▪ practice creating major key signatures
▪ practice identifying major key signatures
◦ Minor
▪ practice minor key signatures
• Scale Relationships pg. 35
• The Magic Formula (FCGDAEB)
◦ practice
• Ex. 2.2 pg. 50
• Ex. 2.6 pg. 51
[] Nine (2.3)
Date: 10/6

• test in one week
Review Homework
• Ex. 2.2 pg. 50
• Ex. 2.6 pg. 51
• Other Scales pgs. 40-45
• Ex. 2.7 pg. 52
• Ex. 2.8. pg. 53
[] Ten (2.4)
Date: 10/11

• test next class
Review Homework
• Ex. 2.7 pg. 52
• Ex. 2.8. pg. 53
• Review for test
• flash card program
[] Eleven 2.5
Date: 10/13

Unit Two Test

• Writing scales (Ex. 2.1)
◦ major
◦ natural minor
◦ harmonic minor
◦ melodic minor
• Writing key signatures (Ex. 2.2)
◦ major
◦ minor
• Relative and parallel key signatures
• Scale degree names
[] Twelve (3.1)
Date: 10/18


Review Test
Lesson pgs. 55-58
• Intervals: Perfect and Major pgs. 55-57
◦ Practice Major and Perfect Intervals
• Intervals: Minor pg. 57
◦ Practice minor intervals
• Ex. 3.1 pg. 67
• Ex. 3.2 pg. 67
[] Thirteen (3.2)
Date: 10/20

Review Homework
• Exercise 3.1 and 3.2 pg. 67
Lesson pgs. 58-59
• Intervals: Augmented and Diminished pg. 58
◦ practice augmented and diminished intervals
• Enharmonic Intervals pg. 59
• The Tritone pg. 59
• Exercise 3.10 pg. 71
[] Fourteen (3.3)
Date: 10/25

• Test in one week
Review Homework
• Exercise 3.10 pg. 71
• Inversion of Intervals pgs. 59-60
• Do Ex. 3.5 pg. 69 in class
• Finding Inversions:
◦ the two intervals = 9
◦ major becomes minor and vice versa
◦ perfect intervals remain perfect
◦ augmented intervals become diminished and vice cersa
◦ inverted intervals can be used to find intervals below
• Compound Intervals pg. 61
• Ex. 3.3 pg. 67
• Ex. 3.9 pg. 70
[] Fifteen (3.4)
Date: 10/27

• Test
• Advising Begins
Review Homework
• Ex. 3.5 pg. 69
• Ex. 3.9 pg. 70
• Review for test
• Study for test
[] Sixteen (3.5)
Date: 11/1

Unit 3 Test
• all intervals
◦ major
◦ minor
◦ augmented
◦ diminished
◦ up and down
◦ compound
[] Seventeen (4.1)
Date: 11/3

• advising begins
• past units are the basis of the UML Fundamentals test
Review Test

• Triads pgs. 73-75
◦ creating major triads
◦ the seven major triads (FCGDAEB)
▪ practice major triads
◦ altering triads
▪ minor
▪ augmented
▪ diminished
▪ practice these triads
◦ triad names
◦ the primary triads
◦ macro analysis of chords pg. 83
• Ex. 4.1 pg. 87
• Ex. 4.2 pg. 87
[] Eighteen (4.2)
Date: 11/8

Review Homework
• Ex. 4.1 pg. 87
• Ex. 4.2 pg. 87
Lesson pgs. 75 -83
• Triad Inversions pg. 75-76
• Seventh Chords pg. 77
• Exercise 4.7 (1st part) pg. 90 (do Macro Analysis as well)
[] Nineteen (4.3)
Date: 11/10

• advising
• test in one week
Review Homework
• Exercise 4.7 (1st part) pg. 90
• Roman Numeral Analysis pg. 78
• Inversion Symbols pg. 79
◦ do 4.7 pg. 90 (2nd part) in class
• Exercise 4.3 pg. 88
[] Twenty (4.4)
Date: 11/15
Review Homework
• Exercise 4.3 pg. 88
• continued analysis
• Do Ex. 4.8 pg. 91: Do 1 and 2 in class
• play the examples
• Ex. 4.8 pg. 91-92 (3-5)
[] Twenty-One (4.5)
Date: 11/17

• Test in one week
Review Homework
• Ex. 4.8 pg. 91-92
• Figured Bass pg. 80-83
• Ex. 4.9 pg. 93 (include macro) DELETE This homework
• Review for test
[] Twenty-Two (4.6)
Date: 11/22

• Test next class
Review Homework
• Ex. 4.9 pg. 93
• review for test
• Study for test
[] Twenty-Three (4.7)
Date: 11/29

Unit 4 Test
• spell chords from a given key (Ex. 4.3)
• analyze a short piece with macro and classical analysis (Ex. 4.8)
[] Twenty-Four (5.1)
Date: 12/1

Review Test

• Cadences pgs. 97-99
◦ use HC, IAC, PAC, DC, PC
◦ listen to examples
◦ see handout
• Rhythmic Cadence pgs. 99-100
◦ see Flashcards: Cadences
• Exercise 5.1 pg. 113
[] Twenty-Five (5.2)
Date: 12/6

• Final Practice Exam
Review Homework
• Exercise 5.1 pg. 113
• Non-harmonic Tones pgs. 102-103
• Non-harmonic tones with more than 3 notes pgs. 109-111
• DO 5.2 and 5.4 IN CLASS

[ ] Twenty-Six (5.3)
Date: 12/8

• Final Exam
• Exam Practice Test

Unit 5 Test
• Analysis with nonharmonic tones and cadences (Ex. 5.5)

Final Exam
Activity: Final Comprehensive Exam
• Identify notes
• Identify meter
• Write scales
• Write key signatures
• Write intervals
• Write triads
• Write triads in keys
• Analyze a short piece of music
◦ chords
◦ inversions
◦ macro analysis
◦ RN analysis
◦ non-harmonic tones
◦ cadence

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