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*Garry Schinasi from the IMF (2004) describes a stable financial system as that which is capable of
facilitating the performance of an economy and of dissipating financial imbalances that arise
endogenously or as a result of significant adverse and unanticipated events.

*Financial stability has transitioned from a mere strategy for poverty alleviation into being a central
policy development area for achieving sustainable growth. Financial growth goes hand on hand with
active policies and programs to reduce poverty (Todaro, 2012).

*Universal access to finance stimulates economic activities and allows micro, small, and medium-sized
enterprises to develop, resulting in higher and greater income opportunities (Park and Mercado, 2015)

*Financial stability can be measured by the proportion of individuals and firms that use financial services
(WB, 2014).

*According to Fassnacht & Husseini (2013) customers are generally segmented into time constrained
service or price seekers, expected price-shoppers and cherry pickers. They further defined cherry
pickers as customers who are actively searching for price promotions and willing to shop
opportunistically and accelerate the purchase when a better price comes available.

*Agwu (2013) argued that an organization can combine high prices with high promotion whereby it
seeks to maximize profits as much as possible while at the same time attracting more customers



title: The Product Pricing Strategy After International Financial Crisis – A Case Study on the
Supermarkets in Metro Manila

The effective improvement in management of retailing lowers overall distribution costs, which then
reduces or stabilizes the final price provided to customers. After the international financial crisis,
destroying the pricing strategies of market leader is suitable for most commodities; this is the so-
called market penetration pricing. To strengthen the pricing strategy, merchandise assortment and
opening hours are adequately adjusted to respond to changes of customer purchasing pattern.
Retail division also furnishes manufacturers with information related to the taste, favor and
purchasing power of consumers; meanwhile, certain supportive services are expanded such as debit
usage and provision of substitutes to facilitate economic efficiency and competition.,%20Mei-Liang.pdf


title: Influence of pricing strategies on consumer purchase decision: a case of supermarkets in Nairobi

This study sought to address the gap in the literature concerning how pricing strategies influence
consumer purchase decisions. The first objective of the study was to find out the extent to which
Everyday Low Pricing Strategy and High-Low pricing strategy have been adopted in the
supermarkets in Nairobi County. The second objective was to establish the extent to which Everyday
low pricing strategy influences consumer purchase decisions in Nairobi County. Finally, the third
objective was to determine the extent to which High-Low pricing strategies influences consumer
purchase decisions in Nairobi County. Data was collected using questionnaires. The target
population of this study was customers of four major supermarkets in Nairobi County. Random
sampling technique was used to obtain representative sample. The study aimed at getting 315
respondents. Descriptive statistical methods were used to analyze the data. To establish if a
relationship exists between pricing strategies and consumer purchase decision regression and
correlation analysis was used. Results showed that pricing strategies were significant in explaining
product choice, store choice, purchase amount, and purchase timing. The findings generated from
the study should provide marketing managers with an understanding of the relationship between
pricing strategies and consumer purchase decision in the Kenyan context and give them insights on
which pricing strategies they should concentrate on in order to gain competitive advantage. Since
this study only looks at two pricing strategies and their influence on consumer purchase decision,
future research should examine different types of pricing strategies for example rapid skimming
strategy, slow skimming strategy, rapid penetration strategy, slow skimming strategy and their
impact on consumer purchase decision and also explore alternative methods of analyzing the data.


Njeru, I. M. (2017).
 Influence of pricing strategies on consumer purchase decision: a case ofsupermarkets in Nairobi County
 (Thesis). Strathmore University. Retrieved from

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