Modelling of Blast Loading On Aboveground Structures-Ii. Internal Blast and Ground Shock

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& SfrucruresVol. 51, No. 5, pp. 59746.

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Pergamon Printedin Great Britain.All rightsreserved
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Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering of Shoubra, Zagazig University, Egypt

(Received 30 March 1992)

Abstract-Recent studies of the nature and structural effects of confined explosions, contact blast and
explosion-induced ground shock are presented. High explosive blast is distinguished from that due to a
gaseous deflagration. The effects of confinement and venting are considered in the evaluation of dynamic
loads. Maxima for the initial internal blast pressure can be estimated from the scaled blast data or
theoretical analyses of normal blast wave reflection from a rigid wall. Semi-empirical relations and
prediction methods for gas pressures for many types of internal explosions including high explosives, gas
mixtures and dust suspensions are given on the basis of pseudo-static character. The loading of a contact
explosion and the associated effects on a concrete target are determined as functions of charge weight,
concrete strength and member thickness. In the final part, the evaluation of both airblast-induced ground
shock and directly transmitted motion are included in simple form without considering the soil-structure

1. INTRODUfXORY BACKGROUND can impose significant mechanical loads on the confi-

ning structure. However, until late 1960s little explicit
A confined or partially confined explosion in a struc- attention has been paid to the risks of damage by
ture may cause severe damage to the structural internal blast due to low explosives. The reason was
members and the inhabitants if the explosion orig- probably two-fold [ 111: the comparative rarity of
inates from a high explosive source such as an aerial blast loading of sufficient magnitude to cause even
bomb, artillery shell or terrorist charge. The loading local structural damage, and the remarkable ability of
from an explosive charge detonated within a structure well-designed reinforced concrete and steel structures
consists of several pulses of very complex waveform. to bridge over local damage. However, in 1968 major
The waveform is complex because of the compli- structural collapse following an internal gas ex-
cation of the shock waves, the reflection process plosion in a 22-storey block of flats (Ronan Point) in
within the structure, as well as the irreversible thermo- east London showed the severity of the pressure build
dynamic process of accumulated hot gases. The up and the associated damage due to a limited
mechanism of pressure build up in either vented or explosion source. The lesson has been underlined by
unvented structures has been recognized for some- several collapses in buildings and plants. Both the
time; research on the effects of bombing and explod- possibility of limiting the peak pressures by means of
ing detonations within enclosures dates from World venting and the design of structural elements to resist
War II. However, the resulting data were few and the blast have been later considered in many exper-
qualitative in nature. No attempt was made to under- imental and analytical studies [1 l-271.
stand or relate the physical process until 1968 when If an explosion occurs, two different types of
Weibull [l] correlated peak quasi-static pressure ver- ground shock problems can arise. In addition to
sus the charge weight for a series of TNT charges air-induced ground motions, directly transmitted
detonated within a vented chamber. Since then many ground shock is possible; especially for large detona-
studies have been reported [2-lo] following the inter- tions such as those associated with nuclear weapons
est in design of vented or unvented explosion contain- or the equivalent energy releases. However, less com-
ment structures for manufacture and storage of high prehensive work has been done on ground shock
explosives. effects to structures. No overall concise criteria have
Internal blast can also result from the rapid com- arisen [28]. Each of the various researches reported
bustion of fuel dispersed within a confined volume of since the early 1940s has been constrained to a
air. Examples include destruction of grain elevators particular problem. In addition, there has been a
by dust explosions and damage to buildings and tendency to mix sinusoidal or cyclic oscillations from
plants as a result of leakage of flammable gases and machinery, traffic and railways with impulsive single
active chemical liquids. The resulting overpressures pulse sources such as explosions. In the cases of

598 F. B. A. BESHARA

airblast, imposed external loads are fairly independent 2. INTERNAL AIRBLAST LOADING DUE TO HIGH
of structure motions and reasonable load estimates EXPLOSIVE SOURCE

are possible in a relatively straightforward manner. In

An explosion which occurs within a structure
the case of ground shock, however, external loads and
normally develops a very complex pressure-time
structure motions are interdependent. As a result, the
history at any position inside the structure. Although
response may be predicted by considering the struc-
this complex loading cannot be predicted exactly,
ture-medium interaction. Such an interaction is im-
approximations and modal relationships have been
portant for aboveground structures which experience
developed [2-91 which can be used to define blast loads
ground shock loads on their foundations. An under-
with a degree of confidence.
standing of structure-soil interaction phenomena in-
corporating multidimensional effects and inelastic
material behaviour under blast loading conditions are
still awaiting solutions for many relevant problems. 2.1. Effects of conjinement and venting
The common methods reported in the litera- The loading from an explosive charge detonated
ture [28-331 are based on one-dimensional models in within a vented or unvented structure essentially
which the Rankine-Hugoniot relations for conserva- consists of two distinct phases [2,4,9], as shown in
tion of mass and momentum are used to derive the Fig. l(a). The first phase is a dynamic pressure from
relationship between the ground motion and airblast the initial and reflected shock waves. This consists of
loads. It is assumed that the soil beneath the structure an initial high pressure (free-air pressure) short dur-
is elastic and uniaxially loaded. ation reflected wave, plus perhaps several reflected
As a part of a comprehensive mathematical mode1 pulses arriving later at times closely approximated by
developed in [34] for the non-linear finite element twice the average time of arrival of first pulse at the
dynamic analysis of blast-loaded reinforced concrete structure walls. These later pulses are usually attenu-
structures, the modelling of loads induced by ex- ated in amplitude because of an irreversible thermo-
plosions was necessary. In a companion paper [35] the dynamic process and are very complex in waveforms
modelling of external blast loads due to unconfined as a result of the nature of the reflection process within
explosions is given. The present paper describes the structure whether vented or unvented. The second
methods of modelling of airblast loading histories on loading phase is a quasi-static gas pressure pulse
aboveground structures due to confined explosions associated with the accumulation of the gaseous
and contact blast. The evaluation of explosion-in- products and temperature of the chemical process
duced ground shocks is included in a simplified form. involved in the explosion. The gas pressure build up

Reflected shocks

pproximate quasi-static pressure

Time t
a. Typical actual pressure-time history (electronically filtered)


b. Idealized pressure-time history

Fig. 1. Internal pressure loading at inner surface of a structure [9].

Modelling of blast loading on aboveground structures-II 599

will not begin until sometime after the onset of the The durations of these pulses (T:, T,), are not the
shock pressures. Furthermore, it takes a finite length same as the actual blast wave durations, but instead
of time after the onset of gas pressure to reach its are adjusted to preserve the magnitude of impulses,
maximum value. However, these rise times are very i.e.
small and for analysis and design purposes, the time
rise is treated as instantaneous [2, 7,9]. The ampli- T, = 2&/P, (3)
tude of the quasi-static gas pressure depends on the
specific energy and weight of the high explosive as T, = 2&/P,. (4)
well as the volume of the confinement. Typically for
the confined explosion the gas pressure will remain
after the dissipation of the reflected shock waves. As a third assumption, the re-reflected pressure waves
Depending on the degree of confinement, the effects after shocks are ignored in estimating blast loading
of these pressures may cause severe damage to the because the pressures and impulses are then much
structure unless it is designed to sustain the effects of lower than in the initial pulse. For more exact
internal pressures. Provisions for explosion venting predictions it is suggested [2] that the combined loads
will reduce the magnitude and duration of the applied from all the successive reflected shocks could be
pressures. The use of structures with one or more assumed to be 1.75 times those from the initial pulse.
surfaces, either sufficiently fragile or open to the Thus, the duration T, calculated by eqn (4) is to be
atmosphere will provide some degree of venting multiplied by 1.75.
depending on the opening size. The fragile elements Following the above assumptions the maxima for
of structure fail and thus reduce the confinement of the initial phase of internal blast loads on a structure
the explosive gases and hence the amplification of the can be estimated from the analytical relations of the
shock pressures. parameters relevant to normal blast wave reflection
As a result of the close-in effects of the explosion from a rigid wall for a free air burst of spherical TNT,
and the amplification of the pressures due to reflec- presented in [2,7, 351. The actual time history is ideal-
tions within the structure, the distribution of the ized to the triangle pulse (P, - T,) as depicted in
dynamic loads on any surface will be non-uniform Fig. l(b).
with the structural surface closest to the explosion
being subjected to the maximum load. In the litera- 2.3. Quasi-static gas pressure
ture, semi-empirical methods for the calculation When an explosion from a high explosive occurs
of the two phases of internal loading have been within a confined area, gaseous products will ac-
proposed. cumulate and the temperature within the structure
will rise, thereby forming a blast pressure whose
2.2. Shock wave loading magnitude is generally less than that of the shock
The air shock loading on the interior surfaces of pressure but whose duration is significantly longer.
structure is quite complex for all real structural The magnitude of the gas pressure, which eventually
geometries. However, approximate loading predic- settles to a slowly decaying level, is a function of the
tions have been made [2, 7,9] with the aid of simpli- volume and vent area of the structure. The smaller
fying assumptions. First, it is assumed that the initial the venting area, the longer the duration of the
reflected parameters can be taken as the ideal nor- pressure.
mally reflected parameters, even for oblique reflec- Concurrent with experimental work which precede
tions from the structure walls. This assumption is applications to blast-resistant structures, Baker
reasonably valid for strong shock waves up to an et al. [2,9] have suggested a simplified quasi-static gas
angle of incidence of about 40” and for weak shock pressure form shown in Fig. l(b) in which the gas
waves up to about 70”, provided that the slant range venting pressure is assumed to follow a linear curve
is used as the distance from charge centre to the point with zero time rise. The two parameters of interest for
of interest. The second simplifying approximation is the construction of the quasi-static portion of the
that the incident and reflected blast pulses (P,, P,) are idealized loading function are, the peak quasi-static
triangular with abrupt rises, i.e. pressure, Pqs, and the time, tb, at which the pressure
returns to ambient. Such time is often referred to as
the blow-down time [2-4,7]. The maximum value for
P,(t) = P, 1 - f , O,<t<T, (la) the overpressure, Pqs, in the gas venting phase is the
( s>
pressure rise which would occur in an unvented
enclosure before heat transfer effects attenuate it.
P,(t) = 0, t 2 T, (lb) From data and analyses in several references, the
curve of Fig. 2 has been proved [24,9] to yield good
P,(t)=P, 1-G , O<t<T, (2a)
predictions of Pqs if the quantity of explosive Wand
( I> the internal volume of the structure V are known. To
evaluate the duration tb of the gas pressure, Baker
P,(t) = 0, t 2 T,. (2b) et al. [2,9] defined the following scaled quantities: the
600 F. B. A. BESHARA


Ambient pressure
0 loo ma 300 400 500
W/V tkg/m3) Time (msec)
Fig. 2. Peak quasi-static pressure for TNT explosion in a Fig. 4. Pressure-time plot for a typical internal deflagrative
structure [2]. explosion [ 121.

scaled initial gas pressure J?, and the scaled blow- In [7], the terms partially vented and fully vented are
down time, f. These quantities are given by defined according to values of the scaled vent area
ratio A,/V213. If this parameter is greater than 0.60,
gas venting times should be less than initial shock
load durations, and the structure is considered fully
vented, i.e. gas pressure parameters can be ignored.
But, if it is less than or equal to 0.60, the structure is
partially vented, and gas pressure parameters must be
considered. Figures 2 and 3 give upper limit predic-
in which a,, is the speed of sound at standard sea level, tions compared with the data represented in several
P, is the ambient pressure, A, is the internal surface graphs of [7].
area of the structure, CI,is the vent area ratio and V
is the internal volume of the structure. The vent area
ratio for a vented roof or wall of structure is given as GAS OR DUST MIXTURES WITH AIR

a, = A,IA,, (7) 3.1. Explosion mechanism

Internal blast also results from a combustion of
where A, and A, are the vent area and wall area gaseous fuel or flammable dusts which causes an
respectively. Figure 3 gives the scaled duration of gas increase in temperature of confined air. By the gas
overpressure as function of scaled maximum press- laws this leads to pressure rise over the ambient
ure. Thus, eqn (6) leads to the corresponding dimen- conditions. Pressures generated in confined gas-phase
sional quantity as explosions are not high compared with ordinary
detonation pressures. However, durations can be
comparatively long, perhaps of the order of seconds
versus milliseconds for a conventional external blast
wave. The mechanism of the propagation of the
explosion reaction is considered in most cases to be
of the deflagrative type [ 1 l-l 51.
6 A pressure-time trace for a typical internal ex-
4 plosion is shown in Fig. 4. This figure shows three
distinct pressure regions [12]. First of these, indicated
by (a), is an initial pressure rise that occurs at a rate
set by the chemical kinetics of the combustion reac-
tion. The high pressure region, marked by (b), occurs
at the central portion of the trace where pressures are
limited by heat sinks of chemical dissociation. The
third region, part (c), is that of pressure decay which
results from the cooling effects of the confining walls,
plus pressure relief effects as gases escape through
leaks or vents.
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
? 3.2. Blast pressure loading

Fig. 3. Scaled blow-down duration vs scaled maximum Accidental explosions within structures are much
pressure for TNT explosion in a structure [2]. more likely to occur with combustible gases or dust
Modelling of blast loading on aboveground structures-II 601

suspended in the air. As a result, there is a large For dust explosions, the following semi-empirical
volume of literature dealing with internal relationship has been given[22] for calculating the
gaseous [I I-211 and dust explosions [21-271 and the maximum pressure as
effects of venting on pressures generated. Parameters
assumed to be important in these studies are geo-
metric ones such as shape and volume of the enclo-
sure, the vent area, heat of combustion of the dust or
gaseous fuel and the ratio of the actual fuel supply to where (dP/dt),, is the maximum rate of pressure
that of idealized combustion. These parameters deter- rise, Pad is the theorectical limiting adiabatic pressure,
mine the maximum pressure P,,,, maximum rate of and V, is the volume of enclosure. The constant C,,,,,
pressure rise P, and the rate of pressure relief by is an empirical constant which depends on the ratio
venting, P,,, which in turn are employed to establish of specific heat of dust and the denstiy of unburnt
the pressure-time curve according to the explosion dust suspension at ambient condition. The maximum
mechanism described in Fig. 4. rate of pressure rise can be evaluated [24] from
A variety of relationships have been de-
rived [13, 161 to predict maximum internal pressure
V”’ - K . (12)
rise P,,, that can be generated by the ignition of a c - g
gas-air mixture in a vented enclosure. Ras-
bash [17, 181 has correlated the results of various The flame front travels a considerable distance from
workers and from studies conducted on small enclo- the point of ignition before most of the fuel or dust
sures [ 171, derived the empirical equation is burnt out. The rate at which the combustible
material becomes engulfed is proportional to the
internal surface area of the confining volume. Fur-
P, = AgasP, + B,,, K, > (9) thermore, pressure increase is inversely proportional
to this volume. These considerations provide the
where P, is the pressure at which the vent is created, following expression for the rate of pressure rise, P,,
Kg is the ratio of the smallest cross-sectional area of in a confined explosion [12] as
the enclosure in which the explosion occurs to the
area of vent, Agas and BgaS are constants given as
I.2 kN/m2 and 2.8 kN/m2 for natural gas and about
three times these values for town gas [13]. The limi-
pc=cr +c Cp- phi) (pod- pads), (13)

tations of eqn (9) are listed as where C, is a coefficient, S, is the total internal surface
area of confining volume V,, and Pindis the induction
pressure; about 0.92 of the initial pressure. The
I. The ratio of maximum and minimum dimensions coefficient of pressure rise rate has been defined [12]
of the enclosure is less than 3. in terms of flame front laminar burning velocity
2. The vent area factor k, is between 1 and 5. V, (m/set)
3. The weight of the covering on the vent does not
exceed 24 kg/m2. c, = 30 u,. (14)
4. The pressure P, does not exceed 7 kN/m2.
By considering the second law of thermodynamics,
the rate of pressure relief due to venting of gases
On the basis of tests carried out by the Dutch retained within a volume V,, is suggested [12] as
Institute, TNO, Dragosavic [20] has derived the maxi-
mum internal pressure as the greater of the following
two values P”&.
= -375 + P&, for P > 1.75 bar (Isa)
0 e

Pm= AgasPu+G NO
ti’ put = -875 $ (PabS- P,,), for P < 1.75 bar
0 e
P,=P,+Cg,,, UW
in which PabSis the absolute pressure at a given time.
where There is still a considerable amount of research to
be done in order to reasonably predict the loading
$ = AJ’. function for gas and dust cloud explosions. For
gaseous deflagrations it has been suggested [22,23]
that the pressure-time history can be represented by
The suggested values of the constants AgaS, B,,,, a triangular pulse of time rise of 0.1-0.15 set, dur-
C,,, for natural gas are 0.5, 0.4 and 3.0 kN/m2 ation of 0.3 set and a peak pressure of 25-50 kN/m2.
respectively. For design purposes a value of 34 kN/mZ uniformly

602 F-3. A. BESHARA

applied pressure has been recommended {26]. A more The compressive plastic deformation of the slab
realistic estimate for the maximum pressure, based on under blast loading may be sufficiently large and
the volume of closure, vent area, and relief pressure rapid to cause lumps of concrete to ditch from the
P,,, has been given in [27]. Based on the volume of interior slab face in a similar way to spalling. This
co~tainment~ V, the duration of the idealized triangu- effect is termed as scabbing 17,373. To ensure that
lar pulse, td is detined in seconds as follows [35]: spalling is either limited or prevented, 1371 makes
recommendations for the minimum thickness of con-
I, = 0.2-0.3, for V < 100.0 m3 C16a) crete slab as follows:

td = 0.4-0.5, for 100.0 < V < 1000.0 m3 (16b) (a) thickness to resist spalling 0.32 W’j3 m;
(b) thickness at which slight spalling occurs
td = U-0.8, for Y 2 1ooO.0m3, EIk) 0.27 W l/3rnw
(c) thickness it which heavy damage occurs
The time rise, t,, of the pressure in the idealized pulse 0.23 W”3 m.
is given by
Frequently, metal spall piates are attached to the
t, = ost,, for $ 2 Vd2j3 (17a) interior face of a concrete slab to prevent spa11being
projected into the interior. In this case the slab
t, = tJ3, for * < V-2/3, U7b) thickness used may be in the range of thickness from
slight spailing to heavy damage.
where $ is the vent factor and expressed by eqn (10~).


A contact blast is the loading that arises from the When an explosion occurs at or near the ground
explosion of a conventional weapon either directly surface, ground shock results from the energy im-
on, or in the near vicinity of, a structure. In free air parted to the ground by the explosion and transmit-
the region of contact blast corresponds to a proximity ted through the point of interest. Air-induced ground
factor of less than 0.4 m/kgli3. The blast loading, P,, shock results when the airblast shock wave com-
on a concrete slab is defined [37] as a function of the presses the ground surface and sends a stress pulse
concrete cube strength as into the underlying media, Generally, the air-induced
ground motions are maximum at the ground surface
P, = 8OOOrrf,,
kN/m*, 08) and attenuate with depth [28-331. Direct ground
shock results from the explosive energy being trans-
where CL,,is the characteristic cube strength of con- mitted directly through the ground, This motion
crete in N/mm2. This loading is assumed to apply includes both the true explosion-induced motion and
over circular area of radius r, given in metres by cratering-induced motion. The resulting motions
have a longer duration than the air-induced ground
rb = 1.08( I+‘/D:~)“~ shock and the waveform tends to be sinusoidal.
The prediction methods found in the literature
in which W is the equivalent charge weight measured combine nuclear and high explosive test data with
in kilograms of TNT. relationships from theoretical studies. The main as-
In addition to considering the loading of a contact sumption cited in these methods is the free-field
explosion, local effects need to be considered. The ground shock phenomenon [28-331. The complicated
thickness of the structural member will be generally interaction of ground stress curves with the structure
determined by consideration of blast local effects. A is not included.
weapon striking or exploding against the external
face of a concrete slab results in compressive stresses 5.1. Airblast-induced gmund shock
on the external face sufficiently large to cause plastic The prediction of actual ground motion is quite
flow and cratering of the surface. The resulting complicated. However, conservative results to esti-
compressive shock wave in concrete travels to the mate &blast-induced ground shock from nuclear
interior face of the slab where it is reflected with a explosion were presented by Newmark [3O]based on
change of sign. This means that the compressive one-dimensional wave propagation theory and exper-
stresses are converted to tensile stresses. As the tensile imental data. The same approach has been
strength of concrete is much less than its compressive adopted t?] for conventional high explosives, The
strength, tensile fracturing on the interior face of peak displacement, velocity and acceleration are
the slab occurs with the result that spalling of con- found in terms of overpressure, charge yield, rise time
crete occurs at the interior of the structure with and density and seismic velocity of the soil. Since the
concrete particles being projected at considerable range of seismic velocities of soils is so large it is
velocities, recommended that the lower bound value of the
Modelling of blast loading on aboveground structures-II 403

velocity be used to produce a conservative estimate of The maximum horizontal ground motions are ex-
the induced motion. pressed in terms of the maximum vertical motions,
For a surface structure located on ground media the seismic velocity of soil and the shock wave
having uniform properties, the maximum vertical velocity 17,321, so that
velocity at the ground surface, V,, can be ex-
pressed [28-321 in terms of the peak overpressure at
the point of interest as D,, = D, tan[sin-‘(C,/U,)] (26)

v,=-, PS V, = V, tan[sin-‘(CJU,)] (27)


where pp and C, are, respectively, mass density of the

A, = A, tan[sin-‘(C,fU,)]. (28)
soil and the compression wave seismic velocity of the
soil. The impedance (p,C,) in eqn (20) is approxi-
mately 6.67 x 10’ kg/m2 sec. The following relation- For (C,/U,) greater than unity, it is recommended
ship applies for the mean value [29] that the horizontal motion be set equal to the calcu-
lated velocity motion [7,28,29,32]. The mean value
V, = I .Sp, m/set. (21) of the horizontal velocity [29] is expressed in terms of
the peak overpressure (in megapascals) as
The maximum airblast-induced vertical displacement
near the earth’s surface is obtained by integrating
eqn (21) with respect to time [30-321. The time inte-
gral of the overpressure is simply the total positive V,=lO 5 (29)
J P,
phase impulse per unit area so that

5.2. Directly transmitted ground motion

Present knowledge of directly transmitted earth
shock is substantially less extensive than that of
induced effects. Empirical equations have been devel-
oped to predict the resulting ground motion [28-331.
(23 The equations apply for TNT detonations at or near
ground surface where the ground shock parameters
To consider the effect of soil layering, an empirical are expressed in terms of the charge weight, the
relation 1291is considered to calculate D0 in metres as ground range and scaled distance from the explosion.
The maximum vertical displacement, d,, of the
D” = 0.09 W”6(H/50)0.V;” (23) ground surface are given as

in which W is the explosion yield in megatonnes and

0 02SR1~3W”3
H is the depth of the reflecting soil layer in metres. d”== * 21.3 , for rock (30a)
The peak vertical acceleration is a function of the
shape and duration of the rise curve of the peak
velocity. Based on the assumtion of a linear rise of
d _0.17R”3W”3
surface pressure and particle velocity [28,3&33J, the u- zi.3
, for soil (30b)
maximum vertical acceleration A,, can be expressed
dh = OSd”, for rock (31a)
Au,= VA (24)

where t, is the rise time to the peak velocity. At the $ = d, , for soil. (31b)
surface this is equal to the rise time of the airblast. It
is suggested [7,32] that an airblast rise time of
0.001 set can be used and results are increased by For all ground media, the maximum vertical velocity,
about 20% to account for non-linearity of the rise. In Vudrand the maximum horizontal component, V,, are
terms of peak overpressure, the mean value of the expressed by
peak vertical acceleration induced by airblast 1291is

A “1= ISOP,g (25) (32)

in which P, is in megapascals and g is acceleration due

to gravity. v, = V&. (33)
604 F. B. A. BESHARA

Finally, the maximum acceleration components are 6. CONCLUDING CONSIDERATIONS FOR MODELLING

10,000 The procedure presented in this paper for the

a,. = w1’8z2 (34)
analytical modelling of blast loads arising from
confined explosions and explosion-induced ground
a, = O.Sa,. , for dry soil shocks, is applicable to aboveground rigid structures.
The response of structures located at comparatively
close distances to an explosion that is, contact blast,
a,, = a,. , for rock and wet soil. (35b) may be determined. However, local effects associated
with these conditions must be considered in the
5.3. Net ground shock loads on structures determination of dynamic response.
The net ground shock associated with an explosion The internal blast loads that can be caused by a
is a combination of the air-induced and direct ground confined explosion are described as:
shocks. Since the methods of analysis described in
this paper are applicable to rigid structures located at l shock wave loading (for high explosives only);
some distance from an explosion, the structural l quasic-static gas venting pressure (for high and low
motions are taken equal to ground motions in the explosives).
vicinity of the structure. Similar assumptions have
been made elsewhere [7,28, 30, 321. The time at which The modelling procedure and the necessary mathmat-
the shock is felt at adjacent structures and the ical relations are explained in Sets 2 and 3 for the
magnitude and duration of the motion is a function prediction of the loading-time histories. The effects of
of the quantity of explosive detonating, the ground explosion containment and venting processes are
range and the soil media. As the air-induced ground included in such relationships. Considering the ideal
shock is a function of the airblast, the arrival time gas assumption in the derivation of the governing
and duration of the ground shock may be taken equal equations, as well as the possible delays in the venting
to the arrival time t, and duration t, of the airblast process, idealized representations of the time history
given in [34, 351. The arrival time of the direct ground of blast loads are based on a linear approximation.
shock, tag, is derived as a function of the seismic The initial internal blast pressure due to a high
velocity of soil and the distance from the ex- explosive is evaluated from the analytical studies of
plosion [30] such that normal blast wave reflection from a rigid surface.
Based on the similitude analysis, dimensionless en-
ergy-scaled parameters of quasi-static gas pressure
tog= ~ (36) and blowdown duration for blast loading within
CP structures are described. Prediction of the blast
pressure caused by gas and dust explosions are given
The actual duration of the direct shock load is not by semi-empirical relations on the basis of deflagra-
readily available. However, it is sufficient to realise tive idealization of the explosion mechanism. The
that the duration is long, that is, many times longer loading that arises from contact explosions on a
than the duration of the air-induced ground structure and the minimum thickness of concrete
shock [30]. required to resist spalling are described in Sec. 4 as
The net ground shock is obtained from a consider- functions of the charge weight and concrete compres-
ation of the arrival time and duration of each type of sive strength.
induced shock. If (to + t,) is less than tag,the structure For dynamic analysis of blast-loaded structures
is subjected to superseismic ground shock [29, 30,321, due to external explosions which are caused either by
where the air-induced shock arrives at the structure nuclear weapons or conventional high explosive, two
first and is dissipated by the time the direct shock distinct types of shock loads, air shock and ground
arrives. If t, is greater than tag, the structure is shock, have to be considered. The modelling of blast
subjected to an overtaking ground shock. The direct- loads associated with air shock which acts on the
induced ground shock arrives at the structure first, superstructure of the system has been presented in a
and since its duration is long, the air-induced ground companion paper [35]. The procedures for calculating
shock will arrive at the structure while the directly the displacements, velocities and accelerations in-
transmitted shock is still acting. The structure re- duced by the ground shock at the base of the
ceives the combined effects of the induced shock. If structure are given in Sec. 5 along with their practical
t, is slightly less than t, and (t, + t,) is greater than limitations. Airblast-induced ground motions are dis-
t~~,the combined-induced ground shocks have to be tinguished from directly transmitted ground shock.
considered. In practice, the effect due to directly All these loads may act independently or they may
transmitted ground motion is negligible compared to occur in combination, depending upon the nature of
air-induced earth motion due to the fact that soil is the exploding material and the position of the struc-
not able to transmit high frequency motion [33]. ture relative to the explosion source. For predicting
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