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Consumer’s Memoir Essay

Lauryn Reeves

When I think of something I consume regularly it is most definitely coffee. I drink

a cup of coffee five out of the seven days of the week. I consume so much of this

because it just fits into my life so easily. Every morning it is so simple for me to make a

cup of coffee and head to work, and if I don’t have enough time in the morning I will go

on my lunch break because there is a coffee shop on almost every corner. Coffee shops

and coffee companies make it so easy for the user to get easy access to their product.

Nowadays all you have to do to make coffee at home is grab a little k-pod from the

pantry and throw it in the coffee maker and it will then make the coffee for you within

minutes. If you don’t have a coffee maker at home, large companies make a drive

through experience so fast that you will not wait more than ten minutes for your coffee

to get made for you. I think that if people don’t like coffee they either can’t drink it

because of religious purposes or they just flat out do not like the taste of it. And to me

that is totally normal because I used to be that person who wasn’t a huge fan of coffee

like I am today. The taste is so strong and it is such a distinct flavor that I feel like it is

something your taste buds have to get used to. Overtime I developed a strong liking for

coffee but even now I still can’t pick up a cup of straight black coffee and drink it. I

definitely use a lot of creamer and extra added to flavors to tone down the strong taste

of coffee.

All of my family drinks coffee, so in a way it has brought us a little closer together.

We are always talking about the new drink that we have tried at our favorite coffee
shops or what k-pods we should get next for our Keurig. We all like creamers in our

coffee so we're always debating on which flavor of creamer we should buy from the

store the next visit, which usually ends up in us getting french vanilla anyway. Whenever

we go on a road trip or a vacation we always make sure our first stop is the coffee shop

so we can get our family vacation started off right. All of us have our favorite coffee shop

apps on our cell phones so we can collect points every time we go.

Changing my habits around consuming this would be difficult for me personally. I

drink it so much that completely cutting it out of my diet would be hard. I know that it

would probably benefit me because of the amounts of sugars the creamers have in

them. I think that instead of drinking a cup every day I could try and limit myself to only

three times a week and see how it not only affects my health but also my moods and

mentality. I have lately tried to not spend as much money on coffee and I am seeing

benefits from this already even though I have been doing it for a short period of time. I

am noticing that I can save more money now that I not spending $5 every day on a

coffee. It may not seem like a lot but in the long run it all adds up.

In conclusion, my consumption of coffee is an ongoing everyday thing. It has

brought me and family closer together and it has made me realize that I need to start

saving money and sacrifice a want like coffee.

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