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Página Principal ► VILLAVICENCIO ► VILLAV ► 9175 ► Second Term ► pref_1_Reading 2.

Comenzado el lunes, 10 de abril de 2017, 21:35

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en lunes, 10 de abril de 2017, 21:42
Tiempo empleado 7 minutos 52 segundos
Cali cación 100,00 de 100,00
Pregunta 1
Read carefully and pay attention to details. Then, answer the questions

Puntúa 50,00 The evolution of automobiles

sobre 50,00
Adapted from:

17th and 18th centuries

Around the 17th century, Ferdinand Verbiest, a member of a Jesuit mission in China, built the rst steam-powered vehicle around 1672
as a toy for the Chinese Emperor. It was of small enough scale that it could not carry a driver but it was, quite possibly the rst working
steam-powered vehicle ('auto-mobile').

Ferdinand Verbiest's car.

Steam-powered self-propelled vehicles large enough to transport people and cargo were rst devised in the late 18th century. In
1784, William Murdoch built a working model of a steam carriage. The rst automobile patent in the United States was granted to Oliver
Evans in 1789, and in 1801 Richard Trevithick was running a full-sized vehicle on the roads in Camborne, England.

19th century
Many vehicles started to be built around the world with innovations as hand brakes, multi-speed transmissions. Some were
commercially successful in providing mass transit. However, trains and locomotives had most of the market and inventors and
engineers shifted their e orts to improvements in railway locomotives.
What some people de ne as the rst "real" automobile was produced by French Amédée Bollée in 1873, who built self-propelled steam
road vehicles to transport groups of passengers.
The American George B. Selden  led for a patent on May 8, 1879. His application included not only the engine but its use in a 4-wheeled
car. Karl Benz, the inventor of numerous car-related technologies, received a German patent in 1886. 

20th and 21st centuries

Steam-powered automobiles continued development all the way into the early 20th century, but the dissemination of petrol engines in
the late 19th century marked the end of steam automobiles except as curiosities.
In 1870, in Vienna, Austria, inventor Siegfried Marcus put a liquid-fuelled internal combustion engine on a simple handcart which made
him the rst man to propel a vehicle by means of gasoline. Today, this car is known as "the rst Marcus car".

 "Marcus Car" is in Vienna's museum.

The rst company formed exclusively to build automobiles was Panhard et Levassor in France. Panhard was quickly followed
by Peugeot two years later. By the start of the 20th century, the automobile industry was beginning to take o in Western Europe,
especially in France, where 30,204 were produced in 1903. From 1905 through to the beginning of World War I, development
of automobile technology was quick, due in part to hundreds of small manufacturers competing to gain the world's attention.

Nowadays, cars are produced in massive scale and have many di erent characteritics depending on the company which produce them.
Now, we have electric cars and hybrids that work on both, gasoline and electricity.

And the future....

And the future....
The car industry is evolving to o er more e cient , environment friendly and faster cars than ever. We will have to wait and see if
someday cars will y.


Now, answer the following questions:

1. The rst real automobile was created by  Amédée Bollée

2. Who built a working model of a steam carriage in 1784?  William Murdoch .

3. In 1672 the  first steam powered vehicle was invented.

4. Panhard and Peugeot are   two important companies .

5. The competition between small car companies was   from 1905 to the beggining of World War I

Pregunta 2

Puntúa 50,00
Decide if each statement is true or false according to the information from the reading.
sobre 50,00
1. Hybrid cars work only with gasoline.   false

2. Trains and locomotives were very popular in the 18th century.   false

3. Sigfried Marcus invented the Marcus Car.   true

4. Cars can y nowadays.   false

5. Electric cars don't exist nowadays.   false

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