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Página Principal ► VILLAVICENCIO ► VILLAV ► 9175 ► Second Term ► pref_5_Listening 2.

Comenzado el jueves, 13 de abril de 2017, 13:13

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en jueves, 13 de abril de 2017, 13:15
Tiempo empleado 1 minutos 53 segundos
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Pregunta 1

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Haybridge Hall

Welcome to Haybridge Hall and thank you for choosing to use our Guide-O-Matic to help you make the most out of your stay here.
This guide is available in six other languages. Just ask at the ticket o៝�ce. The general history of the house is as follows:
Haybridge Hall was constructed at the end of the 15th Century and was originally called Hawken Hall after the 䦁�rst family who
owned  it. Jack Hawken was a local businessman who had become wealthy thanks to success with wool exports.

The house has changed  very little in the last 500 years with the exception of the Dawson Conservatory which can be found

behind the ticket o៝�ce. This was added in 1941 when the British Army was using Haybridge Hall as a headquarters for the 8th Army.
Churchill is said to have spent  two nights at Haybridge in the main guest bedroom in the build up to the Normandy

Landings in June 1944.

The Hawken family only managed to hold onto this 䦁�ne property for around a decade before they had to sell up and the

name Haybridge was used by the aristocrats who bought  it. The Yardley family was not from this area, but from the

north of England. They owned Haybridge for some 200 years and turned the surrounding area into productive farmland

where various crops, from wheat to potatoes, were grown.

The Yardley family left Haybridge in 1722 and the property was left empty for some sixty years or so, falling, in the meantime, into
quite a state of disrepair. It was during this period of neglect that the small church built on the grounds of the house in the early
16th Century, crumbled into ruins. Little is known about this church although one drawing of it survives. A local artist, Timothy
Warsden, sketched the church in 1728, a mere six years after the Yardley family moved  out.

Haybridge Hall's destiny seemed to have been that of long-term neglect and eventual destruction but the renowned local author
William Hoaten bought Haybridge in 1784 and spent  three years and a considerable amount of money renovating the

mansion. By this time, the amount of land belonging to the property had been considerably reduced and consisted of the few acres
you see today.

The Hoaten family stayed  at Haybridge until the beginning of the Second World War when the British Army took over the

property. After the war, the surviving members of the Hoaten family decided it would prove too costly to move back into Haybridge
Hall and so the property came to be owned by the charitable organisation English Heritage, who runs it to this day.
English Heritage undertook an extensive renovation operation in the 1970's, costing over ten million dollars. The aim of this work was
to return Haybridge Hall to something of its glory days when it was owned by the Yardley family for two centuries. Specialist builders
and craftsmen from all over the world were employed in an attempt to reconstruct the best possible example of a 17th Century
country house.
Haybridge Hall remains to this day one of the 䦁�nest examples of British renaissance architecture and the furnishing within gives an
authentic idea of what country life was like three to four centuries ago in this country. Last year, over 60,000 visitors took the same
path through Haybridge Hall that you yourself are taking today.
Now, please press button 2 if you would like to hear something about the 䦁�rst 䜄oor furniture. Press button 3 if you would like to hear
more information about the gardens of Haybridge Hall.

Decide if each statement is true or false:

1. Hawken Hall was the 䦁�rst name of Haybridge Hall.   True

2. Hawken Family owned the Hall for only three decades.   False

3. Haybridge Hall is located in Chicago, USA.  False

4. Fixing the Hall in the 1970's costed more than 䦁�fty million dollars.  False

5. Haybridge Hall is over four centuries old.  True

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