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Personal Philosophy Paper

Morgan Horn

Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing

NUR 3240: Transition to Baccalaureate Nursing

Dr. Trina Gardner

April 24, 2021

I pledge……Morgan Horn

Personal Philosophy Paper

Throughout my 12-year nursing career, I have taken care of a wide range of patient

populations with varying diagnoses and I have learned from experience what a strong impact

nurses can have on positive patient outcomes. Developing a strong patient-nurse relationship

has always been an important aspect of my nursing care. With each patient that I work with, I

strive to understand them as a person and how their beliefs, education or religion may affect

how they perceive their diagnosis and treatment. I find it imperative to gain trust from my

patients through open communication and allowing them to voice their concerns related to

their care.

On our unit, we have a whiteboard in each patient room with patient-specific

medical care information. One of the topics discussed on the board is patient goals. Each

morning, I make it a point to talk with my patients and keep them involved in their own care by

asking them what goals they want to achieve that day. I offer encouragement and support to

patients in helping them to achieve these goals. I try my best to place myself in their position

and empathize with them.

For example, I worked with a COVID patient several months ago, who was on BIPAP and

his goal was to speak with his wife that day on the phone. In understanding the severity of his

illness but also trying to abide by his wishes, we decided on a plan together to achieve his goal. I

advocated for this patient and spoke with the doctor and the respiratory therapist who was

able to wean the patient off the BIPAP for a short time to be placed on heated high flow oxygen

so he could talk and see his wife better on the zoom call we had set up. After their

conversation through zoom, he was in better spirits and was more motivated. He was able to

stay off the BIPAP for several hours afterwards. To be present with him during his interaction

with his wife reinforced why I practice nursing. I chose to be a nurse to care for people who are

sick and feeling at their worst, but to also encourage them to recover by simply developing a

caring relationship with them.

In comparing my philosophy with other famous nursing theorists, I find that Imogene

King’s theory is similar to mine. Her theory focuses on the nurse developing a strong

relationship with their patient through positive communication and properly perceiving the

patient’s beliefs and values to create goals to be achieved. With proper communication,

judgement, and nursing knowledge by the nurse, goals are made together with the patient that

are achievable. Once patient goals are achieved using this theory, the nurse-patient

relationship grows and allows for further growth of the individual in his plan of care. Patients

feel appreciated and acknowledged when they stay involved in their own care and positive

outcomes occur when goals have been attained.

Two core values of the Bon Secours Vision that I feel are a part of my nursing

philosophy are respect and compassion. Regardless of my patient’s religion, socioeconomic

status or education, I show equal respect to all patients and strive to understand their values

and beliefs related to their medical diagnosis. Each patient is different, and it is important for

them to see that you are advocating for their best interest and respecting their dignity through

a tough time in their life. I offer compassion in my everyday encounters with my patients and

empathize with them when they receive negative results or a difficult diagnosis. Verbal

communication is an important aspect of compassion, but also offering to sit quietly with the

patient, therapeutic touch and humor can help relief stress and offer the patient a way to cope

with their condition.

After working several years as a nurse, I am proud to have found my personal nursing

philosophy. It is derived from showing compassion and respect to my patients through open

communication and understanding them as an individual in society. When I have learned about

them, I can then apply my knowledge to their diagnosis to create a plan of care that will best

benefit them. Including my patients in my plan of care is imperative in developing strong

relationships and it is the basis for creating productive and positive patient outcomes.


Bon Secours Health System. (2021). Mission, vision, & values. Retrieved April 20, 2021,

Masters, K. (2020). Role development in professional nursing practice, 5th ed. Jones & Bartlett:

Burlington, MA

Parker, M. & Smith, M. (2010). Imogene King’s theory of goal attainment. Nursing Theories &

Nursing Practice, 3rd ed. F.A. Davis Company: Philadelphia, PA

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