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Good morning dear brothers and sisters, Praised be Jesus and Mary!
We gather here as one Ignacian Marian family, blessed with space and time to celebrate with
joy the fulfillment of our dream: that is to have the new Convent erected on this place whose
groundbreaking ceremony we make today.

And so today, we shall witness with grateful hearts this memorable ceremony and be one in the
fulfillment of this long time dream. With joyful hearts let us now sing our opening song:



We proclaim your name with utmost gratitude loving God for Your immeasurable goodness and
love for bringing us in this ground where our dream be fulfilled:

We offer you this soil from this holy ground being enriched, nourished and founded in 1948 by
Your love and protection.

We offer you this candle which represents Christ’s abiding presence who is Himself the

So, Father, with fervent hearts, we invoke your blessings on this remarkable event in our history
as an institution. We ask you to deeply revitalize our beings with the spirit of Venerable Ignacia
del Espiritu Santo. Imbue with courage the occupants of this soon to rise edifice on this holy
ground to let the Light keep burning in the recesses of their hearts. This we ask through Jesus
our Lord and Mary our Mother. Amen.

READING: 2 Cor. 9:6-15




Proclaiming the Lord’s abiding presence and boundless generosity in this celebration, we bring
before Him our supplication. With trust and confidence we say:


1. Lord Jesus our Life, you bountifully gifted us with a vibrant life of faith that Mother Ignacia
lived and committed her life to. In your graciousness, the Congregation of the Religious of the
Virgin Mary was born in her total reliance in You. May the Sisters continue to be steadfast in
their witnessing and apostolic service. We pray.

2. Lord Jesus, our great Provider, we ask You to bless the people who are instrumental in our
having obtained the privilege of erecting the Convent on this site. May this building lead us to a
better service to the people entrusted to our care. We pray.

3. Lord Jesus, our King, bless the minds, hearts and hands of the building’s engineers, architect,
carpenters and all workmen so that in the process of building, they may be kept away from all
dangers and that this structure when completed may truly reflect the faith and love of Venerable
Ignacia for your people. We pray.

4. Lord Jesus, Son of the Father, bless all those who will occupy this Convent, the Sisters of the
Religious of the Virgin Mary . Inspired by Venerable Ignacia’s total dedication, may they
continue to live her legacy of humble servanthood and simplicity of life. We pray.


Lord our Savior, You entrusted to us the mission of spreading the good news through Christian
Education. May the fire of love which You ignited in the heart of Venerable Ignacia inspire us
always to serve You faithfully. We place in Your loving heart all the petitions we have
articulated and those remain unsaid in our hearts. We trust that you will take them and bring
them to fruitition all that we have prayed for, You who live and reign with the Father and the
Holy Spirit. Amen.


Order for Groundbreaking:

Priest: Brothers and sisters in Christ: We have come together to seek God's blessing as
we set apart this ground for the building of a house of the religious sisters, the
RVM Sisters.
The Blessing of Ground:

PRIEST: The Lord be with you.

All: And with your spirit

PRIEST: Let us pray. Blessed are you, O Lord our God, king of the universe. You fill the
entire world with your presence; your name is to be hallowed through all the earth.
Bless all those who have worked or contributed to provide the site which today we set
apart + for the building of a convent of our dear RVM Sisters. May this be a place where
all may come to know the presence of Christ, experience the joy of his friendship, and
grow in his love.
May your gracious blessing, O Lord, descend like the dew from heaven upon this place
and upon all who shall live here. You have given us joy in a work begun in your name;
may they soon celebrate your presence in this place, and in the time to come, praise you
forever in our eternal home; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you
and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. 

ALL: Amen
Breaking of the Ground:

PRIEST: Praise the Lord, all you nations!

ALL: Extol him, all you peoples!

PRIEST: For great is his steadfast love toward us,

ALL: And the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever.

The Priest turns three spadesful of earth, saying:
PRIEST: With faith in Jesus Christ, this work is begun and this ground is broken in the
name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
ALL: Amen
The RVM Sisters of the convent to be built in the site
may each turn a spadeful of earth. After all have broken ground, DROPPING OF THE
CAPSULE FOLLOW. Then the prayers are said.
The Prayers:

PRIEST: Lord, remember us in your kingdom, and teach us to pray.

ALL: Our Father ... (the Lord’s Prayer)

PRIEST: O Lord our God, in you every good work has its beginning. Grant that what we
have undertaken this day to the glory of your name may be successfully
completed to the good of all your people; through Jesus Christ our
ALL: Amen

God our Father, we lift our hearts in a song of gratitude for the blessing of this ground where the
Convent be erected. This future structure is indeed a symbol of Your immeasurable goodness
and love for us. Thank you for giving us this precious space that serves as our link to our
foundation as a Congregation with a noble mission. May this grace-filled moment lead us to a
fruitful and meaningful fulfillment of that mission towards the future with much strength,
courage and vigor to live the fullness of life in Christ. Amen.


PRIEST: Let us go in peace and serve the Lord.

ALL: Thanks be to God.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


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