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Lexie Rivetti

Eng 1010

Professor Bogle


Legalization of Marijuana in the United States

Would the legalization of marijuana be beneficial for people or would it do more harm?

There has been a lot of speculation about how marijuana can be beneficial to the economy if

we just legalize it. On the other hand, there is a lot of information about how marijuana can be

harmful to an individual. There are many different viewpoints about this issue and throughout

this paper both sides will be viewed so there can be a mutual understanding.

“While marijuana can be addictive, scientists generally agree that fewer than 10 percent

of marijuana smokers become dependent on the drug.” Roni Caryn Rabin states in the article

Legalizing of marijuana raises health concerns. This is compared to alcohol. Yes, it has the

potential to become an addictive substance, but the statistics show that less than 10 percent

become dependent, versus alcohol with 15 percent of people becoming addicted. Throughout

this article it also compares marijuana to other substances proving that it is less addictive than

other things out there. But just because marijuana has a lower percentage of addictiveness

doesn’t mean it is good for you. The article also explains endocannabinoids which effects the

brain. It can impair your motor skills and the parts of the brain associated with memory and

concentration. Yet again this is compared to alcohol and the altering effects this substance also

has on the brain. Marijuana typically effects the younger generation more than any other.

“Teenagers may be more vulnerable to addiction, however those who start smoking pot at a

younger age are at higher risk.” Rabin explains. She also states that one in six people become

addicted. She received this information from a Dr. Volkow. Those who do become addicted will

show symptoms of withdraw, such as anxiety, trouble sleeping, mood swing and many more.

This is a negative way that marijuana can affect people if the United States decides to make it


On the other hand, the legalization of marijuana can be very beneficial to the economy.

Robert Reich wrote an article Why We Must Legalize Marijuana, which states “Levying a tax on

marijuana like we do cigarettes and alcohol, state and local governments could raise more that

$6 billion a year.” That alone speaks for itself. This could boost the economy in so many ways.

This revenue could go towards health care, schools and even fixing of many roads. “Prohibition

also hurts the economy in terms of lost wages. And Americans with criminal records have a

harder time finding a job and getting education they need.” Robert explains. This is tough for

some to hear, but when people are out of work and unable to get the education, they need due

to being arrested for marijuana charges means that the American taxpayers money goes to

funding them. When this could simply be resolved by legalizing marijuana even with restrictions

same as with alcohol.

In conclusion, we can see both sides to whether we should legalize marijuana. We can

see when Robert Reich explains how marijuana can be an economic boost for the economy. He

also explains how those who get criminal charges have a harder time contributing to society,

which in return effects everyone who end up having to support them. On the opposing side we

see how it can affect the brain of those who smoke marijuana. It can lead to memory loss and

sever symptoms of withdraw if that person were to become addicted.

Sources: Roni Caryn Rabin “Legalizing of Marijuana Raises Health Concerns” New York Times 07
January 2013
Robert Reich “Why We Must Legalize Marijuana” 28 May 2019

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