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An adjustable wrench, also called an adjustable spanner or an adjustable

crescent is a tool, which can be used to loosen or tighten a nut or bolt. It
has a "jaw" (the part where the nut or bolt fits), which is of adjustable
size. The adjustable wrench works by turning a screw, which is usually
located at the bottom of the head. While ordinary wrenches can only be
used on a particular size nut, an adjustable wrench can be used on a
much wider variety of nut sizes.
How to Use an Adjustable
1. Identify the nut or bolt you want to tighten.
2. Open the adjustable wrench by turning the screw mechanism. This
will open the jaw of the wrench. Check if you opened it enough
for the nut to fit in, or if it needs to be opened more. Make sure it
is open a bit more than the size of the nut.
3. Slip the open jaw over the nut and hold it in place. Turn the screw
mechanism so that it clamps tightly around the nut.
4. Turn the wrench in a clockwise direction to tighten it, or counter-
clockwise to loosen it. Keep on turning it until the nut is tight or
loose enough to remove.
5. Remove the wrench by loosening the screw mechanism

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