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Dear andres

Thank you very much for a great weekend. We really

enjoy your company. It brought back many good
memories of our college days when we spent
There is another reason for writing this letter. I don't
know if you've already noticed, but you've left a few
books behind. They are still sitting at the coffee table
where you left them.
I know you are an avid reader and take your books
with you wherever you go. I was wondering if you
would need them urgently. In that case, we will have
to agree on a time to meet. You can visit our place at
any time.
See you soon I hope. Thanks again.
Kind regards
1. what was your subject?
2. Did you enjoy school?
3. When i was about five, i think. Yes, I was five
4. When did you start school.
5. Excuse me , can i ask you some questions about
your schooldays?
6. and where did you go to school?
7. how long did you stay at school?
8. Oh, only about nine years, I think. Yes, I left school
when i was 14.
9. No, i hated ir.
10. In london. I was there through all my years at
11. You can, but it was a long time ago.
12. Oh , no. I left school and went to work. I wanted
to make some money.
13.Did you go to college ?
14. I didnt have one ......Well, I suppose it was PE
1. Disculpe, ¿puedo hacerle algunas preguntas sobre su época escolar?

2. Puedes, pero fue hace mucho tiempo.

3 En londres. Estuve allí durante todos mis años en la escuela.

4. ¿Cuándo empezaste la escuela?

5. Cuando tenía unos cinco años, creo. Si yo tenia cinco

6. ¿y adónde fuiste a la escuela?

7. ¿Cuánto tiempo te quedaste en la escuela?

8. Oh, solo unos nueve años, creo. Sí, dejé la escuela cuando tenía 14 años.

9 No tenía uno ... Bueno, supongo que era Educación Física.

10. ¿cuál fue tu tema?

11. ¿Disfrutaste de la escuela?

12. Oh, no. Dejé la escuela y me fui a trabajar. Quería ganar algo de dinero.

13. ¿Fuiste a la universidad?

14. No, la odiaba.

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