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4/29/2021 Senior Academic Review

Senior Academic Review

* Required

1. What is your last name? *

2. What is your first name? *

3. What is your ID number (lunch number)? *

4. How many credits have you earned? *

5. What classes do you need to complete to graduate? *

6. Are you on track to graduate? *

Mark only one oval.

Yes, I just need to pass the required classes

No, I do not have the classes I need and need help from my counselor.

IDK, please help! 1/5
4/29/2021 Senior Academic Review

7. Are you on track to complete the A-G requirements? *

Mark only one oval.

Yes, I have the grades and classes needed to complete the A-G requirements

No, I will not complete the A-Gs (No, I will not meet the A-G requirements)

I think I am on track, but can you double check?

Help, what are the A-G requirements?

8. What is your tentative (for now) career choice? *

9. What are your plans for after high school? (military, work, school, etc) *

10. If you plan to go to a college/trade school, to which ones are you applying? Please
list all or put N/A if you don't plan to apply. *

11. Have you visited career exploration sites such as and *

Mark only one oval.

Yes, thank you.

No, but I will.

Maybe, but I need help from my counselor. 2/5
4/29/2021 Senior Academic Review

12. (Do you) I plan to take the SAT and/or ACT test (to use on your college
applications?) for entrance to four year colleges (not RCC). These are not required
for most schools this year. (They are not allowed to be submitted for UCs and
CSUs). *

Mark only one oval.


Yes, I am already signed up

Yes, but I need help signing up

Help, what is this and do I need it?

13. Do you plan to use these college applications? Please check all that apply. *

Check all that apply.

UC (due 11/30)
CSU (due 11/30)
Common Application (various due dates)
Common Black College Application (various due dates)
Applications to individual schools (various due dates)
Community College Application (various due dates) you must apply early to RCC to be
considered for the Promise Program
I need a lot of help from my school counselor
I don't plan to apply anywhere

14. Will you need a letter of recommendation from your school counselor for college
applications? UCs and CSUs do not accept letters. *

Mark only one oval.

Yes, I will submit a "Brag Sheet" at least two weeks before the letter is due

No, I am not applying to any schools that require letters of recommendations from the
school counselor 3/5
4/29/2021 Senior Academic Review

15. Which Financial Aid application do you plan to fill out? Due March 2, but earlier is
better. Check all that apply. *

Check all that apply.

FAFSA (mostly US citizens and permanent residents)

Dream Act (mostly undocumented students)
Chaffee Grant (Foster Youth)
IDK and need a lot of help

16. I plan to use the monthly scholarship newsletters. *

Mark only one oval.

Yes, and I know how to do this.

Yes, but I need help on how to use this.

No, I don't want free money for college/trade school.

17. I have reviewed my transcript and it is accurate. *

Mark only one oval.


No, I will email my counselor things I think need correcting.

18. I know the steps to complete my post high school plan. *

Mark only one oval.

Yes, I have all the information I need

No, I am requesting my school counselor help me some more.

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