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requests and you will free up 10.

Avoid “efficiency traps” 

time to spend on things that are Being efficient doesn’t necessarily
10 Time more important. mean that you are being
productive. Avoid taking on tasks
Management Tips that you can do with efficiency
6. Think before acting 
How many times have you said that don’t need to be done at all.
1. Write things down  Just because you are busy and
‘yes’ to something you later
A common time management getting things done doesn’t mean
regretted? Before committing to
mistake is to try to use your you are actually accomplishing
a new task, stop to think about it
memory to keep track of too anything significant.
before you give your answer.
many details leading to
This will prevent you from taking
information overload. Using a to-
on too much work.
do list to write things down is a
great way to take control of your
7. Think about what you are
projects and tasks and keep you
giving up to do your regular
It is a good idea to evaluate
2. Prioritize your list 
regularly how you are spending
prioritizing your to-do list helps
your time. In some cases, the
you focus and spend more of
best thing you can do is to stop
your time on the things that
doing an activity that is no longer
really matter to you. Rate your
tasks into categories using the
serving you so you can spend the Work vs. time
time doing something more
ABCD prioritization system
valuable. Consider what you are
described in the time By: Rafeeq Ahmad
giving up in order to maintain
management course.
your current activities.
Knowledge Bite
3. Plan your week 
8. Use a time management
Spend some time at the THE 2011 AUDI A8 INDIA
beginning of each week to plan
Using a time management LAUNCH
your schedule. Taking the extra
system can help you keep track
time of 15-30 minute to do this
of everything that you need to
will help increase your
do, organize and prioritize your
productivity and balance your
work, and develop sound plans to
important long-term projects with
complete it. An integrated system
your more urgent tasks.
is like glue that holds all the best
time management practices
4. Carry a notebook  together.
you never know when you are
Audi is planning to take the Indian
going to have a great idea or
9. Identify bad habits  auto market more seriously and is
brilliant insight. Carry a small
Make a list of bad habits that are expecting to lead the charts in all
notebook with you wherever you
stealing your time, sabotaging segments. The A8 pushes itself
go so you can capture your
your goals, and blocking your with a 4.2 litre V8 petrol and a 3.0
thoughts. If you wait too long to litre diesel V6 engine.
success. After you do, work on
write them down you could But, Audi might have different
them one at a time and
forget. plans for Indian customers as the
systematically eliminate them
from your life. Remember that A8 is expected to be launched with
5. Learn to say ‘no’  a killer 6.3 litre W12 engine too. V6
the easiest way to eliminate a
Many people become overloaded variant will be launched at INR. 77
bad habit is to replace it with a
with too much work because they lakhs and the V8 variant will be
better habit.
over commit; they say ‘yes’ when launched at INR. 95 lakhs.
they really should be saying ‘no’.
Learn to say ‘no’ to low priority
Make The Best, Out understand that everything waste
is not actually waste and it can be
Of The Waste used to make things best.

Someone said that “Time is

Money”. I don’t know who has said
but whoever said it, I fully agree
In the present world where we
with him.
have cutthroat competition in
almost all the fields, it is difficult to Why you may say, but even if you
survive as a common man. You got Simple example is the ice-candy do not notice it, it plays the most
to have something that is sticks. They can simply be collected important role in our lives.
extraordinary or something so and made into some shape –maybe
special. This 'special factor' should We study, we work, we play, I
a ship or some tree. Likewise, you
come right from the childhood and mean each and everything that we
can also collect some marbles and do are done in the consideration of
if you have missed this feel-good gift wrapper pieces that can be very time. Without time we do not
factor, let us now try onto your kid useful in decorating the Xmas Tree. achieve anything in life, which
so that they do not suffer the The creativity lies in your sight and includes success.
challenges as you might have in you are the one who needs to use
your past life! it, keep going, and keep celebrating
your waste making best! By these
Let us learn how to make best out creative and innovative efforts, we
of the waste! The idea behind this will finally save nature which is our
is very simple – to make something collective responsibility.
that is creative and can draw
everybody's attention. Generally,
schools and colleges are coming up
with such projects that make pupils
learn how to make best out of the
Although the best utilization is done
by the Indian Army who take each
and every minute of life at upmost

With time you will never run behind

success, rather success will run
behind you.

To create something, the pupil

should have enthusiasm. This can

be developed by encouraging the
spirit of doing something new,
exciting! Parents and friends play
major role in this. Let your kid
Who is the BEST- ear. The Monkey just takes off! It
runs and runs as fast as it can, as
Infosys, Wipro or if it was scared to death! The other
two surrendered.
They Said: "OK, we give up. You're
One day, three consultants, one the best among us, and you work
from Wipro, one from Infosys and for the Best firm of the three. But
one from TCS, went out for a walk. please, please tell us your secret,"
they begged him.
"Why don't we prove who is the
best among ourselves?" "Well", said the Infosian, "The first
time I made it laugh, I told I work
Why not, said the other two. for Infosys. The next time, I told
the monkey how much I get
The Infosian said "Let's have a paid it started crying. And
test. Whoever makes this monkey then I told that I was here for
laugh, works for the best firm".

Being a pure logical strategist, the

person from TCS tried to make the
monkey Laugh by telling jokes. The
monkey stayed still. As a more
practical consultant, the Wipro guy
tried to make funny gestures... No
good, the monkey stayed put.
Now, comes the Infosian. Being the
practical guy he was always trained
to be, he whispered something into
the monkey's ear, and it burst out
laughing at him. The other two
were astonished.

So the Wipro guy said "OK, let's

take another test. Let's make this
monkey cry!!"

So there they went again, applying

the same methods as before. The
TCS guy narrated sad stories, the
Wipro guy made sad gestures, and
they failed again.

Then, the Infosian again whispered

something into the monkey's ear
and oh! It started crying, patting
the Infosian's shoulder! The other
two just could not believe their

So the Tcs guy said "OK, you've

won twice. If you can win just this
one, we will bow to you. Let's
make this monkey run".

And he barked at the monkey and

ordered him to run. Of course, it
stayed where it was.. The Wipro
guy, true to his type, pushed and
prodded the monkey- still No go. comes Infosian, again,
and whispers into the monkey's

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