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Course: Applied chemistry-I

Topic: Difference of nano-catalyst and nano-composites
Course code: CHM-104
Instructor: Mr. Shafi-ur-Rehman

Name: Ahmed Imran

Section: 1st –B

Department of Chemical Engineering

Wah Engineering College, University of Wah
Table of Contents
Nano composites 1
applications 1
types of nano composites 2
Nano catalyst 2
Homogeneous nano catalyst 3
Heterogeneous nano catalyst 4
Application of nano catalyst 5
References 6
Nanocomposites are materials that incorporate nanosized particles into a matrix of standard
material. The result of the addition of nanoparticles is a drastic improvement in properties that
can include mechanical strength, toughness and electrical or thermal conductivity. The
effectiveness of the nanoparticles is such that the amount of material added is normally only
between 0.5 and 5% by weight.
Nanocomposites can dramatically improve properties like:
•        Mechanical properties including strength, modulus and dimensional stability
•        Electrical conductivity
•        Decreased gas, water and hydrocarbon permeability
•        Flame retardancy
•        Thermal stability
•        Chemical resistance
•        Surface appearance
•        Optical clarity
How nano-composites work:
Nanoparticles have an extremely high surface to volume ratio which dramatically changes their
properties when compared with their bulk sized equivalents. It also changes the way in which the
nanoparticles bond with the bulk material. The result is that the composite can be many times
improved with respect to the component parts. Some nanocomposite materials have been shown
to be 1000 times tougher than the bulk component materials.
Nanocomposites are currently being used in a number of fields and new applications are being
continuously developed. Applications for nanocomposites include:
•        Thin-film capacitors for computer chips
•        Solid polymer electrolyes for batteries.
•        Automotive engine parts and fuel tanks
•        Impellers and blades
•        Oxygen and gas barriers
•        Food packaging

Types of nanocomposites:
Nanocomposite materials can be classified in the following way based on the presence or
absence of polymeric material in the composite.
The nanocomposites in which the compositions do not contain any polymers or polymer-derived
materials are called non-polymer-based nanocomposites (Figure 2). Non-polymer-based
nanocomposites are also known as inorganic nanocomposites. They can be further classified into
metal-based nanocomposites, ceramic-based nanocomposites, and ceramic-ceramic-based

Fig: 1

These are are usually heterogeneous catalysts broken up into metal nanoparticles in order to
enhance the catalytic process. Metal nanoparticles have high surface area, which can increase
catalytic activity. Nanoparticle catalysts can be easily separated and recycled. They are typically
used under mild conditions to prevent decomposition of the nanoparticles.
Catalytic technologies are critical to present and future energy, chemical process, and
environmental industries. Conversion of crude oil, coal and natural gas to fuels and chemical
feedstock, production of a variety of petrochemical and chemical products, and emission control
of CO, hydrocarbons, and NO, all rely on catalytic technologies. Catalysts are also essential
components of electrodes for fuel cells that use either solid oxide ionic or polymeric proton
electrolyte. Drivers for development of advanced catalysts include (i) production of high value

products with inexpensive raw materials, (ii) energy-efficient and environmentally-benign
chemical conversion processes, (iii) increasingly stringent environmental regulations, and
(iv)low-cost catalysts such as with reduction or replacement of precious metals.
The exciting prospect of nanoscience is its potential use in almost any conceivable domain.
Every field from medicine and electronics to manufacturing and fashion stand to benefit from
advances in nanotechnology. And while nano-scale technology is multifaceted in its application,
the use of nanocrystals as catalysts is perhaps the most intriguing. The key concept to
understanding nanocrystal catalysis involves the ratio of surface area and volume. As an object
gets larger, its surface area increases less in relation to its volume. Therefore, smaller objects
have more surface area with respect to their volume. This has important implications for
chemical reactions. High surface area-to volume ratios are favorable for chemical reactions.
Going back to the campfire example, kindling is used to start the fire. The small pieces of wood
have a greater surface area with respect to their volume than larger logs. Lighting the kindling
therefore results in a quicker combustion. Additionally, if one throws a handful of sawdust onto a
burning fire, a giant flare results. This reaction is chemically identical to ordinary wood burning,
but it occurs at a much faster rate. The general purpose of catalysts is to increase the speed of a
given reaction. This is achieved through kinetic means and does not directly affect the
thermodynamic properties of a chemical system. Introducing a catalyst increases the speed of a
reaction in one of three ways; it can lower the activation energy for the reaction, act as a
facilitator and bring the reactive species together more effectively, or create a higher yield of one
species when two or more products are formed. Depending on the application, nano-catalysts can
be used in all the ways listed above. Nano-materials are more effective than conventional
catalysts for two reasons. First, their extremely small size (typically 10–80 nm) yields a
tremendous surface area-to-volume ratio. Also, when materials are fabricated on the nanoscale,
they achieve properties not found within their macroscopic counterparts. Both of these reasons
account for the versatility and effectiveness of nanocatalysts.
Homogeneous Nanocatalysts:
Homogeneous catalysts are used in the same medium as the reactants - for nanoparticles this
typically means a solution or suspension of nanoparticles in a solvent.
The most important issue to consider when designing a nanocatalyst for use in a solution is to
prevent aggregation - nanoparticles are naturally attracted towards one another in these
conditions, and will clump together to form larger particles if not prevented from doing so,
removing their large surface area and other benefits.
The most effective way to stabilize nanoparticles in solution is to attach long chain molecules to
the surface. These make it impossible for the nanoparticles to get so close that they stick
together. However, they can also reduce the access to the nanoparticle surface for the reacting
molecules, decreasing overall catalytic activity.

The other main concern with homogeneous nanocatalysts is recovery. Nanoparticles are
notoriously difficult to remove from a solution, and the extra steps needed to do so could
completely negate the process simplification due to using the catalyst in the first place.
If the nanoparticles cannot be recovered, they pose an environmental risk, as well as threatening
the profitability of the process. Most nanoparticles cannot be destroyed by incineration, and the
effects of nanoparticle accumulation in ecosystems are largely unknown.

Fig 2: Nanoparticle catalysts can be much more active and selective than the same materials in bulk or larger particle form - partly due to the
increased surface area, but also due to additional size effects

Heterogeneous Nanocatalyst:
An option which is often considered to be more environmentally friendly is heterogeneous
catalysis. This involves a catalyst which is in a different phase to the reactants. The catalyst is
usually solid, or immobilized on a solid inert matrix. This gets around the issue of waste and
recoverability, as the solid catalyst can in most cases simply be filtered out.
A great deal of research has been done to investigate the catalytic potential of various
nanoparticle-support systems. Recent examples include palladium, iron, gold, nickel and
platinum nanoparticles. Supports used range from silica or aluminum to carbon fibres.
Another area of heterogeneous nanocatalysts which has been explored is nanostructured solids.
Nanoporous materials can be manufactured by growing the solid material around a molecular
template. Nanoscale features can also be etched into the surface of a catalyst using standard
lithography techniques - this can allow a degree of control over reactant flow on the catalyst
surface, as well as increasing surface area.

Applications of nanocatalysts:
In era of nanotechnology where size of every object is going to smaller and smaller with their
enhanced properties; catalysts of nano size are also used in several chemical processes and
beneficial for human being. In this section we are trying to collect all literature data on
application of nanocatalyst reported within the last few years.

 Carbon nanotubes

 Water purification

 Bio diesel production

 Fuel cell application

 In drug delivery


 Jose-Yacaman, M.; Rendon, L.; Arenas, J.; Serra Puche, M. C. (1996). "Maya Blue Paint: An
Ancient Nanostructured Material". Science. 273 (5272): 223–5.
doi:10.1126/science.273.5272.223. PMID 8662502.
 ^ B.K.G. Theng "Formation and Properties of Clay Polymer Complexes", Elsevier, NY 1979;
ISBN 978-0-444-41706-0
 ^ Functional Polymer Composites with Nanoclays, Editors: Yuri Lvov, Baochun Guo, Rawil F
Fakhrullin, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge 2017,
 Jose-Yacaman, M.; Rendon, L.; Arenas, J.; Serra Puche, M. C. (1996). "Maya Blue Paint: An
Ancient Nanostructured Material". Science. 273 (5272): 223–5.
doi:10.1126/science.273.5272.223. PMID 8662502.
 ^ B.K.G. Theng "Formation and Properties of Clay Polymer Complexes", Elsevier, NY 1979;
ISBN 978-0-444-41706-0
 ^ Functional Polymer Composites with Nanoclays, Editors: Yuri Lvov, Baochun Guo, Rawil F
Fakhrullin, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge 2017,

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