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SKILL I : Restatement
(A) The dance was fun. 6. (A) His vacation is full of activities.
(B) lt was a good time to dance. (B) ln autumn he'll have a vacation.
(C) She thinks the man is such a (C) He can't have a vacation because
good dancer. he suffered a fall.
(D) Tonight is the last time to dance. (D) He's foolish to take a vacation now

(A) She's quite thirsty. 7. (A) The book was very enjoyable.
(B) She'll be ready in a half hour. (B) lt was unpleasant to get rid of the bugs
(C) She needs to leave now. (C) She only reads when it is quiet.
(D) She was ready thirty minutes ago. (D) lt is pleasant to ride a bike.

(A) The woman should teach the 8. (A) He hasn't traveled much lately.
class herself. (B) There were a lot of cars on the road.
(B) The woman should see a
(C) He needs to lose weight.
(D) The tray was thick and heavy.
(C) lt's a good idea to speak with
the instructor. 9. (A) He doesn't know how to play the game.
(D) He would like to discuss (B) He has to write a story for class.
psychology with the woman. (C) He needs to complete an assignment.

4. (A) She has a starring role.

(D) He has already finished the report.

(B) She has not found a job yet.

10. (A) He always minds his own business.
(C) She found the lost dog.
(B) He manages to avoid working.
(D) She just began working.
(C) He is the manager of the department.
(D) He is the boss of his own company.
5. (A) He shares everything he has.
(B) He has to find his lost shirt.
(C) He is climbing the stairs to the
(D) He has to get a roommate.
I SKILL 2 I Negatives
1,. (A) He was on time. 6. (A) He closed the wlndows.
(B) He's sorrY he was late. (B) lt didn't rain.
(C) The windows were open during
(C) He doesn't know whY he was late.
the storm.
(D) He hasn't come there latelY.
(D) He saw the rain through the
2. (A) She's sorry she brought the book.
(B) She remembered to say she was sorry 7. (A) She's certain the plant's alive'
(C) She forgot the bool<. (B) She's not sure what haPPened to
(D) She didn't remember the ring. the plant.
(C) She planned to throw it out.
3. (A) The babY's nodding off. (D) She's sure the Plant should be
(s) The baby's asleeP. thrown out.
(C) The babY's on the waY home. 8. (A) The apple is good because it's
(D) The babY's just waking uP. sweet.
(B) There is an aPPle in each suite.
4. (A) He wants to go bY himself.
(C) The apple doesn't look good.
(B) He isn't going on the triP. (D) The apple is sour'
(C) He has a large number of friends.
(D) He isn't traveling alone.
9. (A) lt's cheap.
(B) lt costs a lot.
5. (A) She does not have time to park the car. (C) lt has a few Problems.
(B) She has some free time. (D) lt's hard to find.
(C) She has not been to the park in a while.
10. (A) She must leave the rock there.
(D) The park is too wild. (B) She needs a big rock.
(C) She should take the rock with her.
(D) She should take a bigger rock.

TOEFL Review exercise (Skill 1-2)

1. (A) Sfre couldn't think of a single 6. (A) lt was difficult to play because of
the wind.
(B) fhe test was easy. (B) He's unhappy because they lost.
(C) lt was impossible to think during
(C) He doesn't like playing football in
the exam.
(D) lt was too quiet. the winter.
(D) He's not very happy about the
2. (A) He will finish quickty. way they won.
(B) He works slowly.
(C) He isn't worried. 7. (A) He paid the rent two days ago.
(D) He doesn't like to work. (B) The rent wasn,t due the day
before yesterday.
3. 1R1 Her mother and father were (C) One day earlier hed rented an
(B) She was angry at her parents. (D) Yesterday he spent the whole day
(C) Her mother and father got home
too late.
(D) Her parents were mad. 8. (A) Barry's too old to enjoy camping.
(B) Not enough people are going
a. (A) He didn't get a car. camping.
(B) The car he got wasn,t real; it was (C) This weekend is not a good time
a toy. for camping.
(C) He really wanted a car but (D) Barry's too young to go camping.
couldn't get one.
(D) The
9. (A) He has to water the lawn.
car that he just bought is old.
(B) He's sorry about having to move.
5. (A) fate some seeds. (C) He's washing his clothes.
(B) Sit down. (D) He can't move right now.
(C) Make an appointment.
10. (A) He thinks the weather there is great
(D) Take some time.
(B) He prefers dry weather.
(C) The weather there is good for
(D) He Iikes wet weather.
TOEFL Exercise 3
1. (A) Going to work. 6. (A) Vlsiting her sister'
(B) Getting a babY-sitter'
(B) Getting some exercise'
(C) Letting her sister see the clothes'
(C) Relaxing for a while'
(D) Giving the clothes awaY'
(D) Visiting her friend Jim'
7. (A) Postponing the triP'
2. (A) ComPleting the work later'
(B) Finishing more of the work now' (B) Leaving immediatelY'
(C) TrYing to do thc work todaY' (C) Putting on a PlaY tomorrow'
(D) Resting tornorrow'
(D) Going later tonight'
8. (A) Working on the term PaPer the
3. (A) Cooling off t[rc hottst:'
(B) Turning dowrr thc hcat' whole daY.
(C) Raising the temPcrature' (B) Spending a little money on paper'
(D) Finding something to eat' (C) Doing a better job of Planning
4. (A) Fixing the car' her term PaPer'
(B) Breaking the news to the others' (D) SPending the whole term on the
(C) BuYing another automobile' paper.
(D) Going down the hill in the car'
e. (A) Getting a new television
5. (A) Putting uP shelves' (B) Checking which Programs are
(B) Selling the books' coming on.
(C) Looking for the lost books' (c) Checking their watches'
(D) Rearranging the books' (D) Seeing a comedY on television'

10. (A) Making some extra moneY'

(B) Depositing the money in his account'
(c) Buying something with the money'
(D) Checking out several banks'
TOEFL Review exercise (Skill {-3)

1_. (A) He prefers to stay home. 6. (A) Fixing something to drink.

(B) He has to take many trips. (B) Addine lemon to the cake.
(C) He has a lot of tasks to do. (C) Paying thirty dollars.
(D) He works well at home. (D) Picking lemons from the tree.

2. (A) There's nothing in the car. 7. (A) Write a letter.

(B) He has enough time now. (B) Complete the assignment for
(C) He doesn't want a car now. him.
(D) He prefers to do it later. (C) Tell him the time.
3. (A) Making less noise. (D) Phone him in a while.
(B) Spending more time away from
the apartment.
8. (A) Getting up in the afternoon.
(B) Having his hair cut.
(C) Moving the furniture around the
(C) Cutting the flowers in the garden.
(D) Growing his hair long.
(D) Changingapartments.
4. (A) He overstepped his authority. 9. (A) She's sure she saw him.
(B) He worked too much in the (B) She doubts what he said.
morning. (C) She isn't sure she told him her
(C) He stayed in bed too long. name.
(D) He was late getting home in the (D) She shares his beliefs.
morning. (A)
10. The break regularly lasts an hour.
5. (A) She's rather quiet. (B) No dishes were broken.
(B) He doesn't really know her. (C) The break comes at its usual
(C) She's had many difficulties. time.
(D) He's never talked to her. (D) lt regularly takes an hour to rake
the lawn.
TOEFL exercise 6 : Agreement

(A) She needs to check into the hospital. (A) His ideas about sports are simllar
(B) She thinks the man should visit her. to the woman's.
(C) She doesn't want to go to the hospital' (B) They should watch a game on
(D) She shares the man's oPinion. television together.
(C) He thinks he's better at sPorts
2. (A) fhe man should repeat himself. than the woman.
(B) The prize was quite new. (D) He doesn't like sports at all.
(C) She was also surprised.
(D) The new surface was Praised. 7. (A) She needs a straw for the coffee.
(B) She agrees with the man.
3. (A) The woman has a nice Pet. (C) She has been coughing strongly.
(B) He agrees with the woman (D) She is feeling strong todaY.
(C) A bit of luck would be nice.
8. (A) lt was possible to take a math class.
(D) He should put the drinks on ice.
(B) The matter could not possibly be
d iscussed.
4. (A) They moved just after the babY
(C) lt was impossible to attend the
was born.
(B) He saw that the woman was moving. math exam.
(D) He has the same opinion as the woman'
(C)fhe movie was really good.
(D) He shares the woman's oPinion.
9. (A) They always go out for dinner.
(B) They should cook dinner outside.
5. (A) She has over three classes.
(C) She thinks they should go out, too.
(B) She's glad to talk about the classes.
(D) She would like the man to
(C) She'd like him to tell her about
prepare dinner tonight.
the classes.
(D) She's also happy that the classes
10. (A) He is in agreement about the teacher'
are finished.
(B) Her story was quite interesting.
(C) He would like the woman to
respect what he said.
(D) The history teacher will give the
same lecture again.

TOEFL Review exercise (ski[ {-4)
1-. (A) lt's the middle of the winter.
6. (A) The washing machine was repaired.
(B) fhe weather
is not very calm. (B) He washed some clothes this
(C) The boat needs wind to go. morning.
(C) He broke some dishes while he
(D) Ihey need to unwind the sails.
was washing them.
2. (A) Iaking two hats with him. (D) The washing machine needs
to be fixed
(B) Aspiring to greater achievements. 7. (A) Registering in algebra immediately.
(C) Taking some medication. (B) Finding another school.
(D) Moving his head. (C) Enrolling in the course later.
(D) Repeating the course next semester.
3. (A) He gets up every day at sunrise.
(B) The door is open to let the 8. (A) It's red.
sunshine in. (B) tt's not dry.
(C) He parks his car out of the sunlight. (C) lt needs to be watched.
(D) The park is open all day Iong. (D) He's going to wash it.

4. (A) She ate part of Steve,s meal. 9. (A) Everyone feels relaxed at the party.
(B) Steve didn't pay for his meal. (B) There are enough people to
(C) Steve had five courses for dinner. a party.
(D) She was given some money. (C) The amount of food is adequate.
(D) Part of the food is on the table.
5. (A) He did the problem completely.
(B) He corrected the homework. 10. (A) The meeting was at four o,clock.
(B) Everyone came to the meeting
(C) He was totally wrong. in
(D) He did well on the math exam. uniforms.
(C) The information was given at the
(D) No one was uninformed about
the meeting.
TOEFL exercise 5 : Who and Where

(A) ln a hotel room. 6. (A)A weather forecaster.

(B)At a restaurant. (B)A minister.
(C)At the beach. (C) A marriage counselor.
(D) ln a desert. (D) A bride.

2. (A)A manager. 7. (A) ln an airport.

(B)A teacher. (B) At a gas station.
(C) A lawyer. (C)At a supermarket.
(D) A librarian. (D) ln a bike shop.

(A) ln a library. 8. (A) A musician.

(B) ln a doctor's office. (B) An office worker.
(C) ln a bookstore. (C)A professor.
(D) ln a grocery store. (D)An athlete.

4. (A)A beautician. 9. (A) ln a clothing store.

(B)A secretary. (B)At a car wash.
(C) A dentist. (C) ln a laundry.
(D) A gas station attendant (D)At a grocery store.

5. (A) ln a plane. 10. (A)A bank teller.

(B) ln a car. (B)A travel agent.
(C) On a bus. (C)A police officer.
(D) On a boat. (D)A bus driver.
TOEFL Exercise (Skiil i-S)

1. (A) Shutting the window.

(B) Moving closer to the window.
6. (A) Tuition is due soon.
(B) She has a free day tomorrow.
(C) Closing down the building. (C) fhe school is free.
(D) Cooling the room off.
(D) fhe room will be painted tomorrow.
2. (A) The plane came in at night.
(B) The flight was scheduled to
7. (A) He plays football regularly.
last (B) He heard some people playing
two hours. football.
(C) He was injured during a game.
(C) The fight started at two o,clock.
(D) He hurt someone during a game.
(D) The plane landed on time.

3. (A) ln a clothing store. 8. (A) Some of the seats were empty.

(B)At a pool. (B) All the chairs were full.
(C) At a racetrack.
(C) fhe lecturer was standing the whole
(D) ln a restaurant. time.
(D) He was seated at the back of
4. (A) He's unhappy with the sofa. the
(B) He likes the news. lecture hall.
(C) He's heard the unpleasant
news. 9. (A) Putting on a new suit.
(D) He always tries to please everyone. (B) Tasting the soup again.
(C) Putting some soup in the bowls
5. (A) He missed the bus he wanted to take.
(D) Adding flavorings to the soup.
(B) He's sorry he bought the yellow
(C) He made a huge error. 10. (A) A student.
(D) What happened was a mystery. (B) A receptionist
(C) A salesclerk.
(D) A dean.
TOEFL exercise 6 : Agreement

(A) She needs to check into the hospital. (A) His ideas about sports are simllar
(B) She thinks the man should visit her. to the woman's.
(C) She doesn't want to go to the hospital' (B) They should watch a game on
(D) She shares the man's oPinion. television together.
(C) He thinks he's better at sPorts
2. (A) fhe man should repeat himself. than the woman.
(B) The prize was quite new. (D) He doesn't like sports at all.
(C) She was also surprised.
(D) The new surface was Praised. 7. (A) She needs a straw for the coffee.
(B) She agrees with the man.
3. (A) The woman has a nice Pet. (C) She has been coughing strongly.
(B) He agrees with the woman (D) She is feeling strong todaY.
(C) A bit of luck would be nice.
8. (A) lt was possible to take a math class.
(D) He should put the drinks on ice.
(B) The matter could not possibly be
d iscussed.
4. (A) They moved just after the babY
(C) lt was impossible to attend the
was born.
(B) He saw that the woman was moving. math exam.
(D) He has the same opinion as the woman'
(C)fhe movie was really good.
(D) He shares the woman's oPinion.
9. (A) They always go out for dinner.
(B) They should cook dinner outside.
5. (A) She has over three classes.
(C) She thinks they should go out, too.
(B) She's glad to talk about the classes.
(D) She would like the man to
(C) She'd like him to tell her about
prepare dinner tonight.
the classes.
(D) She's also happy that the classes
10. (A) He is in agreement about the teacher'
are finished.
(B) Her story was quite interesting.
(C) He would like the woman to
respect what he said.
(D) The history teacher will give the
same lecture again.

TOEFL Review exercise
lSfilt f -ey

1. (A) Baking some pies.

(B) Climbing some trees.
6. (A) ln a fast-food restaurant.
(B) In a grocery store.
(C) Having some dessert.
(C) ln an airport.
(D) picking some apples.
(D) ln a service station.
2. (A) There are thirty questions on the test.
(B) About a half hour remains.
7. (A) Going down to the
bottom of the Iake.
(B) Swimming in the lake.
(C) The test will begin soon.
(C) Riding a boat across
(D) Thirty students are the lake.
taking the test. (D) Taking a picture of
the beautiful lake.
3. (A) She agrees with the
(B) They should visit their
8. (A) He asked a number
of questions.
friend Bill. (B) He expressed his doubts
(C) lt would be a good
idea to play billiards. about
(D) The bills have already
the situation.
been paid. (C) He is an honorable
4. (A) A ftorist. (D) He said what he really
(B) A barber.
(C) A chef.
9. (A) He would Iike a cold
drink, too.
(B) The woman should
(D) A gardener. repeat what she
(C) He doesn,t like the
taste of the drink
5. (A) She faited the test. (D) lt's too cold to stop
for a drink.
(B) Shet not exactly sure
about the exam. 10. (A) He wants to have some
(C) Her statistics were quite water.
exact. (B) fhe grass is quite dry.
(D) She received a passing
grade. (C) Het waiting for the
loan to be approve
(D) He's going to mow the
lawn this week.


1. My best friend always helpful with problems.

2. The bus schedule has changed since last week.
3. Accidentally dropped the glass on the floor.
4. The customer paying the clerk for the clothes.
5. The professor handed the syllabus to the students.
6. Each day practiced the piano for hours.
7. The basketball player tossed the ball into the hoop.
8. The new student in the class very talkative and friendly.
9. Walking with the children to school.
1"0. The whales headed south for the winter.

1. The name of the baby in the crib is Jack.

2. By the next meeting of the class need to turn in the papers.
3. The directions to the exercise on page 20 unclear.
4. Because ofthe heavy rain throughout the night, the walkways
are muddy.
5. During the week eat lunch in the school cafeteria.
6. ln the morning after the concert was tired.
7. ln the summer the trip to the mountains is our favorite
8. ln a box on the top shelf of the cabinet in the hallway of the
9. With her purse in her hand ran through the door.
10. At 1:00 in the morning the alarm clock on the table beside
the bed rang.

1. During the meeting in the office discussed the schedutJ

2. The doctor gave the patient a prescription.
3. The tall evergreen trees along the road.
4. The watch in the jewelry box needs a new battery.
5. Pleasantly greets everyone in all the offices every morning. 5
6. ln the office of the building across the street from the pa* 6.
on the comer.
7. The dishes in the sink really need to be washed as soon
as 7.
8. ln a moment of worry about the problem with the cash in 8.
the account.
9. The plane from New york circling the airport.
10. On a regular basis the plants in the boxes under the window
in the kitchen are watered and fed.
1. The crying baby needs to be picked up. (C)
2. The clothes are lying on the floor should go into the washlng
machine. (l)
3. The waitress bringing the steaming soup to the waiting diners.
4. Most of the striking workers are walking the picket line.
5. For her birthday, the child is getting a talking doll.
6. The setting sun creating a rainbow of colors in the sky.
7. The ship is sailing to Mexico is leaving tonight.
8. The letters needing immediate answers are on the desk.
9. The boring class just ending a few minutes ago.
10. The fast-moving clouds are bringing freezing rain to the area'

1. The food is served in this restaurant is delicious' (l)

2. The plane landed on the deserted runway. (C)
3. The unexpected guests arrived just at dinnertime.
4. The courses are listed in the catalogue are required courses.
5. The teacher found the lost exam.
6. The small apartment very crowded and disorganized.
7. The photographs developed yesterday showed Sam and his
8. The locked drawer contained the unworn jewels.
9. The tree was blown over in the storm was cut into logs.
10. The students registered in this course are listed on that
sheet of paper.

1. Our hosts are serving drinks on the tiled patio'

2. The tired woman taking a much needed nap.
3. The letters were sent on Monday arrived on Wednesday'
4. The winners deserved the big prize.
5. The plants are growing in the garden need a lot of water.
6. The shining stars lit up the darkened sky.
7. The driver rapidly Increased the speed of the racing car'
8. The excited children trying to build a snowman in the falllng
9. The students are completing the course will graduate in June
10. The dissatisfied customer is returning the broken toaster to
the store.
TOEFL Exercise (Skifls 3&4)

1. The first _ appeared during the Robert E. Lee the Confederate

last period of the dinosaurs, reign. army to General Grant in 1865 at the
(A) flowers are plants Appomattox Courthouse.
(B) plants have flowers (A) surrendered
(C) plants flowers (B) he surrendered
(D) flowering plants (C) surrendering
(D) surrender
2. The earliest medicines _ from
plants of various sorts. 7. The pituitary gland, _ the brain,
(A)obtaining releases hormones to control other glands.
(B) they obtained (A)found below
(C)were obtained (B) it is found below
(D)they were obtained (C) its foundation below
(D) finds itself below
3. Simple sails were made from canvas
_ over a frame. At around two years of age, many
(A) a stretch children regularly produce sentences
(B) stretched
_ three or four words.
(C) was stretched (A) are containing
(D) it was stretched (B) containing
(C) contain
4. Pluto's moon, Charon, _ in a (D) contains
slightly elliptical path around the
planet. 9. Multinational companies _ it
(A)moving increasingly important to employ
(B) is moving internationally acceptable brand names.
(C) it was moving (A) finding
(D) in its movement (B) are finding
(C) they find
5. Techniques of breath control form an (D) they are finding
essential part of any _-- program to
improve the voice. 10. The cornea is located under the
(A)it trains conjunctiva, on _ of the eye.
(B)train (A) the part is exposed
(C)trains (B) exposed the part
(D)training (C) the exposed part
(D) exposes the part

TOEFL Review Skills (Skill {-4)

_ first settled the Hawaiian The Earth's plates meet each other
lslands between a.d. 300 and 750. at cracks in the Earth faults.
(A)The Polynesians (A) were called
(B) The Polynesians arrived (B) calls
(C) Because of the Polynesians (C)called
(D) lt was the Polynesians (D) it was called

2. ln 1-056, a bright comet in the 7. The first plant-like organisms

sky attracted much attention. probably in the sea, perhaps
(A) was appearing
- 3 billion years ago.
(B) appears (A)life
(C) it appeared (B)living
(D)appearing (C) lived
(D) it was living
ln some daguerreotype cameras,_-
through a hole in the back of 8. ln male pattern baldness, strongly
the box. influences the degree of hair loss.
-(A) the object's view (A) heredity -
(B) the object was viewed (B)inherited
(C) from the view of the object (C) inherits
(D) viewed the object (D) heredity has

ln the Stone Age, stone tools 9. ln Wotch the Skies, Curtis Peebles
_ with other rock materials. _ attempt to explain Americas
(A) polishing belief in flying saucers.
(B)they polished (A) rnakes a fascinating
(C) for polish (B) making a fascinating
(D) were polished (C) fascination with making
(D) fascination made a
The first steamship to cross the Atlantic
_ Savannah, in 1819. 10. The irregular coastline of a
(A) was the succession of bays and inlets, with the hook
(B) it was the ofthe Cape Cod the southeast.
(c)the (A) Massachusetts
(D) in it the (B) Massachusetts is
(C) Massachusetts it is
(D) Massachusetts on
I +.

1. The lawn needs water every day, (or) it will turn brown. L

2. The book was not long, (but) it difficult to read. 2.

3. lt was raining, so decided not to go camping. 3.
4. The material has been cut, and the pieces have been sewn 4.
5. The patient took all the medicine, he did not feel much better. 5.
6. The bill must be paid immediately, or the electricity will be 6.
turned off.
7. The furnace broke so the house got quite cold. 7.
8. The dress did not cost too much, but the quality it seemed 8.
9. The leaves kept falling off the trees, and the boys kept raking 9.
them up, but theyard was still covered.
10. The mail carrier has already delivered the mail, so the letter 10
is not going to arrive today, it probably will arrive tomorrow.

1. After the plane circled the airport, it landed on the main runway. 1,.
2. The registration process took many hours (since) the lines so long.
3. This type of medicine can be helpful, it can also have some
bad side effects.
4. The waves were amazingly high when the storm hit the 4.
coastal town.
5. We need to get a new car whether is on sale or not. 5.
6. Just as the bread came out of the oven, while a wonderful 6.
aroma filled the kitchen.
7. Everyone has spent time unpacking boxes since the family 7.
moved into the new house.
8. Although the area is a desert many plants bloom there in the
9. The drivers on the freeway drove slowly and carefully while
the rain was falling heavily because they did not want to have
an accident.
10. lf you plan carefully before you take a trip, will have a much
better time because the small details will not cause problems.
1. The lawyer presented a strong case, but the client was still
found guilty.
2. After the children read some stories before they went to bed.
3. The report needed to be completed, the workers stayed late
every night for a week.
4. lf you do notturn on the llghts, you will trip in the dark'
5. A thick fog came rolling in, so planes unable to land.
6. All ofthe shoes are on sale until the current stock is gone.
7. The ship leaving the dock even though some passengers were
not on board.
8. The outline must be turned in to the teacher a week before
the paper is due, and must approve it.
9. Because the food was cold when it was served the diners sent
it back to the kitchen.
10. You should slow down while you are driving, or the police
will pull your car over.

A spacecraft is freed from friction Bears cannot see well- small eyes.
_ launched into space. (A) bears have
(A)it (B) because having
(B) it is (C) because they have
(C) after is (D) because of bears
(D) after it is
6. _ at the lsthmus of Panama, so
animals were able to migrate between
2. _ with thelr surroundings, or theY
hide in crevices for protection. North and South America.
(A) Lobsters (A) A land bridge existed
(B) Lobsters blend (B) When a land bridge existed
(C) Lobsters blending (C)A land bridge
(D) Because lobsters blend (D) With a land bridge

ball-and-socket joint, the _ mostly made of granlte, it also

elbow is a simple hinge joint. contains some human-made materials.
(A) While the shoulder (A) The Empire State Building
(B) While the shoulder is (B)The Empire State Building is
(C) The shoulder ls (C) Although the Empire State Bullding is
(D) The shoulder (D) Although the Empire State Building is

4. A car has several sections with moving

parts,- of those parts ls essential. 8. Pressure differences make the eardrum
(A)good lubrication vibrate the ear.
(B) well lubricated (A) enters the sound waves
(C) andgood lubrication (B) as sound waves
(D)and well lubricated (C) sound waves enter
(D) as sound wavcs enter
ii 9. An optical
ootical microscope
micros.'one maonifioc r< mrrrh
magnifies as much 1n
10. r{ ^^!:-^!^^ are
^^i^^+iri^ estimates -
-.-- accurate,
Er,_ as 2,000 times, but an electron microscope
lf scientific _
with the Earth about 20,000 years ago.
I as much as a million times. (A) the Canon Diablo meteorite collided
(A) magnifying (B) the collision of the Canon Diablo meteorite
-(B) it magnifies (C) the Canon Diablo meteorite colliding
(C)can magnify (D) colliding the Canon Diablo meteorite
(D) magnify it

1. _ of the Pueblo lndians centered 6. The sound _ from a vibrating object

on intensive agriculture. will be high or low depending on the
(A) The economic activity number of vibrations.
(B) Because the economic activity (A)comes (C) is coming
(C) The economy was active (B) it is coming (D)coming
(D) When the economic activity
7. During the late 1880s, urban streetcars
2, ln popular terminology, any long were electrified through _ large
snowstorm with _ is called ablizzard. (A) they used (C) the use of
(A) the amount of wind is large (B) used (D) when they used
(B) a large amount of wind
(C) it is very windy 8. _ almost 274 square miles, but 96
(D) very windy percent of the park is under water.
(A) Although Biscayne National park

3. Nuclear power can be produced by encompasses

(B) Biscayne National Park encompasses
fusion, _ produced by fussion.
(A) it can also be (C) Biscayne National Park encompassing
(B) it can also (D) Biscayne National park
(C) and it can also be
(D) and it can also
9. Legislation _ in 1916 and 1"917 gave t
Wilson administration authority to i

in the national economy if it proved

4. _, igneous rocks may be changed into
gneisses. (A) it was passed
(B) was passed
(A)fhe temperature is high
(C) passed
(B)lf the temperature is high
(C)High temperatures (D) passes

(D)lf high temperature

10. Because a family of birds set up
5. ln 1905, Henry Flagler_ in Joel Chandler Harris's mailbox when the
his plans
to extend his Florida East Coast were in need of a place to stay,
Railway out across the sea to Key West. Wren's Nest.
(A)it was announced (A) the home is named
(B)announcement (B) sothe home is named
(C)the announcement of (C) naming the home
(D)announced (D) the home's name
l-. lt is unfortunate (that)the meal is not ready yet. 1,.

2. She told me (when) should pick up the children' 2.

3. The instructor explained where was the computer lab located' 3.
4. We could not believe what he did to us. 4.
5. Do you want to know lf it golng to rain tomorrow? 5.
6. We never know whether we will get pald or not. 6.

I 7. This evenlng you can decide what do you want to do.

8. The manager explained how wanted the work done.
9. The map showed where the party would be held. 9
10. Can you tell me why was the mail not delivered today? t-0

1. The teacher heard who answered the question. t.

2. I do not understand what it went wrong. 2.
3. Of the three movies, I can't decide whlch is the best. 3.
4. She did not remember who in her class. 4.
5. No one is sure what did it happen in front of the building. 5.
6. We found out which was her favorite type of candy. 6.
7. Do you know what caused the plants to die? 7.

8. I am not sure which it is the most important course in the program. 8.

9. We thought about who would be the best vlce president. 9.
10. She saw what in the box in the closet. 10

1. lt doubtful whether he will pass the test or not. 1

2. The group discussed who he should receive the prize. 2.

3. lt is not certain why the class was cancelled. 3.
4. I will do what does it need to be done. 4.
5. We forgot when did the movie start. 5.
6. I would like to ask if you could come over for dinner this weekend' 6.
7. The children knew which the best game to play. 7.
8. The advisor informed her that needed to add another class. 8.
9. He saw who took the moneY. 9.
10. lt is unclear how the window got broken. 10

1. Today, the true story of _ a Little 6. We do not _ the bow drill was first
Bighorn remains a mystery. developed for woodworking or fire mak
(A) happened (A)whether it
(B) it happened (B) know whether it
(C) what happened (C) know whether
(D) what happening (D) sure whether

2. For more than a decade, _that 7. Minute Man National Historical park is a
certain species are becoming scarce. monument to where
(A) the warnings of bird-watchers (A) the beginning of the Revolutionary War
(B) warn the bird-watchers (B) in the beginning of the Revolutionary War
(C) bird-watchers have warned (C) the Revolutionary War to begin
(D) a warning for bird-watchers (D) the Revolutionary War began

3. Early in the eighteenth century, Hailey 8. Tests on the colors of cars were
accurately predicted when _ of L682 at the University of California to
would return. _ the safest colors for cars.
(A)the comet (A)which
(B) was the comet (B) which were
(C) the comet was (c)if
(D) had the comet (D) how were

4. No single factor explains why _ 9. The National lnstitute of Dental Research

vary so greatly among individuals. estimates _ in fluoridated areas have
(A) aging affects about 25 percent less tooth decay than
(B) the effects of aging children elsewhere.
(C) aging has an effect (A) for school children
(D) the aging effect (B) school children's
(C) that school children
5. Lack of clarity about _ the party (D) that for school children
in the coming year will be removed
at the party's convention. 10. The process of photosynthesis explains
(A)will lead how _ able to use the energy in su
(B) lead to manufacture foods from the simple
(C) they will lead chemicals in air and water.
(D) who will lead (A) green plants
(B) green plants are
(C) planting greens
(D) with green plants are
1. Air near the equator a faster 6. The Moon's gravity pulls water on the
west-to-east motion than air farther near side of the Earth toward the Moon,
from the equator.
- and this is what tides to occur.
(A) to have (A) the cause
(B) it has (B) causes
(C) has (C) causing
(D) having (D) the cause of

2. About 4000 B.C., humans discovered 7. _, they pick up fragments of rock

that _ obtained from special rocks which become frozen into the base of
called ores. the ice.
(A) metals could be (A) Glaciers move
(B) the ability of metallic (B) Glaciers moving
(C) possibly metallic (C) They were glaciers
(D) could metals be (D) As glaciers move

3. _ quickly after an animal dies. 8. The tape measure first evolved from
(A) ln the degradation of DNA _ used by the Egyptians.
(B) Degrading DNA (A) the chains measure
-.-rr (C) DNA degrades (B) the chains are measured
_L. __ (D) For DNA to degrade (C) the chains are measuring
(D) the measuring chains
4. design has
contributed greatly to reducing 9. A tvpical Atlantic hurricane starts as
resistance to motion. a low pressure system near _
(A) lmproved (A) Africa coasts
(B) lt improves (B) coast to Africa
(C) lmprovement (C) the African coast
(D)They improve (D) Africa has a coast

5. The southern part of Florida is much 10. lt is not clear whether the subdivisions
warmer in the winter than the northern of the neocortex _ units.
part, so more to the south. (A)individual
(A) flocking tourists (B) are individual
(B) touring flocks (C) they are individual
(C) flocks of tourists (D) individually
(D) tourists flock
I gxeRCtSf 9 : Each of the following sentences contains more than one
clauses. Underline the
subjects once and the verbs twice. Circle the connector. Then indicate if the sentences are
correct (C) or incorrect (l)

1_. 1. I did not believe the story (that) he told me.

2. 2. Ms. Brown, (whom) dld you recommend for the job, will start work tomorrow.
3. 3. The lecture notes which lent me were not clearly written.
4. 4. Sally has an appointment with the hairdresser whom you recommended.
5. 5. The phone number that you gave me.
6. 6. She is able to solve all the problems which did she cause.
7. 7. The day that she spent on the beach left her sunburned.
8. B. Next week I am going to visit my cousins, whom have not seen in severalyears.
9. 9. Did you forget the promise whom you made?
10 10. The teacher whom the students like the most is their history teacher.

whom which that

(for people) (for things) (for people or thlngs)

S.,',',,,,'y adjective clause

Sr, :,.,.'r':,r': .,, V.,:'.,

adjective clause
fhaf,,-.-,,,1,,_,,;i,' r 1:1 '1 :,ygg, ,: r' ,nigWtiAi.iig,... ,.,:',:bequtiful;

*Ofe;fhAa,ajg*iVelio!leaol can be omined. T,h!q omjssjon:is veri{ eommoh i,h,spsg"n

Ipglishor-in,co,iqa,l wrtiryqn- f ng!s:h:.!i,is,;61,;,.lnrnrnoniin:for:.mat,Engtiifi oi.ii.,t[e
St ruat U iersectiontof tfi e.TO EF-L:test rr]: r,' i .:r
:.'::,r. ::: r r,,
EXERCISE 10 : Each of the following sentences contains more than one clauses. Underline the
subjects once and the verbs twice. Circle the €onnector. Then indicate if the sentences are
correct (C) or incorrect (l)

1. 1. The children (that) were vaccinated did not get sick.

2. 2. I did not vote for the politician (who) he just won the election.
3 3The dog that barking belongs to my neighbor.
4. 4. I took two of the blue pills, which were very effective.
5. 5. We rented an apartment from the landlord who does he own the buildings on
Maple Street.
6. 6. She forgot to attend the meeting whlch it began at 11:00.
7. 7. Any student who does not turn in the paper by Friday willfail the class.
8. 8. The people which came in late had to sit at the back.
9. 9. The courses that satisfy the graduation requirements they are difficult.
L0 10. After dinner she went to visit her parents, who were living down the street.

who which that

(for people) (for things) (for people or things)

adjective clause

adjective clause .V,,,,

con nector/subjec

I I Each of the following sentences contains more thon one clouses. Underline the subjects once
t ond the verbs twice. Circle the connector. Then indicote if the sentences ore correct (C) or
t incorrect (l)

1,. 1. My sisters prefer to eat food that have cooked themselves.

2. 2. The boat that hit the underwater rock sank.
3. 3. The car which he was driving could not possibly be his.
4. 4. The children built a house in the tree that in the backyard.
5. 5. The cost of the trip which we wanted to take.
6. 6. The children are playing with the toys which their mother told them to put away
7. 7. The guests who were seated around the dinner table.
8. 8. The students have to read all the chapters which are on the test.
9. 9. I really do not like the artists which you like.
10 10. The stones that they were set in the ring were quite valuable.

TOEFL Exercise (Skills 9-{O)

Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the sentence.

1. Modern humans, who first appeared about 600,000 years ago, _ Homo sopiens.
A. calling C. they called
B. were called D. they were called

2. The first writing _ evidence of is on Mesopotamian clay tablets

A. we C. has
B. that we D. that we have
3._ drought-resistant plants which store water in fleshy tissue.
A. succulentsare C. they are succulents
B. succulents D. succulents which are

4. Benjamin Kabelsky, whom _ as Jack Benny, was a famous comedian in vaudeville and on
radio and television.
A. most people's knowledge C. knowing most people
B. most people know D. the knowledge of most people
5. _ that hunted other anlmals tended to have very narrow sharp, curved claws.
A. for dinosaurs C. dinosaurs
B. dinosaurs are known D. like dinosaurs

6. The first eyeglasses had convex lenses for the aged who _ farsighted.
A. had become C. becoming
B. they had become D. it became

7. Chimney Rock, _ 500 feet above the North Platte Rive, has eroded considerably in the
last two centuries.
A. standing C. it stands
B. is standing D. which stands
8. _ that accompany recurring bouts of severe depression reduce bone density.
A. lt changes hormones C. The hormones change
B. Hormonal changes D. The change in hormones is

9. While Cather is an author_for her evocative and memorable vision of frontier prairie life.
A. whom readers C. whom praisings
B. the praise of raders D. whom readers praise

10. Mars's tiny moon Phobos is a small mountain of rock that _ from the asteroid belt by
Mars's gravitational pull.
A. was probably captured C. the probable capture
B. it probably D. probably the capture


,*, I
! Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the sentence.
1._ is famous as the home of the U.S. Naval Academy
A. Annapolis C. Why Annapolis
B. Because of Annapolis D. Because Annapolis

2. Some scientist think _ be a planet but a moon of Neptune.

A. that Pluto does not seem C. Pluto that might not
B. not Pluto D. that Pluto might not
3. with of sophisticated oil lamps, elaborate tools were made to cut the wicks.
A. appeared C. the appearance of
B. the-appearance D. it appeared

4. Fort Union was the site of what_ principal fur-trading post on the upper Missouri River.
A. the C. was the
B. being the D. it was the

5. since commercial risk, it has to appeal to a large audience to justify its cost.
A. the face of the movie C. a movie faces
B. moving faces D. to face a movie

6. A current of water known as the Gulf stream comes up from Gulf of Mexico, and
then _ the North Atlantic toward Europe.
A. it crosses C. with its crosses
B. crossing D. crosses it

7. Systems _ the two symbols 0 and I are called binary number system.
A. use C. uses
B. they use D. using

8. Genes, the blueprints for cell construction, exist in tightly organized packages called
A. are - C. which
B. they are D. which are

9. The Earth's atmosphore consists of gases _ in place around the Earth by the gravitational
pull of the planet.
A. held C. it holds
B. hold D. the hold
10. Oscar Hammerstein ll collaborated with a number of composers including Jerome Kern,
whom _ in writing the musical Show Boot.
C. he joined
B. was joined D. joining
EXERCISE 11: Each of the following sentences has one or more prepositional phrases between
the subject and verb. Putt parentheses around the prepositional phrases' Underline the subjects
once and the verbs twice. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect

L. 1. The subject (of the lectures) was quite interesting.

2. 2. The supplies (for the camping trip) needs to be packed'
3. 3. The chairs under the table in the dining room is quite comfortable.
4. 4. The players on the winning team In the competition were very talented.
5. 5. The food for the guests at the party are on the long tables'
6. 6. The cost of the clothes was higher than I had expected'
7. 7. The rugs in the front rooms of the house are goingto be washed today.
8. 8. The servers in this restaurant always does their job efficiently'
9. 9. The lights in the corner of the room need to be kept on all night'
10 10. The meeting of the members of the council begins at 3:00 in the afternoon.
Each of the following sentences has a quantity expression as the subject. Underline the subject,,
once and the verbs twice. Circle the objects that the verbs agree with. Then indicate if tht'
sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (l).

1_. 1. Half of the students in the class arrive early.

2. 2. Some of the fruit are rotten.
3. 3. All of the next chapter contains very important information.
4. 4. Most of the people in the room is paying attention.
5. 5. Part of the soup is left on the stove.
6 6. Some of the movie were just too violent for me.
7. 7. All of the details in the report needs to be checked.
8. 8. Most of the money is needed to pay the bills
9. 9.The first half of the class consist of lecture and note taking
10 10. Some of the questions on the test was impossible to answer,


Each of the following sentences contains one of the words that is grammatically singular bul
has a plural meaning. Underline these uacrds once and underline the rcrbs twice. Then indical
if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (l).

1,. 1. Anybodv are welcome at the party.

2. 2. No one here is afraid of skydiving.
3. 3. Everyone in the world needs love and respect.
4. 4. Someone have to clean up the house.
5. 5. Each plant in the garden appear healthy and strong.
6. 6. You should understand that anything is possible.
7. 7. Everything in the salad are good for you.
8. 8. Nobody in the class have completed the assignment on time.
9. 9. I am sure that every detail have been considered.
10 10. Everybody know the rules, but somebody is not following them.
Each of the following sentences may have a problem with subject/verb agreement. Underline t
subjects once and the verbs twice. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect

1,. 1. The receptionist in the entryway to the offices is able to answer your
2. 2. All of the information in the documents are important.
3. 3. Anyone in one of the classes has to take the final exam.
4. 4. The coordinator of community services are arranging the program.
5. 5. Most of the car are covered with mud.
6. 6. Nothing more is going to be completed today.
7. 7.The drinks in the pitchers on the table in the ballroom is for everyone.
8. 8. Everybody were told to be here at 8:00, but somebody is not here.
9. 9. Some of the meetings at the conference are limited to ten participants.
10 10. The sauce on the vegetables in the yellow bowl taste really delicious.
,\. I
TOEFL Exercise (Skills 11-13)
! Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words thot is not correct.

TT--l 1. Nobody know when the process of glass-making was invented.

IIABCD 2. Sugars like glucose jg made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms.

aT-l 3. Part of the electricity used in the United States todav come from hydroelectric
sou rces.

|-_l 4. The languages of the world presents a vast array of structural simijarities
d ifferences.
5T--l 5. The rise of multinationals have resulted in a great deal of legal ambiguity
because multinationals can operate in so many jurisdictions.
ET-_l 6. All of the east-west interstate highways in the United States has even numbers,

while north-south interstate highways are odd-numbered

neutrinos were detected on Earth.

[&T-l 8. Some of the agricultural practices used today is responsible for fosterine
d ese rtificatio n.

E:T-l 9. Every open space in the tarseted area that has grass and a few bushes are
occupied by the white-crowned sparrow.
EOl--l 10. Krakatoa is remembered as the volcano that put so much ash into the air thar
sunsets around the world was affected for two years afterward.
Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the sentence,

1. the earliest system of writing.

A. The constitution of Pictograms C. Constitute the pictograms
B. Pictograms in the constitution D. Pictograms constitute

2. At temperatures _ absolute zero, substances possess minimal energy.

A. approach C. approaching
I B. approaches D. they approach

3. The Earth's one-year revolution around the Sun changes how on one hemisphere
or the other.
A.falling sunlight C.sunlight -in the fall
B.the fall of sunlight D.sunlight falls

4. Though sporadic interest in regional dialects for centuries, the first large-scale
systematic studies did not take place until the nineteenth century'
A. has existed - C. has it existed
B. it existed D. existing with it

Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words thdt is not correct

I s. I | 5. The waters of the Chattahoochee River fills Lake Lanier'

feT-l 6. The first set of false teeth similar to those in use today it was made in

France in the 1780s.

l7T-l 7. The term "Yankee" was originally a nickname for people from New England,
but now anyone from the United States are referred to as Yankee.
[TT-l 8. A network of small arteries, mostly sandwiched between the skin and the
underlvins muscles, supply blood to the face and scalp'
frT-l 9. Mesquite is a smalltree in the Southwest who can withstand the severest drought.
m-l 10. At the end of the Revolution, most of the army units of the young nation was
almost entirely disbanded, leaving a total national military force of 80 men ln 7784.
1 Cht

(sa nre,st i11ctu re);,, . t(; *re

stru c1u r:e );

irr Each of the following sentences contains words or groups of words

that should be parallel.
! circle the word that indicates that the sentence should have parallel parts.
Underline the p;rrr
that should be parallel. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or
- incorrect (l).
1 1. The pastries in that shop are very expensive but quite deliciously
2. 2. You can find some change to buy a paper in the drawer, on top
E- of the dress.r
or in the jar.
3. 3. The living room was decorated with expensive paintings and
elegance lampr,
4. 4. He knew that the financial problerns were serious, that the situation was nor
tr 5.
going to improve and that needed to get a job.
5. All day long during the trip to the mountains, they were skiing,
sredding, or
played in the snow.
6. 6. The car needs new tires but not a new engine.

tr 7.
7. He stops working when he gets too tired to continue or when he
has finisheri
8' To get to the office, you shourd go through this door; turn to the reft,
continuation down the hall.
9. 9. For dessert we could serve lemon pie, fruit tarts, chocolate cake,
or butter cookr,
tr 10 10. The sick child needs some medicine, some juice, and to rest.

ffir-ersinucrunewmr+ r

parallel' circle
or groups of words that should be
Each ofthe following sentences contains words parallel parts' Underline the
the ,"ntunJ" should have
the word or words that indicate that
1. He either lied or telling an unbelievable
neither well played nor well Iiked'
2. 2. The music at the conclrt was
the morning or in the evening'
). A. H" rugrf urly studies both in
rather delightful but also quite
4. The play that we ,'* L" night
was not only
meaningful. house.
r). 5. He married her neither for her
ability to cook nor her ability to clean
and interest'
6. 6. The discussion was both exciting from
from the checking account but also
l. 7. He withdrew a1 the ,on", not-only
the savings account'
are ready to leave the classroom'
B. 8. Neither the teacher or the students
9. You can meet with me either
in the next few minutes or at 4:00'
9. also goes
l-0. John is an adventurous
person who enjoys not only skydiving but
Each of the following sentences contains word or groups of words that should be parallel. Cirt l,

the word or words that indicate that the sentence should have parallel parts. Underline the
parts that should be parallel. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (l).

1. 1. The advertisements appeared in the newspaper and on the radio.

2. 2. She is trained as both an accountant and in nursing.
3. 3. We can take either my car or yours to the party.
4. 4. The coffee is too hot, too bitter, and too strength.
5. 5. He not only passed the test but also recelving the highest score in the class.
6. 6. Your ideas are neither more important or less importantthan the ideas of the
7. 7. The meeting lasted only an hour but still seeming too long.
8. 8. The novel was both emotlonal and description.
9. 9. Either the counselor or her secretary can help you with that problem.
10 10. The leaves from the tree fell in the yard, in the pool, the driveway, and on thl
sidewa lk.
EEL E-*cisE (sEI" 't4"l5l
or group of words thot is not correct'
of the underlined word
Choose the letter

more'-tT than fountain pqns

ET-l 1. Ballpoint p"n'T less versatile bu!

in both grammatical and ohoneloev

frT-l 2' Riddles l1v
+ "i, applv a force to the arrnl
m""'u'"d by feeling the pulse and
, f3T-l
3. Blood

or too danse!'ouslv
too hard to isnitel a ry:ss "'* ':"'::
fsT-l 5. The first
#.f paqks but also
policy not only put warnings on cigarette
fOTl 6. ALg!tU.S.?ou"frll]"nt
ng of cigarettes'
bannins television advertisi
deteflnine th"
a"'ui?ty' rate' and perfection of cutting ry
z. oe'lana' beauty'

of a gemstone'
campus' is still a maior attraction
r8T-l g. The Harvard Yard, which was Harvard's -y
for both students and visiting'

it with iron plates' and an
outfit it with ten guns
6D (LcD) affcct the pelo-Llze-d light
in a tiquiu crvstaidisplav
h'l-l 10. The tiquid crystats
of the display'
reflected by the segments
that it is either blocked and


choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the sentence.

1. Most cells in multicelled organism perform fu nctio ns

(A)specialize (C) they specialize
(B) specialized

2. The big lsland of Hawaii, in the middle of the pacific ocean, _

by five volcanoes.
(A)creation (C) creating
(B) it was created (D) was created

3. The sun uses up over 4 million tons of hydrogen per second, _ still has enough hydrog, ,

to last for the next 5 billion years.

(A) it does not (C) but it
(B) it

4. For Katherine L. Bates, who _ the top op pikes peak in 1893, the view provided the
inspiration for her hymn 'America the Beautiful."
(A) reached (C) reaching
(B) she reached (D) she was reaching

choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words thqt is not correct.

I aT-_l 5. Coal, petroleum, and natural saseous are all fossil fuels
faT-l 6. The mass of neutron stars generally range from one-tenth to twice the mass
of the sun.

lTT-l 7. Grasses srow in ways that help them to survive being nibbled, dd!y, or dried

ITT-_I 8. Most of Hemingway's novels glorifies heroic exploits such as bUllflghllng or br,,

qT--l 9. Paleographers studv ancient and medieval handwriting in order to establish r

only its age and also its background

m--l 10. The sounds produced by bullfrogs and toads varv greatly because each spcr ,

have its own particular call.
Most of the ice on the Earth, close to 90 percent of it, is covering the surface of thl
continent Antarctica. lt does not snow very much in Antarctica, but whatever snow does fall
remains and grows deeper and deeper. ln some areas of Antarctica, the ice has perhaps beerr
around for as much as a million years and now is more than two miles deep.

1. The main idea of the passage is that

(A) the Earth is a cold planet
(B) most of the Earth's ice is found in
Anta rctica
(C) it snows more in Antarctica than
in any other place on Earth
(D) Antarctica is only two miles wide
but is 90 percent ice

2. The best title for the passage is

(A) Snowfall in Antarctica
(B) rhe lcy Earth
(C) The Cold, Cold Snow
(D) The Causes of Antarctica's lce Pack

The extremely hot and humid weatherthat occurs in the United states in Julyar
August is commonly called the "dog days" of summer. This name comes from the star
which is known as the Dog Star. Sirius is the brightest visible star, and in the hot sum
une months it rises in the east at approximately the same time as the Sun. As ancient people
/s) this star rising with the Sun when the weather was at its hottest, they believed that Sirius
the cause of the additional heat; they believed that this bright star added its heat to the hr
of the Sun, and these two together made summer weather so unbearably hot.

3. The topic of this passage is

(A) how dogs like to play during the summer
(B) the causes of hot and humid weather
(C) why the hot summer days are known as the "dog days,,
(D) the days that dogs prefer

4. The main idea of this passage is that

(A) the name for the summer days came from Sirius, the Dog Star
(B) dogs generally prefer hot summer days
(C) the hottest days occur in the summer because of the movements of the Sun and star
(D) sirius rises at almost the same time as the sun during the summer months
,,primitive art,, has been used in a variety of ways to describe works and styk
The term
period within th
of art. one way that this term has been used is to describe the early
used is to
development of a certain style of art. Another way that this term
has been
a nontr
Line artists who have received little professional training and who demonstrate
(s) naivete in their work'
A wonderful example of this second type of primitive artist is
Grandma Moses,
associated with farm life'
spent all her life living on a farm and working at tasks normally
when she switched to painti
did not begin painting until she reached the age of seventy-six,
too difficult' Tota
from embroidery because the arthritis in her hands made embroidery
(10) without formal education in art, she began creating panoramic images of everyday
the farm that have achieved international fame'

5. The subject of this Passage is

(A) an example of one of the types of primitive art
(B) Grandma Moses' on the farm
(C) how primitive art differs from formal art
(D) Grandma Moses's primitive Lifestyle

6. Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the

(A) Grandma Moses spent her life on a farm'
(B) Art critics cannot come to any agreement on a definition of
primitive art.
(c) Grandma Moses is one type of primitive artist because of her lack of formal training'
(D) Many artists receive little professional training'

ln the first half of the nineteenth century, a New York newspaper,

the New York Sun,
successfully earned out a hoax On the American public' Because
of this trick, readership ol
the paper rose substantiallY,
Line onAugust25,].S35,thesunpublishedreportsthatSomewonderfulnewd
(5) had been made on the moon. The article described strange, never-before-seen
public were fooled
temples covered in shining jewels" Many members of the American
the story-, even some prominent members of the scientific community.
sales in
The effect of the false story on sales of the paper was dramatic. Paper
out details of the new discoveries' Later, ff
considerably as people eagerly searched
(10lnewspaper company announced that it had not been trying to trick the public; instea

7. Which of the following best states the topic of the passage?

(A) A nineteenth-century discovery'on the moon
(B) The New York Sun
(C)A hoax and its effect
(D) The success of a newsPaPer
8. The main point of the passage is that
(A) the New York Sun was one of the earliest American newspapers
(B) the Sun increased sales when it tricked the public with a false story
(C) a newspaper achieved success by writing about the moon
(D) in 1835 some amazing new discoveries were made about the moon

Flutes have been around for quite some time, in all sorts of shapes and sizes and
Linefrom a variety of materials. The oldest known flutes are about 20,000 years Line old; thr,y
/3/ were made from hollowed-out bones with holes cut in them. ln addition to bone, older
flutes were often constructed from bamboo or hollowed-out wood.
Today's flutes are generally made of metal, and in addition to the holes they havr',r
complicated system of keys, levers, and pads. The instrument belonging to well- knowrr
1zl flautistJames Galway is not just made of any metal; it is made of gold.

The questions:

1. According to the passage, the oldest flutes 2. The passage indicates that James Galway
(A) had holes cut in them flute is made of
(B) were made of metal
(A) bones
(C) were made 200,000 years ago
(B) bamboo
(D) had a complicated set of levers and pads
(D) gold

Many parts of the Southwestern United States would become deserts again wi
the waters of the Colorado River. A system of thousands of miles of canals, hundreds of
of tunnels and aqueducts, and numerrous dams and reservoirs bring Colorado Line Ri
watertothe area. The lmperialValley in Southern California is an example of such a pl
it is a vast and productive agricultural area that was once a desert. Today,2,000 miles
canals irrigate the fertile land and keep it productive.

3. Which of the following is mentioned in the 4. According to the passage, the lmpe
passage as a way that Colorado River water Valley
gets to the Southwest? (A) is a desert today
(A) By truck (B) is located in Colorado
(B) ln bottles (C) produces a lot of agriculturalgoods
(C) ln wells (D) does not require irrigation
(D)Through canals
The passage:
The Florida Keys are a beautiful chain of almost 1,000 coral and limestone islands. These
rrne islands form an arc that heads first southwest and then west from the mainland. U.S' Highway

(s/ called the Overseas Highway, connects the main islands in the chain. On this highway, it is

I necessary to cross 42 bridges over the ocean to cover the 159 miles from Miami,
mainland, to Key West, the farthest island on the highway and the southernmost city in
United States.
on the

r 1.
The questions:

Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the Florida Keys?

(A) The Florida Keys are a chain of islands.
(B) The Florida Keys contain coral and limestone'
(C) The Florida Keys are in the shape of an arc.
(D The Florida Keys are not all inhabited.

2. Which of the following is NOT true about U.S. Highway 1?

(A) lt is also known as the Overseas Highway.
(B) lt joins all of the islands in the Florlda Keys.
(C) lt has more than 40 bridges'
(D) lt connects Miaml and KeY West.

The passage:

Blood pressure measurement has two components: systolic and diastolic. Systolic
pressure istaken when the heart is contractingto pump blood; diastolic pressure istaken
when the heart is resting between beats. ln the usual blood pressure readlng, the systolic
measurement is given first and is the higher of the two'
Normal blood pressure is a systolic measurement of 120-140, and when the systolic
pressure is 160 or higher, then hypcrtcnsion exists. Systolic pressure between 140 and 160
indicates borderlinc hypcrtonsion.

Which of the tollowirrg is NOT true about systolic blood pressure?

(A) lt is taken during the contraction of the heart'
(B) lt is usually given first in a blood pressure reading.
(C) A normal systolic measurement is 120-140'
(D) Hypertension exists when the systolic pressure is below 140'

Which of the following is NOT stated about diastolic pressure?

(A) lt is one of the two components of biood pressure measurement'
(B) lt is taken when the heart is resting'
(C) lt is lower than systolic pressure.
(D) A diastolic measurement of 140 is normal'

The passage:

ln the 1960s, as space travel was becoming a subject of much discussion, l%n
American Airlines began receiving some fairly unusual requests for flight information.
People began making requests to be on the first flight that pan Am made to the Moon.
On a whim, Pan Am started a waiting list for the first flight to the Moon. Similar
requests have come to Pan Am over the years, and pan Am has responded by adding the
names of the requesters to the list.
Unfortunatelyfor Pan Am, the originalcompany is no longer in business, and it
never got to the Moon. However, when it went out of business, it had a waiting list
of more than 90,000 names for its first lunar flight.

5. All of the following are mentioned about Pan American Airlines, EXCEpT that
(A) it started business in the 1960s
(B) it received requests for its first flight to the Moon
(C) it kept some people on a long waiting list
(D) it went out of business

Which of the following is NOT true about Pan Am's Moon flights?
(A) People asked Pan Am about its flights to the Moon.
(B) Pan Am kept a waitlng list for its Moon flights.
(C) Pan Am never really made any Moon flights.
(D) Pan Am's waiting list had only a few names on it.
The passage:
how old a tree really is' Each
The number of rings in a tree can be used to determine
colorednarrowband.Thewiderbandisproducedduringthespringandearlysummer;when and
narrower band is produced in fall
rinetree stem cells grow rapidly and become larger' The
(5, early winter, when cell growth is much slower and cells do not get very large' No cells are
produced during the harsh wlnter and summer months'

The questions:
bands and 100 narrow bands, then it is
1. lt is lmplied in the passage that if a tree has 100 wide
(C) fiftY Years old
(A) a centurY old
(D) two hundred Years old
(B) two centuries old

2. lt can be inferred from the passage that cells do

not grow
(A) when the tree is ill (C) when it rains too much
than dark-colored bands


HOW TO IDENTIFY It is implied in the possoge that "'

THE QUESTION It can bc inferred from the passage thot "'
It is most likelY that .-.
Wh at proboblY ho P Pe ne d... ?

WHERE TO FIND The answers to these questions are found in order in the

HOW TO ANSWER 1. Choose a key word in the question'

2. Scan the passage for the key word (or related
3. Read the sentence that contains lhe key word carefully'
4. Look for an answe r thal could be lrue, according to that

i' rotttJi'rn chicago' who:: i':f1.T:]:::::#::lXr'X","

hundred stories. rt r,*
leads to a lot
wr,r sucrr weather conditions
::;ffiH:"Jfi;1,"111], ori,o,", in"a city
and forth as much as three
"'TI':-Jlil"r:;::;:'."p of the buirding can move back
(s) open and close' and
doors atthe top of the building
feet everyfew seconds.-riJlnria"
and forth'
water in sinks sloshes back
L. The Sears Tower is ProbablY C. taller than anY other building
A. as tall as the Empire State J. ,a'tt ,f," highest building
in the workl
;. ;;l;";"t the tarlest building in the

passage that Chicago

2. It can be inferred from the C. has humid weather
A. has moderate weather D. usuallY has a lot of wind
B. is generallY warm

C' the building moves in

the wind
A. the building was poorly
constructed in the sinks
D' there is water
B. people go in and out so often

in the English-speaking
world is Smith' which was
The most common last name
taken from the job ",
,,"t'r'' o t]'"",
*;'i;;;;nr' jt-:tll:l#:,T:?J :]ff:n:[:
last name ts
indicate that the use of this
Tfirt;:il lffi';H sirver. Historicar records
t.3 million smiths living in the
Today, there are ,"r;i;.;
Une at least 700 years old. countries
smiths ri"i"g i" other English-speaking
(s) states and perhaps ,""ii"l'r,,,'on
the passage that family names
4. It can be inferred from
a familv lived
(A) were arways taken fro"niih"
(B) were short names
l;\::i[H :i;: il;ili:i
about the Smith family name?
Which of the following is implied not exist 500 years ago'
700 years old' (C) lt did
(A) lt is definitely in'"

united states (c) rewer than a miilion smiths

iii::li:l::;::il::"'lJJ'" 'n'
,r tttilliotr Srtriths
ioi no tamlti"s with the
name of Smith l

(tr) rrrot. llr,rtr

on the hardness scale, corundum immediately follows diamond, which is the
names of its
hardest mineral in the world. Corundum is perhaps better known by the
gemstones, ruby and sapphire. Basically, gem corundum is divided into two
une corundum that is red in color is called ruby, and corundum
that is any other color is
(s,) called sapphire.
Pure corundum is clear, but pure corundum is rarelyfound in nature.
lf small
(Cr203) got into the crystal structure
amounts of the chemical substance chromic oxide
turned a deep, rich red and
when itformed millions of years ago, then the corundum
became rubY.
(10) Red is not the only color that corundum can take on' Other chemical substances
of other colors'
enter into the crystal structure of corundum, and it can take on a variety
with sapphires, and certainly when corundum contains
Most people associate blue
However, corundum can have a variety
impuritiesthatturn it blue, it is called sapphire.
of other colors-e.g', green or purple-and still be called sapphire'

7. lt can be inferred from the passage that corundum is

(A)the hardest mineral in the world (C) the second hardest mineral
(B) not as hard as saPPhire (D) a rather soft mineral

8, Chromic oxide is probably what color?

(A)Clear (C) Red
(B) Blue (D)Green

9. Yellow corundum is most likely called

(A)sold (C)ruby
(B) chromic oxide (D) sapphire
Study each of the passages, and choose the best answers to the questions
that follow.

Before 'ballpoint pens or fountain pens, pens were made from goose feathers.
goose feathers, called quills, were sharpened and dipped
into inkwells, where they
absorbed enough ink to write a few words. lt was necessary to keep an
inkwell very
une close by, as frequent dipping was necessary.
ls) These quill pens were one of the earliest products "designed" specifically for left-
and right-handed people' Feathers from the left wing of the goose worked
best for right-
handers because of the way that the feathers arched. Feathers from the
right wing were
preferred by left-handers.

1. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

A. Early Ballpoint and Fountain pens C. Where Quill Pens Came From
B. Quill Pens for Lefties and Righties D. Various Uses for Goose Feathers

2. According to the passage, a quill came from

A. a tree C. apiece of metal
B. a bird D. a fountain pen
3. The passage indicates that a quiil pen courd hord enough ink to write
A. one or two pages C. a couple of words
B. for about one hour D. numerous sentences
l,4. which of the following is Nor true about quill pens, according to the passage?
A. Left-handers were unable to use quill pens.
B. Left-handed people generally preferred quills from the right wing.
C. Right-handers could use quill pens.
D. Right-handed people generally preferred quills from the left wing.

5. It can be inferred from the passage that quill pens

A. are still used regularly today C. are the best pens for left-handers
B. are preferred over ballpoint pens D. are no longer used much
The English names of the last four months of the Gregorian calendar (September,
october, November, December) have rather interesting histories. The Gregorian
calendar is a twelve-month calendaL so these months are the ninth, tenth, eleventh, and
rine twelfth months respectively. However, their names do not reflect their positioning in the
r,5/ calendar. The name September comes from the Latin word septum, which means
"seven.,, This month was originally the name of the seventh rather than the ninth
month. Similarly, the name October comes from the Latin octo ("eight"); the name
November comes from the Latin novem ("nine"); the name December comes from the
Lalin decem ("ten").

6. The main topic of this Passage is

A. the origin of certain month names C. the numbers In Latin
B. the Gregorian calendar D. ten-and twelve-month calendars

7. The first month on the Gregorian calendar is probably

A. March C' JanuarY
B. May D' December

The passage states that in the original version of the calendar, September was the name
A. the sixth month C. the eighth month
B. the seventh month D. the ninth month

9. lt can be inferred from the passage that November

A. used to be the ninth month,-Year
B. is no longer part of the Gregorian calendar
C. has always been the eleventh month
D. was not part of the original Gregorian calendar

10. which of the following is NoT mentioned in the passage about December?
A. lt is the twelfth month on the Gregorian calendar'
B. lts name is derived from a Latin word.
C. lts meaning comes from the number ten.
D. lt has 31 daYs.

Different types of relationships exist between living things. One type of relationship
is parasitism, in which one partner benefits while the other loses. A very different typ1,
of relationship is symbiosis, in which both partners benefit.
Line An example of a parasitic relationship exists between the stone crab and sacculina,,r
r5l type of barnacle. The sacculina attaches itself to the stone crab. lt then eats into the
crab, and the stone crab becomes disabled.
An example of a symbiotic relationship exists between the hermit crab and the
calliactis anemone. The anemone attaches itself to the crab, but it is not a parasite
because it does not harm the crab; itfeeds on food that is dropped bythe crab. The
anemone even helps the crab by protecting the crab from other predators with its

11. The subject of this passage is

A. two different kinds of relationships among living things
B. parasitic relationships
C. relationships that are mutually beneficial to living things
D. symbiosis

12. Which of the following is NOT true about parasitic relationships?

A. There are two partners in a parasitic relationship.
B. One partner in a parasitic relationship hurts the other.
C. The stone crab can be part of a parasitic relationship.
D. A parasitic relationship is usually symbiotic.

13. According to the passage what does sacculina eat?

A. The stone crab
B. Barnacles
C. Food dropped by the crab
D. Other parasites

14. The calliactis anemone

A. is a parasite
B. harms the hermit crab
C. eats into the hermit crab
D. assists the hermit crab

15. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

A. All crabs are involved in parasitic relationships.
B. All crabs are involved in symbiotic relationships.
c. some crabs are involved in symbiotic relationships, while others are not.
D. crabs are involved in neither parasitic nor symbiotic relationships.
A line in the Passage:

The question:
A" geronium" is probably which of the following?
(A) A sofa
(B) A chair
(C) A fish
(D) A plant
of the word geronium'
ln this type of question, you are not expected to know the meaning
lnstead,youshouldunderstandfromthecontextthatif the geraniumisgrowinginapot,lhen
it is probablv a plant. Answer (D) is therefore the best answer'

The following chart outllnes the key information that

you should remember about vocabulary
questions on the TOEFL test.

itudy eoch of the passoges, ond choose the best qnswers
to the questions thatfollow.

I when babies are born, they always have blue eyes.

This is because the melanin, the
pigment that colors the eyes, is not on the
surface of the iris. lnstead, it is within the
creases of the iris. Because there is little
melanin on the surface of the iris, the eyes
me appear blue.
s/ After a few months, the melanin moves to the surface
of the iris. lt is the amount of
melanin on the surface that determines a person's permanent
eye color, so it is at this point
that a baby's eyes deverop the coror they wiil have
for a rifetime.
t. The word "pigment,, in line 2 is closest in meaning
A. skin B. muscle C. tissue D. color
2. The word "surface,, in line 2 is closest in meaning
A. top B. inside C. back D. bottom
3. The word "permanent,, in line 6 could best be
replaced by.
A. changeable B. lasting C. dark D. possible
1' The word "point" in rine 7 courd best be repraced
by which of the foilowing?
A. Dot B. Era Time
C. D. place

The chili pepper

is native to the Americas, but nowadays it
is found ail over the
world. lt is an extremely popularspice in many cultures
and is, in fact, the world,s
second favorite spice, after salt. There are more
than a hundred species of chili peppers,
ine some which are quite mird and others which
are incredibry hot and spicy.
1 TodaY chili peppers are used to spice a variety
of foods, e.g., salsa, meat and rice
dishes, and even jam and jelly. ln the past, chili peppers
had s#e other, more unusual
uses. ln ancient Mexico, for exampre, chiries
courd be used to pay taxes. rn addition, in
Panama, these peppers were used to protect
against sharks.
The word "favorite" in line 3 is closest in meaning
A. most popular B. most delicious C. best known D. most recognized
The word "species" in rine 3 is crosest in meaning
to which of the foilowing?
A. Plants B. Uses C. Types D. Sizes
The word "mild" in line 4 could best be replaced
A. strong tasting B. cold C. delicate tasting D. amiable
"Jam" in line 6 is probably
A' a type of chili B' something to eat c. something to wear D. a container for chilie.,
. The expression "protect against,, line g could
best be replaced by
A. lean against B. hunt for C. flirt with D. defend against
At the end of the Revolutionary War, America was no longer a colony;
to set up its own government. There was
America was a new young country that needed
to the type of government that was
a lot of disagreement throughout the country as
rrne [gsl. One of the major issues was whether there should be a strong federal government
government and
15) with little power in the hands of the individual states or a weak central
powerful states.
winning the
were in favor of , ,-trong central government. Because of their efforts in
and as a
war over the British, after the war they became a powerful political force,
/rol whole they were extremely nationalistic'
There were also financial reasons that veterans supported a strong national
government. The revolutionary congress had ended the war with a large amount of
soldiers' Many
debt, and a large portion of this debt was in back pay and pensions to
government, they had a better chance of
soldiers believed that with a strong federal
(rsl collecting the money owed to them'

1"0. A "colony" in line 1 is

A. an indePendent country C. a dependent area
B. a type ofgovernment D. a continent

11. The expression "set up" in line 2 could best be replaced by which of the following
A. Defend C, Argue about

B. Organize D, Protect

L2. The word "federal" in line 4 is closest meaning to

A. state C. central
B. weak D. new

13. ln line 7, "veterans" refers to

A. government officials C, voters
B. former soldiers D. current members of the armed forces.

14. The word "financial" in line 11 is closest in meaning to

A. monetary C. military
B. important D. national

15. The word "back" in line 12 could best be replaced by which of

the following?
A. Reverse C. Returnable
B. Low-income D. Already earned

Study each of the passages, and choose the best answers to the questions that follow.

Geographically, California's diversity is breathtaking, and the state's coastline from

north to south is no exception. Measuring 840 miles in length, the coast consists of the
rugged cliffs of the Coast Ranges in the north and wide sandy beaches in the south. Along
rine the coastline there are two major harbors, one in the north
at San Francisco, the other in
Is) the south at San Diego. Near Humboldt and Monterey are smaller natural harbors.
1. The topic of this passage is
A. how the state of California is divided into north and south
B. the variations in California's coastal geography
C. the breathtaking beauty of California
D. the exceptions in coastal geography

2. The word "breathtaking" in line 1 probably means

A. breathing B. amazing C. stolen D. usual

3. Accordlng to the passage, what measures g40 miles in length?

A. The California coastline C. The rugged cliffs
B. The Coast Ranges D. The exceptional part of northern Californi;r

4. The Coast Ranges are probably

A. flat, sandy areas on the coast of California C. a series of mountains
B. found in southern California D. hundreds of miles north of the cliffs
' 5. "Harbors" in line 4 are
' A. cliffs B. ports C. beaches D. mountains

6. lt is impliedin the passage that northern California

A. has more beaches than southern California
B. has the same type of coastline as southern California
C. has fewer major harbors than southern California
D. has a different coastline from southern California

7. According to the passage, where are the major harbors located in california?
A. ln San Diego C. Near Humboldt and Monterey
B. Only in northern California D. ln the north and in the south

8. ln line 5, "natural harbors" are

A. not human-made C. evenly shaped
B. always small in size D. constructed of natural materials

9. Which of the following geographical features is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Cliffs B. Canyons C. Beaches D. Harbors
animals that a
Among some groups of people, cats have a reputation as rather silly
have often been known to become
always getting themselves stuck in trees' Cats
frigfrieneO of something, run up a tree, and then cry sadly
until they are rescued'
Line There is, in reality, a reasonable explanation forthis type of behavior, and it has to
hooked in a direction that makes
(s) do with the shape of the cat's claws. A cat's claws are
to climbing back down
climbing up a tree a rather easy task. However, when it comes
the tree, these claws are not very helpful'

10. The main idea of the passage is that

A. cats reallY are sillY animals C. cats enjoY climbing trees
B. cats have good reason for their behavior D. cats' sharp claws are unnecessary

the cats
11. The passage indicates that some people think that cats are silly because
B. frighten other cats D' are unable to rescue other cats

12. The word "rescued" in line 3 is closest in meaning to

B. saved C. scared D. tired
A. left

13. The expression "in reality" in line 4 could best be replaced by

fact C' in agreement D. in all probab
A. in contrast B. in

14. The word "hooked" in line 5 is closest in meaning to

B. straightened C. sharpened D. shortened
A. curved

15. According to the passage, a cat CANNOT

climb down easi
A. climb up a tree B. get stuck in a tree C. cry easily D.

16. The passage states that a cat gets stuck in a tree because
B. of the shape of its claws D' it is afraid of other cats

17' lt is implied in the passage that if a cat tries to climb down a tree, it

A. be able to do it easilY C. cry to other cats

B. move verY quicklY D. perhaps fall

18, The word "helpful" in line 7 could best be replaced by

useful C' nice D. sincere
A. friendlY B.
ln the 1890s, bicycres became quite popurar in the
United states as the new ,,safety,,
bicycles replaced the order penny-farthing bicycres. on
the penny-farthing bicycres, onr
wheel was much rarger than the other, and these bicycres
were not very stabre; they
Line vvsvs
always falling over. on the new ',safety', bicycles, both
(s) and they were much easier wheels were equal in size,
to control.
Many women arso enjoyed these new "safety" bicycres,
but they had to take
' measures to deal with their clothing while riding the bicycles.
The fashion at the time
was for long, fuil skirts that did not go wel with bicycres.
some women put read
weights in their skirts to keep their skirts from blowing
up. other women changed from
(10) long skirts
to broomers, which were rong, fuil, wide pants, but some peopre
I fert that
bloomers were inappropriate for women to wear; in fact,
some newspapers and
magazines of the day criticized the new bicycle fashion
as a danger to ladies, morals.

19. The passage is mainly about

. A. the popularity of safety bicycles, even among women
' B. the differences between safety and penny_farthing bicycles
C. women's fashions in the nineteenth century
r D. the lack of stability of the penny_farthing

20. According to the passage, the penny-farthing bicycle

A. two small wheels
I C. two equal wheels
B. two large wheels
D. two unequal wheels

21. The word "stable', in line 3 is closest in meaning to

A. dangerous B.expensive C.big D.steady
22. Which of the following is NOT true about the
safety bicycle?
A. lt had equal wheels . lt preceded the penny_farthing bicyclr,
B. lt was fairly simple to
D. lt became poprim in the j.g90s

23. The word "measures', in line 7 could best be replaced

A. counts B. numbers C. steps D. problems

24- The passage indicates that it was fashionable in the 1g90s

for women to wear
A. long skirts B. short pants C. small hats D. men,s clothirrr
25. lt is implied in the passage that lead is
A. heavy B. soft C. delicate D. light

26. ln line 10, "bloomers" are

A. shirts B. skirts C. hats D. pants
27. ll is implied in the passage that newspapers expressed
the opinion that women
A. should wear bloomers C. should not wear long, full skirts
B. should not ridebicycles D. should always follow the fashion
The passage:
in spelling
The words "capital" and "capitol" are conf used
.na in meaning by a lot of people who try to use them' Both
their spellings and their meanings are quite closely related'
11 tin" "capital" is the location of the center of government'
while a
(s) "capitol" isthe actual building where the government officials
meet. Thus, in the United States, for example, the
in Washington, D'C', which is the capital city
building is located
of the United States.
The questions:

t. Wherein the passage does the author define the word "capital"?
1-2 C' Line 4
A. Lines
D' Lines 6-8
B. Line 3

2. WhereinthepassagedoestheauthormentionwheretheU.S.Capitolcanbefound?
C. Lines 4-5
A. Lines 1-2
D. Line 6-8
B. Line 3

study each of the passages, ond choose the best answers to the questions thot

ll A geyser occurs when rainwater seeps into the ground and volcanic magma beneath
the surface heats it. The rainwater then turns into steam. The pressurized steam rises to
the surface and bursts out as a geyser.
Line Yellowstone National Park has more geysers than all of the rest of the world
15, together.ThemostfamousofthesegeysersisOldFaithful,whicheruptsinahigharcof
steam about once an hour.
There have not been any volcanic eruptions in the Yellowstone area for 70,000 years.
Howeveri the existence of the geysers is proof that the area is volcanically active.

l-. where in the passage does the author mention what heats the water in a geyser?
A. Lines L-2 B. Line 4 C. Llnes 5-6 D. Line 7
2. The author indicates how often Old Faithful erupts in
A. lines 1-2 B. line 4 C. lines 5-6 D. line 7
3' Where in the passage does the author state how long it has been since a volcano erupterl
at Yellowstone?
A. Lines 2-3 B. Lines 5-6 C. Line 7 D. Line 8

By 1963 the one man space flight of Project mercury had successfully taken place,
and NASA (the National Aeronautics and Space Administration) was ready for a new
challenge. That new challenge was to send two men into space at the same time, rather
rine than one, so that it would be possible to conduct a wide variety of new maneuvers
f5l test.
An appropriate name was found for tat new project: the new project was called
Project Gemini. The name 'Gemini" might seem appropriate because it is the name of
one of the constellations of stars in the sky, but that is not the real reason for the choice
of the name. "Gemini" comes from the Latin word geminus, which means ,,twin,,. The
/lol constellation Gemini received its name because it consists of two very bright stars with
no other bright stars close by, and those stars seem like twins. The NASA project
received its name because of the number of men who would be together in the space
capsule orbiting Earth.

4. where in the passage does the author state what the initials NASA represent?
A. Lines 1-3 B. Lines 6-7 C. Lines 9 D. Lines L1-13
5' Where in the passage does the author describe NASA's new challenge after project Mercury
A. Lines 3-5 B. Lines 6-7 C. Lines 9 D. Lines 11-13
6. The author explains the derivation of the word ,,Gemini,, in
A. Llnes 1-3 B. Lines 6-7 C. Lines 9 D. Lines 11-13
7. Where in the passage does the author describe the composition of the Gemini constellatior
A. Lines 3-5 B. Lines 6-7 C. Lines 9 D. Lines 10-11
One of the best-known stories in American history-that Betsy Ross created
the first
flag of the United states-is believed by a number of scholars to be somewhat
Line The official story goes as follows: ln 1776, a group that included George washington
(s) came to the workshop in Philadelphia where Betsy Ross worked as a seamstress; they
make it'
brought a drawing of a flag with stars and stripes on it and asked if Betsy could
The flag with the stars and stripes was definitely adopted by congress on June 14,

1777.lnthe minutes on that day there is a resolution accepting a flag with 13 stars and
13 stripes as the official flag of the nation. However, there is no mention of Betsy Ross

rrol as the one who had made the flag.

The first time that there is a documented reference to Betsy Ross as the one
when her grandson gave a speech to the
made the flag came more than a century later,
famlly had passed down the story for
Philadelphia Historical society indicating that the
a hundred years that grandmother Betsy had made the first flag. Philadelphians
and renamed Flag
frs, enthusiastically supported the story. Betsy Ross's house was restored
House, and lt was opened to the public as a memorial to Betsy Ross.

Many historians dispute this story, and certainly no one has been able to come up
with indlsputable proof that it was Betsy who made the first flag. This much is known
about Betsy Ross: She did exist, she was a seamstress, and she did sometimes
flag is not
eo) flagsfor the ships of the Pennsylvania State Navy. lf the story about the first
good story.
completely true-and who is to know at this point-at least it makes a

8. Where in the passage does the author mention a group that came to visit Betsy Ross?
B. Lines 4-6 C. Lines 7-8 D. Lines 9-10
A. Lines 1-3

g. where in the passage does the author state when the flag was adopted by congress?
A. Lines 1-3 B. Lines 4-6 C' Lines 7-9 D' Lines 11-14

10. The author describes the first historical reference to Betsy Ross as the
creator of the first
U.S. flag in
B. Lines 9-10 C. Lines 11-14 D. Lines 17-18
A. Lines 4-6

11. The author discusses how Philadelphians responded to the Betsy Ross story
B. Lines 14-16 C. Lines 17-18 D. Lines 20-21
A. Lines 9-10

j.2. Where in the passage does the author discuss how historians have reacted to the Betsy Ross

B. Lines 11-14 C. Lines 17-18 D. Lines 1"9-20
A. Lines B-9

Study each of the passages, and choose the best answers to the questions that follow.

The deer is a distinctive animal easily recognized by the antlers that adorn most
species of male deer. These antlers are used by the males primarily to fight, either for
mates or for leadership of the herd. Deer generally lose their antlers each winter and
une [sgin growing new ones In late spring. The new antlers are soft knobs covered with
/5, velvety hairs. Later in the year as the seasons progress, the antlers grow and harden into
solid branches. ln the middle of winteri the full-grown antlers fall off and decay on the
ground. The following spring the process begins again.

This passage mainly discusses

A. the lifestyle of the deer C. the antlers of the deer
B. the seasons of the year D. how antlers are used
2. The deer is called a distinctive animal because it
A. uses its antlers to recognize others C. has antlers
B. has many species D. has to fight for its mates
.3. The word "adorn" in line 1 is closest in meaning to which of the following?
tl A. Cover B. Decorate C. Bother D. Hide

4. The word "primarily" in line 2 is closest in meaning to

A. primitively B. only C. mainly D.once
l, ,. It is NOT mentioned in the passage that the deer uses its antlers
A. to battle other deer C. to become a leader
B. to get a mate D. to climb branches

6. ln which month would a deer in North America probably have short, soft, velvety antlers?
A. May B. December C. October D. January

7. The word " velvety" in line 5 could best be replaced by

A. soft B. long C. gray D. coarse

8. The word "solid" in line 6 could best be replaced by which of the following?
A. Firm B. Thin C. Leafy D. Tiny

9. ln winter the mature antlers

A. are soft knobs C. are covered with velvety hair
B. come off D. begin again

10. where in the passage does the author explain how a deer uses its antlers?
A. Lines 2-3 B. Lines 4-5 C. Line 6 D. Line 7
is important to humans'
REM (rapid eye movement) sleep is a type of sleep that
one night of sleep, in
This type of sleep generally occurs four or five times during
periods of time ranging from five mlnutes to forty minutes for each occurrence' The
heart rate increases, and, as the name implies, the eyes begin
to move quickly'
Accompanying these physical changes in the body is a
very important characteristic
of REM sleep. lt is during REM sleep that dreams occur'

11. The subject of this Passage is

A. the human need for REM sleeP
C. the characteristics of REM sleep
B. physical changes in the human body D. why people sleeP

in one night?
12. According to the passage, how often does REM sleep occur
A. Once B' Twice C' Four or five times D' Forty times

which period of REM sleep?

13. A REM sleep period of forty minutes would most likely be
third period
A. The first period C' The
B. The second period
D' The fourth

14. The word "progresses" in line 4 is closest in meaning to

darken C' falls D. sleeps
A. continues B.

,,transitioned" in line 5 could best be replaced by which of the following?

15. The word
B. lncreased C. Fallen D. Moved
A. Breathed

15. The N in NREM probably stands for whlch of the following

Non C' Name D. Night
A. Nine B.

A. the rate of breathing increases
C' the eyes remain steady

B. the heart rate speeds up

D' dreams take place

1U. Theword"Accompanying"inline8couldbestbereplacedbywhichofthefollowing?
A. Along with A' f n spite of C' ln contrast to D' Because of

periods of REM sleep?

1g. whcrc in the passage does the author discuss the length of
A. Lint' t B' Lines 2-3 C' Lines 6-7 D' Lines 8-9

20. The author nlcntions a nonphysical occurrence during REM sleep
C. lines 5-6 D. lines 8-9
A. line 1 B. lines 3-4
ln the 1930s, Chester F. Carlson was working in the patents department of a large
electronics firm in New York City. One of the major problems in his work was the length
ill of time and expense involved in getting patents copied; patents were lengthy legal
une docLrments, and the only ways to get them copied were to take them to a
typist or to a
rsl photographer. Either way of copying patents took a lot of time and cost a lot of money.
He came up with the idea for a machine that would copy documents quickly and
efficiently. He researched the ldea in the library and then worked over a three-year
period on developing a machine that used a light, an electro statically charged plate,
powder to duplicate images on paper. The result of this work was a machine
(10) produced the first xerographic copy on october 22,
| 1,93g. He named the process
"Xerox," which is derived from a word meaning ,,dry writing.,'
Carlson felt that he had a good idea, one that would be extremely helpful in the
' business world. He tried to sell his idea to a number of large corporations, but they
were not terribly interested in his machine. He was able to get some help in developing
(1s) the machine from a nonprofit institute, and a few years
later he sold the process to a
small family-owned company. This small company grew into the giant Xerox
Corporation, and both Carlson and Xerox became rather wealthy in the process.
21. This passage is mainly about

ll A Carlson's job in a patent office

' B. how the Xerox machine works
C. Carlson's success in business
D. the development of the Xerox machine

22. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a problem that Carlson encountered
in getting patents copied?
A. The time needed for copying
B. The expense of the copying
C. The length of the patents
D. The dependability of the photographers

23. The word "expense" in line 3 is closest in meaning to

A. cost B. difficulty C. legallty D. payment

24. The word "researched" in line 7 is closest in meaning to which of the following?
A. Searched for C. Looked for information about
B. Came up with D. Returned to

25. which of the following is Nor mentioned as a component of the machine that
Carlson developed?
A. A light C. Powder
B. A charged plate D. A typewriter
26. It can be inferred from the passage that carlson began work on
the machine in
A.1930 8.1935 c' 1938 D' 1941

27. The passage indicates that the large corporations that Carlson
tried to sell his process to
A. were family owned c. helped to develop the process
B. institutions
were nonprofit D. did not want to buy his machine

28. The world 'giant" in line 15 could best be replaced by

B. tiny C. familiar D. huge
A. monster

B, Lines 3-5 C. Lines 6-7 D. Lines 9-11
A. Lines 1-2
30. The author describes what happened to the companythat eventually
Carlson's process in
D. lines 16-17
A. lines 1-2 B. lines 9-11 C.lines 13-14

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