Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Exercise 3.1 complete these sentences qualifying the mains verbs with modals

1. Accident can happen if you drive at a speed of beyond 100 km/h in a city road
2. Accident may happen if you drive at a speed of beyond 70 km/h in a city road
3. Accident connot happen if you drive at a speed of beyond 40 km/h in a city road

Exercise 3.2 study these sentences. In some of them the modal can be replaced by the present
simple, without any change in meaning. Rewrite these sentences in the present simple and
leave the others.

1. The sea-water corrode the iron.

2. Sea-water corrode iron.
3. If alcohol is heated to 78 C it boil.
4. Sea-water don’t affect this now alloy.
5. Death occur if body temperature exceeds 43 C.
6. A compass needle always point towards magnetic north.
7. If the company drills in this area, they find the rock very hard.
8. Unless a certain critical temperature is reached the structure of the steel will not
9. If the satellite manages to return to the earth with the photographs, they provide a
great deal of information.
10. If small children drink only water they suffer from calcium deficiency.

Exercise 3.3 fill in the blank with will, can, must, can’t, may or might

1. Suppose the earth pulls down on an apple with a force of 0.80N. the apple will then
pull up on earth with a force of 0.80N.
2. A particle of mass m, located outside earth a distance r from earth’s center, is
released, it must fall towards the center of earth.
3. An object located on earth’s surface anywhere except at the two poles can rotate in a
circle about the rotation axis and thus will have a centripetal acceleration that points
towards the center of the circle.
4. For the object situated in an underground laboratory, force of attraction will be
exerted on it by the internal and external layers of the earth.
5. A body raised to a height h above the earth possesses a potential energy of mgh.
However, this formula can be used only when the height h is much smaller than the
earth’s radius.
6. How can we ensure that a body thrown from the earth will not return to the earth?
7. In order for a body of mass m to break away from the earth, it may over-come a
gravitional potential energy.
8. Whenever a gravitational field changes appreciably in size and/or direction across the
dimensions of a body, there may be a tidal effect.
9. Cardwell said : “ high temperature superconductors – which are oxide in nature –
contain predominantly copper, so this can be a reasonable place to start”.
10. The system is not working now. There may be something wrong with the engine.

Exercise 3.4 put the verbs in brackets in its suitable tense

This is what we were going on in our flying laboratory. We will turn on the jet engine
by pressing a button, and suddenly the objects surrounding us will seem to come to life. All
bodies which had been made fast were brought into motion. The thermometer will fall down,
the pendulum will begin oscillating and, gradually coming to rest. Assumed a vertical
positon, the pillow obediently will sag under the weight of the valise lying on it. Let us take a
look at the instruments which can indicate the direction in which our ship will start
accelerating. Upward, of course! The instruments will show that we can choose a motion with
an acceleration of 9.8m/sec2, not very great, considering the possibilities of out ship. Our
sensations will be quite ordinary we can feel the way we did on earth. But why so? As before
we will be unimaginably far from gravitational masses, there might be no gravity, but objects
can acquire weight.

Exercise 3.5 read the above article and answer the following quiestions, and or fill the gap
with a suitable modal

1. What likely is the normal stopping distance?

= The normal stopping distance would correspond to a normal braking force

2. What will happen if we reduce stopping distance?

= If the distance for stopping can be reduce, the force necessary to stop is increase

3. Car manufactures try to increase stopping distance, give two examples how the car
manufactures reduce the stopping distance.

= 1. In collision in which the averange stopping force is 6000N, the maximum stopping
force is over 15.000 N

2. The force involved in a collision are far from being constant

4 . Describe the relation between stopping force and stopping distance.

= If the distance for stopping can be increased, the force necessary to stop is reduced

5.Give approximate stopping distance in a car collision.

= In collision in which the average stopping force is 6000N the maximum stopping force
is over 15.000N

6. If a driver drive with stopping distance of abour 400 m, then injure don’t occur.

7. If a driver drive with stopping distance of abour 40 m ,then injure will occur.
8. injure don’t occur when the stopping force 9000N.

9. The bigger the stopping force the most likely injure will happen.

10. If you are in a train and suddently brakes with force of 11000 N the you will break
your bone.

Exercise 3.6 translate the text 3.5 into indonesian


Mempertimbangkan energi kinetik seseorang yang berpergian dalam sebuah mobil di

jalan tol menjadi 36.000 J. Perhatikan bahwa ini sekitar empat kali lebih besar dari energi
kinetik maksimum yang mungkin dari seorang pelari cepat. Tabel berikut ini memberikan
nilai-nilai kekuatan konstan yang diperlukan untuk menghentikan orang tersebut dalam jarak
yang berbeda.

Gaya/ N Jarak henti/m

10 3.600
100 360
1.000 36
10.000 3,6
100.000 0,36
Dalam semua kasus, pekerjaan yang dilakukan oleh orang terhadap gaya henti adalah
36.000 J. Pada kasus pertama tabel di atas, contoh diberikan dari kekuatan yang sangat kecil
yang diberikan pada jarak yang sangat jauh. Orang mendorong ke depan terhadap kursi dan
lantai di mobil dengan kekuatan total 10N . Menggunakan hukum ketiga newton kursi dan
mengerahkan kekuatan mundur 10 N pada orang tersebut. Di baris kedua gaya 100 N
diterapkan akan sesuai dengan gaya pengereman normal. Baris ketiga akan berhubungan
dengan berhenti darurat yang cukup dramatis, sementara berhenti di 3,4 m, baris keempat
akan menjadi kecelakaan serius seseorang yang mengalami gaya 10.000N yang diaplikasikan
mungkin akan bertahan jika gaya itu diterapkan oleh sabuk pengaman, tetapi tidak jika
diaplikasikan ke kepala dengan setir atau kaca depan . Kekuatan 100.000N akan
menghentikan orang dalam jarak 36 cm dan akan membunuh siapapun.

Oleh karena itu, jika jarak untuk berhenti dapat ditingkatkan, gaya yang diperlukan
untuk berhenti berkurang sebagian besar pabrik mobil sekarang membangun bagian yang bisa
dilipat mobil mereka yang roboh dan karenanya meningkatkan jarak yang dapat dilalui
seseorang jika terlibat kecelakaan. Kekuatan yang terlibat dalam tabrakan jauh dari konstan.
Dalam tebrakan dimana gaya henti maksimum dan bagaimana dan dimana gaya itu
diterapkan yang menentukan apakah tulang patah atau tidak.

Exercise 3.7 write a short passage describing gravitation using past modals

Gravity is the attraction that occurs between all particles that have mass in the
universe. For example, the earth which has a very large mass can produce a very large mass
can produce a very large gravitational force to attract objects around it, including living
things, and objects that exist on earth.

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