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Production Planing
Today, production planing play important role for the company. It's starting from new product define
until it realize to the market. In here, we try to talk and discuss about production planing


T h u r s d a y, O c t o b e r 3 1 , 2 0 1 9

Project database by using Microsoft Excel

Table for Project Management
In recent years, data collecting and analyze become very important. The rapid grow of
data collecting showing enormous growing as many business or process plays important
roles for analyze.

As we know, Microsoft Excel is one of working spreadsheet. Which one of their

function is to collecting and analyze data.

Project Managers working on small to midsize projects can use Microsoft Excel to
visualize, plan and track their projects. This may be a simple project
management spreadsheet an Excel project tracker or something even more
complicated like an Excel project management dashboard.

One of the simple way to do is make a gantt chart in Excel

How to make a Gantt chart in Excel

1. List your project schedule in an Excel table. ...

2. Begin making your Excel Gantt by setting it up as a Stacked Bar
chart. ...
3. Add the start dates of your Tasks to the Gantt chart. ...
4. Add the durations of your Tasks to the Gantt chart. ...
5. Add the descriptions of your Tasks to the Gantt chart..

You can download Gantt Chart template in this


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