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National Service Training MODULE 5 First Aid

Program (NSTP) 1

JOPET G. SOLIS August 2020

Author Revision: 0

Table of Contents

Introduction …………………………………………………………………… 2

OBE Matrix …..………………………………………………………………… 3

Assessment Matrix …………………………………………………………… 4

Lesson 5.1: First Aid .................................................................................. 6

Lesson 5.2: Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation ............................……… 10

Presentation of written work ………………………………………………. 12

References ……………………………………………………………………. 14

National Service Training MODULE 5 First Aid
Program (NSTP) 1

JOPET G. SOLIS August 2020

Author Revision: 0

To the Trainee,

Congratulations on joining this course!

This module is one part of JIB OER (Open Educational Resources) which
provides instructional resources to students and faculty.

This module is composed of the following:

 Lesson title: refers to the topics that contribute to the achievement of
student outcomes (SO).
 Unit Number: refers to the unique number identifying the particular
 Contact hours: refers to the number of hours in the school classroom or
online classroom needed to complete the competency.

In this module, you are required to go through a series of learning activities in

order to complete each student outcomes. In each student outcome are
Information Sheet, Work Sheet and Task Sheet. Follow and perform the activities
on your own.
Remember to:
 Read information sheet and complete the work sheet.
 Perform the task sheets until you are confident that your outputs conform
to the Performance Criteria that follow the said work sheets.
 Submit outputs of the task sheets to your instructor for evaluation.
Outputs shall serve as your portfolio to pass at the end of the semester.
Student Outcomes (SO) is defined by CHED as “what students will know, be
able to do or be able to demonstrate when they have completed the
particular subject. These are expressed as knowledge, skills, attitudes or
values” (CMO62, s.2017).
Your facilitator is there to help you succeed on this course. Please feel free to
ask him or her for more explanation of what you have just read and of what is
expected from you.

Welcome aboard!

OBE Matrix

National Service Training MODULE 5 First Aid

Program (NSTP) 1

JOPET G. SOLIS August 2020

Author Revision: 0

This matrix shows the mapping of program outcomes (PO) against Students
Outcomes (SO) to Performance Indicators. CHED defined the following as

 Program Outcomes (PO) – refers to what learners will know and be able
to do when they graduate from a program.
 Students Outcomes (SO) – refers to what learners will know and be able
to do or be able to demonstrate when they have completed the
particular subject or course. This is also called “Course Outcomes” or
“Learning Outcomes”.
 Performance Indicators (PI) – refers to the specific, measurable
statements identifying the performance(s) required to meet the
outcome, confirmable through evidence. This is also called
“Performance Criteria”.

Below is the matrix for one Program Outcome related to this module:
Program Outcomes Student Outcomes Performance Indicator
(After Graduation) (After taking this course) (After taking the lesson)
Prepared and equip of Perform first common injuries  give the importance of
knowledge and skill in first and CPR. first aid
aid. Give the importance of
good parenting.  provide the first aid of
the common injuries
 perform first aid

 perform cardio-
pulmonary resuscitation
step by step

 list down the scenarios of

when to stop performing
CPR to a victim

National Service Training MODULE 5 First Aid

Program (NSTP) 1

JOPET G. SOLIS August 2020

Author Revision: 0

Assessment Matrix
This matrix shows mapping of Performance Indicators against Flexible
Learning and Assessment activities.

Performance Indicators Assessment Teaching – Learning Activities

Activity In-school Online/Blended
face-to-face synchronous asynchronous
1.1 Give the importance of first Quiz / Recitation Video  Reading
Conferencing  Worktext

1.2 Provide the first aid of the Quiz  Reading

 Worktext
common injuries

1.3 Perform first aid Activity Video  Reading

Conferencing  Worktext

1.4 Perform cardio-pulmonary Role Play  Reading

 Videos
resuscitation step by step

1.5 List down the scenarios of Quiz  Reading

 Videos
when to stop performing
CPR to a victim

National Service Training MODULE 5 First Aid

Program (NSTP) 1

JOPET G. SOLIS August 2020

Author Revision: 0

Learning Experiences
First Aid
1. Read information sheet 5.1 This Student Outcome deals with the
First Aid knowledge and skills that can be
2. Task Sheet 5.1-1 learned by the students.
Read the instruction and perform the
activity. To achieve and finish this student
3. Task Sheet 5.1-2 outcome, you must accomplish all the
Read the instruction and perform the required activities and to answer the
activity. work sheet after reading and learning
4. Work Sheet 5.1 the information sheet. You are required
Answer honestly and individually. to pass answer sheets that is given by
5. Read information sheet 5.2 your instructor.
Cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation
5. Task Sheet 5.2 If you have questions, please do not
Read the instruction and perform the hesitate to ask your instructor for
activity. assistance.
6. Work Sheet 5.2
Answer honestly and individually.

National Service Training MODULE 5 First Aid

Program (NSTP) 1

JOPET G. SOLIS August 2020

Author Revision: 0

Lesson 5.1: First Aid

Unit Code: 1
Nominal Hours: 2

At the end of this lesson, a student should be able to:
1. give the importance of first aid;
2. provide the first aid of the common injuries; and
3. perform first aid bandaging.


Pre-quiz: True or False

______ After an accident, immediately move the victim to a comfortable
______ If a person is bleeding, use a tourniquet.
______ Signs of a heart attack include shortness of breath, anxiety, and
______ All burns can be treated with first aid alone; no emergency medical
attention is necessary.


First Aid is an immediate care given to a person who has been injured or
suddenly taken ill. It includes self-help and home care if medical assistance is
not available or delayed.

Role of First Aider

• Bridge the gap between the time of the accident and the arrival of the
• Ends when medical assistance begins.
• Doesn’t intend to compete with or take place of the physician.

Objectives of First Aid

• To prolong life
• To alleviate suffering
• To prevent further or added injury

National Service Training MODULE 5 First Aid

Program (NSTP) 1

JOPET G. SOLIS August 2020

Author Revision: 0


 Hand and Foot Bandage

1. Place the Hand/Foot in the middle of
the triangular bandage with the
wrist/heel well forward of the base (A).
2. Ensure that the fingers/toes are
separated with absorbent material to
prevent chafing and irritation of the
3. Place the apex over the top of the
hand/foot and tuck any excess material into the pleats on each side (B).
4. Cross the ends on top of the hand/foot, take them around the wrist/ankle,
and tie at the front of the wrist/ankle (C, D, and E).

 Elbow Bandage
1. Bend the arm at the elbow and
place the middle of the cravat at
the point of the elbow bringing the
ends upward.
2. Bring the ends across, extending
both downward.
3. Take both ends around the arm and tie with a square knot at the front of the
elbow. CAUTION: If an elbow fracture is suspected, DO NOT bend the elbow;
bandage it in the position found.

 Knee Bandage
To apply a cravat bandage to the
knee, use the same technique
applied in bandaging the elbow. The
same caution for the elbow also
applies to the knee.

 Sling
1. Place cravat under injured arm with one end
over opposite shoulder (A)
2. Bring other end over injured arm and same
shoulder (B)
3. Tie ends at side of neck (C)
4. Fold over point and pin, or tie in knot to make
“cup” for elbow (D)

National Service Training MODULE 5 First Aid

Program (NSTP) 1

JOPET G. SOLIS August 2020

Author Revision: 0

 Ear Injuries
1. Place the middle of the bandage
over the ear (A).
2. Cross the ends, wrap in opposite
directions around the head, and tie (B
and C).
3. Place a dressing between the ear
and head

 Chest Bandage
1. Apex at the shoulder of injured part
2. Pull back folded base and secure with square knot at the center
indention of the back.
3. Knot/tie longer end with apex

 Bandage for the Eye

1. Lay center of the first cravat over top of he with the front end falling
over uninjured eye.
2. Bring second cravat around head, over eyes, and over loose ends of first
cravat. Tie in front
3. Bring ends of first cravat back over top of head, tying there and pulling
second cravat up and away from uninjured eye.

 Shoulder Armpit Cravat

1. Start at the armpit.
2. Cross-over at injured shoulder
3. Tie at the opposite armpit (side of front)

 Cravat for the Forearm, Arm, Leg and Thigh

1. Place center of cravat over the dressing
2. Begin ascending turns wit upper end and descending turns with lower
end, with each turn covering two-third of preceding turn until dressing is
3. Terminate by tying both ends in square knot.

[More information can be found at

National Service Training MODULE 5 First Aid

Program (NSTP) 1

JOPET G. SOLIS August 2020

Author Revision: 0


Task Sheet 5.1-1

Perform five (5) of your chosen first aid bandaging

Task Sheet 5.1-2

Provide the first aid of the common injuries.

Injury First Aid

Cut/Scrape Example
 Clean with lukewarm running water and
gently pat dry.
 If the skin is broken, apply a thin layer of
antibiotic ointment, then cover with a
bandage or gauze and adhesive tape.
Insect Bite
Sun Burn
Nose bleed
Sprains, Strains and Tears
Heat Exhaustion or


Work Sheet 5.1-3 Create an essay and give the importance of first aid.

National Service Training MODULE 5 First Aid

Program (NSTP) 1

JOPET G. SOLIS August 2020

Author Revision: 0

Lesson 5.2: Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation

Unit Code: 2
Nominal Hours: 2

At the end of this lesson, a student should be able to:
1. perform cardio-pulmonary resuscitation step by step; and
2. list down the scenarios of when to stop performing CPR to a victim.


CPR – or Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation is an emergency lifesaving procedure

performed when the heart stops beating. Immediate CPR can double or triple
chances of survival after cardiac arrest. – American Heart Association (AHA)

Chain of Survival
The 5 links in the adult out-of-hospital Chain of Survival are:

 Recognition of cardiac arrest and activation of the emergency

response system (calling 9-1-1 in the US)
 Early CPR with an emphasis on chest compressions
 Rapid defibrillation
 Basic and advanced emergency medical services
 Advanced life support and post-cardiac arrest care

A strong Chain of Survival can improve chances of survival and recovery for
victims of cardiac arrest.

D – Check for Danger, to you, other and to the victim.
R – Check for Response if the victim is conscious or unconscious
A – Check for Airway if it is clear for objects or open
B – Check for Breathing if the chest is rising and falling, hear victim’s breathing
or if your feel the breath on your cheek
C – Check for Circulation if you can see the pulse or obvious signs of life

Steps for CPR

Approach Safely – Check the scene and the response of the victim, introduce
yourself if there are other people or if the victim is conscious.
Check Response – Shake or tap gently the victim’s shoulders. If he responds
leave as you find him, find out what is wrong and reassess regularly.

National Service Training MODULE 5 First Aid

Program (NSTP) 1

JOPET G. SOLIS August 2020

Author Revision: 0

Shout for help

Open the airway – tilt the head of the victim, lift the chin and open the mouth
of the victim.
Check Breathing – look, listen and feel the breathing.
30 chest compression – place the heel of one hand in the center of the chest
and place other hand on top. Interlock fingers. Compress the chest. There
should be 4-5 cm. depth in every compression. If possible, change CPR
operator every 2 minutes.
2 rescue breaths – pinch nose, take a normal breath, place lips over mouth,
blow until the chest rises and take about 1 second to allow the chest to fall
then repeat again the 30-chest compression.

Continue resuscitation until...

 Qualified help arrives and takes over
 The victim starts breathing normally
 Rescuer becomes exhausted

[More information can be found at]


Task Sheet 5.2-1 Role Play

Perform CPR step by step. You can follow the given script.


Work Sheet 5.2-2

List down the scenarios of when to stop performing cardio-pulmonary
resuscitation to the victim.

National Service Training MODULE 5 First Aid

Program (NSTP) 1

JOPET G. SOLIS August 2020

Author Revision: 0

Module 5
Name: _________________________________________ Yr./Sec: ____________
Subject: ________________________ Class Time: _________

Task Sheet 5.1-1

Perform five (5) of your chosen first aid bandaging

1. Choose five first aid bandaging.

2. Ask someone to take a video of yourself while performing the first aid
3. Emphasize the steps and make sure to write down or mention the steps
of performing the first aid bandaging.

Performance 15 pts
Audio and Image quality 5 pts
Creativity 10 pts
Logical presentation 5 pts
Total 30 pts

Task Sheet 5.1-2

Provide the first aid of the common injuries.

Injury First Aid

Cut/Scrape Example
 Clean with lukewarm running water
and gently pat dry.
 If the skin is broken, apply a thin layer of
antibiotic ointment, then cover with a
bandage or gauze and adhesive tape.
Insect Bite
Sun Burn
Nose bleed
Sprains, Strains and Tears
Heat Exhaustion or Heatstroke

National Service Training MODULE 5 First Aid

Program (NSTP) 1

JOPET G. SOLIS August 2020

Author Revision: 0

Work Sheet 5.1-3 Create an essay and give the importance of first aid.

Task Sheet 5.2-1 Role Play

Perform CPR step by step. You can follow the given script.

1. Ask someone to take a video of yourself while performing the CPR.

2. You can use pillow or a stuff toy to use as your victim in the role paly.
3. Make sure to follow the steps and mention the key words in performing

Performance 15pts
Audio and Image quality 10 pts
Creativity 15 pts
Logical presentation 10 pts
Total 50 pts

Check the scene

(Look around) The scene is safe. (Introduce yourself) My name is _____. I am
certified to do CPR and I will do my best to help.
Check response
(Tap the victim) Hey! Hey! Are you okay? (if the victim is conscious find out
what is wrong if the victim is unconscious proceed to performing CPR)
Shout for help
(identify the person you want to ask for help if there is) You women in red, go
to the nearest hospital, grab an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) and
come back to me.
Open the Airway
(Check for the airway if there is blocking or forbidding the victim to breath
properly then tilt the head of the victim, lift the chin and open the mouth of
the victim)
Check Breathing
(Look if the chest is rising and falling, listen and feel the breathing by your
(perform the proper 30 chest compression with 2 rescue breath interval)

National Service Training MODULE 5 First Aid

Program (NSTP) 1

JOPET G. SOLIS August 2020

Author Revision: 0

AED (Automated External Defibrillator)

(if the person you ask comes back with an AED, put the gloves and undress
the victim. Apply the pads on the upper chest and the other on opposite
abdominal. If a shock is advised, make sure no one is touching the victim,
before pressing the flashing shock button. If the AED already announces
rhythm, position the victim into recovery position) The victim regains
consciousness, I will now position him to recovery position.

Recovery Position

Work Sheet 5.2-2

List down the scenarios of when to stop performing cardio-pulmonary
resuscitation to the victim.

National Service Training MODULE 5 First Aid

Program (NSTP) 1

JOPET G. SOLIS August 2020

Author Revision: 0

Answer Key

Pre-quiz: True or False

1. F
2. F
3. T
4. F

National Service Training MODULE 5 First Aid

Program (NSTP) 1

JOPET G. SOLIS August 2020

Author Revision: 0


The CPR-Guy Digby Systems Inc. (2000) Bandaging with Cravats Triangular
Bandages. Retrieved July 12, 2020, from

Tilton, J. (n.d.). 8 Of The Most Common First Aid Injuries. Retrieved July 12, 2020,

How to Perform CPR & Use an AED: Steps & Videos. (n.d.). Retrieved July 12,
2020, from

CPR Steps: Perform CPR. (n.d.). Retrieved July 12, 2020, from

What is CPR. (n.d.). Retrieved July 12, 2020, from

National Service Training MODULE 5 First Aid

Program (NSTP) 1

JOPET G. SOLIS August 2020

Author Revision: 0


This material is prepared by:


Checked by:


Program Chair

Recommended for Approval by:


Corporate Dean

Approved by:

National Service Training MODULE 5 First Aid

Program (NSTP) 1

JOPET G. SOLIS August 2020

Author Revision: 0

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