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1. Why are employee referrals useful in identifying top performing employees?

I think it is because employee referrals are a very effective way to attract potential candidates and at the
same time retain the most talented workforce. In finding a suitable candidate with specific skills,
employee referral is the best choice. Because the candidates are already familiar with the environment
and work culture in the organization, they won’t take so much time to absorb and adapt to it. It will be
easier to identify or choose from the list of candidates to fill the job as the recruiters knew,
communicated, and worked with them. Also, one of the reasons is the candidates already go through
initial screening to considered if they are the right one to fit the vacant position. Those recommend
persons or employees already knew what’s the mission, vision and objectives of the organization. As
they are familiar with those, they can easily formulate strategy to maintain and to make the
organization more successful. In the case of referrals, the organization’s recruiter will not have difficulty
in choosing as the referral’s employee are already have qualified skills and experience to handle the
given job as they are already seen what they are capable in performing a job and task. And I don’t think
that an employee will recommend a person or a co-worker who is not qualified, not good at what he or
she does and cannot fulfill a responsibility for a given job. They will definitely recommend a co-worker
that they saw potential to handle a certain job, a very flexible person and someone they admired in the
way how they work. That employees will never put their reputation at stake as they are aware that it
can also affect the whole organization that his/her are working for. Therefore, they will just recommend
candidates that they certain about of his or her is suitable and worthy of the role. Referral makes
everything effortless, smoothly and most especially it cost less. Rather than having a recruitment that go
through resumes, screening and interview, job posting and more which cost a lot. That’s why today’s
organization prepared doing employees referral to hire employees for a certain job that will benefit the
organizational success and survival.
3. Choose 5 traditional external recruitment methods and give example for each?

• Media Advertising – it is considered most preferred and common methods in external

recruitment. The organization use this method when they are announcing or informing vacancies

Examples: Newspaper, Radio, Television, Internet, Magazine, Billboards, Print Media

• Employment Agencies – Through this method agencies are providing

Employment agencies: These agencies can provide a broad network to reach potential candidates. In
addition, employment agencies can help pre-screen job seekers, saving you valuable time.

An employment agency is a company contracted to hire and staff employees for other companies. An
agency may be public, operating on a federal, state or local level, or it may be a privately owned
organization. The positions offered are often temporary, contact-based, part-time or temp-to-hire, and
the agency will typically keep a file for each employee noting their skills and work history. This helps
them match employees to new assignments. Many sectors outsource their recruiting to employment
agencies, and it can help companies simplify the hiring process for entry-level and mid-level jobs. They
also offer both the employers and employees flexibility that more permanent work arrangements do

n organization to help workers find employment and employers find workers.

an agency whose business is to find jobs for people seeking them or to find people to fill jobs that are

• Job Fairs – It is an event

Here there is big possibility to attract potential employees at a single place.

Applicants will have the opportunity to have interaction with many employees in different organization.

It is organized for a day or more than that, that give the job seeker more time to apply for a job and also
for the recruiter to attract and choose candidates.

It gets the organizations to have opportunity to connect with potential candidate

where companies can post their job advertisements and where candidates can look for
a job opening.

there is always a good chance of meeting many potential employers at a single place.
The job seekers get an opportunity to interact with many employees of different organizations. They get
a chance to meet in person and learn the work culture before they get a job.

Job fairs are generally conducted for a day or more than that. In that case, recruiters get more time to
choose the candidates.

Job boards are valuable tools for recruiters and hiring managers aiming to  attract and find new talent.
Here’s why:

Job boards are well-known job advertising tools 

Job seekers have been using job boards for years, so these sites give employers access to millions of
good candidates. Most of the job boards are candidate-focused and user-friendly, allowing applicants to
complete the process quickly, using simple tabs and buttons.

A job fair allows companies to connect with a large pool of potential employees without having to
advertise. While companies may have to pay a fee to participate in a job fair, they can save time and
money by allowing recruiters to zero in on exceptional candidates quickly, rather than using the scatter-
shot approach of general advertising. ob fairs is that they give companies access to large pools of
qualified candidates. ob fairs can increase the number of resumes and applications companies receive
from candidates who are actually qualified for the positions they need to fill.

Access to meet multiple employers at a time Competition is higher

Immediate response for the job application Huge crowd tends to create stress

Many options are confidence boosters Chances of getting missed out from right employers

No room for partiality Organization hirer randomly to show the count

Cost effective approach to the organization as well as employees Very tiring and sometimes
emotionally draining

Indirect marketing for the brand No proper structure for the interview

Lot of effort and its a time saver

enerally, job fair is a event organized by a third party in a common place like a huge auditorium or a
ground to hire people for multiple organizations.

The concept is job seekers can meet multiple organization at one single place. It is a concept which is a
big time saver for both job seekers and the organization.

Mostly job fairs are conducted for middle level jobs either for freshers or for minimum two years of

These are the few organizations who commonly participate in job fair.

1. Hospitality.

2. BPO.
3. Non technical divisions in IT companies.

4. Customer support for retail outlets.

5. Telecommunication organizations for voice based jobs.

6. Banking sectors.

Organizations basically try to attend job fair to meet multiple candidates in one place or they have a
convenience of hiring multiple candidates from the huge crowd. Sometimes, first level interviews for job
fairs are conducted priorly.

But mostly, job fairs are conducted with no expectations nor any prior commitments to the job seekers.
In general, job fairs are considered as a crowded place with good competition. But the reality is right
candidates are the basic need in job fairs.

• Job Boards – it also known as job website, job site or job portal, a website that

• Event Recruting

Access to meet multiple employers at a time

Immediate response for the job application

Many options are confidence boosters

No room for partiality

Cost effective approach to the organization as well as employees

Indirect marketing for the brand

Lot of effort and its a time saver

Job boards are probably the most popular and effective method of external recruitment, as they allow
hiring managers to reach a wider audience. What's more, as job boards make it easier to actually apply
for the position, they can also help speed up the hiring process.

A job board – also called job site, job portal, job website or employment website – is a website that
deals specifically with employment or careers. A job board enables employers to publish job offers for a
position to be filled. For their search, jobseekers navigate through different websites in order to find a
Job boards are a type of search engine which aggregate and display jobs posted by employers seeking
new employees.

4. What are the common job boards available to Filipino job seekers?

Recruitment agencies continue to have the best results when identifying talent, simply because they are
focused on delivering their clients with the most suitable candidates. If they take charge of the hiring
process, it can be less time-consuming for you, while, given their knowledge of the job market, they’ll
also be able to help you deal with additional details such as the kind of salary and benefits package you
should be offering.1. Newspapers:

Job boards are probably the most popular and effective method of external recruitment, as they allow
hiring managers to reach a wider audience. What's more, as job boards make it easier to actually apply
for the position, they can also help speed up the hiring process.

Traditional Recruiting Methods

External recruiting, the process of finding job candidates outside of your existing employees, still relies
heavily on traditional tools for finding the best fit. Among them are:

Advertisement is the most widely used method for external recruitment. Companies announce
vacancies through electronic and print media such as newspaper, magazines, television, radio and

Media Advertisement: The advertisement is the most common and preferred source of external
recruiting. The ads in newspapers, professional journals, give a comprehensive detail about the

organization, type, and nature of job position, skills required, qualification and experience expected, etc.
This helps an individual to self-evaluate himself against the job requirements and apply for the jobs
which best suits him.

• Newspaper advertisements: It is considered to be the oldest recruiting method, but still it is

known as the most effective method. Some companies still considered in using this method in informing
applicants or job seeker for a vacant job. And until now there are many people who are interested to
read newspaper as they can see article about recruitments.

Job boards: Literally bulletin boards of job postings, you'll see these frequently at unemployment offices,
in the lobby of various employers, on college campuses, and elsewhere.

• While considered antiquated by some, newspaper advertisements are still widely read by local
residents, who will likely be your best source of potential candidates.

• Employment agencies: These agencies can provide a broad network to reach potential
candidates. In addition, employment agencies can help pre-screen job seekers, saving you valuable time.

• Job fairs: Also known as employment fairs, job fairs can be great for meeting potential
employees face-to-face, but you're up against numerous other employers from the area and applicants
may not fit your needs.

Newspapers and other offline methods

Online recruitment is becoming increasingly popular, but that doesn’t mean that offline methods are
redundant yet. It could be argued that newspaper recruitment is the most effective method if you are
trying to hire someone locally, for instance. It can be more flexible, too, as it allows you to address
various niches and reach out to a different audience. It’s also a more formal method of recruiting, so you
might want to consider it when hiring for senior positions.

2. Job boards

Job boards are probably the most popular and effective method of external recruitment, as they allow
hiring managers to reach a wider audience. What’s more, as job boards make it easier to actually apply
for the position, they can also help speed up the hiring process. Millennials tend to conduct their job
searches on job boards, so if you are looking to attract younger talent, you should bear this in mind.
Many job boards now also have CV databases, too, which allow you to filter through candidate profiles
based on your chosen criteria.

3. Social media

Nearly everybody uses some form of social media, so it makes sense to run job campaigns on the likes of
Facebook, too. You can tweak your posting, as well, so that it utilises the platform’s algorithms to closely
target certain locations and other demographics. Apart from posting vacancies on the company’s
accounts, it’s also important to include sponsored posts in your campaign, because you can use these
platforms to target passive candidates and poach talented professionals.

4. Job fairs

Although not as popular as they once used to be, job fairs continue to help hiring managers to gain
access to a large number of candidates, especially graduate applicants. What’s also great about them is
that they allow you to meet the candidate and talk to them in person, rather than just reading their CV.
Given the importance of body language, it can be a great way to get a strong first impression of

It helps the organization to gain acess to large number of candidates

5. Events
Apart from job fairs, there are many other events you can attend to meet potential candidates. From
networking events to gatherings that your target audience might attend (such as seminars and
conferences), you get a chance to meet some truly talented candidates, while also raising brand
awareness by being physically present at industry-related events.

6. Recruitment agencies

Newspapers are among the oldest methods of communicating about vacancies to people. They are read
by a major segment of people even today.

2. Local Employment Office:

Postings vacancies at local employment offices is an effective way and they usually operate a wide
networked database, training programmes for candidates, financial support hiring programmes for
further assistance.

3. Hiring Internally:

hiring internallyIt is a time tested method and one of the easiest methods to hire right person for the
job. The team knows the existing employees and their potential, working styles, background, and
performance. Hence internal hiring works well.

4. Temporary Employment Agencies:

Temporary Employment Agencies are one of the most used methods for short listing candidates and
finding people who suit the organization’s preference and experience requirements.

Many organizations have employed recruitment methods which are based on postings at local
unemployment offices, where there are bound to be people looking for a job and you are likely to find
all types and sorts of employees.
They are who will not take so much time to adapt and observe the environment with the organization
as they are already familiar with it

With no expensive advertising on multiple job boards, it is a given that employee referrals will cost you
less than other sourcing channels. Plus, as a recruiter you will be saving a lot of productivity in screening
the candidates as that’s already been done by the employee. This will also impact the hiring cycle
positively, shortening it, which ultimately brings down the hiring costs further.
Rather than having to craft a job posting, receive resumes and screen through them all, all you have to
do is interview a referred candidate to hire them.

When it comes to finding candidates with specific skills, nothing works like employee referrals.
Employees have personal communication with their network and that’s how their knowledge about the
candidate’s professional skills and capabilities is far greater than that of a normal recruiter. Sometimes,
an ATS or any other screening system may miss those specific skills while screening, or the candidate
themselves may not put it prominently in their CV. However, since the employee has a personal
connection they would surely know about it and would recommend them for that position. Therefore,
employee referrals are very helpful while sourcing for hard to fill positions.

Rather than having to craft a job posting, receive resumes and screen through them all, all you have to
do is interview a referred candidate to hire them.

Recruiters sources candidates using their current employees, and in return offers them monetary or
other rewards. An employee referral program is used to perform this entire activity.

Today’s job market has given more power to candidates where they can choose and pick roles as per
their eligibility and future aspirations. In a talent driven market, recruitment must change, and that
involves making it a more personalized and long-term process. Recruiters do not have a magic wand to
identify the best talent for any given role, but they certainly can use all the help that is provided.

A referred candidate is faster to hire than a traditional candidate

Employee referrals are a critical component in your efforts to obtain and keep the best potential
employees. Employee referrals provide better than average candidates because employees know
your company culture and understand the type of employee personalities and traits that will work
successfully in

employee referrals can play a big role in finding the right people for your company.

where specialized skills are in high demand, referrals are more effective at attracting the right talent
than job boards or other traditional recruitment methods.

Additionally, many employees only refer candidates they think are qualified for the role, as their
recommendation reflects on their judgment. Therefore, when utilizing referral programs, recruiters are
more likely to see an increased number of quality applicants. 
employee referrals have proven to be an effective way to attract and

retain the most talented workforce, which is crucial for organizational success and survival

 Employee Referrals Increases Retention

 Employee Referrals Improves Quality of Hire

 Employee Referrals Reduce Cost to Hire

 Hire more specialized candidates with Employee Referrals

Employee referrals are usually more reliable because they already have an idea of the company’s vision,
work culture through your employee.

Thus, they know what to expect and won’t be left scratching their heads once hired.

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