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International Freight and Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions by 2050

Article  in  Transportation Research Record Journal of the Transportation Research Board · August 2015
DOI: 10.3141/2477-07

4 202

3 authors, including:

L.M. Martinez Jari Kauppila

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)


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International Freight and Related
Carbon Dioxide Emissions by 2050
New Modeling Tool

L. Miguel Martínez, Jari Kauppila, and Marie Castaing

A new method to project the impacts of global trade scenarios on inter- Yet the long-term impact of the evolution of trade flows on global
national freight flows is presented. The model uses international trade transport flows has been overlooked in research, with the exception
scenarios developed by the Economics Department of the Organisation of some long-term aggregate projections over the RUBMRIO model
for Economic Co-operation and Development for the period 2004–2060 (3). There is also limited evidence on environmental effects caused
with alternative liberalization scenarios. A global freight network model by the implied transport movements. This shortcoming is probably
is developed, and current exports data from Eurostat and the United partly due to lack of data and related projections and partly due to
Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean are the inability to estimate the transport component of international
used to calibrate a model converting trade in value into freight volumes trade. The literature has therefore focused on examining local or
(in tonne-kilometers) assigned to a routable transport network for the regional transport flows in production centers and evaluating them
period 2010–2050. The results highlight the impact of changes in global under traditional location theories to understand companies’ strat-
trade flows and carbon dioxide emissions related to international trade egies (4). There is also extensive literature on how transport costs
and raise several policy implications. The outputs suggest that increases affect international trade (1, 5–8).
in transport flow will be significant, especially within Asia and on routes The most comprehensive effort to estimate international transport
used for export–import activities from and to this region. flows and related greenhouse gas emissions associated with changes
in trade flows was carried out by Cristea et al. (9). They use data on
trade value, weight, and modal share for different origin–destination
International trade has grown rapidly in the postwar era with trade (O-D) pairs for a base year; distance between each bilateral pair; and
volume growing twenty-seven-fold between 1950 and 2007, three the greenhouse gas intensity of each transport mode to arrive at related
times faster than the growth of the world gross domestic product tonne-kilometers and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. The results for
(GDP) (1). Growth in trade is expected to outpace the GDP growth this initial year are then projected up to 2020 by using a computable
also over the next 50 years, according to recent projections by the general equilibrium model for changes in value and composition of
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). trade resulting from tariff liberalization and GDP growth.
The value of international trade is estimated to grow by a factor of 4 This method presents some shortcomings. The authors underline
by 2050 in real terms (2). Trade patterns will, however, change because the lack of heterogeneity in terms of products and geographical
of the fragmentation of production processes and the integration of location but also the linearity of the approach, not accounting for
emerging economies into global markets. Trade liberalization, either the reduction in fixed costs with distance, especially in the maritime
option. Furthermore, the outputs of the model are based on great-
at the global or regional level, will also have an impact on global
circle distances, not accounting for the geographical and network
availability specificities, which can produce significant biases.
Global value chains, dependent on relatively inexpensive and
This earlier work is built on by development of a new international
reliable transport links, are key to economic development and
freight model that takes into account changes in location, changes in
will be potentially affected by changes in trade and manufacturing.
the value–weight ratio for products over time, and reduction in fixed
The transport sector is interrelated with changes in international
costs with distance. This work is part of the Transport Outlook pre-
pro­duction and consumption patterns as well as location choices pared by the International Transport Forum at OECD. This model
of multinational companies. Freight transport as derived demand projects international freight flows (and related CO2 emissions) for
depends on the volume and type of goods produced and consumed 26 regions and 25 product groups depending on alternative trade
at different locations. Location of global production and consumption, liberalization scenarios.
structure of trade in terms of the nature of goods trade, and transport A four-step model is developed based on a global freight network
costs all influence the volume of freight as well as related mode and model (with actual routes and related real distances) that converts
route choice. trade in value into freight volumes (in tonne-kilometers) and into
related CO2 emissions by transport mode and route for the period
International Transport Forum, 2/4 Rue Louis David, Paris 75016, France. Since cargo does not stop at ports but continues to economic
Corresponding author: L. M. Martínez, centers, this domestic link is also estimated by introducing centroids
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board,
for production and consumption, allowing estimation of the freight
No. 2477, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2015, pp. 58–67. transported by road or rail from or to ports from consumption and
DOI: 10.3141/2477-07 production centers.

Martínez, Kauppila, and Castaing 59

Methodology • A weight and value model using the same data to convert trade
value into weight and calibrated for each commodity and transport
General Framework mode, and
• CO2 intensities and technological pathways by mode.
The model projects international freight transport activity until 2050
based on alternative world trade scenarios. The following five main Each model component output is used to feed the next step. The final
components are presented in Figure 1: model output is international trade–related freight tonne-kilometers
by transport corridor by mode and related CO2 emissions.
• A general equilibrium model for international trade developed
by OECD and covering 26 world regions and 25 commodities (2),
• A global freight transport network model based on 2010 data, Underlying Trade Projections
• An international freight mode choice model (in value) calibrated
with data from Eurostat and the United Nations Economic Commission The Economics Department of OECD has published, in coopera-
for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), tion with the Centre d’Etudes Prospectives et d’Informations Inter-

Inputs Method Output

Trade O-Ds by
World trade projecons by Producon/
commodity type
region and commodity type Consumpon
(2004–2060) centroids

Travel mes and distances

Network model
Trade O-Ds by
Trade value mode commodity type and
share model mode (dollars)
Geographic, trade, and (2010–2050)
economic profiles
(scenario based)

Travel mes and distances

Network model
Trade weight O-Ds by
Internaonal trade commodity type and
weight-value model mode (tonnes)
Geographic, trade, and (2010–2050)
economic profiles
(scenario based)

Shortest path Trade volume O-Ds by

between O-D pairs by commodity type and
mode mode (tonne-km)
Network model (2010–2050)

Internaonal trade
CO2 intensies and
CO2 emissions by
pathway by mode mode (CO2 tons)

FIGURE 1   Schematic description of model.

60 Transportation Research Record 2477

nationales (CEPII), trade scenarios up to 2060 using a framework • Multilateral trade agreement scenario, which considers the
integrating long-term macroprojections for the world economy with following:
a sectorial trade model reproducing the key trade driving forces and – From 2013 tariffs on goods are reduced on a multilateral
specialization past trends (10). global basis by 50% by 2060 and transaction costs are reduced
The long-run growth model in the OECD Economic Outlook (11) by 25%.
provides long-term projections for GDP, saving, investment, and cur- – In the FTA, tariffs on goods are abolished by 2060 and trans-
rent accounts for OECD and non-OECD G20 countries augmented action costs for goods are reduced by 25%.
with projections by Fouré et al. (12) for other countries. – Regulatory barriers in services converge to half the average
The trade model is a version of MIRAGE, a multicountry, intra-EU level for non-EU countries within the FTA, and barriers
sectorial dynamic micro-founded model developed by CEPII (2,13). between EU members are reduced by a further 10%.
This computable general equilibrium model analyses the global evolu- – From 2013 agricultural support is reduced 50% by 2060 in
tion of bilateral trade and sectorial specialization and covers the world the EU, the United States, Japan, Korea, Canada, and in European
economy aggregated into 26 regions and 25 sectors (19 of them requir- Free Trade Association countries.
ing transport). These 26 regions can represent either large countries
(e.g., United States, China) or economic regions with special trade
agreements (e.g., the Euro area, European Free Trade Association). Centroids
Although the model aggregates results into regions, it considers all
The regional aggregation of the model, although very convenient
international trade within regions as well. The model excludes only
for economic modeling of trade activity, introduces significant
domestic trade.
uncertainties from a transport perspective since it does not allow
Combining aggregate projections and individual behaviors
proper discretization of the travel path used for different types of
(consumers and firms) underlines the impact of both global trends and
country-specific policies on future trade and specialization patterns,
Therefore, the regional O-D trade flows were discretized into a
acknowledging international spillovers. Trade projections are given
larger number of production and consumption centroids. To iden-
in value terms in fixed 2004 U.S. dollars.
tify centroids, an adapted p-median procedure was used over all the
The model results indicate that over the coming half-century, world
cities around the world classified by the United Nations in 2010 rel-
trade is expected to continue to outpace GDP growth but at a slower ative to their population (2,539 cities). The objective function for
rate than previously. An important conclusion of the forecast is that this aggregation is based on the minimization of a distance func-
the geographical center of trade is likely to continue shifting toward tion that includes two components: GDP density and geographical
emerging economies: distance.
Instead of imposing a predefined number of p centroids, no more
• China, India, and other Asian economies will continue to than one centroid or region closer than 500 km within the same
strengthen their role in manufacturing trade with exports climbing country was considered. With these premises the algorithm obtained
up the global value-added ladder and a solution with 294 centroids, and a rather stable and spatially balanced
• In parallel with shifts in trade patterns the industrial structure result was obtained for all the continents (America, 69; Europe, 74;
in emerging economies should gradually become similar to that of Africa, 34; Asia, 110; and Oceania, 7); each centroid is designated by
the current OECD, whereas it remains fairly unchanged in OECD the name of the respective city.
economies. The trade flow between economic regions provided by the OECD
study is then converted into trade flows between centroids, con-
The OECD model was computed for three trade policy scenarios sidering the regional GDP around each centroid as weights (2).
(10): The regional GDP for the base year (2010) was obtained from the
Brookings Institution (14) and Pricewaterhouse Coopers (15). The
• Baseline trade scenario (BS), which considers that the current growth projections of centroids are based on the growth rates at
world trade agreements are maintained until 2060. the country level obtained from the OECD 2013 economic projec-
• Bilateral trade agreement scenario, which considers the following: tions (16). The share of trade flow between O-D pairs within the same
– A free-trade agreement (FTA) is established in 2012 between country will be constant over time since the growth rates of centroids
the North American Free Trade Association, the European are at the country level.
Union (EU), Switzerland, European Free Trade Association, The resulting equation for the estimation of trade flow between
Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and South Korea. Trade barriers the centroid O-D pairs for each type of commodity is
are progressively phased out.
– In the FTA, tariffs on goods are abolished by 2060 and trans- GDPit GDPjt
trade flow ijCt = trade flow[Region i][Region j]Ct i i
action costs for goods are reduced by 25%. ∑ GDPkt ∑ GDPit
– Regulatory barriers in services as measured by ad valorem k ∈Region i l ∈Region j

tariff equivalents converge to half the average intra-EU level (1)

for non-EU countries within the FTA, and barriers between EU
members are reduced by a further 10%. where
– In 2030, bilateral trade agreements are negotiated with key i, j = origin and destination centroids, respectively;
partners of the FTA including South Africa, the Russian Federation, C = commodity;
Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, other Association of Southeast t = year of analysis;
Asian countries, and Chile. With these countries, the FTA bilaterally k = all centroids that belong to region containing i; and
reduces tariffs by 50% progressively. l = all centroids that belong to region containing j.
Martínez, Kauppila, and Castaing 61

Network Model TABLE 1   Speed in Kilometers per Hour Used in Network Model,
by World Region
One of the key components and innovations of this model is the
development of a new geographic information system–based global Speed (km/h)
freight transport model based on open geographic information sys-
tem data for different transport modes. Its main contribution is the Europe Canada, and Rest of
consolidation and integration of all different modal networks into a Infrastructure Type and Japan United States the World
single freight network.
For the road network, two main sources were integrated: Global Roada
Major highways 80 80 70
Roads Open Access Data Set (gROADS) (http://sedac.ciesin.columbia Secondary highways 65 65 55
.edu/data/set/groads-global-roads-open-access-v1) and OpenStreetMap Beltways and national roads 40 40 30
( Only the first and secondary road networks Tracks or unpaved roads 10 10  5
were considered (i.e., motorways, main roads, and truck roads). For Railb
the rail network, the model integrates data from the Princeton project Electrified 40 35 25
Digital Chart of the World (∼geolib/gis Nonelectrified 30 30 15
/dcw.html) updated with the OpenStreetMap data on rail lines and rail Seac
Bulk vessels NA 22.2 NA
stations as intermodal points of connection between road and rail.
Container vessels NA 41 NA
The actual maritime routes are taken from the Global Shipping Lane
Aird 600
Network data of the Center for Transportation Analysis at Oak Ridge
National Laboratory’s Transportation Network Group (http://www
Road connector NA 30 NA, which generates Sea connectors to ports NA 15 NA
a routable network with actual travel times for different sea segments.
This network was connected to ports on the basis of data from the latest Note: NA = not available.
World Port Index Database of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Authors’ estimates based on speed limits and road infrastructure quality.
International Railway Statistics, Union Internationale des Chemins de Fer, 2010.
Agency ( The commercial c
Review of Maritime Transport, U.N. Conference on Trade and Development, 2010.
air links between international airports were integrated by using data Authors’ estimates based on average travel times for commercial flights in
Europe to other continents (, accessed April 2014.
from the database on airports, commercial airlinks, e
Authors’ estimate for setting of road and sea connectors.
and airline companies ( Finally, all these net-
works were interconnected by transport links between the centroids
using road network and rail stations together with data on intermodal
dwell times. share was estimated in value by product group. Data on travel times
In order to estimate travel times for the different types of infra- and distances for each mode were taken from the global network
structure as well as dwell times between transport modes, average model at the centroid level. Two geographical and economic con-
speeds based on available information by region were used (Tables 1 text binary variables were added: one describing whether the pair
and 2). The network model is then used to compute the shortest paths of countries has a trade agreement and the other for the existence of
between centroids for each transport mode (if the transport is available a land border.
as an option), generating two main inputs: The data set contained 17,427 observations, with an average
weighted mode share in value of 26% for road, 22% for air, 50% for
• The average travel time and distance by mode to link each coun- sea, and just 2% for rail. The calibrated model has ρ2 = .22, show-
try based on a weighted average for all pairs of centroids between the ing a satisfactory explanatory power of the mode choice, and all the
country O-D pairs and variables are statistically significant except for one panel term (coal),
• The shortest paths between the centroids for each transport mode. which presented a similar value to the base commodity considered
(chemicals) (Table 3).
These inputs are used either in the calibration of the other model
components or as an element of the model itself.
TABLE 2   Dwell Time in Hours Used in Network Model,
by World Region
Mode Share Model for International Freight Dwelling Times (h)
The mode share model (in value) for international freight flows Europe Australia, Canada, Rest of
assigns the transport mode used for trade between any O-D pair of Intermodal Connection and Japan and United States the World
centroids. The mode attributed to each trade connection represents the
longest transport section. All freight will require intermodal transport Air to air 4 4 72
in both the origin and the destination. This domestic component of Air to road—road to air 4 4 72
international freight is usually not accounted for in the literature, but Air to rail—rail to air 4 4 72
the current model integrates this component. Air to sea—sea to air 22 22 72
A standard multinomial logit formulation was used including Rail to sea—sea to rail 49 49 96
a commodity-type panel term. It was calibrated with exports data Rail to road—road to rail 31.5 31.5 31.5
from Eurostat and ECLAC, which contain information on the value, Road to sea—sea to road 49 49 96
weight, and mode of transport of export activities from the EU and
Latin America to the rest of the world. For each O-D pair, the modal Source: Fluidity Indicator Project (Canada’s Gateways), Transport Canada 2012.
62 Transportation Research Record 2477

TABLE 3   Trade Value of International Freight Mode Share time given by travel speed: sea routes, requiring a big diversion from
Calibration Results the direct link, such as Europe to Asia with links not using the Suez
Canal, may not be very attractive.
Robust Robust Robust
Variable Coeff. SE t-Test p-Value
An opposite relation is observed for the air mode, for which long
distances are favorable. However, if no direct flights are found
Mode Specific Constant (increasing the travel time) the utility is reduced significantly. Road
Air −0.75 0.02 −41.50 .00 and rail present similar behavior to air. However,
Rail −1.30 0.03 −40.22 .00
• Rail distance presents a huge penalty; this factor suggests that
Road 0.15 0.02 12.42 .00
the alternative may be more attractive for shorter connections; this
Sea 0.00 na na na
penalty may stem from border control difficulties as well as inter­
Commodity Panel Term in Sea Utility Function
operability of systems, which introduce large delays and loss of lia-
Chemicals 0.00 na na na bility of the cargo with the large number of rail operators involved
Coal −0.02 0.08 −0.25 .82 to cross several countries;
Crude oil 2.45 1.15 2.16 .03 • Trade agreements between countries appear to favor road trans-
Electronics −2.37 0.02 −95.67 .00 port over rail transport; this aspect again indicates border crossing
Fishing −0.80 0.09 −8.00 .00 issues with freight rail services; and
Food 0.50 0.02 21.17 .00 • A land border between countries favors exports through road
Forestry −1.03 0.04 −23.89 .00 and rail.
Iron and steel 0.17 0.02 7.14 .00
Livestock −1.01 0.04 −22.77 .00
Weight–Value Model for International Trade
Metal products −0.20 0.02 −10.43 .00
Nonferrous metals −0.15 0.03 −5.74 .00 Several Poisson regression models were formulated to estimate the
Nonmetallic minerals 0.18 0.03 5.51 .00 rate of conversion of value units (dollars) into weight units of cargo
Other manufacturing −0.37 0.02 −20.41 .00 (tonnes) by mode, using the natural logarithm of the trade value in
Other mining 0.73 0.03 23.63 .00 millions of dollars as an offset variable and panel terms by commodity.
Paper, pulp, and print −0.06 0.03 −2.83 .00 The selection of this regression method was based on observation of
Petroleum and coke 0.07 0.03 2.51 .01 the statistical distribution of the sample, which showed more suit-
Rice and crops 0.30 0.02 13.52 .00 able behavior in a discrete statistical distribution than with continu-
Textiles −0.09 0.02 −4.72 .00 ous distributions (i.e., normal, lognormal), especially for low trade
Transport equipment −0.22 0.02 −9.44 .00 connections.
Transport-Related Attributes
The model was calibrated by using Eurostat and ECLAC exports
data. Travel time and distance information were added as discussed
Distance air (10,000 km) 0.03 0.00 19.58 .00
earlier, and geographical and cultural variables, the binary variables
Distance rail (10,000 km) 0.06 0.00 11.70 .00
for trade agreements and land borders used earlier, and a binary
Distance road (10,000 km) 0.02 0.00 5.52 .00 variable identifying whether two countries present the same official
Distance sea (10,000 km) −0.07 0.00 −21.66 .00 language. Moreover, economic profile variables were included to
Time air (1,000 h) −0.02 0.00 −1.97 .05 describe the natural trade relationship between countries with different
Time rail (1,000 h) −1.77 0.00 −12.19 .00 types of production sophistication and scale of trade intensity:
Time road (1,000 h) −0.40 0.00 −35.42 .00
Time sea (1,000 h) 0.37 0.00 40.96 .00 • GDP percentile of the origin country ( p% GDPi),
Context Variables • GDP percentile of the destination country ( p% GDPj),
TA rail −0.07 0.04 −1.65 .10 • GDP per capita percentile of the origin country (p% GDP capitai),
TA road 0.38 0.01 26.21 .00 • GDP per capita percentile of the destination country list ( p%
LB rail 0.98 0.07 14.14 .00 GDP capitaj), and
• Natural logarithm of the GDP per capita ratio between O-D
LB road 1.10 0.02 45.84 .00
Note: Coeff. = coefficient; SE = standard error; TA = trade agreement effect;
LB = land border; na = not available.
 ln GDP capita i 
 GDP capita 

The results show greater relation with the sea alternative, mainly for All the economic variables were constructed by using a relative
low raw material values and the nonperishable nature of the products order of countries instead of their absolute values to avoid their dis-
but also because of security issues (e.g., crude oil). Transport-related proportional effect in the future relation of the value–weight ratio.
variables present interesting behavior that clearly distinguishes sea This effect is not expected to happen since the products will not
transportation from the other available options. Although an increase become lighter for the majority of the commodities, especially from
in distance may reduce the utility of transporting value by sea, longer raw materials, nor will a disruption in the market change the valuation
journeys make this mode more attractive. The utility of a sea trade of some commodities over others. This will ensure the stability of the
connection depends on the balance between distance and travel effect over time and improve the model’s forecast ability.
Martínez, Kauppila, and Castaing 63

The result was a data set for each transport mode with individual this finding presented a positive impact on the weight that is being
model calibrations. All models include an overdispersion Poisson transported by value unit for both. This result shows that larger
term since they all showed significant overdispersion. economies export greater quantities to less developed countries
Table 4 presents the calibration results for the four models and that are more weight intensive than those for more developed
shows significant differences by mode. The sea model performs well countries. The cultural relationship between countries (set as a
in reproducing market patterns. Time is the only relevant trans- binary value that takes a value of 1 if the O-D countries have a
port factor; it shows that more expensive goods are transported common official language or had a colonial relationship in the
farther away (less weight per value). Of the economic variables only past) was also found significant, leading to exports of greater value
the p% GDPi and the ln GDPcapitai /GDPcapitaj were found significant; products.

TABLE 4   Weight Value Model Calibration Results for Each Transport Mode

Sea Road Rail Air

Parameter Coeff. Sig. Coeff. Sig. Coeff. Sig. Coeff. Sig.

Shortest Path Characteristics

Timeij (100 h) −0.11 .00 −1.09 .00 0.38 .00 0.50 .00
Distanceij (1,000 km) 0.00 .00 0.269 .00 −0.24 .00 −0.03 .04
Economic Profile of Countries
p% GDPi 0.24 .00 0.77 .00 −0.25 .03 1.56 .00
p% GDPj 0.00 .00 −0.19 .00 0.59 .00 −0.58 .00
p% GDP capitai 0.00 .00 −1.77 .00 −1.55 .00 −2.52 .00
p% GDP capitaj 0.00 .00 −0.81 .00 0.79 .08 −1.23 .00
GDP capita i
ln 0.16 .00 −0.30 .02 0.75 .01 −0.43 .00
GDP capita j
Economic, Geographical, and Cultural Relations Between Countries
LBij 0.00 .00 −0.39 .00 0.00 .00 −1.34 .00
Same languageij −0.11 .00 0.48 .00 0.00 .00 −0.40 .00
TAij 0.00 .00 0.14 .00 0.74 .00 0.66 .00
Commodity Panel Term
Chemicals −7.13 .00 −3.41 .00 −5.78 .00 −2.99 .00
Coal −4.27 .00 −0.91 .00 −3.56 .00 2.12 .45
Crude oil −6.17 .00 −3.66 .00 −33.72 .00 0.19 .98
Electronics −9.45 .00 −2.30 .00 −9.26 .00 −3.47 .00
Fishing −7.28 .00 −3.17 .04 0.00 .00 −2.92 .00
Food products −6.30 .00 −3.29 .00 −5.71 .00 −1.82 .00
Forestry −4.66 .00 −1.94 .00 −3.42 .11 −1.53 .01
Gas −5.49 .00 −2.68 .00 0.00 .00 −23.12 .00
Iron and steel −6.63 .00 −3.00 .00 −5.49 .00 −1.03 .01
Livestock −7.50 .00 −3.04 .00 −4.06 .07 −3.26 .00
Metal products −8.18 .00 −3.73 .00 −6.67 .00 −1.87 .00
Nonferrous metals −8.37 .00 −4.65 .00 −7.38 .00 −5.94 .00
Nonmetallic minerals −5.85 .00 −1.85 .00 −4.62 .00 −1.82 .00
Other manufacturing −8.51 .00 −4.43 .00 −6.81 .00 −2.77 .00
Other mining −6.50 .00 −2.66 .00 −5.17 .00 −0.70 .03
Paper, pulp, and print −7.48 .00 −3.95 .00 −7.82 .00 −2.73 .00
Petroleum and coke −6.33 .00 −2.44 .00 −5.27 .00 −0.39 .31
Rice and crops −5.79 .00 −2.50 .00 −5.89 .00 −1.61 .00
Textiles −7.36 .00 −3.05 .00 −5.58 .00 −3.18 .00
Transport equipment −8.46 .00 −4.54 .00 −7.71 .00 −2.09 .00

Note: Sig. = significance; GDP = gross domestic product; correl = correlation.

Sea Road Rail Air
(Scale) 19,379.55 8,819.49 3,266.30 722.91
Pseudo-ρ2 .65 .60 .68 .38
Correl (y, y– )2 .90 .93 .35 .21
64 Transportation Research Record 2477

The road model presents good fit indicators. Distance should exports from larger economies may lead to the transport of more
increase the weight intensity of trade flows, whereas time produces quantity but the most developed countries export more valuable
the inverse effect. This situation highlights the importance of speed goods. The panel commodity terms show that most of air transport
in road freight to determine the typology and value of goods that is less weight intensive. For some commodities air weight trans-
are being exported by this mode. Larger economies tend to export port may be much reduced, especially because of safety reasons but
larger quantities, whereas exports to larger economies are simulta- because some products do not need to reach markets quickly to be
neously less weight intensive. This finding may be explained by a consumed (i.e., nonperishable products).
larger internal market that requires importing less differentiated and
valuable products. As expected, more developed countries (higher
GDP per capita) trade more value-intensive goods. Land borders Generation of Model Outputs
also lead to more valuable exports, whereas the presence of the same
language and trade agreements may potentiate the quantities being Once all the components are set, the model is computed sequentially
exported. as presented in Figure 1. The results include the value, weight, and
The rail model presents acceptable quality fit indicators; the ρ2 distance traveled (with path specification) between 2010 and 2050
of the model is high, but the estimates obtained from the model are for each centroid pair, mode, type of commodity, and year that stem
less able to reproduce the calibration data. This finding suggests from international trade.
that other factors not included in the model may affect the value– These results (in tonne-kilometers) are then combined with infor-
weight relationship. Transport variables suggest an inverse logic to mation on related CO2 intensities and technology pathways by mode
that obtained for the road sector. This result may reflect problems obtained from the International Energy Agency’s Momo model (17)
related to border crossing of the rail mode (i.e., interoperability). and the International Maritime Organization (18). In the case of
Trade agreements may significantly facilitate the flow of products road and rail, these coefficients and pathways are geographically
between countries using this transport mode. The economic-related dependent, whereas the maritime and air CO2 efficiency is considered
variables present a different configuration. Although larger economies to be uniform worldwide.
tend to export more valuable goods by rail, the opposite occurs from an
importing perspective, reinforced by the variables for GDP per capita.
This finding may indicate problems in infrastructure availability and
Model Results
quality in less developed countries, reducing the rail efficiency for
freight transport. Initial Benchmark of Results for 2010
The air model presents the worst quality-of-fit indicators, which
underlie the great variability of the sector. Nevertheless, the model This section provides a comparison of the results with statistical data
shows significant effects of the variables considered. The transport on global international trade–related freight transport (Table 5). This
variable coefficients present behavior similar to that of the rail model yields results for total maritime and air tonnes and tonne-
model, although the reasons behind this behavior may differ. The kilometers that are very close to data provided in other sources;
positive impact of time may indicate that the absence of direct flight these results show that the model is able to reproduce current market
connections with large dwell times at airports may reduce signifi- behavior adequately. For maritime CO2 emissions, the model esti-
cantly the value of the transported good, whereas distance potenti- mate falls between the International Energy Agency figures and
ates the transport of more valuable goods. The economic profile slightly below the calculations done by the International Maritime
variables have an impact similar to that in the road model, in which Organization.

TABLE 5   Model Validation for Baseline Trade Scenario in 2010

Model Available
Variable Estimates Statistics Source

Maritime international trade volume 8,372 8,408 UNCTAD review of

(million tonnes) Maritime Transporta
Air international trade volume 34 31.8 ICAOb
(million tonnes)
Maritime international trade-related freight 60,053 65,599 UNCTAD Review of
(billion tonne-km) Maritime Transport
Air international trade-related freight 191 158 ICAO
(billion tonne-km)
Maritime international trade-related CO2 779 644 IEAc
emissions (million tonnes) 870 IMOd

Note: ICAO = International Civil Aviation Organization; IEA = International Energy Agency;
IMO = International Maritime Association; GHG = greenhouse gas.
Review of Maritime Transport, U.N. Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), 2012.
Annual Report of Council, International Civil Aviation Organization, 2012.
CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion Statistics, International Energy Agency (IEA).
GHG Study 2009, International Maritime Organization (IMO).
Martínez, Kauppila, and Castaing 65

Analysis of International Freight Flow Patterns continents is also observed. Significant growth is envisaged to take
by Trade Liberalization Scenario place in intra-Asian volumes (5), which are projected to grow by over
380% by 2050. Intra-African freight volumes are also projected to
Some preliminary results are presented for international freight grow even more significantly (+480%). These results mirror the trade
volumes and CO2 emissions by 2050. Figure 2 shows the evolution increase within Asia and Africa and the increasing traffic from and to
of transport volumes related to international trade by different trans- ports from and to the consumption and production centers. Because
port modes from 2010 to 2050. International freight is estimated to of the lack of an efficient rail network, these movements are mostly
grow by 334% by 2050 in the BS scenario. Sea remains the most carried by trucks.
relevant transport mode (measured in tonne-kilometers), accounting Overall, the results show that bilateral trade liberalization will
for about 85% of the total volume in 2010 and around 83% in 2050 not significantly affect freight volumes in any of the regions or cor-
for all trade scenarios. Road freight is estimated to increase its share ridors. In contrast, in the multilateral liberalization scenario, trade
of the total during the period. These calculations include the domestic is reoriented toward the non-OECD area; this change reflects com-
link of international freight carried by road or rail. Excluding that paratively larger reductions in tariffs than in OECD countries as well
link, sea accounts for 95% of total tonne-kilometers. as stronger underlying growth performance in this area. As a result,
Trade liberalization may have an increasing effect on international global freight will grow by 380% in the multilateral trade scenario by
freight volumes. In the bilateral scenario, freight volumes are estimated 2050. For the growth by trade corridor or continent, it can be seen that
to grow by 350%, whereas in the case of the multilateral scenario, more liberalized trade produces significantly more transport volumes in
the estimated growth is 380% by 2050. This increase stems from the Africa (10), South America (8), and the South Atlantic (9) (Figure 3b).
increasing intensity of trade as well as growth in average distance.
A more in-depth analysis by geographical region and corridor is
also carried out. The world is divided into 12 transport regions or CO2 Emissions
corridors: North America, North Atlantic, Europe, Mediterranean
and Caspian Seas, Asia, North Pacific, South Pacific, South America, International trade–related CO2 transport emissions are estimated to
South Atlantic, Africa, Indian Ocean, and Oceania. grow by 286% by 2050 in the BS scenario. The bilateral trade sce-
Figure 3a presents the corridors’ spatial location along with the vol- nario results in only a 2% increase in CO2 emissions compared with
umes by corridor in 2010 and 2050 in the BS scenario: the growth in the baseline emissions in 2050. However, multilateral trade liberal-
freight volume is far from uniform around the world; it is significantly ization would yield 15% more CO2 emissions than in the baseline
stronger in maritime routes and inland connections in Asia. by 2050 (Figure 4).
The North Pacific (6) corridor is expected to surpass the North
Atlantic (2) as the main world freight corridor. (The numbers in
parentheses refer to the regions enumerated in Figure 3a.) This find- Relevance of Domestic Transport Linked
ing partly reflects the shift of the economic center of gravity toward to International Freight
Asia. This shift produces a large increase in volume in the Indian
Ocean and the Suez Canal resulting from the greater trade in Asia– As already discussed, the domestic freight related to international trade
Africa and Asia–Europe. A marked rise in inland connections for all is often not accounted for. It is estimated that this component represents

International Freight Volume (billion tonne-km)




200,000 Sea
100,000 Air


2010 2030 2050 2010 2030 2050 2010 2030 2050
Baseline Trade Scenario Bilateral Trade Agreements Multilateral Trade Agreements
Scenario Scenario

FIGURE 2   Estimated international freight volume by world trade scenario.

(billion tonne-km)






Tonne-km, 2050 (2010 = 100)





North America North Atlantic Europe Mediterrian Asia North Pacific South Pacific South America South Atlantic Africa Indian Ocean Oceania
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
Freight Corridors

FIGURE 3   Model results in tonne-kilometers by corridor: (a) BS scenario at transport corridors (2010–2050) and (b) tonne-kilometers
by corridor for alternative trade liberalization scenarios, 2050 (2010 5 100).


CO2 Emissions (million tonnes)


3,000 Road


2010 2030 2050 2010 2030 2050 2010 2030 2050
Baseline Trade Scenario Bilateral Trade Agreements Multilateral Trade Agreements
Scenario Scenario

FIGURE 4  CO 2 emissions from international freight, by trade scenario.

Martínez, Kauppila, and Castaing 67

around 10% of the total trade–related freight globally. Domestic freight to assess the capacity of current infrastructure (port terminals, airports,
presents great variability depending on the geographic location of the or road and rail infrastructure) to deal with the expected trade flow
main producers and consumers in each country. In China, where most changes or to identify the main bottlenecks that may emerge in the
of the economic activity is concentrated in coastal areas, the domestic worldwide transport network, among others.
link presents 9% of the total international trade–related freight vol- One future extension of this study may also be the introduction of
umes. In India, however, the share is 14% as a result of the inland trade barriers in some corridors related to security (e.g., piracy, politi-
location of production and consumption centers. cal stability) and not only the assignment of freight to the shortest
Domestic transport linked to international trade represents a large path between O-D pairs but also use of an equilibrium assignment
share of the total surface freight volume (national and international) procedure.
in some countries. In China, this share is estimated to grow from 9%
in 2010 to 11%, assuming that the coastal pattern of GDP concentra-
tion in China remains. In the United States, this share is estimated Acknowledgments
to be 15% in 2010 (according to the U.S. Bureau of Transportation
Statistics, this share was 15% in 2010) but can grow up to 40% by A modeling framework is presented as a part of the Transport Out-
2050 depending on future trade patterns. Overall, domestic freight look developed by the International Transport Forum at the OECD.
related to international trade puts significant pressure on national The authors acknowledge the willingness of OECD and the Inter-
infrastructure capacity. national Energy Agency to share their models for the development
of this model.

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Already in its current form, the potential use of existing outputs
for policy analysis is broad. Apart from the traditional analysis of The Standing Committee on Freight Transportation Planning and Logistics
transport activity and related CO2 emissions, the model may be used peer-reviewed this paper.

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