Should Intensive Arabic Course

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Ni’matul Muyassaroh

13320123/ Ak

Intensive Arabic Course (PPBA) is Required to Rescheduled

Intensive Arabic Course (PPBA) is the program to develop Arabic Language. It must
be followed by the students in the first and the second semester of Maulana Malik Ibrahim
State Islamic University of Malang. It has three sessions. The first session started at 2 p.m. up
to 3.30 p.m. The second session started at 3.30 p.m. up to 4.30 p.m. and the third session
started at 6.30 p.m. up to 8 p.m.

There are many benefits that the students got from PPBA. They can learn Arabic
Language deeply. Moreover, they can understand the meaning of Holy Qur’an. As a Moslem
it is very important to understand the meaning of Holy Qur’an as the fundamental of our
Religion, Islam.

Nevertheless, the rate of absence is very high. The reason why the rate of absence is
very high is this program takes so long time. Most of the students feel bored with this
program. They have regular lecture in the morning and they still have to attend PPBA class in
the afternoon and evening. They have full activities along the day. PPBA has six credits. It
can be finished only three days. But the fact, the schedule of PPBA is conducted for five
days. It takes so long time.

According to Arabic Language and Letters Student, PPBA has so many benefits for
them. They can learn Arabic not only in regular class. There are additional lessons that they
got in PPBA class. It is why most of Arabic Language and Letters students are very diligent
attending PPBA class.

On the other hand according to Science and Technology students, they feel that PPBA
not really useful for them. They learn PPBA only a year. After they graduated from this
program, they will not learn Arabic anymore. The lesson that they already got in PPBA class
is lost. So most of them ask about what actually the purpose of learning Arabic Language if
they learn it only to lost it.
The system that used in PPBA is monotone. Most of the learning process held in the
classroom. Just sometimes the learning process held outside the classroom. So most of the
students being passive during the learning process because there is no different system of
learning process with the previous years. There should be the new system such study tour or
another activity so that the students do not feel bored with PPBA. Moreover, the quality of
the Lecture should be enhanced. Thus, the purpose of PPBA could be achieved.

From the arguments above, there are many reasons why Intensive Arabic Course
(PPBA) required to rescheduled. From the case of time until the case of system. Actually
PPBA has many benefits but it also has many weakness. So, it had better that the session of
PPBA is lacked. Maybe by lacking the session of PPBA, the students have more spirit
attending PPBA class.

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