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Department of English

Course Description/Outline

Course Code: ENG-102 Course Title: English Language Skills

Instructor: Semester: Spring, 2016
Email: Office (Room No):
Minor: BS English Credit Hours: 3

Course Description Functional English which would enable the students to meet their
real life language needs:

 Integrated language skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading

and Writing skills
 Comprehension
 Paragraph Writing
 Essay Writing
 Presentation Skills
 Précis writing
 Story Writing

 Interview Skills

Note: The mode of instruction must be in English.

Course Type: Compulsory


Pre-requisites Basic knowledge of English grammar and its usage.

Goals  To enable the students to meet their real life communication

 To enhance their Listening and Speaking skills
 To develop their critical thinking

Text Books Provision of hand outs

Recommended Books  Practical English grammar” by Thomas and Martinet

 “ Writing. Intermediate” by Marie- Christine Boutin,
Suzanne Brinand and Francoise Grellet
 “Writing. Upper Intermediate” by Rob Nolasco
 “Reading. Upper Intermediate.” by Brain Tomlinson and
Rod Ellis
 “ reading and study Skills” by John Langan
 “Study Skills” by RiachardYorky

Lectures 32 sessions of 90 minutes each

Attendance Policy A minimum of 70% attendance is required for a student to be

eligible to take the final examination.
The students with less than 70% of the attendance in a course shall
be given the grade SA (Short Attendance) in such a course and
shall not be allowed to take its End Term Exams and will have to
reappear in the course to get the required attendance to be eligible
to sit in the exam when the course is offered the next time.
Grading The course will be evaluated on the basis of the following
 Mid Term 25%
 Sessional 25%
o Presentations 10%
o Listening Test 10%
o Quiz 05%
 Final term 50%
Quiz, Listening Exercise
and Presentation According to the decision of instructor
Schedule (tentative)

Session Schedule

Sessions Topic Readings

1&2 Comprehension ( skimming and scanning,

3&4 Precise writing ( introduction and practice)

5&6 Introduction to Paragraph Writing

7&8 Paragraph Writing (Practice)

9 & 10 Essay Writing (Argumentative, Descriptive,

Narrative, Discursive)

11 & 12 Essay Writing (Argumentative, Descriptive)

13 & 14 Essay Writing (Narrative, Discursive)

15 & 16 Practice

17 & 18 Mid term Examination

19 & 20 Story Writing

21 & 22 Story Writing

23 & 24 Interview Skills

25 & 26 Interview Skills

27 & 28 Presentations

29 & 30 Presentations

31 & 32 Exam preparation week

References ENG 102 English Language Skills

1. Anderson, Marilyn (2008) Critical Thinking, Academic Writing and Presentation
Skills.Pearson, India.
2. Peterson , Patricia Wilcox (2003) Developing Writing, Writing Skills Practice Book,

1. Thomas, A. J. and Martinet, A. V (2002) 4th ed. Practical English Grammar.
Jane, Straus., Lester, Kaufman., Tom, Stern. (2008) The Blue Book of Grammar and

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