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7 things to know about the DeKalb government investigation
Posted: 9:00 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 6, 2015

By Fiza Pirani ­ The Atlanta Journal­Constitution


Former state Attorney General Mike Bowers (right) led the investigation for
DeKalb interim CEO Lee May.

In a letter sent Wednesday to interim DeKalb CEO Lee May, lead investigators Mike Bowers and Richard
Hyde wrote that DeKalb County's government "is rotten to the core" with allegations of taxpayer money
abuse, theft of government property and bribery.

Here are seven things to know about the letter and ongoing investigation:

1. The investigation began in March when May hired former state Attorney General Mike
Bowers: Bowers — known for his state investigation of the standardized test cheating scandal in Atlanta
Public Schools — was hired by May to remove the "stench of corruption and distrust"  pervading the

2. Employees have been abusing taxpayer money: In the letter sent Wednesday, Bowers said DeKalb County
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government employees illegally spent public money using their P-cards — taxpayer-funded charge
cards — on things like flower arrangements, a Christmas tree, a cruise to the Bahamas, a dry cleaning bill for a
judge's robe and a "live" guitar player.

In June, May suspended most charge cards after Bowers found that employees illegally used them to
purchase dance lessons, computers, phone charges, international plane flights and ski resort trips.

Funds were also routinely used to purchase liquor, catered meals and more.

3. The fraud is not exclusive to P-Cards: Investigators wrote that several departments have also overspent
their budgets during the past five years, and nothing has been done to correct their behavior.

4. A high-level official did not face appropriate disciplinary action for wrecking a county-owned
car: Investigators wrote that the official — after wrecking the vehicle and causing substantial damage — did not
follow proper procedures for reporting the accident.

Instead, taxpayers ended up paying the impound fee for another county-owned vehicle after the employee was
arrested for DUI. The employee resigned without facing disciplinary action and was rehired after entering a
guilty plea in court.

5. Employees are routinely violating the take-home vehicle policy: Bowers wrote that some employees are
routinely violating the policy and is looking at just how many employees are getting a free ride to and from
work every day and using county-owned cars and gas for their commutes.

6. Possible bribery scheme involving a major county department may also be unfolding: No further
details have been released.

7. May responded to the letter in a statement Wednesday: May said the underlying issues mentioned in the
letter were no secret, which is precisely why investigators were hired in March to conduct a comprehensive
review with a conclusive report to be released after a 120-day period, which they have not yet released.

Instead, May said, "All we have to show for it is a 2-page letter full of salacious — but vague — innuendo."

According to May's statement, Bowers has informed him a more detailed report will be issued in three weeks.

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