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Antony Jameson
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, 251 Mercer Street
New York, New York 10012

In the present work the difficulties have
The paper describes a multiple grid method for been attacked by combining the multiple grid
transonic flow calculations. The proposed scheme method with a generalized alternating direction
incorporates a generalized alternating direction method suitable for transonic flows as the
method as the smoothing algorithm. Numerical smoothing algorithm. Numerical experiments
experiments with this multigrid alternating indicate that this multigrid alternating direction
direction (MAD) method indicate that it is both fast (MAD) method converges rapidly and reliably for a
and reliable. range of cases typical of the cruising regime, up to
the onset of drag rise. It appears also that the
1. Introduction method can readily be generalized to treat three-
dimensional flows.
The multiple grid method was first proposed by
Federenko [1], who realized that it should be 2. The Difference Approximation
possible to accelerate an iterative scheme for
solving difference equations by calculating The case which will be considered is that
corrections for the fine grid equations on a of two dimensional transonic flow past an airfoil
sequence of successively coarser grids. This idea using the potential flow approximation, which has
was subsequently analyzed by Bakhavlov [2], and been found to give useful predictions in practice for
then extended and applied to a variety of problems flow containing shock waves of moderate strength
by Bradt [3]. It has recently been proved under [8]. This potential flow equation will be treated in
rather general assumptions by Nicolaides [4], and the conservation form.

( ρu ) + ∂ ( ρv ) = 0
Haxbush [5], that the number of operations
required to solve the equations arising from a finite (1)
element or a finite difference approximation to an ∂x ∂y
elliptic problem by a multiple grid method is
directly proportional to the number of unknowns. where x and y are Cartensian coordinates, ρ is the
density and the velocity components u and v are the
There is less experience of the use of gradient of the potential φ,
multiple grid methods for nonelliptic problems.
The first demonstration of the use of a multiple grid u = φx , v = φy. (2)
method for a transonic flow problem was by South
and Brandt [6], who solved the transonic small If q is the speed u + v , the local speed of
2 2
disturbance equation for a nonlifting flow and sound a is determined by Bernoulli’s equation.
observed a high rate of convergence. Difficulties
were experienced, however, both by South and
Brandt and by the present author, in the treatment γ −1
a 2 = a02 − q2 (3)
of lifting flow and in calculations on nonuniform 2
and curvilinear meshes. There was a tendency to
produce an oscillating sonic line, and for the where a0 is the stagnation speed of sound. The
calculations to enter a variety of limit cycles density follows from the relation
between several grids. These difficulties appeared
to be due to insufficient smoothing of the errors on
fine grids before passing to coarser grids, and
ρ γ −1 = M ∞2 a 2 (4)
South and Brandt were able to obtain convergence
for a wider range of cases by using multiple line where M∞ is the Mach number q/a of the uniform
relaxation sweeps in different directions. [7] flow at infinity and γ is the ratio of specific heats.
________ At the profile the potential satisfies the Neumann
* This work was supported by the office of Naval boundary conditions.
Research under Contract N00014-77-C-0032 and by
NASA under Grants NSG-1579 and NGR-33-016-201. ∂φ
The calculations were performed at the DOE =0 (5)
Mathematics and Computing Laboratory under Contract ∂n
where n is the normal direction and also the Kutta Ti , j = Pi +1 / 2, j − Pi −1 / 2, j (10)
condition that the tangential velocity is bounded at
the trailing edge. At infinity, the potential where
approaches the potential of a vortex in S i , j − εS i −1, j if u i +1 / 2, j > 0
compressible flow. Pi +1 / 2, j =
S i +1, j − εS i + 2, j if u i +1 / 2, j < 0
In the numerical experiments reported (11)
here these equations are solved in a coordinate and ε is a parameter controlling the accuracy. If ε =
system generated by a conformal mapping of the 0 the added terms are of order ∆θ, yielding a first
domain onto the interior of a circle. Using polar order accurate scheme, and if ε = 1 the added terms
coordinates r and θ the potential flow equation are of order ∆θ 2, yielding a second order accurate
becomes. 2
scheme. This cutoff value M C = 0.9 has been
∂ found to result in reliable convergence of the
(ρφθ ) + r ∂ (rρφr ) = 0 (6) multigrid alternating direction scheme.
∂θ ∂r
3. Review of the Multiple Grid Method
The velocity components in the θ and r directions
are Consider the solution of the equation
Lh u = f (12)
rφ r φr 2
by a relaxation method, where Lh approximates a
u= θ , v= (7)
H H linear differential operator L on a grid with a
spacing proportional to the parameter h. let U be an
where H is the modulus of the transformation onto approximation to the solution, and let V be the
the exterior of the circle. correction to U such that U + V satisfies, (12).
Then the basis of the multiple grid method is to
The difference approximation is similar to replace (12) by
schemes which have been previously used [8]. It is L2 h v + I h2 h LhU = f (13)
derived by augmenting a central difference scheme 2h
where L is the same approximation to L on a grid
with an artificial viscosity which introduces an in which the spacing has been doubled, and Ih2h is
upwind bias throughout the supersonic zone. Using an operator which transfers to each grid point of the
sub-scripts i, j to denote values at mesh points, and coarse grid the residual LhU - f of the coincident
i+1/2, j+1/2 to denote values at the midpoints of point of the fine mesh, or alternatively a weighted
the segments connecting mesh points, the average of the residuals at neighboring points.
approximation to equation [6] has the form After solution of (13), the approximation on the
fine grid is updated by interpolating the correction
∆θ 2
{ρi +|1/ 2, j (φi +1, j − φi, j )} calculated on the coarse grid to the fine grid, so that
U is replaced by
− ρ i −1/ 2, j (φi , j − φi −1, j ) U new = U + I 2hhV (14)
rj where I 2 h is an interpolation operator. Equation
+ {r (φ
j +1 / 2 ρ i , j +1 / 2 )
i , j +1 − φ i , j (13) can in turn be solved by introducing an
∆r 2
− r j −1 / 2 ρ i , j −1 / 2 (φi , j − φi , j −1 ) } + Tij = 0 (8)
approximation on a yet coarser grid, so that a
multiple sequence of grids may be used, leading to
a rapid solution procedure for two reasons. First,
where ∆θ and ∆r are the mesh widths, and Ti j is the number of operations required for a relaxation
the artificial viscosity. The flow in the supersonic sweep on one of the coarse grids is much smaller
zone is assumed to be roughly in the θ direction than the number required on the fine grid. Second,
and a artificial viscosity which gives a bias only in the rate of convergence is faster on a coarse grid,
the θ direction has been used in the experiments so reflecting the fact that corrections can be
propagated from one end of the grid to the other in
far. Let µ be a switching function
a small number of steps.

µ = max {0, (1 − M C2 / M 2 )} (9) To extend this idea to non linear

equations, equation (13) may be reorganized by
which vanishes when the local Mach number M is adding and subtracting the current solution U to
below a cutoff Mach number Mc, and let Si,j be a give
difference approximation to µ ρ (u2/a2) φθθ at the
point i, j. Then the artificial viscosity is of the form
L2 h (U + V ) + I h2 h LhU − L2 hU = f p∆x = ξ , q∆y = η
Then a Gauss Seidel scheme yields
L2 hU = f (15)
Ae iξ + Be iη
where U is the improved estimate of the solution ( ) (
A 2 − e − iξ + B 2 − e −iη )
to be determined on the coarse grid, and f is an Suppose that ∆x, ∆y are such that A>>B and
consider the case of a high frequency in the y
appropriately modified right-hand side, direction and a low frequency in the x direction,
which may be represented by ξ = 0, η = π. Then
f = f + L2 hU − I h2 h LhU (16) A− B
The updating formula (14) now becomes G= ~1
A + 3B
U new = U + I 2hh (U − U ) (17) A similar analysis of a line relaxation scheme
This avoids the need to introduce a special shows that if A>>B effective damping of high
perturbation operator to represent the correction frequency error components requires the use of a
equation (13). scheme solving along the lines in the x direction
4. Smoothing Algorithms On a nonuniform grid A and B may very
widely so that in some regions A >> B and in
The success of the multiple grid method others B >> A. This has led South and Brandt to
generally depends on the use of a relaxation use multiple line relaxations sweeps in different
algorithm which rapidly reduces the high frequency directions [7]. An alternative approach proposed by
components of error on any given grid, because on Arlinger [9] is to use auxiliary grid constructed by
a coarser grid these components can not be increasing the mesh width in one direction only
distinguished from low frequency components. while the line relaxation scheme is applied to the
This aliasing process will cause improper lines in the other direction This method has been
corrections to be computed on coarse grids, and can tested by the present writer and found to give a
prevent convergence. useful acceleration of the rate of convergence of
transonic flow calculations, its potential efficiency,
It turns out that point and line relaxation however, in less than that of a full multigrid
schemes do not necessarily provide the required scheme in which the mesh width is increased in
smoothing of all high frequency components of both directions, because the coarse grids contain
error on a non uniform or curvilinear mesh. To more mesh points when the mesh width is only
illustrates this consider the model problem increased in one direction.

aφ xx + bφ yy = 0 (18) It is proposed here to use an alternating

direction method as the smoothing algorithm.
Consider the model equation (18) and suppose that
with positive coefficients a > 0, b > 0. Let δ x2 and the correction δφ is calculated by the equation
δ y2 denote second difference operator in the x and y
directions, and suppose that the difference
(α − Aδ )(α − Bδ )δφ = ωαLφ
y (22)

approximation has the form where α is a parameter to be chosen, ω is an

overrelaxation factor, and the residual Lφ is
Lφ = Aδ x2 + Bδ y2 φ = 0 ) (19)
calculated using the result of the previous iteration,.
(The usual Peaceman Rechford scheme [10] is
obtained by setting ω = 2). Then on inserting a trial
where if ∆x and ∆y are the mesh widths, solution of the form [21] it is found that all high
frequency components are rapidly damped if
a b
A= , B= (20) α ~ 4 min ( A, B ) , ω ~ 1.5
∆x 2 ∆y 2
Assuming periodic boundary conditions suppose (assuming that A > 0, B > 0).
that the solution after n iterations has the form
5. Generalized Alternating Direction Scheme
φ=G e n ipx
e iqy
(21) In the case of transonic flow we have to
allow for a change for elliptic to hyperbolic type as
where G is the amplification factor, and let the flow becomes locally supersonic. In the model
problem (18) this corresponds to one of the 6. Multiple Grid Strategy
coefficients, a say, becoming negative. The Theoretical estimates of the rate of
classical alternating direction scheme (22) then has convergence attainable by the use of multiple grids
the disadvantage that if one regards the iterations as
have been obtained for recursive strategies [4, 5].
representing time steps ∆t in an artificial time South and Brandt [6] used an adaptive strategy,
direction t [11], it simulates the time dependent with transitions to a coarser grid if the rate of
equation convergence becomes too low on a particular grid,
α∆tφt = aφ xx + bφ yy or to a finer grid if the average residual has been
When a < 0 and Cauchy data is given at x = 0, sufficiently reduced.
corresponding to supersonic inflow, this leads to an In the present work a simple fixed strategy
ill posed problem which admits oscillatory has been found to be effective. Each cycle begins
solutions which are undamped in time and grow in on the fine grid. The alternating direction iteration
the x direction. is performed once on each grid until the coarsest
grid is reached. Then it is performed once on each
The following generalized alternating grid going back up to the second finest grid, and
direction scheme is therefore proposed. Let the the cycle terminates with the interpolation of the
scalar parameter α in equation (22) be replaced by correction from the second finest, grid to the fine
a difference by a difference operator grid. It is convenient to measure the work in units
representing the work required to perform one
S ≡ α 0 + α1 δ x− + α 2δ y− (23) iteration of the alternating direction scheme on the
fine grid. Since each grid has 1/4 as many cells as
Where δ x− and δ y− denote one sided difference the next finer grid, the work required to perform
operators in the x and y directions. This yields the each cycle is
scheme 1 1 1 2
1+ 2 + + .... ≤ 1 units,
(S − Aδ )(S −Bδ ) δφ = ωSLφ
y (24)
4 16 64 3
plus the overhead of computing and transmitting
in which the residual Lφ is differenced by the residuals from one grid to the next, and
operator S. The corresponding time dependant interpolating the corrections.
equation is now a hyperbolic equation of the form
It is the usual practice to accelerate the
β oφt + β1φ xt + β 2φ yt = aφ xx + bφ yy alternating direction scheme (22) by using a
where the coefficients, β0, β1, β2 depend on the sequence of values of the parameter α designed to
parameters α0, α1, α2. give rapid damping of the error components in a
series of frequency bands. The multigrid alternating
The artificial viscosity introduced in direction method economizes the work required by
Section 2 is equivalent to a switch to upwind passing to the coarse grids to treat the error
differencing in the x direction as was first proposed components in the low frequency bands. If a
by Murman and Cole [12], and in the sequence of 6 parameters were used to treat 6
implementation of the scheme the difference frequency bands, for example, the work required to
operator δ x in the first factor is correspondingly
complete one cycle through the parameters would
replaced by an unwind difference operator when A be 6 units, whereas the work required to perform
the alternating direction iterations of a multigrid
< 0, and the direction of the one sided operator δ x−
in S is chosen to be upwind. cycle with 6 grids would be less than 1 units
The generalized scheme (24) can be with the present strategy.
related to previously proposed alternating direction
methods for transonic flows [13, 14] by appropriate
specialization of the parameters. For example, the 7. Results
AF2 scheme proposed by Ballhaus, Jameson and The efficiency of the multigrid alternating direction
Albert [13], corresponds to the choice α0 = 0, α2 = method has been confirmed by numerical
0, followed by integration in the x direction which experiments. Some typical results are presented
eliminates the differencing of the residual. here. All the examples were calculated on a circular
domain generated by conformal mapping of the
profile to a unit circle, with 192 cells in the θ and
32 cells in the r direction on the fine grid. Up to 6
grids were used, giving a coarse grid with as few as References
6 cells in the θ direction and 1 cell in the r
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shock of moderate strength, the flow past an
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