Tugas 1 Writing 2

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Write an experience

Write an experience about a time you visited a friend or family

member at their workplace.
A Day At Justin Workplace

It was a day to remember but not a pleasant one at all. I had decided to go to Palembang during
the Eid holidays. Justin, my friend, helped me to book a ticket cause he worked as ticketing at the bus park.
I had bought my bus ticket one month in advance.

It was my first experience at Justin's workplace. I was not too happy to see the place from where I
was to start my journey. The bus park was very crowded. People were rushing here and there to catch their
buses. There were clean and dirty-looking people, well-dressed families and children everywhere. Fruit
vendors and others selling clothes, cold drinks and snacks were shouting out to attract people to buy their

I pushed my way through the crowds and managed to get to the ticket counter. I reconfirmed my
tickets and found out which part of the bus park I was to catch my bus. Fortunately, Justin was working
hour, so Justin helped me a little to carry my bags. I climbed into my bus to escape all the fumes. There was
dust, garbage and flies everywhere. Before leaving, I went to the restroom but it was very dirty and smelled
bad. At last, it was time for my bus to leave. I was glad to get out of that dirty place.

I just thought, how can Justin work comfortably in that place. And I realized that he was a hard
worker. I hope I have a fantastic holiday next time so that I can forget the bad experience of my day at the
bus park.
2. Write an opinion

Write an opinion based on the following prompt:

“The building people work in is more important than the colleagues they
work with. To what extent do you agree or disagree?”

In my opinion, if I am asked to choose between the building people work in is more

important than the colleagues they work with, I disagree. I would prefer colleagues I work
with because I think the comfort I need to work is with nice colleagues. I will live it every
I put my professional development first — happiness at work is knowing I can grow and
learn in my company. I am happier at work when I build a network of friends. Be kind to
others, genuinely supportive, and use empathy and compassion when dealing with my
colleagues. My happiness is feeling an overall sense of enjoyment at work, being able to
gracefully handle setbacks, connecting amicably with colleagues and knowing that my
work matters to myself, my organization, and beyond.
I don't care about the building I work. As long as the building where I work is clean and
comfort it doesn't matter. No need for the highest and the luxury building or be in the
middle of the city.

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