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Mallari, Rachelle M.

GE- ETHICS | Assessment 5

1. Discuss your understanding of the challenges to ethical behavior in

today’s world.

As we all know, ethical behavior includes honesty, integrity, fairness

and all other positive traits. These are the decisions that chooses the
application of moral principles or to display ethical behavior in a given
situation. However, there are challenges that hinders in doing ethical goods. In
my perspective, these challenges are the instances where unethical behavior
and immorality usually prevails.
For example, when our emotions tend to overpower us that can lead to
unethical decisions. We should practice how to compose ourselves in intense
situations in order to make good decisions. Self-control is a must, for us not to
just lash out like an immature kid. We should learn how to discern between
acting emotional and acting politely in all instances.
Another example is privilege, in today’s world, money and position is
power. As I have been watching and reading news online, it seems that
injustices always prevail in various crimes that is happening here in the
Philippines. It makes the whole justice system unethical because even though
we can obviously see nothing but the truth in our naked eyes, the system is
still blinded by money, position and power. Different crimes had been closed
and forgotten without the intention of digging what really happen. Some are
falsely accused and sent behind the bars even if they are innocent.
I think these factors (money, position and power) becomes a challenge for a
man to maintain his ethical behavior. But despite of all these negativities that a
world has to give, I must not lose hope because there will always be people
who are kind enough, ethical enough to bring justice and not be swayed by
the factors that could lead them do immoral decisions.

“The golden eye of justice sees, and requites the unjust man.”

2. Basing on the discussed lessons, do you believe in the existence of

universal values? Explain you answer.

I believe that universal values do exist. These are the values of peace,
freedom, social progress, equal rights and human dignity that is enshrined in
the Charter of the United Nations and in the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights. I believe that every human have the knowledge of these universal
values even without using their full intellect. They are automatically being
observed by all individuals. Although there are drawbacks (which we cannot
avoid), such as the clash of cultures in every nation which leads to terrorism
and war between countries, these universal values acts as a referee to bring
all the peace and orderliness in the world.
As Saint Thomas Aquinas said that a man has its own natural understanding
about these laws, I believe that each individual are bound to do good in order
to have a virtuous life that even though they aren’t rewarded in their present
life, they would be surely rewarded by God in their afterlife (according to

3. In your opinion, how does globalization affects us as individuals?

Explain your answer.

In today’s generation, where we are obviously dominated by globalization,

where the borders are becoming invisible, we have seen and even
experienced different cultures that comes from various places in the world.
Globalization made nations closer and creating connections with one another,
we can now easily trade different goods with another country or even
communicate with them through the use of the internet.
We have at least a hint of every culture globally, that we sometimes imitate
them and apply in our own lives. By having knowledge about these, there are
two possible outcomes, the positive and the negative. If you positively
acquired a knowledge regarding a certain culture, then you could probably
know what to do when you go to their country and when to meet people with
their culture as well, you would know the limitations and mostly, to respect the
culture and traditions they have. For example, Filipinos are now fond of eating
Korean Cuisine like Samgyupsal or Japan’s sushi and more. Korean Dramas
and Chinese’ caught our interests, and even Japanese’ Anime as well.
Another example is wearing branded clothes or shoes from the United States
like Nike, Adidas and etc. These examples are proof that we are currently
experiencing globalization.
In contrast, if you acquired it negatively, then it could be a problem. It usually
happens when a certain culture contradicts your own. That is why
misunderstanding comes in the way because of these “clash of cultures”.
But one thing is for certain, we need to respect one another’s culture whether
we understand it or not, whether we like it or not as long as we are not taking
our sense of locality and the love our own nation out of the picture.

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