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CL ee —Saet ere cans Es z p caraesriinl REALMSPACE ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS: SINE rReYQWICINOYS__ ‘The SPELLIAMMER* Compaign setinghas | Elmina has» sce pice nthe sare, ‘ened wnctdod connacton between the ci | den em the conten ying eyes et rk ferent worge ofthe known universe Tort, | Sround na avery comar Ouratet under aant Kiya end Sen, wimtne perma campaign | hve of deth from the erenures ana caares Solel svryore paying te ADEDT rok: | Sluice hve ord ad trey ata Piving\gome. Tne iirgue ad reatmess of | Sxlained here (Yex we ot TS, ine have sev ilndecampeign sting sours is contin; | ealpleal ppingeyethar eer iet Eine weds sau “Tg aceesory makes the FORGOTTEN | “Far all who fe tha the Frgoten Ress REALMS" compaign eons acess to char! | ner no secret fom your eyes you are Ree feces and acta troughout te universe. Al | waned We are tot sponsible forthe death at Theectetsof this sla system arereaay | Characters My unimaginasie dangers ark, {O'uteld or, the mont beovly docueted_ | fnbackad and hungry, wating fe the fo. Sv im thi eytal sphere, Is atthe ony | ahtosmeep dy. The goto hg ive coro. ons ble to stain ie Caran Karpricand | tra abo fel the universe elds them ho Celine tome bat afew, ahold promisefor_| tibulotan, son fin thamlves onthe Bun. Sitemirersoreve rough omavigne te wie | nets endl ofok The new monster ineled acetates betecen hem inh Sooke are boty ungue ana dead ‘tan ore tie witin tee | Hany fh, Eins Ree ye Zotar af anvolgial bodes The su, initz | “New apelin ap are uncovered and rating fury, houses venomeuscestures that | fully deed hre sevell These hage,powefl fo longer hie mn cacury Cathe, popularly | ships ere powered. by quase-spelmming oust the Benolder Planet proves ee! | equipment ft nat gain aneay ftom the {halt the unwary ot featsh who setter sts | fge characters Their retive powers once 2 Spon tem shroud sores ‘et of id out in eta Sore of hese Sips evden echeersfsmal serlisthat share | Sr mein mee than powerhouse tenor «commen atmosphere and are connecieg by | for tiny twomen amare that tack any whe hevootafasingegeegantn pan. shome | pose'a teat Thee teats, wheter tal oF loupistes bien thetegendeof the human | lingined. ae deat wth equally deny force, Kesdd'el tus gang spans genwrtione Tae | Alltneand more ava you nd your compan ‘lane so na festacking arena for the wen, | fonsonce tn Forgotten Realms eal opete Fama ond try panatetore you ‘etgpac, for he most par. ea tandorz | "Enen sure n Realmspace ha own mot «tem bu that does nat mean everthing can | vation, ants ow Yesons to ight and le Presplained ogc orscemfcaly.nstew | Youcan ara these eneone te uty nay ote Tone‘ Cathe: ove mut hep in mina the | hardy The choice youre, Vou se he ony fetes of the Reale, The inte ba quay | onevna dtte yout ature As one wise an feo devs the magia ins tht govern he | Sle "Wieser hoi no wachement thse realy ofthese pines Me | ieibldomboidts dehinpretnty “Movement benwean these sister planets iste | orwastellness™ «slated by apilarsming ecole. Wit be force nese by tis power! equlpmet the Journey tomonepane tothe net even within thecame evs epere takes uprising lite tie The Sphere Overview chapter expe the te necced to navigate between the man 3 . A SPV OMA Reaimspace|sabout 6400 ilies ind) Riso wonder that surface appears to be pe aneter The shell whether viewed tom nen. | fet fe Elder outae, looks ke a perfect tse | "A feature unique to Realmapace ete han ‘tal The srace somechatBunnyendceldte | deednat millones gighsand ward tat coves Thetourh, incomplete immanetonearvewry | the nage lining ofthe cyl sphere These Keown domoge, stack or spall Nothing Frown | printed wot oe hundeds of mle tall Ingrannecn bean erg” | Spy garage of 10h ee ablent ihn he spre ihe cyl shi | botomeadacenle When rena sventerey ‘ere ever to be breathed. ine progiton oat | by hough the magic stored inthese wits ise would doom the panes nals: Tne phio. | veked: The wring manasa cotnaous flsion would cause wordwide atmospheric | power evn when red eficemty ging tun Nisa tnwesigneioeticaul | fiedpenr The magccan bony torn Bovef enough odstegrate every planetin | orunknown spall pels such a coynom wat Srespnere ‘Susmage SA snd ise burr pred thers ‘Oecasionaythecrysalpherescfmaten. | Sthes sero the sphere bt thousand re cusiyapeneagorltothe logon Tnspor. | seman posses ss el. Mystrouy ao {al alows sold bodies to pact traugh efter | twospee writen on te sphere oe ene, ‘fey bo doesnot alow photon to enter | "“Betaute af he wings increable se. the {ndcomaminate the pertect acum of wid. | speelecteapands toe awe Apacs oot Space Pras seeming openancone ten | i anmugh to rene one of thee phe ur- ent pie Patera dooraye | lenses pelt ope 10s te pone and items specially designed for that purpose. | Should the sme, though, so chaacershave CConjurationmegc ean acusedtoapens poral | atleast a lim chance of sing ‘herevergesregeewell This however imme: |“ Thengscigine emus este iti ‘Sate clone te naurly ocaring petal far. | acommon del tat the Powers Reaapece ‘hes toy em the conjuring cao Pibce them thereto protect hel spere on to ‘Nanyatpshe benioat inepce, butkisnot | Slay stupor gresy ws The cance of selon aeeztavbeenionnepecebutkimat | ly ido rnd ons Th chance of itedtoanaturayscuringporalselngprema. | tana Somehow: kistnpoesbleby ty means {re closed thereby casing the ship ino | pate or copy the naingy ono paper Unieniibieparcuines Atemourmage rom | “Where te witng on te crystal ll dt thetitdwerdelthssysemseconceteathee | deh and tae thenscven the fiaering of steamy 3.200 ratural ond unnatural porals | pseude'ars shine withthe everiasting gt Spanon his cstl sphere anyone tie ‘Thezeponsisopen othe quae slmerta pane Citpiogs wittaleacmaaeime | one ce dace seth pees ‘here.This ow deen tat hess of the | conseliions "= Shere is governed by the orbtal aus ofthe | “These ports range in dame rm ony ‘Plane artnet ram ne Primary Oral Atwac: | few yrusto hundreds of mies ong The fer {onthe inary ly thesystemaSun arin | entascagean lusonot dance nthe eles Resimapctiatbecenetesiegcntay in | i henens, How tte pris ae at {he solr system The plane fortes om the | enough fr spelling shipate pasha ‘Sin nth ophuree Cath, wich as an | Surteeting trough thve poral an ecto {hat the etal spre most have ‘Soomiion mica wt wma | sucide | “One te ship enters the plane of Radice sanywood! loth or her combursblematra R __ SIFT OOTRROTAY begineto burn immediately. No sang throw le | thusly nd without interruption Thee mouths ‘awed to couche efce Metalic au | move in'a mya pate that rscnbies [Erma male success sving ows’ ve | fahion There ina way 0 commanicte with Death weapon oe the instant they ene tbe | thm ond theres no nay to stop te oune. Pare Info they arenat sven nan enianment on “Thereafter, suivrs autor 4410 points of | tnimngonygen any stereos The wan rage pe round Should the characters enter | Serre hove ary Armor Clase ot 2 tay te these poral they canes excpety acing | ished nd they all have 25 paints Thy ‘ut orturing sound: Unfortunately they may | save ab Othieel ghee when stacked By ‘ot aunvve the eat long enough to remove | apc Themes (The Manito the Panes com | "Lagarde any thatthe Wanderer athe ou Pleeiy Stl pant taveng for hese uno | ofindnuaieuno ed performing ei eds ol Meat ike more formation) Sete proportions he pat, obo hey ‘uckiy thee portal, unl separted by | go there naecondary to ther cutenpurpoe thousands ofmiza cannot be emereascecen” | Rls tha Wanderers sho alow spellammer fo tay. The bright ightrediting tom these open. | passin and ot of ths crystal apa these Utgtens doer shelowt on pssog situ ac | Wandorrs ene to ensao dace the spheres Iaha‘er they remain st ast Nundred mies | abityt produce poral: Telecontnt chant Scoihuclsredangeriotheryenctpiner: | ng caahatychchtnereporsarece otf ot te pane ecerea WWangeer te cyt) spre would cise unt “tere no anger tothe adventurer from | ence of naval ed nthe phere these pasado tarrnen theybreschneconal | "ifthe hage Ine of normal asa Ramanlde ‘phere. evenI' spllomming portal opens | comesito sie, thay re sanys woking per. Planet Rodiance. The port! crested by the | the patho the Wanderers, ty ean atu fal fpellommer supersedes the plana’ opening at | out of the cyt sphere, dooppestna freer Towing ate pasage over Once the petal | Ito the phlogiton, Once gone, the missing ‘ices, he planes opening nee agin shines | Wanderers can be replace, but he procese Mtns never encing blancs Any inhabit | ¥en sow Plsnetsde who happens to bevwetching the | "Every ie years or 20 (oughly) oe persons or el that parieaee moment sees one tthe | evil entugh athe tine the cei nerant ‘rs winkom of extenceforafew inact | this ema rerwtde, These deinen af sul "AnateTeetarefound ony in Reatmapoce «| come fom ll the cin’ aeas of ifloeee the goup of amanolss who coniruay walt | When an eet character Is chosen for ths Scossheinsde af thecystaaphere These he | “Rona heistasgt the Chant ofthe Wonder Imanoldseteamateymitureathumas ces, | The chanting allows the speljnming ships to ‘rvs: etingy res and ony other intel | crs pros to por tveogh the phere Ts {ert bipedal ifeform existing onthe plonts ot | chang evs cevses, The souls ofthe Wander. apteete ling iameecices | Steconycuedtachanendakaon Fumbering ne uncredrofthowande sign | "Dating Tine of Trouble. no spellamming themscues he prtcty stat ie ise by | shipswete aie opastivough the sohere The dc they naltogetersromthelnsice ofthe | Powers fall caused the lowe 9 porta resto, fpereina north-south ajecory They al pos | During that tine the Wanderers eve fee of Ss the mari of Tom on thet pales the else andthe chanting stopped Closed i TALS name: ‘The sun sping wp slarlaes,colanns offre millons Type: Spherical Fire Body Fite tag Size e Boting the surface of thes ke dandelions ESCAPE TINE: Batuns ined of gross ore hundred of mal pen SATELLITES! planes Ingote tre eemana pane af Fie Those ana BAY LENGTH: 3Phowre SSoarethe arvane point rom uber fest YEARLENGTH: None ‘renais and itetoving creatures come toe Popacation’ Sissel cbjc: Many these restres "ANALYSIS! Creatures from he Sewell nou eth erect craw, sl ‘Sementa plone of Fue | rade, na fre minon.Oter erates. ke DISTANCE/TIME FROM: hare a nll Oter crestor incuding those pret “Srnilion mies Feotuted'n the pages ofthe BxrePana Mon 12 hour we ‘Sous Compenchum, may have rpresanates colar {G0:maion miles are to, aap eve "The ceatures that ve onthe sun have the 200 mon mates ty to eur other planes, ut hey 2aoys eve Silseumto prefer the Sunt the aii ace. co'miion mites nse theoras nin Seay raver the ernures pee De 40 mon mites smell ilonof wo arose oles aap oe! {othe ene of ter home plone: When ger 1005 mon ne toned regeang th, he ages mumble some Iesayatae! ‘hate ffs tot theory ices proper 4.200 tan tes texting, No ne Inna has ever seed hen 2iays wae! Ser Coston ofthe sun and compared Rone 1.800 fon mies Stimingench ote smena plane of Fe Teenytrl any pop have ered none, but no 3200 mtn es ne henever successful vated fhe Sun, 3eeaynvave! "fn rersnng coy that he reste habling the Sun are nthing mere than ef “Te Sun, ain met sola ystems the pet | gees tam tyonrcal. leadership oh TNE genetics ed fan cs | Sven nae Snes eve ars ‘yscmremnarigae tivinccaniessor | thesrong.ortomelecionnow incon This Bhs fiey buy burns with se much fry | theory stra the moat prea becuse here thottean moran anvnusualyeormtenpecs | hs been ster of repo from s number of ‘Seite ae aa pe ious | lee eng sty eter ace ‘any segs belee tat cyt phere warm~ | cma: “The climate ofthe Sun sone of ing tral ecaring eran They ‘phere thissthe cate. Relmspece the ok {ous or comonabe spellanming anyuhere siti te sphere “heen ale vewecanbesten a ihateanenble vig entity fom the Prime ‘Material plane tte bere conoraby The Ire ih canyon ny Protective magia spelor tem within seco tay ing the characte fs comply Blinding Rim wasn enough. Thus there hat a ee Syne sgvmp@ ever buen any communication between the | surface ofthis fy body covered lakes SSrsinnntans tnoten earthand gud fare The iu fae ‘igaoubl hatthere ever wl be [Skepta by the mas ond ron rested ‘cea cate cnsone wien | the thu bib Tce hey pea’ dak splsches These col ares ee | Slogensnsaher to erptinflomes he onpots. These leaes are ill well above a | outer millon of mila The felon; ey tempertue that could be equaled by ony | tempered cease aves to poe hol ofthese own magic! device ThomokestheSunato. | Sour of fime and ie them cl fot at {ston ats never tobe explored orexploned | posable, muchike bence se of he Od ‘yan culture of his syste Aiton arth Othe re ovng race ee fo Ici beteved that the highly netigent aces | buinequaty athe lau me ote onthe Sun are aearofthespellemming cape | "Around the sin an eyt &8 rilion mies Bites of the rest ofthe system. Tere hve | oct relweve magi Seadgshesinowncroos Duan several repored costs of apellamming | gation Thee 100.000 dameter mess ef ships mde completly out of aren Thee it | fave shut down all splioorming spell enadocumantedcaceromanemteemedindt | tasting and mepel tems Vidi we reported that» ship epares trom | “"Thetmage at fe hem prceves these hv the Sun notuatey te fames ofthe ship | bie magicdead areas win 9 ckering emp ” | Coren. Lucky Unt ew dt iment on ol, They alow evenone he @ | Steen Te arkocra fave no rau pote seyinthehappeingntin el cuturebatat | Gengeiat schtick mohing heey routs of wea, Aen gained weeny |B, Tee el cago ar wu emit Shaded among everyone tnuskecping ov I= | "ine Gago reltonship withthe ote wo ‘Ai weljerming docs ne owned by the | ‘al oreo Coit benticientey ‘serene tur sowed by al. | $5, On aceason, sige ih er the snake teryors fe allowed te pice cage on these | the ied men in their squabbles, having # Sik Ther eto ta cata to kan or he i ro hi ‘stant waiting period. Everyone eventually has they can gain the most wealth and power. Siaeul chee asin apn er ragrsseatines ea op oe cetimanrtoi fave ceied « Gemosats | fr oer ony tothe San thy oe Stierpeale whencersnevznderiobe | Shi, ot, muth ermation fannie oer, al te izans, gutter together ond the aarakocra traders, This makes thelr contin. epee eantdes achcans | gad recon wih bh pou fe mr cng wo eeyene, rowan a homeot | Safe Sf wou etber Se ane se wy the should be theome © teed Net” | by otsaes (mainly by lanorent or malevolent Leth pepdatonvne pce tne Seen ee ey a Seigcanr openers emcee ses ‘onld the dtedarta tebe of ae "Al ofthe sandra dragons an be found on in oro hae raed ont femaite ite | cai bt te algnmerts te more Petal gerenment oie for he at 1.200 year be | For example the Clr back rogon has a0 ponent af etre exopponed othe ce 1 een ile el of ts oftworécountrpar. This has J kinds. The esungdtagon'sbesth weapon it revted completely unigue telatonenip | nota combination shee The ‘andor of long the dragons on thls planet ho tendo | genetics ake over making shes ene ot Ue Woretogeinertogurance her mutoalweath, | Siber The dragon docs ga the mies ot “The young’ clagongevencareforiteneede | bath reuin weapons, however ecwuse it ofthecserdragons-apnenomenonthaoliCal | scale Contain the popes of bot parents lor dsgone ‘te conditioned tor she bith These oi dragons oe commonly sought ater Torte isight end wisdom Thay ae the stone or every fami unt a dawgrerent Brae between twa amie, he olde rogons [Sista famiee meet together amet place {Sdacue posible soos tnd eherates to Sait these eer wha make or oresk s octndrerecenyipan recing thar extend ite beens they monn sen ‘bia vin, The ope stsoepare cone Sete oneener teen Soosbirnrirres einceed,rogors on Cle sre irsen 9 | Pr esa aay sting move tegnie songosthe of planet ristien. | | gan thausandeofoaing and of nd et ‘Gace s Cor drogon hau srpuse he great sma oie ah ya 03 {Ste The ote sien, the sens alone muscles one svong ensugh tay anything Ue, sepsis and sve to mae todos nay isu A that pe dregon gine ‘Sity meni shapear The represen spay to base create ogy One fan rose tana em badiyony. Once tie chase fogbeetade Fs Kewcale within "he a ergon boay to datence no {festa I 88 romhe nng ak tow his rina orm tose by tantrring Nie tnd and ou int haa ragon orm he exh {Eaves enyuhare nthe unveru. the New iheinmaten eng anieSae ot “Atha neresting aspect of Col dragons ist meny imertres but hese onto. ducetruemiturer nthe case of ebleck apon ‘etna hue dag t eure aby dogs sini covered wih black and Blue spotes, The cls never mi Beaune the mined breed has he genes of oth srojon Shopewthie fede up. Tere are ‘orld maaes that sr seer yor ek, Showing heres some varie land and ‘pes you should veal ofthe side af one thse iad lands, may te gods be with you Sirota your dette the five you "Tne beauties ange in sie fom rare ive feat in ameter owl ver 20 les ‘na sid, Each one af tose so ungueah9 Stowe. The maker somes ee ot {pellmmers ond spec locaton. Oke Shentalocs gies etons that persia "o thetrelitve shapes of he fing sonra ‘Bere potionng with eo and anes ‘Thistpest drertona especialy being intree {eatime visto Clr “ese masses coma ries aes ie got ever sey ett few ofthe uppermost nena contain entree tal Suerte tae pierce trough te dense ‘Sou cover fhe pane along th to be Sen fom wildpace. Tesesracturee are one ‘ter thay te panes apelin, doce, ‘eal trader, mercenaria, and ates space: 8 nna foresto contact and ade withthe sentent Me | Rain fl periodically on Colla aul any {fume thivingon car lighting ses the gest land at eee “The land ans ae besa api inta three | als bl setches several thon ms goupe af cunerp. with each group owning | font the lowes mands Ths teat ethan Spprenimately the same number of Slnds | feaontheaerakortachoesetolve onthelowet RocalDeiatamatactetnsay untae | ‘See Reted msn tna ws sof Redeemer Tresuacreond essed | nigh) ii ont tthe oper an than bah oun apron hat alas Pehanmingdectxwniethe dopo seer | Important NPCS ieMetceeescay erences | MOMMNPS Sees Sanding apceem wh beth nara ‘Aaakocte Leede {her pellamming spe ane doclngecies 9 coe 12 sonimmcemmctinemanstnasarnyare | Attain tae fe langows erm nameconla eratetcrtee | tpllamingvadetaaesocatad on te sou Fmt eceesn | pow ta Semcy he aac ie “men, and sarekocra living on this planet knows, ‘eseet lamilies in both the earskocia and the lie {gatoy ony rom ts ilnd foc Fuebrandhas | Sitered the fightnon these othe Bone soils cece sumeenatiow comers! | 0 Aetten wuss bets wetarming WleelaaeAlyestomrtndoenina | Rinteyiees tocar we wsayealoet ena sey meant Ofeenone | IC Spon is aeons ‘ice ran lor fra who ho Den oor She et tht since ane conned se Imoch, and her wealth wo glowing So ack fShemarrieg to. Ths nase tht coninoeé ‘pprt nd itereatsince bath Mew she cul [Bagotethe other thould hey fate pique het ners. This crested enous competion be tween the two male ich ae enjoys ‘SE ony fo pert slowed spa oth hi Greve guano eau gure on natant ine Rage Tough cet Se cepapare goede pete "ao ity ant the cai of the pina spac te mate tom ht see en tot a ht ngs Fates pete the hoe oe Reamer ‘Ss ne: psn 253 ft dtnner ones dcp sodesnsare | sane, seven parce ming nen complete mogery a s'ao | QEAPaon: Duectr Jone Sees fesfadee is comngabea Tiegone | STR 18 IN” iS DEX: 10 slowly revolves around Firebrand Flame- a ew oops ech ot aac alos Sin ppeing tobe wl Rey Des kobe imbemar a sap oer i tom 17 rector of spelipmiming series for ovr 10 ors Atha way known in both ears ts ara. rman and arakoci cles a the foremost ex pt inthe td he knows eect ting abo he thinks of spelling se “eme sn of ‘voodoo ting. Revrten, he the an onc fo opacelrers searching fo ite {tmatin adventure, ora gunn bar rent be bed Yo diuge Ns whereabouts He por Dosey mates hs latin commoniy knoe ‘Shih is somenfot ruse, Ws etre or guage eaves mony searching for atone! bth fous whee beth rena ofraneld mio {ete fhe innmnies povr ey {naar mansociey tone i conere Sonal ander hie anything ean be gues th ut hae Air taxcan be bypased nd water an even be purchased at a mere tnsonale pice Knowledges relate importance at Exar Scltto become haughty. ae ee tremely icky bout whom he beltands He fe Sie Seine nen tren em bi onaday never accepts anyone wha does rot neve fal good peor He aed fo chepe many ater agents Butea ound that he awl good people never tke ad tage him ondthey tual nat op paying thetallerton Wi ends ethane does ot fee ue is ever ayng i "may bea za man but nur stuld® Chtorunetly wi is ughtiess end hie instr tat ly owl feo people fe good enough for hm, no one fe adtande in year Even ln gt "Sheting him aro det wth He fo ising several ort fangs fom or ‘oom bans and spells joyce tat hes ‘geting ej eor Reese iden {hese ships ogni an infact ats of pees {aster than he norma get ow. ames Aris Helwig ‘Secupation’ Manage of Tnde Ste 2” ee ex a5 CHa: 16 WS: 15 ON: 9 ‘ial ispoweraand vicious Her lack of con- scence mae het the exepion of mors gy females, becouse most are mild mannered, ‘ood indvdune kerumoed tht he hoe ad {pote thn ity Mer avers led through sient merely ecaure ey questioned opposed ner "Gre has temsined unmarried since te un tiely Guat of her haben ann the lst ‘even ears she sound impose find Sate to replace him Thisis dette anak ‘Ass the aby Yo be very beaut, but she insists upon being e wile excuse Tor 8 ‘men Eventing doesismeant only tol ‘evs et wath and power, She apparety test her ‘hiren ina squabble with ber hor {tt meer Unetuotey they were cree ‘Shelssssbushetoner ownnesshelswahce ern eae ‘She cus wo spelamming docks, bu the rae f sis return for Sec wading tsi i comtnaly dining. Most rade ISdone by fst decker, who guleky ing that they have made a grove er Her dock hands opidy remove meehanaine fom 9 hip. ‘hile convener losing the nding papers os ‘elles the payment bow this elsynermercant {eked awn Sip rene arts torceato pr ‘hope te eto food and water tha te ip ‘doesnt have, making them spend as much ‘money posse her dock, wie oi. ‘ceasing hear usage tox onthe ship. e's Sy other aerate to wai te ses rd corape whe thy sil hove any money ee "any ship has Ben Tost duet thi eter byrpaynet dleltr by betel sep acs tnetnem oughirae, dragonewinin ee at reno some tote ai ofthe dct recent Fistor ship hands have dacaeed tee pght st rogors andi ris havea bee vey imlor Ceenualy avange Bate wil De bough no the mest dee whet shoul be ene hs event happens nahing "Aslan personaly captured many ships, swith cently tcking. Her ine Senna Dlanforthesesipsisurknown.tsbelvedthat | few months thereat. Elminste created ne Shelter planta mourtanatackonherhoted | oun Nanout in Cala Here ne con keep con freien the lard men. or that ahe eaging | Sant wate on his former enemy. a a the theme oranesape shen ourakocte seas | Sametime escape home costa haglng Eiherway bets poeta and deody force to | emetsook piace wel ove 300 years ago, berechonedwih Shehasmanyfolonesabieh | Sincehattime the two hevebecomevery ose {Si both to en ond fam ae ‘onde An oad couples ragon thot ed {na copper dragon Dood. ano very od ond Name: Firebrand Fametonave ‘tye humane-but goad fence nonenles eeupations Exmercenary Steen" ine ie” pe GHA: 18 Ws: 20 CO ‘cept in legend snd old elven tale the ev of Tri has bt forge the genet ‘eestor ot the ground ory tbh ‘Sleter On Cali ht menace uate Fisrand Fisretongue san 100:ear olf | alone ne wor ed with Ns ow Mind. The ted dragon uho used hie hina! outs | Colom dragons six Nm xan oust be ‘mercenary when he personaly cousnt tit | Saueeafiestong bles andcmsions bees {matting destructive todo. Wisname once | he woud die for emotion he Ives or. po Sittkfentineverymans bear andisrowane | Yokes Fearn Fametongu doesnot Hes ‘woven into Talon legends Hea elves to | tate elminte Rie opponent ax gueky td Five been killed by Eiminter of Sradowdole, | ificenty os posse Whoever adi or dares the accusers: | “te dae a0 believe in doing » fb haphar Frerand actully resger on afetinganale | ary Tat why he ved long axe id on [anduhienies nthe core ofthe Cor revit, | Toi ann Nisan year, be washes ato be Wei Inhisaging years bees foundpeate and | te aiane Rebus notamach forthe naan ho ‘Srlartment im oitude nae fends anz_ | manadvenarer who seen spliced for fremies ne had tvoughout hs youth theres | the coo of ded ond buried tanggteasions Sniyonemanandone stherdtagoninunombe | Nor oes Frrend believe mhonor=in al ie Erpinerhimseiwhlethe agar eJaonge | Yup none any possesion whe De Bufeer Contes before ound Eiminer and | Howes ttabe gute dead Pebrond at oa igiting an ofponte sae. "heir muta! ongety soon such resp h them"or ot lan» ete tespec. When Fite {attr ne decided twas ime to move Toward Sating of pes, and negotiating, Eins {ha Fhebrand finaly suena. areemare Sacha Eliot prof te bargain thers doe haphazoray whieh shy my haters se teat hing Beneath tat ete. lot dedicated to the peaurs, ls believes thatthe high magitat Her iginess Phisndie ‘Abbostr readying to eer Tor: She fee SGat's Tran elutes Inevitable, apd she Would rather hee o's lands nipped om the ‘Seton furs fhe Thee hes rowth seers to pavale the poraoie the Se Alona fe " Ie prt mow pu wep hin Sten he aye fe un ta sch pit that {ning Is impose. The human who re shoutan erage fat nce shove thant then harmony wth the es bo are sot ait ines al han th ‘eines planeta There hae never been. In ecorded History be hich sacteita her benevoence Together, ‘eve blonde o light brown "Tei eyes ae lit colored os wl bright Bivesandaeansor the normal the purple ‘met Shade ty un! None {arker eye color Even the eer exist igher ‘aes hin tyes and Pa inte many words throne ac fist grate brruing deep beneath mace SStcpminng operon but al eve mash, enn Tuth be krown, te elves and the. irae ent lea gece dey rer them off they plan to hide themselves in these | therpost beautiful bulding on te plane. Thisis tana caer lachooagachiaenare | the apelemmng pace pr. Tee ae eoat thetimetneyacodenoughandavongenough | sratre Surunding tne Lae Treding Cet topullbackonabow Nomee’oftaikingcan | ter died by te momense ee thosands from Ton ‘amy loaing,Doseses, ond theaters mene eeponsbl forte large qurity of {ahha Sete ens, Pah never on cope ed ishing followed ony season which hap ‘tenths re not breeding Ary ishing dr Inpthe ff scans punishable by 30 osha ‘which contin fees Trl Is shrouded in 8 Povertliunon The lluson bang gore {he goadet Ler for ther unbiled worship “onnot be dpe without apt magi ater ‘aly fan spel cat by east nor (udotgudsers.THsiluronshowsthe moon at ring a compleeyurinhabes piace, wah ce. Sap casera sat | lane mining pens dsp nde Spall oploy the ue features of Seane bat | 9%! hy forthe character who invoked ine wn | Digposon: The people on Sele want Tein other yon infuses wibout| hing penal td th lr themankofmagcle sprawling. | _versehave made her wsnda top nthe ro. les huge les and Seu Majesi mountains | Ingtute:but they want maine do wth be issangr cx wthinemisdc ong | "in an aha ol fn Highest" mountatne re nie. Tae heat | ting nthe warmth of the Su, from the sun end the tmorpneresreecive | “"Saunians scam stot Ther intrest today uth Brllance that books can be read from | _Intrstin mean the at bu Ie chiar iis away Toward te endo the igh which | the aeton ape they ponte v0 sort that [Gn 13 dave the moumaisops coal and no | they are says ooking something ew td IGnge gion Burtngt day they hest pagan, | aren alte eye continues, “his has created a ruthlessly cttvoot at conneced by highly decorative svete ané_| some night the lator performer ima i ‘oleeay, Many schools have taken oneal | Sule the previous pertarmances, accusing ew he esate caningrinsher arene There | Coping anstor even the previous ace were Srehiroahphicwting aswelospicures be. | Sompletely pew. Many people have died rom Teast nd ae ‘mate's ining” ond when someone takes that inthe mae ofthe darkside of Selune—the | Suey the anger thot AA seyret, forms, Sometimes these forma can explode In | Mame: Icon Drowmaser raha ae Sezer Supra “The ceive people who come here to per Ne” ie ta Dex: 12 fomargwelimetandremeced oatmerero. | Cha 12 Wiss 16 CON ayror weeks Theveryckyandtheveryeren | con Isa hora male working in the Li Seacctie nemanaveretacee | deat mee ceng ate Renusistarmmenonaces | mamecenatelteny gai cewens asec a aera ete cue ere oa ore Inporan NPCs ean Sere i erage Seema tes Page er Posrgaione cag, | eeosleenasn sca ccopaton: "High Mag a Inconrt hismame el o ow Bective | wierieacemmmian eesrea ‘Sots maces eee sorninalscgrm sats sa oe ing cone be sora gmee oe nes pone ty ee ae Sets Sees tt Sabres se eee teem berate tent Spree hae TS ty et ye ye al ace tee ee igeienremanisa hia alae aa a Re meer ere Se Phandra"Peat” Alabaster is poerty beow- tush even worn, She os bes he leader of her peopl or ve 10 year Her counsel ten fough ster when her leaders ned asst ce in perona business ary ser ‘hic She sinaysandgracouny ges Shefens tht erent any acy theo wh te nly creted tole beng the Sy onet Shut insight an vitan nor bound by Hog {pide and spi This saying oh ‘Sapaye ley te coun hal “Sree ile tolerance fr the whining an pleading tet ‘aint fo ay afer soy Bs bechuseecastonly, they have wable pro. Ie. Al'he nodes Ro apie ee Temsie. The most they ever te or op et fates martagethahumn male seer heat tose He, being a man una to com ‘rittoone woman, broker tendo spt Soon Uherhowar convicted ndesacued ote coy {al cme of edulery. Since that ine she hae {orAliman cena bse = pene to et ‘eacion austen whan Getng wih Phlan ‘fate ftted toward men 20 overahctming ‘hav only he rly beat ea good in ‘dua eon hope o win er long cooled hea | _ rrr Tears of Seune ete gen conc mater ine: Nicene oe remade aati ore PLANET SIZE: [was very interested in this matter, and went out nw thereat night study the phenomenon with Ty Baruenerie, eeu, Fad uppecred othe gh of he mor be fad Yertinarie S53 SeakEevceg coum nts SMALE Ehesandpnans SEF ao ine predictions meted Show Seaeimeaon | nares a eet vos inh ni one reget dina. ee DISTANCE/TIME FROM: Evsnroogervassoonputtoceah ee "5 ton mle ‘tic Bu rg gi persion in ae Fete aes | nisin not, ert 1525 days travel ‘iebieg ding bith trays coir 10300 mien mea “The hen nition of Evermet documented at siete Shetencn sous st ret teen Medios bey wre setae 1.013 oc0mies | gr om tipo The pa, Borg orp 100300 mon mies Ena pecan tht tate em Cumie SFT rg, | Sint donee sens eam he goles we he cater of ates sien orzo mien mies | ssancoyhunes nomic paces aren 11600460 miton ies | tons tne pln ty ss Set ie the : ott deote He apts he cs 1318 ays rove ‘Poona ahal Sete pach enn the some 300 es Sica intact mk Sem “Moyea te bles Phe ee Hinor_The Ts of Sun on day jn | he winced god neo apemlaeemfiomooen hedde: | gattsharteahecoosthasona® sore Sipnwcoriate tein ao Ting Soy Lungacota st hinon, | Siufet vanoonts orcas ‘p toward Sune. mapping ts sufce. re: | “hon Suman legends te of tie when the Roted ccna may Spee een “pop” | gl aanar ots shan te ‘o'er Temendou tales vat | Sar ap ed ot tobe tape ena rt gyn, sorter eon congue end escion Us| tape Snes trea lore Inghertenlicesence sheeted gemthat | acavansareaen toJourey’ agg beforethey woudcontsintne warrior andhieminens nit | esol lo ase by the neo Becndcftmethetuashcraduerespied, |" Egeo/the iy sa benolan ose, 2 worm hunyllenearinemoondhstlber namesake, | wide rock wih several hundred betolge Ihe Inge the ser eal home and sleeping quater thee remus. Fovone es sucess leon stack gaat The Cadel ithe cee of duarven presence intneReamwilxpaceTisplasnt foc the fiat opal durves make from Tort bere fining ther fortunes in wilaspce. i where ‘Ina elt othe dangers St space form the now oovenurers ofthe ting tat mwa Climate: The Tears of Selune is ething rmotethana cater faseoiawhchfoow Se [ihe in oot round Tor Nore, andres of Secon cc onde iar Mest (here equed by ing and bresting begs Sel dns Rene ao fe sels {este ofthe fara tat intel ma es ‘te, around which the stride seem 10 Sew sree them: all ares stopping mus pay fee of Portsof Call On the exesids that contain | Uvee gold placer fo Sine races te allowed lie tereweplacesdedctedospsisrmers | nese arcomparied by dwarves {These nears shipetodoc: condvrtade, | “Inthe camer of he fears Sele isa cas. 2p base ornatever the need may be ‘eins beet consraced baling rly ‘rion ack hes cou tothe age ofthe | gsigt to ace. te pts Yechig up ll ur res lOmte nc Stee nde | edhe fomibe guna Ton herve TRondeds of ports alle ships ts dock sndcon” | Sonina igh spelsca spon them Keep the fucttrede orale of oe ster pe ton. Cargo | pce a eneloe Keps the avers thet bela the owners of easter! ond | fy around confined. Te ground Te covered ‘ante dely totang brogonRockisownedy | ingbushes Tues contnt rem water TRinatt good adatswho arevery ster irom tne open doorway of the caste ‘hiss he mow seve sateria nthe Tere, er comes fom an cnertrned chal of "he Canela smal rock opeing on | cardinal ssater. The water pours over the standin eer oine | gundancamg te gay punt cat Tents anetvsurecsiscovaeawn blue green | Sheretevetuly splot to open spece fsrike ans, Within the arg hole the | ide te cose ae several coven brown deadly {Eirtheinamous Batanp, arte eal the | pudsinge wandering abot looking for food Plunder hichhayettobe said Pease see the | ‘Their maln dt sth ovens and grasses which RevStipsecsonefthisbooktordetaizonthe | lve ouside the cal. No etl beng Ive sn sip dare to man angs | hein dthy wit to The aig ims tthe charters not heleproperty Thee | hide the cake and onthe eng when hey [2an80% chacethaitheripisinthecaveand | are ot hang so extermiaing al oem fly sear ofthe ererachment of ov enemy | afl hip. Rao lesvesn net protec for | Alina here sa 15% chaneof nding an ‘fom beng apts saterointhe eare of Sele mich seb, “eure Lagy Te « ncgi hideout, with atl | ue thre ina 10% chance of fining one 3 nea tacks th secon of space usally | tend nbbled ‘ode torn thi locaton. The ree simost ‘Spat mies acon ond wel fore. Ne Fewer inane eagishpeatvayng sje ere reedy mM Wis: 17 Con: KAN RIE RRL____— PLANET NAME: Karp reds of les tik, Many Spee of predatory PLANET TYPE: Spherical water bay Shima ve and art here, some wih ned PLANET size: Inelignce- The weather i contr ter ESCAPETIME: Stare fel Thea so fag ht plete iy SATELLITES: None Tight ou ofthe in te form of har ving BAY LENGTH: Thou 12 minutes Set ‘Even ring the summer montis hee YEARLENGTH: 550doye ‘ol eaans never get above 10 degrees, POPULATION ‘Many tvelrs nto hove topped here ane TANALYSIS! Aquatic ees age complined of noweblaeds td having tht inlets, and ice Shon ick tothe, bu the pedarioas cee predator {Gres that eenenty ace thar dm ae he biggest ceterent to sopping thispanes An DISTANCE/TIME FROM: father molor problem iatakng a ram th ‘hen "50 ition mies ap one the ehip ‘hae been therefor Baeyetroe Signtcane amount of time. Wen’ spe ‘nadia oSesiln me Inertia warhl ye ove Uspecs Inde ere, the Story ofthe sp colar ‘20o.40dmion mer temporary melts theice When hs meting 2 ye rove freees agnns elfen tape the spe Tea 100300 maion mies Iemmer The anyway sa exape sto psy 13 anya waved hpthetce aay Flom te landing gear fie Chandos 100-70 mon mites fat done efor the ship depart he era ne 7 anys wave! therishet sings ending gar A soving ow ‘yen 1001.50 milion mies | Yc erahing biome equ avai thse 213 aye trove “thecrebures tht make heir omesnesr the (cerden 300-1300 milion mies | poles are these ale fo itstandor love 815 days trove (inthe sheer oles ths pert of the planet Wea {ase omtton mie | fds wchunmaae aren, rnc petal us exohyara, white deadly ping, Te Sphere 2.900 milion mies mother cetoag ime wor any esos Bema trary mae. Thaerseventopre of gro of {ome ingsomenere onthe suthe polt Qrerlew_Tsotneinenaterboeynine | fin sing ont «mice etre’ The purestform. with no isandscfiandtoapeacot | decimated temains of thei cashed spel ‘esurface of Karpcan spit ino tire sep. | jammer seston the pote hey sti ose aii secon tt poi eglon, becker | fh ip aspect: ye atures Solin ren end he eousor argu, Ingo expand the domain Tey matte "The planet is 9 uly beat! tng when | mats tor fad, ung tach of coin! vero fam ose Minamoto ied | Tahoe ag. eo pint ie sght. These paintings brings | “The equator eon of he plant fe hae NahonégonSehngaowclernathercates | ted ong sawed and pik eh ‘wha highreptafor paintings Tne Rap sey | _orarge enought support weigh encneing ‘unl lear and bight lowing tresun 2 | Sfew thousand pounds! whe theres pans ‘tm tne equatorial regions raing we umia. | herewith leaves the sae of ey Socks hat con Tito almost unbearabe ite This scene | Suppetaspellemminsshpweighng ups ive Umisiakalepeece ndbenuy what sescn | tons Occsonaly, Ue ge Sas ae wed ‘Sehes to Support damaged sip whl rosie are be “Thepoesarecoveredinsthickicepackhun- | ingmage few ghar tips thot aopeed fr AR ___ itr ‘Ses crews tong ag eaten bythe argon’ | feature onkerp The valu ora elanaom Witt, heeds Sosvon certechyendeapin | milly tr wch Fhshor sete hea The ocean hae predociou fish fnieh of he | haredbetucen he auaticcvesondthe aoe Eanes smut | ven wponng cn Oconee, tuna the cor of tha planet the pane are atacked by the aquatic aes

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