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North South University / CSE / CSE 215 / Plant Flower extends Plant name: String h

Question 숤 Answered step-by-step

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Plant Flower extends Plant name: String hasSmell: boolean color: String hasThorn: boolean /* constructor * / /
* constructor */ /* accessor-mutator */ /* accessor-mutator */ /* toString */ tostring */ Herb extends Plant
isMedicinal: boolean season: String * constructor * / /* accessor-mutator * / * toString */

In main method, create an array of Plant objects and implement these

methods: static void add(Plant [] plants, Plant p) // to add new plant object into
the array static void remove(Plant [] plants, String n) // remove a plant given
its name static Plant search(Plant [] plants, String n) // search for a plant given
its name static void display(Plant [] plants) // display all Plant objects

Computer Science Engineering & Technology Java Programming CSE 215 섈 쉋

Answer & Explanation Solved by veri ed expert 숨 Rated 싙 Helpful

Java code
public class Plant {

private String name;

private String color;

public Plant() {}

public Plant(String name ,String color) { = name;

this.color = color;

public String getname(){return name;}

private String getcolor(){return color;}

public String toString(){

return "Name "+name+" , Color "+color;


public class Flower extends Plant {

private boolean hasSmell;

private boolean hasThorn;

public Flower(boolean hasSmell ,boolean hasThorn) {

this.hasSmell = hasSmell;

this.hasSmell = hasSmell;

public boolean gethasSmell(){return hasSmell;}

private boolean gethasThorn(){return hasThorn;}

public String toString(){

return "hasSmell "+hasSmell+" , hasThorn "+hasThorn;


public class Herb extends Plant {

private boolean Herb;

private String season;

public Herb(boolean Herb ,String season) {

this.Herb = Herb;

this.season = season;

public boolean getHerb(){return Herb;}

private String getseason(){return season;}

public String toString(){

return "Herb "+Herb+" , season "+season;


public class inMain{

static int size = 3;

public static void main(String[] args){

Plant objects[] = new Plant[size];

objects[0] = new Plant("A","red");

objects[1] = new Plant("B","blue");
objects[2] = new Plant("C","white");


System.out.println("remove B");

System.out.println("add D");

Plant p = new Plant("D", "yellow");



static void add(Plant [] plants, Plant p) {


static void remove(Plant [] plants, String n) {

for(int i = 0 ; i < size;i++){

if(plants[i].getname() == n )


static Plant search(Plant [] plants, String n){

Plant temp =null;

for(int i = 0 ; i < plants.length-1;i++){

if(plants[i].getname() == n ){
temp = plants[i];


return temp;

static void display(Plant [] plants){

for(int i = 0 ; i < size ;i++){



Step-by-step explanation

steps of solution

create class plant and its attributes and getter method ,tostring and constructor
public class Plant {

private String name;

private String color;

public Plant() {}

public Plant(String name ,String color) { = name;

this.color = color;

public String getname(){return name;}

private String getcolor(){return color;}

public String toString(){

return "Name "+name+" , Color "+color;


create class ower and its attributes and getter method ,tostring and constructor
public class Flower extends Plant {

private boolean hasSmell;

private boolean hasThorn;

public Flower(boolean hasSmell ,boolean hasThorn) {

this.hasSmell = hasSmell;

this.hasSmell = hasSmell;

public boolean gethasSmell(){return hasSmell;}

private boolean gethasThorn(){return hasThorn;}

public String toString(){

return "hasSmell "+hasSmell+" , hasThorn "+hasThorn;


create class herb and its attributes and getter method ,tostring and constructor
public class Herb extends Plant {

private boolean Herb;

private String season;

public Herb(boolean Herb ,String season) {

this.Herb = Herb;

this.season = season;

public boolean getHerb(){return Herb;}

private String getseason(){return season;}

public String toString(){

return "Herb "+Herb+" , season "+season;


create main method and implement the methods add , remove , search and display
public class inMain{

static int size = 3;

public static void main(String[] args){

Plant objects[] = new Plant[size];

objects[0] = new Plant("A","red");

objects[1] = new Plant("B","blue");
objects[2] = new Plant("C","white");


System.out.println("remove B");

System.out.println("add D");

Plant p = new Plant("D", "yellow");



static void add(Plant [] plants, Plant p) {


static void remove(Plant [] plants, String n) {

for(int i = 0 ; i < size;i++){

if(plants[i].getname() == n )


static Plant search(Plant [] plants, String n){

Plant temp =null;

for(int i = 0 ; i < plants.length-1;i++){

if(plants[i].getname() == n ){
temp = plants[i];


return temp;

static void display(Plant [] plants){

for(int i = 0 ; i < size ;i++){



Name A , Color red
Name B , Color blue
Name C , Color white
remove B
Name A , Color red
Name C , Color white
add D
Name A , Color red
Name C , Color white
Name D , Color yellow

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