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SSW Introduction to The Best 3rd Party Tools

SSW Introduction to The Best 3rd Party Tools

Home > SSW Standards > Developer General > SSW Introduction to The Best 3rd Party Tools

I've been putting together Development Guidelines for my employer and in the process have reviewed many
published standards (in the .Net arena) from around the world. In each category, the suggestions at SSW are
always among the best.
- Leon Bambrick,

Microsoft tools are the most important tools I have. I spend most of my time using Outlook, Visual Studio.NET, and SQL
Server Management Studio. However Microsoft tools don't do everything. Rather than spending my time recreating the
wheel, I am always on the look out for non-Microsoft options or extensions that will save me time. After all, a spanner
might get a plumber through 90% of jobs, but he'll get stuck on the last 10% if he doesn't carry anything else. I carry these
tools in my Tool Box every day. I hope you find them useful.
Note: I have included a few of SSW's utilities - but not for the purpose of plugging them. Originally this was an internal
document for our new developers to make them know the non Microsoft software we recommended they use. I was going
to remove but I think they add value....
Do you agree with them all? Are we missing some? Let Adam know what you think.

The Best Third Party Tools

1. The Best Tools for Outlook

2. The Best Tools for .NET (General)
3. The Best Tools for Web Development
4. The Best Tools for Web Development (ASP.NET Controls)
5. The Best Tools for Windows Forms
6. The Best Tools for Windows Forms Development
7. The Best Tools for SQL Server
8. The Best Tools for Access
9. The Best Tools for Internet Explorer
10. The Best Tools for Windows
11. The Best Tools for Network
12. The Best Tools for Exchange Server
13. The Best Tools for Pocket PC
14. The Best Image Libraries
15. The Best Tools for Laptop
16. The Best Websites
17. The Best Tools for Silverlight Development

Am I missing any tools on this list?

I only know what I know. I love the opportunity to review great products and speak about them at developer conferences
and user groups. Feel free to email Adam any ones I have missed.


Scott Hanselman's 2005 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List


Adam Cogan

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